Since several of you have asked about Tulsi Gabbard and no doubt others will as well, I will put a general note here for clarification.
I have had this discussion with several of you in comments at other Stacks, so some may find this message familiar, but here is my take on Tulsi at the moment—subject to change depending on her subsequent actions and words.
Like many of you, I was surprised and disturbed when I learned Tulsi was a WEF Young Global Leader. Upon reflection, I am still willing to give her the benefit of the doubt based of her longstanding record of integrity but will also remain on alert for signs of compromise.
Tulsi held the Young Global Leaders title early in her career. She was considered a rising star until she blew the whistle on the DNC/Hillary’s nefarious shenanigans in 2016 and stepped down from the DNC, subsequently to be unpersoned and smeared by them in the 2020 election cycle. She’s been calling out censorship, hypocrisy, and corruption ever since. She is one of the few WEFers who ever put her life on the line through military service (Dan Crenshaw is another WEFer who served, but you’ll notice I’ve omitted him because he has proven to be a disappointment and a bit of a jerk).
Just because someone went through an indoctrination program for future tyrants doesn’t mean the training took 😆 My feeling is she has burned all her bridges with the globalists and has made her position clear on the matters of most importance—namely liberty, truth, and justice. That doesn’t mean I agree with all of her stances nor that I trust her completely. I don’t trust any politicians ;-) She just makes it into my top five because of the moral courage she has displayed over the past decade.
That's a big improvement. It definitely calls into question her allegiance to the WEF. But she could go a long way by calling them out for what they are. At this point I'm going to reserve my vote for whoever steps forward and says we need to prosecute the perps... and pray that someone does.
Thank you Margaret for your thoughts on Tulsi. I like others, added her to the controlled opposition bucket. I would absolutely love it if she really did go against the grain to fight for our liberties. Time will tell but I’ll be more open to your theory. 🙏🏻
Wow! That’s fantastic!! That you were able to connect with her, assuming it is her. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I have a bit of a fatalistic belief with everything that’s happening and have zero faith in politicians (especially at the federal level), media and big pharma. I will go through all of the attached and try to jump off this metaphorical sinking ship. THANK YOU for giving me some hope.
From her continually escalating outspokenness about corruption, propaganda, the deep state, globalism, and wokeness, I do feel she is acting in good faith and is a powerful ally to have on our side. I have been pressing her to address COVID tyranny and democide, and she liked my comment where I shared “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” ( and referred to the “lethal injections”:
Says a lot when a Democrat is asked to speak at CPAC, and to think the Democrats could have had her as their Presidential candidate!!!! Is an independent run in the making?
No questions about Gideon van Meijeren. The guy is sharp as a tack. He destroyed his globalist counterpart. Why is there no one that smart in US politics?
Not only Gideon van Meijeren is kick ass, the political party he's a member of (the FVD) is pretty kick ass as well. Incentives are now under way to prohibit this party in the Netherlands. Too much truth I guess. I've written a small article on here if you're interested.
I'm friends with a colleague of economist Richard Werner. Werner was a WEF Young Global Leader, and as he starting speaking up to teach people about the threats of the globalist banking system, the WEF ended his program so that he could not come back freely to speak at WEF.
There was a time when the WEF better flew under the radar without attracting the same attention of "central power grab" that gets associated with the Trilateral Commission or Bilderberg Group.
Thanks for the fascinating inside info, Mathew! Yikes, I guess that makes me four degrees of separation from Klaus Schwab via you—and you are three degrees! 😬😆😵
Regarding WEF flying under the radar, one of the positives to have come out of their machinations over the past two years is the growing awareness about the WEF/Davos/Schwab, et al. We need to get to the point where the WEF has the same toxic stigma as Naziism, and no one would dare be associated with them for fear of being construed as a totalitarian globalist.
Precisely. The puppeteers always seem to forget that—or think they can overcome gravity with their technofascistic ways, as described in this ominous clip:
Thank you. I too am on a 'wait and see' basis with Tulsi. I would prefer she run for governor. When people make the jump from state government to join the Empire I lose all respect for them. We have seen in this horrific Lockdown how important a good governor is- and how terrible a bad one.
Superficially, I like her a lot. She says the right stuff, mostly. However, I'd like to hear her clearly and in a detailed way, denounce the WEF, before I will trust her at all.
Actually, I would not believe it even if she did. Why can't I trust her? Is it her Wonder Woman good looks? It's so on the nose, its...she's...not believable to my bs meter...its an older model, my bs meter...
I have since come across these tweets strongly condemning the WEF/WHO/globalists, the pandemic treaty, and even the Great Reset (which 99.9% of politicians are terrified to mention since they’re afraid of being labeled conspiracy theorists), so she may have been more vocal about these matters than I previously realized:
Hungary's Prime Minister Victor Orban went through the WEF training, however, he is not on board with the WEF agenda. Tucker Carlson did an interview with him and trip to Hungary. The world leaders and their puppet media attack PM Orban. PM Orban has no love for Soros and Company he keeps. Hungary has a secure border and has not allowed the influence of Soros and WEF of mass migration and open borders, which destroys a country. Heart breaking to see beautiful countries become hell holes. Each country in Europe was beautiful, and each one unique with its history and culture. They have become overran with millions of immigrants who have such different culture and religion and they do not meld. What is happening here, happened in Europe first with Soros and WEF help.
Wow, I didn’t know that about Orban. Good to know. I have heard good things about how Hungary is being run, so it is helpful to hear about WEF defectors.
ok... a reply that should never be taken as a personal attack - its about content..
WEF has tentacles that reach how far? and Soros is EVERYONES boogeyman as most ignore international reach of the border hating Council on Foreign Relations who is ACTUALLY running the show!! Which brings us the "democracy" Tucker... MSNBC Tucker who continues nightly to refer to the USA as a democracy...
Open borders in Europe is referred to as "Hijrah" - look it up.. in the US its known as "Aztlan" and decades of it which has assisted in the destruction of the USA...
I don't believe that the CFR is "ACTUALLY running the show," as you put it. The CFR is just one of many arms of the Committee of 300. Read about it here:
When someone is doing the right thing we must give credit where credit is due. While watching them very closely. The problem we have had so often in America is we "get the good guy in" and then let them do whatever they want and support them like they were a God or something as long as we think they are "on our side". I don't worship at the alter of *any* politician. But if they say the right thing and then back it up by acting I can support them... on that issue. Again, while watching them closely and *never* trusting them 100%. This should be an attitude embraced by all Americans. I hate to bring up Trump because it triggers so many people. He did some good things. And he did a whole bunch of really really *really* bad things that put us right where we are and if those who couldn't say one bad thing about Trump because he was "their guy" would have had the courage to at least *question* some of the things he did (especially when "Covid" started) we *might* have averted the last 2 weeks to flatten the curve. As Ryan from TLAV says: Question *everything*.
There is an awful lot of effort to speak highly or at least positively of TG. To give her every benefit of every doubt. When choosing someone to support politically and you find that they were a full participant in the very organization that threatens the nations of the world through the ominous WEF, that should be enough to at the very least, set them aside. But not in this thread. Why is that?
You’re right, Brian, I shouldn’t give her a pass for that. I was just basing my perception of her based on her behavior over the past decade. I do feel she should be probed regarding this association as well as any other dubious stances she has held that I may be unaware of. I hope to do so in a letter to her at a future time.
"Gabbard, an outspoken critic of her own party, made waves last month after blasting President Joe Biden, whom she ultimately endorsed after dropping out of the presidential race.
“I supported Joe Biden, and millions of other Americans voted for Joe Biden because he promised to unite us,” she said in the January video, highlighting Biden’s pledge to “bring us together [and to] to end the divisiveness” in the country."
Now, I may not be the savviest person to think about politics and politicians but even I could tell that there was little if anything redeemable about Joe Biden. Even I could tell he had an agenda that was anti-America, anti-constitution and yet Tulsi Gabbard endorsed him. She endorsed him on a national level. Did she really believe he was going to “bring us together [and to] to end the divisiveness” in the country."? Was she off-planet during the Obama years?
TG is a political animal who is trying to take advantage of the current situation. She is trying to be a viable choice for both Democrats who allowed themselves to be fooled by Joe Biden and for Republicans who would rather not have Donald Trump and his giant ego in office again. It's the manipulation that offends me most about TG. Going on Tucker Carlson, speaking at CPAC, saying all the right words (on specific topics). She is relatively young and will likely be running for President again. Is this person deserving of consideration who would have had to have been so ignorant of who Joe Biden was/is that she would endorse him just two years ago or so manipulative that once Biden's agenda became unavoidable, she rides the conservative circuit and makes a case for them? I don't. She is a player in the political game.
Thanks for the additional info, Brian. I agree that she was either unbelievably naïve or succumbed to party pressure when she endorsed Biden. That is another question I will definitely ask if I end up writing a letter to her ;-)
Oh dear, not good, although the timing matters as some sensible people said that early on. I tried searching and couldn’t find it (I listened to one clip from 2 months ago, but there was no mention of masks). If you come across it, feel free to share, but no worries if not.
Timing matters? You jumped on Trump for his missteps in early 2020 even though he was the lone voice calling for banning of flights from China. And for his early trust in Fauci who had been in his position for decades and praised by everyone in government.
Why really are you so protective of Tulsi Gabbard?
“You jumped on Trump for his missteps in early 2020” — I’m not sure what you’re referring to here. The clip I referenced regarding his pro-vaxx stance was from his Candace Owens appearance two months ago. He then doubled-down at one of his rallies and got booed by the audience. He has denied the existence of any vaxx injuries/deaths, a level of ignorance that seems impossible to sustain given the circles he travels in. It could certainly be obliviousness—or that million-dollar Pfizer donation ( Interestingly, I heard Trump was in talks with RFK Jr. regarding vaccine safety concerns prior to that donation, and those talks suddenly stopped …
As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m not protective of Tulsi at all and am happy to call her out for any evidence of hypocrisy.
