Mistakes Were NOT Made: One Poem to Wake the World
Shattering the Overton Window, My World Council for Health Interview, Media Roundup, Translations, & Tweets Galore
We pulverized the Overton Window.
Even former mainstream straddlers are saying it aloud now:
“Mistakes Were NOT Made.”
Deftly filmed by Mark Lawrie and poignantly scored by my husband, Dr. Tess Lawrie’s knee-buckling reading of my poem has shattered the few remaining shards dangling in the window frame.
A while back, I was cautioned by someone I respect to “dial it back” and avoid using terms like “crimes against humanity.”
Instead, I dialed it up. WAY UP.
We are at a pivotal tipping point in history, and we’ve not a microsecond to waste.
No time to mince words. No time to be polite. No time to coddle the Covidians.
We are currently in a pressure-diffusing stage before they “deploy the new variant” [i.e., the next manufactured crisis] to “frighten the pants of us” [sic] and “get the bahviour change” [sic].
The public can either sink back into denial and defeatist despondency as the next Problem–Reaction–Solution sweeps over the planet to justify the imposition of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), ensnaring us in the philanthropaths’ dreams of a biosurveillance digital panopticon OR we can seize this moment to push for accountability.
We are losing the last sliver of twilight I described in my second essay, as captured by the epigraph:
“As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air—however slight—lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.”
—Justice William O. Douglas
We must call the atrocities committed in the name of COVID what they are.
We must name names.
We must demand trials.
We must practice mass peaceful noncompliance.
We must execute justice.
This is our moment.
We have the advantage right now.
The COVID lies are in free fall, collapsing into their own footprint.
The front fell off the narrative.
The sleepwalkers are stumbling out of the darkness, their eyes watering from the searing sunlight as the facade crumbles around them.
The propagandists are in mop-up mode, cooling the mark out by flooding the zone with limited hangouts and wound-salting pleas for amnesty.

The scales are falling from people’s eyes, and they want the truth. They are thirsting for facts. They are desperate for a reality check after three years of incessant gaslighting.
Meanwhile, the colluders are backpedaling furiously, flinging out excuses as rapidly as they can fabricate them.
But we’re not having it.
We are done with their lies.
We are done with their smears.
We are done with their coercion.
We are done with their tyranny.
We are done with their power grab.
We are done with their agenda.
We are done with their democide.
And the spontaneous, worldwide viralization of Mistakes Were NOT Made by the millions proves it.
My World Council for Health Interview
I was invited to tell that story during the World Council for Health’s General Assembly #82 on March 27, the first time I have appeared on video since my Corona Investigative Committee presentation on July 1, 2022.
Here is the full GA, which also features an interview with architect and filmmaker Robin Monotti, who helped viralize Mistakes Were NOT Made:
Below is the truncated version featuring my interview segment, but I encourage you to watch the full version if you can spare the time so you can hear Tess’s reflections on the poem as well as Robin’s and Dr. Mark Trozzi’s enthusiastic responses and their own compelling presentations:
Former BBC presenter Jemma Cooper did a marvelous job with the interviews, and I confess I liked her even more after I discovered she called the BBC “the devil” before bidding them sayonara.

