Are you wondering if it’s a good idea to give your kid the COVID shot? I know there’s an ocean of mis/dis/mal/information out there to navigate, so I’ve compiled this handy list of reasons you’ll want to rush your child to the nearest injection site stat.
50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot
1) Your child wants to play a real-life guinea pig.
2) You’re too busy to research the potential risks of a novel gene therapy that lacks long-term safety data.
3) You weighed the zero-mortality rate and microscopic risks of serious complications from COVID to children and thought, why not increase the likelihood of being hospitalized by 74 percent, being injured by twenty-five times, and dying by twenty times?
4) You’d like to boost your child’s chances of catching COVID—multiple times.
5) You want to downgrade your child’s natural immunity to antibody-dependent enhancement.
6) You think keeping your child’s vaxxport up-to-date with the latest injection (Germany is encouraging every ninety days—as is Canada) will circumvent the need for masking.
7) You believe informed consent is passé.
8) You Trust The Experts™—not science.
9) You think life is boring and want to spice it up with some tragedy.
10) You’d like to add to the 54,697 adverse event reports received for children (out of 1,394,703 reports) through August 26, 2022, for conditions such as encephalitis, Bell’s palsy, aneurysms, cerebral hemorrhage, myocarditis, thrombocytopenia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, appendicitis, heart disease, and death.
11) You wish your child could enjoy a life of chronic illness from a progressively damaged immune system.
12) You think your toddler would benefit from periodic seizures.
13) You believe less than a month of efficacy after the second dose is worth giving your teen myocarditis.
14) You would like to go bankrupt covering the medical bills the government is shielding pharmaceutical companies from.
15) You want to keep protecting manufacturers from liability once their emergency use authorizations expire thanks to Reagan’s 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act, which gives them a pass as long as the product is administered to kids.
16) You think it would be fun if your child developed turbo cancer.
17) You believe becoming paralyzed from the waist down and relying on a feeding tube like Maddie de Garay would be a good life lesson for your kid.
18) You’d like your child to go from looking like this:
… to this:
19) You wish you could feel like this father did after his son got vaxx-induced myocarditis, which comes with a five-year life expectancy.
20) You want your child to experience the adventure of a heart attack.
21) You think playing Russian Roulette with your child’s life is exciting and are already planning the funeral.
22) You want casket manufacturers to sell even more bulk orders of child-sized coffins so they can surpass the 400-percent increase since December 2021 reported by one North American company.

23) You want your child to wind up like three-year-old Ámbar Suárez, thirteen-year-old Jacob Clynick, nineteen-year-old Simone Scott, seventeen-year-old Sean Hartman, and sixteen-year-old Ernesto Ramirez Jr. so you don’t have to worry about paying for college or any other expenses associated with being alive.
24) You think you could use a good, lifelong cry like this Trinidad mom who lost her son:
25) You feel the government has the right to sacrifice your child for the “greater good.”
26) You think Denmark’s decision to stop injecting children based on the data is recklessly scientific.
27) You’re cool with medical tyranny.
28) You’ve decided it’s easier to believe the Big Lie than to acknowledge it’s occurring and do something about it.
29) You’re terrified of being branded the enemy.
30) You’d rather endanger your child than be called an anti-vaxxer, science-denier, conspiracy theorist, or right-wing extremist.
31) You feel it’s more important for your child to fit in at school than to be healthy or alive.
32) You’re positive pharmaceutical corporations would never lie; commit fraud; manipulate research findings; skew clinical trials; keep deadly products on the market; blackmail governments; or bribe, bully, and pressure others into covering up their crimes.
33) You believe everything the media tells you, even though three-quarters of their advertising budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry.
34) You also believe their later-retracted smears about a Nobel Prize–winning medication that would have negated the demand for the billion-dollar injectables because it reduces COVID mortality by 92 percent.
35) You think Big Bird is a more reliable source than the scientist who holds nine patents on mRNA technology.
36) You don’t care if it turns out your child can’t produce grandchildren.
37) You’re sure Big Tech has your best interests at heart when they threaten, silence, and censor counter-narrative voices at the behest of the government and megacorporations.
