I'm VERY uncomfortable with the smug, self-righteous condemnation of the jabbed that I see in various videos, articles and comment sections. This is all part of how we become dehumanized. When natural human compassion is weaponized against the population - many took the jab truly believing they were helping others - those who are jabbed and then injured are betrayed on all fronts. They are ridiculed, abandoned, shamed and then vilified by the unjabbed effectively dividing the population even further.

The fact is, many unjabbed did not have to face stark choices like homelessness and starvation if we refused it. Many unjabbed had options, family, friends, jobs which didn't require it. We cannot truly understand the extreme pressure of propaganda and censorship which forced their hand without being in their shoes. Even those who proudly bragged about their jabs deserve some level of compassion. What does it say about us if we fall into the same behaviour as the 'good German's who ended up despising Jews with whom they worked only weeks before? This is what the oligarchs do. They make us all hate each other splintering us into smaller and smaller factions so we can't effectively target the REAL adversary: those psycho-sociopaths in power who leverage their wealth and influence to exploit and oppress all of us.

If only we could see that our enemy isn't our neighbour. Our enemy is the system of heirarchy which allows a tiny group of rich men to justify their domination and control over the rest of us.

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I can only speak for myself and those I know personally who are likewise unvaxxed. I have nothing but sympathy and concern for those who were jabbed, unaware that what they were jabbed with is a dangerous bioweapon. Even when the most offensive pro-vax public people have perished from the bioweapon, all I feel is disgust toward the perptrators of the crimes against humanity.

I agree 100% with you that those who were vaxxed deserve our empathy. And while I don't doubt there are some who probably fall into the category you described of nonvaxxed who condemn the vaxxed, I imagine there is a much larger subset of those who do not feel that way.

Just my two cents...

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In the middle of the debate just before the Roll Out I told every one who would listen don't take it. History shows tainted vaccines right from the beginning. 1974 the AIDS scamdemic. The Polio contamination. The XRMV contamination. When the jabbed started dying they kept taking the boosters. The injury reports started rolling in and they still kept lining up. I visited a long time vax damaged friend in the hospital and offered my special elixir - oh no I don't want it to interfere with my Doctors medication.

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It's hard to watch. It's also hard to not be believed.

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Another vax damaged person I stop and chat with I tried to help him with some simple detox methods. Nope won't do them. The only reason your alive I say to him is you are a smoker. The spikeopathy attacks the nicotine receptors and you need to do advanced detox methods. If you won't do the simple ones there is no use telling the advanced methods. He plays the victim card and cannot remember anything past the time he goes to sleep. Many healthy non-smokers just dropped dead I told him. A lot of professional athletes dropped dead on the field and they still cannot connect the dots.

I did come close to checking out of Hotel California myself but only the advanced detox methods brought me back from the brink.

Scamdemic 2.0 is here now. The NeuroWar is ramping up. This is a test by Satan on your faith - don't let the True God down.

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Many of us Unjabbed had no options. My family tried to pressure and force me to take the jab. I said no, not interested. I will leave if you want me to. But if you do tell me to leave it will be forever, there is no coming back. I told them to their faces it is a scam. They hid their injuries from me for over a year but I knew what was going on.

I don't blame the vaxxed for booting me out of their world. Big Government, Big Harma and Big Corporations had a multimillion dollar budget, if not billions....

But where do we go from here?

Solutions are no where to be found. And even if there was one we would go back to the same hateful racist world. The Love is Gone. It is a mechanical world of emptiness.

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well, it's payback for the smugness and outright hostility exhibited by the vaxxed towards the unvaxxed. The unvaxxed have the last laugh but they don't get their businesses back, nor their jobs, nor their former friends and family, and their lives. The hostility and brutish behavior of the pro-vaxxers are unforgivable.

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I understand how you feel. I also know that the aggressive pro-vaxxers were vastly outnumbered by the genuinely caring people who were duped into thinking they were doing good. It's a hard lesson to learn and many are finally coming around and seeing the reality of what happened to them. We need to keep getting the message out that being pro-vaxx doesn't automatically mean you're evil. Just like being anti-vaxx doesn't mean you're evil. We live in surreal times where truth is so hard to come by and we're all struggling to survive.

That said, we must STILL hold those accountable for this nightmare accountable.

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those are just excuses made by sheep as to how they were so easily shorn.

