This letter was originally published as a guest post at Coffee & COVID, a hysterical, informative, and action-oriented daily news roundup that is on my top-ten list of must-follow Substacks. I was deeply honored when attorney Jeff Childers told me he was reaching out to Substackers he admired to guest-blog for him while he was kicking tyrannical butt in trial, and I humbly stepped into Jeff’s unfillable shoes. He gave me a choice of three topics, one of which was “A Letter to Klaus Schwab,” so how could I resist an opportunity to add this enticing entry to my Letters series? Thank you for the invitation and inspiration, Jeff! 🙏
I know how much you like playing super-villain, Klaus, but you’re really more of a mediocre-villain. C+ at best. Sorry to break it to you.
No matter how hard I try, I can’t summon terror, rage, or even disgust when I behold your dopey, dull, doltish demeanor. The most I can muster is pity. And cringe. Lots and lots of cringe.
Fawning over Henry Kissinger, for example. Like a tongue-tied seventh-grader crushing on a rock star backstage, you tumble over yer verds, a goofy smile frozen on your flushed face as you bat your eyelashes at your dreamy guru.
You were equally smitten with David Rockefeller protégé, “collectivist global government” advocate, self-described socialist, multimillionaire, suspected bribee, climate change godfather, Agenda 21 instigator, and WEF Cofounder and Executive Chairman Maurice Strong, whom you described as follows after his death in 2015:
“He was one of the most extraordinary personalities I ever met.… He was my mentor since the creation of the Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many years, a member of our Foundation Board. Without him, the Forum would not have achieved its present significance.”
This is a man who once mused about a “fiction book” in which a global cabal torpedoed civilization to save the planet:
“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group’s conclusion is ‘no.’ The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
What’s weird is that sounds exactly like the Club of Rome’s origin story:
I’m sure it’s just a case of coinciditis. There’s a lot of that going around these days.
After predicting two thirds of the population will die off by 2031 (interesting choice of year) in his autobiography, Where on Earth Are We Going?, Strong dreams a little dream:
“A glimmer of hope for the future of our species and its potential for regeneration.”
In a 1972 BBC interview, he admits to having gotten into trouble for raising the idea of reproductive licenses:
“Licenses to have babies incidentally is something that I got in trouble for some years ago for suggesting even in Canada that this might be necessary at some point, at least some restriction on the right to have a child.”
Championing a one-world government, Strong writes:
“The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental co-operation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of global environmental security.”
You certainly have a type, Klaus.
And then there’s your cuddle session with Albert Bourla at the 2022 Davos Annual Meeting where you got all gooey and bonded over those silly anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist far-right–wing extremists saying mean, misinformationy things about you both.
Your girlish infatuation with father-figure strongmen probably stems from your daddy issues. Growing up as the son of a Nazi collaborator couldn’t have been easy, especially one who:
“led the Nazi-supported German branch of a Swiss engineering firm into the war as a prominent military contractor. That company, Escher-Wyss, would use slave labor to produce machinery critical to the Nazi war effort.”
It must be irksome trying to keep that Totenkopf jammed in the closet.
You were seven when Germany surrendered to the allies. A certain axiom comes to mind:
“Give me a child until he is seven, and I will show you the man.”
Smart dude, that Aristotle.
But it was your dad, not you, who abetted Nazis, I hear you saying. You were just a boy, sins of the father notwithstanding.
Fair enough. But you went on to work for Escher-Wyss. Remember, Herr Professor? You put it on your factsheet.
There’s no shame in that, you might say. Plenty of people are proud to work for IBM, to which the Final Solution owed its astounding efficiency. And some of the world’s most popular automobile corporations—BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, and Volkswagen—made bank during the Third Reich. I won’t even get into I.G. Farben. (You’ll find these all on the Successful Rebranding Campaigns masterclass syllabus.)
