Inspired by Cody and his mother, Heather Hudson, this poem is dedicated to them as well as Brianne Dressen and React19; Real Not Rare; and all the innocents injured, killed, and bereaved by the “safe and effective” injection.
Lament of the Vaxx-Injured
by Margaret Anna Alice
They told us it was safe.
They told us it was effective.
They told us everyone was doing it.
They told us not getting it was selfish.
They told us it was the only way
we could study, work, shop, live.
We listened to them.
Why would they lie to us?
We trusted them.
Why would they hurt us?
And every day since
that irrevocable,
life-shattering decision
has been unrelenting
agony and exhaustion,
apprehension and regret,
uncertainty and dread.
Our lives are now a continuum
of questioning,
of searching,
of testing,
of fretting.
They tell us we’re faking it.
They tell us we’re lying.
They tell us we’re imagining it.
They tell us we’re anxious.
They tell us we’re exaggerating.
They tell us we’re grifting.
And once it’s undeniable—
when the diagnostics show
heart damage,
blood clots,
cardiac arrest,
hematologic abnormalities,
impaired immune functionality,
Bell’s palsy,
Guillain–Barré syndrome,
autoimmune disease,
multiple sclerosis,
transverse myelitis,
multi-organ inflammation,
prion disease,
cerebrovascular disease,
brain damage,
turbo cancer,
DNA integration,
deep vein thrombosis,
post-vaccination syndrome,
multisystem failure—
then they tell us
they’re baffled.
Then they tell us they don’t
know how to fix it.
Every day, we research
as if our lives depend on it,
because they do.
Because only we
and our loved ones
care enough to save us.
For some, we’re a statistic,
a number on a spreadsheet.
For others, we don’t exist.
They don’t want us to exist.
They refuse to see us.
They refuse to hear us.
They refuse to feel us.
They refuse to help us.
Every minute, we scrape together the strength
to endure the anguish,
to resist the gaslighting,
to seek out supplements,
procedures, practices—
anything that will offer relief,
anything that will soften the suffering,
anything that will delay our terminal diagnosis.
They tell us to shut up.
They tell us not to scare others.
They tell us it is rare.
They tell us it was worth it.
And no one takes responsibility—
not the NGOs that hocus-pocused us,
not the corporations that poisoned us,
not the governments that coerced us,
not the agencies that betrayed us,
not the institutions that mandated us,
not the philanthropaths who targeted us,
not the ideologues who ridiculed us,
not the tyrants who scapegoated us,
not the politicians who maneuvered us,
not the enforcers who penned us,
not the psychologists who manipulated us,
not the propagandists who petrified us,
not the experts who hoodwinked us,
not the scientists who head-faked us,
not the censors who erased us,
not the doctors who pushed us,
not the nurses who needled us,
not the pharmacists who stabbed us.
They call us anti-vaxxers.
But we got jabbed?
They call us conspiracy theorists.
But we believed them?
They call us science-deniers.
But we trusted it?
And now we’re on our own—
without support,
without compensation,
without legal recourse.
Some of us have lost
our jobs,
our insurance,
our babies,
our lives.
They don’t need us anymore.
They don’t want us anymore.
They got what they ordered
… and moved on.
Each twinge of pain
is silver in their pockets.
Each desperate scream
is Muzak in their waiting room.
Each vaxxicide
is another piece of evidence
So that’s why we have to live.
That’s why we have to survive.
That’s why we have to fight.
That’s why we have to wage justice.
We are living proof
of their fraud,
of their cruelty,
of their tyranny.
Chisel our truth into your hearts.
Tattoo our stories onto your arms.
Photograph our faces with your minds.
Testify to our torment.
Testify to their lies.
Testify to their crimes.
See us.
Hear us.
Feel us.
Help us.
Since first publishing this poem, I have had the honor of collaborating with Cody and Heather Hudson on a video of Cody reading the poem. Please watch and share wildly.
Note: This poem focuses on people living with injuries; murder victims will be honored in a separate piece. Meanwhile, you can meet a few of those tragic souls in this satirical article:
A Personal Note
I recently suffered what I thought was the worst pain of my life after injuring my back. Nearly every movement felt like digging around the exposed nerves with a sickle probe. I was finally starting to feel normal again when I re-injured it, and that was the worst pain of my life—to the point that I passed out twice.
I am sharing this not to elicit pity (I’m on the mend and functional again, so please don’t worry) but because it was understanding what the vaxx-injured endure without respite that helped me get through this experience. I specifically thought of Cody while I was crying, moaning, and screaming out the pain. Perhaps you, too, can draw strength from their example in times of crisis, misery, and desperation.
What I am going through is merely temporary. I cannot fathom the fortitude, courage, and resilience it requires to persist despite being bombarded with relentless suffering from multiple illnesses and injuries, with each one triggering a cascade of others.
And yet they use their voices to try to help others heal and avoid the same living torment—even as they are stigmatized, silenced, and gaslit. Nothing compares to the level of self-sacrifice they have embodied since their lives were forever altered.
