In the comments at Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice, one reader voiced some strange accusations that weren’t entirely unfamiliar to me. I’ve seen numerous such comments before, typically at the OffGuardian reprints of my articles.1 The usual pattern is to call some of the more visible voices in the Resistance controlled opposition and “pseudo-alternative media.”
As someone who has never participated in any interviews, conferences, or other public events and who has remained intentionally under the radar aside from my articles, I am always surprised to find myself the target of such a charge. I have never bothered to respond to these statements as doing so would only feed the paranoid delusions of the accusers, and I prefer to let my writing speak for itself.
This was the first time such a comment had been made at my Substack, however, and it felt like an intrusion on a deeply loving, inspiring, and courageous community. What was most upsetting to me was hearing from readers both privately and publicly that they felt disheartened and saddened by these comments.
This is a sacred space where we buoy one another up; exchange valuable knowledge; make each other laugh (and cry); and participate in concrete actions that achieve real-life victories like saving the State of Washington’s schoolchildren from mandated injections (in a UNANIMOUS vote by a Board of Health in a state run by a WEF puppet, no less!) and our recent triumph over the proposed IHR amendments (see the final upshot here).
That doesn’t mean we always agree with each other—indeed, it is the spirit of open-mindedness and open-heartedness paired with a respect for differing views that makes this place even more special. We are united by our desire to repel tyranny and save lives, and we don’t let other bouncing balls distract us from our overall mission.
We fact-check each other and ensure the highest degree of integrity in our content and our sources. I can think of two instances, for example, where I have removed a reference or made a correction based on an eagle-eyed reader’s input.
We are driven not by ideology but by truth, and that is why we can enjoy civil discussions about topics we may have opposing views on.
D’s comments, on the other hand, came from an entirely different spirit and are indicative of a more religious segment of the Resistance that has chosen to punch sideways instead of up.
In this social autoimmune disorder, allies attack one another for not passing specific purity tests, ultimately causing divisiveness, intolerance, and antipathy to metastasize throughout the movement.
I share the following exchange not to draw negative attention to the original poster (hence the use of initials) but rather to highlight the growing problem of division within the Resistance, which our true enemies—the tyrants and colluders—delight in cultivating. My hope is that D and others like her will heed my call to overcome our differences in the name of the higher shared goals of defeating tyranny and ending democide.
D: Sadly, this article spreads misinformation. It is so well-packed with it that I’d have to pick just a point or two.
“Superstar dissidents like Dr. Robert Malone???”
Next to a 2-minute video in which Malone coerces and manipulates CHILDREN to take the “covid vaccine” (may be viewed here), and next to his irresponsible and shameful promotion of the “covid vaccines” to “the most vulnerable,” and next to his confession that whole his life he has been cooperating with dirty governments on manufacturing of bioweapons, and next to his aggressive promotion of the very harmful but entirely useless “covid testing,” I wrote the following:
“I get it, it’s a very lucrative niche nowadays — a pseudo-alternative media. Even those who likely were not a specially planted controlled opposition, joined in to make big bucks. People are conditioned to accept empty demagoguery and willing to pay for something that they perceive as an alternative narrative.
While relentlessly promoting themselves among themselves and releasing hundreds of articles that recycle the same ideas that often are not entirely accurate, irrelevant, or serve as a distraction — almost every promoter conveniently “unsees” the elephant in the room.”
And then, after demonstrating – through his own materials – that Malone has been spreading poisonous narrative, I wrote:
“Shame on you, you greedy, evil, cowardly, and hypocritical quack. Shame on you, every purported “fighter against tyranny” who supports, promotes, endorses, and advocates for Malone and fraud that that evil gnome peddles.”
SB: I’m curious, what is ‘‘the elephant in the room?’’ Also, you state that MAA’s article is well-packed with misinformation. You provide only one example, which I do not disagree with, but on the other hand, don’t totally agree. See below. I’m curious, what is some of the other misinformation in the article? What did I miss?
D: This substack – and all other aggressively marketed and promoted – sometimes by the corporate media – peddle their narrative jointly, recommend each other, recycle the same wrong ideas in slightly different variations over and over again, and dominate that pseudo-alternative media.
