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When Tyranny Is in Vogue + Honoring Dr. Jackie Stone (1965–2024) 🕯

Jackie’s Final Interview + Special Messages from Lisa Henry & Sean B. Flanagan

When Tyranny Is in Vogue

Dedicated to Dr. Jackie Stone (1965–2024)

by Margaret Anna Alice

“If it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn.”
—Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

When tyranny is in vogue,
   dissent is unfashionable.

You get hatcheted by propagandists,
   accused by mockingheads,
   savaged by kapos,
   fact-choked by flunkies,
   harassed by cyberbullies,
   threatened by psychophants,
   flagged by lobbyists,
   disappeared by Big Tech,
   cash-blocked by banksters,
   sacked by employers,
   gaslit by “experts,”
   banished by tyrants,
   rights-stripped by cruelites,
   fleeced by billionaires,
   delicensed by boards,
   gagged by legislators,
   barred by hospitals,
   shrugged off by amnesty-demanders,
   eyerolled by narrative-believers,
   cut off by family,
   rejected by friends,
   divorced by spouses,
   separated from children,
   uninvited from gatherings,
   expelled from society,
   clubbed by clockwork oranges,
   convicted in kangaroo court,
   tossed into jail,
   driven to suicide,
   bashed upon death.

Governments pay
   “comedians” to sneer at you,
   screenwriters to caricature you,
   influencers to make fun of you,
   celebrities to vituperate you,
   media to saturate you,
   agencies to quarantine you.

Corporations pay
   outlets to vilify you,
   advertisers to stigmatize you,
   universities to marginalize you,
   global entities to delete you,
   tear-downers to exhaust you,
   governing bodies to unperson you.

Philanthropaths pay
   $cientists to discredit you,
   journals to sideline you,
   carpetbaggers to enslave you,
   organizations to surveil you,
   institutions to invisibilize you,
   nations to eradicate you.

But when tyranny becomes passé,
   you will be the envy
   of the conformists, the colluders,
   the accomplices, the corrupt.

They will hide in the shadows behind you,
   pretending they were with you all along,
   acting like everything is fine now,
   insisting you move on.

The nice, compliant people who
   violated their values to
      keep their jobs,
      protect their assets,
      avoid being called names,
      get invited to parties,
      travel, dine out,
      be loved by those with terms and conditions
         will wish they’d had your badass bravery,
            crystalline conscience,
            unsoiled integrity,
            Apocaloptimistic joy,
            wild-weather friends.

Those who sided with
   power over truth,
   lies over love,
   illusions over reality,
   rules over rights,
   authority over intuition,
   astroturf over grassroots,
   vaxxiteers over truth-tellers,
   pharma over people,
   governments over liberty
      will detest you.

Your very existence will condemn them.

You were supposed to be

Instead, you are

Your heart will be pure and full
   while theirs is foul and empty.

Your mind will be free and open
   while theirs is tethered and clenched.

Your soul will be tranquil and light
   while theirs is tortured and heavy.

Unless they discover their lost traits
   critical thinking,
      and become
         the next generation
            of daring, despised, despicable dissidents
               when tyranny is in vogue again.

Honoring Dr. Jackie Stone

(September 11, 1965–October 3, 2024) 🕯

I was finalizing “When Tyranny Is in Vogue” when I learned the tragic news that Dr. Jackie Stone of Zimbabwe ended her life on October 3, 2024, after being harassed per the Disinformation Playbook since January 2021; subjected to disciplinary hearings and criminal court proceedings twenty-seven times; “convicted of a crime that does not exist”; “detained without clear charges in Harare Central Prison”; and stripped of her “open practicing license, career, and livelihood” for the crimes of championing medical ethics and successfully treating her patients’ respiratory symptoms with a pioneering protocol containing off-label supplements and drugs that threaten vaxxiteering profits, the Ministry of Truth’s COVID narrative, and the global totalitarian agenda being unfurled under the pretext of “public health.”

I decided to dedicate “When Tyranny Is in Vogue” to Jackie as she exemplifies the heroism required to be a dissident as well as the persecution suffered for asking questions, speaking out, caring for patients at the expense of Big Pharma, and challenging power during totalitarian times.

