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You are welcome as I really was moved by your extensive hyperlink research coupled with intelligent dialogue to counter the slander slung at you & Malone. It was their goal to spread hatred against Malone and as someone who knows marketing/PR/advertising I see right thru it. The new- new nudging which is by hired digital marketing agencies for CDC/NIH/FDA is to pretend to be on "our side" in our feeds & videos and just "raise a little doubt" thereby discrediting them without really "discrediting" them out loud. Its subtle pys-ops in its purest form. I'm honored to hear from you but really, my honorable display as you say pails in comparison to what you, Malone, Kory, Urso, Cole, McCullough, Alexander, Rose, Vandenbossche et al are up against every minute of everyday including the loss of their ability to generate income in their professions. Dr Tess Lawrie gets a separate mention here as she is one of the most pure and altruistic MD scientists standing up to every major worldwide corrupt organization designed to harm us, all for the good of humanity and her oath of First Do No Harm. Who else has the sheer will, backbone, and drive to put on this event https://betterwayconference.org/ I will die on this hill for freedom and hopefully every subscriber on your feed understands I am NOT special and that they too can do exactly what I'm doing by spreading your truth & info, along with the aforementioned Dr's and make a huge difference by posting & sharing the data to their various feeds and emailing friends. The FDA meets about genetically altering children June 14 which will forever change their immune system so time is tight. Keep up the great work!!

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Wow, thank you, Victor, and I wholeheartedly agree about Dr. Tess Lawrie, who inspired me to launch my “Profiles in Courage” series (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie) and whom I call the Queen of Integrity (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary — where I also crowned Mike Yeadon the King of Integrity :-)

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