More Interviews & Responses
The day after my interview, Maajid Nawaz spoke with Tess about Mistakes Were NOT Made on his WARRIOR CREED podcast, having already played our video on the previous episode (@ 1:22:14):
I was deeply moved by Tess’s words about the poem and our collaboration and hope you will get a chance to watch her portion of the podcast (her Internet connectivity interruptions notwithstanding).
The day after that, 5DollarShake informed me Jimmy Dore1 had just had Dr. Pierre Kory on his show and they’d played our video.
Watching it prompted 5DollarShake to experience this cathartic response:
“Jimmy Dore just had Dr Pierre Kory on as a guest and about an hour in they played this video of Tess Lawrie and I started watching it, Tess was really making strong points, outlying the facts, then she started to get faster while saying more impactful things and then all of a sudden in about a span of 5 seconds out of nowhere I erupted like an unsuspected volcano of tears.
“I’m a 38 year old male and can usually control my outward emotions even if I'm having an emotional moment from within but Tess’s words essentially ripped the million times I thought ‘wait a sec, this doesn’t make sense’ to only be met by a billion dollar vax campaign from the Pharma Industrial Complex that kept a constant tsunami of daily gaslighting which made me question myself, shaming skeptics with names like plague rat or some name to imply we had a 60IQ, coercive measures, banning me from the gym which was the glue that once kept me together, the blatant censorship of people, even people who had scientific backgrounds and an impeccable career from anywhere between 10–40 years.
“The whole time I just knew my instincts were right and even though I don’t have the credentials to back up why I certain I was right and my super power has always been to be able to hear both sides of an argument and know who’s right and who’s not.
“I’ll never forget reading massive amounts of people posting the most vile and [hateful] comments about how they gleefully celebrated stories of unjabbed peoples deaths and that was the moment several horrific historical events made much more sense on how they arose. Even after reading the many, MANY posts about how euphoric it made some people feel when they read about the unjabbed suffering in hospitals and the commonality of people saying ‘they don’t deserve a hospital bed’ or ‘take their children from them’ I was honestly shocked that in response to how they felt about me(us) that I didn’t share their orgasmic impulse to leap in the air every time somebody who was hurt from the jab. [It] was a truly proud moment that the cv-19 era hadn’t stolen my humanity like I had witnessed the way it had successfully done to so many people on the other side.
“I have so much more to say but 0.1% of people would even read a post as long as this one.”

He is emblematic of the intrepid individuals who proved themselves Badass Germans amidst a sea of Good Germans:
Note from a Reader
One of my readers, Judith Brandon, sent me the above enamel plate she created using sgraffito accompanied by the following note echoing 5DollarShake’s feelings (shared with her permission):
“I made this piece in art school back in the 80’s.
“As a child I learned that the more I questioned, the more angry people without answers became. One reason why I was kicked out of Catholic school... :) The older I got the more disappointed I became with the authorities around me. So many adults are so fearful of individual thought, I wonder how anything gets done. I often see the world as Alice with madness all around me and people pointing and screaming at me.
“It has been a powerful lesson to be the unvaccinated in this world. My family is filled with doctors and pharmacists. There are days I crumple to the ground and sob with grief. I have over two dozen friends with serious vaccine injuries and three sudden deaths. I grieve for the loss of respect I feel for my family and friends who continue to go on like people aren’t dying and all cause mortality is a coincidence. There are so many sick and injured I feel like I’m drowning trying to stay positive and grounded.
“What I really mean to say is thank you. Thank you so much for putting words to my feelings. It really helps to know there are people like you and that I’m not alone.
“God Bless you and all the people who love and support you. Let our voices be heard.”
Fight Song
My dear friend Lucia Sinatra of No College Mandates wrote me this moving note:
“I have been meaning to email you for weeks to congratulate you on Mistakes Were NOT Made. I am well-aware of how insanely viral it went as I have seen it everywhere. I have also listened to Tess’s video nearly every day since you released it. It is my ‘fight song,’ my inspiration, and the single thing that re-winded my sails. I thank you so much for this, and I thank you on behalf of so many.
Did you know that Mary Holland made it part of her speech at VSRF’s COVID Litigation Conference? I was a speaker at the event, and when she got to the end of her talk and mentioned your poem, it was one of the highlights of the afternoon. The poem just keeps presenting in my world because I need it to be.”
Comments at Other Stacks
I won’t repeat the comments at the video, poem, YouTube video, or other channels since you can browse those yourself, but here were a few standout messages made at other Stacks you may have missed.
In this comment, ExcessDeathsAU informed me that Jabs Australia had played our video during a presentation:
ExcessDeathsAU noted:
“Just letting you know that nothing much phases me at this point, but when the Australian doctor presented her evidence and the audience reacted, then Tess read your words, I was weeping. The evil is just so overwhelming.”
I previously shared the following striking comment by Jersey Prophet:
“Margaret, let me use this opportunity to laud your poem ‘An Anthem For Justice’ as the definitive statement on the global genocide event now still underway. Your Anthem is to me the Star Spangled Banner of the Covid resistance movement and anti-genocide movements in general. It should be read by all.”
Jersey Prophet recently made another comment poetically capturing what many have repeatedly expressed:
“Margaret, if I might indulge in an act of alliteration, your poem has rattled the conscience of the cabal while giving hope to the tellers of truth.
“It will live on beyond the madness of the moment.”
Montage Videos & Select Media Appearances
People have also been inspired to create their own art, from one woman who is working on a song for the Finnish version to a radio host delivering his own unique performance to Darrin McBreen crafting this potent mashup video that aired on InfoWars and has garnered nearly half a million views:

InfoWars, incidentally, also published an article about my poem going viral that opens:
“A powerful poem chronicling the last three years of tyrannical COVID measures and vaccine mandates is going viral.
“The poem by Margaret Anna Alice, read by UK-based medical doctor Dr. Tess Lawrie, lays out how the ‘crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID’ were intentionally inflicted.”
Mark Neugebauer alerted me that his friends at RE-GEN Media created an Australian rendition of my poem:
I found this particularly moving in light of the severity of tyranny experienced Down Under, as I detailed in this exhaustive Recommendations Roundup in October 2021:
Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond let me know he has played the video at least three times, and Ivor Mektin 🙈🙉🙊 was kind enough to rustle up this example (@ 39:45):
In this Children’s Health Defense article, Mary Holland urges people to watch our video, and Polly Tommey let me know they were planning to play it on CHD.TV (I am awaiting further details and a link).
Thanks to Hugh McCarthy’s ardent recommendation, UK Column also reached out to me about publishing my poem.
In addition to my usual translators in languages like Finnish, German, and Spanish, people from all over the world have begun offering unsolicited translations and subtitled videos in their own languages.
World Council for Health has also called on its army of quiet heroes around the world to translate my poem into nearly thirty languages.
I have created a Translations & PDFs page, which I will be updating with new translations (both text versions and subtitled videos) as they arrive, so please check back there if you don’t see your language right now.
If you are fluent in a language NOT included in the list below and would like to add your own translation, please reply to one of my newsletters (or sign up and reply to the Welcome email) to share your translation (linked items go to the completed translations):
Bahasa Malaysia & Indonesia
Chinese (traditional & simplified)
Hebrew (subtitled video)
Italian (subtitled video)
Polish (subtitled video)
Trending on Twitter
I can’t speak for the rest of the Internet because it was all I could do to keep up with the avalanche of tweets gushing in, but the phrase “Mistakes Were NOT Made” trended on Twitter for three days in a row.
It may have been longer, but I only noticed it after this Jikkyleaks tweet set off the conflagration a few days after Heather Heyings’s tweet had laid the kindling:

My own tweet announcing the video has garnered 44K views thus far:

Having previously limited my social media use primarily to sharing my articles, I made an exception for Twitter during this period and have begun using it to share more time-sensitive news and relevant tidbits. You can review my feed to see all of the tweets on Mistakes Were NOT Made, and you might as well follow me while you’re there:
Please give Tess and World Council for Health follows, too. Below are a few of Tess’s tweets on this topic:

It would be impossible to cite the thousands (tens of thousands? hundreds of thousands? millions?) of other tweets sharing our video and my poem, so I will just post a selection from some of the more prominent figures here followed by a longer list under the Tweets section below.
But first, I want to share these especially touching messages from Raelene Kennedy, mother of the vaxx-killed Caitlin Gotze, whose story I had included via a video in Letter to a Mainstream Straddler:

Two weeks later, Raelene sent me the following photos and note about a woman she spotted wearing a homemade Mistakes Were NOT Made t-shirt at a Moving Forward Sunshine Coast event:

If that woman is reading this or you can help me identify her, please let me know as I would like to thank her for finding a creative way to spread this message on the ground.
I owe a debt of gratitude to New World Odor™ for being the first (I think?) to embed the video, which generated almost half a million views and led to its being shared by other influential medical freedom fighters:

Tess’s and my cherished friend and Heavyweight Champion of Truth Dr. Pierre Kory loved it so much he tweeted it out twice:

My fellow WCH GA guest Robin Monotti was instrumental in sharing our video across numerous tweets, including:

Bret Weinstein set off a chain reaction with this trenchant tweet, which sums up Mistakes Were NOT Made so irrefutably, I (mis)quoted it in my GA interview:

I treasure this tweet by the incomparable Dr. Jessica Rose, the world’s top VAERS expert and my beloved sister-in-arms:

And I’m just going to let these tweets by other leading lights speak for themselves:

And here is a lovely artist’s rendering of Tess by wingpea:
Maajid Nawaz also kicked off a new trend I hope you will emulate. In addition to sharing the video, poem, YouTube url, and other video links with Mistakes Were NOT Made, please consider using that phrase every time you share evidence of intentionality, achieving the dual purpose of mainstreaming that perception-recalibrating term while simultaneously crowd-sourcing a living dossier of evidence.

