It makes me sick that still no Florida senator has come forward to sponsor this bill!

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This is Cody's dad. Thank you for being one of the few to care what happens to those who did what they were told to do to by the government, to protect their families, and now are ignored by that government. We can not find one decent person in the Florida senate to stand up for the vaccine injured. The sickening display of cowardice and corruption makes me want to projectile vomit over the lot of them. I shall overcome the urge, though, and work to get these scum voted out of office and replaced with somebody with a soul. Maybe me or Heather?

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What a joy to welcome you here, Gary, and I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said!! You and Heather would be a million trillion times better than any politician out there, although I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone I love! 😹

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My heart is heavy with the hand of evilness, which prevails over the elected people who are meant to be representing their electorate.

Their redacted conscience once elected, for what?

As a teenager in the 1970’s, I watched my friends brother’s beautiful 3yr old daughters life be irrevocably destroyed in one day. The day she had a vaccine.

For the next 12 yrs until her death, she lived in a closed world. Virtually blind, deaf, non verbal, no mobility, hardly any communication.

Unable to do anything for herself. Her life robbed.

Never was there any formal admission that the vaccine was at fault.

This was my awakening and it’s never stopped.

We Must never stop seeking justice.

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What a heartbreaking story, Lesley! How pathetic that decades later, with who knows how many more upended lives, most elected officials don't have the courage to take a stand on behalf of those suffering so terribly. It's abominable.

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With there being 535 members of congress many of whom have spouses and children I would find it difficult to believe that none of them, their friends and extended families have been touched by this appalling preventable epidemic of the vaxxed. Have local district papers been scanned for articles pertaining to representative's families having been affected? How can excess deaths and injuries be denied? We need RFK to step up IMMEDIATELY in defense of the injured and expose the VAERS statistics, Pfizer stats. and the scores of articles that prove the point. Has he and ALL of congress lost their spines or been threatened by the cabal? Given RFK's family background of having lost an uncle and a father to state sanctioned murder he would be particularly vulnerable to life thereatening intimidation. That all of Big Pharma are criminal organizations is PART OF THE RECORD ( see Justice.Gov for details). Life matters not to this sub-human lot.

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be aware warp speed may well be coming back check out the james roguski substack for the details

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Margaret Anna Alice, I see that you are following Erin Brokovich and would like to give you fair warning that she simps for globalist democrats on social media. She is either a traitor or a very dumb person. Take what she says with a large grain of salt.

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