Not only Gideon van Meijeren is kick ass, the political party he's a member of (the FVD) is pretty kick ass as well. Incentives are now under way to prohibit this party in the Netherlands. Too much truth I guess. I've written a small article on here if you're interested.
Not only Gideon van Meijeren is kick ass, the political party he's a member of (the FVD) is pretty kick ass as well. Incentives are now under way to prohibit this party in the Netherlands. Too much truth I guess. I've written a small article on here if you're interested.
Not only Gideon van Meijeren is kick ass, the political party he's a member of (the FVD) is pretty kick ass as well. Incentives are now under way to prohibit this party in the Netherlands. Too much truth I guess. I've written a small article on here if you're interested.
Wow, thanks for the additional insights, DutchPartisan! I hope they fail in their efforts to suppress the freedom-defending truth-tellers!
Ahh, prohibiting political parties, always the action of those who history will view as the righteous and ethical.