Disguised as “fighters against tyranny,” they are actually pro-government. Notice that endless empty demagoguery and “dancing around gently” the truth (that “dancing” phrase comes from a misguided and hypnotized Malone’s follower who praised Malone for being a two-faced fraud – the screenshot at the link that I posted above).
So, the cornerstone of the MAA’s article is that “should the government had not stopped (a long list of atrocities and crimes against humanity, illustrated by the graphic images), children still will be dying today, etc.”
For instance, “tobacco corporations wouldn’t have had to pay a $246 billion settlement to victims of their scientific fakery.”
Is that what really happened? Your corrupt government itself criminally and corruptly legalized that tobacco poison, killing and disabling millions, stealing billions (trillions?) including made through pharma/medical industry to treat all dumb smokers (that they got addicted to their poison) and EVERYONE else who get hurt by them through second- and thirdhand exposure, and then putting on a show and “recovering” - for themselves - a tiny, really minuscule portion of the money that have been “spent” to treat all those tobacco injured.
An environmental attorney Scott W. Stern, writing about the book by a historian and professor Sarah Milov, The Cigarette: A Political History, summarized it as follows: “Americans never would have been as dependent as they are on tobacco were it not for the considerable support of the U.S. government. To many, this was surely a surprising assertion, since big tobacco is often perceived to be at odds with big government, with its regulations and disclosure requirements and general aversion to its citizens getting sick and dying.” Stern explains that the book “is a nuanced and ultimately devastating indictment of government complicity with the worst excesses of American capitalism. The Cigarette looks beyond individual consumers and their choices and aims its penetrating gaze straight at the larger phenomena [such as] the rise of organized interest groups, the fall of government regulators, and the immense, unseen influence of big business. Milov has provided the premier account of the government’s complicity with the exacting of this human cost, of the way big tobacco has evolved and adapted and neutralized lawmakers and regulators—and thrived… Will we learn from the history recounted in The Cigarette?”
No, we won’t. Because we continue supporting the dirty gov, and “dancing around the truth” with our empty demagoguery.
Note that Milov is just a professor in the US university – meaning 100% indoctrinated and complicit. Otherwise, she would not be working there, even as a janitor, let alone the professor.
Everything, described in the MAA’s post happened in accordance with the criminal design of your criminal “government.” And it still continues happening. But the article does not make it clear.
It tacitly encourages you to be pro-government and unsee the elephant in the room – dream about fighting the tyranny as much as you want or pretend that you’re doing so. That suits your gov. well.
There is so much more but I really don’t have time to write about it. Plus, it will be appreciated, at best, by only a few. The majority will continue with their ass-kissing rituals – the essential components of the pseudo-alternative media (I also wrote about it in my article).
It’s funny – this substack is styled after Alice in Wonderland.
“Alice in Wonderland syndrome is a disorienting neuropsychological condition that affects perception. People experience size distortion such as micropsia, macropsia, pelopsia, or teleopsia. Size distortion may occur of other sensory modalities. Anecdotal reports suggest that the symptoms are common in childhood, with many people growing out of them in their teens. It appears that AiWS is also a common experience at sleep onset, and has been known to commonly arise due to a lack of sleep.
A prominent and often disturbing symptom are experiences of altered body image. The person may find that they are confused as to the size and shape of parts of (or all of) their body. They may feel as though their body is expanding or getting smaller. Alice in Wonderland syndrome also involves perceptual distortions of the size or shape of objects. Other possible causes and signs of the syndrome include migraines, use of hallucinogenic drugs, and infectious mononucleosis.
Patients with certain neurological diseases have experienced similar visual hallucinations. These hallucinations are called “Lilliputian”, which means that objects appear either smaller or larger than they actually are.
Patients may experience either micropsia or macropsia. Micropsia is an abnormal visual condition, usually occurring in the context of visual hallucination, in which affected persons see objects as being smaller than those objects actually are. Macropsia is a condition where the individual sees everything larger than it actually is.
