The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID.
You are 100,000% Correct, my friend, and the beautiful Dr. Mike and I had a similar conversation on Metatron's Substack- this was wicked by design!
Yes, yes, a huge army of mindless, frightened minions carried out much of the Covid policies without malice aforethought, but the Creators of the Covid Policies knew EXACTLY what they were doing-- and as Catherine Austin Fitts says, you never see one of these huge operations without it ticking a whole list of Mr. Global's boxes!
So, fight back, everyone! Pay cash, drop credit cards, and credit accounts at the International Banksters places of carrnage, go local, go organic, go no- chemical, no-pharmacuetical that isn't out of patent, go Natural!
Join a Resistance Organization and get to know the political climate of your town, county and state; if it isn't working for you, make sure you start creating some big Waves!!
Defend our US Constitution and our Inalienable Rights, straight from God, not Government.
And get after DOJ to turn their sights on Pfizer, et al, (instead of the life-saving naturopaths they have been attacking,) Pfizer and Moderna, etc., who just killed and disabled millions of Americans.
Indeed! They knew this was a DARPA/Pentagon hell-brew, how high even the immediate death and damage was, and the telling fact that nobody is allowed to study or know what's in this gene transfer tech - which was also already known to be a medical disaster.
The inventor of the some of the tech used in these jabs apparently had developed it to try to find hope for the hopeless having no other chance but abandoned it as too hazardous for use on those anyway dying. (I recall that he's stated this painful admission on more than one video; just had a quick look at what's easily find-able and saw nothing still up in text to back it, though. Out of time, lol.)
Let's include ALL knowingly carrying out/associated with promoting/facilitating the WEF agenda, please! Any in public office are working to betray their country, people, humanity and all natural Life.
You're forgiven...There's just too many to remember off-hand. But, once we begin to dismantle and hunt the TREASONOUS CRIMINALS AGAINST HUMANITY down to indict...The extraordinary quantity of the diabolical will be adequate for knowing the reason to forget at this time.
William Casey, CIA head 1981 CIA staff meeting; "We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American people believes is false". Clear indication of a certain hostile foreign power military occupation government then being in power in the USA..
Yes this didn't just happen over night. It's been in the works for many years... And it will take at least that long to turn this ship around if at all.
You are correct, and I pray there are enough living, breathing Americans left to get the job done!
But everyone has the memo now, from what I see. It's just a question of getting them active. So, if you know what's going on, and you are not taking steps to change the course of our nation, I'm sorry to say it, but if we loose this latest battle for human freedom on planet earth, then it's your choice to watch and do nothing, along with the choice of all the others who also sit on their hands while the ship is sinking, who determined that outcome.
Get up, get moving, get active! There are a million places to plug in, and dozens of simple actions, like paying cash, banking locally, buying organic, dropping Big Tech everywhere possible, utilizing Natural Medicine, getting healthy, lol, and "educating" the tar out of naive or corrupt elected representatives!
Get involved. Be part of the solution my friends: it only takes about 7% of the population to change the whole Nation, if they are determined.
Indeed, for the English this hostile takeover began in 1066 as the so-called Catholic King William the Conqueror, in league with an army of Jewish bankers who also came to England with him after the military taking of England, imposed a Jewish legal system and a Jewish usurious financial system over rhe English to fully subjugate and enslave them.
The American flag is basically the English East India Company Flag, likely this is why the CIA call themselves 'The Company'. It is recorded in the book 'Legions of Satan' that at the time of the American War of Independence (1775–1783), British Lord General Cornwallis (Jewish name) spoke with Washington, both being Freemasonic brothers on opposite sides, and Cornwallis told him that in the next 200 years, America's religions would come to be controlled by Judaic influence and that this would be due to the British Crown (The Jewish-controlled Crown Corporation).
For many other nations, the problem began many centuries before this as the conquering alien cult worked its dark money magic and dark occult practices to work its way around the world, to gain power over the minds and lives of more and more human beings.
“Jewish?” Don’t you really mean Khazarian Mafia? As I understand it, they simply “ claimed” to be Jewish. They were otherwise known as “the name stealers.”
There is no such thing as fake Jews, no such thing as Khazarian mafia, even Jerusalem University says no mass conversion of Gentiles to Jews ever took place there, and even it if it had, it would only have involved 700 Gentile nobility, hardly a number that could have generated almost all of today's Jews. Read the work of Dr Karl Skorecki on this.
The fictional Jesus in the fictional Bible story performs a similar misleading psyop in condemning those who say they are Jews but are not.
Arthur Koestler and several Jews before him tried to work a similar psyop, the one you mention, that he eventually admitted was actually a deception intended as a means of diverting Gentile peoples' attention away from Jews for crimes that are actually Jewish crimes, so that people would instead think Jewish crimes had really been committed by 'fake' Jews, Gentiles.
No real criminal with any brains would paint a target on their backs by seeking to disguise themselves as members of an already well-known and despised criminal group unless they had a seriously suicidal wish. I think the idea that criminals would seek to disguise themselves as Jews is actually quite ridiculous, especially when these 'criminals' were actually Gentile nobility in the first place according to the story. Dr Karl Skorecki has examined the genomic material of these so-called Khazarian mafia and found their Cohen priest lines to be as pure as or practically as pure as Jewish lines from 3,300 years ago, in other words, there are no fake Khazarian Jews, all Jews are real Jews.
I think that Israel is purely an international Jewish criminal terrorist base and hideout for Jewish swindlers, that the Jewish religion is a terrorist death cult (how about Deuteronomy 20:16 for starters), and that both should be dissolved by law as illegal terrorist entities, and I think the same of Christianity and Islam. as all are criminally insane when they condemn all others to being tortured in some hell or other for all eternity after this life just as Judaism does in relation to all Gentiles.
Every soul in every creature is eternally part and parcel of the spiritual body of the cosmic supersoul which fills all of infinity, all individual souls are eternally connected with god and with each other through that godhead soul and can never be in any eternal hell. In my belief system, the vedic belief system, which has extremely close parallels with the ancient Druid system of knowledge, no soul ever actually leaves the spiritual dimension, but merely bi-locates their consciousness to lower dimensional 'dream' states while in temporary states of spiritual forgetfulness that occur in some souls in the spiritual world from time to time as all have eternal free will, and sometimes they like to consider, even if very briefly in cosmic terms, 'what if', just as we go to sleep in bed in this world and wake up in other worlds or dimensions, before 'waking up' here again.
The conceptions of spirituality in all three Abrahamic religions are extremely hellish and demonic and are totally unworthy of the consideration or attention of any sincerely intended spiritual aspirant. The real God does not burn any soul alive for all eternity or ever separate even a single soul from Himself for all eternity.
TPTB would simply print news reports in their controlled media that only a few hundred or a few thousand demonstrators said "No" instead of actual millions. In the UK in London, anti-COVID vax demonstrations of hundreds of thousands are reported in the media as just a few hundred demonstrators, to provide the illusion that support for anti-COVID vax sentiment is negligible and unpopular, so as to dishearten and discourage others. Real action would be decisive.
Don't mistake the forces controlling the levers of my government with it's people.
