I’ve been attacked by similar characters in Substack comments sections for maintaining that viruses can make people sick and that the CCP probably killed people at Tiananmen Square in 1989. It’s a tough information environment to navigate, to say the least. The red pill is a tough one to swallow, and, while the medicine is necessary to avoid living a lie, the side effects can be severe. One of the most dangerous side effects is the jump from “the establishment lies a lot” to “the opposite of what the establishment says on almost any subject is the truth, and anyone who disagrees is controlled opposition caught up in mass psychosis.”

People want the comfort of certainty. That comfort can be found most easily at the extremes. And so we have a seemingly growing number of extremists in our midst. Trying to talk them down is generally a lost cause, but you made a noble effort with D. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing great.

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Thank you, David, and I think I’ve had run-ins with some of the same unsavory characters. (Really, though, there are people here denying that about the CCP? 😯)

You articulate the balance needed admirably, and we must remain alert to our own cognitive biases as we assess information and sources.

The extremes are always the most dangerous and ultimately wind up meeting at the horseshoe of totalitarianism.

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Dr. Robert Malone, Knight in Shining Armor or Controlled Opposition? -The majority of physicians are following the NIH, CDC and FDA protocols and protecting themselves rather than their patients. Physicians and scientists who abide by the Hippocratic oath and medical freedom are against the experimental mandated jabs, but there are some who are seemingly playing both sides of the fence. The Malone/Navarro doctrine is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable targets. Always remember that we are not really vaccinating people, that is not a vaccination.” In their Washington Times article of January 12, 2022, Peter Navarro and Dr. Robert Malone are still pushing this vax for the “most vulnerable.” Who are they…the elderly, often referred to as “useless eaters” by the proponents of depopulation and genocide? They are the ones most likely to die from this gene therapy jab that attacks the immune system and destroys the ability of the T-cells to fight future invaders.

The best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves. —Vladimir Lenin

A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody. —Thomas Paine

When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil. —Thomas Jefferson

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. —Albert Einstein

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists. —Hannah Arendt

Ebola - Dr. Malone worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the initial set up of the licensing deal of the Ebola vaccine to Merck& Co. Inc. Pharmaceuticals. According to Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), currently there are no licensed vaccines to prevent Ebola virus disease. However, multiple investigational Ebola vaccines have been tested in numerous clinical trials around the world.

In early January 2022, Dr. Malone was on Steve Bannon’s War Room where he warned of a new disease spreading across Communist China that appears to be an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever” super virus caused by mutations arising from mass vaccinations. “The truth is this (Sars-CoV-2) is not an extremely lethal virus. This is nowhere near Ebola,” Malone commented.

Here comes a new epidemic of fear, the very psychosis that keeps people and school children in their worthless masks.

Vax the Vulnerable - Those who have listened to Dr. Malone believe him to be a saint when he tells people not to allow their children to be jabbed with this “vaccine.”

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Matthew 7:15-16


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So you were speaking of something Dr Malone said in Jan 2022. He was just at the Better Way conference and said he does not believe that vaccines the way they are currently done should be given to anyone. He was speaking of all vaccines. Like MAA pointed out in the links she supplied Dr Malone has changed his stance, which people do as data becomes available. As you are quoting scripture you need to remember that those people that are acting like something they are not will be judged by God. You can try to guess what his motives are or you can listen to what he is saying now. Show us something recent where he is saying those things. He no longer believes any of that and has apologized for not realizing what was happening. As you can see with all the Dr's that work for hospitals have ignored the science because they wouldn't get paid if they didn't. Eventually, I pray those same Dr's will come around to the evil they have been a part of. Dr Malone was in the midst of this propaganda since college and was able to work his way free. Did it take him a while? Yes. Has he apologized? Absolutely. So do we sit back and bash his head in for what he once believed or do we ,as Christians and patriots stand behind him and him up? I vote to holding him up. We need to check our own lives before we judge someone else's.

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I had contact with Dr. Malone twice...

I came to the conclusion he is controlled opposition.

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Or you are?

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5:56 AM

Via Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass <margaretannaalice@substack.com>

Via Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass <margaretannaalice@substack.com>

Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass

US replied to your comment


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It was spam. Bots have been spamming Substack accounts with a message that says "Sad" and then they put spam in the posted message. I have a screenshot that I sent to technical support.

