
Thanks to everyone here for your wonderful comments and especially for reading past the title! You would not believe how many unsubs and angry emails I’ve already gotten over this 😆

I assumed anyone on my mailing list would know that I would NEVER legitimately recommend a child get injected, but I guess it’s such a sensitive issue, many people reacted without reading beyond the headline. I hope they get curious and revisit this to see what they missed.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The recognition of sarcasm appears to be dead.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The ones reading this and similar material are already well informed .The ones needing education will never read this or anything ,watching only T.v. or they can't even read ..A good example is the snot pouch wearers ,no common sense can penetrate that mask .

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I describe it in my book which I started writing in 2013 because I was horrified at what was happening to the Cyprus banks and the globalist’s response by changing the banking rules and creating ‘Bail-in’ policy. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020

It was then that my worst fears were confirmed; the global financial system was broken and it would only be a matter of time before the inevitable collapse happened. Timing, either of markets, or anything else in life is notoriously difficult to predict due to the nature of complex adaptive systems. QE had come to the rescue after 2008 but it wasn’t a remedy, it merely prolonged the agony.

One of my mentors back in the 60s used to say: “right decisions at the wrong time fail – but wrong decisions at the right time can be recovered.”

If I know this, then it is certain that the predatory Globalists know it too which is why I believe they are frightened to death of losing what they have and fear not getting what they want – in short they have lost control.

All this misery they are heaping on us is their death rattle, not ours – for we are the DOERS, the producers, the many that they think of as wage slaves; no better than cattle to be herded, and now sometimes to death. Well – not anymore! The world is awakening.

The ‘deplorables’ are voting with their feet; resistance is growing fast now. I am looking forward to a whole new world starting in 2023 – a seminal moment in time – but not the one our ‘masters’ are planning!


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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Hope you right about the death rattle. There are definitely signs that more people are waking up. Setting an intention now for a more positive future.

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Yes indeed Atlandea, but hope is not a strategy. God offers us the opportunity but we must do the work. So often I attend groups who, with good intentions, pray for resurrection - but this is etherial - the grunt work stays with us. We must all have a Plan B: for 'Failing to Plan - is Planning to Fail"


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Not dead - but dying perhaps in the face of humourless fear - at least here in UK - we are all on tenterhooks awaiting the new boss - same as the old boss I guess - welcome to WW3


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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

idk why people paying any attention to any '' leaders'' aka front people.

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I pay attention because it gives away their strategy, sabalina, but I don't act on it - words are cheap. Sun Tzu advises to keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer!

It's worth mugging up on military strategy & tactics IMHO - if we devolve into a kinetic guerilla war with the elites, you are going to need some training. I am an old soldier and will do my best to pass on my knowledge and experience to our younger generations who have had no experience of conflict. It's not their fault; we have had 55 years of relative peace apart for the poor devils in the local war zones, and now Ukraine. My prayers are with them all.

Have a short musical interlude on me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJVpihgwE18 ('The Animals' from my 1960s drugs, sex & Rock 'n Roll!) :-)

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Among dimocRATS and vaccine freaks.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I don’t think we truly have any intact parties. They’ve infiltrated everyone that loves their grandma

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Are you being sarcastic, Don?

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There is no way to "kill off" sarcasm unless we all get killed off and so really - a sense of humor is perhaps the most important sense to hold onto - don't ya think? Here is some good music in this regard:


Music calms the soul!

Better times on the way is what I think....

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Si. Hopefully they can't get worse, unless they give us the China or North Korea treatment.

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Well it can always get worse, but hopefully it won't.

I mean how bad does anybody want it to be?

Myself - I'd just assume get on with local business because local business is the business I'd just assume get on with being I think local business is the business of the future - locally and such....you know?

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Would you like to elaborate?

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Although things are serious, there's still room for humour. In fact, the more serious a situation is, the greater the need for humour. Laughter is a great de-stressor. Hence it's prevalence in societies that have been under strain e.g. Jewish humour. Also "gallows humour".

It's the theme of Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose", in which a protagonist is trying to stifle humour so that fear is a more effective tool of control. (I prefer the movie to the book, unusually).

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The Name of the Rose is something I'm gonna text to my wife. Maybe we will watch it tonight.