What I'm about to say may sound treasonous but I don't see true Americans regaining control of our country. I fear we must be conquered from external forces that understand they aren't fighting a constitutional America. Rather they would be liberating her from fascist globalists.
Boy, we need more of you! Although more do seem to to be heading that way, all the time, thank goodness! Humanity - in both senses of the term - will win, because we must!
Sticking my new years wish in here - wrote it for my family but even if it's no classic work, I mean it for the world of humanity and Life:
I'll wish you a happy new year, much better than the old,
and wish our wishes all come true and dross turns into gold.
I'll wish for blue and sunny skies to shine upon our days
and hope to see 'the WEFFers' all condemned while at 'the Hague'.
I'll wish for real democracy and human rights respected
Science taking precedence above bizarre invective
All 'the Evils' hunted down by excellent detectives
All while fact comes flooding out, to fortify defences.
I wish us a happy new year, less bitter than the old
Where Life can heal within a world where truth is safely told.
Thomas Paine said, “A Democracy is the vilest form of Government there is.” If we’ve become a democracy, it would represent a deep betrayal of our founders, who saw democracy as another form of tyranny. In fact, the word democracy appears nowhere in our nation’s two most fundamental documents, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. It’s Congress that poses the greatest threat to our liberties. The framers’ distrust is seen in the negative language of our Bill of Rights such as: Congress “shall not abridge, infringe, deny, disparage, and (rights) shall not be violated, nor be denied.”
Agreed, but with a hedge. Just a guess, but almost all ideologies can be framed to point to higher, Platonic ideals of truth, goodness, and beauty. The flip side is that any ideology can be equally easily co-opted and corrupted to serve destructive interests ... both out of malevolence and ignorance. Though not profound, maybe prophetic ... a quote by Stephen Hawking ... 'Greed and stupidity will mark the end of the human race.'
I have no idea, but don't think it is the most morally important question.
By some ideologues, the likes of Spinoza, Emerson, and Einstein were 'godless' ... as are the populations of India, China, or Japan ... where I live. I would argue that as many evils have been committed in the name of 'god' as in the name of science ... the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, etc.
Regardless of domains, humanity's failure to learn from history may be our downfall. Our collective cleverness outweighs our collective wisdom.
showing igG4 prevalence after a third jab explaining why people are more "susceptible" to COVID "infection" following the third jab specifically.
My long held observation has been that folks get jabbed and within weeks get sick. My hypothesis has been these folks aren't "catching COVID" at all, rather they're developing the disease within their own bodies. This study seems to prove my theory.
Subject gets mRNA injection.
Subject makes the spike protein the mRNA calls for.
Subjects immune response is igG4 prevalent.
Subjects immune system can't deal with the spike protein their own body is making.
Thank you for the shout out. Can’t bear the socialisation of the “mistake” as explanation for all that’s happened & is happening. Below I give some red meat to those hungry for unequivocal evidence of malice aforethought.
The shattering realisation some of have had, and I don’t know why it takes so long for some obvious things to trickle into our consciousness, is that ALL mRNA products, provided they encode any protein that is foreign (non-self) will induce an autoimmune reaction. It’s burned into their very design. The spike protein may even be a red herring. If it’s real, it makes things worse, because you will then be poisoned by these toxic substances.
But expressing any foreign protein is fatal to the cell doing the expressing. The reason is, our bodies are protected by being able to distinguish our normal materials from things that shouldn’t be there. Anything non-self will trigger autoimmune destruction of the cells and tissues involved.
This explains both the range of severity from nothing to speedy death. Some people will express lots of foreign proteins in vulnerable locations. Others express less in less vulnerable areas.
The location defines the illness.
If it lands preferentially in your heart, you’ll get myocarditis & perhaps a heart attack.
If in your brain, spinal cord or peripheral nervous system, one or more of a variety of neurological conditions.
In your pancreas, insulin dependent diabetes.
In your eye, blindness.
In your ovaries, infertility. In your pregnant placenta, prematurity or stillbirth.
If it lands in your immune system itself, it will damage it. You will suffer a loss of host defence and fall prey to repeated infections.
Because the immune system plays a vital role in detecting and killing off cancer cells, you will develop far more cancers and they will grow more rapidly.
There’s no limit to the unpleasant consequences of dumping a material which leads to autoimmunity in your body.
I repeat, ALL mRNA products bear this unavoidable liability.
Any experienced medic or biologist promoting these materials as a beneficial agent is a liar, a fraud and a criminal.
You can quote me on this.
It’s “immunology 101”, among the most basic & well-understood concepts. It’s not faintly novel or difficult to understand. What’s hard to accept is how few medical professionals seem to see this.
Thank you for this exceptionally clarifying and logical explanation, Mike, as always—and deep gratitude to you for inspiring this piece 🤗
Something I’ve been curious about but haven’t had time to research—what is the likely mechanism of disease/death in the J&J injections since they aren’t mRNA or using lipid nanoparticles?
A good question. I’ve thought about it much less. Though relatively few doses of JNJ were administered, I recall an analysis showing it was the most toxic of the four major gene based injections.
I suppose, if JNJ actually encoded full length spike protein, then victims would suffer the consequences of spike protein toxicity AND autoimmune disorders. The distribution of the material, facilitated (we are told) by an attenuated primate airway adenovirus, would probably differ substantially from the distribution of the mRNA-LNP products from Pfizer and Moderna.
Thank you for these astute points and your highly compelling hypothesis, Mike.
I did not realize J&J may be the most toxic! 😵 I know many people chose J&J when they were being coerced by mandates because they were rightly concerned about the mRNA injections. I have tried to avoid too much emphasis on mRNA in my articles because I want to make it clear that *all* the injections are dangerous, not just mRNA ones, so that is helpful information to know.
Mike, see this new Researchgate preprint, published some days ago. Will the mainstream media report about it? What would happen if I send this to all big media platforms? (I know the answer, which is extremely frustrating).
"All-cause mortality by week in Australia shows that there was no detectable excess mortality 13 months into the declared pandemic, followed by a step-wise increase in mortality in mid-April 2021, synchronous with the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine prioritizing elderly, disabled and aboriginal residents. The excess mortality in the vaccination period (mid-April 2021 through August 2022; 14 % larger all-cause mortality than in recent pre-vaccination periods of same time duration; 62 million administered vaccine doses) was 31±1 thousand deaths, which is more than twice the deaths registered as from or with COVID-19. In addition, a sharp peak in all-cause mortality (mid-January to mid-February 2022; 2,600 deaths) is synchronous with the rapid rollout of the booster (9.4 million booster doses, same time period), and is not due to a climatic heatwave. We give thirteen numbered arguments as to why we conclude that the excess mortality in Australia is causally associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. The corresponding vaccine injection fatality ratio (vIFR) is approximately 0.05 %, which we compare to estimated vIFR values from the USA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and from all-cause mortality data for India, Southern states of the USA, Michigan (USA) and Ontario (Canada)."
Title: "Probable causal association between Australia's new regime of high all-cause mortality and its COVID-19 vaccine rollout"
I know what would happen if a referenced version of this was sent to all news gathering organisations: total silence.