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Thank you

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None of us like the CCP and they're just as capable as anyone of causing mischief on this planet. But to put them in the same paragraph with those of us who have no time for the promotion of viruses is mischevious in my view. You don't have to go to Shanghai to find the criminals either, they're in London, New York, Paris, Wellington and Melbourne.

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I consider myself pretty open-minded, which is why I love Substack - I subscribe to and read people with a wide range of ideologies, backgrounds, and perspectives. I've engaged a bit with the "germ theory is a lie" folks, and there are some people I consider smart and credible who hold that view. However, having gone a bit down that rabbit hole, I've concluded it approaches "flat-earther" territory. It just doesn't pass the smell test. Unlike all things Covid, the science and evidence behind germ theory is rigorous and solid. I understand people can poke holes in some aspects of it, but that is simply requiring a higher degree of certainty than even rigorous science can provide. So I think for those opposed to the Covid regime, pushing the "germ theory is a hoax" line is both wrong and deeply counter-productive. But I'm glad we have a place like Substack where people can freely express those views, however misguided.

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there is a huge difference between "germ theory is a lie" (which contends terrain is what creates pathogenic mutations) and no viruses -only exosomes, which may or may not be "true", but not provable. It's like angels on pinheads. Not enough to divide forces over.

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I find it a little odd that germ theory proponents need to do the "rabbit hole", "flat-earther" & "misguided" argumentum ad hominem trick. It would seem that you don't have any confidence in arguing the merits of your own Rockefeller oil inspired ideology.

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Debating the subject is a fool's errand. The support for my proposition that viruses exist and can cause illness is the entirety of the field of virology, which you do not consider legitimate. This is the epistemological crisis we are living in. I blame the dishonesty and corruption of the scientific and media establishment much more than Internet anons pushing strange theories for this state of affairs, and oppose censorship of any kind.

We sit as jurors evaluating the competing claims of expert witnesses. We all use different heuristics to determine who is correct. Some heuristics are better than others. Using my heuristics, "germ theory is a hoax" does not hold water. A heuristic that blindly accepts establishment narratives is flawed, as is one that accepts theories that discount mountains of evidence. Finding the right balance is hard.

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I think and have heard that a "conspiracy theory" is only a theory until proven right. I don't believe the earth is flat but I don't believe anything our government tells us anymore.

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"Debating the subject is a fool's errand."

The transgender activists tool of choice. "This is not up for debate".

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Debating sex with transgender activists is also a fool's errand because you cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into. Facts cannot break them out of the ideology, because the ideology is not based on evidence or facts. The body of evidence and facts behind virology, on the other hand, is pretty damn good.

Debating virology is fine. It's just not a debate I personally find worth having in a forum such as this because I've reviewed both sides and the evidence for viruses is far greater and has far more explanatory power than competing theories. I would even encourage other people to review the competing theories and assess for themselves. I would further encourage you to share with me here what you think is the best article or book that in your mind undermines germ theory, and if it is one I have not looked at, I will take a look. But based on what I've come across so far, I don't think it will win the day.

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Jun 7, 2022
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Well - many smoke cigarettes and don't get cancer. Could there be confounding factors impacting those catching cancer I query?

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Hells-Bells, I'll answer my own question and the answer is YES.

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Jun 7, 2022
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😆 Congrats on conquering the habit.

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Is a habit ever conquered? I mean you remember the habit don't you? I'm not trying to be difficult, but some old habit die hard and out of all the habits of harm lately, smoking a cig seems super really low on the scale you want my opinion given the way the last two years have gone. Hell-bells, I'd just assume smoke myself to death than listen to the lies one day more.

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Jun 7, 2022
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I'll tell you this as well, one of the confounding factors is nuclear explosions conducted in the 20th century. I don't know about you, but I'm hoping we don't have to go through that BS again in the 21st century and moreover even a country bumpkin out of North Carolina universities got their toes dipped in some ignominy, knows that these jabs are deadly - so once again, begs the question - why do they want to give them to the kids and moreover, with all that said - you are worried about tobacco? Give me a break for Christ's sake!

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Jun 7, 2022
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Well that is the difference between medicine and addiction.

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Jun 7, 2022
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and confounding confoundments...

copied corked coming completely conscious can't contemplate consequences......conundrum? continuum?


and such

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Did you know that during the Plague's of the past, smoking tobacco was considered to be medicine? Could be they were onto something whereas all those sunk in Pasteur's dish and denying Bechamp's wisdom are the ones who really need to learn. Could be that you know...so don't get confounded with the data.