So maybe Escher-Wyss reformed just like those wholesome multinationals had. But—yes, another but—while you served on the board in the sixties, Escher-Wyss (later Sulzer AG) “began secretly procuring and building key parts for nuclear weapons” and “helped South Africa’s apartheid government develop their illegal nuclear weapons program.”
Oops. That doesn’t sound so good. Better stuff that uhlaka lwamathambo back in the closet, too.
Despite your grandiloquence, claims of inventing stakeholder capitalism, and vaunts about having “penetrate[d] the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders,” you strike me as a big-ticket huckster, a carnival barker to Davos Man with “an incredible knack to smell the next fad.”
You glom onto lasciviously opulent, illustrious, world-spinning philanthropaths, flattering them to curry favor as they pipe metric tonnenweise of Swiss francs into your accounts.
Your nephew, Hans Schwab, exposed your history of avarice when he described a last-minute ownership change in a business contract once you got a whiff of the plump sums involved:
“He said, ‘This needs to get done right now.’
“I had never heard of the Schwab Foundation, and I suddenly had to change all of the contracts. I knew it was his little thing that he was cooking up. Suddenly, in the last hour, he could see that there was going to be huge sums of money involved, the sort of money that he had never seen before, and he wanted to put it in a structure over which he had 100 percent control.”
You’d think the blandished billionaires would see through your long con, but they’re just as vapid as you and feed off flummery.
The middling-minded lap up your how-to manuals on virtue-signaling the world into destruction—from COVID-19: The Great Reset to The Great Narrative to The Fourth Industrial Revolution to Stakeholder Capitalism to Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Normally, I would read a book before bashing it, and I have perused excerpts of The Great Reset here and there. Thankfully, braver souls than me have suffered those soul-evaporating pages for the rest of us.
As the uproariously mordant Chris Bray explains of his decision to finally read your book:
“It’s a little like saying, ‘Man, you know, I’ve never gone swimming in the sewer,’ and then pulling on your swimsuit.”
eugyppius also dove into the effluvium, bless him, and reported back from the frontlines with The Terrifying Vacuity of Klaus Schwab:
“You have the feeling not only of a sad, small man, struggling to play the part of global governance guru, but of his equally pathetic audience of Hillary Clintons and Olaf Scholzes and Emmanuel Macrons, who hear this garbage and somehow manage to find it insightful and wish to be associated with it. What clouded intellectual lives all these people must lead.”
Igor Chudov joined the sewage pool party with his own unique take, posing the question:
“Is there a possibility that important, world-changing ideas are wrapped in layers of feel-good, patronizing, virtue-signaling words, intentionally strung together into endless, hard-to-understand sentences?”
Igor concludes that you are indeed using “CODED LANGUAGE to Communicate Unthinkable Plans,” wrapping “radical proposals that would upend the most basic foundations of our Western societies” in such boring jargon that ordinary people cannot bear to read it and thus scoff at “conspiracy theorists” who invest the effort to decode its civilization-zapping recipe.
And this is how we wind up with Holodomor while you and your WEFing cohorts feast on Lucullian delicacies, as feisty feline el gato malo envisions:
“if you let these people try to feed new york city for a month, everyone in it would die of starvation while klaus and co ate prime rib stuffed with hummingbird tongues in a penthouse somewhere and blamed the peasants for not peasanting hard enough before flying off to davos in a fleet of private jets to hand out awards to one another.”
Perhaps JP Sears is right, after all, and you are the “most dangerous man in the world”:
But dangerous doesn’t equal smart, or superior, or special—just masterly at manipulating minions, making millions, and mass-murdering.
And mediocre.
Don’t sulk, Klaus. You still have lots of toys left to play with.
Meanwhile, Henry, Bill, and other puppeteers will keep working your strings until you Great-Reset two thirds of us into our graves.
Or not. As a practitioner of the Stockdale Paradox, I’m betting on not. Instead, millions of decent, heroic folks and I are working to make The Good Reset come true.
Gandhi’s got a memento mori for you:
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it—always.”
© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
My Tweet to Klaus
I tweeted this letter at Klaus Schwab. I am preparing to lose access to my social media accounts shortly 😆

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Action Alerts
Oppose the Addition of the COVID Injections to the Childhood Vaccination Schedule!
By now, most of you have likely heard the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will be considering adding (i.e., rubber-stamping without bothering to review the evidence) the COVID-19 injection to the childhood schedule at the October 19, 2022, meeting. This was initially suspected but has now been confirmed by the agenda.
Superstar Substackers Steve Kirsch, James Roguski, Toby Rogers, Igor Chudov, Etana Hecht, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Meryl Nass, Jordan Schachtel, Kyle Becker, Ann Tomoko Rosen, and 2nd Smartest Guy in the World and medical freedom nonprofits Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) and Stand for Health Freedom have already sounded the alarm and provided instructions for submitting your public comment (click the blue Comment button at the top, which will bring you here) by October 20, so I will keep this CTA brief and simply add the following tools should you wish to include links to these in your letters of opposition:
If you link to 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot, please pull some sample bullet points from the letter and place them in the body of your comment so the satirical title cannot possibly be tallied as a statement of pro-vaxx support.
To make it easier for you, I’ve stripped out the formatting and have modified a few of the items to work without the hyperlinks and embedded media:
1) Your child wants to play a real-life guinea pig.
2) You’re too busy to research the potential risks of a novel gene therapy that lacks long-term safety data.
3) You weighed the zero-mortality rate and microscopic risks of serious complications from COVID to children and thought, why not increase the likelihood of being hospitalized by 74 percent, being injured by twenty-five times, and dying by twenty times?
4) You’d like to boost your child’s chances of catching COVID—multiple times.
5) You want to downgrade your child’s natural immunity to antibody-dependent enhancement.
6) You think keeping your child’s vaxxport up-to-date with the latest injection (Germany is encouraging every ninety days—as is Canada) will circumvent the need for masking.
7) You believe informed consent is passé.
8) You Trust The Experts™—not science.
9) You think life is boring and want to spice it up with some tragedy.
10) You’d like to add to the 54,697 adverse event reports received for children (out of 1,394,703 reports) through August 26, 2022, for conditions such as encephalitis, Bell’s palsy, aneurysms, cerebral hemorrhage, myocarditis, thrombocytopenia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, appendicitis, heart disease, and death.
11) You wish your child could enjoy a life of chronic illness from a progressively damaged immune system.
12) You think your toddler would benefit from periodic seizures.
13) You believe less than a month of efficacy after the second dose is worth giving your teen myocarditis.
14) You would like to go bankrupt covering the medical bills the government is shielding pharmaceutical companies from.
15) You want to keep protecting manufacturers from liability once their emergency use authorizations expire thanks to Reagan’s 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act, which gives them a pass as long as the product is administered to kids.
16) You think it would be fun if your child developed turbo cancer.
17) You believe becoming paralyzed from the waist down and relying on a feeding tube like Maddie de Garay would be a good life lesson for your kid.
18) You’d like your child to go from looking like a healthy, vibrant being to one hooked up to a heart monitor and facing imminent death.
19) You wish your child could get vaxx-induced myocarditis, which comes with a five-year life expectancy.
20) You want your child to experience the adventure of a heart attack.
21) You think playing Russian Roulette with your child’s life is exciting and are already planning the funeral.
22) You want casket manufacturers to sell even more bulk orders of child-sized coffins so they can surpass the 400-percent increase since December 2021 reported by one North American company.
23) You want your child to wind up like three-year-old Ámbar Suárez, thirteen-year-old Jacob Clynick, nineteen-year-old Simone Scott, seventeen-year-old Sean Hartman, and sixteen-year-old Ernesto Ramirez Jr. so you don’t have to worry about paying for college or any other expenses associated with being alive.
24) You think you could use a good, lifelong cry after your child “dies suddenly.”
25) You feel the government has the right to sacrifice your child for the “greater good.”