38) You trust the government more than the million or so scientists, physicians, researchers, whistleblowers, data analysts, statisticians, cats, and other knowledgeable individuals risking their careers, grant monies, reputations, and quiet lives to expose corruption, harm, and the lethal consequences of the experimental injections.
39) You’re certain the agencies that make billions from reviewing, approving, and recommending these injections would never prioritize their profits over your child’s life.
40) You don’t think there’s anything sinister about the WHO attempting to seize one-world dictatorial powers for its unelected almost-certainly-a-war-criminal director-general.
41) You don’t care that Pfizer manipulated its clinical trial data for children to secure FDA approval or that the FDA tried to prevent the public from viewing Pfizer’s clinical trial data for seventy-five years.
42) You can never be fooled too many times.
43) You succumbed to the “greatest psychological fear campaign in human history.”
44) You would rather gain the acceptance of your peers than avoid traumatizing your child.
45) You believe intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and the willingness to question are dangerous qualities that should be stigmatized and discouraged.
46) You think your child is expendable and can be replaced if something goes wrong.
47) You’d prefer to remain bamboozled than admit you’ve failed your child.
48) You “reject the evidence of your eyes and ears” because you are a faithful Covidian.
49) You want to help the colluders fulfill the philanthropaths’ and tyrants’ dreams.
50) You don’t think your child is worth fighting for.
© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
Help Me Get This Article to Every Parent in the World—You May Save Some Lives!
I know I can be madly aspirational—last article, I asked you to help me #FireKarlLauterbach, and this time, I want you to help me disseminate this letter to every parent in the world. This is an evergreen piece that can be shared both now and anytime in the future when you are interacting with a parent, parent group, school officials, or the like. Doing so could save lives. If nothing else, they cannot plead ignorance as they have will been warned. Thank you on behalf of the children! 🙏
Here’s my tweet if you’d like to retweet it:

If you appreciated this piece, Jennifer Margulis has more lists of reasons written with her own trademark snark:
Want to support my efforts to save lives? For 16.4 cents/day (annual) or 19.7 cents/day (monthly), you enjoy access to premium content like “rolling” interviews, podcasts, Behind the Scenes, and other bonus content:
Substack now offers group subscriptions! Purchase 4 or more subscriptions for a group, and you get 10% off!
If you’d like to make a one-time donation, you can buy me a Ko-fi:
PayPal Unpersoned Me!
You may notice the PayPal Donate button has been replaced with a Ko-fi button. That’s because I was greeted by the following message with no accompanying explanation after I logged in on August 31:
I was able to call and speak to a real human (they do deserve kudos for providing this option, unlike social media behemoths), who told me I would be receiving an email with more details from the “Brand Risk” Department within twenty-four hours. It’s been four days, and I’m still waiting.
If you are one of the handful of generous souls who were kind enough to set up recurring donations, you can switch to Ko-fi’s monthly payment option if desired. I will follow up with you individually to make sure you saw this note.
I have heard good things about Ko-fi, and my understanding is the fees are minimal (apparently zero for the non-upgraded account, which seems too good to be true, although Stripe still takes its cut). I am grateful to Buy Me a Coffee for making it easy for you to contribute, but they do take quite a hefty chunk, so I’m going to try Ko-fi out and see how it goes. I do appreciate all of the lovely messages that have accumulated at Buy Me a Coffee and will still be keeping that account active (the more avenues for support, the more resilience in these vulnerable times).
I’m not the only one who’s been targeted by PayPal:
An Urgent Communiqué from Dr. Mike Yeadon
This deserves to be a guest post in its own right, but I don’t want to delay sharing it so will paste it below and ask you to share a link to this section of my article (which you can get by hovering in the lefthand white space next to the subtitle, and a link graphic will pop up that you can click to copy the anchor link url, but here it is, in any case), The Conservative Woman article, or Joel Smalley’s post (pre-edited version).
DEAR everyone nervously looking around and asking ‘What the hell is going on?’: this is the most important single message I’ve ever written. I hope this isn’t too controversial. It’s certainly frightening, but I believe we are still the right side of disaster and if enough of us become aware of what is happening here and throughout the democratic world, we can recover the situation. However we really don’t have long. I believe it’s likely things will change irretrievably over this coming winter.
Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense when you force yourself to think the impossible. If you experimentally adopt the position that our government is actively working to harm us, to dismantle modern society and enslave the people in a digitally controlled totalitarian world, it all fits. Nothing is surplus.
Even if your immediate response is that this is absurd, please try it for a day or so.
I ask you further to adopt the experimental position that the media, controlled by just six global corporations, all allied to a single global organisation you’ve all heard of, is relentlessly lying to you and has been doing so for more than two and a half years. Same for the internet, controlled by fewer global corporations, also all allied to that same global organisation.
I am certain it’s true because this all started with a scientific fraud relating to a virus, augmented with a relentless campaign of fear and measures known to be useless, which wrecked the economy and smashed civil society. Then we were coerced to accept unnecessary, ineffective and deliberately dangerous injections. Obviously this is an odious crime. Nothing like it has ever happened.
I have absolutely no incentive to say any of this if I wasn’t certain. I am certain. This all took place ‘in my wheelhouse’, my domain of expertise.
I’ve been 41 years in life sciences from training to successful biotech CEO and was worldwide research head and Vice President of Pfizer’s respiratory unit (1995–2011). Here’s what a former Pfizer board member wrote about my accomplishments. Do I sound like a fool?
I’ve given more than 70 interviews, all censored. I’ve been foully smeared. It’s propaganda. It tells you what they’re capable of.
Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you and me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family. They are coming for you and your children. There’s ample evidence emerging of long-term, patient planning.
It’s now up to you. I genuinely don’t see what else I can do.
Best wishes,
Action Alerts
Stand up for Austrian Schoolchildren
Once again, epimetheus has done the legwork on an open letter to the Austrian government about COVID measures in schools. Feel free to copy/paste/send per his instructions:
Join the WithdrawUN Substack
Anti-globalist warriors Karen Bracken and James Roguski have started a new Substack focused on withdrawing from the UN to complement our #StopTheWHO efforts:
As I previously shared, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed made this compelling statement during her Corona Investigative Committee interview:
“Who funds the United Nations and the World Health Organization? It’s us! Essentially, they’re using our resources to violate our rights.”
That pretty much encapsulates exactly why all nations around the world need to come together to withdraw from these parasitic organizations.
Declaration of Demands & #StopTheWHO
Speaking of James Roguski, he just rocked out this Declaration of Demands with steps you can take to demand immediate action:
Here’s his latest magnum opus on #StopTheWHO:
And let’s keep the momentum going on #StopTheShots:
New Letter Campaign on Revised CDC Guidance
No College Mandates has launched a new letter campaign based on the revised CDC guidance with details here:
Outlaw Bioweapons (Still)
Josh Mitteldorf walks you through the laws on bioweapons research and offers tips on writing your congresspersons:
Don’t Pay UK: October 1
If you are in the UK, you may want to check out this growing movement to protest the rising energy bills. They summarize their plan as follows:
We are a movement against the rise in energy bills:
• We demand a reduction in energy bills to an affordable level.
• We will cancel our direct debits from Oct 1, if we are ignored.
• We will take this action if pledges reach 1 million by then.
Better Way Media Conference: 9/15–18
The World Council for Health is hosting a Better Way Media Conference in Vienna! Register now to hear this all-star lineup of speakers.
Petition Roundup
Petition opportunities have been piling up faster than I can share them, so I’ll include a list below for you to work through as inspired:
Support their joint lawsuit with Daily Clout against the FDA for betraying public trust (We have HFDF to thank for winning the federal travel mask mandate lawsuit, so they have a record of success thanks in part to the stellar leadership of my friend Leslie Manookian, who is teaming up with Naomi Wolf’s Daily Clout on a range of legal efforts like this, this, and this.)