On an interview last year RFK Jr spoke about the time when Trump approached him. Was one of those moments when Donald was transitioning from Citizen Trump to Politician Trump. Supposedly afterwards Trump met with the king himself Bill Gates who quickly told him nothing to see there. The next day Pfizer sent him a million dollar donation for his inauguration and that was that. Bobby and Del Bigtree did get a chance to meet with the big boys at NIH where they asked Fauci and Co if any double blind controlled safety studies were ever conducted for vaccines. Their answer was there are none and there never will be. That’s what we call following the science in the 21st Century.
Yep, I remember hearing that about Trump, too. I didn’t know about the NIH meeting—wow, I’m amazed they got a meeting with them at all, let alone that admission. Do you happen to have a link with that information?
This is the clip I found (actually from November)—is this what you’re thinking of? They were talking about crime. I listened at 2x so maybe I missed it, but I was listening more carefully to her parts:
"Party's support base: Yes" To conclude her opinion was unfounded. She has not responded and they have no video clip of her saying "Yes," however based on her party's opinion they gave her a "yes." Saying that would mean Mitt Romney agrees with all the other Republicans, and everyone knows that is not true.
Thank you for this. I respect Tulsi Gabbard's inherent honesty.
Dan Crenshaw is another case. That is a WEFer now doesn't surprise me. He is a go along, get along kind of guy. I don't understand the positions he has taken in the past year. He seems to be actively working against ordinary conservatives and blue collar Republicans. His WEF status and history could explain that.
You know you have to figure not everybody who went there bought the agenda hook line and sinker. If you are a young up and comer it can be helpful to know who else is out there and so I always prefer to give the benefit of the doubt. Time will tell.
Plus, I agree with some of her sentiment expressed recently and so really if she is supposedly advocating for something consistent with your own sentiment, then who can argue with that and why would you?
Wow, good to know about the backing out of it—that would be very reassuring if you happen to come across the source for that. Regardless, I think she’s consistently proven her commitment to freedom and truth, and very few politicians have had the backbone to stand up to censorship in this oppressive climate.
I said from when I heard about the WEFfers, I mused that some must have 'washed out' or slowly backed away. Dunno if she is really that, but I do want TG to just jump out with a very Wonder woman like costume any second, that would seem to fit wouldn't it! Click the bracelets of Alaska! Polar bear bracelets!
Dr. Malone attached the list to one of his Substacks over the past week or two. I may have to go back to find it. Tulsi definitely doesn't speak as if she is a WEF disciple. She may have taken the course out of curiosity. There is no doubt Trudeau bought into it hook, line and sinker. He is destroying Canada.
I am glad you said destroying and not destroyed. It is some crazy universal humor that JustDough (JustDoh!?) is good looking but sniveling and horrid;, my parents came from different Canadian provences (Saskatch and Quebec) and I am the only one of my fam 'born in the USA' but I feel I have a foot in both. I hope they can ditch him somehow, and we can ditch whatever you call the hollow shell with the bell we have.....Ouch. bEst Naomi
The fact that a given person is holding or seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office. BECAUSE. HE. IS. RUNNING. FOR. POLITICAL. OFFICE. IN. A. NATION. THAT NO. LONGER. EXISTS.
Like your reply. Pretty much sums up my feelings on Tulsi as well. Have linked a few of your letters in the past @
Will be linking this one today, as well, as they are very informative. Was curious, however, if these are actual letters that you do send or just open letters. Maybe you have stated such in the past and I have just over-looked it. Great work, either way!
As a former military member (10 years) I support that idea completely. Either you succumb to the indoctrination or you learn from it and file it in the database for future reference. I like what Tulsi has to say on many topics and, like you, while I remain leery of anyone in the same club as Justin Trudough Boy, I suspect she has gone rogue. Rogue is good as long as she doesn't suck the life out of anyone she touches. (Xmen fans will get that.)
SECESSION NOW is The ONLY Way. 1860-65-The Confederate States SECEDED & became FREE CITIZENS!!!! 1989-90-The countries (including Russia) SECEDED & became (& still are) FREE CITIZENS!!!!! If 'not' then you will continue in your (voluntary) SLAVERY. Good news! The decadent united skanks & united queendom will be Destroyed!!!
June 21, 2021. A law signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis does not remove the ability of the Florida Department of Health to forcibly vaccinate Florida residents. S.B. 2006 was signed into law by DeSantis on May 3, 2021 and immediately hailed as a major victory by many medical freedom advocates. The law bans so-called "Vaccine Passports" and adds certain restrictions on state and local governments during a declared public health emergency. A little known and little spoken of section of the original statute states: "The state health officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health." Some of these actions include: "Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have a significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health." Those refusing these actions "may be subjected to isolation or quarantine." The most disturbing part is a section beneath which reads, "If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine, if there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to vaccinate or treat the individual." This section of the existing statute was paid little attention to and a bill by Anthony Sabatini which would have removed it was killed in committee.
Bottom line, in a declared public health crisis you can be forcibly vaccinated in the State of Florida and SB 2006 does nothing to change this policy. Read SB 2006 in its entirety here:…021/2006/BillText/er/HTML.
of course it was eliminated.. its what the net is all about... many i know got to see it before it was eliminAted.. as in writers and a prominent attorney! BUT IT CAN BE FOUND I HAVE PHOTOS..
Are We Comprehending The Barnhardt Axiom YET??!!
You realize this applies every bit as strongly to Trump too, right? Tell me you are not so stupid as to believe for one second that Trump would actually do ANY of the things he is talking about. He’s just smart enough to know what y’all want to hear, and is saying it. You know how I know that Trump will never follow through on anything he is saying?
Remember, the only thing that actually WANTS to be in a cesspit is a PIECE OF SHEET.
“An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate.”
He has done far more harm than good, and the fact that he desperately clings to his legacy as the savior of the world for Operation Warp Speed and the creator of “one of the greatest achievements of mankind” means he is either so blinded by his ego as to be oblivious to the lethal bioweapon he ushered in or worse, in on it (doubtful—I think he’s just been played for a fool).
“I don’t like writing about Trump. What is there to say really? He got played like a fiddle and still believes the horseshit he was fed. If he doesn’t believe it, then it’s even worse.”
In Orwell’s “1984,” Goldstein is the fabricated enemy of the state used to whip the people into a frenzy. In my original article (, I shared a clip from the film showing the “Two Minutes Hate” in which Goldstein’s image is projected on the screen while the audience screams in rage:
I say Trump is an unwitting Goldstein because he did not intentionally fill this role but nevertheless served the same purpose—the media fomented and laser-focused public hatred and fury on Donald Trump. Having him as a villain infused the opposition with an incredibly powerful tool by which to manipulate their audience. Want someone to hate/fear/attack something (e.g., HCQ)—associate it with Trump! Want someone to vote against something—say Trump is for it! Trump hatred was fuel to the DNC fire, which then spread to anyone who supported Trump (“Deplorables”) via guilt by association.
If you haven’t yet read/watched “1984,” you *must* do so immediately! It is essential for understanding the linguistic/cognitive manipulations and the totalitarianism we are living through today. You can start with the exceptional movie:
Thank you. I had completely forgotten about 1984. Thank you for reminding me. I don’t have an Amazon Prime account just on general principles. So no access to the movie. BTW in answer to your question about my son’s health, he improves slowly but is improving. I’m beginning to think he may have caught two variants. Delta & Omicron. Or Delta plus the flu? He hasn’t been tested so we will never know. He is totally adverse to the medical profession.
You are 100% correct about the Unwittingly Goldstein comparison, sad to say. It has caused serious problems.
Leslie, good for you not using Amazon! You can find the blu-ray or DVD for “1984” anywhere you would buy them, I’m sure. It’s worth the watch if you haven’t seen it. Reading the book is vital, too, of course.
I’m glad your son is improving, but that does sound perplexing! Regardless, thank goodness he didn’t go to the hospital as he could have ended up like one of the tragic stories in this article!
“The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.”
“The most improper job of any man, even saints, is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.”
Yes. Unless we get back to the original roll of a "President" as originally outlined for our Republican form of government. He/she was to be a diplomat and arrange trade. Not a dictator with a magic pen signing"orders" for 8 years. We haven't had a president for years now. We've had puppets and quasi dictators for the most part. All torn from the same globalist piece of fabric. Fix voting fraud and allow true debate between candidates of all persuasions and return the president to the roll they are supposed to play in our form of government and I might actually get on board.
the better/best of evils? the resident no longer is in charge - the CFR is and it has been for a long time!
Two Wings Of The Same Dragon: President Bush Plans To Vote For Hillary Clinton | Fire Breathing Christian
You need to put down whatever GOP supplied crack pipe you may have been regularly smoking and/or put down the Republican/Democrat, Left/Right paradigm tinted glasses you’ve been viewing the world through and just take a sec to look at the real world as it actually is. Oh sure, it’s a hard first minute or two, what with your whole worldview likely to be rocked to its core as you come to realize that you’ve been embarassingly duped, played like a cheap violin, and spun like a top for years (likely decades for many of you) by your favorite talk show hosts, politicians, entertainers, and even many of your favorite pastors, but that’s how detox works. That’s what withdrawal feels like.
If you can just stick to reality and resist the urge to put the artificial lenses back on and dive back into the comfort of The Matrix – you really can emerge on the other side with a clear sense of reality as it actually exists – and a clear basis from which to operate against the forces that put the crack pipe in your hands in the first place.
Really, you think you sound so intelligent, Mr. Word Salad. I'm not in any Matrix, I don't watch or get my new from TV, I am not a member of a political party and I happen to think for myself. I want this country back to its Constitutional roots. There is no more beautiful document than the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Maybe it is pie in the sky, but being the Great Cynic is not the answer either. We here in California are in the process of birthing a New California 51st State. It will be Constitutional and it will be clean & run properly. It will happen in the next 6 months or by the end of this year. If you are at all interested look it up at Take your cynicism and peddle it somewhere else.
The Bill of Rights and Constitution would be great. But no one in charge abides by them in this New Normal. They have no Constitutional right but Might is all they need. Laws don't apply to them. And they rule by Mandates they pass or repeal on whims as they please.
now come the attacks... as you show your true colors - that of the cancel culture!! the US Constitution has not been followed for a century... your ilk hates truth, you attack the reality of it all... build your new caledonia!
