Please don't tell me Joni Mitchell has also taken up this cry for censorship as Neil Young has done! I love her music, and Neil's, too. What a damn shame that people you would think would be Far-Left, and therefore for liberty and freedom of speech, and against censorship, before all else, are now pro-censorship. Perhaps some of the t…
Please don't tell me Joni Mitchell has also taken up this cry for censorship as Neil Young has done! I love her music, and Neil's, too. What a damn shame that people you would think would be Far-Left, and therefore for liberty and freedom of speech, and against censorship, before all else, are now pro-censorship. Perhaps some of the things being put in the faux "vaxes" are fucking up their minds above and beyond what the drugs did to them years ago, and what chemtrails, food additives and other chemicals, and drug medications and other "vaccines", have done to them over the course of their entire lives (and the chemtrails since about 1990).
Like I've been saying for decades, most "Americans" have been so-successfully brainwashed that they couldn't think correctly, entirely if they wanted to. (Yes, I know both Joni and Neil are originally from Canada.) It has gotten so bad that I've found most people can't be talked to and reasoned with about anything really important. If we say fascism and totalitarianism are taking over, they just think we're "crazy".
And these celebrities likely believe that their political thinking, and what they believe is or is not going on, is supposedly "superior" to the rest of us who aren't famous and rich, like those things allegedly make them "wiser" than "the unwashed masses", the "Proles" and/or the "have-nots" that they believe they've become "above" or "better than". Too bad that like most people they don't realize that NO ONE is superior to ANYONE else, no matter what they have, and especially that having success and money doesn't make them better than anyone else.
Unfortunately, all you say is true. The progressive Left and the Democrat Party have become unrecognisable. They have become the very things they have been against. The sad, worrisome, profoundly tragic thing is, in its supremely Kafka-esque irony, they don't realise it. They have switched places with far-right fascist ideology. Mind you, both far left and far right tend to meet in their extremes as both are totalitarian.
A crux of the definition of fascism is the idea of the corporate state. And look what we have. There's also the point of the best minds of Nazi Germany being imported to the US, and integrated ever since in an ongoing expansion of what they left behind. Werner von Braun and NASA, IG Farben, Bayer, etc etc.
Seeing fascism now being so overtly manifest in broad daylight, something I and no doubt you would never imagine in our lifetimes, it strikes me that WWII was never 'won' and was never really 'over'. Welcome to the Fourth Reich.
The question remains how the progressive peace-loving ex-hippy Left have become so fully on board with violent repression and censorship. My 2c is that it's a combination of ingrained self-righteousness and privilege, media hypnosis, mass psychosis and the use of optogenetic mind and behavioural control using light emission from tv, computer and smartphone screens in combination with viral vectors. Sounds eerily familiar. There are many PubMed papers on it, using the technique called DREADDs.
The other question is... WTF are we doing? Collectively? I mean, really?
Yeah, I've been calling the presently-constituted U.S., Western and global government(s) the "Fourth Reich" for years now. At the rate we're going, soon there will be no separate, independent, sovereign governments, except for global government's lackeys (essentially we're already there), and the formality of finalizing the complete overturning of "national auto-determination", to quote David Rockefeller, self-determination and self-governance, will be a fait accompli.
Here's the pertinent David Rockefeller quotes, as well as a quote of another major globalist (aka Nazi, or corporate-fascist) leader, George H.W. Bush (Bush Jr's father, and Prescott Bush's son, the latter a Nazi himself, and Yale Skull & Bones along with the rest of their Nazi family, the Harriman Brothers and the Dulles brothers, et al., all pro- Nazi and global government (and those who facilitated what you mentioned about the German Nazis integrated into the U.S. government seventy-seven years ago):
"...Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it..." (Memoirs---his autobiography---page 405.)
He also said elsewhere:
"...We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries..." (In a speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991.)
Here is what George H.W. Bush said about it:
"...We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony..." (In a speech before a joint session of the U.S. Congress on September 11th, 1990---which some believe to be "the first '9/11'".)
[I'll bet there was a standing ovation by the majority, if not all, of Congress for him and that speech back then.]
I shouldn't need to explain that the latter speech is almost, if not, entirely double-speak and lies, for none of those "positive" goals will be brought about, except for the unity of nations under global government. For instance, they don't want peace, but endless war as in Orwell's book, "1984"; to them what is considered W.W.4 (because they also believe that the Cold War was W.W.3).