The eyes themselves are normal, but the person will often ‘see’ objects as the incorrect size, shape or perspective angle. Therefore, people, cars, buildings, houses, animals, trees, environments, etc., look smaller or larger than they should be, or that distances look incorrect; for example, a corridor may appear to be very long, or the ground may appear too close.
The person affected by Alice in Wonderland Syndrome may also lose the sense of time, a problem similar to the lack of spatial perspective. In other words, time seems to pass very slowly, akin to an LSD experience. The lack of time, and space, perspective leads to a distorted sense of velocity. For example, one could be inching along ever so slowly in reality, yet it would seem as if one were sprinting uncontrollably along a moving walkway, leading to severe, overwhelming disorientation. This can then cause the person to feel as if the movement, even within his or her own home, is futile.
In addition, some people may, in conjunction with a high fever, experience more intense and overt hallucinations, seeing things that are not there and misinterpreting events and situations.”
According to the same source:
“Alice suffers from Hallucinations and Personality Disorders, the White Rabbit from General Anxiety Disorder “I’m late”, the Cheshire Cat is schizophrenic, as he disappears and reappears distorting reality around him and subsequently driving other characters in the story to madness. the Queen of Hearts is affected by egotism and narcissist syndrome “head off”, the hookah-smoking Caterpillar by drug addiction, and the Mad Hatter, simply by madness, repeating in an obsessive-compulsive way, for ten years at 6 p.m. the celebration of our beloved Unbirthday. But he is stuck there… no sense of time, while he is getting old.”
Are you being presented with a distorted reality? In my opinion, yes.
But I know, it is a very inconvenient and unpopular opinion, and it is not being endorsed or promoted by the corporate media.
So, back to the rituals?
MAA: Thanks for asking that, SB. I see you received no substantive evidence of those accusations, only a diatribe that has nothing to do with the information presented in this article.
She sets up a straw man argument that simply referencing the existence of the tobacco settlement implies that I deny the government’s complicity in corruption and the ongoing negative effects of the cigarette industry, which is laughable on its face. She is clearly grasping at straws as she has nothing substantive to back up her spurious claims.
I suppose I should be flattered that she finds my little blog and me enough of a threat that she bothers to harass me here and at other platforms where my work is published. I’m not going to respond to her directly because she has not entered into this discussion in good faith and evidently feeds off of sowing division, hatred, and intolerance in the Resistance while wasting the time and energy of the people she chooses to attack.
SB: You’re welcome. I didn’t give any mind to all that claptrap, either. I was more interested about Malone.
CES: People sure do come to some bizarre stances--I suppose “dissident’s” Uber-Dissidence-ism (which here implies that Ms. Alice is part of some Narrativist operation!!! --let the absurdity of that sink in!!!) is a flip-side to the brainwashed Good German. Obviously different in being Awake, but a mental/spiritual affliction hostile to elementary prudence and necessary human trust nonetheless... ...not that some of the info this state of mind leads “dissident” to dig up isn’t useful, and some of the ideas are interesting, too, and could prove useful when deployed by someone else.
But all in all, “dissident,” your stance is making you an enemy to what you say you want!
MAA: Thank you, CSE. This means a lot to me, truly.
G: Feel the same as D on the topic of Dr Malone . When educated people on the topic of creating this injection juice insert their allbeing adult/Dr power over children and encourage them to take injection of other non human species and harvested children ingredients to me... it is a box of darkness delivered. If he had given ALL funds from such darkness over to standing up I might feel differently. By the way I wonder if Doktor Malone lights up the bluetooth numbers thingy or Not....
MAA: I understand your perspective, Gail, and I, too, am appalled by anyone who would advocate injecting children, but D is not accurately representing Malone’s current views, and indeed, he has become the most vocal opponent of injections for children.
Toward the end of his Rogan podcast, for example, Dr. Malone stated emphatically:
“There’s two hills that I’m willing to die on: one is stopping the jabs in the children, and one is resisting the erosion of free speech, which is the fundamental principle on which our democracy, our society, civilized Western culture is built on.”
He has compiled a growing collection of research documenting the hazards of injections to children.
Malone made a specific, urgent plea to parents not to inject their kids and repeatedly hammers home that message every opportunity he gets.
