We are at a fragile moment in the life of the Resistance, and it seems people’s nerves and judgment are fraying the longer the war wears on. Pissants scatter dispiriting remarks about like litter. Fanatical contingents accuse anyone who holds a different view of being controlled opposition. Self-righteous inquisitors feel they have the right to tell you what you should and shouldn’t write about, how you should and shouldn’t spend your time. Purported allies ambush individuals of supreme integrity, a hazardous practice Mickey Z. described to me as “doing the enemy’s work for them.”
Below are two poems that emerged from not only my own experience of being targeted by a narcissist but also from witnessing reckless allegations being leveled at friends who, like me, have no time for this foolishness because they are too busy combating genuine scoundrels with book-length rap sheets of documentable crimes.
There are people who shine like the sun, and there are people who try to steal that sunshine because they have no light of their own. If they would simply adopt the Golden Rule of do-unto-others and focus on kindling their own embers, there would be a lot less friendly fire and a lot more healing hugs and rejuvenating laughter.
This is a summons to do better, to be better, to transcend our academic differences and unite over the bedrocks we can agree on: saving lives and overthrowing tyranny.
Rites of the Tear-Downers
I understand why the narrative-believers
dismiss, discount, and despise
the truth-speakers: menticide.
I understand why the injected
duck, dodge, and deny
the evidence-collectors: fear.
I understand why the trolls
mosquito-bite, spitball, and hair-pull
the freedom-defenders: hate.
I understand why the propagandists
slur, scorch, and snipe
the corruption-exposers: bribery.
I understand why the politicians
kafkatrap, quarantine, and terrorize
the tyranny-resisters: blackmail.
I understand why the agencies
bully, degrade, and shame
the policy victims: corruption.
I understand why the governments
surveil, silence, and strong-arm
the critical thinkers: power.
I understand why the corporations
fact-choke, blitz, and bot-attack
the dangerously credible: profit.
I understand why the philanthropaths’
string-pullers, puppets, tyrants, and figureheads
concentrate the noncompliant: depopulation.
I don’t understand why those who claim to value truth, freedom, and love
purity-test, subvert, and side-stab those fighting totalitarianism with them.
I don’t understand why they castigate, insinuate, and berate
those accomplishing substantive strides toward our mutual goals.
I don’t understand why they squander life pummeling down instead of lifting up,
dividing instead of uniting, demoralizing instead of inspiring.
I’m not talking about those sharing verifiable proof of bad actors
or calling out a supposed ally for demonstrable harm.
I’m talking about the ones who presume
the power to see into others’ hearts;
the ones who proclaim the words, actions, and life’s work
of others mere masks for maleficent motives;
the ones who purport the ability to identify
the fakes, the frauds, and the phonies;
the ones drenched in paranoia, bitterness, and envy.
You know the ones.
Don’t they have any beauty to scatter,
like nasturtium seeds in a fallow meadow?
Don’t they have any wisdom to spread,
like worm castings over hungry soil?
Don’t they have any truth to drizzle,
like summer rain caressing the earth?
Don’t they have any hope to shine,
like sunlight coaxing seedlings skyward?
If they were infused with the joy of creation,
the pride of work well-done,
the satisfaction of collaboration with kindreds,
there would be no room left
for suspicion,
for spite,
for sabotage.
Their spirits would be brimming with gratitude,
their minds spinning with ideas,
their feet pattering to the next project.
They would awaken to each day
with the zeal of an otter eager to swim,
a runner lacing up her shoes,
a visionary sketching an invention.
They would be too busy
forging their own path
toward their singular mission
to notice the foibles of
They would be too wonderstruck
to wallow,
to whine,
to whisper.
So what if we don’t agree on everything?
We’re explorers, not followers.
So what if we don’t think the same?
We’re water, not stone.
So what if we don’t trod the same trail?
We’re mapping, not paving.
The tear-downers fill
their moody minds
with phantasms,
their vacant souls
with gossip,
their hollow hearts
with carrion.