You’ve seriously outdone yourself now! Excellent! I’ve already written DeSantis and messaged several times. We have a major RINO problem in Florida that the bill got this far!
Agreed! That goes for all states. If people would start focusing on their local and state representatives and stop getting so caught up in crowning a king or queen every 4 years things would be amazingly different in America. There'd be more than 2 states to run to. But people *have* to get involved. As it stands now, the people fleeing to freer states are reaping the benefits from tons of hard work on the part of those who have lived in those states and have worked to keep sanity in the government of said state. I hope Guv Ron stays put. With all of the people flooding in there from fanatical lunatic states and bringing their politics with them, Florida's gonna need him. Mark my words
Got that right. A lot of Americans on both sides want a king to rule over them. Even a lot of Democrats I used to talk to got angry at Trump--for NOT being a brutal enough dictator. I kid you not. They complained he was "fascist" BECAUSE he did not lock all Americans of all occupations including farmers into their homes for a solid year and forcibly jab them all even those known to be most apt to die from the shot.
They don't know what fascist means. It seems to be what they really want. And they're going to get it too--even without the Donald.
Well, yeah, they did a job on Trump, but he was a neophyte. If DeSantis gets there he should be more astute and wary. Unless someone else rises to the top, who else could be possible to elect?
Regardless, what is required is someone of DeSantis basic intention and character with the perseverance of Churchill. Even if DeSantis fails to Veto HB7021 no one is "perfect", there is no perfect man, and certainly no perfect politician. Besides, there may be some unknown, uncontrolled reason why this bill will be allowed through that we may never know in the near future but may come to light in the end. You don't always get what you waaaannnt!
Good points, pretty-red, old guy, and I just learned about a potential third option on the table that would represent progress, even though it’s a bit of compromise:
I guess I would play hard ball compared to that. If the guv, I would insist they REPLACE the CDC guidelines with Dr. Peter McCullough(Fareed, Tyson's et al ) guidelines based on early treatment with IVM, Quer., Vit C & D, Doxy, etc, in other words the "cocktail". The vax is simply dangerous(specially to some folks) and should be outlawed. Otherwise, if I were guv, they would be liable. Of course, not much of a political option . . . I can dream though!
Of course, this was made possible by the use of fraudulent tests pushed by the WHO. Speaking of WHO, a very "under the radar" WHO plot is to rewrite the World Health Regulations (IHR) to greatly empower the WHO cabal. See: Trial Site News" WHO Pandemic Treaty: A Well Kept Secret".Although WHO recommendations are optional for nation states, some were not followed in the "pandemic". The proposed WHO solution is to make WHO dictates "binding" upon all countries in a "whole of society" regime. This IHR rewrite is of prime importance to the completion of the world health dictatorship. It merits close attention by anyone opposed to the disaster which
Also Trial Site News had a "town Hall" on this subject in December which is worth seeing. The Expose on feb.19 posted " Drs. Silvia Berendt and Astrid Stuckelberger: Gavi, Gates,The WHO and International Health Regulations" which provides a transcript of their testimony to the People's grand jury. Also, The World Council For Health is directing attention to this. You might contact them. Your work is excellent. It is great to hear that you will help stop this plot from succeeding.
Thank you, Kellianne! Bandit shared that with me a while back and then consulted a lawyer friend and found out it was a false alarm. Hopefully, Bandit will see this and weigh in as I don’t recall the specifics.
As a resident of Hawaii I have also been following the career of Tulsi Gabbard with guarded interest. Recently it has been floated she is a graduate of Klaus Schwaab’s Young Global Leaders. Do you have a perspective on this?
I personally find it a bit incongruous for Margaret to like Gideon van Meijeren - with a link to a video where he attempts to expose the influence of Schwab's WEF in Dutch politics - and then also say she likes Tulsi Gabbard - who is part of Schwab's Young Global Leaders program.
As much as I would *otherwise* like Gabbard, her association with this group overrides anything else - I cannot Klaus, the WEF, and as such I cannot trust Gabbard.
I totally understand why you would feel that way, Cetera, and I remain cautious while still applauding the brave stance she has taken on behalf of liberty, freedom of speech, and truth over the past decade.
Sirka thinks she read something about Tulsi backing out of the WEF. I would like to believe that is true but will await substantiating evidence. Meanwhile, I’m judging her by her actions and words, which have consistently countered the globalist agenda since she exposed the DNC corruption in 2016.
Why is it brave to take a stance on behalf of liberty and freedom of speech? I always thought these truths were self-evident. That should be the natural condition, shouldn't it? Your willingness to not only trust TG for saying the right things at the right times and to overlook her forays into global tyranny but to propagandize on her behalf is revealing.
Absolutely, that should be the natural condition, but if you’ve noticed, defending liberty and freedom of speech are considered sacrilege in the Democratic Party now and have even recently been described as right-wing extremism by the MSM 😆
Cancel culture is all the rage, and anyone who expresses a willingness to engage in debate with the opposition is branded a heretic. Tulsi’s openness to dialogue has resulted in her ostracization, and I’m sure you know Hillary pulled the “Russian asset” line on her. She is dancing on the third rail as far as her party is concerned, so in that regard, what should be considered the natural condition is professional suicide for her.
Applauding what someone says or does that we agree with does not mean we support them politically or trust them. When I see a stranger who is dirty, has a cigarette hanging out of their mouth and is driving a filthy, noisy vehicle with no muffler stop and help someone who fell on the ice I don't say, "what a filthy no good piece of garbage" I say, "well, I wouldn't let him in my house, but he must not be too bad of a guy.". He did something good that I agreed with. I'm not going to give him a bunch of money and invite him to dinner. But I might thank him for doing something kind and unexpected based on the way I originally judged him. Credit where it's due. And no further.
Funny, I moved from the Florida Keys to The Big Island in 2001. It is certainly ironic that Lockdown politics have reversed the flow. Friends of mine have moved from New Mexico to Florida also as that Governor is one of the worst. The future has never been more unwritten. Florida is still an ecological nightmare however, as is Hawaii- both being former Big Sugar Plantations. I watched the reef die in Florida From the Sugar and Phosphate mining. I watched ARVIDA pave the whole East Coast and Disney pave the middle. All of the living sponges and oysters and shrimp that surrounded the peninsula were decimated before I was born. The isolation of Hawaii seemed more realistic to effect ecological healing. Florida not only has their own pollution but the entire Mississippi runoff to contend with. Then again we have Fukushimi but Florida has BP. Good Luck
Looks like there’s a third option on the table that could provide a viable (compromised but still progress toward ending hospicide) option if DeSantis doesn’t proceed with the veto. See the latest update from Jeff Childers at Coffee & Covid:
Yesterday, the Governor’s office called me twice to discuss HB 7021. One comment was “there has been an impressive amount of contact from people mentioning your blog.” You guys did SO great. I am so proud of all of you, our vast army of passionate, caffeine-addicted freedom-lovers. It’s working.
The upshot of the calls was that the governor doesn’t seem inclined to veto, fearing that any hospitals that do relax Covid mandates will instantly become litigation targets absent the shield. Maybe. The news from Canada today suggests they might be right. Instead, according to the officials I spoke to, the governor’s office is pursuing a “third way” to solve the problem, through publication of effective treatment protocols superior to the CDC’s remdesivir/ventilator combination. If so, that would be similar to a “third way” approach I drafted as a proposed compromise bill, which would have retained short-term liability protection but ALSO provided patient protections.
Since hospitals only get liability protection when they follow “government published” treatment standards, they are legally locked into the CDC’s deadly remdesivir/ventilator combination. But, if Florida publishes our own treatment standards, and if those standards include things like permission to use off-label drug when doctors think it’s appropriate, then hospitals would have to consider those new “government standards” as well. It could move the needle, depending on how well it’s executed.
One of the things I had added to my draft compromise bill was a requirement that hospitals put their Covid treatment protocols on their websites, so patients can have informed choice. That’s something AHCA could do very quickly. I hope they do it.
Anyway, I was clear on the calls that what we want is hospitals to immediately stop killing people using outdated and ineffective federal treatment protocols. The folks I spoke to seemed to understand. Bottom line, it doesn’t look like a veto is in the cards. So we’ll have to see what those new standards look like, and we need to see them quickly.
Right, we should definitely remain on high alert, but my sense is that she jumped ship once she realized what she’d gotten into, and the propagandists have been putting her through the smear machine ever since. In the 2020 election, one of the MSM outlets showed the entire clown car of DNC candidates—everyone but her, acting as if she didn’t exist.
See my lengthy comment about Tulsi above for more details on my thinking about this.
Watched Tulsi Gabbard at CPAC. She said all the right words and we need as many people as are willing to say those words to do so. Joe Biden said a lot of words in his campaign for the sole reason of getting into office. Once in office all bets are off. Be careful, be stingy with your trust. Words are only words no matter where or when they are spoken.
Well Madame, I finally stepped over and read your stack. Whew, what a good first read. Let's see if Ronnie paid any attention. I believe our system is tailor made to attract narcissistic psychopaths, therefore, I trust NONE of them as far as I could throw them. It is funny, but your handle kept tweaking my memory, which produced this quote, “If you drink much from a bottle marked 'poison' it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later.” Regarding Tulsi, I believe she is fatally flawed in her foundational beliefs. She backs socialist solutions in too many areas. Best that we find our own way, guided by God and the non-aggression principle. And now, back to the porch for a nap.
Lovely to welcome you here, Mrhounddog, and thank you for your thoughtful comment!
I absolutely agree regarding the system (power) being a magnet for narcissistic sociopaths. We need to go back to the concept of leaders being public servants rather than the entitled, megalomaniacal aristocrats they have become.
