Cody & Heather Hudson’s Speeches: We Can’t Forget (6/28/24)

In Search of One Brave Florida Senator to Sponsor Cody’s Law (HB 149)—So Far, None Found, & the Clock Is Ticking Down to February 28, 2025

I want to thank all of you who shared multi-stroke survivor–vaccine-injured Cody Hudson’s anguished reading of Lament of the Vaxx-Injured; emailed it to Florida senators and Governor DeSantis; and posted it to their social media feeds.

Despite all our efforts—many of which were sabotaged (e.g., I caught YouTube in the act of slashing the view counts for Lament)—NOT A SINGLE Florida senator has summoned the courage to sponsor Cody’s Law.

But we’re not giving up. Too many lives depend on it.

So now it’s time to turn it up to eleven.

To support our collective efforts to find a senator to sponsor Cody’s Law, I am now releasing a video of the speeches Cody and Heather delivered at the We Can’t Forget event last summer.

I previously shared Vera Sharav’s speech from the same event, later extracting her reading of Mistakes Were NOT Made for a standalone video.

The day before my beloved soulmate, husband, and creative partner, Michael, died instantly of a cardiac arrest on July 21, 2024, he had processed the footage for Cody’s and Heather’s speeches from a livestream.

On July 20, Michael asked me to choose one project for him to work on. I chose this video. Never would I have imagined it would be his final task. As the undertaker employees carried Michael’s body out on a stretcher the next morning, I remember glancing at his computer screen and seeing the exported file highlighted—only it was a phantom as I had already transferred it to a different folder. It later disappeared after the window was refreshed.

The video posed particular technical challenges due to the poor audio quality, background noise, and synchronization issues. As Michael was enhancing its clarity, he noticed the audio was out of sync with the video. This necessitated researching how to convert variable frame rate to constant frame rate. As usual, we turned another obstacle into a learning opportunity, and Michael remarked that it was good to have learned how to do that for future reference.

Only there wouldn’t be a future—for him, anyway.

I used Michael’s last exported composition, The Tension of Purpose, to score Cody’s reading of Lament, and now I am sharing his last exported video.

Michael’s two final projects are inextricably intertwined with the heroic, humanitarian, and heart-centered Hudsons. He would be deeply moved to know he contributed to helping the vaxx-injured by offering his talents to get Cody’s Law passed.

Please help us make that a reality.


We Can’t Forget Event (6/28/24)

Cody’s Speech

In the novel The Three-Body Problem by author Cixin Liu, he harks back to real events of the Cultural Revolution in China 1967. People who spoke out against the death, destruction, and witch-hunting of Chinese communism were called monsters, demons, and reactionary academics.

We are standing in the crossfire of pharmatological corporatocracy against the American people.

The people I care for have been demonized, the doctors that stand up to the tyranny are called “fringe” and “reactionary.” Millions of your loved ones now lay dead at the hands of at an, at-best, indifferent system.

My whole world was destroyed in October of 2021. I was healthy and fit. I ran five or more miles a day five days a week. I had a pulmonary embolism that nearly took my life in October of 2021.

I was abandoned by all my friends and left for dead by a hospital hell-bent to discharge me with an active pulmonary embolism. It was only the start of my decline.

I am now terminally ill as my condition has worsened to a treatment-resistant state. My only chance of long-term survival has been gate-kept from me by the insurance and the cancer center’s office. They have demanded an unreasonable sum for even just an at-home infusion of Rituxan.

We need Cody’s Law so that others will not suffer the untimely demise and decay of their health and bodily functions from waiting months and years for treatment that they can’t afford to hold off on.

Too many have died already.

Please go to and sign the petition to stand against the pharmatocracy today.

Heather’s Speech

Cody is my son. My name is Heather Hudson. A lot of times, people have told me I’m strong, but I have to tell you my voice is shaking, and my knees are shaking right now. And it’s not because I’m afraid of the pharmaceutical companies. I am afraid of what happens if these people who are injured don’t get help.

My son is fighting for his life. Doctors don’t know how he has survived this far. When he had his COVID-19 vaccine, he was left with a massive pulmonary embolism, heart damage, and he was unable to walk on his own again without a cane. It was suspected that he had a massive stroke at that time. We were told that we were crazy for thinking it was the vaccine.

If you go to and you look at some of the articles written about my son, you will see that he was healthy and that he was active before this. He also had negative COVID-19 tests all throughout all the hospitals.