If I couldn't laugh, deep belly laughing style, I suspect I'd already be dead, but I'm alive, and therefore, I can laugh.....I think.

(ha, ha...


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Now tell me if you think this is sarcasm or not.

I plan on killing one at a time those who voted to give the jab......

give it to the children...

I plan on killing them one at a time...

mentally if not physically and

both would be best...

sarcasm or not I query?

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Only you can determine whether your creation is sarcasm or not, if it is indeed your creation. If it comes from another source, I would challenge the originator. For myself - I have no way of telling for it is a double-edged sword by definition:

"Sarcasm (SAR-kahz-um) is a spoken, bitter remark often used to mock or offend. The wording may seem positive, but the speaker's tone conveys their true intent. Sarcasm can be harsh and meant to hurt someone or said as a joke to amuse others."

On this basis '"killing mentally" might be interpreted as a joke. But homicidal ideation, also known as homicidal thoughts, refers to thinking about, considering, or. planning a homicide. Homicidal ideation accounts for an estimated 10-17% of patient presentations to psychiatric facilities.

Thus, this might well explain your statements and therefore are not sarcasm but more a mental health issue? I am an accountant by profession (retired) and as a group we are known to be generally picky and boring. Monty Python hit the nail on the head with their satire (or sarcasm?):


Do you think this is funny for me?

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Great. There's always room for logic.

Although things are serious, there's still room for humour. In fact, the more serious a situation is, the greater the need for humour. Laughter is a great de-stressor. Hence it's prevalence in societies that have been under strain e.g. Jewish humour. Also "gallows humour".

It's the theme of Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose", in which a protagonist is trying to stifle humour so that fear is a more effective tool of control. (I prefer the movie to the book, unusually).

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I love satire Jonathan and have a collection of very funny sketches from the 1980s mainly because we seem to have lost the Pythonesque. I try to post some humour amongst all the doom & gloom in Britain today that plays to the moment.

'Yes, Prime Minister' - always hits a nerve, even for the horrors of WW3:


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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Aah ... Yes Prime Minister: genuinely funny, in a slightly bittersweet way.

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Jonathan Reece - is one not able to comment on your blog?

I'm pretty sure we are going to watch this movie tonight....assuming it can be had.

In our house the protagonist is always present.

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... on my blog?

Yes, I believe so. Please do.

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I don't think what you said is funny and I appreciate it. Thing is a mental war is the war we are in and so you either play to win or you get subsumed by the mental war others are participating in.....I'd just assume be a player and I play to win.

Thanks for your response which seemed genuine to me.


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It was indeed genuine BK - I was exploring the subject out loud with no preconceived assumptions because I was not sure either - it is a confused situation. But fun nonetheless. :-)

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I don't know if it is "fun" but it is important to keep one's wits about oneself. I posted a message at your place and I will talk more there with you. Lately seems to me better "fun" is just a heartbeat away, but it is temperate in nature and that is what we need.


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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Go Fund Me for bullets?

Happy hunting :P!

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Please, you guys, let’s not have any talk of violence here. I appreciate your passion, understand your desire for vengeance, and know these things are being said out of a righteous wish to protect the innocent, but I advocate achieving justice through lawful means such as criminal trials and peaceful noncompliance.

We are achieving victories in court, and the tide is turning in favor of truth, justice, and liberty, so let’s focus on positive actions like awakening the sleeping, resisting tyranny, and bringing perpetrators of crimes to justice lawfully.

Love is stronger than fear, and we win hearts and minds by modeling responsible behavior and encouraging others to follow suit. Engaging in or even threatening violence only gives governments the justification they’re looking for to ramp up totalitarianism (the Reichstag effect), so let’s not give them any excuses to do so 🙌

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Approve violence or rather NOT, I am afraid we will have plenty of it soon enough... coming from those who have monopoly on it... Look what happened to the Canadian truckers... and that was nothing compared to what will (most likely) come.

So, even if we don't actually plan to take part in this - just vent - we should all try to get mentally prepared for what is coming; it will be uglee.