Hahaha, I have been tempted to use Alice’s poison quote in relation to the injections! 😹
And yes, I do disagree with a lot of Tulsi’s fundamental beliefs. What I feel distinguishes her is her willingness to engage in debate, consider alternative perspectives, and re-evaluate her own in light of new evidence. It may be naïve, but she seems like she would be open to seeing the errors of her ways and adjusting accordingly ;-)
I also agree about your statement regarding finding our own way. I’ve never been a follower and prefer to encourage individuals to carve out their own paths and conduct independent research in search of the truth.
Because of this "Carnivorous Clown Circus", and all it's inanity, I looked hard at the course of my "monoclonal antibody treatment" for multiple sclerosis, courtesy of "Gulf War syndrome", and walked away from it, 157 monthly infusions behind, 15 years of interferons, and over thirty years of "antidepressants" prescribed for neuropathic pain, and have found most of my "symptoms" are from the treatment, and so far, eight months out, not the "disease", never once identified, other than symptomatic. I also note, some million dollars was transferred to "the hospital" I was infused at, and untold amounts to the "military industrial pharmaceutical industry". I'm not sure yet, but I think I'd rather die, but I will get my tax affairs in order, so my children don't have to fight an unknowing fight with the irs.
Oh my goodness, John, I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure all of that needless suffering—it sounds like AZT torturing and killing the AIDS patients (you’ve probably read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and are aware of this tragic story, but if not, I strongly recommend doing so). I know interferon and antidepressants are horribly damaging; I was not aware that monoclonal antibodies had similar negative side effects—perhaps those only manifest from long-term use?
Now that you’ve stopped the treatments (presumably), are you finding any relief? It can take time to recover, but there is hope, especially if you can find natural supplements that help with the healing process. Andrographolide (, for example, has shown promising results in studies. I haven’t researched this, but I know glutathione helps with detoxing and is recommended to help defend against the toxicity of the vaxxes. Pine needle tea, too. And maybe a supplement like Garden of Life Fungal Defense to address the fungal aspect. Izabella Wentz’s advice for Hashimoto’s patients ( is also broadly applicable to those with autoimmune conditions and may help with your condition. Obviously, do your research, but those are some ideas to get you started.
PLEASE do not take any drastic measures, John. Talk to your children and everyone who cares for you, and let them know how you’re feeling so they have an opportunity to help you get through this. Find a support group with fellow GWS sufferers if you can.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, and I wish you physical, emotional, and psychological healing as you recover from what was inflicted on you.
I hope that you have eliminated from your diet all foods and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame (E951), used in Equal, NutraSweet, Splenda, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, AminoSweet, Neotame (E961), Newtame, and diet sodas and many low-calorie diet foods. They are neurotoxins and depressants.
Here's info from 2010, showing the connection between aspartame and Gulf War Syndrome:
I've read Dr Woodrow Monte's book _While Science Sleeps, A Sweetener Kills_, and I'd be happy to send you a copy. Chapter 9 examines the cause of MS and suggests the simple dietary changes that can help considerably. I met Dr Monte almost 10 years ago (he was living part-time in NZ then and was a neighbor of mine). He had a veeeery interesting story to tell about how G.D. Searle (then the manufacturer of aspartame) tried to set him up for blackmail at a medical conference he attended, as he was one of the primary food scientists researching the toxicity of aspartame.
No worries, RebeccaGrrl, I know how you feel! I’ve been up for almost 22 hours now so am feeling a bit overwhelmed myself 😬
I’m not in Florida, either, but I think the volume of responses will send a strong message that I hope he’ll listen to, even if he doesn’t have time to read it before the deadline.
Yep, I'm in Minnesota and sent Ronnie an email with your link. What a fantastic job. You are a GEM Margaret Anna Alice.
The great "buy a politician" all girl review was fantastic(watched it twice!) but I was so bummed out watching some of the personal accounts with hospitals I could not bear to watch them all. It is disgusting when you consider hospitals are the very place one USED TO feel so safe and protected from harm. Now, it appears their administrations have turned them into torture and prison barns.
Thank You... will down a full martinelli’s sparkling cider upon VETO... preparing to think long & hard before ever seeing the interior of a hospital again...
I hope DeSantis isn't led by money but by doing what is right. Thank you for holding his fee to the fire. Are you in Florida Margaret, or Canada? If you lose a man like DeSantis things are really bad.
I hope so, too, Ely. I’m in Oregon, so neither :-) Still, totalitarianism wherever it occurs has a ripple effect throughout the world and affects all of us. Florida in particular has been a beacon of sanity and freedom throughout this debacle, so DeSantis needs to continue his role as a trailblazer in pushing back against medical tyranny.
Doesn't he have a prior history of some shady dealing in the healthcare industry? I think it was nursing homes or something like that. This will be a test of his true colors.
BC=before covid... let's hope it doesn't become AD=after death for everyone we know... like my little sister, 51, killed on a ventilator with Rem-DEATH-avir by a greedy hospital, end of summer '21... left 4 kids, ages 9-13, and devastated family and friends who were all too far away and too ignorant to know what to do to get her out... I'll never be the same...
health-i-do-not-care=health-scare (i hadn't heard this before... so many prescribers scare patients into treatments in my experience... including my sister... first promising only a few days in hospital, then they said only a few days on a ventilator... weeks later they disconnected it all after Rem-DEATH-avir destroyed her vital organs... she was strong and brave and funny and she was killed... murdered... i resonate with Alex Stein's poem, his pain, and his mother didn't die in vain...)
thank you MAA for referring me to your post ♥︎ i believe they gave her the death jab at the end, which was the final straw, and the funeral director said, bc she's covid, it would cost a fortune if we didn't cremate her remains... 😥 ... we buried her ashes in a vault next to my Dad in our hometown 8 months later... ty for reading my story... we were just over 10 months apart in age, and we thought we'd grow old together (my husband ♥︎'d her too, everyone did)... not a solicitation, but you can see more at gfm, search Anita Mekus 💔
How absolutely heartrending. I know they have been doing everything possible to make it difficult if not impossible to have autopsies performed on their victims, but I didn’t even consider that they would pretty much force people to have the remains cremated to help cover up the evidence of their hospicide!
Since several of you have asked about Tulsi Gabbard and no doubt others will as well, I will put a general note here for clarification.
I have had this discussion with several of you in comments at other Stacks, so some may find this message familiar, but here is my take on Tulsi at the moment—subject to change depending on her subsequent actions and words.
Like many of you, I was surprised and disturbed when I learned Tulsi was a WEF Young Global Leader. Upon reflection, I am still willing to give her the benefit of the doubt based of her longstanding record of integrity but will also remain on alert for signs of compromise.
Tulsi held the Young Global Leaders title early in her career. She was considered a rising star until she blew the whistle on the DNC/Hillary’s nefarious shenanigans in 2016 and stepped down from the DNC, subsequently to be unpersoned and smeared by them in the 2020 election cycle. She’s been calling out censorship, hypocrisy, and corruption ever since. She is one of the few WEFers who ever put her life on the line through military service (Dan Crenshaw is another WEFer who served, but you’ll notice I’ve omitted him because he has proven to be a disappointment and a bit of a jerk).
Just because someone went through an indoctrination program for future tyrants doesn’t mean the training took 😆 My feeling is she has burned all her bridges with the globalists and has made her position clear on the matters of most importance—namely liberty, truth, and justice. That doesn’t mean I agree with all of her stances nor that I trust her completely. I don’t trust any politicians ;-) She just makes it into my top five because of the moral courage she has displayed over the past decade.
For those of you still wondering why I like Tulsi, this is why:
That's a big improvement. It definitely calls into question her allegiance to the WEF. But she could go a long way by calling them out for what they are. At this point I'm going to reserve my vote for whoever steps forward and says we need to prosecute the perps... and pray that someone does.
Thank you Margaret for your thoughts on Tulsi. I like others, added her to the controlled opposition bucket. I would absolutely love it if she really did go against the grain to fight for our liberties. Time will tell but I’ll be more open to your theory. 🙏🏻
I understand, and if you haven’t been following her latest courageous moves, check out this article (and the rest at her Substack):
I asked her about the WEF and urged her to address it in greater depth to dispel confusion about it, and she was kind enough to respond:
She said she was going to read the comments in this thread :-)
I also subsequently came across these tweets, thanks to Gail pointing me to them:
And Sage Hana shared this with me, but I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet:
Wow! That’s fantastic!! That you were able to connect with her, assuming it is her. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I have a bit of a fatalistic belief with everything that’s happening and have zero faith in politicians (especially at the federal level), media and big pharma. I will go through all of the attached and try to jump off this metaphorical sinking ship. THANK YOU for giving me some hope.
From her continually escalating outspokenness about corruption, propaganda, the deep state, globalism, and wokeness, I do feel she is acting in good faith and is a powerful ally to have on our side. I have been pressing her to address COVID tyranny and democide, and she liked my comment where I shared “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” ( and referred to the “lethal injections”:
Didn't realize she spoke at CPAC will be linking her entire speech tomorrow @
The whole speech is well worth listening to. If you want to hear it now, here it is:
Says a lot when a Democrat is asked to speak at CPAC, and to think the Democrats could have had her as their Presidential candidate!!!! Is an independent run in the making?
Always listen to your gut Margaret, my feels fine with Tulsi😊
No questions about Gideon van Meijeren. The guy is sharp as a tack. He destroyed his globalist counterpart. Why is there no one that smart in US politics?
Effing A 😂
I LOVE this guy!
Me, too!! Talk about cahones—and he’s not letting anyone get away with the usual slippery BS.
Even my husband was impressed—and *no one* impresses him!
Not only Gideon van Meijeren is kick ass, the political party he's a member of (the FVD) is pretty kick ass as well. Incentives are now under way to prohibit this party in the Netherlands. Too much truth I guess. I've written a small article on here if you're interested.
Wow, thanks for the additional insights, DutchPartisan! I hope they fail in their efforts to suppress the freedom-defending truth-tellers!
Ahh, prohibiting political parties, always the action of those who history will view as the righteous and ethical.
Hello Kyle, do you have a link to Gideon van Meijeren? I don’t see any link referring to this man.
