
UPDATE: It appears the New York State Department of Health has *already* approved these regulations—even though public comments are still being accepted through 2/14/22. This is believed to be an illegal and unconstitutional act committed on behalf of unelected Governor Kathy Hochul, and I fervently hope justice will be served and the regulations overturned.

NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller—whose Substack (https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/) and listserv mailing list (https://markcrispinmiller.com/) I recommend signing up for—was kind enough to inform me of the following:

“That is excellent, but too late. The rubber has been stamped. I have contacted every Republican in the NYS legislature and demanded that Hochul be impeached for violation of her oath of office. Regulations can only be issued to amend bills passed by the legislature. What she has done is illegal and unconstitutional. The pressure now has to be on all NYS legislators. Tucker on Hochul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A33vVxtCM30”

You can read more details here:


I’ve been up for over 23 hours so am crashing now but wanted to get this message out ASAP. Please do continue to submit your public comments (https://regs.health.ny.gov/regulations/proposed-rule-making) and feel free to voice your concerns that these regulations have been rubber-stamped before the public comment period was even closed.

Mark will be sending me a list of New York legislators to contact about taking action on these serious matters.

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

This is terrifying. I'm in upstate NY, and our new batshit crazy "Jabs for Jesus" governor is batshit crazy. She even looks like Gloria Swanson in the final scene of Sunset Boulevard as she's descending the staircase into madness. Thanks for all the info.

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I am so sorry to hear you’re in NY, Beth, and that is a frighteningly accurate comparison! I hope she will soon be facing justice for her violations of the constitution and the law.

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

As a Christ-follower, the video of her at the church pushing the jabs was one of the most blasphemous things I've seen. It was one of those instances when I wished God still struck people dead while they were speaking! Well, I think He does mete out justice that way sometimes, just not often enough for there to be no other explanation.

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Please join me in submitting public comments by February 14:


More details available here:


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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Done: Here's what I sent: "I’d already scratched New York off of my bucket list because of the insanity that has taken over the state (especially NYC). More insane proposals for legalized tyranny has only just cemented my resolve. I will *never* visit New York. I’ve had it. The government does NOT own my body and has absolutely no right whatsoever to be involved in my personal health choices. People need to make their *own* decisions. Businesses need to be free to make their *own* policies. Personal risk is personal. Get out of our lives!"

Maybe not "professional". But as I said, "I've had it." And I really have. This has gone too far.

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Fabulous, and thanks for adding your voice, Rob!

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Give the fascist an inch and they take a yard and then a mile and then you.

Openly Oppose Fascism! The Time For Silence Has Ended! Speak Out!

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Preach it, Professor!

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Bringing the heat 🔥and keeping receipts 🧾- that's our Margaret Anna Alice - burning the midnight oil and keeping up the good work - this is journalism at its best.

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Haha, thank you, HUMDEEDEE, and how did you know? I’ve been up 22 hours straight and am hoping to crash as soon as I get through the comments!

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

They call me Snake. Snake Plissken.

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🤣 Escape before it's too late!

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Loved that movie…tell me Kurt isn’t vaxxed!!! Didn’t he drive a truck to Little China in protest?

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😂 If this Snopes smear piece is anything to go by, he’s probably just fine ;-)


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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Yeah you can usually tell who the sell outs are because they advertise the fact they’re sell outs by promoting the clot shot! You know it really grinds on me that people I used to look up to are plastic. Plastic and disposable. Sad.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

As usual, another good one Margaret.

Here in AZ the state legislature just passed a law preventing health care institutions from blocking family visitation:)

Here is my take on Mass Formation Psychosis - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/mass-formation-psychosis

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Thanks, Kyle!

WOW—I am thrilled to hear about some proactive, freedom- and humanity-defending legislation being passed for once!

I saw that article and appreciated it! I haven’t had a chance to watch the video, but it reminded me of this Aristotle quote my husband read me today:

“Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms.”

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

all democracies end with tyrants

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Nice letter!