RIP Dr. Jackie Stone, stalwart soldier for truth, guardian of medical ethics, and defender of humanity 🕯🛡🙌

The video above features an excerpt from Jackie’s final interview, conducted in July 2024 for a documentary in progress by Lisa Henry and Leigh Wood. This Way to the Falls is a short version they’ve released in advance.

Lisa shared with me:

“Below is also a link to a short film we pushed out on the summit she organised in Vic Falls end July. We went to capture long-form interviews with some of the doctors there (which we did) but felt we needed to do something to record what happened there. It’s Jackie’s last contribution, and I feel the direction she was going in is the right one. (We have no funding, so it’s not perfect, but we did what we could do in a short turnaround time, and we wanted to make it and give it away to anyone who could find value in it.)”

In the interview, Jackie states:

“The person who reported me worked for the Wellcome Trust and was a British doctor or a professor here employed by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

“There were a lot of letters written at the time saying that it was people outside of Zimbabwe that were targeting me, and, in fact, our government protected me in terms of not ending up in jail.…

“Wherever this is being driven from is above governments. It’s people who fund governments. And I think that the doctors, many of them, were actually completely captured. I think doctors thought that they were doing the right thing. The doctor-patient relationship was used to get the public to trust that these things were safe and that they worked. And it was a massive machine.

“The people that I am most concerned about are the media. Nothing gets out. Even this summit was highly censored. So I think that certain names are highly censored. I think that certain words are picked up by AI and censored. And I think the vast majority of the public have no access to this information at all.…

“They’ve erased us. And it’s been so easy. And that, for me, is the most frightening thing.…

“The medical registrar can erase a doctor from the registrar. So you can put in decades of training and have decades of knowledge and experience, and if you say or do the wrong thing, you’re gone.…

“I can’t put my heart and soul into [an alternative solution] because I don’t think it’ll work.

“What we’re up against is too powerful. And, I honestly—I’m such a solutions-based person, I’ll sit and think about solutions until I go purple. And I’ve been left at the end of this summit, to be honest, with the feeling of it’s been wonderful to connect with people that I only connected with on Zoom before, but it’s also the reality that we’re living in some very difficult-to-explain times, and I don’t know what to do about it. I actually don’t.…

“I don’t know where I’ll be in five years’ time. I was thinking that last night. I really don’t know what is going to happen. I think a lot of doctors are going to be replaced by AI because they follow algorithms. I think a lot of patients have lost trust in the medical profession and are looking for alternatives. But it just seems to be a lot of chaos out there.”

A longtime reader, Lisa is the one who informed me about Jackie’s death when she tagged me in her announcement:

Lisa was kind enough to send me the video for this post. I also asked her to share a few words about Jackie. Below is her beautiful statement.

Remembering Dr. Jackie Stone

by Lisa Henry

I fell into The Greatest Story of Our Lifetimes by happenstance. A friend suggested I join a webinar her company had been asked to host on something called ivermectin. I think there were about eight of us on that Zoom meeting, and I was the only non-doctor. It’s now nearly four years later, and here we are, mourning the death of one of the pioneers of early treatment for Covid-19. 

When faced with the challenge of this disease, Jackie found a way to make sure people living in a country without access to decent healthcare or even a hospital in some instances didn’t die needlessly. She worked relentlessly to save as many people as she could, and she did. And for this, she was smeared, hauled to court over and over, and finally stripped of her medical license, her ability to earn an income and to do what she was born to do. I will never understand how anyone could look at the facts and judge her anything other than compassionate and brave AF.

She was also smart AF, and I wonder if her great intellect proved to be part of her demise. She knew what she was fighting. She knew this war is weighted on the side of those with all the resources, all the control of the Pretend Story.

I know it, too. In 2021, I started collecting interviews on the Real Story, and I continue to work on it when I can. At the end of 2022, I mothballed my production company and went back to university. One reason was to study stats so I could better navigate my own way around scientific studies—because the world needs new experts, and I am happy to roll up my sleeves, do that terrible thing: my own research and be firmly part of Team Humanity.

The latest shoot on this yearslong documentary project was with Jackie. I knew in my bones I had to get to that summit in Vic Falls. I’m so glad I did. I’m so sad I did. It makes losing her even harder.

What has made everything easier was meeting Leigh Wood in February this year. It’s been a tough journey on my own, and I’m so grateful to have a friend and colleague to do this with. She, like me, had been gathering interviews on the Real Story whenever she could.