They are bulimics
who can never
feel sated;
addicts who
can only find
stimulation outside
agnosiacs who
babble gibberish
because meaning
escapes them.
They whip their chainsaws
through limbs
like a toddler
stomping on snails.
They deem themselves gods,
They are the righteous heroes
of their narcissistic fantasies,
stepping-stone their way up
on the carcasses of their slain.
They sell scalps
for sway,
for spotlights,
for silver.
there will be no
one left to
no one left
to solicit,
no one
left to swindle,
And that is how
the tear-downers
clearcut a forest,
that is how they
smother a fire,
that is how they
find themselves
in a wasteland
of their own
A Streak of Mean
Some people have a streak of mean running through them.
A lightning bolt of vicious.
A circuitry of bile.
You feel the hum
of their electric fence
like a rattle on a snake
You smell the stench
of their singed sacrifices
like a goat on a pyre
You hear the crackling
of their voltage
like a fireworks finale
You taste the metal
of their current
like a gadolinium dye
You see the sparks
of their explosion
like a Peléan eruption
All you can do is
All you can do is
All you can do is
free yourself
Of the ground
before it’s ash
Reflections on Finger-Pointing
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
—Flemish proverb
You may have noticed I never make accusations about people being controlled opposition, chaos agents, spooks, or the like. That’s not to say they don’t exist. To suggest so would be naïve.
But if you’ve read even a smidgeon of my work, you’ll know I’m all about the evidence. If I make a claim, I back it up with references so you can investigate for yourself.
Unless there’s a smoking gun proving they are guilty of egregious harm, I try not to say anything that would damage the reputation or relationships of someone who is joining hands to annihilate autocracy.
To me, it’s more important to avoid hurting a potentially innocent person than it is to practice a Neo-McCarthyistic witch hunt for heretics.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for healthy questioning. But questioning based on cogent reasons is different from tossing around allegations like a frisbee—or more fittingly, a boomerang.
If someone has proven their mettle on the battlefield of truth, I start from a position of giving them the benefit of the doubt and only reconsider in light of strongly compelling proof.
Practicing optimism about a perceived ally may strike some as gullible. I get that, and I certainly keep my spidey sense on high alert when it comes to strangers. My intuition about a person’s trustworthiness and authenticity has rarely failed me, and it doesn’t take long to spot someone with ulterior motives.
People’s actions and words reveal their character. And even then, how do you know what’s happening in their private lives, in their minds, and in their hearts?
And if we’re talking about a public figure, how do you know how much of your perception is manufactured (whether positive or negative) versus the flesh-and-blood reality?
I realize starting from a position of faith in humanity despite considerable examples to the contrary puts one at greater risk of disappointment or betrayal, but I’d rather take that risk than lose out on the opportunity for a meaningful relationship.
It’s like taking on the responsibility of caring for another sentient being. Those of us who have suffered the bitter agony of losing a precious cat, dog, bird, or other beloved companion can either evade such bonds in the future for fear of the inevitable loss to come—or we can embrace the joyous gift of their existence in the present moment, even while knowing they, like we, are mortal, and we’re “in for some dreadful grief.”1
That’s called love.
I scribbled these meanderings down a couple of months ago, only to discover the Princess of Scientific Rigor, Dr. Jessica Rose, shares my perspective on this and articulated it gracefully in Who are the good guys? and Optimizing outcomes by thinking the best of people:
In the latter, she writes:
“Ultimately with people, my strategy is basically to think the best until I have proof that they are crapola. And by crapola, I mean someone who really is consistently intent on hurting others.”
As I wrote in my comment to her:
“YES, Jessica. This has been my philosophy precisely. I don’t engage in gossip or accusations of controlled opposition because I’m not going to waste energy on something that only divides our efforts and saps focus/energy from what really matters. If someone has hard, verifiable evidence of malice, that’s one thing, but if it’s just someone speculating, I ignore it and stay focused on my mission to end tyranny and democide.