Both Human rights https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/the-proposed-removal-of-human-rights

and freedom of speech https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/rip-freedom-of-speech

are under attack

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

She has a way with words💕

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These are on my todo list thanks to you!! 😁

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Your list is a long one!

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022Author

You have no idea 😆 Thank goodness Pfizer just delayed their request for FDA approval for infants as that was next on my list 😅

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you, Margaret, for this and for all you do. You say much of what I've been struggling to find prosaic expression for, both satirical and damning. You've also got a powerful literary left hook that leaves the subjects of your letters prostrate in the ring, as they should be, begging for submission. While that seems boxing whimsy, I wish for it to be true.

The quote from My Dinner with Andre was just nail-on-the-head skull fracture for anyone that doesn't understand a) New York, or b) the scamdemic. New Yorkers are a tough crowd, intensely loyal, and don't suffer fools kindly. I doubt any of these policies, if they went through, would survive long.

I have powerful memories of NYC from my three visits during the 1990s, all during the heat of summers. As you so wisely say, don't let them just be memories. I look forward to returning to a free city, vibrant and alive, 24hrs non-stop. As they say, NYC: Dance or Die.

Let's Dance.

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Welcome back, Navyo! I’ve missed your ever-insightful, eloquent comments and luminous presence :-)

I can’t remember if you’ve read my second essay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it), but I go into that “My Dinner with Andre” exchange in greater depth, and I include excerpts from the transcript in a footnote. It is MIND-BLOWINGLY relevant to today. I really want to connect with Andre to see if he’s telling everyone “I told you so” now ;-)

You’re right about New Yorkers—in fact, I meant to put something about New Yorkers’ resilient and rugged spirit in there but just realized I forgot, dang it.

I do hope NYC will be able to reclaim its free and furious character, and yes, I certainly remember those muggy summers as that’s when I would visit my family, flying out by myself starting around second grade.

That said, I wouldn’t want to return there—I’ve developed an intense revulsion for cities since then, especially in the current climate, so I prefer to revisit them in memory only ;-)

I do believe the Canadians are reminding us how to dance!

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks Margaret! I so appreciate your thoughts. I've been offline a lot lately, just trying to deal with the flood of information and what to do with it. The plates I've had spinning for various articles to write all crashed to the ground. But in picking up the pieces, I'm starting to formulate a comeback. I will read your piece about Andre - and rewatch the film.

I would only return to NYC for a visit, not to live. But considering where we all are, that may never happen. I too prefer the country as a living environment, away from the density and pollution and controlling forces. And yes, Canadians are leading the way right now!! Except for Neil and Joni. Which is a crying shame as I love their music. I will listen with ears from their peace-and-love heyday.

À bientôt!

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Feb 14, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

Please don't tell me Joni Mitchell has also taken up this cry for censorship as Neil Young has done! I love her music, and Neil's, too. What a damn shame that people you would think would be Far-Left, and therefore for liberty and freedom of speech, and against censorship, before all else, are now pro-censorship. Perhaps some of the things being put in the faux "vaxes" are fucking up their minds above and beyond what the drugs did to them years ago, and what chemtrails, food additives and other chemicals, and drug medications and other "vaccines", have done to them over the course of their entire lives (and the chemtrails since about 1990).

Like I've been saying for decades, most "Americans" have been so-successfully brainwashed that they couldn't think correctly, entirely if they wanted to. (Yes, I know both Joni and Neil are originally from Canada.) It has gotten so bad that I've found most people can't be talked to and reasoned with about anything really important. If we say fascism and totalitarianism are taking over, they just think we're "crazy".

And these celebrities likely believe that their political thinking, and what they believe is or is not going on, is supposedly "superior" to the rest of us who aren't famous and rich, like those things allegedly make them "wiser" than "the unwashed masses", the "Proles" and/or the "have-nots" that they believe they've become "above" or "better than". Too bad that like most people they don't realize that NO ONE is superior to ANYONE else, no matter what they have, and especially that having success and money doesn't make them better than anyone else.