Together, we will make a New Story. And then everyone can decide whose is closer to the truth. It’s time.

Finally, just to say, for me, Jackie isn’t gone. She is one of those very rare people who transform you just by being. She is always going to be with me, and I thank her for being Jackie Stone.

Leigh Wood, Lisa Henry, and Dr. Jackie Stone

Why Would She Commit Suicide?

Many people have been pondering how such a fearless, brilliant, strong woman could be beaten down to the point that she would choose to take her own life, wondering if she had perhaps been suicided as so many other brave doctors who challenge Big Pharma have been. Sean B. Flanagan provided some context that helps us make sense of Jackie’s catastrophic, irrevocable decision in this comment, and he was kind enough to write a note for inclusion in this post.

RIP Jackie

by Sean B. Flanagan

Sean sent me this image with the note, “Jackie’s foot next to a Lion 🦁 paw 🐾 footprint in Zim bush.”

Jackie and I had one of our regular video call catch-ups last week. We had a good chat and catch-up about what was going on with her and with me. Jackie was definitely a bit down and not her usual humorous, cutting self, but we had a good chat and spoke a couple of times that day. Jackie was the doctor for my parents in Zim. Together, we organised many Twitter Spaces over the last two years and did a lot to help people and share information all over the world since lockdown in 2020.

Jackie had just lost her job at a healthcare company after organising the Victoria Falls Health Summit with Dr Martin Wucher, signing the Hope Accord, and being appointed FLCCC Integrative Medicine Fellow. Jackie thought there was potentially some Big Pharma influence behind her losing her job.

And the Zim medical licensing regulator was still suspending Jackie’s medical licence on a conditional basis, which she did not agree with given she had been proven innocent of all material charges and only a totally spurious jumped-up charge had been upheld. Thus, Jackie could not practice and work as doctor/GP/MD in Zim or elsewhere in another country, which was her preference. Jackie needed a letter of good standing from the Zim regulator to be able to work in another country, and court cases vs. regulator were still ongoing and expensive. Jackie was stressing about not being to work as a doctor to earn income and put food on the table and live day-to-day.

I sent Jackie a tweet of Efrat Fenigson’s (of “You’re The Voice” Podcast) showing that El Salvador was looking to recruit medical freedom doctors and healthcare workers. I suggested to Jackie she should apply and that I expected there was a very good chance—given El Salvador’s lateral-minded President Bukele and Bitcoin as a nationally accepted currency—I expected the El Salvador medical regulator would have reviewed Jackie’s case and seen the falsehoods and jumped-up charges in it, and the El Salvador medical licensing agency could give Jackie their own El Salvador licence to practice as a doctor again. I suggested to Jackie this week that she could go to El Salvador for a couple of weeks or a month to see how it is, and then perhaps do two weeks on in ES, two weeks off back in Zim, and doing telemedicine. I also suggested that she call Efrat to follow up as Efrat has connections with doctors in ES 🇸🇻

I did not get a response back from Jackie this week, which is not normal. Typically, she would have called me immediately to discuss.

Thursday afternoon she was gone …

All too much for her.

So sad 😢 Tragic.

A dear friend and a great, caring, lateral-thinking doctor (and biomedical engineer), smart, funny, and very direct, no fluff, who wanted to help wherever she could all over the world, mostly at her own cost. Thank you, Jackie, for all you did for humanity.