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I was a young medical student doing a rotation at Harrisburg Hospital when 3 Mile Island almost melted down.... they told us to stay inside and close the windows.... it was at that moment that I stopped trusting public health officials....

I did stay inside (of my car going upwind).windows closed.

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"They don’t need us anymore.

They don’t want us anymore.

They got what they ordered

… and moved on."

TRUTH. Thank you for posting this. I want to add turbo ALS to the list, which my aunt just died from 7 weeks after diagnosis. Took my mom 14 months to die from ALS prior to the scamdemic.

This whole thing reminds me of an abused woman (just an example, men are abused too). Boyfriend beats the tar out of her, she is sitting there with a bloody nose and black eye and he says " You're not injured, you're imagining it." Same with the vax. No, those injured are not imagining anything.

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Heartbreaking, but also, I think people do need to take responsibility for their own gullibility. Not saying that to be mean, just so they don't outsource their brains again to the foxes looking for hens. What a wake-up call, I bloody well wish so much their stories would become part of mainstream media, it would change the narrative. Some hope - Dr. Adeel Khan in Toronto is having amazing success in treating those harmed by the shots, he uses stem cells, and vagal reset therapy. At least that is what he claims. He has had some wealthy and famous patients, and I imagine the treatment is not cheap, but the more people can get access, the quicker the price should come down. In the U.S. I do not think there are reputable clinics for such treatment. But it is worth the investigation for those who are suffering. My thoughts and prayers, and tears are with all those who have been harmed.

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I question the ethics of Stem Cell Therapy. Organ harvesting is off the scale now. Other ways to stimulate the Stem Cells.

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It feels unethical to use embryonic stem cells, even though the embryos will not be used at the fertilization clinic. Induced pluripotent somatic stem cells can be taken from the patient (autologous) and they behave like embryonic stem cells, but I don't know what kind of stem cell the Toronto clinic uses. I don't know if there are risks of genetic mutations that could show up later on from the process. I think I heard Dr. Khan say they used allogenic stem cells, those donated but my memory could be wrong. And, I don't recall what type of stem cells he uses or if he even declared it. Even though somatic autologous stem cells are not as versatile (can be obtained from bone marrow, oral cavity) they can have excellent and long-term regenerative results for some conditions. This is a new technology and no doubt it will continue to be refined to where embryonic stem cells won't be needed at all.

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MAA -- Beautifully done. Moving, accurate, insightful, poignant -- truly remarkable. Thank you.

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Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D. and Ph. D, has a Substack on here dedicated to saving humanity. She believes along with many doctors this was a direct attack against humanity for depopulation purposes. She goes into detail about treatment regimes that are proving effective. Basically the regime consists of detoxification. Use EDTA I.V. or oral if the I.V. is not available in your area. The spike protein is made up of Graphene and Gold so treating it as a metallic toxin dramatically improves people’s blood work. Also, doing 7 day water only fasts kills cancer cells immediately. Make sure to use pure and clean water such as distilled water. For more info check out her Substack.

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It was a direct, and DELIBERATE attack against humanity. There were no "mistakes" about it. To me it was obvious the day it broke. The sooner people realize that, the sooner they'll know what's really going on in this world. The truth is simply too evil for people to believe.

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Too Dark

Too Evil

Too Inhuman

I lack the Will

The Imagination

The Courage

For the villain

To form

In my mind

The crime is too ghastly

To contemplate

To do so will harm me

Will change me

Will tear me in two

To look at it

Will wreck the World

The one I think I live in

I will not know where I am

Who I am

If I am

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Apr 12Edited
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"But to look at evil without flinching is the only way to overcome evil."

THIS!!! 👆👆👆👆👆

Ever since the financial meltdown when I started to investigate how it could have happened (which ended up with me having a nervous breakdown I was so horrified by the evil I discovered) I've been on a mission to wake people up.

Sadly, I had to face the fact that our species is largely incapable of coping with the truth; largely incapable of seeing the evil in front of them and therefore confronting it.

This is likely because we would have to face the shadow within our own souls. People desperately need to distance themselves from the darkness within which makes us blind to the evil in others and so we go through these epic battles of good and evil within civilizations that come and go. I despair for humanity and feel helpless to stop the horrors.

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Oh I wasn’t speaking about myself.

I was imagining what gets in the way of folks looking underneath the surface at the wickedness.

It’s what I have observed and heard people say . You are right. You have absolutely got to confront the evil.