26) You think Denmark’s decision to stop injecting children based on the data is recklessly scientific.
27) You’re cool with medical tyranny.
28) You’ve decided it’s easier to believe the Big Lie than to acknowledge it’s occurring and do something about it.
29) You’re terrified of being branded the enemy.
30) You’d rather endanger your child than be called an anti-vaxxer, science-denier, conspiracy theorist, or right-wing extremist.
31) You feel it’s more important for your child to fit in at school than to be healthy or alive.
32) You’re positive pharmaceutical corporations would never lie; commit fraud; manipulate research findings; skew clinical trials; keep deadly products on the market; blackmail governments; or bribe, bully, and pressure others into covering up their crimes.
33) You believe everything the media tells you, even though three-quarters of their advertising budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry.
34) You also believe their later-retracted smears about a Nobel Prize–winning medication that would have negated the demand for the billion-dollar injectables because it reduces COVID mortality by 92 percent.
35) You think Big Bird is a more reliable source than the scientist who holds nine patents on mRNA technology.
36) You don’t care if it turns out your child can’t produce grandchildren.
37) You’re sure Big Tech has your best interests at heart when they threaten, silence, and censor counter-narrative voices at the behest of the government and megacorporations.
38) You trust the government more than the million or so scientists, physicians, researchers, whistleblowers, data analysts, statisticians, cats, and other knowledgeable individuals risking their careers, grant monies, reputations, and quiet lives to expose corruption, harm, and the lethal consequences of the experimental injections.
39) You’re certain the agencies that make billions from reviewing, approving, and recommending these injections would never prioritize their profits over your child’s life.
40) You don’t think there’s anything sinister about the WHO attempting to seize one-world dictatorial powers for its unelected almost-certainly-a-war-criminal director-general.
41) You don’t care that Pfizer manipulated its clinical trial data for children to secure FDA approval or that the FDA tried to prevent the public from viewing Pfizer’s clinical trial data for seventy-five years.
42) You can never be fooled too many times.
43) You succumbed to the “greatest psychological fear campaign in human history.”
44) You would rather gain the acceptance of your peers than avoid traumatizing your child.
45) You believe intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and the willingness to question are dangerous qualities that should be stigmatized and discouraged.
46) You think your child is expendable and can be replaced if something goes wrong.
47) You’d prefer to remain bamboozled than admit you’ve failed your child.
48) You “reject the evidence of your eyes and ears” because you are a faithful Covidian.
49) You want to help the colluders fulfill the philanthropaths’ and tyrants’ dreams.
50) You don’t think your child is worth fighting for.
Below is a brief letter I submitted to the FDA and CDC about the EUA applications for injecting children under five if you would like to link to or draw from this as well:
UPDATE (10/19/22): See this post from Dr. Meryl Nass for the latest on CDC shenanigans:
My Submission (Tracking #l9g-nxf3-dfur)
Below is what I submitted along with PDF attachments to three of my articles:
I am writing to document my opposition to the proposed addition of the COVID-19 injection to the childhood immunization schedule. Not only should it not be approved in this particular instance, but these experimental products should be pulled off the market entirely as recommended by former pro-vaxx cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, the World Council for Health, and millions of scientists, physicians, and other individuals of conscience who have been carefully reviewing the COVID injection safety data since its rollout.
Please also view the following documentary to put this data in perspective:
I have attached PDFs of three of my articles and ask that you visit the original urls to view the hyperlinked resources and embedded media:
Thanks to those of you with the courage to defend children against the interests of Big Pharma. Your bravery will be rewarded, whereas the cowardice of those who succumb to groupthink will suffer the consequences as the truth comes to light and the colluders are brought to justice.
Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass
Join the Sunami!
Steve Kirsch is calling on us to alert Dr. John Su (“the CDC expert who is in charge of monitoring the VAERS system for safety signals”) that the death safety signal has been triggered for the COVID injections. You can make sure John got the message by emailing him at
Here is my Dear John letter:
This is just a friendly followup message to ensure you received Steve Kirsch’s message informing you that the death signal was triggered for the COVID injectable products.