The petition to halt the clinical development of the “covid19 vaccines”, written by Dr Wolfgang Wodarg & me dated December 1st, 2020, was widely distributed.
It was suppressed EVERYWHERE.
That was an awful moment for me. Though I didn’t know how, the evidence was that across the entire planet, the perpetrators had arranged that nothing embarrassing was going to surface in mainstream media.
Havd you even seen this?
To the best of our knowledge, it’s the first scientific treatise showing the inevitability of harm to the human victims to whom these diabolical products were to be administered.
By February 2021, we had added things we’d simply not thought of two months earlier. By then, young women were dying in clusters from cerebral vein sinus thrombosis. We wrote several open letters to the European Medicines Agency:
I’m afraid there’s never even been a respiratory virus pandemic, just lies, terrible “testing” and our natural propensity to attribute the range of normal illnesses to “covid19”:
Hi Mike: In 2017 a new breed of truth-tellers owned the internet. It was the first time in my life I had see truth slipping out, and I have been following the phenomenon you reference above for three decades. The apex occurred during the Clinton years in the United States when it was obvious our pervert, criminal President needed to resign or be impeached yet the CIA-controlled media carefully limited opposition demands. It was uncanny. I remember being extremely frustrated at the time, that this scoundrel was being protected by minimizing narratives. The best one was "it's just sex". Now I realize this narrative control expertise has its roots just after WWII when the CIA was formed and took full control of the narrative space in 1963, when they killed Kennedy at the behest of foreign governments and other crime overlords at the time. We exploded on the free internet in 2015-17 to expose all of this and also most of the race, sex, and woke garbage that had been gaining currency. The woke corporatists, NGO's and governments jumped into action to eliminate us from everywhere, thus opening space back up for their fantasy narratives. The Covid control capitalized on an acceleration that happened then. They have always paid media operatives to promote minimizing narratives and avoid truth narratives that out their crimes, but in 2017 they got help from banks, internet companies, PayPal, Amazon, and the social media empire.
Thank you for all you do and did! You really tried to stop this. Besides my previous message, I want to ask you if you want to work with me to create a new international dating platform for unvaccinated people.... Even if a vaccinated-vaccinated or a vaccinated-unvaccinated couple would manage to get babies, we do not know how healthy they will be, we do not know the long term health prognosis of these babies... So I believe the more unvaccinated-unvaccinated couples get babies together, the higher the chances for our species to survive... Thus I believe by helping unvaccinated people finding an unvaccinated partner can help our species...
We can work on that together. In association with some others. I know you are not a programmer. Me neither. But we can be the executive bosses of this platform and do other work. We can also charge a small amount of money for the dating service and then give some % of this money to organizations which help exposing all these crimes...
I’ll let Mike answer, but I know he is as busy as me, so I suspect he won’t have the time :-)
And I believe someone has already started such a service? I remember hearing about it last year. You might want to research that before spending too much time on it.
Margaret, you are right, Mike is very busy. I know this. BUT I believe such a project should have priority because it can really help humanity. The damage has already been done. We can not undo the vaccination of most people anymore. BUT we can still try to reduce the long term consequences and I believe increasing the number of babies born to entirely unvaccinated people will be very helpful for the long term survival of humans! So this project should have priority.
Yes, I am aware of two services like that. One is in Europe (it was some thousand members) and a service in the USA which had more than 100.000 members. However, recently it was revealed that this bigger service had severe security issues regarding the data of the members... And last time when I tried to access this page, it was not available anymore. There were some big problems with it. So I want to start something new, something big. A really good and reliable service, translated into many languages and with strong security...
And even if there are or were other good services, I do not see why this should be a reason not to start an additional service. Consider HOW MANY dating services there are wordwide... And the number is growing. The number of singles is extremely huge and the demand is high. So there may be some services but there is always demand for more or for other, more reliabe services with better features, higher security...
I’m willing to help, but I don’t intend to benefit from anything to do with the event.
I’m not a saint, I’m just adequately provided for by previous ventures. I’m very aware that nasty critics try to tear down an honest contributor & I’m not giving them any ammo that I can avoid.
It’s a necessary thing you outline. It’s relevant for my own family, one daughter is with a long term partner, the other isn’t. I’d hope she makes good decisions for herself.
Great! So, I think in order to start this project, first we need to talk to a programmer and also talk to a lawyer who knows about all that... I do have your email address, so I can write you as soon as I know more.. But I am not sure if you will see my email, I know you have hundreds of emails every day.
I am not adequately provided for by previous ventures because I have not had these previous ventures yet. We already talked about my translation of the book from Fareed and Tyson. This was actually the first time that I received some money for a work (I told them I want to do it for free, but they wanted to give me some money for it).
Thank you for agreeing it is a necessary thing. Let´s try to get more unvaccinated people together, to improve long term outcomes of human health.
Well, I am in the age range 25 to 30 years... If your daughther is in that age range or not very far away from it and if you want her to meet an unvaccinated and reliabe person, then you might want to ask her if she wants to know me. Would be cool to have you as father in law. You would like my familiy. We are likeminded.
Saints are those who come to God via Jesus Christ knowing their 'stains', the anagram of 'saints'. People put others on pedestals and called them saints, but that is how many doctors etc. deceived the masses who were easily fooled.
I said to my wife yesterday at lunch, we are one large messy family and we just need to help each other out of the mess. And that is ultimately why Jesus Christ came to rescue us and give us the inspiration and words to do this.
We are all saints in Christ if we understand these things.
They won’t report it because they are ALL in the palm of the perpetrators hands.
Only edgy tiny media aren’t.
And they all could be, if the perpetrators decide to or are compelled to by reach.
It’s not defeatist to acknowledge what we’re up against.
Three years into this & people are more or less red pilled or they’re in the matrix.
I’m not sure how many could be peeled off now. Many are by choice blue pilled. It’s just too frightening to even explore reality. I’ve met many who get angry = terrified when I begin to supply unequivocal evidence of deliberate harms. In some cases I think they’d like to kill me as an alternative to having to hear me. This is atavistic normality. That’s how humans have been for much of our existence. It’s extremely dangerous to even think beyond the acceptable boundaries of what the tribal leaders direct. Because such activity is a threat to those leaders & the masses stay protected only by compliance, a large proportion of people regard people like me as very undesirable.
I accept all this with equanimity.
I am the master of my soul. In that, I remain completely integrated as “me”. All threats are no big deal. Being 62 & having nearly died six years ago, I’m already in bonus time. Nothing other than physical torture scares me. I’m not physically brave. But realisation that I know almost nothing has forced a genuine humility. I feel almost no ego. I don’t matter except to those close to me and a faint impression of me only is gained by any other people (good, bad or mad, I don’t mind or judge).
I agree with everything you’ve said except the last part :-) You matter to *millions*, and for many, you are the pinnacle of honesty—hence my crowning you the King of Integrity. It is not possible to overstate your importance to humanity, Mike 🤗
It is your humility that makes you such a phenomenally rare specimen and enables you to see truths others are blinded to by their pride, their ego, and their fear.