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Thank you H. Brilliant extract from his book and reminds me of the extract I wrote in my book on page 188:

""One Second After" by William R. Forstchen

New York Times best-selling author, William R. Forstchen, brings us a story which can be all too terrifyingly real; a story in which one man struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina town after America loses a war, in one second, a war that will send America back to the Dark Ages. A war based upon a weapon, an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP); a weapon that may already be in the hands of our enemies.

Months before publication, "One Second After" has already been cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read, a book already being discussed in the corridors of the Pentagon as a truly realistic look at a weapon and its awesome power to destroy the entire United States, literally within one second. It is a weapon that the Wall Street Journal warns could shatter America. In the tradition of 'On the Beach', 'Fail Safe' and 'Testament', this book, set in a typical American town, is a dire warning of what might be in our future. It is perhaps worth your time to read, if only to get another's idea of what a post-collapse society might look and feel like."


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My guess is no bunker will be safe, so there is no escaping Justified Retribution. If you think not, put it to the test, but really isn't it simpler to just get along with the rest of us? Your choice, but there is no escaping Justified Retribution. It is inescapable.

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Quite so Margaret. I advocated NVA last week:


Even so, my own experiences of wartime do encourage me to take up my Berretta - at my age I can resist the urge - for younger ones I have every sympathy; but can only preach peace and love. It's never easy for those of honour and courage to lay down their arms and follow the narrow path. Strength is found in faith - sadly lacking today.

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Protect and Survive - checked out your place and left a comment there so if you want to talk to me respond there!


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It is not a desire for vengeance. It is a desire for justice.

Justified Retribution is called for even if it is a concept some have reservations about.

Justified Retribution is resolute and justice must be served.

So be aware, in a mental war, metaphorical tools get used left and right and metaphorically speaking at the bottom of the rabbit hole it survival of the fittest, so really Margaret Anna Alice, you must understand the difference twixt violence in rhetoric and violence in action, so your attempt to intercede here seems unnecessary.

Get ready - lessons on the way.


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Understood and thanks for clarifying, BK. Words are easily misconstrued, and I wouldn’t want the alphabet agencies who are undoubtedly lurking to target anyone here, however ill-founded the rationale.

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Here are the lessons on the way and we all here on the internet can agree on this because it is evident.

1. The Covid virus is a virus of fear.

2. The jabs are poisen.

3. There are bad folks out there trying to cause harm.

4. We need to stop them.

5. Tis simple if we work together.

So seriously, no violence is needed to achieve these objectives but if folks are gonna get confused about simple things makes matters so much more difficult and really at the end of the day I love my children and I hope you love yours.

Justified Retribution is called upon and I call for it.


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

How could anyone think you were serious. Come on.🙄

I actually think you missed a few🤣

You’re awesome, don’t change.

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I will always be a faithful subscriber... Soon to be paid subscriber. Your writing is superb! You are an inspiration for even the most emotional empaths. 💜

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I’m sorry to hear that MAA. 😪

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

As much as I would like to forward your 50 Reasons to 3 out of 4 of my (adult) children who parent 6 of my 10 grandchildren, its too late. Too late like my personal warnings a year and a half ago also fell on their deaf, menticided, covidian ears.

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Sorry to hear. It's so difficult. I don't have grandchildren, but friends with, and I can imagine the nightmare of watching people I love make choices that could harm other people I love. What a horrific brew to swallow.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

What is worse now is hearing about the young people who are having health issues never before encountered and nobody around them is connecting the dots.

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I know. Nightmare.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

People don't read nor do they think... hence they simply emote.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Seriously? I guess we shouldn't be surprised after having watched herds of sheeple react without thinking (or reading) about the things happening in front of them. So sad.

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I am one subscriber that will stay. Your articles are always forces of nature, and, you try so many ways to get your message out there. Inevitably, some will either misunderstand, or, find the message too painful to hear. This is specially true if your articles leave little room for denial in whatever form.

Do not loose heart, I am sure there are many out there that both realize the war is far from over and you are a warrior fighting the good fight for all of us that want to hear the something other than propaganda, and, hope for a future where those who strive for the truth can be seen as the heroes that they are.

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Bravo - hear hear.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

They'll be back but you missed this one:

"Vaccinate your child to collect the life insurance on them"

Just buy a lot of life/medical insurance because it's never the vaccine that kills them so you'll be paid. Right?

