Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I’ve been attacked by similar characters in Substack comments sections for maintaining that viruses can make people sick and that the CCP probably killed people at Tiananmen Square in 1989. It’s a tough information environment to navigate, to say the least. The red pill is a tough one to swallow, and, while the medicine is necessary to avoid living a lie, the side effects can be severe. One of the most dangerous side effects is the jump from “the establishment lies a lot” to “the opposite of what the establishment says on almost any subject is the truth, and anyone who disagrees is controlled opposition caught up in mass psychosis.”

People want the comfort of certainty. That comfort can be found most easily at the extremes. And so we have a seemingly growing number of extremists in our midst. Trying to talk them down is generally a lost cause, but you made a noble effort with D. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing great.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

"It's amazing how much panic one honest man [or woman in your case] can spread among a multitude of hypocrites."- Thomas Sowell

Keep on truckin', MAA

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I'd probably write that off as the attled ramblings of a confused person. Who benefits? I don't think that you, Malone, Kirsch or any of the others questioning the extremely well-paid industry hacks are making much money with their work; they are enjoying their roles, but the money belongs with the "house". Personally we should have been demonstrating in front of vaccination clinics with signs like the abortion opponents have been known for.

Open dialogues and debates rather than mind-numbing verbiage would be productive and will probably happen more and more.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Malone has and is doing more for our cause and I for one applaud him. Looking back at my own self in the entertainment biz during the AIDS crisis, I was "captured" but am now enlightened. I too said and did things back then with my former mindset. I stand with MAA and Malone. Period full stop

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Something struck me about part of D's comment: "Milov is just a professor in the US university"... That's not a native English speaker, there, more likely from Russia or a Slavic country, or perhaps China. Their sole purpose is to divide people over here against each other, it's a kind of information warfare. They're time-wasters, and try to get arguments going. And they may use sock-puppet accounts. They're not pushing any particular narrative, they're just trying to provoke a fight. The best thing to do is to ban them from commenting, and delete their comment(s). It's been going on for quite some time - https://www.fpri.org/article/2016/09/distinguishing-true-false-fakes-forgeries-russias-information-war-ukraine/, amongst others. As you get more readers, you'll probably see more of this.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

keep up the good work and don't let the bitter folks get you down.

those who provide limited or no relevant data to clarify their emotionally loaded attacks whilst crying "controlled opposition" remind me of the pot calling the kettle black.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Margaret - Shades of an earlier, although much less vitriolic conversation about Dr. Malone that you and I had a while back.

I have to agree, the Malone of 2022 is not the same as 2021. It's been interesting to watch his progression from his earlier dogmatic allopathic medical positions to where he is now.

As far as the antiquated, Rockefeller installed belief systems that still pervade modern medicine, do I feel he has reached the level of questioning that I would like to see him achieve? No. However, as I mentioned in our earlier conversation, he's in a very good position to coax along major changes in how we perceive disease... if he continues to advance.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

pseudo-dissident needs a stack where (she?) can rant to the straight-edge contingent and hopefully serve as a magnet for same to get those joyless clowns off of this stack and away from the real prime movers of the resistance.

as jello biafra said in 1986 (sarcastically) you aren't a real punk rocker if "you tell too many jokes and you eat meat."

i suspect "dissident" has a secret life as a supermarket security guard who screams at customers if they let their muzzles slip beneath their noses

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Posted and sent. Let's please protect the babies!

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Sorry if this info is already posted easily available and whatnot, but if not, I will provide it later. All those who cast a vote in favor of this are "marked" in my book. Not trying to sound ominous, it is just grammar school kids already know this jab is not helpful - in fact, it is the obvious, so begs the question why they want to do this, and informs the reason why I will provide names later if need be.


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The extremes are unsustainable. Lies are unsustainable. Fantasy is unsustainable. Simple truth is sustainable. Everything operates within an order of nature that is predictable and consistent. We are living in at time where power believes that they are immune to order. Do what you must to defend what is important to you. Take care of your loved ones, your neighbors, and your community. One of the principles that I live by is “Start Small. Act Locally. Share Globally. Take the Long View.” What is sustainable will survive that which is not. It is propaganda to think otherwise. Thank you MA for being a light in the darkness.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I'm glad you posted this discussion thread. I appreciate hearing the back and forth, and your kind but firm responses. 💕

Free speech doesn't mean that all speech needs to, or should be, allowed in all spaces. In fact, it is unwise.

One of the reasons it's unwise is what D valuably points out; it is becoming common knowledge that propaganda and intelligence/counter intelligence includes planting people in spaces to disrupt, confuse or mislead. We need to consistently keep this in mind, and I agree that doctor Malone is not one of those people.

The other reason is that we are all on our personal journeys, and we have different levels of intellectual and emotional maturity. This is not to judge; we are all in this together. But it is not healthy for anyone, either individually or as a group, to be the recipient of divisive, hurtful and extreme behavior. That is not good, healthy, mature boundaries to have personally, and it's not good boundaries to have as a group. Of course we always need to check ourselves and make sure someone isn't being discluded because of cognitive dissonance. And people should be given a few chances to grow and change. So we need to do due diligence, which I think has been done in the case of D, and I would support you blocking her from your posts.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you Margaret. You are doing fine. Hard for some people to hear you with their heads, and in some cases their hearts, stuck in the sand! Some nights I go to bed feeling like I lost the battle, but I didn't give up, so I haven't lost the war. Difficult winning the argument when someone says "don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up." But at the end of the day, what if you changed a mind or two or even planted a seed or two from which change may grow?

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I don't think you could have responded better than you did. Nor articulated Malone's evolution more clearly. Yes, envy and bitterness are likely behind the comments. You're a force, MAA, and so also, sadly, at times, will be a target. Thanks for the reminder and references re FDA deadline.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I shared that letter with two friends from my former home in the Land of Enchantment, coincidentally the same land where Ben Ray Lujan lives. They did not respond and I haven't heard from either for quite some time. Guess they were not ready to hear the truth. Thank you for such a thorough well written expose. I'm sure it benefits many who are ready for peeling that onion just a little bit more.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Paid character assassins abound in today's world. The intent was to character assassin Dr. Malone, who has come to understand that the landscape of health needs is not driven for improving health issues, but to improve bottom line agendas at any cost. The verbal dual gushed of hypocrisy!

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