Mike, thank you for your incredible response. I would like to ask you for an advice, if possible. One day I would like to find a woman and create a familiy. Now I am extremely concerned about the (most likely) vaccine induced fertility issues... The data from several countries show that birth rates dropped by several percent... Do you have an estimate about how many women (% of all vaccinated women) may have become infertile due to the vaccines? And will this be long lasting?
But my most important question: Do you think I should look for an unvaccinated woman? I feel very bad about writing this because I do not want to discriminate... But the strange circumstances force me to do so. Do you think the chances of having healthy babies is higher if I look for an unvaccinated woman?
Even if the woman is unvaccinated, shedding or potential blood transfusions could have had an impact... Do you believe shedding (via being in the same room as someone who was recently vaccinated) could also make women infertile??? Please let me know what you think...
Max, I don’t know if you’ve been following Naomi Wolf’s, Etana Hecht’s, and Daily Clout’s articles on fertility and related issues, but the findings are catastrophic (I’ve collected hundreds of articles on this topic for a future article, and new studies/discoveries are coming out daily).
Since you care about having a child, it doesn’t make sense to get emotionally involved with an injected woman as the likelihood that her reproductive health has been impacted is high, especially if she’s gotten the boosters. There is no way to answer your question about long-term impact because no long-term studies have been done! So you have to assume the damage is permanent until proven otherwise over time, which won’t be known for years.
There is evidence of shedding impacting the health of unvaccinated individuals who live with injected family members, but again, this is still a huge question mark. Some people think shedding only lasts a few weeks after the injection, while others believe it is longer-term.
As far as blood transfusions go, that is a BIG concern, as my Baby Alex story shows:
Thank you for the important informations! I have been reading about these problems and this is extremely concerning. So... when I meet a woman, I need to find out if she is vaccinated before I get invoved emotionally.... and even then I do not know if shedding could have had an impact.... WHAT a dark future. So I am forced to discriminate people. I really want to thank all governments and BigPharma etc. for forcing me to discriminate people.
Have you heard about fertility clinics reporting about a higher demand since 2022? I would like to call some of these clinics and ask if they have more customers since 2022....
Yes, I know it is a horrible feeling to be forced to discriminate like that, and I’m really sorry you’re in that position.
It should, however, help you find a likeminded individual because anyone who had the backbone to stand up to the pressure is going to be a person of strong moral and ethical character.
There is a doctor who has been speaking out about fertility/reproductive issues and has been interviewed in one or more documentaries (“Uninformed Consent” may be one, if I’m recalling correctly:, but I can’t remember his name. He may have even testified at the recent Ron Johnson roundtable.
I agree with Margaret Anna. There are many unvaccinated women & it removes a gnawing worry.
Personally I’m not so concerned about “shedding”. Dose is always important in toxicity & the fraction of a dose that feasibly could be shed is tiny and the fraction of that which could be absorbed by a third party is a fraction of that.
There’s also a kind of hallmark that attaches to the never jabbed.
I always say todays a good day to resolve never to have another, but I rejoice the most upon learning that another human is unjabbed.
In Dr. Phillippe's "Blood slides" the blood from the unjabbed affected by shedding was always more complete, better, healthier than the blood from the jabbed. The shedding slides were worse than normal blood, but far, far better than vaxxed blood. It seems - based on Kory's protocols, that shedding can be healed.
The vaccines essentially deceive the body just as lies deceive the mind. Our bodies then produce a reaction to poison ourselves.
I do not know if you are familiar with this text, but this is why Jesus said ‘But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man.’ Matthew 15 v 18.
To live through this is like being in a dreamlike state. It is bizarre, it makes no sense yet is not nonsensicle enough to be easily dismissed. Can it really be real? I wish it were not, I realise it is. I am saddened to my core and fearful in my heart for the future cascading towards us at a seemingly unstoppable pace. I understand why my family and friends are ostriches, it is too frightening to behold and accept.
I call it a nightmare State… It sure is a medical nightmare in terms of vaccine injuries!
We just had another one… A relatively young man with small children at home… Died of fast-moving cancer! Another church member in the ER two nights ago with blood clots in her leg…
Our church prayer list is a mile long! Cancer, cancer, cancer and cancer… 😱😢🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
My wish in the new year is that ALL of this comes to light… On every news outlet! I want them ALL held accountable!!!
I live this too. Everyday. There are millions of us who now know the unthinkable truth. We must continue seeking the truth, and sharing it as widely as possible, without overwhelming others to the point where they turn away completely. It's the most baffling and difficult balancing act one can undertake as we walk through the fog of truth.
Lost a couple more friends and family of church members since writing this post on January 1… Knowing the truth is a heartbreaking burden at this point…😢😢😢
It’s just so obvious… 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ “died suddenly…” “blood clots”… “Heath attacks…” No one seems to be making the connection…😱😱😱 everyone is so tight lipped and quiet about the cause of deaths… I just want to scream sometimes… 😞😞😞.
"To live through this is like being in a dreamlike state." True. Bizarre as it may sound the mind of God was poisoned by Satan so had to be resolved. We follow a timeline similar to WW2. For your consideration.
Absolutely planned. Jeff Childers of just wrote similar thing with a long look back at history and how governments never work together so seamlessly and quickly worldwide. Total sh_t show.
Amnesty for these monsters? Oh hell no! We have given a lot of free passes over the last few decades for "mistakes". Not this time. If we do, what comes next will be worse than we can imagine. Happy New Year MAA.
I will prefice this by saying I am now having difficulty with CVS and Cigna insurance (NALC)
--------There are far too many out there that continue to think that the last 3 years have meant nothing but those years mean everything! Also remember that a Pew Study tells us that nearly half of the country believe we are living Revelation... (we are under Socialized Medicine)
This is an example of Normalcy Bias, a survival mechanism our brains are equipped with that can place us in grave danger when we’re faced with something traumatic. Simply put, it causes our brains to insist that all is okay. Everything will return to normal. For most of us who have never faced true peril, Normalcy Bias tells us that nothing bad will ever happen. “This is America!,” some people insist when I tell them about the possibility of a deeper Depression or hyperinflation. Incredibly, the most obvious warning signs are ignored.
This explains why so many Jews continued living in Germany, even after they were forced to wear identifying yellow stars and discriminatory laws were passed against Jewish people. Life had been so good for so long that, surely, things would get better. Jews who could have easily afforded to move out of the country stayed, and perished.
Exactly! Except that, unlike 'Stockholm Syndrome', I would not personally count 'Normalcy Bias' as a survival mechanism - quite the reverse. That would be how we keep letting psychopaths gain power over us/our societies, while refusing to see the cliff-edge we're now approaching...
Here in Canada, PM Justin Trudeau still refuses to acknowledge the Convoy protestors have any kind of grievance.
He refuses to acknowledge any mistakes he and the government made in their response.
In fact at the recent government inquiry into the invocation of the Emergencies Act(essentially martial law) which unleashed his thugs and froze citizen’s bank accounts for simply donating to the cause, Trudeau doubled down and called anyone who went against his mandates undesirables.
He was absolutely unapologetic and was quite aggressive in openly stating they should’ve cracked down on the truckers a lot sooner.