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Fascinating. I do remember reading some research about smoking being protective against COVID, although that research may have been funded by the tobacco industry (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41533-021-00223-1).

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I believe the Native Americans used tobacco medicinally but of course they did not add the chemicals that make commercial tobacco products addictive and harmful.

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I believe you are correct!

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I am unsure if data exists on this but I don't believe it is tobacco causing cancer and COPD I believe it was all the carcinogens that was put into the cigarettes that caused these diseases. Just like the shots. People didn't just suddenly start having kids that were autistic. In the movie vaxxed they talk about one of the vaccines that was causing autism. One of the people looking into this said they studied the causal link between this vaccine and autism. The evidence was so overwhelming they destroyed the evidence instead of owning it.

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Well, here is the first link I found on this, but I read it somewhere else from somebody whom I respect and so I take serious those for whom I have come to trust. So, this link might be a piece of shit, but who knows - there might be a kernel of truth there..... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0024320502021355#:~:text=There%20is%20also%20evidence%20suggesting%20that%20nicotine%20may,radical%20scavenger%20in%20that%20it%20binds%20to%20iron.

I don't really know without further study, but I know that I've been lied to since the day I was born, shortly after JFK got the bullet to the brain, and so it is not a stretch to think other lies are blowing in the wind....but I've reached the moment lately, where I'm sick and tired of finding the lies, because one lie too many is one lie to much. I'm sick of lies and I'm not alone.

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I didn't know the "tobacco industry" still had funds? Holy Moly - what a bunch of desperate lawyers if they did that. I actually think tobacco is protective and nicotine is quite the anti-oxidant you know.....or did you not know that?

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Oh yes, it is a *highly* profitable, primarily due to expanding to markets in Asia and Africa along with the newly burgeoning e-cigarette industry:


I remember Wendell Berry wrote an essay about the meaningful role tobacco harvesting played in his community (https://www.neh.gov/humanities/2012/mayjune/feature/excerpts-the-writings-wendell-berry). As Kim mentioned, Native Americans and others have been known to use it medicinally; it is the addictive chemicals and additives that Big Tobacco adds that are the greatest threat to health (which in turn produces big profits for Big Medicine).

If you haven’t yet watched “The Insider” (I referenced it in my Profile in Courage on Tess Lawrie: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie?s=w), that covers the real-life whistleblower Jeff Wigand’s revelation that Big Tobacco intentionally funded fake studies, manipulated outcomes, and concealed the data incontrovertibly demonstrating the hazards caused by their products. It is the same story of fraud, corruption, propaganda, smearing, and obfuscation we are seeing today.

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"It's amazing how much panic one honest man [or woman in your case] can spread among a multitude of hypocrites."- Thomas Sowell

Keep on truckin', MAA

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Haha, thank you, Anna. Love Sowell and will do 🚚

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I'd probably write that off as the attled ramblings of a confused person. Who benefits? I don't think that you, Malone, Kirsch or any of the others questioning the extremely well-paid industry hacks are making much money with their work; they are enjoying their roles, but the money belongs with the "house". Personally we should have been demonstrating in front of vaccination clinics with signs like the abortion opponents have been known for.

Open dialogues and debates rather than mind-numbing verbiage would be productive and will probably happen more and more.

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Thanks, Tom, and I would certainly love to see more open dialogues and debates start happening!

I am aware of some medical freedom demonstrations that happened during the initial rollouts of mandates at medical facilities and the like but haven’t heard about such activities lately (besides the larger demonstrations like the People’s Convoy and Defeat the Mandates).

That is an interesting model to consider—handing out pamphlets and trying to talk people down from their injections before they go inside but in a loving rather than a fanatical way.

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All those who did what you and Tom are suggesting, would very likely be arrested (and disappeared?). "Interfering in a (so-called) 'public health emergency'", etc. Committing the "crime" of attempting to prevent people from getting jabbed with the "vaccines which will save them". Don't get me wrong, it's great that we're making the dent that we are in waking people up, but those who are waking up are a drop in the bucket compared to the fact that the vast majority of people are still, and will continue to be, completely, and blindly, cow-towing to the government and the mainstream media, and trusting them, to their grave detriment, and to the grave detriment of almost the entire U.S. population, as well as almost the entire global community. All hell-on-earth breaking loose is almost completely upon us.