I've been studying God's Word(s), the Bible, in-depth for over thirty-five years, so I've long known that all of this was coming, including the soon-to-be "Mark of the Beast", but that of course doesn't make it any less extremely-painful to watch being brought about right in front of my (and our) face(s). Again, most "Americans" and other people the world-over are being taken over by evil more and more. The brainwashing of most of them was allowed by God because they're not chosen; and God, knowing the future, knows that they will never repent, long before they're given every chance anyway to COMPLETELY wake up and come out of the "Matrix" control grid. Satan doesn't care if they do some good, as long as it doesn't threaten his endgame, the complete enslavement and destruction of most of Earth's human inhabitants, which is almost completed.
Thus, to answer your rhetorical question, "WTF are we doing?", that's why most people are "collectively" doing little or nothing sufficient to prevent and/or end all of this now rapidly increasing madness and mass-insanity.
One correction to your beliefs: Fascism has long historically been left-wing, NOT right-wing. It was the "conservatives" (Republicans) fighting the fascists in Spain; and communism, which is quite similar to fascism, cannot be left-wing, as it IS, and fascism be "right-wing". They are BOTH left-wing. It's just that the present-day right-wing's fascism is now being used by left-wing fascism to destroy the Republican Party and/or bring about the right-wing's complete surrender, along with most everyone else, to left-wing (neoliberal---including neocon) corporate-fascist global government. And the latter is also being used in order to make the left-wing falsely look like "the good guys" (when they are ALL the bad guys, including the right-wing).
Thanks for the in-depth reply. I realised after writing that right-wing fascism was a misnomer. You're right, it came from socialism and Left ideologies. I guess at that moment I was subject to MSM ranting! Great quotes, which I am somewhat familiar with. And yes, Operation Paperclip moving Nazis to US, etc etc. I remember seeing photos of the 1930s Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. And then there was Henry Ford and others financially supporting them, as well as the US. But that's the same old same old story, fund both sides and make a killing.
This certainly is a spiritual war, not just a political one. There are so many energies and dimensions at play, seen and unseen. Ultimately, love wins. As God is love, that is the fait accompli I'm counting on and acting on.
Pretty much completely agree, but THAT fait accompli, which you're talking about, is not going to come about until after Jesus the Christ's return. We may have a reprieve for a relatively-short time, but then all hell-on-earth will break loose fully. In other words, the extremely-bad has to happen before the ultimate good wins out. The Scriptures, particularly the books of Daniel and Revelation, make that abundantly clear, as well as Matthew, Chapter 24, etc.
Most people will not be a part of God's Love and it finally winning out, because they don't choose it, or truly choose it, but choose instead to do what they think is "going their own way"; when, in reality, it is choosing to go Satan's way. Praise God and His overflowing Love, and that He will bring all of Earth's madness to a complete end relatively soon!
"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! Revelation 22:20.
Please don't tell me Joni Mitchell has also taken up this cry for censorship as Neil Young has done! I love her music, and Neil's, too. What a damn shame that people you would think would be Far-Left, and therefore for liberty and freedom of speech, and against censorship, before all else, are now pro-censorship. Perhaps some of the things being put in the faux "vaxes" are fucking up their minds above and beyond what the drugs did to them years ago, and what chemtrails, food additives and other chemicals, and drug medications and other "vaccines", have done to them over the course of their entire lives (and the chemtrails since about 1990).
Like I've been saying for decades, most "Americans" have been so-successfully brainwashed that they couldn't think correctly, entirely if they wanted to. (Yes, I know both Joni and Neil are originally from Canada.) It has gotten so bad that I've found most people can't be talked to and reasoned with about anything really important. If we say fascism and totalitarianism are taking over, they just think we're "crazy".
And these celebrities likely believe that their political thinking, and what they believe is or is not going on, is supposedly "superior" to the rest of us who aren't famous and rich, like those things allegedly make them "wiser" than "the unwashed masses", the "Proles" and/or the "have-nots" that they believe they've become "above" or "better than". Too bad that like most people they don't realize that NO ONE is superior to ANYONE else, no matter what they have, and especially that having success and money doesn't make them better than anyone else.
Unfortunately, all you say is true. The progressive Left and the Democrat Party have become unrecognisable. They have become the very things they have been against. The sad, worrisome, profoundly tragic thing is, in its supremely Kafka-esque irony, they don't realise it. They have switched places with far-right fascist ideology. Mind you, both far left and far right tend to meet in their extremes as both are totalitarian.
A crux of the definition of fascism is the idea of the corporate state. And look what we have. There's also the point of the best minds of Nazi Germany being imported to the US, and integrated ever since in an ongoing expansion of what they left behind. Werner von Braun and NASA, IG Farben, Bayer, etc etc.
Seeing fascism now being so overtly manifest in broad daylight, something I and no doubt you would never imagine in our lifetimes, it strikes me that WWII was never 'won' and was never really 'over'. Welcome to the Fourth Reich.