The vaxx-injured are the heroes of our time. Please make others see, hear, feel, and help them by sharing this poem and supporting Cody, React19, Real Not Rare, and the vaxx-injured individuals in your life.
Cody’s family, for example, is facing potential homelessness because the medical bills have taken nearly everything from them.
Thank you for coming together to support the most vulnerable in our community.
📚 Resources for the Vaxx-Injured
If you received a COVID vaccine and began experiencing unusual health symptoms in the days, months, or years following your injection, you are far from alone. Doctors, scientists, and researchers are working diligently to find solutions. The organizations and articles below offer guidance for mitigating vaxx injuries, support, and additional resources to help the vaxx-injured recover and ultimately heal:
FLCCC Alliance (IRECOVER) (on Substack)
© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
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Only 2 percent of my readers are paid. By choosing to support me, YOU empower me to fight tyranny and expose democide. Thank you with all of my being.
You also help fund production costs associated with video collaborations such as Dr. Tess Lawrie’s and Dr. Mike Yeadon’s world-waking readings of Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice. I am already envisioning a video series for Lament of the Vaxx-Injured that can be used to help vaxx victims and the organizations supporting them. Your subscription will help bring that to fruition.
When you subscribe, you gain access to premium content like podcasts, Memes by Themes, Consequential Quotes, Behind the Scenes, “rolling” interviews, personal writings, and bonus articles. Founding Members also receive a signed copy of my dystopian fairy tale, Canary in a COVID World (combined retail value of $38.76), and several special gifts.
I especially want to thank those of you who have taken the time to write a private message to me when you subscribe. I read and cherish each note.
Thank you for being part of our karass of brave, brilliant, kind, and witty thinkers.
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📣 Action Alert
If you are vaxx-injured, you can use the new hashtag #iamcovaxinjured to alert people to your condition and help raise awareness about vaccine injuries. See the tweet below for details.
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🤗 Shoutouts Gratitude
Banjocat shared this beautiful passage from an off-Stack post. (The url she provided isn’t working for me, but you will find it in this comment if you want to try it.)
“Inflicted by endless designer wars intended to displace and diminish the battery class – all people represent the chosen – for they are selected with prejudice to a sentence of life without parole or death. No community is immune to the indiscriminate AI generated selection process.
“The ugly battle on the outside is a reflection of the spiritual battle taking place on the inside of each individual to free themselves from the yoke of indoctrinated disempowerment. It is incumbent upon the individual to build a secret space, a library in the heart of the mind, that cannot be breached nor burned to the ground.
“To be born again from the ashes of an old life that only ever served the philanthropaths that traded you as a commodity in their weaponized portfolios. These self appointed kings and queens earn royalties from the sport of your compliance with their every demand. Do not be afraid to flip the game board and send all their pieces flying in all directions. Let them keep their valueless game board currency. Humanity must forge a new path to create real wealth based on spiritual principles. It does my heart good to see more people questioning the unethical paradigm of governance supported by indecipherable tomes that can no longer be understood even by their shameless executors.”
Heuristic mOntaGe and Parody Spirals
Heuristic mOntaGe and Parody Spirals created this mashup featuring excerpts from Doc Malik’s reading of Eulogy for the COVID Kapos:
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If you would like to help propagate the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made, you will find a wide selection of products in this collection. Please post pictures of yourself (with identity obscured if desired) and tag me on Notes wearing your merch so I can share it in future newsletters!
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📚 Anthologies
My work is also featured in the following collections:
Canary in a COVID World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our World (Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook)
A Doctor’s Despair (Paperback, Kindle)
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I'm VERY uncomfortable with the smug, self-righteous condemnation of the jabbed that I see in various videos, articles and comment sections. This is all part of how we become dehumanized. When natural human compassion is weaponized against the population - many took the jab truly believing they were helping others - those who are jabbed and then injured are betrayed on all fronts. They are ridiculed, abandoned, shamed and then vilified by the unjabbed effectively dividing the population even further.
The fact is, many unjabbed did not have to face stark choices like homelessness and starvation if we refused it. Many unjabbed had options, family, friends, jobs which didn't require it. We cannot truly understand the extreme pressure of propaganda and censorship which forced their hand without being in their shoes. Even those who proudly bragged about their jabs deserve some level of compassion. What does it say about us if we fall into the same behaviour as the 'good German's who ended up despising Jews with whom they worked only weeks before? This is what the oligarchs do. They make us all hate each other splintering us into smaller and smaller factions so we can't effectively target the REAL adversary: those psycho-sociopaths in power who leverage their wealth and influence to exploit and oppress all of us.
If only we could see that our enemy isn't our neighbour. Our enemy is the system of heirarchy which allows a tiny group of rich men to justify their domination and control over the rest of us.
I was a young medical student doing a rotation at Harrisburg Hospital when 3 Mile Island almost melted down.... they told us to stay inside and close the windows.... it was at that moment that I stopped trusting public health officials....
I did stay inside (of my car going upwind).windows closed.