Convene a Special Grand Jury to Investigate the CDC’s Conduct During COVID-19; Mathew Crawford of Rounding the Earth shared a more detailed version from their Beyond the Con site:
COVID-19 Vaccines Must Be Voluntary (details here)
No More Money for Bad CDC Policy (details here)
Protect Data Privacy (more details here and here)
Vote for Health Freedom (handy guide on pro-freedom candidates; incidentally, I notice Mary Starrett—one of the recipients of my Letter to the Yamhill County Board of Commissioners—is on their list of recommendations, and I believe she is the only politician who has ever sent a personal response to one of my letters (“Thank you!!!!”))
See their full list of petitions for more opportunities for action.
Remove the US from the WHO (form here)
No to RCMP Raids – Respect Our Aboriginal & Treaty Rights! (a friend at Real People’s Media, which helped me with on-the-ground research and footage for my Profile in Courage on the Canadian Truckers, just alerted me that the RCMP has raided the only sovereign Indigenous cannabis dispensary in Alberta, stealing property and damaging the facility)
Call for Washington, D.C. Plaintiffs (CHD is looking for people in the D.C. area to participate as plaintiffs in a lawsuit about school mandates; they also just subpoenaed Dr. Mengelfauci and Biden in another lawsuit, bless them.)
10 Letters (You can use their letter-builder to contact your state’s attorney general demanding that “they convene a grand jury and bring criminal indictments against the perpetrators.”)
Queensland, Australia, Petitions (I think these are past the signature stage, but I’m sharing these from my Australian friends Alan Ballard & Wendy Corfield):
Reignite Freedom (not a petition per se but a new organization with an all-star crew and an opportunity to sign up for alerts and participate in the upcoming global walkout)
Dr. Pierre Kory
This is really just a comment and not a bona fide shoutout, but it was so meaningful given the source (whom I’m sure needs no introduction, although I do intend to write a Profile of Courage on him someday and have designated him the Reigning Heavyweight Champion of Truth), I wanted to share it:
“Wow, wow, and wow. Margaret Anne Alice, you are a BEAST in this fight. Also, I wish I could write half as well as you, I am constantly astonished at the level and depth of thought and writing you do. You are amazing. The strength of my writing is largely dependent on my reluctant deleting of the curse words that infiltrate every paragraph. Keep going Margaret.. keep going.”
Toby Rogers
I want to thank Toby Rogers for devouring my Dissident Dialogue with CJ Hopkins with such relish and incorporating it into this thought-provoking post:
Toby’s piece, in turn, sparked this Rorschach contemplation by Sage Hana, in which she shares a comment thread by longtime reader nymusicdaily, who introduced a series of articles he considers “the most concise analyses of what’s going on,” which he concludes with: “also everything margaret anna alice has ever written.” Thank you, nymusicdaily, for your enthusiastic appreciation as well as Sage for housing this intriguing assemblage:
The Good Citizen
Thanks also to The Good Citizen for also sharing my Letter to the German Bundestag in his own typically sardonic meditation on the character of Germany and by extension, Europe, as they virtue-suicide their citizens for the greater evil:
The White Rose UK
Thanks to crackerjack data analyst Joel Smalley connecting me with his friend and contributor Doug Brodie, who in turn shared my Letter to the German Bundestag with The White Rose UK, my letter was republished there. While my essays are typically posted at dozens of different sites around the world, this one was special because of how much the White Rose means to me (hence it featuring prominently in that letter as well as my Letter to a Tyrant). I also want to thank Doug for mentioning my letter in his recent guest post at Joel’s Stack:
Rakkausplaneetta (“Love Planet”)
In July, one of the founders of Rakkausplaneetta (“Love Planet” in English) asked for permission to translate my articles into Finnish and post them at their upcoming website. She recently let me know the site is now live, and they have published my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series (originals: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) here, here, and here. I love the steampunk art they used for the articles (suitably creepy- aristocratic for philanthropaths).
The website is beautifully designed and features high-quality writing. They describe it as follows (hopefully, the English translation isn’t too mangled):
“Rakkausplaneetta® is an alternative media project that offers an ever-expanding selection of unbiased, uncensored and ad-free content in the pursuit of a free flow of information open to all.