He has acknowledged that he was previously mistaken and has thrown his entire life upside-down to fight the injection and tyranny with everything at his disposal. Malone describes his experience as being “multidimensionally red-pilled.” He says it was like backing up into a light switch and not being able to unsee what he has now woken up to. He admits that he had fallen prey to groupthink and was mistaken about the injection, but now he is awake and committed to exposing the dangers of both the jab and totalitarianism.
Malone has done more than anyone else to bring attention to the eye-opening phenomenon of mass formation (which he wholly credits Mattias Desmet for), and he continues to shed light on the Great Reset, the WEF, and the failure of the largest experiment in human history.
The fact that the smear machine is going so ferociously after Malone suggests he is a threat to the BigPharma/Big Brother/Big Media complex. I find it sad that people claiming to be on the side of the Resistance would spend their time ankle-biting its most effective voices. Whether intentionally or not, they are draining energy from the Resistance and serving the tyrants by doing so.
I’m not claiming those who insist on purity tests and build their own reputations by attacking others fighting tyranny and democide are controlled opposition. I don’t know that and wouldn’t make that claim. I can only point to the effects of their attacks and see that their bitter attitude harms the Resistance while benefiting the pharmaceutical corporations, governments, and entities like the WEF, so effectually they serve that role.
But I’m not asking you to take my word for it. All of the evidence is available for you to evaluate for yourself, as is the substantial proof of his efficacy at awakening others. I encourage you to read his blog posts charting his growth over time. 2021 Malone is not the same as 2022 Malone, who is unabashedly exposing the hazards of the injections.
I’m not saying Malone is perfect. None of us are. We are all on journeys of discovery and at different points along the path. I have previously called out Malone in his comments for not going far enough in his demands to halt the injection, and now he has arrived at that position himself.
I also agree wholeheartedly with Leslie Manookian’s critique of his quote, “If there is risk, there must be choice,” which I believe is well-meaning but misguided and self-defeating.
All I’m saying is that when you look at the net good coming out of Malone’s words and actions, it is astoundingly positive. I happen to believe in redemption, and I believe human beings are capable of making mistakes and then recanting those errors, which is in itself commendable as a sign of wisdom and humility.
When evaluating certain voices against their detractors, ask yourself, which uplifts, and which tears down? Which inspires, and which deflates? Which unites, and which divides?
I think the answer is obvious.
G: Dear MAA, I am very moved by your return comment. I will take some time and review the links you have made the time to share for unity. Net good coming from the power of now action is the fabric of forward ho. Thank you eh.
MAA: Thank you for your open-minded and open-hearted response, Gail. What a beautiful way of putting it 🙌💗🔥
G: P.S. Today is the anniversary of Tiananmen Square.
MAA: I hadn’t realized—thank you for that poignant reminder of why we are doing what we’re doing 💔🛡
SB: I don’t follow Malone very much. I felt much the same way about him, as D describes above. Especially early on. Lately, I haven’t noticed him pushing the poison on anyone, in fact more the opposite. I could be mistaken on that, though. Is it possible that the last pill he swallowed was the good one?
MAA: I think it was. See my response to Gail above for more details, but I think his current words and actions speak for themselves and prove out his statement that he has been “multidimensionally red-pilled.” It is disingenuous to judge him by his pre-awakened self and to ignore the mountain of evidence of both his transformed thinking and his effectiveness at awakening others to the existential threat posed by both the injection and totalitarianism.
SB: I must admit, the video link on D’s stack that shows the Malones with some youngsters, in Hawaii, is disturbing to me. Going forward, I’m interested at how Dr Malone is going to position himself on the Monkeypox.
MAA: I agree, SB, and I would feel the same as you if that represented his current views, which are 180 degrees the opposite now.
He has been calling out monkeypox for the cry-wolf psy-op that it is since the beginning and just today described it as “coordinated multichannel fearporn.”
SB: Thank you, MAA. That’s a very good compilation by Dr Malone!
MAA: I agree he was naive, but I also understand the degree to which groupthink has overtaken the scientific and medical community, so it’s laudable that he woke up from that and is now speaking out against his previous misconceptions. See my response to Gail above for additional thoughts.