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oooh snap!

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The ones who respond angry based upon a title only sort of expose themselves for what they are.

We have the list of those who voted to approve this experimental injection upon the children and it is time to use that list for purpose of betterment.

Serious business fixing to commence.

Your friend,


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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Reason #51- Because that Munchausen's ain't gonna proxy itself...🤷‍♂️

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

LMAO. You win.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Sadly, many people have an acute lack of attention to detail. Let alone any ability for the detection of irony.

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Perhaps they are captured by the 'cult'? I tried to clarify what the Covid Cult might mean some while ago:


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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

That's astounding. Yes, I hope they read and realize the abundant gift this post - like everyone of your beautifully written, provocative, reference-rich posts - offers. My woman, you work hard! A treasure-trove of information and one-stop shopping.

I've shared and will continue to. Bless you.❤️‍🩹

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New research provides theory on why women stopped menstruating upon arrival at Nazi death camps


"In a new paper published in Social Science & Medicine, lead author Dr. Peggy J. Kleinplatz of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine suggests the sudden cessation of menstruation among Jewish women at concentration camps was too uniform to be effected only by trauma and malnutrition—a set of explanations readily accepted by the late 1940s and rarely investigated further..."

"...Evidence for the theory put forth by Dr. Kleinplatz and co-author Paul Weindling, a historian and professor at Oxford-Brookes University, is backed up by interviews with female Holocaust survivors across the globe. From 2018 to 2021, Dr. Kleinplatz conducted interviews with survivors in four languages: Yiddish, Hebrew, English and French. Ultimately, 93 complete testimonies were collected from female survivors—their average age 92½—or their offspring who could provide complete reproductive histories for the survivors.

The Holocaust survivors told Dr. Kleinplatz they suspected that something in their food rations caused them to suddenly stop menstruating at the camps.

One woman, who had worked in the kitchen at Auschwitz for months when she was a teenager, even described packets of chemicals that were brought each day under armed guard and dissolved into foul soups the female captives were fed so that "women don't get their periods." This narrative of tainted rations is corroborated by findings in a 1969 report that questioned cooks at Auschwitz, the most notorious of the Nazi death camps.

There was long-term impact for the survivors. Nearly all the interviewed women—98%—were unable to conceive or carry to term their desired number of children. The findings report that of 197 confirmed pregnancies, at least 48 (24.4%) ended in miscarriages, 13 (6.6%) in stillbirths and 136 (69.0%) in live births."

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Now where have I seen this before???

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This makes sense, thank you for sharing!

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starvation stops menses pretty well. and why bother with people that you planning to kill?

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Why bother feeding people you plan to kill? They wanted them alive long enough to get work out of them.... Then they would kill them... Plus the NAZIs may have been doing an experiment they planned to use on the Slavs and Russians....

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a starving pop is not that great for that. how would you know what stopped the menses.

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It was a "death camp" you say but it would have been an absurd waste of time and resources to toy with people. Why allow someone to bring a child to term and then execute them?

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The ones kept alive were kept alive for their skills or labor - not to have kids..............

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Much like today, no? The ritual sacrifice of the traditional mother all so that one can worship at the altar of a childless "career". But who am I kidding.... The nations of the world are open concentration camps and the New Mengeles of the world have experimented upon us for the past two years.

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Not for nothing it’s called satIRE.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I wrote an adaptation of Alice to expose the Climate Agenda... it is semi sarcastic but I thought of you so I thought i give it to you...

Beware of the Jabberwock...

BTW Good Article... unforgiving title.


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Maybe everyone should do their own version of this:

Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy and Life Has Never Been Better (Tales From the Great Reset)

- Welcome to the year 2030. Thanks to the Great Reset, you will own nothing and you will be happy - just like Ida in her city...


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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

There is an alternative and I present it here.

We can outsmart them.


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you, MAA. It must have been a daunting emotional task to compile so much disturbing material but please know it is deeply appreciated and will be shared widely. You've provided a massive, desperately needed public service.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thinking exactly the same thing as you Mickey Z.

MAA must have a well of courage inside her.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

No doubt.

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And a secret I would like her to share - how does she find all the time to put this miracle together? I struggle to get this out each week:


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It is definitely work to write. I took two days off from my laptop and Substack and feel kind of guilty.

