
‘They will hide in the shadows behind you,

pretending they were with you all along,

acting like everything is fine now,

insisting you move on.’

Comments on my FB posts have moved from, in 2021, scolding me like a child to silence, and tumbleweed - and now to a handful of likes. I’m watching it all. The irony is the posts I there make are not for my sake. I already know wtf is going on. (The joke is ultimately on me, however, for ever believing these people were my friends).

So 5 days out from Jackie’s death, I’m angry she had to die before people heard her. She’d been shouting from the rooftops for years. But she’s right: Nothing gets out They don’t want you to hear. I realised this in 2021 and resigned myself to the long game for this documentary project. And I’m not stopping til it’s done. I don’t have skills like Jackie to save life but I have skills to tell the story, and patience. The panic to get a story out in 2021 has largely morphed into peace, and plodding patience. Anyone who’s been through the wringer knows the gifts on the other side. As Charles Eisenstein says, I’m in the right place, at the right time, and I know what to do.

Thank you for your poem and this post in her memory. You are another hero of mine. And thank you for including me and Sean. She’s free again. I don’t blame her one bit. And I wasn’t surprised to hear the news.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice, Lisa Henry

Lost many friends and family in 2008, mostly due to divorce, but also to my awareness with what was going on in our Country then. Easy for “friends” and family to dismiss me, especially as I was a burned out door mat married to a narcissistic psychopath. 15 years later, I have great friends and a wonderful life. Even my x mother in law, who I love dearly, at 95 years old called me her favorite person on earth. I find that to be an extraordinary comment. I just spent 3 days with a visiting gal friend and had the best time, belly laughing throughout her visit. Another friend, currently in the hospital, who I visit frequently, belly laugh till I have to help monitor her oxygen. I find the absurdities and dumbass shenanigans by our so called rulers hilarious. It’s a non stop comedy s..t show. And then I have to stop and mourn the incredible heroes and innocents who needlessly lose their lives either by “possible suicide”, neglect or concerted murder by depopulation and censoring aims. We live in a mad, mad, mad world. It’s up to the rest of us to be strong, question everything, trust no one and live our fullest life. “They” created this, “They” will never again be trusted by smart, independent thinkers and “They” are the dumbass losers who think they own the power and one day think they’ll own earth and all the natural resources. Ha! Their god like fixation to control will lead them to their own destruction. Maui, Asheville, do they really think they can get away with this BS? Only if we allow “them”.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice, Lisa Henry

A political earthquake is due. As Arundhati Roy expressed so well: "Another world is possible. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing." Also from another source. "They tried to bury us; they didn't know we are seeds."

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1 hr agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

I like this quote!

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2 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Lisa please see the comment I just posted of a far more benign path she could have taken post lost-license.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Such a beautiful tribute. You captured the terrible essence of tyranny. I cried when I read of Jackie Stone's passing. For her efforts to save others she was cruelly punished. The banality of evil seems to have many in its grip.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice, Lisa Henry

It all feels so unsafe and surreal sometimes, standing for truth. We're constantly being bullied now by narcissists with large amounts of money and loud voices. My heart goes out to Dr. Stone and the deep loneliness and anguish she must have been dealing with. There's only so much bullying and gaslighting any person can take before it breaks them.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

It is unfortunate so many are in concert with her values and would have been there for her, even if by sending flowers and cards, not able to travel but being medical professional having experienced distain and rejection for my expressed beliefs and well founded conclusions. She was at a very low point but so many would have reached out had they known, other medical doctors The trials must have worn her out, the character assassinations and public's resistence to warnings. We lost a remarkable person, doctor, expert, that the purging will continue to persecute. But we must not be silent, must share and slowly people are seeing the light she needed crowds at the court procedures standing for her She is with God for certain at peace and being respected and loved

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5 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

I am very saddened to hear about what happened to Dr. Jackie Stone. But I am heartened by the fact that there were and still are people who stand for their principles and see what is going on.