Thank you 🙏🏻
The video is at the beginning of the article—you can click on the image, and it will take you here:
I'm friends with a colleague of economist Richard Werner. Werner was a WEF Young Global Leader, and as he starting speaking up to teach people about the threats of the globalist banking system, the WEF ended his program so that he could not come back freely to speak at WEF.
There was a time when the WEF better flew under the radar without attracting the same attention of "central power grab" that gets associated with the Trilateral Commission or Bilderberg Group.
Thanks for the fascinating inside info, Mathew! Yikes, I guess that makes me four degrees of separation from Klaus Schwab via you—and you are three degrees! 😬😆😵
Regarding WEF flying under the radar, one of the positives to have come out of their machinations over the past two years is the growing awareness about the WEF/Davos/Schwab, et al. We need to get to the point where the WEF has the same toxic stigma as Naziism, and no one would dare be associated with them for fear of being construed as a totalitarian globalist.
Construed as a... ? How about "definitively identified as a ..."
Haha, fair point. I was referring to the toxic stigma, but yes, that's true, too ;-)
This time shall come. Pendulums don’t only swing one direction.
Precisely. The puppeteers always seem to forget that—or think they can overcome gravity with their technofascistic ways, as described in this ominous clip:
Thank you. I too am on a 'wait and see' basis with Tulsi. I would prefer she run for governor. When people make the jump from state government to join the Empire I lose all respect for them. We have seen in this horrific Lockdown how important a good governor is- and how terrible a bad one.
Superficially, I like her a lot. She says the right stuff, mostly. However, I'd like to hear her clearly and in a detailed way, denounce the WEF, before I will trust her at all.
Tulsi, needs to come clean about young world leaders and disavow herself from the WEF before I would support
Actually, I would not believe it even if she did. Why can't I trust her? Is it her Wonder Woman good looks? It's so on the nose, its...she's...not believable to my bs meter...its an older model, my bs meter...
I haven’t researched her enough to make a judgement about her, but I don’t care what anyone says…go with your gut. It’s usually right.
You may find these links informative, Chris:
• (see comment from Håvard Hammer, who who claims to know her personally:
Haha, I get that, jacquelyn. Does she get any points for her acne scarring? ;-)
Skillfully hidden, one half point. Thanks for noticing I hadn't gotten that far!
Understood, and that’s why I urged her to do so in my comments to her (
I have since come across these tweets strongly condemning the WEF/WHO/globalists, the pandemic treaty, and even the Great Reset (which 99.9% of politicians are terrified to mention since they’re afraid of being labeled conspiracy theorists), so she may have been more vocal about these matters than I previously realized:
Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate it.
Hungary's Prime Minister Victor Orban went through the WEF training, however, he is not on board with the WEF agenda. Tucker Carlson did an interview with him and trip to Hungary. The world leaders and their puppet media attack PM Orban. PM Orban has no love for Soros and Company he keeps. Hungary has a secure border and has not allowed the influence of Soros and WEF of mass migration and open borders, which destroys a country. Heart breaking to see beautiful countries become hell holes. Each country in Europe was beautiful, and each one unique with its history and culture. They have become overran with millions of immigrants who have such different culture and religion and they do not meld. What is happening here, happened in Europe first with Soros and WEF help.
Wow, I didn’t know that about Orban. Good to know. I have heard good things about how Hungary is being run, so it is helpful to hear about WEF defectors.
ok... a reply that should never be taken as a personal attack - its about content..
WEF has tentacles that reach how far? and Soros is EVERYONES boogeyman as most ignore international reach of the border hating Council on Foreign Relations who is ACTUALLY running the show!! Which brings us the "democracy" Tucker... MSNBC Tucker who continues nightly to refer to the USA as a democracy...
Open borders in Europe is referred to as "Hijrah" - look it up.. in the US its known as "Aztlan" and decades of it which has assisted in the destruction of the USA...
I don't believe that the CFR is "ACTUALLY running the show," as you put it. The CFR is just one of many arms of the Committee of 300. Read about it here:
When someone is doing the right thing we must give credit where credit is due. While watching them very closely. The problem we have had so often in America is we "get the good guy in" and then let them do whatever they want and support them like they were a God or something as long as we think they are "on our side". I don't worship at the alter of *any* politician. But if they say the right thing and then back it up by acting I can support them... on that issue. Again, while watching them closely and *never* trusting them 100%. This should be an attitude embraced by all Americans. I hate to bring up Trump because it triggers so many people. He did some good things. And he did a whole bunch of really really *really* bad things that put us right where we are and if those who couldn't say one bad thing about Trump because he was "their guy" would have had the courage to at least *question* some of the things he did (especially when "Covid" started) we *might* have averted the last 2 weeks to flatten the curve. As Ryan from TLAV says: Question *everything*.
Agreed, Rob, and my feelings precisely!
There is an awful lot of effort to speak highly or at least positively of TG. To give her every benefit of every doubt. When choosing someone to support politically and you find that they were a full participant in the very organization that threatens the nations of the world through the ominous WEF, that should be enough to at the very least, set them aside. But not in this thread. Why is that?
You’re right, Brian, I shouldn’t give her a pass for that. I was just basing my perception of her based on her behavior over the past decade. I do feel she should be probed regarding this association as well as any other dubious stances she has held that I may be unaware of. I hope to do so in a letter to her at a future time.
From a Breitbart piece:
"Gabbard, an outspoken critic of her own party, made waves last month after blasting President Joe Biden, whom she ultimately endorsed after dropping out of the presidential race.
“I supported Joe Biden, and millions of other Americans voted for Joe Biden because he promised to unite us,” she said in the January video, highlighting Biden’s pledge to “bring us together [and to] to end the divisiveness” in the country."
Now, I may not be the savviest person to think about politics and politicians but even I could tell that there was little if anything redeemable about Joe Biden. Even I could tell he had an agenda that was anti-America, anti-constitution and yet Tulsi Gabbard endorsed him. She endorsed him on a national level. Did she really believe he was going to “bring us together [and to] to end the divisiveness” in the country."? Was she off-planet during the Obama years?
TG is a political animal who is trying to take advantage of the current situation. She is trying to be a viable choice for both Democrats who allowed themselves to be fooled by Joe Biden and for Republicans who would rather not have Donald Trump and his giant ego in office again. It's the manipulation that offends me most about TG. Going on Tucker Carlson, speaking at CPAC, saying all the right words (on specific topics). She is relatively young and will likely be running for President again. Is this person deserving of consideration who would have had to have been so ignorant of who Joe Biden was/is that she would endorse him just two years ago or so manipulative that once Biden's agenda became unavoidable, she rides the conservative circuit and makes a case for them? I don't. She is a player in the political game.
Thanks for the additional info, Brian. I agree that she was either unbelievably naïve or succumbed to party pressure when she endorsed Biden. That is another question I will definitely ask if I end up writing a letter to her ;-)
I wouldn't trust Tulsi as far as I can throw her. AIPAC says it all.
Hmm, food for thought 🤔
One night on Gutfeld this woman was promoting N95s for all...
Oh dear, not good, although the timing matters as some sensible people said that early on. I tried searching and couldn’t find it (I listened to one clip from 2 months ago, but there was no mention of masks). If you come across it, feel free to share, but no worries if not.
Timing matters? You jumped on Trump for his missteps in early 2020 even though he was the lone voice calling for banning of flights from China. And for his early trust in Fauci who had been in his position for decades and praised by everyone in government.
Why really are you so protective of Tulsi Gabbard?
“You jumped on Trump for his missteps in early 2020” — I’m not sure what you’re referring to here. The clip I referenced regarding his pro-vaxx stance was from his Candace Owens appearance two months ago. He then doubled-down at one of his rallies and got booed by the audience. He has denied the existence of any vaxx injuries/deaths, a level of ignorance that seems impossible to sustain given the circles he travels in. It could certainly be obliviousness—or that million-dollar Pfizer donation ( Interestingly, I heard Trump was in talks with RFK Jr. regarding vaccine safety concerns prior to that donation, and those talks suddenly stopped …
As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m not protective of Tulsi at all and am happy to call her out for any evidence of hypocrisy.
On an interview last year RFK Jr spoke about the time when Trump approached him. Was one of those moments when Donald was transitioning from Citizen Trump to Politician Trump. Supposedly afterwards Trump met with the king himself Bill Gates who quickly told him nothing to see there. The next day Pfizer sent him a million dollar donation for his inauguration and that was that. Bobby and Del Bigtree did get a chance to meet with the big boys at NIH where they asked Fauci and Co if any double blind controlled safety studies were ever conducted for vaccines. Their answer was there are none and there never will be. That’s what we call following the science in the 21st Century.
Yep, I remember hearing that about Trump, too. I didn’t know about the NIH meeting—wow, I’m amazed they got a meeting with them at all, let alone that admission. Do you happen to have a link with that information?
I will try to locate it in the Highwire archives. Del has mentioned it on more than one occasion.
Thanks, Jeff! No worries if it’s too much trouble.
IT WAS A COUPLE MONTHS BACK.... of course it could have been edited out... look at the womans political history - that if it still exists?
This is the clip I found (actually from November)—is this what you’re thinking of? They were talking about crime. I listened at 2x so maybe I missed it, but I was listening more carefully to her parts:
ONLY A 7 MIN CLIP ON CRIME... sorry caps... the show is an hour long..
Ah, good to know. I’ve never watched the show so had no idea what the format was 😉
I’ve got to crash before I hit the 23-hour mark so don’t have time to search, but feel free to share if you find it.
I doubt you will find it.... but the woman is a leftist..!!!
Tulsi Gabbard’s policy on COVID Mask Mandate
Should the federal government require people to wear face masks in public during the COVID pandemic?
Party’s support base Yes
That’s a handy tool—thanks, Rick! Very disappointing. Sounds like I need to write her a letter …
a letter to a politian... its a bit late in the game as some of my friends have been ignored.. you have a lot of faith in these politicians!
"Party's support base: Yes" To conclude her opinion was unfounded. She has not responded and they have no video clip of her saying "Yes," however based on her party's opinion they gave her a "yes." Saying that would mean Mitt Romney agrees with all the other Republicans, and everyone knows that is not true.
ok.. i saw her say N95s for all on FOX/Gutfeld.. if your place is to defend these politicians - GO FOR IT...
dont waste my time calling me a liar!
Thank you for this. I respect Tulsi Gabbard's inherent honesty.
Dan Crenshaw is another case. That is a WEFer now doesn't surprise me. He is a go along, get along kind of guy. I don't understand the positions he has taken in the past year. He seems to be actively working against ordinary conservatives and blue collar Republicans. His WEF status and history could explain that.
My feelings precisely, Naomi.
You know you have to figure not everybody who went there bought the agenda hook line and sinker. If you are a young up and comer it can be helpful to know who else is out there and so I always prefer to give the benefit of the doubt. Time will tell.
Plus, I agree with some of her sentiment expressed recently and so really if she is supposedly advocating for something consistent with your own sentiment, then who can argue with that and why would you?
I like her too. I read somewhere she formally backed out of the YGL WEF but that could have been a misinterpretation. Regardless, so far so good.
Wow, good to know about the backing out of it—that would be very reassuring if you happen to come across the source for that. Regardless, I think she’s consistently proven her commitment to freedom and truth, and very few politicians have had the backbone to stand up to censorship in this oppressive climate.
I said from when I heard about the WEFfers, I mused that some must have 'washed out' or slowly backed away. Dunno if she is really that, but I do want TG to just jump out with a very Wonder woman like costume any second, that would seem to fit wouldn't it! Click the bracelets of Alaska! Polar bear bracelets!
Dr. Malone attached the list to one of his Substacks over the past week or two. I may have to go back to find it. Tulsi definitely doesn't speak as if she is a WEF disciple. She may have taken the course out of curiosity. There is no doubt Trudeau bought into it hook, line and sinker. He is destroying Canada.
I am glad you said destroying and not destroyed. It is some crazy universal humor that JustDough (JustDoh!?) is good looking but sniveling and horrid;, my parents came from different Canadian provences (Saskatch and Quebec) and I am the only one of my fam 'born in the USA' but I feel I have a foot in both. I hope they can ditch him somehow, and we can ditch whatever you call the hollow shell with the bell we have.....Ouch. bEst Naomi
why is it so easy for you to buy into any of these politicians...
especially after the past 2 years!
Oh, I have not bought in, financially at all. I am damn Librarian, or however you call it.
and I have no idea what this reply means...
I do not support TG I am a Libertarian. So much gets missed with typed accents/dialects!
The fact that a given person is holding or seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office. BECAUSE. HE. IS. RUNNING. FOR. POLITICAL. OFFICE. IN. A. NATION. THAT NO. LONGER. EXISTS.
so left to using a bad tool vs none at all, how can we try
to see a way to work even this to our advantage somehow?,
besides our obvious moral superiority. Hehe. I do mean that
but it sure is a thing to say that. I would never have asserted
such before this last turn of the year and all the blood under
the astroturf.
Thank you for reminding me of the Barnhardt Axiom, Rick! I have been trying to remember what that was called!
I liked Librarian 😂📚
Like your reply. Pretty much sums up my feelings on Tulsi as well. Have linked a few of your letters in the past @
Will be linking this one today, as well, as they are very informative. Was curious, however, if these are actual letters that you do send or just open letters. Maybe you have stated such in the past and I have just over-looked it. Great work, either way!
Thank you for your thoughtful note, The Watchman, as well as for sharing my letters!
I do indeed send the political letters to their intended recipients—as do many of my readers. Hopefully, they’ll eventually make a dent!
As a former military member (10 years) I support that idea completely. Either you succumb to the indoctrination or you learn from it and file it in the database for future reference. I like what Tulsi has to say on many topics and, like you, while I remain leery of anyone in the same club as Justin Trudough Boy, I suspect she has gone rogue. Rogue is good as long as she doesn't suck the life out of anyone she touches. (Xmen fans will get that.)
SECESSION NOW is The ONLY Way. 1860-65-The Confederate States SECEDED & became FREE CITIZENS!!!! 1989-90-The countries (including Russia) SECEDED & became (& still are) FREE CITIZENS!!!!! If 'not' then you will continue in your (voluntary) SLAVERY. Good news! The decadent united skanks & united queendom will be Destroyed!!!
Governor DeSantis only has until February 24 to veto HB 7021 (, which “extends duration of liability protections from COVID-19–related claims against health care providers.” Jeff Childers of Coffee & Covid shares details here ( and was kind enough to prepare a petition form ( you can use to submit your own message. You can also email Governor DeSantis ( directly. Please consider including a link to my letter to help ensure he sees it before the deadline. Thanks, team!
June 21, 2021. A law signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis does not remove the ability of the Florida Department of Health to forcibly vaccinate Florida residents. S.B. 2006 was signed into law by DeSantis on May 3, 2021 and immediately hailed as a major victory by many medical freedom advocates. The law bans so-called "Vaccine Passports" and adds certain restrictions on state and local governments during a declared public health emergency. A little known and little spoken of section of the original statute states: "The state health officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health." Some of these actions include: "Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have a significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health." Those refusing these actions "may be subjected to isolation or quarantine." The most disturbing part is a section beneath which reads, "If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine, if there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to vaccinate or treat the individual." This section of the existing statute was paid little attention to and a bill by Anthony Sabatini which would have removed it was killed in committee.
Bottom line, in a declared public health crisis you can be forcibly vaccinated in the State of Florida and SB 2006 does nothing to change this policy. Read SB 2006 in its entirety here:…021/2006/BillText/er/HTML.
Yikes, Rick—thank you for the clarification! That sounds like the changes New York just put into effect ( as well as those initially thought to be proposed (but officially denied) in Washington State (
I tried clicking the link you provided, but it brought up a 404.
of course it was eliminated.. its what the net is all about... many i know got to see it before it was eliminAted.. as in writers and a prominent attorney! BUT IT CAN BE FOUND I HAVE PHOTOS..
Are We Comprehending The Barnhardt Axiom YET??!!
You realize this applies every bit as strongly to Trump too, right? Tell me you are not so stupid as to believe for one second that Trump would actually do ANY of the things he is talking about. He’s just smart enough to know what y’all want to hear, and is saying it. You know how I know that Trump will never follow through on anything he is saying?
Remember, the only thing that actually WANTS to be in a cesspit is a PIECE OF SHEET.
Good on you for keeping receipts!
The Barnhardt Axiom—YES!! I cannot believe I did not know that since it describes precisely what I have been saying to others for years 😄
Hell, yes, I understand that applies to Trump in spades. I described Trump as an unwitting Goldstein in my section on TDS in this piece (
“An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate.”
He has done far more harm than good, and the fact that he desperately clings to his legacy as the savior of the world for Operation Warp Speed and the creator of “one of the greatest achievements of mankind” means he is either so blinded by his ego as to be oblivious to the lethal bioweapon he ushered in or worse, in on it (doubtful—I think he’s just been played for a fool).
My favorite recent quote on Trump comes from Unbekoming (
“I don’t like writing about Trump. What is there to say really? He got played like a fiddle and still believes the horseshit he was fed. If he doesn’t believe it, then it’s even worse.”
What's an unwitting Goldstein?
Good question, Leslie!
In Orwell’s “1984,” Goldstein is the fabricated enemy of the state used to whip the people into a frenzy. In my original article (, I shared a clip from the film showing the “Two Minutes Hate” in which Goldstein’s image is projected on the screen while the audience screams in rage:
I say Trump is an unwitting Goldstein because he did not intentionally fill this role but nevertheless served the same purpose—the media fomented and laser-focused public hatred and fury on Donald Trump. Having him as a villain infused the opposition with an incredibly powerful tool by which to manipulate their audience. Want someone to hate/fear/attack something (e.g., HCQ)—associate it with Trump! Want someone to vote against something—say Trump is for it! Trump hatred was fuel to the DNC fire, which then spread to anyone who supported Trump (“Deplorables”) via guilt by association.
If you haven’t yet read/watched “1984,” you *must* do so immediately! It is essential for understanding the linguistic/cognitive manipulations and the totalitarianism we are living through today. You can start with the exceptional movie:
Thank you. I had completely forgotten about 1984. Thank you for reminding me. I don’t have an Amazon Prime account just on general principles. So no access to the movie. BTW in answer to your question about my son’s health, he improves slowly but is improving. I’m beginning to think he may have caught two variants. Delta & Omicron. Or Delta plus the flu? He hasn’t been tested so we will never know. He is totally adverse to the medical profession.
You are 100% correct about the Unwittingly Goldstein comparison, sad to say. It has caused serious problems.
Leslie, good for you not using Amazon! You can find the blu-ray or DVD for “1984” anywhere you would buy them, I’m sure. It’s worth the watch if you haven’t seen it. Reading the book is vital, too, of course.
I’m glad your son is improving, but that does sound perplexing! Regardless, thank goodness he didn’t go to the hospital as he could have ended up like one of the tragic stories in this article!
dont even get me started on CFR Trump.... because he has always been an
a NYC leftist... he is over!!
calling out Trump has 'nothing to do with hatred' thats the words Republicans use for any criticism of this guy... just as any good leftist would..
“The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.”
“The most improper job of any man, even saints, is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.”
Well SOMEBODY HAS TO BE PRESIDENT! Whether it be Trump or somebody else. What else do you suggest? Have nobody run?
Yes. Unless we get back to the original roll of a "President" as originally outlined for our Republican form of government. He/she was to be a diplomat and arrange trade. Not a dictator with a magic pen signing"orders" for 8 years. We haven't had a president for years now. We've had puppets and quasi dictators for the most part. All torn from the same globalist piece of fabric. Fix voting fraud and allow true debate between candidates of all persuasions and return the president to the roll they are supposed to play in our form of government and I might actually get on board.
yes sir
the better/best of evils? the resident no longer is in charge - the CFR is and it has been for a long time!
