Lovely to welcome you here, Mrhounddog, and thank you for your thoughtful comment!
I absolutely agree regarding the system (power) being a magnet for narcissistic sociopaths. We need to go back to the concept of leaders being public servants rather than the entitled, megalomaniacal aristocrats they have become.
Lovely to welcome you here, Mrhounddog, and thank you for your thoughtful comment!
I absolutely agree regarding the system (power) being a magnet for narcissistic sociopaths. We need to go back to the concept of leaders being public servants rather than the entitled, megalomaniacal aristocrats they have become.
Hahaha, I have been tempted to use Alice’s poison quote in relation to the injections! 😹
And yes, I do disagree with a lot of Tulsi’s fundamental beliefs. What I feel distinguishes her is her willingness to engage in debate, consider alternative perspectives, and re-evaluate her own in light of new evidence. It may be naïve, but she seems like she would be open to seeing the errors of her ways and adjusting accordingly ;-)
I also agree about your statement regarding finding our own way. I’ve never been a follower and prefer to encourage individuals to carve out their own paths and conduct independent research in search of the truth.
Lovely to welcome you here, Mrhounddog, and thank you for your thoughtful comment!
I absolutely agree regarding the system (power) being a magnet for narcissistic sociopaths. We need to go back to the concept of leaders being public servants rather than the entitled, megalomaniacal aristocrats they have become.
Hahaha, I have been tempted to use Alice’s poison quote in relation to the injections! 😹
And yes, I do disagree with a lot of Tulsi’s fundamental beliefs. What I feel distinguishes her is her willingness to engage in debate, consider alternative perspectives, and re-evaluate her own in light of new evidence. It may be naïve, but she seems like she would be open to seeing the errors of her ways and adjusting accordingly ;-)
I also agree about your statement regarding finding our own way. I’ve never been a follower and prefer to encourage individuals to carve out their own paths and conduct independent research in search of the truth.
A nap sounds lovely :-)