“As I previously shared, this giving-people-the-benefit-of-the-doubt attitude did backfire in one situation where I did not realize I was dealing with a narcissistic covert aggressor with histrionic personality disorder, so I had to recalibrate my perception when I was presented with evidence of her concerted efforts to harm me along with documentation showing she had been lying to me for over a year.
“That said, I am not going to let that negative experience cause me to close my heart to other allies in the MFM, 99.8 percent of whom have been overwhelmingly wonderful. Instead, I have been reading books like In Sheep’s Clothing, 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life, and The Narcissist’s Playbook so I can better identify the patterns and red flags when they come up.”
I then closed by sharing something I wrote in a private thread around a year ago to someone who had proposed the idea of creating a controlled opposition scorecard:
“I love systems, and this is a cool idea, but TBH, I think it is basically an intellectual game that tears down rather than building up the Resistance. Unless we have concrete evidence of someone being controlled opposition, it is nothing more than speculation, and the risk of harming someone who is genuinely doing good work is too high.
“Look at Mike Yeadon. He could easily be accused of being controlled op because of his three-decade career in the pharmaceutical industry, but he is wielding his extensive, deep, relevant knowledge to raise the alarm bell about democide and encroaching tyranny. He gets 1,000+ points of net good to counteract any demerits he would rack up on the controlled op scorecard.
“We are already dealing with destructive rifts in the movement, negativity, bitterness, envy, pride, and attacks/counterattacks. What we need right now is unity, harmony, and love, not more division. I have been called controlled opposition enough times to know it is a silly game because no one knows what’s in your heart.
“When trolls invade discussion boards and start accusing some of the most effective voices of being controlled op, it is actually more likely that they are controlled op. As I wrote in Dialogue with a Divider, I believe in redemption, so I’m not going to discount someone because of their background if they are making phenomenal contributions to the truth movement.
“We need people from the dark sectors (pharma, deep state, etc.) to summon the bravery to step forward and expose the corruption in their organizations. I do realize there are fake ‘whistleblowers’ like the Facebook one who testified before Congress. All you need to do is look at the sum product of their efforts. In that case, it was used to justify a heightening of censorship, so that is immediately suspect.…
“Ultimately, the question is how do you want to spend your time—on negative or positive actions? Are you working from a place of love or fear? What are your goals in life, and is it furthering those goals, or is it a diversion from more meaningful actions? I’m not talking about you personally, but rather using this as an opportunity to gain clarity about our mission, motivation, and actions.
“I have a limited supply of time, energy, and life, so I carefully select what I spend those resources on and make sure it advances my overriding mission to unmask totalitarianism, awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, and end democide. If a project doesn’t contribute to those goals, I try not to waste my time on it so I can concentrate on what elevates, inspires, awakens, and liberates people.”
When faced with the prospect of judging whether something unfamiliar is good/bad, true/false, or positive/negative before I’ve had a chance to review the available data, my default is generally, “Maybe.”
I am okay with gray areas, with ambiguity, with the understanding that I can never definitively know something with 100-percent certainty. I’m fine with saying, “I don’t know.”
While untangling the topic of accusations with a reader, I wrote:
“My general rule of thumb when assessing claims like this is to examine the net actions of the accused versus the accuser. Who is focused on doing good work and taking on genuine threats like tyrants, philanthropaths, and colluders, and who is spending their time attacking those within the movement, usually garnering clicks and attention in the process? Who is building up versus tearing down? Who is uniting versus dividing? Who is inspiring versus gossiping? It usually becomes pretty clear who is contributing to the overall cause as opposed to those who are sowing FUD; encouraging in-fighting; and distracting from the causes of resisting tyranny and ending democide.
“In this case, there does appear to be an attempt to take down multiple effective individuals and organizations through a guilt-by-association domino effect, with RFK Jr. even being dragged into the mix, which does suggest there could be more dubious forces at play.”
For those unfamiliar with the term “FUD,” it stands for “fear, uncertainty, and doubt.” The Scholarly Community Encyclopedia entry reads:
“Fear, uncertainty and doubt (often shortened to FUD) is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults, and propaganda. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear.”
Whisper campaigns are FUD in action. Covert aggressors don’t need documentation for any of their claims; all they need do is plant the seeds of FUD in a person’s mind and let them slowly take root, fertilizing them with additional lies over time.
Here are some practices I follow to help defend against FUD:
Follow the Golden Rule. Let’s say Person A accuses Person B of being a “bad actor.” How would you feel if someone said that about you? How would you want the recipient to respond?
Ask for proof. If they have nothing to support their claims and it is simply a “feeling” they have, case closed. If they do provide something substantive, the next step would be to vet that evidence carefully, understanding that a human being’s reputation hangs in the balance.
Get the other side of the story. If possible, ask the accused for their side of the story. Narcissistic abusers want you to believe their version of reality, so the last thing they want is for you to talk to their active target. They may even try to dissuade you from doing so as a way of protecting themselves and their lies.
Trust your gut. You may have had a positive view of Person B before Person A came along and started FUDding you. Don’t automatically abandon the opinion you have developed of a person over time just because you’ve heard a rumor. If someone badmouths someone I respect, that will make me reevaluate the gossiper rather than the victim.
Don’t get sucked into the drama. If you don’t have time to investigate the claims, remain neutral. Don’t let the FUDder emotionally manipulate you into participating in the drama.
Be an upstander. If you feel someone has been falsely accused, stand up for that person and let them know, as Mickey Z. and Alicen Grey did when a high-conflict personality began covertly attacking me. I, in turn, was grateful for the opportunity to be an upstander when a dear friend and one of the most effective forces battling authoritarianism and democide was smeared.
As critical thinkers, we don’t need gatekeepers. Just as we don’t outsource our thinking to “experts” and fact-chokers, we don’t need anyone telling us whether someone is trustworthy. We can assess the clues and figure that out for ourselves.
And if someone is controlled opposition, an agent provocateur, or some other type of bad actor, so what. They can only wreak as much damage as we permit.
Just like with the injections. The corporations could manufacture enough shots for every person in the world ten times over. If we all say NO, it doesn’t matter.
We may not be able to stop the threat at the source, but as autonomous beings, we can take responsibility for our own knowledge, decisions, and actions. And if we each focus on our own locus of control, together, we can wipe away the grease of compliance and bring the wheels of fascism to a screeching halt.
“Maybe” applies not only to gauging people and claims but also to circumstances.
One thing I’ve learned repeatedly throughout my life is adversity can often transubstantiate into strength—especially if you embrace Stoic practices like radical acceptance and the obstacle is the way, or, as Homer Simpson says, “crisitunity”:
Situations that appear negative at first might turn out to be positive or vice versa, hence the wisdom of refraining from judgment.
The Taoist parable of the Chinese farmer captures this mindset succinctly, my favorite rendering being by Alan Watts:
Alan reminds us:
“The whole process of nature is an integrated process of immense complexity, and it’s really impossible to tell whether anything that happens in it is good or bad—because you never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequences of good fortune.”
Whatever you want to call this complex ecosystem that has arisen out of a desire to understand reality, to reclaim our diminishing liberties, and to save lives, we are a distributed network of individuals each following our own paths in pursuit of shared objectives.
And that is our strength.
I may use terms like the “Resistance” and “Medical Freedom Movement” because I need a way of describing this loose collection of truth-seekers, but we have no allegiance to a particular ideology or leader.
That, too, is our strength.
It means that if someone perceived as a leader does indeed turn out to be a deceiver, a criminal, a hypocrite, a spy, or whatnot, the movement doesn’t crumble when they’re found out—as hard as the propagandists will try to use it as an opportunity to discredit us.
But we know better than to believe their tricks and lies, and we will remain resolute.
I consider defeating totalitarianism my prime mission—even over ending democide—because it is that all-encompassing, inescapable mother ship that makes all of the daughter ships possible.
Ideologues want to quibble about theoretical differences in the middle of the railroad track while the train is barreling toward us. We can stand there arguing and get flattened by 2030, or we can begin dismantling the tracks.
Everyone has a different idea of how to dismantle those tracks. I don’t tell anyone else how to do their part, and I expect them to afford me the same courtesy. You never know which method will succeed at striking the lynchpin, so the more strategies we try, the better.
Our karass comprises millions of ordinary individuals all over the world, and more people are awakening daily.
With everyone bringing their own expertise, knowledge, talent, and skills, we each have something unique to contribute. We multiply our power exponentially by exchanging valuable information and pursuing our joint aims from different angles and directions.
We are individual starlings in a murmuration, all working toward abolishing tyranny.
So let us treat one another with kindness, with understanding, with grace. Let us focus on our own gifts, our own inspirations, our own passions. Let us aim our sharp words at the criminocrats, not one another. And let us raise one another up, our fingers interlocking to form an unbreakable bond of ungovernability even the instigators cannot rupture.
As I was proofreading this piece, an email from a reader arrived with these lines:
“In this day and age everyone always seems to have an ulterior motive or thinks everyone else does. You can’t even go to the grocery store and smile at the cashier without them thinking it implies something, even when you’re 40 years older than them.”
It was so apropos for this essay, I asked his permission to include it.
He succinctly captures the climate of paranoia, suspicion, and cynicism that permeates the world today. Do we really want our subculture to reflect the jaded low-trust society surrounding us?
We are here because we are driven by love, not fear; light, not darkness; truth, not lies. Why not make this an oasis of geniality, a refuge where people can freely express their thoughts and feelings without worrying someone is going to rain wrath upon them for wrongthink? That doesn’t mean ideas will go unchallenged, but that can be done respectfully—as allies, not antagonists.
Let’s be the community we want to see in the world.
© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
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For 16.4 cents/day (annual) or 19.7 cents/day (monthly), you can help me fight tyranny and stop democide while enjoying access to premium content like “rolling” interviews, podcasts, memes, Behind the Scenes, and bonus articles. If you really want bang for your buck, get a group subscription and save 30%!
I especially want to thank those of you who have taken the time to write a private message to me when you subscribe. I read and cherish each note.
🤲 One-Time Support
After PayPal canceled me last year, my donations plummeted and I lost nearly all of my recurring donations. This is just one of the many ways the silencers try to hurt dissidents. Thank you for whatever you can give to help me fight back.
👏 Round of Applause
In the spirit of lifting up, I would like to join in applauding Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox for her commanding delivery of oral arguments against Tyrant Hochul’s attempt to reinstitute the unconstitutional power to throw New Yorkers into quarantine camps.
As Sasha Latypova writes:
“Watch Bobbie Ann[e] getting an ovation after her speech to the court. Watch the faces of those judges. History was made there on September 13, 2023. Tell your children.”
People from all over New York and even other states rallied outside the courtroom to support Bobbie Anne, who describes this historic event in Thunderstruck!
One of my favorite cartoonists and dearest friends, Anne Gibbons, created graphics to help build a groundswell of support for Bobbie Anne and her organization, Uniting NYS:
When this legislation was first proposed in February 2022, I wrote a letter to submit during the public comment period—only to learn from Mark Crispin Miller that Hochul had already illegally rubber-stamped the legislation before the comment period had even closed.
Letter to the New York State Department of Health
Bobbie Anne immediately leapt into action, securing a historic win against the quarantine camp legislation on July 8, 2022—only for Governor Hochul to appeal the decision. The September 13, 2023, hearing represented the next stage in her year-and-a-half–long pro bono battle to defend New Yorkers—and by extension, citizens of the remaining states, sure to follow in New York’s footsteps if Hochul succeeds in resurrecting the quarantine camp legislation—from these totalitarian measures.
📣 Action Alert
In a plot progression that appears so satirical, so hyperbolic, so over-the-top absurd, it sounds like one of his plays, CJ Hopkins is now facing a new criminal investigation by the Berlin State Prosecutor for—wait for it—“reporting on the original investigation of me that the Berlin State Prosecutor launched in June.”