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Unfortunately, all you say is true. The progressive Left and the Democrat Party have become unrecognisable. They have become the very things they have been against. The sad, worrisome, profoundly tragic thing is, in its supremely Kafka-esque irony, they don't realise it. They have switched places with far-right fascist ideology. Mind you, both far left and far right tend to meet in their extremes as both are totalitarian.

A crux of the definition of fascism is the idea of the corporate state. And look what we have. There's also the point of the best minds of Nazi Germany being imported to the US, and integrated ever since in an ongoing expansion of what they left behind. Werner von Braun and NASA, IG Farben, Bayer, etc etc.

Seeing fascism now being so overtly manifest in broad daylight, something I and no doubt you would never imagine in our lifetimes, it strikes me that WWII was never 'won' and was never really 'over'. Welcome to the Fourth Reich.

The question remains how the progressive peace-loving ex-hippy Left have become so fully on board with violent repression and censorship. My 2c is that it's a combination of ingrained self-righteousness and privilege, media hypnosis, mass psychosis and the use of optogenetic mind and behavioural control using light emission from tv, computer and smartphone screens in combination with viral vectors. Sounds eerily familiar. There are many PubMed papers on it, using the technique called DREADDs.

The other question is... WTF are we doing? Collectively? I mean, really?

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

Yeah, I've been calling the presently-constituted U.S., Western and global government(s) the "Fourth Reich" for years now. At the rate we're going, soon there will be no separate, independent, sovereign governments, except for global government's lackeys (essentially we're already there), and the formality of finalizing the complete overturning of "national auto-determination", to quote David Rockefeller, self-determination and self-governance, will be a fait accompli.

Here's the pertinent David Rockefeller quotes, as well as a quote of another major globalist (aka Nazi, or corporate-fascist) leader, George H.W. Bush (Bush Jr's father, and Prescott Bush's son, the latter a Nazi himself, and Yale Skull & Bones along with the rest of their Nazi family, the Harriman Brothers and the Dulles brothers, et al., all pro- Nazi and global government (and those who facilitated what you mentioned about the German Nazis integrated into the U.S. government seventy-seven years ago):

"...Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it..." (Memoirs---his autobiography---page 405.)

He also said elsewhere:

"...We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries..." (In a speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991.)

Here is what George H.W. Bush said about it:

"...We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony..." (In a speech before a joint session of the U.S. Congress on September 11th, 1990---which some believe to be "the first '9/11'".)

[I'll bet there was a standing ovation by the majority, if not all, of Congress for him and that speech back then.]

I shouldn't need to explain that the latter speech is almost, if not, entirely double-speak and lies, for none of those "positive" goals will be brought about, except for the unity of nations under global government. For instance, they don't want peace, but endless war as in Orwell's book, "1984"; to them what is considered W.W.4 (because they also believe that the Cold War was W.W.3).

I've been studying God's Word(s), the Bible, in-depth for over thirty-five years, so I've long known that all of this was coming, including the soon-to-be "Mark of the Beast", but that of course doesn't make it any less extremely-painful to watch being brought about right in front of my (and our) face(s). Again, most "Americans" and other people the world-over are being taken over by evil more and more. The brainwashing of most of them was allowed by God because they're not chosen; and God, knowing the future, knows that they will never repent, long before they're given every chance anyway to COMPLETELY wake up and come out of the "Matrix" control grid. Satan doesn't care if they do some good, as long as it doesn't threaten his endgame, the complete enslavement and destruction of most of Earth's human inhabitants, which is almost completed.

Thus, to answer your rhetorical question, "WTF are we doing?", that's why most people are "collectively" doing little or nothing sufficient to prevent and/or end all of this now rapidly increasing madness and mass-insanity.

One correction to your beliefs: Fascism has long historically been left-wing, NOT right-wing. It was the "conservatives" (Republicans) fighting the fascists in Spain; and communism, which is quite similar to fascism, cannot be left-wing, as it IS, and fascism be "right-wing". They are BOTH left-wing. It's just that the present-day right-wing's fascism is now being used by left-wing fascism to destroy the Republican Party and/or bring about the right-wing's complete surrender, along with most everyone else, to left-wing (neoliberal---including neocon) corporate-fascist global government. And the latter is also being used in order to make the left-wing falsely look like "the good guys" (when they are ALL the bad guys, including the right-wing).