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Although it does take effort and at 78 I do get tired, I really enjoy the work but of course its not only the actual manuscript. I spend 80% of the time researching (thank goodness for Google and other engines). But then it's the reading, filing and answering comments.

I stand in awe that Margaret finds the time to read and answer the 100s of comments she gets; she is one of the few sites that does.

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There is advantage in no comments, yes.

My main WordPress blog gets so much spam I don't allow unapproved comments. There are over 12,000 to go through. I should get a real webmaster

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Wow - I would say you need a team. I am looking for a research assistant to help me - WFH - rewards will be in heaven but they would gain lots of knowledge from my extensive library of thousands of links using the Firefox bookmark system. Only problem is FF doesn't have a bookmark search facility and thus I often have trouble remembering which part of the tree I have placed a link. I have asked them - months ago - they said they would look into it but I guess it is unusual enough not to be bothered?

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Yes, it was hard to read, hard to keep going through the list.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

What a complete yet horrifying list!

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Uncanny, the amount of people who are completely devoid of common sense, logic and reason. Unwavering trust in perceived authority figures will kill or maim millions. Truly boggles the mind.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Describes my whole family and a few of my friends sadly. I keep trying to chip away. 

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I like to ask: If the highly qualified medical professionals coming out against the shots have EVERYTHING to lose and nothing to gain, then what's their motivation? Conversely, look at who has financial stake in the successful deployment of the shots. "Follow the money trail" is not just a pithy saying.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I wrote a reply to a question from Tereza Coreggio, probably on Telegram, likely at 3am, this piece, which she used within a powerful Substack article on cancers after c19 injections:

“ As an ex-big pharma R&D senior, I regret to say there’s not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that the adverse events experienced by many of the “vaccinated” are entirely intentional. Awful to have to say it, but 30+ years in “rational drug design”, preceded by a training in toxicology & an awareness of what this is all about leaves no alternative interpretation. Though I was not able to predict cancers, as I did not then have the sequences in the “vaccines”, mechanisms leading to harms were so conspicuous in the basic design, amplified by formulation choices, that I was confident about Acute anaphylactoid responses, immunological & reproductive health harms that I wrote publicly about these features, with Wolfgang Wodarg, before any such product was even filed with the FDA.

Within three months, we wrote a series of open letters to EMA in relation to the then-obvious clotting & bleeding toxicities. Pathologist Ryan Cole may have been the first to speak publicly about accelerated cancers.

These evil people know exactly what they’re doing. I’m laying this out so starkly because I don’t want anyone thinking “they’ve just been unlucky”. It’s deliberate mass murder.

No one should much care what I think about viruses or masks, but where it comes to the relationship between design of an intended active agent & what it does in humans, I can say without fear of contradiction that there isn’t anybody more capable of reaching that conclusion & being able to defend it rigorously than me”.

I always say that anyone may use anything I write or say, without limitation, provided their use is intended to expose the ongoing crime.

Please keep speaking out, everyone. Thank you, Margaret Anna Alice, for your continuing, excoriating writing.


Dr Mike Yeadon


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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Referenced you here, but yes, Dr. Mike, this has been in the works for a very, very long time.



From the detective end...All we need is simple truth, Dr. Mike. Reliable facts such as:

1. The WHO sent out a report on what mitigations don't work in 2019. And did them anyway.

2. The spike protein is a known blood clotting agent. All the Pharm companies selected it.

From there we can go to work. Well, when did we know about the coronavirus-heart connection.

1980's okay.

Katherine Watt has tracked back all of the slow, patient laws that have been changed and enacted over time, again, dating back decades.

What Yeadon is to the pharm of the Operation and Catherine Austin Fitts is to the banking of the operation, KW may be to the laws of the Operation.


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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You’re absolutely right. I’m a newbie who pieced together the scientific underpinnings of just this fraud.

It’s being going on way before I was around, or even born.