❤️🙏 RIP Jackie, with all my love Sean X

Additional Reading & Viewing

Doc Malik Honest Health
Rest in Peace, Dr Jackie Stone: "Perhaps They Never Will"
Read more
Dead Man Talking
A Eulogy to Dr Jackie Stone
Society Failed Dr Jackie Stone, The COVID Hero…
Read more
People Power with Shabnam Palesa Mohamed
Rest in Power Dr Jackie Stone
Having lived in South Africa and Zimbabwe, Jackie Stone loved this beautiful continent with her mind, heart, spirit and soul. I remember her telling me stories about her work in South Africa in some of our poorest hospitals. That was real medical training she said. We have to do so much with so little, in Africa…
Read more
The FLCCC Alliance
In Memoriam Dr. Jackie Stone: HHR October 6, 2024
Read more
The Heterodox Cheering Section of Daisy Moses Newsletter
RIP Dr. Jackie Stone: health warrior, hero
10/3/2024 marks the sad passin’ of an important holistic doctor in Harare, Zimbabwe. Her name was Dr. Jackie Stone. She saved MANY MANY lives…
Read more
A Warrior Falls: Voice For Covid Sanity, Dr Jackie Stone
Dr Jackie Stone developed a protocol to treat Covid in its early stages…
Read more
Be your own doctor
The Suicide Of Dr Jackie Stone Is A Victory For Humanity, Love, Dignity, Pride, and Courage.
This article was originally a personal message to my new friend, Doc Malic, in the comment section of his beautiful, moving, and heartfelt tribute to Dr. Jackie Stone, which brought tears to my eyes…
Read more
Vejon COVID-19 Review
Honoring Dr. Jackie Stone: A Life of Courage, Compassion, and Controversy
Today we gather to reflect on the life and work of Dr. Jackie Stone, a physician based in Zimbabwe who fought tirelessly to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Joined by Dr Kay Lindley and Dr Christian Buckland (Psychotherapist…
Listen now
A Better Way with Dr Tess Lawrie
'Better Way Today' is live on Rumble today
Do join us today for this live chat with six of our regional Steering Committee about what’s going on in the world…
Read more

Note: Here is the link to the World Council for Health’s Rumble channel.

© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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The 1.66 percent of you generous souls who choose to actively support me are keeping our fourteen* kitties and me housed and fed. Thank you for being there for us in our time of greatest need.

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*For those of you counting kitties, yes, that’s one more than before. A new feral kitty has adopted us. Say hello to Snickerdoodle 🐈🍪

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💓 Meaningful Meetups 🤗

The post On Connection, Collaboration, and Conversation by my precious friend and three-time video collaborator Tonika Todorova of Visceral Adventure is about a magical visit by her, Mathew Crawford, and Mathew’s wife. I will be sharing photos and more details with paid subscribers in a future post, but I am still swooning from their gallant gesture of driving twelve hours in a single day just to spend an afternoon with me 🤗 And what a healing, inspiring, beautiful afternoon it was—complete with two of my readers noticing my Mistakes Were NOT Made t-shirt (now is the time to grab your conversation-sparking ichthys and stock up on gifts as RedBubble is having a rare sale of up to 50-percent off), recognizing me, and engaging in conversation with us. We have since become friends and plan to meet for lunch soon.

Visceral Adventure
On Connection, Collaboration, and Conversation
My childhood friend always told me I was born with a lucky horseshoe stuck up my rump. And I do consider myself quite lucky. Even whilst going through some pretty unfortunate happenings and drawn out drudgeries of life, I seem to carry a kind of savant naïveté that everything, in fact, is going per plan and that Providence will produce the life net nece…
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Okay, here’s one pic as a teaser:

And here are the videos Tonika edited for three of my pieces:

🙏 Shoutouts Gratitude

Matrixist Chronicles Substack
Matrixist Reads & Sings? [Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice] By [Margaret Anna Alice] & [Hello Deep State My Old Friend] aka [The Sound Of Covid Silence]; Our First Of Many Such Opening->
Captain’s Log Star date: October 7, 2024…
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🛒 Spread the Words

If you would like to help propagate the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made, you will find a wide selection of products in this collection.

📖 Get Signed Copies of My Book

Christmas will be here in a flash, so now is the time to stock up on signed, personalized copies of my fairy tale for your loved ones. It makes for a thought-provoking, accessible gift whether they are awake or asleep, adults or children.

📚 Anthologies

Yankee Doodle Soup for the Fringy, Tin Foil Hat–Wearing Conspiracy Theorist’s Soul

Edited by Jenna McCarthy, this hilarious anthology includes Letter to a Mainstream Straddler and Letter to Klaus Schwab. The paperback is only available for purchase at her website. If you enter the code ALICE at checkout, Jenna will give me a royalty 🙏


Canary in a COVID World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our (My) World (Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook)

A Doctor’s Despair (Paperback, Kindle)

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Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass
Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass
Join me on a journey down the rabbit-hole as we examine propaganda, psychology, philosophy, history, culture, politics, language, literature, film, music, and mass control to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs.