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BC=before covid... let's hope it doesn't become AD=after death for everyone we know... like my little sister, 51, killed on a ventilator with Rem-DEATH-avir by a greedy hospital, end of summer '21... left 4 kids, ages 9-13, and devastated family and friends who were all too far away and too ignorant to know what to do to get her out... I'll never be the same...

health-i-do-not-care=health-scare (i hadn't heard this before... so many prescribers scare patients into treatments in my experience... including my sister... first promising only a few days in hospital, then they said only a few days on a ventilator... weeks later they disconnected it all after Rem-DEATH-avir destroyed her vital organs... she was strong and brave and funny and she was killed... murdered... i resonate with Alex Stein's poem, his pain, and his mother didn't die in vain...)

thank you MAA for referring me to your post ā™„ļøŽ i believe they gave her the death jab at the end, which was the final straw, and the funeral director said, bc she's covid, it would cost a fortune if we didn't cremate her remains... šŸ˜„ ... we buried her ashes in a vault next to my Dad in our hometown 8 months later... ty for reading my story... we were just over 10 months apart in age, and we thought we'd grow old together (my husband ā™„ļøŽ'd her too, everyone did)... not a solicitation, but you can see more at gfm, search Anita Mekus šŸ’”

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How absolutely heartrending. I know they have been doing everything possible to make it difficult if not impossible to have autopsies performed on their victims, but I didnā€™t even consider that they would pretty much force people to have the remains cremated to help cover up the evidence of their hospicide!

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