Two Wings Of The Same Dragon: President Bush Plans To Vote For Hillary Clinton | Fire Breathing Christian
You need to put down whatever GOP supplied crack pipe you may have been regularly smoking and/or put down the Republican/Democrat, Left/Right paradigm tinted glasses you’ve been viewing the world through and just take a sec to look at the real world as it actually is. Oh sure, it’s a hard first minute or two, what with your whole worldview likely to be rocked to its core as you come to realize that you’ve been embarassingly duped, played like a cheap violin, and spun like a top for years (likely decades for many of you) by your favorite talk show hosts, politicians, entertainers, and even many of your favorite pastors, but that’s how detox works. That’s what withdrawal feels like.
If you can just stick to reality and resist the urge to put the artificial lenses back on and dive back into the comfort of The Matrix – you really can emerge on the other side with a clear sense of reality as it actually exists – and a clear basis from which to operate against the forces that put the crack pipe in your hands in the first place.
Really, you think you sound so intelligent, Mr. Word Salad. I'm not in any Matrix, I don't watch or get my new from TV, I am not a member of a political party and I happen to think for myself. I want this country back to its Constitutional roots. There is no more beautiful document than the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Maybe it is pie in the sky, but being the Great Cynic is not the answer either. We here in California are in the process of birthing a New California 51st State. It will be Constitutional and it will be clean & run properly. It will happen in the next 6 months or by the end of this year. If you are at all interested look it up at Take your cynicism and peddle it somewhere else.
The Bill of Rights and Constitution would be great. But no one in charge abides by them in this New Normal. They have no Constitutional right but Might is all they need. Laws don't apply to them. And they rule by Mandates they pass or repeal on whims as they please.
I’m not canceling you. I just don’t agree with you. In a free country that’s my right, is it not? If you feel canceled, that’s on you.
now come the attacks... as you show your true colors - that of the cancel culture!! the US Constitution has not been followed for a century... your ilk hates truth, you attack the reality of it all... build your new caledonia!
Your letter is perfect.
Thank you, Leslie!
I hope your son’s all better now 🤗
You’ve seriously outdone yourself now! Excellent! I’ve already written DeSantis and messaged several times. We have a major RINO problem in Florida that the bill got this far!
What a lovely comment, and thanks so much for your own efforts, Gaye!
That's a helluva letter! What a gift you have - if this doesn't persuade nothing will. I'll share where I can. Excellent!
Aww, thanks so much, Kathleen, and I especially appreciate your sharing it!
DeSantis for pres!
beautifully expressed letter, i hope he reads it
Thank you, Ray—I hope he does, too, and pronto!
Wise man 😎
Agreed! That goes for all states. If people would start focusing on their local and state representatives and stop getting so caught up in crowning a king or queen every 4 years things would be amazingly different in America. There'd be more than 2 states to run to. But people *have* to get involved. As it stands now, the people fleeing to freer states are reaping the benefits from tons of hard work on the part of those who have lived in those states and have worked to keep sanity in the government of said state. I hope Guv Ron stays put. With all of the people flooding in there from fanatical lunatic states and bringing their politics with them, Florida's gonna need him. Mark my words
Got that right. A lot of Americans on both sides want a king to rule over them. Even a lot of Democrats I used to talk to got angry at Trump--for NOT being a brutal enough dictator. I kid you not. They complained he was "fascist" BECAUSE he did not lock all Americans of all occupations including farmers into their homes for a solid year and forcibly jab them all even those known to be most apt to die from the shot.
They don't know what fascist means. It seems to be what they really want. And they're going to get it too--even without the Donald.
i am aware, but i still think he could bring back some sanity that the whole world needs not just florida. he has shown others in florida what to do
Well, yeah, they did a job on Trump, but he was a neophyte. If DeSantis gets there he should be more astute and wary. Unless someone else rises to the top, who else could be possible to elect?
Regardless, what is required is someone of DeSantis basic intention and character with the perseverance of Churchill. Even if DeSantis fails to Veto HB7021 no one is "perfect", there is no perfect man, and certainly no perfect politician. Besides, there may be some unknown, uncontrolled reason why this bill will be allowed through that we may never know in the near future but may come to light in the end. You don't always get what you waaaannnt!
Good points, pretty-red, old guy, and I just learned about a potential third option on the table that would represent progress, even though it’s a bit of compromise:
I guess I would play hard ball compared to that. If the guv, I would insist they REPLACE the CDC guidelines with Dr. Peter McCullough(Fareed, Tyson's et al ) guidelines based on early treatment with IVM, Quer., Vit C & D, Doxy, etc, in other words the "cocktail". The vax is simply dangerous(specially to some folks) and should be outlawed. Otherwise, if I were guv, they would be liable. Of course, not much of a political option . . . I can dream though!
Of course, this was made possible by the use of fraudulent tests pushed by the WHO. Speaking of WHO, a very "under the radar" WHO plot is to rewrite the World Health Regulations (IHR) to greatly empower the WHO cabal. See: Trial Site News" WHO Pandemic Treaty: A Well Kept Secret".Although WHO recommendations are optional for nation states, some were not followed in the "pandemic". The proposed WHO solution is to make WHO dictates "binding" upon all countries in a "whole of society" regime. This IHR rewrite is of prime importance to the completion of the world health dictatorship. It merits close attention by anyone opposed to the disaster which
has been imposed upon the people of this earth.
Thank you for bringing that up, richard, and writing a letter about that nefarious pandemic treaty is on my todo list!
Have you seen this video about it?
Here’s the link for others who are interested:
Also Trial Site News had a "town Hall" on this subject in December which is worth seeing. The Expose on feb.19 posted " Drs. Silvia Berendt and Astrid Stuckelberger: Gavi, Gates,The WHO and International Health Regulations" which provides a transcript of their testimony to the People's grand jury. Also, The World Council For Health is directing attention to this. You might contact them. Your work is excellent. It is great to hear that you will help stop this plot from succeeding.
Oh wow, sounds great. Thanks for the tip, richard!
Heard a podcast about the IHR. Shared link💖
The Dr in this podcast works with Dr McCullough
Thank you, Kellianne! Bandit shared that with me a while back and then consulted a lawyer friend and found out it was a false alarm. Hopefully, Bandit will see this and weigh in as I don’t recall the specifics.
As a resident of Hawaii I have also been following the career of Tulsi Gabbard with guarded interest. Recently it has been floated she is a graduate of Klaus Schwaab’s Young Global Leaders. Do you have a perspective on this?
I personally find it a bit incongruous for Margaret to like Gideon van Meijeren - with a link to a video where he attempts to expose the influence of Schwab's WEF in Dutch politics - and then also say she likes Tulsi Gabbard - who is part of Schwab's Young Global Leaders program.
As much as I would *otherwise* like Gabbard, her association with this group overrides anything else - I cannot Klaus, the WEF, and as such I cannot trust Gabbard.
I totally understand why you would feel that way, Cetera, and I remain cautious while still applauding the brave stance she has taken on behalf of liberty, freedom of speech, and truth over the past decade.
See my detailed comment about Tulsi ( for more details.
Sirka thinks she read something about Tulsi backing out of the WEF. I would like to believe that is true but will await substantiating evidence. Meanwhile, I’m judging her by her actions and words, which have consistently countered the globalist agenda since she exposed the DNC corruption in 2016.
Why is it brave to take a stance on behalf of liberty and freedom of speech? I always thought these truths were self-evident. That should be the natural condition, shouldn't it? Your willingness to not only trust TG for saying the right things at the right times and to overlook her forays into global tyranny but to propagandize on her behalf is revealing.
Absolutely, that should be the natural condition, but if you’ve noticed, defending liberty and freedom of speech are considered sacrilege in the Democratic Party now and have even recently been described as right-wing extremism by the MSM 😆
Cancel culture is all the rage, and anyone who expresses a willingness to engage in debate with the opposition is branded a heretic. Tulsi’s openness to dialogue has resulted in her ostracization, and I’m sure you know Hillary pulled the “Russian asset” line on her. She is dancing on the third rail as far as her party is concerned, so in that regard, what should be considered the natural condition is professional suicide for her.
Applauding what someone says or does that we agree with does not mean we support them politically or trust them. When I see a stranger who is dirty, has a cigarette hanging out of their mouth and is driving a filthy, noisy vehicle with no muffler stop and help someone who fell on the ice I don't say, "what a filthy no good piece of garbage" I say, "well, I wouldn't let him in my house, but he must not be too bad of a guy.". He did something good that I agreed with. I'm not going to give him a bunch of money and invite him to dinner. But I might thank him for doing something kind and unexpected based on the way I originally judged him. Credit where it's due. And no further.
Same here, and yes, I do :-) I just wrote a lengthy comment about it to address this question:
Oregon still has a mask mandate
California still has indoor mask mandate for unjabbed in some places and our kids are still forced to be masked in school, all grades, statewide.
Funny, I moved from the Florida Keys to The Big Island in 2001. It is certainly ironic that Lockdown politics have reversed the flow. Friends of mine have moved from New Mexico to Florida also as that Governor is one of the worst. The future has never been more unwritten. Florida is still an ecological nightmare however, as is Hawaii- both being former Big Sugar Plantations. I watched the reef die in Florida From the Sugar and Phosphate mining. I watched ARVIDA pave the whole East Coast and Disney pave the middle. All of the living sponges and oysters and shrimp that surrounded the peninsula were decimated before I was born. The isolation of Hawaii seemed more realistic to effect ecological healing. Florida not only has their own pollution but the entire Mississippi runoff to contend with. Then again we have Fukushimi but Florida has BP. Good Luck
Looks like there’s a third option on the table that could provide a viable (compromised but still progress toward ending hospicide) option if DeSantis doesn’t proceed with the veto. See the latest update from Jeff Childers at Coffee & Covid:
Relevant excerpt from Jeff below:
Yesterday, the Governor’s office called me twice to discuss HB 7021. One comment was “there has been an impressive amount of contact from people mentioning your blog.” You guys did SO great. I am so proud of all of you, our vast army of passionate, caffeine-addicted freedom-lovers. It’s working.