KW’s work is just astonishing. It’s not possible to adequately begin to explain to someone who’s not already in a receptive mindset what has happened over so long.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Dr. Yeardon… thank you for speaking out , truly. You jeopardized your life and your family’s life. I didn’t realize their ill intent , till the manipulation of the sequencing was revealed . Jabbing pregnant women without clinical trials is malpractice. The inability to say no to this jab and lose your rights was another nail in the coffin. Again, thank you.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Oops sorry I put a “r “ in your name Dr.Yeadon.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

No worries. All I ask is that you spend all the time you can waking others up, using whatever clues / ahas you can muster. Be you, earnest authenticity is our best weapon.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks for those words.🤗

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All ought be allowed to express their views and the views of those been in the thick of it so seriously need to be taken and read closely and respected being courage projected is courage given and courage grows especially amongst children on younger ones looking for wisdom from elders.

I'm working on permaculture improvements and I hoping these improvements are synergistic with the efforts of my daughter who has recently become a high school teacher by virtue of her Masters degree from NC State in horticulture. She is the light of my eye, her and her sister both and I have hopes for a better future and together we will achieve our dreams is what I think. Be resolute and be resilient and understand commonweal and then the sky is the limit!

Peace is easy,


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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

🙏🏼🙏🏼God bless you @Dr. Yeadon for speaking out and telling the truth about the big Pharma.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Any Dr. Yeadon updates this week?

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He left this very sweet message (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/a-letter-to-klaus-schwab/comment/9508073) on my guest post at C&C yesterday 😊

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks for that MAA🤗

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So there's no need for complication then. Blood of other mammals were known to be harmful to humans 100+ years ago. Arsenic & mercury were known to be harmful during the black death and god knows what the Romans used, maybe 'Greek fire' was some sort of poison analogy. Who needs mRNA & graphene.

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I really don't know what to say about people who give their kids these injections. But then yesterday, on my way to get something from the store, I saw this enormous (350 pounds maybe) young man (under 30 I think) walking on street in 84 degree weather with a mask on. I think he was exercising? He had this green enormous shirt on that covered up most of his Zeppelin-like body. My first thought was "He will soon have a toe tag" and then it was "How in the world does he think this is a good idea". I just don't understand how people can be this dumb? You are hundreds of pounds overweight and you are exercising (walking) in 84 degree heat with a mask on your face? The fact that this makes sense to him just completely blows my mind. How did we get to this point and where do these people come from and what the hell is going on in their brains?

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

As unpleasant and discouraging as it is, a daily review of local media is required if you seek to understand why the person you witnessed masking up outdoors is doing so.

Have you momentarily misremembered what people whose only information source is local media, are beaten with every day?

We are here in the alternate information sphere, seeking out what facts may be discovered, as best we can. Local media, which consists largely of syndicated material, continues to obscure emerging information.

We also have to remember that a very large percentage of those who we see in public that have given up on unproven non-medical interventions, are doing so for no other reason than boredom and fatigue from the inconvenience; They are largely unaware of such facts as may be available. Their dropping of mask-wearing is not the result of becoming informed about the issues; they are still just following the herd.

It's a shopworn metaphor, that of sheep herding, but it remains applicable. Those lacking a background in animal husbandry and agriculture only become aware of flock behavior if they seek out written descriptions or video of how the herd dog only has to move one or two leaders to induce the rest of the flock to "break" in the desired direction.

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Yes you are correct here, Ted.... It is so unreal to me and you and people like us. I took my TV to the road 19 years ago and I have never missed it. But these folks are just plugged into a system that I know nothing about. It's like they are living in an alternative reality. And it makes me feel like I am living in a Twilight Zone episode.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The term "Kafkaesque" comes unbidden into my consciousness nearly every day, Lawrence.

All of the little local newspapers were driven into bankruptcy or consolidation, resulting in only one remaining, relevant outlet, and that outlet syndicates nearly all of its national and international reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, with an occasional bit by Thomson Reuters.

This means that my day begins with a perusal of misinformation and deception. Don't get me wrong; as I review online counterpoints to the "Only Propaganda Fit To Print," there's plenty of unsupported assertion and dodgy research precis'.

My point is that between that morning paper and the odd bit of major network news streaming that I come across online, I witness the way that "The Grand Narrative" is reinforced, every day. The depth of deception is nauseating, but it does have one salutary affect; it reminds me to be compassionate.