Tess carried on the practice here:

And here’s me giving it a go:

For a sampling of many, many more and counting, see the Tweets section below.
THANK YOU for making Mistakes Were NOT Made a global phenomenon. None of this would have happened without your sharing the video and poem with so much love and persistence. Let’s keep it going 🙌
Comedic Interlude
✍️ OHA Call for Pandemic Poetry
The April 6, 2023, issue of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) newsletter issued a “Call for poetry” to publish in a future newsletter:
When you think about the last three years and all that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, what feelings or images come to mind? Have you considered expressing those thoughts in poetry?
It’s as if they wrote the prompt specifically for Mistakes Were NOT Made—so, naturally, I submitted it! Here’s what I wrote in part:
Thank you for this call for poetry! It just so happens that I published a poem on New Year’s Day that was my attempt to capture the past three years as concisely as possible.
As is the case with all of my articles, nearly every word is linked to elucidating resources for the intellectually curious who wish to learn more.…
I look forward to seeing this shared in a future OHA newsletter.
Below is what I saw when I completed my submission 😹
What do you guys think—will they publish my poem? 😆 I’m still waiting to hear back on my letter to them from last year, so something tells me no, but I’m sure it’s only because it’s over their 150-word limit ;-)
🤥 Fact-Choking
I am so proud! I have officially been fact-choked!
Following the customary fact-choker playbook, “Logically” unleashes a cascade of logical fallacies such as setting up straw man arguments that fail to accurately reflect the content of my poem, aiming ad hominem attacks at Tess, and recycling the oft-regurgitated “conspiracy” chestnut.
They say, “The video’s claims are unsubstantiated”—despite 103 of the 333 words in my poem being hyperlinked to supporting documentation, with each link itself unfolding into hundreds of its own links, ultimately representing thousands of pieces of substantiating evidence.
The most blatant lie is their claim that I am attributing the Great Democide to COVID and am discussing the origins of SARS-CoV-2, which I have never written about as I feel it is an intentional distraction from the true threats we are facing. They then knock down this lie by saying the WHO is still investigating the origins (they even reference to the “Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market” 😆, now considered preposterous even by mainstream sources). They conveniently miss the entire point of the poem and the actual mechanisms of mass murder I document.
They put “philanthropists, modelers, testers, NGOs, scientists, and politicians” in quotes, implying it is excerpted from the poem, even though no such line appears—and, of course, my dear readers will immediately spot the error in “philanthropists,” which should be “philanthropaths.”
Curiously, they missed naming these colluders:
The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.
It would take too much time to dissect every prevarication riddling this fact-choking effort, but I was so delighted to discover this specimen, I had to share it.
📚 Resources
This post is going to serve as the hub for resources related to my poem and will be updated over time. See below for all things Mistakes Were NOT Made.
Note that it has been impossible for me to find and include every Substack post, tweet, article, or other reference, so if I’ve inadvertently left out yours or anything important, please feel free to note those omissions in the comments.
🖋 The Poem
Mistakes Were NOT Made:
An Anthem for Justice
by Margaret Anna Alice
The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake.
Holodomor was not a mistake.
The Final Solution was not a mistake.
The Great Leap Forward was not a mistake.
The Killing Fields were not a mistake.
Name your genocide—it was not a mistake.
That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s.
To imply otherwise is to give Them the out they are seeking.
It was not botched.
It was not bungled.
It was not a blunder.
It was not incompetence.
It was not lack of knowledge.
It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.
The planning occurred in plain sight.
The planning is still occurring in plain sight.
The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.
The modelers projected the lies.
The testers concocted the crisis.
The NGOs leased the academics.
The $cientists fabricated the findings.
The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.
The organizations declared the emergency.
The governments erected the walls.
The departments rewrote the rules.
The governors quashed the rights.
The politicians passed the laws.
The bankers installed the control grid.
The stooges laundered the money.
The DoD placed the orders.
The corporations fulfilled the contracts.
The regulators approved the solution.
The laws shielded the contractors.
The agencies ignored the signals.
The behemoths consolidated the media.