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Thanks for the in-depth reply. I realised after writing that right-wing fascism was a misnomer. You're right, it came from socialism and Left ideologies. I guess at that moment I was subject to MSM ranting! Great quotes, which I am somewhat familiar with. And yes, Operation Paperclip moving Nazis to US, etc etc. I remember seeing photos of the 1930s Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. And then there was Henry Ford and others financially supporting them, as well as the US. But that's the same old same old story, fund both sides and make a killing.

This certainly is a spiritual war, not just a political one. There are so many energies and dimensions at play, seen and unseen. Ultimately, love wins. As God is love, that is the fait accompli I'm counting on and acting on.

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an amazing piece of literature-but remember the wall street perps control the legislature and blue is the color pill of marxists. Battleground empire state is where the war on freedom started-The towers of 9-11 was tied at the hips with current slavery asylum . Surrender freedom for security and dont ask questions trust us with the science!

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Haha, true, but I’m holding them culpable in writing, nevertheless, and they won’t be able to claim plausible deniability ;-)

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You are a gift sent from above. I hope u know about the UK review of Nuremberg at the ICC. Pfizer revoked data for 6 mos to 5 and sent out a warning on latest financial statement that could not forecast 2022 projections due to regulatory uncertainties. Their fraud data submitted has to be revealed in a year time-not the 55 years they thought they could conceal. The tide is turning.

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Aww, thank you, Michael 😌

Regarding the UK review, are you referring to the proposed reforms to their human rights laws (https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/human-rights-act-reform-a-modern-bill-of-rights/human-rights-act-reform-a-modern-bill-of-rights-consultation#appendix-2--proposed-draft-clauses)? If so, that’s on my list! If not, please provide details such as public comment deadline, where to submit comments, link(s) to the relevant legislation, and anything else you think would be helpful for drafting a letter.

I was immensely relieved to hear Pfizer/FDA delayed their request as that letter was originally next on my todo list immediately after this one, and I really needed a reprieve to catch up on sleep!

And yes, I was thrilled to see their latest request for the extension denied. The tide is turning, indeed!

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Danke schön, CognitiveCarbon!

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I am in awe of the clarity and insightfulness of your writing. If he isn't already on your reading list, may I suggest https://theethicalskeptic.com/

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Aww, thank you so much, CC, and I appreciate the rec! The name sounds familiar, but I haven’t had a chance to read any of his work.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

the city will be renamed New Gulag Archipelago

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*lol* I'm trying to stop it! 😆

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I noted your phrase, “heartless amendment”. Totalitarians have no heart.

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Haha, touché, Ely 😆😣

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

The clarity and depth of this letter puts the fact of well-informed opposition into the historical record. They act with foreknowledge. They'll be judged.

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Astutely observed, Chris, and I appreciate your thoughtful comment! I just made a similar comment about putting this on the record so they cannot claim plausible deniability.

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (67) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!

















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Feb 16, 2022·edited Feb 16, 2022Author

Amy, I wanted to encourage you to reach out to fellow New Yorker Anne Gibbons of Anne Can’t Stand It (https://annecantstandit.substack.com/) in the comments of one of her wonderful cartoons. She knows other New Yorkers who are going through similar experiences and gathering to support one another if you’re interested in connecting with them.

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I am so sorry to hear what you are having to suffer in New York, Amy! Local entertainers have been among the hardest-hit, and you’re right—they don’t want people to know how to achieve health through lifestyle, diet, and exercise as that is a tremendous threat to pharmaceutical profits and dependency on the health-scare system!

“I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become.”

PLEASE do not consider suicide, no matter what, okay? This medical tyranny has already taken so many that way, including the son of one of my readers as well as a Substacker who commented on one of my posts just a few days before departing. There are always options, even when it seems most hopeless.

If you have any family or friends you can reach out to, please let them know your circumstances. I have asked one of my New Yorker friends if she can recommend any resources and will let you know if she has any suggestions.