A truly significant plurality of citizens are increasingly despondent over the destructive illusions being propagated as "truth," and I think it possible that the vague sense of unreality that you and I (and the plurality) are experiencing is deepened by our awareness that the data signals emanating from the epidemic itself have been so relentlessly positive. There's been plenty of death and misery, but this virus has thankfully followed the typical evolutionary arc of viral epidemiology, which is adaptation toward decreased virulence and increased transmissibility. Considering the possibly chimeric origin of the virus itself, this should be cause for rejoicing.

Touching for a moment on the example you cited, when I see people behaving in that fashion, I want to approach them, stopping ten feet away and, in the tone of voice I've always reserved for spooked horses, murmur "it'll be okay, you're all right. Things haven't turned out as badly as everyone feared in the beginning."

It's a shame that these poor souls AREN'T horses, because holding out a slice of apple or a little pile of oats in an open palm, while slowly approaching to place a calming hand on their fear-twitching mane, would otherwise be of great comfort to them.

The dire messaging is seemingly everywhere for those who do not seek out the source material. Driving home the other night, the only locally-owned radio station aired an interview with the carpetbagger county "health" officer, she who led the board of supervisors to destroy the lives and livelihoods of many thousands with forced business closures, then insouciantly encouraged the local rioters to congregate.

The newscaster was risibly obsequious toward her, profusely thanking her for all that she's done, particularly with regard to forcing injections of experimental formulations on children.

This is what most people, or at least, most people in the urban-adjacent areas, are inundated with.

On a final positive note, reality intrudes from an unexpected quarter; working class young men. I've been approached by a number of them who uttered a variation of "I know how you are about information and getting to the bottom of things, Ted. I don't understand what's going on, but what I'm hearing doesn't make sense. It contradicts itself."

My replies have been to the effect of "you ain't wrong, it doesn't add up and doesn't square with the research papers being published. I can't say what's happening with any certainty, but I think you've got it exactly right by applying common sense and stubbornly sticking to it. Just remember that whenever you hear or read anyone saying The Science, they're not telling the truth because science is about skepticism and uncertainty; the scientists themselves are uncertain."

Such encounters are a bit of an antidote to what my inner "grouchy old man" wants to bombard me with.

There's plenty to struggle with, but we mustn't lose sight of the green shoots of grass that emerge from the flame-blackened earth in the spring after a devastating Autumn wildfire has swept through the forest.

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I am not sure if you are subscriber to my newsletter? Well anyway..... here is my vaccine rabbit hole: https://lawrencebutts.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile&utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F27792015-lawrence-butts&utm_medium=reader2

I am actually very optimistic about the future. I have posts and comments in posts that really explain my feelings about all of this. So take a look and get back to me in this thread or in any of the posts in my newsletter. I read all the comments and respond to almost every comment directed to me. FYI - I am actually a poet and I hate writing about this insanity. But I feel I must write about it... Someone has to do what I do.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Lawrence, great observation!

It is my contention that these types have always been this way, just under the surface. Much like dormant cancer cells that have always been kept in check, by an otherwise healthy immune system.

The scamdemic, like the jabs, was the catalyst that allowed these behaviors to metastasize into the symptoms of lunacy and illogic, we now see on a daily basis.

I liken the many behaviors I see these days, to the apropos example of the smoking emphysema sufferer...who removes an O2 mask in order to take a drag off a cigarette, then replaces it, in order to breathe. We sit and wonder over the insanity of the picture, while he/she is living inside long cultivated ideologies, that are rationalized to the point of co-existence. They are:

1. YOLO - so you might as well enjoy it and be happy verses being healthy.

2. Built in nicotine addiction, for a more effective cigarette sales & marketing plan.

3. A healthcare system that treats the symptom of low O2 levels and difficulty breathing, with meds and therapies, instead of defeating the root cause.

4. Two industries that profit greatly from this contradiction in reason and behaviors, embodied in the smoking emphysema patient.

What's going on in their heads???