The people behind this attempted genocide are far from done, look at announcements from the upcoming Davos meetings of the WEF. They are already signaling another pandemic is coming and they intend to be in control of the response using the UN and the WHO to mandate quarantine camps and severe penalties for anyone refusing their shots.
We are at war, the enemy intends to kill us, this isn’t in your imagination, be ready to do what’s necessary to stop these psychopaths, they are far from satisfied with the number of deaths they’ve caused. They intend to seize even more control and are now openly showing their intentions the gloves are off.
I donated to the convoy and had my bank account frozen for a few hours when they invoked the Emergencies Act, I now realize my own national government is my enemy.
I refused the shots and was isolated for that refusal by arbitrary mandates from a self declared tyrant who even today is angry people aren’t obeying his mandates and taking the 400 million doses he bought with taxpayer money.
We are at war and bad things happen to those who aren’t prepared for it.
BTW, when the truth about these shots becomes generally known the next convoy to Ottawa won’t be bringing bouncy castles and hottubs and there won’t be enough thugs Trudeau could hire to stop them, they will be bring in lots of hemp and maybe lampposts.
I spoke with a level-headed family member yesterday, in the normie crowd, whom I have not spoken with at length about this. Everyone he knows is just moving on because they do not want to speak about Covid anymore. He says nobody is getting the jab because " the science changed". He hears nothing of our concerns about global predation from his millennial cohort. They believe this was a natural virus that infected the planet. The world did the best it could and it is over. They do not believe the jabs are hurting significant numbers. He absorbs an entirely different information stream than I do. Entirely different. He never heard of anyone I trust in the resistance. He thinks I am in a bubble. This was eye opening for me because I AM in a bubble. I never consume any mainstream media or talk with anyone about Covid that is not an ally. There are two universes. I do not believe we can rely on people waking up to tyranny or criminality. They live in a safe world.
Thank you for that head-smacking wake-up call. It is helpful to get a sense of the world they inhabit. The problem is the two worlds rarely cross over, so they will remain clueless unless they suffer an injury or tragic loss that pricks their mind awake and prompts them to start asking questions. And even then, many will remain asleep and trust whatever the colluders tell them is the cause du jour—SADS, climate change, shaking the duvet, what-have-you.
Yes, the two worlds are apparent. I believe the bottom-line best option is to begin forming another world while we resist everything they throw at us from the old world. Then, when we are established and true we can offer the good people from the old world a home with us again. I do not see any other option, because the existing world is so broken, so corrupt, so entrenched in criminality. But it is home for so many, and one cannot take someone's home away from them without providing a better home for them. Consequently, we should be joining forces to build a new consciousness and a new community with other anti-establishment sojourners.
You are 100,000% Correct, my friend, and the beautiful Dr. Mike and I had a similar conversation on Metatron's Substack- this was wicked by design!
Yes, yes, a huge army of mindless, frightened minions carried out much of the Covid policies without malice aforethought, but the Creators of the Covid Policies knew EXACTLY what they were doing-- and as Catherine Austin Fitts says, you never see one of these huge operations without it ticking a whole list of Mr. Global's boxes!
So, fight back, everyone! Pay cash, drop credit cards, and credit accounts at the International Banksters places of carrnage, go local, go organic, go no- chemical, no-pharmacuetical that isn't out of patent, go Natural!
Join a Resistance Organization and get to know the political climate of your town, county and state; if it isn't working for you, make sure you start creating some big Waves!!
Defend our US Constitution and our Inalienable Rights, straight from God, not Government.
And get after DOJ to turn their sights on Pfizer, et al, (instead of the life-saving naturopaths they have been attacking,) Pfizer and Moderna, etc., who just killed and disabled millions of Americans.
2023, The Year of ACCOUNT-A-BIL-ITY!
DOJ, CIA, FBI, DHS, NSA, CSA should all be disbanded Period full stop.
Add the FDA and the CDC to your list.
Indeed! They knew this was a DARPA/Pentagon hell-brew, how high even the immediate death and damage was, and the telling fact that nobody is allowed to study or know what's in this gene transfer tech - which was also already known to be a medical disaster.
The inventor of the some of the tech used in these jabs apparently had developed it to try to find hope for the hopeless having no other chance but abandoned it as too hazardous for use on those anyway dying. (I recall that he's stated this painful admission on more than one video; just had a quick look at what's easily find-able and saw nothing still up in text to back it, though. Out of time, lol.)
(video gone, but print remains)
Let's include ALL knowingly carrying out/associated with promoting/facilitating the WEF agenda, please! Any in public office are working to betray their country, people, humanity and all natural Life.
add the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and the CNP... not to forget the UN and all globalist Groups that VIOLATE the US Constitution!
...and the will of God the heavenly Father who is seriously pissed if you will excuse my French as we can say here in the UK.
My sincerest apologies😉 your absolutely right! How could I have overlooked those assholes!?!?
What was I thinking?
Can you somehow find it in your heart to forgive an old senile vet?😊
You're forgiven...There's just too many to remember off-hand. But, once we begin to dismantle and hunt the TREASONOUS CRIMINALS AGAINST HUMANITY down to indict...The extraordinary quantity of the diabolical will be adequate for knowing the reason to forget at this time.
William Casey, CIA head 1981 CIA staff meeting; "We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American people believes is false". Clear indication of a certain hostile foreign power military occupation government then being in power in the USA..
Yes this didn't just happen over night. It's been in the works for many years... And it will take at least that long to turn this ship around if at all.
You are correct, and I pray there are enough living, breathing Americans left to get the job done!
But everyone has the memo now, from what I see. It's just a question of getting them active. So, if you know what's going on, and you are not taking steps to change the course of our nation, I'm sorry to say it, but if we loose this latest battle for human freedom on planet earth, then it's your choice to watch and do nothing, along with the choice of all the others who also sit on their hands while the ship is sinking, who determined that outcome.
Get up, get moving, get active! There are a million places to plug in, and dozens of simple actions, like paying cash, banking locally, buying organic, dropping Big Tech everywhere possible, utilizing Natural Medicine, getting healthy, lol, and "educating" the tar out of naive or corrupt elected representatives!
Get involved. Be part of the solution my friends: it only takes about 7% of the population to change the whole Nation, if they are determined.
All Americans, born or naturalized, must comprehend that Freedom is Rare, Precious and Requires Eternal Vigilance to Maintain.
It's time we defended ours!!!
Indeed, for the English this hostile takeover began in 1066 as the so-called Catholic King William the Conqueror, in league with an army of Jewish bankers who also came to England with him after the military taking of England, imposed a Jewish legal system and a Jewish usurious financial system over rhe English to fully subjugate and enslave them.
The American flag is basically the English East India Company Flag, likely this is why the CIA call themselves 'The Company'. It is recorded in the book 'Legions of Satan' that at the time of the American War of Independence (1775–1783), British Lord General Cornwallis (Jewish name) spoke with Washington, both being Freemasonic brothers on opposite sides, and Cornwallis told him that in the next 200 years, America's religions would come to be controlled by Judaic influence and that this would be due to the British Crown (The Jewish-controlled Crown Corporation).