Meanwhile, it sounds like you have an amazing talent—what about setting up a YouTube channel and teaching your unique yoga with the option for people to donate? You can share your talents and health knowledge and continue offering your work virtually.

Thank you for all of the excellent links!

Hugs and take care of yourself, Amy 🤗

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for this excellent piece of writing and support. I am a New Yorker, born and raised! What this unelected Governor has snuck through in the dark of night is illegal and unconstitutional! Only a lawsuit against her will get us out of this! In most counties of NY state you will find hard working conservative (red state type) families. We are not overly conservative that we’re in your business, but conservative enough to not want you in ours! We are outnumbered by NYC liberals who are still wearing masks outside, suffering no doubt from hypoxemia and hypercapnia and therefore haven’t a clue COVID is over, and they’ve all been fooled! It has gotten to the point that most people I know are either moving, planning on moving, or talking about moving! My family included. I was fired from my hospital RN job, and my brother was fired from his job for not being vaccinated. He will be moving! I want to fight for my state! I ❤️ NY, I hate the politicians, and the super-libs. Unfortunately, It’s been a dirty dog political pound forever no matter party majority, so the odds of change are slim. My line in the sand is vaccine mandates for my kids. I have no doubt Governor H with her golden calf vax necklace is dying to jab our kids, and change of leadership may or may not save them. I’m sticking around to vote and kick her bitch ass to the curb! Pray for us!

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I am grateful to hear your perspective as a New Yorker, and YES to that lawsuit—pronto!!

“It has gotten to the point that most people I know are either moving, planning on moving, or talking about moving!”

I don’t know if you’ve seen “My Dinner with Andre,” but that is exactly the conversation that precedes the quote I use as the epigraph:

ANDRE: And when I was at Findhorn, I met this extraordinary English tree expert who had devoted his life to saving trees. Just got back from Washington, lobbying to save the redwoods, he’s 84 years old, and he always travels with a backpack cause he never knows where he’s gonna be tomorrow. And when I met him at Findhorn, he said to me, “Where are you from?” and I said, “New York.” He said, “Ah, New York. Yes, that’s a very interesting place. Do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about the fact that they want to leave, but never do?” And I said, “Oh, yes.” And he said, “Why do you think they don’t leave?” I gave him different banal theories. He said, “Oh, I don’t think it’s that way at all.” (see https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it footnote for the extended excerpt)

I am so sorry you and your brother both lost your jobs but am proud of you guys for standing up!

I understand why many people choose exile, and as we learned in WWII, that can be a life-saving decision, but I also admire your willingness to stick around and fight it out. That’s the choice my husband and I have made in Oregon, which many would say is hopeless ;-) Here’s to a nationwide ass-kicking in November!

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

WEF worldwide eugenicidal fasCISTS,

That's the WEF

please retweet, they need to be called out for who they really are

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

A combination of narcissistic cysts, a sick part of Humanity that need removing

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you Margaret for your likes, I am truly honoured as I am so inspired and in awe of the brilliance, depth and dedication of your genius writings.

I to love to write, as yet nothing published in some 60+ journals of deep diving down the rabbit Warren's of our corrupt Global leadership. A ship of foolish leaders, that with the will of something bigger than Humanity may be sinking sometime soon, inshallah.

Please feel free to develop this concept of promoting the little w little e little f organisation for the genocidal, populicidal fascists that they are.

I love your Philanthropath concept.

I agree that is important to rename and re-frame these people and organisations for who they really are and to make them worldwide known. It is key to puling of the mask that hides their insane secrets and awful agendas.

Keep up your amazing work, you are a candle and beacon of bright light truth that is burning away at the darkness of Humanity's saddest shadows.

Power to your quill, may it surf the waves of parchment effortlessly, with a tide of unstoppable ink, that flows for many moons to come.

Again thank you for all that you do, it is so important and so, so greatly appreciated.


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What an extraordinary comment, Dom. Thank you for your generous words, and I do hope you will start your own Substack to share your wise insights! 🤗

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