To find out and if you can stomach it (I can't) just watch an hour of ANY mainstream morning TV/"fake news and you will have your answer.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

No one can pack so much information (and heartbreak) into an article, with so many sources and videos and pointedly clever writing. Dr. Mike Yeadon is one of my new heroes. I included a reply he'd sent me in my lastest episode: The Cancer-CoVax Connexion. As his letter here does, it puts it all into context. Yesterday, I had the sense that everything is spinning out of control so fast, between Taiwan, UK energy bills, Berkeley masking w/o flu shots, people getting sick and dying. There's no question in my mind that Mike is right. I think this is the level we need to be planning around. Thank you Margaret, I'll be following up on these links for the full meal!


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

...and Margaret, I am so, so sorry about your stepdad, for you and for your poor mom. What a hardship to be going through. Sending love to you both.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I’m still friends with my ex and he and his current wife have an adorable 7 year old daughter. I love her like a granddaughter (my and my exes kids are in their 30’s)…she’s the little sister of my kids after all!

When I heard that they were considering having her vaccinated I immediately compiled a list of the statistics, websites and Substack articles that showed clear evidence on the dangers of the vaxx, and the specific dangers to children and emailed it all to him.

4 years ago we tragically lost our daughter in a car accident (she was just 32). She was my only daughter.

When I sent the email to my ex, I had no choice but to remind him of that horrible day. I told him that her death had been completely out of our control…there was absolutely nothing we could have done to save her. Then I told him that vaccinating his daughter now was completely in his and his wife’s control. Their decision would affect their daughter possibly for the rest of her life. I asked if they were ready to take on that responsibility should something irreversible happen.

He replied that he’d read through everything.

Two weeks later I had to call him with a question and he told me what they’d done. They did it…they vaccinated their little girl.

All I could say to him was that clearly he hadn’t read a freaking thing I’d sent him because if he had, he’d have never done it. I’m still dumbfounded at their choice. And

I pray for that sweet little girl every day.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

They were herded off the cliff and people continue to apologize for their shepherds.

Gleaming Talking Heads, Dolts and Bureaucrats, and Presidents of every fake team jersey color…cannot and will not simply admit that they were wrong, and that they are wrong.

They are dead fucking wrong. Literally.

And they are willing to murder you to hide this reality.

Think about that.

Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Rochelle Walensky, Jared Kushner, Larry Kudlow, Rachel Maddow, Krystal Ball, Gavin Newsome, Don Lemon, Brian Kilmeade, Neal Cavuto, Dr. Sanjay Douchebag all just cannot get over the fact that the shots are killers.

And some very malevolent people behind the curtain probably laughing their ass off as their Twitter and the US Government minions, and Facebook and Google and Zuckerberg and Ralph Baric and DARPA and BARDA and Azar and Frances Collins and HHS all wring their hands to stop the Truth from spreading.

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So sorry. You tried.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Perhaps that was one of the many reasons he is your ex. Such a sad and tragic story, about a decision that likely will affect the future health of that little girl. He likely he didn’t read what you sent him or that his present wife was ‘driving that bus’ about the decision to give her the EUA injection.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The title made me really mad. I prodded the link on my phone and began to smile immediately upon viewing the content. Thank god for sanity.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Hi Margaret ... nearing midnight in Japan, so will have to give this a good read tomorrow, but you inspired a puff of late-night brain flatulence in me.

After reading one of Sage Hana's latest posts, maybe he could take your title, and write lyrics and music for an updated version of Paul Simon's '50 Ways to Leave Your Lover'?

G'night from Japan!

— steve

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You might add a 51st one Margaret: “Safe and effective”.

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The title gave me chills, as I really believed someone (Dorit Reiss perhaps using a pseudonym) was actually trying to convince me. My lord, that was some April Fool's joke MAA. Thank you. Well done. Chilling, actually.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Curse your damn mixed messages! 😉

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

9.You want to post it on Twitter.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

BREAKING—Steve Kirsch has just written what he says is HIS MOST IMPORTANT POSTING YET at Substack ( out of 700!)

It concerns release by a whistleblower of “smoking gun” video of a secret zoom call meeting exposing Israel for deliberately hiding data they had collected on vaccine injuries. He is being stone-walled by numerous academics and media in his attempts to get comments on this explosive revelation. Please see his posting for full details and spread the word.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

And good timing, this just peer reviewed article just out, Dr. Peter Doshi on the author list:


Lay overview on YT Mike Mutzel's channel:


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I thought I would pick a favorite, but then I decided they were all excellent!

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