D: They say that Putin never addresses Navalny directly or calls him by his name, apparently because he is such a threat to Putin.
Don’t be flattered – I have no interest in you, and I merely attack your narrative (that’s what makes it uncomfortable because it provokes a critical thought in some).
That is the first time I’ve ever posted any critical comment on your blog.
And you claim I harass you?
And that I “wasted (your) time and energy” by posting a comment to which you never even responded as you “are not going to respond to (me) directly (or call me by my name)?”
No, you’re not a “threat” to me (the Putin-Navalny analogy suggests that it might be the other way around) – I am immune to fraudulent narratives.
And please don’t be so modest and inconsistent – you have just boasted that you’re reaching 10,000 subscribers – that is not “a little blog,” and you continue aggressively advertising everywhere for it to grow even bigger.
Also, your new subscription welcome letter says: “I humbly thank you for entrusting me with your precious time and thought. I do not take the honor lightly and look forward to witnessing the fruits of our exchange.”
So those “fruits of exchange”—apparently, they are limited to ass-kissing and agreeing. I do not kiss ass and I do not agree with claims I view as inconsistent, disingenuous, or fraudulent. If I oppose those claims, I always try to substantiate my opposition with facts. You “unseeing” or “trashing” the facts comes as no surprise to me.
Because of that, there is no point wasting my breath on addressing at length any of your other accusations, such as that I try to bring “division, hatred, intolerance in the ‘Resistance.’”
What resistance? You continue peddling Malone who, in turn, peddles toxic poison and other bioweaponry. Those are clear facts but you do not have intellectual or other types of honesty to admit it. And I already know it, that’s why my comments were addressed to other people who might be confused and misinformed, but would like to know the truth.
MAA: Hello, D. Since this is the first time you’ve addressed me directly, I’m happy to reply in kind.
I’m delighted to hear you have no interest in me. The feeling of harassment comes from your consistently posting embittered comments on my articles whenever they’re published at OffGuardian and, most recently, The Burning Platform. The comments never include substantive criticisms of the content itself, which I would be open to evaluating if valid, but rather comprise preposterous speculations about my intent; logical fallacies galore; and guilt by association with someone you have judged as irredeemable despite the evidence of his transformation and efficacy at awakening people to their mass formation, the hazards of the injection, the threats to our freedom, and the WEF’s maneuverings.
I know you’re intelligent enough, for example, to realize how silly it sounds for you to argue that because I cited the tobacco settlement, that ipso facto implies that I am denying that “the corrupt government itself criminally and corruptly legalized that tobacco poison, killing and disabling millions, stealing billions, [etc.]” or that cigarettes continue to cause harm and death. Listen to how ridiculous that leap of illogic is.
You accuse me of either being “a specially planted controlled opposition” or that I “joined in to make big bucks.” My entire body of work exposing the mechanisms of mass control, menticide, propaganda, coercion, totalitarianism, and democide demonstrates the ludicrousness of the former while the reality that less than 5 percent of my subscribers are paying and I probably make at most a couple bucks an hour for my monomaniacal efforts refutes the latter. I have made enormous financial sacrifices and am using credit cards to fill the gaps because I feel this work is more important than any other thing I could spend my time doing as millions of people are being injured and murdered by toxic injections and totalitarianism is engulfing the planet faster than we can chart it.
Your accusation that the “fruits of exchange” are “limited to ass-kissing and agreeing” is also repudiated by the dozens if not hundreds of comments in which I’ve engaged in civil disagreements with my readers—my recent discussion thread on gun rights offering numerous examples (a topic that has already lost me 58 subscribers and counting, further evidence that I am not averse to touching third-rail topics likely to upset some of my readers for the sake of truth-seeking and tyranny-fighting). Indeed, one of the aspects of this community that I appreciate is that we *do* engage in meaningful debate about topics we may have differing views on—but it is done *respectfully* and without a puritanical intolerance for opposing viewpoints. It’s not about fighting for “rightness” but rather a mutual exploration of considerations and perspectives in service of a higher goal (e.g., finding the truth, saving lives, etc.).