I recommended to a fellow-tenant in my HUD elderly-disabled apartment complex the other day that she stop getting injected with the "vaccines" (she's already gotten three jabs), and I warned her that, not to scare her but, her disabilities may get worse because of the "vaccines". Now, that's probably been fed back to my apartment management (all completely brainwashed as usual), and I'm probably being reported to HUD and/or at least one government agency, that I'm going against government recommendations and requirements, and "threatening the safety of (my) fellow-tenants", or something similar, and the "blueshirts and/or whiteshirts" will probably show up at my door sooner or later, likely sooner, especially since the neo-Nazi "Homeland '(In)Security" already visited me in 2006 for "perceived 'threatening' conduct" under the "U.S.A. (Un)P.A.T.R.I.O.T.(ic) Act" [I called a federal USDA employee responsible for overseeing my USDA Rural Development elderly-disabled apartment complex, where I lived for fifteen years, "evil" on the phone when she continued to refuse to do anything about my then apartment management's (protected) illegal activities (so much for free speech, eh, especially the right to express "offensive" speech---you see, freedom of speech has already been criminalized and outlawed; it just hasn't been entirely enforced... YET, and it soon will be; we are thus so frakked!)]. What are we defenseless ones to do when they come for us (rhetorically questioning)? God help us all!

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Today Jessica Rose (love her) did a substack on Moderna data showing 1/200 babies had an AE to their Covid shot. She made a poster showing this information with the data and suggested we take it to the shot clinics and hang it up. I think it's a great idea. I sent it to the congressmen in FL and to the Governor. There has to be a law against importing medicine that can kill across state lines. If there is not their should be.

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Kirsch & Malone would be making enough for you and me to survive on from Substack. I doubt MAA is because although she's gone further than me in subscriptions over the past year I don't think that they're enough for the same.

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Malone has and is doing more for our cause and I for one applaud him. Looking back at my own self in the entertainment biz during the AIDS crisis, I was "captured" but am now enlightened. I too said and did things back then with my former mindset. I stand with MAA and Malone. Period full stop

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Thank you, Victor. That is an honorable display of humility and growth. I think reflecting on our own pre-awakened state enables us to empathize with those arriving a tad later as well as those who have yet to awaken.

I am honored and grateful to stand beside you 🙌

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You are welcome as I really was moved by your extensive hyperlink research coupled with intelligent dialogue to counter the slander slung at you & Malone. It was their goal to spread hatred against Malone and as someone who knows marketing/PR/advertising I see right thru it. The new- new nudging which is by hired digital marketing agencies for CDC/NIH/FDA is to pretend to be on "our side" in our feeds & videos and just "raise a little doubt" thereby discrediting them without really "discrediting" them out loud. Its subtle pys-ops in its purest form. I'm honored to hear from you but really, my honorable display as you say pails in comparison to what you, Malone, Kory, Urso, Cole, McCullough, Alexander, Rose, Vandenbossche et al are up against every minute of everyday including the loss of their ability to generate income in their professions. Dr Tess Lawrie gets a separate mention here as she is one of the most pure and altruistic MD scientists standing up to every major worldwide corrupt organization designed to harm us, all for the good of humanity and her oath of First Do No Harm. Who else has the sheer will, backbone, and drive to put on this event https://betterwayconference.org/ I will die on this hill for freedom and hopefully every subscriber on your feed understands I am NOT special and that they too can do exactly what I'm doing by spreading your truth & info, along with the aforementioned Dr's and make a huge difference by posting & sharing the data to their various feeds and emailing friends. The FDA meets about genetically altering children June 14 which will forever change their immune system so time is tight. Keep up the great work!!

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Wow, thank you, Victor, and I wholeheartedly agree about Dr. Tess Lawrie, who inspired me to launch my “Profiles in Courage” series (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie) and whom I call the Queen of Integrity (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary — where I also crowned Mike Yeadon the King of Integrity :-)

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Something struck me about part of D's comment: "Milov is just a professor in the US university"... That's not a native English speaker, there, more likely from Russia or a Slavic country, or perhaps China. Their sole purpose is to divide people over here against each other, it's a kind of information warfare. They're time-wasters, and try to get arguments going. And they may use sock-puppet accounts. They're not pushing any particular narrative, they're just trying to provoke a fight. The best thing to do is to ban them from commenting, and delete their comment(s). It's been going on for quite some time - https://www.fpri.org/article/2016/09/distinguishing-true-false-fakes-forgeries-russias-information-war-ukraine/, amongst others. As you get more readers, you'll probably see more of this.

