Apr 12·edited Apr 12Pinned

I'm VERY uncomfortable with the smug, self-righteous condemnation of the jabbed that I see in various videos, articles and comment sections. This is all part of how we become dehumanized. When natural human compassion is weaponized against the population - many took the jab truly believing they were helping others - those who are jabbed and then injured are betrayed on all fronts. They are ridiculed, abandoned, shamed and then vilified by the unjabbed effectively dividing the population even further.

The fact is, many unjabbed did not have to face stark choices like homelessness and starvation if we refused it. Many unjabbed had options, family, friends, jobs which didn't require it. We cannot truly understand the extreme pressure of propaganda and censorship which forced their hand without being in their shoes. Even those who proudly bragged about their jabs deserve some level of compassion. What does it say about us if we fall into the same behaviour as the 'good German's who ended up despising Jews with whom they worked only weeks before? This is what the oligarchs do. They make us all hate each other splintering us into smaller and smaller factions so we can't effectively target the REAL adversary: those psycho-sociopaths in power who leverage their wealth and influence to exploit and oppress all of us.

If only we could see that our enemy isn't our neighbour. Our enemy is the system of heirarchy which allows a tiny group of rich men to justify their domination and control over the rest of us.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I was a young medical student doing a rotation at Harrisburg Hospital when 3 Mile Island almost melted down.... they told us to stay inside and close the windows.... it was at that moment that I stopped trusting public health officials....

I did stay inside (of my car going upwind).windows closed.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

"They don’t need us anymore.

They don’t want us anymore.

They got what they ordered

… and moved on."

TRUTH. Thank you for posting this. I want to add turbo ALS to the list, which my aunt just died from 7 weeks after diagnosis. Took my mom 14 months to die from ALS prior to the scamdemic.

This whole thing reminds me of an abused woman (just an example, men are abused too). Boyfriend beats the tar out of her, she is sitting there with a bloody nose and black eye and he says " You're not injured, you're imagining it." Same with the vax. No, those injured are not imagining anything.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Heartbreaking, but also, I think people do need to take responsibility for their own gullibility. Not saying that to be mean, just so they don't outsource their brains again to the foxes looking for hens. What a wake-up call, I bloody well wish so much their stories would become part of mainstream media, it would change the narrative. Some hope - Dr. Adeel Khan in Toronto is having amazing success in treating those harmed by the shots, he uses stem cells, and vagal reset therapy. At least that is what he claims. He has had some wealthy and famous patients, and I imagine the treatment is not cheap, but the more people can get access, the quicker the price should come down. In the U.S. I do not think there are reputable clinics for such treatment. But it is worth the investigation for those who are suffering. My thoughts and prayers, and tears are with all those who have been harmed.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

MAA -- Beautifully done. Moving, accurate, insightful, poignant -- truly remarkable. Thank you.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D. and Ph. D, has a Substack on here dedicated to saving humanity. She believes along with many doctors this was a direct attack against humanity for depopulation purposes. She goes into detail about treatment regimes that are proving effective. Basically the regime consists of detoxification. Use EDTA I.V. or oral if the I.V. is not available in your area. The spike protein is made up of Graphene and Gold so treating it as a metallic toxin dramatically improves people’s blood work. Also, doing 7 day water only fasts kills cancer cells immediately. Make sure to use pure and clean water such as distilled water. For more info check out her Substack.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I don’t get flu shots and never for a second considered the covid shots. When the covid shots began to publicly and obviously betray those who took them I felt quite vindicated in my decision to abstain. In retrospect, I am so very fortunate that I was in a position where I could refuse the jab and not suffer any consequences beyond a little meaningless scorning. I can’t imagine the sorrow from being coerced to take the shots and then suffering pain and incapacitation from doing so.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Your brilliant combining of heart-opening poetry with embedded links is a perfect synthesis of "right" and "left" brain inquiry. You feed both our inner artist and inner scientist. Thank you for all the labour that went into birthing this work, MAA!

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you Margaret AA, for caring so much and continuing to speak out and creatively keep us from forgetting these whose lives have been spared only to live in constant pain due to one sort of injury or another. I honor you.

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The most marginal of the marginalised. Where’s the liberal left now? Looking for dwarf lesbian non-binary low income people like unicorns.

There’s no pot of gold on the other end of that rainbow

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Your poem is beautiful and very well written. I used my mom's medical dictionary from 1943 to help me in my decision making. And took George Carlin's advice- don't believe anything the government tells you. Am still here as a result

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for speaking out about this. Your work is making a difference.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank-you for speaking up for the victims of this senseless crime. I know that there are people who do not care because it is seems like awhile ago. I also know there are people who are indifferent or even hostile to others because they made a poor choice. I am saying it is still relevant because the outcome of covid will haunt all of us for years to come.

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you Alice. Love to you ALL.


mRNA Trial in 2013 100% of the participants had their hearts stop! & Prof Cahill and Dr Tenpenny explain why vaccinees will die




Pfizer is 'deeply sorry' Dr. John Campbell


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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

First and foremost this whole Jab thing will go down as the crime of the century (and to think that it is not yet over). The loss of life is just criminal and cries for justice. Knowing what we know today (and I would argue at the outset of "operation warp speed") - one can ask, what has been done to secure justice? Seems to me precious little. Until we see some movement towards justice, these lamentations (though poignant) will be for naught. Those that were stricken and brought down will have died (were injured) for nothing. Not too sure people should rest easy until this allusive justice is secured. The other thing that this whole episode should inspire is for one to take ownership for their own autonomy. We all do it.... we let others do the thinking for us. Well I say never again. As far as the Jab was concerned - there was information as to the risks and most of us succumbed to fear. Again, never again. Live boldly folks because we really do have only one life to live. Pax

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Apr 12Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you thank you thank you so much. I appreciate that you allow posting for someone like me. I met Maddie DeGaray and her Mother.

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