You have never provided valid examples of claims of mine that are “inconsistent, disingenuous, or fraudulent,” and often what you do say has little to do with anything I’ve actually written.
Your continued contention that Malone “peddles toxic poison and other bioweaponry” is contradicted by everything he has written, said, and done since his awakening, and you are being disingenuous by ignoring the thousands of pieces of evidence disproving your accusations. His current actions and words are light years away from what you’ve described, and he is inspiring hundreds of millions around the world to rise up against tyranny and democide.
I know that’s hard for you to admit because part of your identity comes from your self-righteous opposition to the enemy you’ve defined. I agree, pre-awakened Malone did make some horrific errors in judgment—and he is the first to admit that. You may not want to accept that reality because you derive your meaning from attacking those you consider part of the “pseudo-alternative media,” and perhaps you don’t have anything of substance to fill the hole if you were to stop.
Your OffGuardian comments reveal a sense of envy and resentment that your pieces are not getting published by the alternative media, and therefore it must be because you “tell the truth” and they are corrupt—not because of any failings on your part or in your work.
I know it’s comforting to whisper to yourself that you are the victim of a conspiratorial plot to suppress your truth-revealing efforts. I’m going to tell you something that may sound harsh, but if you take it to heart, it can transform your life. Since you don’t like ass-kissing, you should appreciate what I’m about to tell you because it is the secret to your perceived lack of success.
You come across as a hateful, bitter, spiteful, and negative person. No matter how valid your arguments are or how true your content is, people automatically recoil from that kind of toxicity. You think that is a sign of your honesty, but you can be honest without being hurtful. You can be honest without attacking fellow truth-warriors who are genuinely fighting tyranny and democide with every bit of energy, time, love, and passion that they can eke out.
And before you say I’m being hypocritical because I’m attacking you as a fellow truth-teller, understand that I am offering you an escape hatch from the dungeon you have imprisoned yourself in. You can continue wrapping yourself in a soothing blanket of self-pity, which many people do for their entire lives, or you can accept responsibility for your own misery and choose to stop being a victim. Instead of defining yourself by attacking other voices in the Resistance (and yes, I’m going to use that term because it is a mighty and growing force you’d want to embrace if you truly care about defeating tyranny), you can develop your own creativity and make positive, life-affirming contributions.
You are like Nicola in Mike Leigh’s Life Is Sweet (I highly recommend watching the whole film if you haven’t seen it):
Her mother tells her, “You’ve got no joy in your soul.” That’s how you come across to others, and that’s why your work isn’t getting published. The voices you resent are the ones who inspire and uplift while revealing and informing, and that is why they speak to the Resistance. You are wholly capable of doing that, too. If you reframe your perspective and target our mutual enemies rather than the people fighting tyranny alongside you, we would have a much stronger chance of stopping democide and totalitarianism.
I would gladly link arms with you if you had the same honest self-realization that Nicola experiences in the film—that she is the maker of her own misery and that she has the power to rise above her bitterness and turn to positive, inspiring actions.
As Nicola’s mother tells her, “We don’t hate you. We love you, right? You stupid girl.”
You are young enough, smart enough, passionate enough, and talented enough to transform yourself into the person you most want to be. You can rediscover the joy in your soul, and that joy will be apparent to others. Rather than causing other people to feel disheartened and depressed, you could infuse them with enthusiasm and a will to conquer tyranny.
We need voices like yours in the Resistance. You want to defeat tyranny, right? You want to stop democide, don’t you? Then please, for the love of freedom, truth, and justice, redirect your energy from tearing down the ones advancing those goals and instead contribute your own unique talents to building a better way.
Note: Inline links have been embedded for ease of reading. I have left mistakes intact for fidelity with the exception of minor punctuation tweaks where needed.
© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
I Can’t Do This Without You!
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Thank You for Being Here!
I want to thank every one of you who stuck with me (or joined) following my latest third-rail adventure, after which sixty-six people unsubbed from my mailing list. I tried to create a space for respectful dialogue on the topic of gun rights/control where both sides could share their perspectives while also honestly presenting my own views.