The psychologists crafted the messaging.
The propagandists chanted the slogans.
The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.
The censors silenced the questioners.
The jackboots stomped the dissenters.
The tyrants summoned.
The puppeteers jerked.
The puppets danced.
The colluders implemented.
The doctors ordered.
The hospitals administered.
The menticiders scripted.
The bamboozled bleated.
The totalitarianized bullied.
The Covidians tattled.
The parents surrendered.
The good citizens believed … and forgot.
This was calculated.
This was formulated.
This was focus-grouped.
This was articulated.
This was manufactured.
This was falsified.
This was coerced.
This was inflicted.
This was denied.
We were terrorized.
We were isolated.
We were gaslit.
We were dehumanized.
We were wounded.
We were killed.
Don’t let Them get away with it.
Don’t let Them get away with it.
Don’t let Them get away with it.
📽 Videos
Here’s the original video post with the back story and a special message from Tess about our collaboration:
Here is the YouTube version, which has reached 46K views, 2.4K upvotes, and hundreds of appreciative comments so far. Given that YouTube is predominantly populated by normies, the fact that the comments on this video are almost entirely positive (aside from a few grumpy defeatists, but they don’t contest the POV) is a telling sign that far more people are awake than the MSM wants us to believe (if you wish to peruse the comments, I suggest doing so before YouTube catches on and takes down the video ;-)
🎧 Podcast of My Reading
For those who would like to hear my rendering, here is the podcast I recorded for paid subscribers:
🀄️ Translations
Visit the Translations & PDFs page for a growing list of translations and subtitled videos.
📃 PDFs for Printing & Sharing
I have typeset my poem in several formats for those who wish to share a hyperlinked PDF; print up copies on their printers; or have them professionally printed as postcards or flyers for distribution. You will find these on the Translations & PDFs page.
🛍 Merch
Since people are starting to make their own t-shirts, I realized I should probably create official merch with consistent branding to help us more effectively tell this story. Wearing a shirt or hat with “Mistakes Were NOT Made” on it can prompt real-world conversations. Even if people don’t ask you what it means, their curiosity may be piqued to the point that they’ll seek out the url on their own and begin their journey toward awakening.
I’ve uploaded several designs to the Mistakes Were NOT Made collection, so take a gander and see if there are any products that suit your taste. Here are a few examples of what you’ll find:
📰 Select Media
World Council for Health General Assembly #82 (my interview segment)
WARRIOR CREED podcast (interview with Tess; clip played on the preceding podcast at 1:22:14)
The Last American Vagabond: The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents – Episode 11 (@ 39:45)
Children’s Health Defense: “Courts Follow Culture—and the Culture Is Shifting”
COVID Hub (includes French translation)
📝 Substack Posts
Below is a miscellany of Substack posts that have referenced either the poem or video, starting with the repost in which the legendary Dr. Meryl Nass named me “COVID’s Best Chronicler.” I am several thousand Substacks behind, so I am sure I missed some, in which case feel free to add them in the comments.
And, of course, Tess and the World Council for Health:
🎌 Cross-Posts
I am grateful to the many kind souls who cross-posted both the poem and the video. Below are the cross-posters and their accompanying introductory remarks:
✒️ The Poem
• Heretic with Leslie Manookian
“I’d like to wish everyone a happy New Year!
“I’d also like to share a truly incisive, apt, and compelling post from my friend Margaret Anna Alice.
“As we move forward, we must not allow those responsible to whitewash the transgressions of the past 3 years.
“I’m not taking about the innocents who unwittingly aided the perpetrators, I’m talking about those who willingly conceived, planned and orchestrated this.
“For those who are not aware, govt documents refer to COVID-19 months before it was ever named. Here’s just one reference. https://expose-news.com/2022/12/18/us-dod-pre-pandemic-covid-research-contract/
“The work of defending freedom has only just begun. I am grateful to all of you brave enough to leave the comfort of your naïveté to educate yourselves and take a stand.”
“From one of my favorite writers on the subject of all things covid and the un-deniability that we the people have been de-humanized, and democided for purposes she has opened many of our eyes to see. Margaret Anna Alice has been at the forefront in bringing many out of blindness and into the light.”
• Dr. Crystal’s Perspective
• Dennis Duffy
“The Truth is like a lion, let it free it will defend itself.”
• Decisive Liberty
“The only thing worse than NOT doing anything when something should be done is letting the guilty get away with what we've been through for the past almost 3 years... Video of this presentation is available on twitter...”