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This is wonderful. And accurate. And comprehensive. Love the Thoreau quote too. Solzhenitsyn and Nietszche and Blake would have urged us on similarly too - we should have them all in mind as we walk forward despite the slings and arrows that you list!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

I didn't know of Dr. Stone before reading this and watching the video. My heart breaks for her family. I HATE these globalists who have destroyed so much. We had a client come into today wearing surgical gloves and mask on. Last week she came in with something over her hair. She even wears these things in her car. These demons have caused so much death and destruction for so long and went full throttle the last 4 years. Judgement day will come for them. When they close their eyes in death, I feel no empathy at all for what they will see when they open them. They deserve to spend eternity in fire and torment.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Oh I love this woman. I knew nothing about her until Doc Malik's post. I would say that it's a loss to the world but nothing real is ever lost. She's who we needed when we needed her, speaking this terrible truth with a courage I can't fathom. Now she's everywhere, giving us all the courage to see it and speak it. Thank you, Margaret, for giving me this glimpse into this powerful woman.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Heartbreaking is all I can say. Such a tragic loss to the medical community, to her friends, and to the many people she helped.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice
4 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

I don't know how near the reckoning is but I do know that Kamala Harris is an empty person who will be possessed by whoever or whatever influence grips her and those gripping her currently are...well...you know...better left unnamed.

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There is going to be no "reckoning." Stop believing in fairy tales and see REALITY. Look around you for goodness sake. Our justice system, educational system, governmental systems and financial systems have all been infilitrated exactly as planned over 100 years ago. Stop believing the fools telling you there will be "tribunals and hangings." There won't be and those people are just continuing the socialist psyop on you and so many others.

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Hey "Tired" Do you not know the word "revolution?" Since when is despair of the kind you cite a strategy for victory? Bah humbug. The dialectical process is at work, and the internal contradictions in the system will make conditions for its destruction. Israel and Ukraine are on the way to being nations of widows.

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I'm with you, Jon. The handwriting's on the wall, but some are so hypnotized by their TV's and phones doomcasters/talking heads telling us what to think and who to hate. Look around at all the actors in the movie wearing masks-Hillary, Biden, Gates and wife, the so-called royals. They're all fake. How come?

There's a new sheriff in town.... working for We the People!

Bless all of you. We got this!

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I know TRUTH. Thanks

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1 hr agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

The number 27 jumped out at me. The number of charges Dr Stone faced. The number of years Mandela spent in prison.

Upholding the truth takes its toll - and freedom has a price.

A terrible price for some.

My heart goes out to her family and loved ones. I am so terribly sorry and mourn for them in their loss. We all have lost a true warrior. These terrible times have brought forth shining souls, and hers was one of them. Is.

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46 mins agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Margaret - in postscript I want to thank you for your prodigious and unflagging output for our cause. Not only that, but I write this in some shame. I was so saddened to hear of your own loss of your husband, Michael, but didn't send my sympathies at the time. The blow for you was so absolute and came through so viscerally in your account of his passing, that I hesitated. I wanted to write something "right", but I should simply have sent you love and care from one human to another. I do so now.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

How tragic and heartbreaking. What a loss for humanity and an ill-gotten gain for the Cabal who wants us all dead and gone. Your tribute was wonderful. RIP Dr. Stone!

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2 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

So unnecessarily tragic! If ONLY she had taken the path of (and with) Dr. Meryl Nass) who likewise was stripped of her medical license in Maine, not Zimbabwe, and has gone on to be a resistance superstar world over and who founded Door to Freedom (.org)! What an asset Dr. Stone could have continued to be for medical freedom. It is a perfect example of suicide being a permanent solution to a temporary problem. As Meryl found, when one door closes, look for the one that opens. I found your poetic tribute perfectly timed, MAA. We value your continued creatively in spite of your own recent tragedy. We love you.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Unfortunately, some of us begin to question all of reality beyond what is projected toward us; that of purposeful distortion and deceit. In some of our beings the two become melded and are inextricably bound in such a way as to be inescapable. Darkness becomes overwhelming and pervasive as actual duality fades into obscurity. It is possible this latest victim was , in some obscure, lost recess of her mind aware that darkness has no presence without light and yet still became so alarmed by the current imbalance, she, being off-balance, fell into the deep abyss. I have walked that tightrope myself. I don't want it for anyone. As we know of color; Black absorbs all colors and White is composed of all light. Mixing paint is a subtractive process. Stage lighting is additive. It's easy to conceive of a time and a place when and where a soul becomes completely absorbed by blackness. The lights on stage fade to dark or the blackness of society painted is a dark pool in which to fall and be absorbed. That opaque black pool is always there but so is the silvery white one!

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3 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Speechless *thank you.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for this thoughtful dedication in memory of Dr Jackie Stone. I found your words beyond touching. Thank you.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Margaret Anna Alice

"Your very existence will condemn them."

Thanks for yet another epic!

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