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I couldn't find her Substack, do you have a direct link?

This is the first I'd heard of the 7-day water only fast. I'd like to learn more.

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That should take you to her Substack. They go real deep into the science of why this was done in the first place. What the possible future implications are, and what the technological applications for this technology seem to be, based on Patents filed.

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Your brilliant combining of heart-opening poetry with embedded links is a perfect synthesis of "right" and "left" brain inquiry. You feed both our inner artist and inner scientist. Thank you for all the labour that went into birthing this work, MAA!

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Well said. Couldn't agree more.

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I don’t get flu shots and never for a second considered the covid shots. When the covid shots began to publicly and obviously betray those who took them I felt quite vindicated in my decision to abstain. In retrospect, I am so very fortunate that I was in a position where I could refuse the jab and not suffer any consequences beyond a little meaningless scorning. I can’t imagine the sorrow from being coerced to take the shots and then suffering pain and incapacitation from doing so.

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Yah I was in a unique situation before the Scamdemic. I was already the BLACK SHEEP of the family. Hard to kick out a Black Sheep because we are already out. I did learn however that the mRNA platform was of military origin and was designed to transfect everyone once the vaccination rate hit 70 percent. So probably 2025 if not sooner the unvaccinated will start down the same path as the vaccinated unless advanced detox methods are employed.

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The most marginal of the marginalised. Where’s the liberal left now? Looking for dwarf lesbian non-binary low income people like unicorns.

There’s no pot of gold on the other end of that rainbow

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Your poem is beautiful and very well written. I used my mom's medical dictionary from 1943 to help me in my decision making. And took George Carlin's advice- don't believe anything the government tells you. Am still here as a result

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Thank you for speaking out about this. Your work is making a difference.

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Thank-you for speaking up for the victims of this senseless crime. I know that there are people who do not care because it is seems like awhile ago. I also know there are people who are indifferent or even hostile to others because they made a poor choice. I am saying it is still relevant because the outcome of covid will haunt all of us for years to come.

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Some people had no choice.

US military for example.

Take this shot or we will toss you out and your family will starve.

In addition, we will strip you of all your veterans benefits including health care, education benefits, VA home loan, etc.

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Because we care about you

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All those Military people who got dishonorably discharged should get together. Same with the few Rebel Quacks. This is extermination of the entire human race.

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There are lawsuits ongoing now. Not sure who all is being represented, but if you contact Steve Kirsch or ICAN or Children's Health Defense, they might be able to tell you.

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All these lawsuits barking up the wrong tree. Was a military op. It is buried so deep it would take 50 years in court

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Pres. Trump is saying if re-elected, he will restore the discharged with full back pay. its a start.

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They did make a poor choice and put me and others who did not through hell. Let's not forget about that. They are not innocent victims.

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Thank you Margaret AA, for caring so much and continuing to speak out and creatively keep us from forgetting these whose lives have been spared only to live in constant pain due to one sort of injury or another. I honor you.

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Thank you Alice. Love to you ALL.


mRNA Trial in 2013 100% of the participants had their hearts stop! & Prof Cahill and Dr Tenpenny explain why vaccinees will die




Pfizer is 'deeply sorry' Dr. John Campbell


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Lol 3 of the worst contropp actors in ONE COMMENT ! 😂😂

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Thank you thank you thank you so much. I appreciate that you allow posting for someone like me. I met Maddie DeGaray and her Mother.

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The only glimmer of silver is that maybe, just maybe, more people will stop trusting these monsters, and see the pharma-medico-industrial complex for what it is.

I’m a homeopath and I’m seeing this damage everywhere; I don’t hate doctors but I do despise cowards and it seems increasingly difficult to remain licensed as the former if you refuse to be the latter.

I hope that I can help, in some small way, to alleviate a little of the horror of the injured.

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Most doctors are sheep only following what they are taught - and the money made from vaxing their patients. A silver lining to the last 4 years is that millions of people are now fully aware of the evil perpetrated in the same of science & safety. Hopefully millions will not continue to robotically vaccinate their babies. There is no informed consent - just ask anyway. I heard ( don’t know for a fact) that 70 % of pediatricians don’t vaccinate their children. So ask them for the risks& if they vaccinate their children.

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The whole “well child” thing is mostly a racket. I understand a physician wanting to have a baseline understanding of a child’s health, but after that it’s mostly just to keep the money flowing.

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