The question remains how the progressive peace-loving ex-hippy Left have become so fully on board with violent repression and censorship. My 2c is that it's a combination of ingrained self-righteousness and privilege, media hypnosis, mass psychosis and the use of optogenetic mind and behavioural control using light emission from tv, computer and smartphone screens in combination with viral vectors. Sounds eerily familiar. There are many PubMed papers on it, using the technique called DREADDs.
The other question is... WTF are we doing? Collectively? I mean, really?
Yeah, I've been calling the presently-constituted U.S., Western and global government(s) the "Fourth Reich" for years now. At the rate we're going, soon there will be no separate, independent, sovereign governments, except for global government's lackeys (essentially we're already there), and the formality of finalizing the complete overturning of "national auto-determination", to quote David Rockefeller, self-determination and self-governance, will be a fait accompli.
Here's the pertinent David Rockefeller quotes, as well as a quote of another major globalist (aka Nazi, or corporate-fascist) leader, George H.W. Bush (Bush Jr's father, and Prescott Bush's son, the latter a Nazi himself, and Yale Skull & Bones along with the rest of their Nazi family, the Harriman Brothers and the Dulles brothers, et al., all pro- Nazi and global government (and those who facilitated what you mentioned about the German Nazis integrated into the U.S. government seventy-seven years ago):
"...Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it..." (Memoirs---his autobiography---page 405.)
He also said elsewhere:
"...We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries..." (In a speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991.)
Here is what George H.W. Bush said about it:
"...We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony..." (In a speech before a joint session of the U.S. Congress on September 11th, 1990---which some believe to be "the first '9/11'".)
[I'll bet there was a standing ovation by the majority, if not all, of Congress for him and that speech back then.]
I shouldn't need to explain that the latter speech is almost, if not, entirely double-speak and lies, for none of those "positive" goals will be brought about, except for the unity of nations under global government. For instance, they don't want peace, but endless war as in Orwell's book, "1984"; to them what is considered W.W.4 (because they also believe that the Cold War was W.W.3).
I've been studying God's Word(s), the Bible, in-depth for over thirty-five years, so I've long known that all of this was coming, including the soon-to-be "Mark of the Beast", but that of course doesn't make it any less extremely-painful to watch being brought about right in front of my (and our) face(s). Again, most "Americans" and other people the world-over are being taken over by evil more and more. The brainwashing of most of them was allowed by God because they're not chosen; and God, knowing the future, knows that they will never repent, long before they're given every chance anyway to COMPLETELY wake up and come out of the "Matrix" control grid. Satan doesn't care if they do some good, as long as it doesn't threaten his endgame, the complete enslavement and destruction of most of Earth's human inhabitants, which is almost completed.
Thus, to answer your rhetorical question, "WTF are we doing?", that's why most people are "collectively" doing little or nothing sufficient to prevent and/or end all of this now rapidly increasing madness and mass-insanity.
One correction to your beliefs: Fascism has long historically been left-wing, NOT right-wing. It was the "conservatives" (Republicans) fighting the fascists in Spain; and communism, which is quite similar to fascism, cannot be left-wing, as it IS, and fascism be "right-wing". They are BOTH left-wing. It's just that the present-day right-wing's fascism is now being used by left-wing fascism to destroy the Republican Party and/or bring about the right-wing's complete surrender, along with most everyone else, to left-wing (neoliberal---including neocon) corporate-fascist global government. And the latter is also being used in order to make the left-wing falsely look like "the good guys" (when they are ALL the bad guys, including the right-wing).
Thanks for the in-depth reply. I realised after writing that right-wing fascism was a misnomer. You're right, it came from socialism and Left ideologies. I guess at that moment I was subject to MSM ranting! Great quotes, which I am somewhat familiar with. And yes, Operation Paperclip moving Nazis to US, etc etc. I remember seeing photos of the 1930s Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. And then there was Henry Ford and others financially supporting them, as well as the US. But that's the same old same old story, fund both sides and make a killing.
This certainly is a spiritual war, not just a political one. There are so many energies and dimensions at play, seen and unseen. Ultimately, love wins. As God is love, that is the fait accompli I'm counting on and acting on.
Pretty much completely agree, but THAT fait accompli, which you're talking about, is not going to come about until after Jesus the Christ's return. We may have a reprieve for a relatively-short time, but then all hell-on-earth will break loose fully. In other words, the extremely-bad has to happen before the ultimate good wins out. The Scriptures, particularly the books of Daniel and Revelation, make that abundantly clear, as well as Matthew, Chapter 24, etc.
Most people will not be a part of God's Love and it finally winning out, because they don't choose it, or truly choose it, but choose instead to do what they think is "going their own way"; when, in reality, it is choosing to go Satan's way. Praise God and His overflowing Love, and that He will bring all of Earth's madness to a complete end relatively soon!
"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! Revelation 22:20.