For many other nations, the problem began many centuries before this as the conquering alien cult worked its dark money magic and dark occult practices to work its way around the world, to gain power over the minds and lives of more and more human beings.
“Jewish?” Don’t you really mean Khazarian Mafia? As I understand it, they simply “ claimed” to be Jewish. They were otherwise known as “the name stealers.”
Thank you.
There is no such thing as fake Jews, no such thing as Khazarian mafia, even Jerusalem University says no mass conversion of Gentiles to Jews ever took place there, and even it if it had, it would only have involved 700 Gentile nobility, hardly a number that could have generated almost all of today's Jews. Read the work of Dr Karl Skorecki on this.
The fictional Jesus in the fictional Bible story performs a similar misleading psyop in condemning those who say they are Jews but are not.
Arthur Koestler and several Jews before him tried to work a similar psyop, the one you mention, that he eventually admitted was actually a deception intended as a means of diverting Gentile peoples' attention away from Jews for crimes that are actually Jewish crimes, so that people would instead think Jewish crimes had really been committed by 'fake' Jews, Gentiles.
No real criminal with any brains would paint a target on their backs by seeking to disguise themselves as members of an already well-known and despised criminal group unless they had a seriously suicidal wish. I think the idea that criminals would seek to disguise themselves as Jews is actually quite ridiculous, especially when these 'criminals' were actually Gentile nobility in the first place according to the story. Dr Karl Skorecki has examined the genomic material of these so-called Khazarian mafia and found their Cohen priest lines to be as pure as or practically as pure as Jewish lines from 3,300 years ago, in other words, there are no fake Khazarian Jews, all Jews are real Jews.
I think that Israel is purely an international Jewish criminal terrorist base and hideout for Jewish swindlers, that the Jewish religion is a terrorist death cult (how about Deuteronomy 20:16 for starters), and that both should be dissolved by law as illegal terrorist entities, and I think the same of Christianity and Islam. as all are criminally insane when they condemn all others to being tortured in some hell or other for all eternity after this life just as Judaism does in relation to all Gentiles.
Every soul in every creature is eternally part and parcel of the spiritual body of the cosmic supersoul which fills all of infinity, all individual souls are eternally connected with god and with each other through that godhead soul and can never be in any eternal hell. In my belief system, the vedic belief system, which has extremely close parallels with the ancient Druid system of knowledge, no soul ever actually leaves the spiritual dimension, but merely bi-locates their consciousness to lower dimensional 'dream' states while in temporary states of spiritual forgetfulness that occur in some souls in the spiritual world from time to time as all have eternal free will, and sometimes they like to consider, even if very briefly in cosmic terms, 'what if', just as we go to sleep in bed in this world and wake up in other worlds or dimensions, before 'waking up' here again.
The conceptions of spirituality in all three Abrahamic religions are extremely hellish and demonic and are totally unworthy of the consideration or attention of any sincerely intended spiritual aspirant. The real God does not burn any soul alive for all eternity or ever separate even a single soul from Himself for all eternity.
still is in power
add the NIH, NIAID and the entire socialized HHS umbrella - GOOD LUCK!
Don't just wish us luck, HELP US!! Lol!
how... who... the country is gone... run by global govt...
are the "republicrats" gonna save ya?
This ends or at least would be the beginning of the end when we become ungovernable...
Yes USA is gone and we must realize that to start something brand new in its place !
Yes, but getting there is the tricky bit!
It will take a war.
Perhaps. But first we should simply say no, all at the same time.
I completely concur with that. First we need to organize the "we". Then we need to say no.
Ok do you think Margret would write an "I WILL NOT COMPLY" pledge and post it across platforms of other week know people?
TPTB would simply print news reports in their controlled media that only a few hundred or a few thousand demonstrators said "No" instead of actual millions. In the UK in London, anti-COVID vax demonstrations of hundreds of thousands are reported in the media as just a few hundred demonstrators, to provide the illusion that support for anti-COVID vax sentiment is negligible and unpopular, so as to dishearten and discourage others. Real action would be decisive.
as Nancy Reagan once said!
agree and ASAP !
Don't mistake the forces controlling the levers of my government with it's people.
What I'm about to say may sound treasonous but I don't see true Americans regaining control of our country. I fear we must be conquered from external forces that understand they aren't fighting a constitutional America. Rather they would be liberating her from fascist globalists.
Boy, we need more of you! Although more do seem to to be heading that way, all the time, thank goodness! Humanity - in both senses of the term - will win, because we must!
Sticking my new years wish in here - wrote it for my family but even if it's no classic work, I mean it for the world of humanity and Life:
I'll wish you a happy new year, much better than the old,
and wish our wishes all come true and dross turns into gold.
I'll wish for blue and sunny skies to shine upon our days
and hope to see 'the WEFFers' all condemned while at 'the Hague'.
I'll wish for real democracy and human rights respected
Science taking precedence above bizarre invective
All 'the Evils' hunted down by excellent detectives
All while fact comes flooding out, to fortify defences.
I wish us a happy new year, less bitter than the old
Where Life can heal within a world where truth is safely told.
Thomas Paine said, “A Democracy is the vilest form of Government there is.” If we’ve become a democracy, it would represent a deep betrayal of our founders, who saw democracy as another form of tyranny. In fact, the word democracy appears nowhere in our nation’s two most fundamental documents, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. It’s Congress that poses the greatest threat to our liberties. The framers’ distrust is seen in the negative language of our Bill of Rights such as: Congress “shall not abridge, infringe, deny, disparage, and (rights) shall not be violated, nor be denied.”
Agreed, but with a hedge. Just a guess, but almost all ideologies can be framed to point to higher, Platonic ideals of truth, goodness, and beauty. The flip side is that any ideology can be equally easily co-opted and corrupted to serve destructive interests ... both out of malevolence and ignorance. Though not profound, maybe prophetic ... a quote by Stephen Hawking ... 'Greed and stupidity will mark the end of the human race.'
wasnt this guy Godless?
I have no idea, but don't think it is the most morally important question.
By some ideologues, the likes of Spinoza, Emerson, and Einstein were 'godless' ... as are the populations of India, China, or Japan ... where I live. I would argue that as many evils have been committed in the name of 'god' as in the name of science ... the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, etc.
Regardless of domains, humanity's failure to learn from history may be our downfall. Our collective cleverness outweighs our collective wisdom.
Einstein was not Godless.... and it is the most moral question - did you celebrate Christmas?
and what do you know of the Crusades other the bull Obama sold?
People like you always ignore that 260 million were murdered last century by COMMUNIST GOVERNMENTS!
Even the godless have some truth, sometimes a lot. But if they lack the key then they end up missing the vital point.
Here Here!
Brilliantly put Katherine - I could do not better. You are so very right - GO LOCAL - DO NOT COMPLY. I write about it often:
AND I have my Plan 'B':
Yes! 💥💥💥 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Margaret’s Anthem for justice and Katherine’s comment! 🙏
Their* sights, lol!
Cheers Katherine to that !⬆️⬆️⬆️
Can you get a message to Micheal Yeadon?