I am so certain you would want to save lives and immediately halt the injection pogrom once learning this information that I wanted to share it right away.
As Dr. Aseem Malhotra recently stated:
‘I was willfully blind, certainly in relation to the vaccine and the harms, until I wasn’t. And that’s why it’s crucial that we tackle this both with compassion (and the facts) because there are many people who are still willfully blind. And I think remaining in echo chambers and pointing fingers isn’t getting us anywhere.’
The most important announcement of my life and career so far. Please watch, listen and share with family and friends. I reached these sobering conclusions reluctantly. To read the free full open access peer reviewed medical journal articles visit insulinresistance.orgIf you choose to continue practicing your willful blindness and causing harm and death to millions, I suggest you brush up on the transcripts for the Doctors Trial so you can prepare a defense that does not involve “just following orders.”
No College Mandates
Lucia Sinatra of No College Mandates has been taking on the colleges and universities that have sacrificed their students to the grant gods (BigPharma and Big Brother) in recent editorials like this one. I specifically wanted to share the compelling story of Phoebe Liou, an extraordinary scholar whose college dreams were smashed by the unscientific and discriminatory mandates:
Follow No College Mandates on Substack to keep apprised of the latest opportunities to take action in defense of college students.
Steve Kirsch also penned a powerful indictment of university mandates here:
Abir Ballan has launched the brilliant THiNK TWICE CAMPAIGN. I encourage you to download and share these memes on social media:
James Roguski
Even while working 22-hour1 days for the past few weeks straight, I simply cannot keep up with the unstoppable James Roguski, whom I had the pleasure of speaking with following my article on the pandemic accord as we strategized next steps in our shared goal to #StopTheWHO.
Right now, James is most concerned about the International Health Regulations amendments. Although we soundly defeated the US-proposed IHR amendments, the battle is far from over as the WHO has been accepting proposed amendments from member countries in a suspiciously opaque process:
Below are just a few of his recent calls to action. Subscribe to his Stack so you learn about action opportunities as soon as he publishes them:
Watch The Real Anthony Fauci
The documentary of the everyone-in-the-world-must-read book is available to watch for free through the end of October. I haven’t had time to watch it yet but wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this opportunity to watch what is sure to be an epic release!
CDC Billboard
Steve Kirsch is about to mount a billboard campaign outside the CDC headquarters in Atlanta. He asked for our thoughts. Here are some rough mockups I threw together, each one progressively simpler (and thus more effective, so the last few are probably the strongest candidates):
What do you guys think?
Immense Gratitude 🙏
Jeff Childers
As mentioned in the introduction to this piece, courageous comical genius and fellow Apocaloptimist Jeff Childers invited me to guest-blog for Coffee & COVID. You’ll find the original post here:

For a jolt of inspiration, watch this fabulous interview Jeff gave following his trial victory, yet again proving that we have the best of humanity on our side:
Dr. Mike Yeadon
At my guest C&C blog post, King of Integrity, beloved friend, and fearless truth warrior Mike Yeadon left the following comment:
“Margaret Anna Alice is currently my favourite writer anywhere.
“Penetrating, wry, amusing & very well researched.
“Take a bow, MAA, and a well earned rest!”
I responded:
“Dearest Mike, nothing I write feels adequate to convey how meaningful it is to read those words from one of my favorite human beings anywhere, anytime. Thank you for your precious friendship and for your noble contributions to freedom, truth, and all of humanity! 🤗”
Here is a recent “Mike-drop” presentation, courtesy of the prodigious, does-he-ever-sleep Dr. Paul Alexander:
Dr. Robert Malone
Within moments of Jeff inviting me to serve as a guest blogger, Robert Malone wrote the following comment about my post What If They Threw a Pandemic & Nobody Came?:
“Do you have an interest in me posting this article on my substack with you as a guest writer - with a short info link back to your substack. I am getting about 400,000 readers outside of my 200,000 free email subscribes a day. So, it would hit a large audience - this piece deserves some attention. No pressure - just an idea.”