I think the people who participated in the discussion thread were by and large respectful of differing positions and focused on providing supporting evidence for their arguments. I am proud of you guys for maintaining civility despite your disagreements and avoiding ad hominem attacks (with a few rare exceptions). I am sorry those who left missed out on this meaningful discussion about a difficult topic.
I also apologize for the technical glitch that caused me to clutter your inbox with a followup email. That was my first discussion thread, and major portions of the text were missing in certain email applications but not in others. I have contacted Substack about the issue and hope they have it resolved before I try another one!
Action Alerts
Tell the FDA to Stop Injections for Under-5 Children Through Today, June 7!
I just learned we have through today, June 7, to submit our public comments to the FDA voicing our objections to the injection of babies, toddlers, and little kids under five years old. Here are more details:
You can easily submit your public comment using this form from Stand for Health Freedom. Children’s Health Defense has also just published this form. If you’d like, you can include the letter I whipped together for the FDA and CDC on this topic in April:
These subsequent articles provide additional relevant information you may wish to include as well:
I also highly recommend this research-packed exemption letter Dr. Pierre Kory just published:
And the Malone links I cited in above dialogue relate specifically to the dangers for children so would be valuable to add:
• Analysis Overview: COVID-19 Genetic Vaccine Safety in Children
• Dr. Robert Malone: Before You Inject Your Child!
#StopTheAccord, #PandemicAccord, & #StopTheWHO
Our #StopTheTreaty efforts were so successful at raising awareness, the WHO changed the wording from “treaty” to “accord” in an embarrassing attempt to circumvent this exponentially growing global movement:
No problem, we’ll just use #StopTheAccord and #PandemicAccord instead!
The WHO also pulled another fast one and canceled the June 16–17 public comment period on the accord it had previously promised. James Roguski provides more details and lists actions you can take here:
I am continuing to update the list of action steps you can take to #StopTheWHO and #StopTheAccord at my original letter opposing the IHR amendments, so please check that section after my letter to ensure you’ve taken action on all of the available opportunities and reviewed the latest resources:
Gmail Shadow-Banning?
After sending out this newsletter, I immediately received four email disabled notices—all from Gmail accounts. Due to the rapid succession of these notices, I believe Gmail is automatically marking these emails as spam, which causes them to be removed from my mailing list.
Please ensure you have marked my email address as not-spam (whatever your email app) and check back regularly to make sure you haven’t been unsubbed without your permission!
See the following post for details on IPAK-EDU curricula, and please use my affiliate code (MAA1IPAK) to register for any courses you decide to take:
If you feel the work I am doing is worthwhile and want to make it possible for me to spend more time writing and researching in my aim to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, please consider supporting me, whether it be by subscribing, buying me a Ko-fi, or sharing my posts. I thank you for reading, thinking, sharing, and supporting my work in whichever ways you choose.
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Remember, a subscription to Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass makes for an intellectually adventurous gift down the rabbit-hole!
Note: Purchasing any items using Amazon affiliate links included in my content will further support my efforts to unmask tyranny.
D, I owe you an apology for having confused you with another OffGuardian commenter named Researcher who has frequently made similar (and honestly, more outrageous) comments at many of my OffGuardian articles, so my initial responses were in part colored by that misconception. I’m sorry, D, and I realize my referencing of your past comments on my articles must have been confusing.
I’ve been attacked by similar characters in Substack comments sections for maintaining that viruses can make people sick and that the CCP probably killed people at Tiananmen Square in 1989. It’s a tough information environment to navigate, to say the least. The red pill is a tough one to swallow, and, while the medicine is necessary to avoid living a lie, the side effects can be severe. One of the most dangerous side effects is the jump from “the establishment lies a lot” to “the opposite of what the establishment says on almost any subject is the truth, and anyone who disagrees is controlled opposition caught up in mass psychosis.”
People want the comfort of certainty. That comfort can be found most easily at the extremes. And so we have a seemingly growing number of extremists in our midst. Trying to talk them down is generally a lost cause, but you made a noble effort with D. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing great.
"It's amazing how much panic one honest man [or woman in your case] can spread among a multitude of hypocrites."- Thomas Sowell
Keep on truckin', MAA