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Note that "Milov is just a professor in the US university" is not in quote marks.

Own goal there. I'll vouch for MAA though, she's not a foreign spy.

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I've gotten involved with such posters who clearly have an agenda. But it's also clear via the language expressions that they are not typical. Don't know how organized they are but it seems they aren't making much headway.

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what is their agenda??

The best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves. —Vladimir Lenin

A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody. —Thomas Paine

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In one area they want to portray Russia as a certain winner; that Ukraine has no chance. In other cases they wish to insist that the virus came from US labs. The ones insisting on the vaccine was OK have just disappeared.

On Twitter the counters seem to arrive in storms.

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in your words? lets shut up those who challenge, think differently?

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I've posted a reply in opposition to what MAA has said before, but I've at least cited evidence and given an argument, this poster didn't do that, it was just an attack. I don't hesitate to ban people who do that, I don't tolerate them. Civil argument with evidence is fine, ad hominem is not.

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"you dont tolerate" "you ban" --where did you amass such power!!


i do not see a "civil" argument ... i dont know you or MAA but this Ds argument is happening around us...

A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody. —Thomas Paine

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Hey, on my Substack page, I have certain rules and I enforce them. If you don't like it, go elsewhere. I'm looking for civil arguments with cites and evidence which inform and educate the people who see them, not flame wars which just titillate people. I'm not running an Outrage Machine.

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DEFINE YOUR RULES as you come off as a leftist censor... what is your page of censorship - i will run from it..

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keep up the good work and don't let the bitter folks get you down.

those who provide limited or no relevant data to clarify their emotionally loaded attacks whilst crying "controlled opposition" remind me of the pot calling the kettle black.

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Thank you, SomeDude, and don’t worry, I’m good at turning lemons into lemonade 🍋🍸

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Margaret - Shades of an earlier, although much less vitriolic conversation about Dr. Malone that you and I had a while back.

I have to agree, the Malone of 2022 is not the same as 2021. It's been interesting to watch his progression from his earlier dogmatic allopathic medical positions to where he is now.

As far as the antiquated, Rockefeller installed belief systems that still pervade modern medicine, do I feel he has reached the level of questioning that I would like to see him achieve? No. However, as I mentioned in our earlier conversation, he's in a very good position to coax along major changes in how we perceive disease... if he continues to advance.

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Thank you for your thoughtful note, Kyle, and I continue to nudge him along in the areas where I think he may still have blind spots (e.g., I urged him to read “Dissolving Illusions,” which I think he will find as mind-blowing as I and everyone else who’s read it has).

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As with many things, one's beliefs change over time as new data arrive. The process does take time. The manipulation developed as a part of 'nudge' science requires effort to understand and then see how it works on us. As time progresses we will require an educational effort to overcome those tools. Obviously nudges can be used for 'good' as in https://www.dw.com/en/nudges-how-little-tricks-influence-our-decisions/a-51170445 or to promote fear https://brownstone.org/articles/the-nudge-ethically-dubious-and-ineffective/. You wording "nudge" itself prompted my response!

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Haha, good point, HardeeHo—perhaps I should have avoided the word “nudge”! 😆

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pseudo-dissident needs a stack where (she?) can rant to the straight-edge contingent and hopefully serve as a magnet for same to get those joyless clowns off of this stack and away from the real prime movers of the resistance.

as jello biafra said in 1986 (sarcastically) you aren't a real punk rocker if "you tell too many jokes and you eat meat."

i suspect "dissident" has a secret life as a supermarket security guard who screams at customers if they let their muzzles slip beneath their noses

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Wasn't Jello's band demanding vaxxes in the past 12 months?

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I would be disappointed but not surprised considering how many former “rebels” have become proponents of the very systems they once critiqued. Rage Against the Machine did the same.

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dnc operative tipper gore destroyed jello's band 35 years ago

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Haha, thank you, nymusicdaily. Great quote 😆 (She does have a Stack, BTW, which you can find in the original comment thread.)

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haha, took forever for her stack to load. yours always comes up fast. russkaya devotchka - tragically some people don't make it out from behind the iron curtain or what's left of it without being permanently scarred. sad. if only...