That was fine by me :-) Here ’tis:
I am grateful to Robert for graciously offering to amplify my SOS to the world and using his voluminous knowledge base, extensive experience, and formidable skills to work toward our shared mission to unmask totalitarianism, awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, and end democide.
Those who missed it may enjoy this Profile on Courage I wrote a while back:
For those who are tempted to question the sincerity of Robert’s awakening and commitment to the Resistance, I point you to the following article so you understand my position on these concerns since I am deluged with deadlines and won’t have time to respond to comments individually:
We may have disagreements on this matter and many others, and that’s okay! One of the special qualities of our karass is that we can respectfully disagree and engage in honest debate about topics of interest. Thank you for being open-minded and open-hearted as we seek truth, freedom, and justice together.
Sage “Galoshes” Hana
At Steve Kirsch’s post on use-me-as-a-test-case-now-dead Doug Brignole, relentless and hilarious smartiepie detective Sage Hana (whom I described as being like a little sister to me here) and I explored our competing theories of Covidianism causation, which blossomed into this fruitful discussion at her Stack:
Jerome V. added his own contribution to the conversation here:
Then today, Sage published my recent exchange with Tulsi Gabbard in which I asked her about her WEF and CFR ties (as I had previously promised my readers I would do), and Tulsi responded. See Sage’s post for further details:
Behind the Scenes: Demolishing the 4 Big Lies
This post for paid subscribers has been especially well-received and includes valuable information you can use to help red-pill your loved ones. If you don’t want to subscribe to read the nicely formatted version and participate in the conversation, you can read the original comment thread here. Visceral Adventure bravely took up the baton with compassionate and probing responses that actually forged a human connection, offering a master lesson we can all learn from, myself included.
Thank You for Helping Me Reach 20K Free Subscribers! 🎊
I almost forgot! Last week, I broke 20K on my mailing list (20,350 as I write this), so THANK YOU for enthusiastically reading and sharing my work. If you haven’t already, please consider subscribing to support my continued efforts to save lives:
Currently, only 2.9 percent of you are paid subscribers. I absolutely understand many of you are experiencing financial hardships, so please don’t feel guilty if you can’t afford a subscription, but those of you who subscribe make this work possible and are subsidizing my non-paywalled essays, open comments, and this flourishing community for others who are not in a position to do so. Again, I thank you 🙌
Download Your Fairy Tale E-Book
For a limited time, paid subscribers can download the beautifully typeset and illustrated e-book of my fairy tale, The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion. It is equivalent to the paperback version (retails $12.99) and much prettier than the Kindle version (retails $5.99). Click here to access the downloadable PDF (the post will be unlocked once you subscribe).
See the following post for details on IPAK-EDU curricula, and please use my affiliate code (MAA1IPAK) to register for any courses you decide to take:
If you feel the work I am doing is worthwhile and want to make it possible for me to spend more time writing and researching in my aim to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, please consider supporting me, whether it be by subscribing, buying me a Ko-fi, or sharing my posts. I thank you for reading, thinking, sharing, and supporting my work in whichever ways you choose.
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This seems to be my new circadian rhythm, although I did manage to get to bed at the 19-hour mark last night. I know from Why We Sleep that this is not a good idea, but I seem to feel okay as long as I get at least eight hours of sleep (note: I am not advocating this unhealthy practice to anyone else!). I do feel like I’m tempting adrenal fatigue by continuing at this pace, however, so I promise I will try to improve my sleep habits as deadlines permit.
I've run out of superlatives to describe your work. And they just keep getting better.
The one thing megalomaniacs fail to account for is their own incompetence. Ok, there is another. The real heroes clean up the mess that the former make. In fact, we have already started. One tiny act of humanity after another, multiplied billions of times.