That original investigation, if you missed it, was about two tweets showing the artwork from his (must-read) book The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020–2021). He published the images again in The Criminalization of Dissent (continued), which means a new investigation will probably be opened for his reporting on the reporting being investigated, and so on ad meta infinitum.
As I wrote in this comment:
“Okay, this has officially escalated (or rather descended) from Kafkaesque to Dantesque. Then they threw some Keseyesque and Godotesque into the dystopian shitf*ckeryfest smoothie. This is madness gone mad, like a bad trip that feels like it will never end.
“Come to think of it, this is perfect fodder for an absurdist play of just the sort you like to write. Perhaps you can draft a one-act while you’re at the monastery and people all over Germany and elsewhere can start Spartacusing it ‘until there are too many of us to silence.’”
This Matryoshka case could go on indefinitely. The Berlin State Prosecutor is trying to make a speech-chilling example out of CJ, but as he wisely advises in his column, he is not going to give in to the bullies:
“The point is, never give in to a bully. Never reify a bully’s ‘authority.’ If you do, you will find yourself sucked into the bully’s sadistic, nihilistic ‘reality.’ You will be playing by the bully’s rules. And that is all ‘reality’ actually is, a set of rules we agree to play by, or, in this case, do not agree to play by.”
Please consider supporting CJ’s Legal Defense Fund. Any surplus will go to his Get-the-Hell-out-of-Germany Fund.
Social Media Graphics
Below are some graphics I created if you would like to help spread the message about CJ’s persecution (you can superimpose your own image over my avatar in the last one):
Dissident Dialogue
If you haven’t yet read my Dissident Dialogue with CJ, this is a good time to savor it:
Dissident Dialogues: CJ Hopkins
🤗 Shoutouts Gratitude
“Philanthropath” Makes More Appearances in the Wild
Neil Oliver Used “Philanthropath”—Again!
I previously shared that Neil Oliver used “philanthropath” in his June 17, 2023, monologue. Well, he used it again—prominently and multiple times—in his September 9, 2023 broadcast.
Thank you, dear Neil, for continuing to popularize this mind-opening term!
Carl Eric Scott of PostModernConservative also included “philanthropath” in his lexicon of beneficial terms for describing the Covid/Vax Disaster (his preferred term).
In Conversation
A longtime reader and cherished friend shared an experience of someone using “philanthropaths” in their conversation:
“It was really awesome this morning, about a half hour after watching the sun rise over the lake, when deep in conversation, one of the women from the Twin Cities mentioned the ‘philanthropaths’ in our conversation. And I said, ‘Oh, you know of Margaret Anna Alice!’ And she said, ‘Who?’. So, you have indeed succeeded in entering one of your brilliant terms into the lexicon, at least among the awakened masses. And now she knows your name. It was a very cool moment.”
This is the materialization of what I envisioned when I said during my Corona Investigative Committee presentation last year, if people only take one thing away from this, I want it to be “philanthropath.”
Miscellaneous Mentions
James Roguski
The peerless James Roguski, whom everyone should be following to keep apprised of opportunities to combat the WHO’s progression toward one-world tyranny, shared my Letter to the Oregon Health Authority in Mask Charade:
The FLCCC Alliance Community & 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
The FLCCC Alliance Community quoted one of my Notes and linked to Letter to a Mainstream Straddler in The truth will ultimately prevail, which 2nd Smartest Guy in the World subsequently shared:
Letter to a Mainstream Straddler
Marie-Louise Murville
Marie-Louise Murville credited Caitlin Johnstone and me with “inspiring me to start publishing” in Time to Speak Up, Stand Up, Unite, and Publish:
KW Norton
KW Norton has embraced her innate Apocaloptimist, a term I instantly resonated with when Robert Malone posted a meme with it as I described here and later referenced again here. I find it’s a lot simpler than explaining I am a practitioner of the Stockdale Paradox and Confront the Brutal Facts as I did in Letter to My Karass.