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Posted and sent. Let's please protect the babies!

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Thank you, Ungovernable, and we must, indeed! 🛡

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“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Matthew 18:6

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Sorry if this info is already posted easily available and whatnot, but if not, I will provide it later. All those who cast a vote in favor of this are "marked" in my book. Not trying to sound ominous, it is just grammar school kids already know this jab is not helpful - in fact, it is the obvious, so begs the question why they want to do this, and informs the reason why I will provide names later if need be.


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Thanks for keeping the books, Ken :-)

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I need some help with these books.............gracious!

Peace to you Margaret Anna Alice and one step at a time we will get to our destination!


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😆 Don’t worry, we’re all keeping tabs 🕊

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The extremes are unsustainable. Lies are unsustainable. Fantasy is unsustainable. Simple truth is sustainable. Everything operates within an order of nature that is predictable and consistent. We are living in at time where power believes that they are immune to order. Do what you must to defend what is important to you. Take care of your loved ones, your neighbors, and your community. One of the principles that I live by is “Start Small. Act Locally. Share Globally. Take the Long View.” What is sustainable will survive that which is not. It is propaganda to think otherwise. Thank you MA for being a light in the darkness.

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Thank you for this eloquent synopsis, Ed, as well as for shining your own light! 🌄

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I'm glad you posted this discussion thread. I appreciate hearing the back and forth, and your kind but firm responses. 💕

Free speech doesn't mean that all speech needs to, or should be, allowed in all spaces. In fact, it is unwise.

One of the reasons it's unwise is what D valuably points out; it is becoming common knowledge that propaganda and intelligence/counter intelligence includes planting people in spaces to disrupt, confuse or mislead. We need to consistently keep this in mind, and I agree that doctor Malone is not one of those people.

The other reason is that we are all on our personal journeys, and we have different levels of intellectual and emotional maturity. This is not to judge; we are all in this together. But it is not healthy for anyone, either individually or as a group, to be the recipient of divisive, hurtful and extreme behavior. That is not good, healthy, mature boundaries to have personally, and it's not good boundaries to have as a group. Of course we always need to check ourselves and make sure someone isn't being discluded because of cognitive dissonance. And people should be given a few chances to grow and change. So we need to do due diligence, which I think has been done in the case of D, and I would support you blocking her from your posts.

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Thank you for your moving and wise response, Nova123 🤗

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We sometimes see posts from some very angry, disturbed people. Perhaps posted helps them resolve their issues.

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I don't think you could have responded better than you did. Nor articulated Malone's evolution more clearly. Yes, envy and bitterness are likely behind the comments. You're a force, MAA, and so also, sadly, at times, will be a target. Thanks for the reminder and references re FDA deadline.

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Thank you for your heartening words, Kathleen. I am grateful to have you as a friend, reader, and fellow writer.

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I shared that letter with two friends from my former home in the Land of Enchantment, coincidentally the same land where Ben Ray Lujan lives. They did not respond and I haven't heard from either for quite some time. Guess they were not ready to hear the truth. Thank you for such a thorough well written expose. I'm sure it benefits many who are ready for peeling that onion just a little bit more.

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Still in that Land but remain in disbelief because of people like Lujan. The people of the state headed down the broken California trail continue re-electing the same fools yet expect things to improve. The Peter principle at work.

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Yes, you are right, but doesn't help when Dominion voting system is still in use. I do believe Lujan lost in the last election but yet here he is today, and most likely the pedo S.F. Mayor Weber lost as well, but continues also. I love New Mexico so much and grieve for the people and land with the insanity that is rife within it's governing system. So many there are afraid to see the truth and would rather live in an airy-fairy love and light existence. Hang in there!

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Pity I enjoy the climate and the mountains so much.

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Thank you for your diligent efforts, Kim! Let’s hope the seeds we continue planting will bloom someday.

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Paid character assassins abound in today's world. The intent was to character assassin Dr. Malone, who has come to understand that the landscape of health needs is not driven for improving health issues, but to improve bottom line agendas at any cost. The verbal dual gushed of hypocrisy!

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A point of reasonable concern. Still so odd that the NIH staff have been so silent as we ponder these issues.

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When you get big enough, they literally pay people to come in and troll up the message boards. YOU MADE IT! :)

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*lol* Thanks, SimulationCommander!

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