Oh my goodness, John, I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure all of that needless suffering—it sounds like AZT torturing and killing the AIDS patients (you’ve probably read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and are aware of this tragic story, but if not, I strongly recommend doing so). I know interferon and antidepressants are horribly damaging; I was…
Oh my goodness, John, I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure all of that needless suffering—it sounds like AZT torturing and killing the AIDS patients (you’ve probably read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and are aware of this tragic story, but if not, I strongly recommend doing so). I know interferon and antidepressants are horribly damaging; I was not aware that monoclonal antibodies had similar negative side effects—perhaps those only manifest from long-term use?
Now that you’ve stopped the treatments (presumably), are you finding any relief? It can take time to recover, but there is hope, especially if you can find natural supplements that help with the healing process. Andrographolide (https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-07-ancient-herbal-medicine-relief-veterans.html), for example, has shown promising results in studies. I haven’t researched this, but I know glutathione helps with detoxing and is recommended to help defend against the toxicity of the vaxxes. Pine needle tea, too. And maybe a supplement like Garden of Life Fungal Defense to address the fungal aspect. Izabella Wentz’s advice for Hashimoto’s patients (https://smile.amazon.com/Hashimotos-Thyroiditis-Lifestyle-Interventions-Treating/dp/0615825796/ref=sr_1_1) is also broadly applicable to those with autoimmune conditions and may help with your condition. Obviously, do your research, but those are some ideas to get you started.
PLEASE do not take any drastic measures, John. Talk to your children and everyone who cares for you, and let them know how you’re feeling so they have an opportunity to help you get through this. Find a support group with fellow GWS sufferers if you can.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, and I wish you physical, emotional, and psychological healing as you recover from what was inflicted on you.
Oh my goodness, John, I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure all of that needless suffering—it sounds like AZT torturing and killing the AIDS patients (you’ve probably read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and are aware of this tragic story, but if not, I strongly recommend doing so). I know interferon and antidepressants are horribly damaging; I was not aware that monoclonal antibodies had similar negative side effects—perhaps those only manifest from long-term use?
Now that you’ve stopped the treatments (presumably), are you finding any relief? It can take time to recover, but there is hope, especially if you can find natural supplements that help with the healing process. Andrographolide (https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-07-ancient-herbal-medicine-relief-veterans.html), for example, has shown promising results in studies. I haven’t researched this, but I know glutathione helps with detoxing and is recommended to help defend against the toxicity of the vaxxes. Pine needle tea, too. And maybe a supplement like Garden of Life Fungal Defense to address the fungal aspect. Izabella Wentz’s advice for Hashimoto’s patients (https://smile.amazon.com/Hashimotos-Thyroiditis-Lifestyle-Interventions-Treating/dp/0615825796/ref=sr_1_1) is also broadly applicable to those with autoimmune conditions and may help with your condition. Obviously, do your research, but those are some ideas to get you started.
PLEASE do not take any drastic measures, John. Talk to your children and everyone who cares for you, and let them know how you’re feeling so they have an opportunity to help you get through this. Find a support group with fellow GWS sufferers if you can.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, and I wish you physical, emotional, and psychological healing as you recover from what was inflicted on you.