Cody has had two strokes. He has stenosis through the left side of his brain. He has had a blood clot in his brain, and he has had other issues that have taken place in his brain from his blood-clotting disorder that he was left with after his vaccine.

His case is peer-reviewed and published. His doctor was a doctor on Capitol Hill who treated members of Congress and the Supreme Court.

Cody should not be alive, according to his doctors. He should not be able to speak, and he should not be able to stand or walk. Yes, he walks with our help, and he walks with the help of a cane, but he is not the only one. There are countless others like Cody.

The way that I found Cody’s doctor is because we read the stories in the Epoch Times of people who were being pulled out of the hospitals when they were dying of remdesivir poisoning and from hospital protocols. No other doctor would listen to us. I contacted that doctor, and I thought, “If he is fighting for them, he’ll fight for my son.” And you know what? He did.

He diagnosed my son; he started treating him, and we started documenting this. And it is peer-reviewed and published, like I said. What I found out while working with him is that every one of the vaccine-injured and every one of the hospital protocol–injured are left behind by the government.

When they take these declared emergency countermeasure drugs and they are injured and fighting for their lives—if they live through them—they are left behind. There is no medical care for them.

A cancer patient has something called Compassionate Allowances. When they’re sick and they’re fighting, they get medical treatment right away.

We have been pounding on the door for over a year for our government to come and help Cody. His medications are $17,000. Our family has gone bankrupt over all his medical care.

We are one of countless others.

My friends here—some of them are losing their houses, their cars. We have known others that have lost their homes and lost their lives.

Cody’s Law is asking our government to do the right thing and to provide medical care—expedited medical care—to those who were injured by declared emergency countermeasures.

You would have to be a monster not to want care for these people.

Please go to

Anne Gibbons Spearheads Rescue Efforts for the Vaxx-Injured

On February 18, I received the following email from my dear friend, fellow Apocaloptimist, karass member, and brilliant cartoonist Anne Gibbons:

You have been on my mind so much since your post of Cody Hudson reading your poem. I’m amazed and heartened by your ability and willingness to keep on keeping on despite the grief that I can only imagine must feel all-consuming at times. You are testament to the power of the human spirit!!!

Your post inspired me to do a cartoon illustrating the suffering, abandonment and loneliness of those harmed by the despicable jab. I’ve spent yesterday and today rewatching “Lament of the Vaxx-Injured,” reading everything more carefully and checking out the links. I’ve been moved to tears many times. I am so grateful that you pursued this idea and saw it to fruition. It’s been a slap upside the head, reminding me of the countless victims that deserve our acknowledgment and support.

One thing I had missed the first time I scanned the text that went with the video was that it was Michael, your Michael, whose music accompanied the reading. When I saw the name, I thought maybe it was a relative of his.… The music was hauntingly beautiful and was so well-suited to Cody’s reading of your poem.

Actually, the quick question I was going to ask was about a video I’d seen yesterday that I couldn’t find today. Happily, I just found it in your post of the poem last year. The faces of the injured in that video grabbed me so forcefully, I wanted to watch it again while figuring out what to draw. No idea how I’m going to tackle this, but I will find a way. Too important not to!

One of these days, we’ll have to have that conversation, although I feel on some level we are in touch all the time.

With truckloads of love and gratitude,


Three days later, Anne unfurled the following galvanizing artistic calls to action in an unsolicited act of gargantuan kindness that earned Anne the well-deserved moniker Anne the Valiant in the Hudsons household:

Anne Can't Stand It!
The Vaxx-Injured Need Our Help!
Read more

We hope you can use these images to spark others to join in our mission to get Cody’s Law passed.

Doc Malik Interviews Heather Hudson

Another cherished friend and creative collaborator, Doc Ahmad Malik, graciously interviewed Heather and whipped out this podcast at lightning speed to help raise awareness about Cody’s Law before the February 28 deadline.

Doc Malik Honest Health
#305 - Heather Hudson: Vaccine Injuries, mRNA Risks & The Battle for Informed Consent
Listen now

Here is our collaboration on Eulogy for the COVID Kapos if you missed it last year:

Time Is Running out to Ask Florida Senators to Sponsor Cody’s Law!

Short List of Senators to Contact Before February 28

In our post for Cody’s reading of Lament of the Vaxx-Injured, Heather Hudson shared a list of Florida senators you can ask to sponsor Cody’s Law.