The upshot of the calls was that the governor doesn’t seem inclined to veto, fearing that any hospitals that do relax Covid mandates will instantly become litigation targets absent the shield. Maybe. The news from Canada today suggests they might be right. Instead, according to the officials I spoke to, the governor’s office is pursuing a “third way” to solve the problem, through publication of effective treatment protocols superior to the CDC’s remdesivir/ventilator combination. If so, that would be similar to a “third way” approach I drafted as a proposed compromise bill, which would have retained short-term liability protection but ALSO provided patient protections.
Since hospitals only get liability protection when they follow “government published” treatment standards, they are legally locked into the CDC’s deadly remdesivir/ventilator combination. But, if Florida publishes our own treatment standards, and if those standards include things like permission to use off-label drug when doctors think it’s appropriate, then hospitals would have to consider those new “government standards” as well. It could move the needle, depending on how well it’s executed.
One of the things I had added to my draft compromise bill was a requirement that hospitals put their Covid treatment protocols on their websites, so patients can have informed choice. That’s something AHCA could do very quickly. I hope they do it.
Anyway, I was clear on the calls that what we want is hospitals to immediately stop killing people using outdated and ineffective federal treatment protocols. The folks I spoke to seemed to understand. Bottom line, it doesn’t look like a veto is in the cards. So we’ll have to see what those new standards look like, and we need to see them quickly.
At this point I regard anyone associated with WEF (Gabbard) to be compromised. Unfortunately none of them can be trusted to defend the constitution.
Understood, J R, and I’m definitely cautious. See my lengthy comment about this above for more details on my thoughts regarding Tulsi.
Right, we should definitely remain on high alert, but my sense is that she jumped ship once she realized what she’d gotten into, and the propagandists have been putting her through the smear machine ever since. In the 2020 election, one of the MSM outlets showed the entire clown car of DNC candidates—everyone but her, acting as if she didn’t exist.
See my lengthy comment about Tulsi above for more details on my thinking about this.
Watched Tulsi Gabbard at CPAC. She said all the right words and we need as many people as are willing to say those words to do so. Joe Biden said a lot of words in his campaign for the sole reason of getting into office. Once in office all bets are off. Be careful, be stingy with your trust. Words are only words no matter where or when they are spoken.
Well Madame, I finally stepped over and read your stack. Whew, what a good first read. Let's see if Ronnie paid any attention. I believe our system is tailor made to attract narcissistic psychopaths, therefore, I trust NONE of them as far as I could throw them. It is funny, but your handle kept tweaking my memory, which produced this quote, “If you drink much from a bottle marked 'poison' it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later.” Regarding Tulsi, I believe she is fatally flawed in her foundational beliefs. She backs socialist solutions in too many areas. Best that we find our own way, guided by God and the non-aggression principle. And now, back to the porch for a nap.
Lovely to welcome you here, Mrhounddog, and thank you for your thoughtful comment!
I absolutely agree regarding the system (power) being a magnet for narcissistic sociopaths. We need to go back to the concept of leaders being public servants rather than the entitled, megalomaniacal aristocrats they have become.
Hahaha, I have been tempted to use Alice’s poison quote in relation to the injections! 😹
And yes, I do disagree with a lot of Tulsi’s fundamental beliefs. What I feel distinguishes her is her willingness to engage in debate, consider alternative perspectives, and re-evaluate her own in light of new evidence. It may be naïve, but she seems like she would be open to seeing the errors of her ways and adjusting accordingly ;-)
I also agree about your statement regarding finding our own way. I’ve never been a follower and prefer to encourage individuals to carve out their own paths and conduct independent research in search of the truth.
A nap sounds lovely :-)
Because of this "Carnivorous Clown Circus", and all it's inanity, I looked hard at the course of my "monoclonal antibody treatment" for multiple sclerosis, courtesy of "Gulf War syndrome", and walked away from it, 157 monthly infusions behind, 15 years of interferons, and over thirty years of "antidepressants" prescribed for neuropathic pain, and have found most of my "symptoms" are from the treatment, and so far, eight months out, not the "disease", never once identified, other than symptomatic. I also note, some million dollars was transferred to "the hospital" I was infused at, and untold amounts to the "military industrial pharmaceutical industry". I'm not sure yet, but I think I'd rather die, but I will get my tax affairs in order, so my children don't have to fight an unknowing fight with the irs.
Oh my goodness, John, I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure all of that needless suffering—it sounds like AZT torturing and killing the AIDS patients (you’ve probably read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and are aware of this tragic story, but if not, I strongly recommend doing so). I know interferon and antidepressants are horribly damaging; I was not aware that monoclonal antibodies had similar negative side effects—perhaps those only manifest from long-term use?
Now that you’ve stopped the treatments (presumably), are you finding any relief? It can take time to recover, but there is hope, especially if you can find natural supplements that help with the healing process. Andrographolide (, for example, has shown promising results in studies. I haven’t researched this, but I know glutathione helps with detoxing and is recommended to help defend against the toxicity of the vaxxes. Pine needle tea, too. And maybe a supplement like Garden of Life Fungal Defense to address the fungal aspect. Izabella Wentz’s advice for Hashimoto’s patients ( is also broadly applicable to those with autoimmune conditions and may help with your condition. Obviously, do your research, but those are some ideas to get you started.
PLEASE do not take any drastic measures, John. Talk to your children and everyone who cares for you, and let them know how you’re feeling so they have an opportunity to help you get through this. Find a support group with fellow GWS sufferers if you can.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, and I wish you physical, emotional, and psychological healing as you recover from what was inflicted on you.
I hope that you have eliminated from your diet all foods and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame (E951), used in Equal, NutraSweet, Splenda, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, AminoSweet, Neotame (E961), Newtame, and diet sodas and many low-calorie diet foods. They are neurotoxins and depressants.
Here's info from 2010, showing the connection between aspartame and Gulf War Syndrome:
I've read Dr Woodrow Monte's book _While Science Sleeps, A Sweetener Kills_, and I'd be happy to send you a copy. Chapter 9 examines the cause of MS and suggests the simple dietary changes that can help considerably. I met Dr Monte almost 10 years ago (he was living part-time in NZ then and was a neighbor of mine). He had a veeeery interesting story to tell about how G.D. Searle (then the manufacturer of aspartame) tried to set him up for blackmail at a medical conference he attended, as he was one of the primary food scientists researching the toxicity of aspartame.
I dunno, I'm a bit overwhelmed by all this. I think Canada's fiasco has me that way for now. I'm not connected to FL and have no voting power there.
No worries, RebeccaGrrl, I know how you feel! I’ve been up for almost 22 hours now so am feeling a bit overwhelmed myself 😬
I’m not in Florida, either, but I think the volume of responses will send a strong message that I hope he’ll listen to, even if he doesn’t have time to read it before the deadline.
Yep, I'm in Minnesota and sent Ronnie an email with your link. What a fantastic job. You are a GEM Margaret Anna Alice.
The great "buy a politician" all girl review was fantastic(watched it twice!) but I was so bummed out watching some of the personal accounts with hospitals I could not bear to watch them all. It is disgusting when you consider hospitals are the very place one USED TO feel so safe and protected from harm. Now, it appears their administrations have turned them into torture and prison barns.
Awesome and thanks so much, pretty-red, old guy!
Yes, isn’t that music video fabulous! I have one of my subscribers to thank for sharing that with me.
And yes, those hospicide stories are heartbreaking. And there are so many more, both told and untold 💔
Cheers to Gov DeSantis! 🥂
I’ll open a bottle when he vetoes this bill (metaphorically since I only drink coffee and tea ;-) 😁🍾
Good point, wait till he vetoes the bill, and cheer with any special drink you like, maybe a special latte. 😄
Thank You... will down a full martinelli’s sparkling cider upon VETO... preparing to think long & hard before ever seeing the interior of a hospital again...
*lol* Good plan! And YES to avoiding hospitals at all costs if you can!! If not, definitely reference Jeff’s hospital guide for tips.
I hope DeSantis isn't led by money but by doing what is right. Thank you for holding his fee to the fire. Are you in Florida Margaret, or Canada? If you lose a man like DeSantis things are really bad.
I hope so, too, Ely. I’m in Oregon, so neither :-) Still, totalitarianism wherever it occurs has a ripple effect throughout the world and affects all of us. Florida in particular has been a beacon of sanity and freedom throughout this debacle, so DeSantis needs to continue his role as a trailblazer in pushing back against medical tyranny.
Maybe one day we can meet and I’ll buy you a coffee in person :)
Haha, sounds lovely. “If the accident will,” as Vonnegut says :-) Virtual cheers in the meantime! ☕️
Doesn't he have a prior history of some shady dealing in the healthcare industry? I think it was nursing homes or something like that. This will be a test of his true colors.
My bad. I'm thinking of the previous governor, Rick Scott.
Phew! 😅
BC=before covid... let's hope it doesn't become AD=after death for everyone we know... like my little sister, 51, killed on a ventilator with Rem-DEATH-avir by a greedy hospital, end of summer '21... left 4 kids, ages 9-13, and devastated family and friends who were all too far away and too ignorant to know what to do to get her out... I'll never be the same...
health-i-do-not-care=health-scare (i hadn't heard this before... so many prescribers scare patients into treatments in my experience... including my sister... first promising only a few days in hospital, then they said only a few days on a ventilator... weeks later they disconnected it all after Rem-DEATH-avir destroyed her vital organs... she was strong and brave and funny and she was killed... murdered... i resonate with Alex Stein's poem, his pain, and his mother didn't die in vain...)
thank you MAA for referring me to your post ♥︎ i believe they gave her the death jab at the end, which was the final straw, and the funeral director said, bc she's covid, it would cost a fortune if we didn't cremate her remains... 😥 ... we buried her ashes in a vault next to my Dad in our hometown 8 months later... ty for reading my story... we were just over 10 months apart in age, and we thought we'd grow old together (my husband ♥︎'d her too, everyone did)... not a solicitation, but you can see more at gfm, search Anita Mekus 💔
How absolutely heartrending. I know they have been doing everything possible to make it difficult if not impossible to have autopsies performed on their victims, but I didn’t even consider that they would pretty much force people to have the remains cremated to help cover up the evidence of their hospicide!