If so, please pass this to him.
Dr. McCullough pointed to a study yesterday
showing igG4 prevalence after a third jab explaining why people are more "susceptible" to COVID "infection" following the third jab specifically.
My long held observation has been that folks get jabbed and within weeks get sick. My hypothesis has been these folks aren't "catching COVID" at all, rather they're developing the disease within their own bodies. This study seems to prove my theory.
Subject gets mRNA injection.
Subject makes the spike protein the mRNA calls for.
Subjects immune response is igG4 prevalent.
Subjects immune system can't deal with the spike protein their own body is making.
Subject develops COVID.
Have I got anything wrong there?
You can’t forget , it’s still going on . Live , learn and resist .
It sure is… People are STILL getting their boosters from Hades! 😱😱😱
Do Not Comply.
Thank you for the shout out. Can’t bear the socialisation of the “mistake” as explanation for all that’s happened & is happening. Below I give some red meat to those hungry for unequivocal evidence of malice aforethought.
The shattering realisation some of have had, and I don’t know why it takes so long for some obvious things to trickle into our consciousness, is that ALL mRNA products, provided they encode any protein that is foreign (non-self) will induce an autoimmune reaction. It’s burned into their very design. The spike protein may even be a red herring. If it’s real, it makes things worse, because you will then be poisoned by these toxic substances.
But expressing any foreign protein is fatal to the cell doing the expressing. The reason is, our bodies are protected by being able to distinguish our normal materials from things that shouldn’t be there. Anything non-self will trigger autoimmune destruction of the cells and tissues involved.
This explains both the range of severity from nothing to speedy death. Some people will express lots of foreign proteins in vulnerable locations. Others express less in less vulnerable areas.
The location defines the illness.
If it lands preferentially in your heart, you’ll get myocarditis & perhaps a heart attack.
If in your brain, spinal cord or peripheral nervous system, one or more of a variety of neurological conditions.
In your pancreas, insulin dependent diabetes.
In your eye, blindness.
In your ovaries, infertility. In your pregnant placenta, prematurity or stillbirth.
If it lands in your immune system itself, it will damage it. You will suffer a loss of host defence and fall prey to repeated infections.
Because the immune system plays a vital role in detecting and killing off cancer cells, you will develop far more cancers and they will grow more rapidly.
There’s no limit to the unpleasant consequences of dumping a material which leads to autoimmunity in your body.
I repeat, ALL mRNA products bear this unavoidable liability.
Any experienced medic or biologist promoting these materials as a beneficial agent is a liar, a fraud and a criminal.
You can quote me on this.
It’s “immunology 101”, among the most basic & well-understood concepts. It’s not faintly novel or difficult to understand. What’s hard to accept is how few medical professionals seem to see this.
Best wishes
Thank you for this exceptionally clarifying and logical explanation, Mike, as always—and deep gratitude to you for inspiring this piece 🤗
Something I’ve been curious about but haven’t had time to research—what is the likely mechanism of disease/death in the J&J injections since they aren’t mRNA or using lipid nanoparticles?
A good question. I’ve thought about it much less. Though relatively few doses of JNJ were administered, I recall an analysis showing it was the most toxic of the four major gene based injections.
I suppose, if JNJ actually encoded full length spike protein, then victims would suffer the consequences of spike protein toxicity AND autoimmune disorders. The distribution of the material, facilitated (we are told) by an attenuated primate airway adenovirus, would probably differ substantially from the distribution of the mRNA-LNP products from Pfizer and Moderna.
Thank you for these astute points and your highly compelling hypothesis, Mike.
I did not realize J&J may be the most toxic! 😵 I know many people chose J&J when they were being coerced by mandates because they were rightly concerned about the mRNA injections. I have tried to avoid too much emphasis on mRNA in my articles because I want to make it clear that *all* the injections are dangerous, not just mRNA ones, so that is helpful information to know.
My 92-year-old, healthy Mother had the J&J vax, and 16 months later, she died from Leukemia.
So sorry to read this.
Mike, see this new Researchgate preprint, published some days ago. Will the mainstream media report about it? What would happen if I send this to all big media platforms? (I know the answer, which is extremely frustrating).
"All-cause mortality by week in Australia shows that there was no detectable excess mortality 13 months into the declared pandemic, followed by a step-wise increase in mortality in mid-April 2021, synchronous with the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine prioritizing elderly, disabled and aboriginal residents. The excess mortality in the vaccination period (mid-April 2021 through August 2022; 14 % larger all-cause mortality than in recent pre-vaccination periods of same time duration; 62 million administered vaccine doses) was 31±1 thousand deaths, which is more than twice the deaths registered as from or with COVID-19. In addition, a sharp peak in all-cause mortality (mid-January to mid-February 2022; 2,600 deaths) is synchronous with the rapid rollout of the booster (9.4 million booster doses, same time period), and is not due to a climatic heatwave. We give thirteen numbered arguments as to why we conclude that the excess mortality in Australia is causally associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. The corresponding vaccine injection fatality ratio (vIFR) is approximately 0.05 %, which we compare to estimated vIFR values from the USA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and from all-cause mortality data for India, Southern states of the USA, Michigan (USA) and Ontario (Canada)."
Title: "Probable causal association between Australia's new regime of high all-cause mortality and its COVID-19 vaccine rollout"
I know what would happen if a referenced version of this was sent to all news gathering organisations: total silence.
The petition to halt the clinical development of the “covid19 vaccines”, written by Dr Wolfgang Wodarg & me dated December 1st, 2020, was widely distributed.
It was suppressed EVERYWHERE.
That was an awful moment for me. Though I didn’t know how, the evidence was that across the entire planet, the perpetrators had arranged that nothing embarrassing was going to surface in mainstream media.
Havd you even seen this?
To the best of our knowledge, it’s the first scientific treatise showing the inevitability of harm to the human victims to whom these diabolical products were to be administered.
By February 2021, we had added things we’d simply not thought of two months earlier. By then, young women were dying in clusters from cerebral vein sinus thrombosis. We wrote several open letters to the European Medicines Agency:
I’m afraid there’s never even been a respiratory virus pandemic, just lies, terrible “testing” and our natural propensity to attribute the range of normal illnesses to “covid19”:
We’d not yet encountered myocarditis because that is a salient feature of dosing relatively fit, younger men.
The entire event has been nothing but lies:
Hi Mike: In 2017 a new breed of truth-tellers owned the internet. It was the first time in my life I had see truth slipping out, and I have been following the phenomenon you reference above for three decades. The apex occurred during the Clinton years in the United States when it was obvious our pervert, criminal President needed to resign or be impeached yet the CIA-controlled media carefully limited opposition demands. It was uncanny. I remember being extremely frustrated at the time, that this scoundrel was being protected by minimizing narratives. The best one was "it's just sex". Now I realize this narrative control expertise has its roots just after WWII when the CIA was formed and took full control of the narrative space in 1963, when they killed Kennedy at the behest of foreign governments and other crime overlords at the time. We exploded on the free internet in 2015-17 to expose all of this and also most of the race, sex, and woke garbage that had been gaining currency. The woke corporatists, NGO's and governments jumped into action to eliminate us from everywhere, thus opening space back up for their fantasy narratives. The Covid control capitalized on an acceleration that happened then. They have always paid media operatives to promote minimizing narratives and avoid truth narratives that out their crimes, but in 2017 they got help from banks, internet companies, PayPal, Amazon, and the social media empire.