A Mother's Anthem
Cody's Law HB 149 2025 -medical for vaccine-injured- was filed in the FL House. Please help now to contact FL Senators to co-sponsor "from the Senate side." We have until Feb 28th 2025.
Below is my letter to the Florida Senators, urging them to sponsor Cody’s Law “from the senate side,” as no Florida senator has signed on yet, and we have a little more time, until the 28th of February 2025, to make that happen before Cody’s Law is “dead in the water…
Read more

Heather now has a short list of senators who are more likely to support the bill, so we’re asking that you email them and post Cody’s poignant reading of Lament of the Vaxx-Injured (my X post, Heather’s X post, Facebook post, YouTube, Rumble, Odysee, or Bitchute) and this post to their social media feeds so we hold them publicly accountable. They cannot claim plausible deniability about the vaxx-injured with this gut-wrenching testimony visible in their feeds.

Senators to Contact

Emails, X Handles, & My X Posts for Reposting

Lori Berman: | [no X account found]

Jason Brodeur: | @jasonbrodeur | My Post

Coleen Burton: | @ColleenLBurton | My Post

Jay Collins: | @JayCollinsFL | My Post

Tracie Davis: | @traciedavisjax | My Post

Erin Grall: | @ErinGrall | My Post

Gayle Harrell: | @Gayle_Harrell | My Post

Ileana Garcia: | @IleanaGarciaUSA | My Post

Ed Hooper: | @Sen_Hooper | My Post

Thomas Leek: | @leek_tj | My Post

Stan McClain: | @SenatorMcClain | My Post

Rosalind Osgood: | @SenatorOsgood | My Post

Kathleen Passidomo: | @Kathleen4SWFL | My Post

Jason Pizzo: | @senpizzo | My Post

Barbara Sharief: | @Barbarasharief | My Post

Corey Simon: | @csime90 | My Post

Jay Trumbull: | @jaytrumbull | My Post

Tom Wright: | @SenTomWright | My Post

Clay Yarborough: | @Clay_Yarborough | My Post

Governor DeSantis

Please also ask Governor DeSantis to support Cody’s Law:

Governor DeSantis: | @GovRonDeSantis

© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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🙏 Shoutouts Gratitude

Ahmad surprised me with this reading of my (satirical!) 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot by his brilliant oldest daughter just as I was preparing this post for press—I haven’t even had a chance to listen to it yet but can’t wait!

Doc Malik Honest Health
Bonus Episode - 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot
Listen now
Doc Malik Honest Health
#305 - Heather Hudson: Vaccine Injuries, mRNA Risks & The Battle for Informed Consent
Listen now
Anne Can't Stand It!
The Vaxx-Injured Need Our Help!
Read more
A Mother's Anthem
As a mother, I dropped to my knees reading that Covid-19 school mandates were abolished! My beloved son Cody is fighting for his life since October 2021, after taking his mRNA shots to go to college.
Read more
Telestai Nexus
Mistakes Were Not Made!
Progressive Reality Music /// VERITAS ::: For all the victims of the biggest crime in human history! Dedicated to Margaret Anna Alice for the title & all those who show fortitude in the face of adversity…
Listen now

⚔️ Cross-Posts





This is a stunning Testimony from the Vaxx Injured – riveting – 9 Minutes of Anguish – EVERYONE needs to watch this

CMNNews -- The Credible Medical News Network
Everyone on Earth should see This Film - WITNESS STATEMENT - Trump Prohibits Vaccine Mandates in Schools - Shocking Deaths in Young Adults - Methylene Blue Deaths and Adverse Reactions
Read more

🎥 Videos

Special gratitude to VSRF for closing out Episode #164 with Lament of the Vaxx-Injured (@ 2:48:44).

🛒 Spread the Words

If you would like to help propagate the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made, you will find a wide selection of products in this collection.

📖 Get Signed Copies of My Book

The holidays will be here in a flash, so now is the time to stock up on signed, personalized copies of my fairy tale for your loved ones. It makes for a thought-provoking, accessible gift whether they are awake or asleep, adults or children.

📚 Anthologies

Canary in a (Post) COVID World: Money, Fear, & Power (Hardback, Paperback, Kindle)

The second volume in the Canary series just dropped, and I am grateful to be a contributing author once again.

Canary in a Covid World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our (My) World (Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook)

Yankee Doodle Soup for the Fringy, Tin Foil Hat–Wearing Conspiracy Theorist’s Soul

Edited by Jenna McCarthy, this hilarious anthology includes Letter to a Mainstream Straddler and Letter to Klaus Schwab. The paperback is only available for purchase at her website. If you enter the code ALICE at checkout, Jenna will give me a royalty 🙏


A Doctor’s Despair (Paperback, Kindle)

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