Letter to My Karass
Mickey Z.
In this post, Mickey Z. shares his own painful experience of being targeted by a whisper campaign as well as the opportunity he embraced to defend me from a narcissistic abuser:
“Since then, I have diligently kept my distance from any and all self-appointed ‘warriors’ and ‘dissidents’ but guess what? The diabolical will still do their best to drag you into their delusions — and their circular firing squad.
“That happened to me recently. Only this time, someone tried to include me in a whisper campaign about a fellow Substacker. I took some time to learn the facts but then — knowing full well what it feels like to be slandered like that — it was my chance to step up and help expose the malicious mendacity.”
How to Be an Upstander
Exposing the Darkness
And last but certainly not least, King of Integrity Mike Yeadon referenced Mistakes Were NOT Made in this missive published at Lioness of Judah Ministry’s Exposing the Darkness:
🌠 Latest Meme Drop
I published an epic fifty-four memes on Awakening in the latest Memes by Themes.
🌪 Projects Galore
I want to thank everyone for your patience over this seemingly quiet month. It has been the opposite behind the scenes as I am working on a whirlwind of upcoming projects and collaborations, several in particular I think you will be as excited to experience as I am to complete them. I’d better stop now before I give anything away.
📚 New Book!
Canary in a COVID World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our World (Paperback, Kindle)
I am honored to have my work featured alongside that of thirty-three fellow thought leaders in the newly released book Canary in a COVID World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our (My) World. Proceeds will be donated to: React19, Children’s Health Defense, and ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network).
To help boost search availability and rankings, please consider purchasing copies as well as rating and reviewing it (it has all five-star reviews as of the time of this writing). The description reads:
“The contributors to this collection of essays are courageous people.
“They are critical thinkers who are prepared to put everything on the line to speak their truth. They strive to alert us all to what COVID was, and what may lie ahead.
“They are community leaders. They are novelists, journalists, lawyers, judges, scientists, doctors, academics, politicians, researchers, vaccine-injured and data experts. Some shouted from the rooftops from the very beginning of the pandemic, others found their voices as the contradictions in public policy and health policy became undeniable.
“What unites them is that they have given those looking for answers, factual evidence. They have alleviated fear and given us hope. They have shown us all that if our opinions fall outside those deemed acceptable by mainstream media, we are not alone.
“The subject of COVID is often too sensitive to introduce into polite conversation. Battle lines are drawn and more often than not there’s no amount of data, facts or opinion that will change perspectives. However, we believe that once people understand that their opinions have been formed based on information that has been heavily censored and that most legacy media are now instruments of propaganda, they will be more inclined to entertain the possibility that all is not what it seems.
“The endeavour of this book is to bring thoughtful voices together to sing as one choir. The diversity of these voices that harmonise may allow others to hear the music. Over the last three years solo voices have too often been drowned out of the discourse.
“For once you see it, you can’t unsee it. You’ll understand the power of censorship and propaganda to conceal the lies and dishonesty that now underpin our societal foundations.”
Follow Canary in a COVID World on Substack and Twitter for chapter teasers and news about the book:
🛒 Spread the Words
If you would like to help propagate the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made, you will find a wide selection of products in my Mistakes Were NOT Made collection, including:
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Yes, I know this clip isn’t a good representation of what I’m saying, but Paddy Chayefsky deserves credit for the phrasing, which captures the experience of losing a beloved companion excruciatingly well.
A lack of agreement is only an issue when one party is intent on imposing their will.
Don't force me to agree and we'll go our separate ways. Happily.
That's a lesson most haven't learned.
Ohhhhh! You have blown me away with the prose of this post! No wonder I have been following your substacks for the whole duration of this tricky time! I have your book - THE VAPOR, THE HOT HAT, etc - I'm always looking for ways to make a sly point: drop info in doctor's waiting room, copy and pass out info to pregnant moms, give books to elementary schools libraries, etc. I don't want to be a tear downer -
rather a truth builder.