• VFB’s Substack
“Bloody right!”
👀 The Video
• Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD
“I’m delighted to share with you this creative endeavour with brilliant poet warrior Margaret Anna Alice. Her poem moved me deeply - as I think you can probably tell.”
• Joel Smalley
“Two of my favourite ladies of the last few years with an amazing collaboration, a call to arms. Lest we forget. Don’t let them get away with it.”
• Dr. Toby Rogers
“An absolute masterpiece! Four minutes. Wow!”
• Shabnam Palesa Mohamed
“MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE Don’t let them get away with it
“A must watch poem, written by Margaret Anna Alice and read by Dr Tess Lawrie. Live now on www.worldcouncilforhealth.org”
• Dr. Tyna Show Podcast & Censorship-Free Blog
“Dr. Tess Lawrie is one of my idols. Please listen as she reads this powerful and heart wrenching poem by Margaret Anna Alice. Mistakes were NOT made. This was all intentional. Don't let them get away with it.”
• Kathleen
“While I doubt any of my subscribers aren’t already MAA fans, I had to cross-post just in case... Please share far and wide. We need more of this to awaken those still slumbering. Thank you.”
• Informed Choice
“For all those who said that comparing the COVID genocide with the other genocides of the 20th century is a false comparison, listen to this poem, so movingly read by Dr Tess Lawrie, and tell me if you still feel the same way. Our governments, our medical and ‘public health’ authorities, our media and many major corporations want as many of us dead as possible. That is not a conspiracy theory. That is a FACT. And they will get their wish if we continue to be silent.”
• Hugh McCarthy
“I couldn’t not. 4 minutes.”
• American Samizdat
“Don’t let them get away with it!!”
• Nothing to See Here
“Spend 4 minutes and watch the video and hear the words. Because we lived it.”
• DeepThought
“Please share this new video mashup of ‘An Anthem for Justice’ (written by Margaret Anna Alice & read by Dr. Tess Lawrie) far and wide. It will reinforce the powerful message that We the People will not let Them get away with it!”
• End Times Meditations
“The democide of the 2020s was not a mistake.”
• ShifanAhmed’s Newsletter
“A worthy battle-cry! Dr Tess Lawrie has given life to these beautiful words from Maragaret Anna Alice; ‘Mistakes were NOT made: An Anthem for Justice’.”
• Dan’s Substack
“Never again means never forget.”
• Actionable Truths & Actions
“Sometimes it is good to step away from facts, figures and evidence and revert back to pure emotion. After all, this is what ACTUALLY defines us as humans! The video in this post is exactly that: pure emotion! It’s a video of Dr. Tess Lawrie, the co-founder of the World Council for Health, reading a poem written by Margaret Anna Alice...and being clearly overcome with emotions, as every human being should with words such as this! NEVER Forget! NEVER EVER Forgive!! NEVER EVER E-V-E-R AGAIN!!! Here are two videos I feel compliment this message perfectly and are also pure emotion:
“Onwards and upwards until the full and unconditional victory!! We WILL prevail!”
• Musings from Janet
“It’s hard - impossible? - to express how brilliant I think Margaret Anna Alice is! Yesterday I saw the Tess Lawrie 4-minute video at the very top of this post, in which Dr. T.L. reads the poem Margaret Anna Alice first posted on January 1st of this year. I missed seeing it then - but am so glad she got Dr. Lawrie to record it. It’s a real humdinger. (Note: The posting has lots more in it - not just the video. You might want to do as I did - just watch the video, then return later for the rest of the posting. That’s up to you! But DO please watch the video!)”
• Graham’s Newsletter
“Mistakes Were NOT Made it all part of a deliberate plan. The Global Plandemic.”
• Allison’s Newsletter
“Everything Dr. Laurie says can be proven many times over. Please reach out if you have any questions. Then stand with me demand accountability. Love, Allison”
• Full Broadside
“I had not encountered this poem before now. It is worth printing and leaving on a wall somewhere.”
🐦 Tweets 🐶
While my poem was heavily shared after I first posted it on New Year’s Day, I did not keep track of pertinent tweets, nor do I have time to wade through gazillions of tweets to track them down, so the ones below primarily focus on the video.
The following selections exclude those in the body of the post above, so please reference those for a more comprehensive representation. As ever, please share any important tweets I may have missed in the comments.2

© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
🎊 30K! 😃
Just a little over a month ago, I was celebrating reaching 25K readers on my mailing list, and now I’ve gratefully welcomed nearly 6K more and am about to hit 31K!
I have my Glenn Beck interview (@ 1:25:09–1:45:57) to thank in great part for introducing us and will be sharing our exchange in a future post.
🌠 Memes by Themes: New Drop
I just dropped forty memes on the topic of conspiracy theorists for my paid subs:
🎬 Help Fund Future Videos
As I previously teased, Tess’s video is just the beginning of our Mistakes Were NOT Made video series, with more exciting voices to come as well as additional videos in the works. All participants have enthusiastically given their time, talents, and resources to this collaborative passion project without compensation.
There are, however, incidental costs I cannot expect others to cover—travel to location shoots, for example. Your contributions enable me to absorb these expenses and may even make it possible to film more distant readers.
Thank you for whatever you are willing to contribute to the fulfillment of this and other creative visions.
For 16.4 cents/day (annual) or 19.7 cents/day (monthly), you can help me fight tyranny while enjoying access to premium content like “rolling” interviews, podcasts, Memes by Themes, Behind the Scenes, and bonus articles:
🤲 One-Time Support
After PayPal canceled me last year, my donations plummeted and I lost nearly all of my recurring donations. This is just one of the many ways the silencers try to hurt dissidents. Thank you for whatever you can give to help me fight back.
📼 Subscribe to My Channels
Please subscribe to my channels if you’d like to be notified when I upload new videos.
🐇 Follow Me on Social Media
I post all of my articles on social media, so if your Substack notifications become disabled without your notice (as a number of my readers have reported), following me on other outlets will ensure you don’t miss anything.
Visit BioLink to find all of my social media accounts:
You will also find me on Substack Notes!
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I highly recommend this Dr. Mercola interview with Jimmy Dore in which he unequivocally states that Mistakes Were NOT Made:
“They choose to lie because that’s where their paycheck comes from.… They all lied about the vaccines. They all said the vaccines stop transmission, it’ll stop it dead. Rachel Maddow had a five-minute soliloquy about how if you get the vaccine, you cannot pass the virus, you cannot catch the virus. She’s a Rhodes Scholar. I knew that was a lie when she was saying it. You don’t think she knows it’s a lie? … She knew, and she lied.… And it’s not a mistake!”
I began working on this post before Twitter pulled its Stasi anti–free speech stunt preventing Substack from embedding tweets and suppressing tweets with Substack urls or tagging SubstackInc. While the functionality for tweets referencing Substack has apparently been restored, the ability to embed tweets in Substack posts has not, which means there are many I have been unable to add, including this one by Dr. Peter McCullough and this one by Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts, among countless others.
Brilliant. Nothing is hidden. Everything is in view. The intention is plain to see. The curtain has fallen. These haters of humanity stand naked before the world. Why did they do this? They are representatives of a long anticipated flowering of the World Spirit (Geist) that seeks utopia on earth. To have it they must destroy. To destroy they must lie. And continue to lie, again and again, until they become mad. Truth wins out. No one can control it. It transcends everything. So, in the midst of this craziness, I have hope. All is not lost. This moment in history is the transition that ten generations from now will be talked about as the end and the beginning. Thank you for poem. It feels like something that should be engraved in stone and hung at every door in Congress. May it be shared throughout the generations.
Just posted to Facebook, in hopes that some of my Christian (and non-Christian) friends will wake up. The church has been far too silent.