“Our purpose is to collect and produce independent information in this time, new views of the past and the future, i.e. from many different categories around the world, challenging modern paradigms and encouraging openness and the evolution of consciousness. We publish articles from both Finnish authors and foreign sources, thus bringing translations of English-language material within reach of our readers. We combine subject areas, all of which contribute to a holistic understanding of the truth. The articles examine, among other things, the hidden dimensions of society and the environment, philosophy, ancient history, science and health in a non-dogmatic way: Love Planet is a forum that presents different perspectives.”
Letter to the German Bundestag Followups
On August 24—two days after I published my letter calling for their rejection—the German Bundestag rubber-stamped the Infection Protection Act amendments:
We’re not giving up that easily, though. My letter can still be used in our efforts to #FireKarlLauterbach and demand the reversal of all COVID-19 legislation, including the recently passed amendments.
Thank You, Mike 🤗
Mike Yeadon has written a haunting reflection on my Bundestag essay, which he described in a comment as “among the most powerful pieces of writing I’ve ever read”:
“This extraordinary essay captures examples of the ‘two Germanys’ of the Nazi era, where those who were supporters or even neutrals regarded those opposed as dangerous critics within their community, in particular touching on the story & fate of Hans & Sophie Scholl, founders of the original White Rose anti-Nazi leafleting group. I urge you to read the essay & share it with adherents of the Covid madness. How can what Germany is doing now make any sense in light of the past two & a half years? Yet the laws to mask, test & vaccinate are there. It’s a horrible echo.”
German Translation
cm27847 very graciously translated my Letter to the German Bundestag into German here:
#FireKarlLauterbach Memes
DeepThought (who is working on unexpurgated German translation of my letter complete with images and videos) generously created more memes you can share with a link to my Letter to the German Bundestag and the hashtag #FireKarlLauterbach in our continued mission to topple Lauterbach:
Death & Taxes
My step-father died yesterday. No, it wasn’t suddenly, but I suspect his terminal illness was accelerated by the first two injections his doctors coerced him into getting in early 2021 as he had declined rapidly since then. This was the culmination of a death sentence that began with medical malfeasance more than two decades ago.
I will share more details in a future article but wanted to let you know because a) you guys are like family to me and b) I will likely be quieter than usual over the coming week as we support my mom and I tackle the tax extension paperwork I was supposed to send our tax guy last week but couldn’t start because we were helping my mom with my step-father during his at-home hospice care and I was cooking a couple weeks’ worth of meals for my mother. She is coming over in a few hours, so now I need to make it look like the living room hasn’t been hit by an earthquake-tornado-tsunami-volcano.
Still Time to Download Your E-Book!
For a limited time, paid subscribers can download the beautifully typeset and illustrated e-book of my fairy tale, The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion. It is equivalent to the paperback version (retails $12.99) and much prettier than the Kindle version (retails $5.99). Click here to access the downloadable PDF (the post will be unlocked once you subscribe).
See the following post for details on IPAK-EDU curricula, and please use my affiliate code (MAA1IPAK) to register for any courses you decide to take:
If you feel the work I am doing is worthwhile and want to make it possible for me to spend more time writing and researching in my aim to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, please consider supporting me, whether it be by subscribing, buying me a Ko-fi, or sharing my posts. I thank you for reading, thinking, sharing, and supporting my work in whichever ways you choose.
Want to make a one-time donation? You can treat me to Ko-fi:
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Since crypto transfers are anonymized, I won’t know about your donation. Please drop me an email by responding to any of my newsletters if you’d like to alert me to your generous gift.
Remember, a subscription to Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass makes for an intellectually adventurous gift down the rabbit-hole!
Note: Purchasing any items using Amazon affiliate links included in my content will further support my efforts to unmask tyranny.
Thanks to everyone here for your wonderful comments and especially for reading past the title! You would not believe how many unsubs and angry emails I’ve already gotten over this 😆
I assumed anyone on my mailing list would know that I would NEVER legitimately recommend a child get injected, but I guess it’s such a sensitive issue, many people reacted without reading beyond the headline. I hope they get curious and revisit this to see what they missed.
Thank you, MAA. It must have been a daunting emotional task to compile so much disturbing material but please know it is deeply appreciated and will be shared widely. You've provided a massive, desperately needed public service.