Thank you. Very interesting. I was such a normie. No idea. Not until 2020.
Lots of us woke up in 2020, myself included.. Perhaps we could start a #MeTooZeroTooZero movement!!!
I wrote this in July 2020 when I worked out what was going on in June and then set up my website.
This followed in October, but has additional sub-links added as I was able.
Thank you for all you do and did! You really tried to stop this. Besides my previous message, I want to ask you if you want to work with me to create a new international dating platform for unvaccinated people.... Even if a vaccinated-vaccinated or a vaccinated-unvaccinated couple would manage to get babies, we do not know how healthy they will be, we do not know the long term health prognosis of these babies... So I believe the more unvaccinated-unvaccinated couples get babies together, the higher the chances for our species to survive... Thus I believe by helping unvaccinated people finding an unvaccinated partner can help our species...
We can work on that together. In association with some others. I know you are not a programmer. Me neither. But we can be the executive bosses of this platform and do other work. We can also charge a small amount of money for the dating service and then give some % of this money to organizations which help exposing all these crimes...
I’ll let Mike answer, but I know he is as busy as me, so I suspect he won’t have the time :-)
And I believe someone has already started such a service? I remember hearing about it last year. You might want to research that before spending too much time on it.
Margaret, you are right, Mike is very busy. I know this. BUT I believe such a project should have priority because it can really help humanity. The damage has already been done. We can not undo the vaccination of most people anymore. BUT we can still try to reduce the long term consequences and I believe increasing the number of babies born to entirely unvaccinated people will be very helpful for the long term survival of humans! So this project should have priority.
Yes, I am aware of two services like that. One is in Europe (it was some thousand members) and a service in the USA which had more than 100.000 members. However, recently it was revealed that this bigger service had severe security issues regarding the data of the members... And last time when I tried to access this page, it was not available anymore. There were some big problems with it. So I want to start something new, something big. A really good and reliable service, translated into many languages and with strong security...
And even if there are or were other good services, I do not see why this should be a reason not to start an additional service. Consider HOW MANY dating services there are wordwide... And the number is growing. The number of singles is extremely huge and the demand is high. So there may be some services but there is always demand for more or for other, more reliabe services with better features, higher security...
Max, are you aware of Unjected? Not sure if this is the one you already knew about.
I’m willing to help, but I don’t intend to benefit from anything to do with the event.
I’m not a saint, I’m just adequately provided for by previous ventures. I’m very aware that nasty critics try to tear down an honest contributor & I’m not giving them any ammo that I can avoid.
It’s a necessary thing you outline. It’s relevant for my own family, one daughter is with a long term partner, the other isn’t. I’d hope she makes good decisions for herself.
God bless you.
I disagree. You are a saint 😇
Yes, he is. He is very brave.
Great! So, I think in order to start this project, first we need to talk to a programmer and also talk to a lawyer who knows about all that... I do have your email address, so I can write you as soon as I know more.. But I am not sure if you will see my email, I know you have hundreds of emails every day.
I am not adequately provided for by previous ventures because I have not had these previous ventures yet. We already talked about my translation of the book from Fareed and Tyson. This was actually the first time that I received some money for a work (I told them I want to do it for free, but they wanted to give me some money for it).
Thank you for agreeing it is a necessary thing. Let´s try to get more unvaccinated people together, to improve long term outcomes of human health.
Well, I am in the age range 25 to 30 years... If your daughther is in that age range or not very far away from it and if you want her to meet an unvaccinated and reliabe person, then you might want to ask her if she wants to know me. Would be cool to have you as father in law. You would like my familiy. We are likeminded.
Well said.
Saints are those who come to God via Jesus Christ knowing their 'stains', the anagram of 'saints'. People put others on pedestals and called them saints, but that is how many doctors etc. deceived the masses who were easily fooled.
I said to my wife yesterday at lunch, we are one large messy family and we just need to help each other out of the mess. And that is ultimately why Jesus Christ came to rescue us and give us the inspiration and words to do this.
We are all saints in Christ if we understand these things.
They won’t report it because they are ALL in the palm of the perpetrators hands.
Only edgy tiny media aren’t.
And they all could be, if the perpetrators decide to or are compelled to by reach.
It’s not defeatist to acknowledge what we’re up against.
Three years into this & people are more or less red pilled or they’re in the matrix.
I’m not sure how many could be peeled off now. Many are by choice blue pilled. It’s just too frightening to even explore reality. I’ve met many who get angry = terrified when I begin to supply unequivocal evidence of deliberate harms. In some cases I think they’d like to kill me as an alternative to having to hear me. This is atavistic normality. That’s how humans have been for much of our existence. It’s extremely dangerous to even think beyond the acceptable boundaries of what the tribal leaders direct. Because such activity is a threat to those leaders & the masses stay protected only by compliance, a large proportion of people regard people like me as very undesirable.
I accept all this with equanimity.
I am the master of my soul. In that, I remain completely integrated as “me”. All threats are no big deal. Being 62 & having nearly died six years ago, I’m already in bonus time. Nothing other than physical torture scares me. I’m not physically brave. But realisation that I know almost nothing has forced a genuine humility. I feel almost no ego. I don’t matter except to those close to me and a faint impression of me only is gained by any other people (good, bad or mad, I don’t mind or judge).
I agree with everything you’ve said except the last part :-) You matter to *millions*, and for many, you are the pinnacle of honesty—hence my crowning you the King of Integrity. It is not possible to overstate your importance to humanity, Mike 🤗
It is your humility that makes you such a phenomenally rare specimen and enables you to see truths others are blinded to by their pride, their ego, and their fear.
Agree 1000%!!!
Mike, thank you for your incredible response. I would like to ask you for an advice, if possible. One day I would like to find a woman and create a familiy. Now I am extremely concerned about the (most likely) vaccine induced fertility issues... The data from several countries show that birth rates dropped by several percent... Do you have an estimate about how many women (% of all vaccinated women) may have become infertile due to the vaccines? And will this be long lasting?
But my most important question: Do you think I should look for an unvaccinated woman? I feel very bad about writing this because I do not want to discriminate... But the strange circumstances force me to do so. Do you think the chances of having healthy babies is higher if I look for an unvaccinated woman?
Even if the woman is unvaccinated, shedding or potential blood transfusions could have had an impact... Do you believe shedding (via being in the same room as someone who was recently vaccinated) could also make women infertile??? Please let me know what you think...
Max, I don’t know if you’ve been following Naomi Wolf’s, Etana Hecht’s, and Daily Clout’s articles on fertility and related issues, but the findings are catastrophic (I’ve collected hundreds of articles on this topic for a future article, and new studies/discoveries are coming out daily).
Since you care about having a child, it doesn’t make sense to get emotionally involved with an injected woman as the likelihood that her reproductive health has been impacted is high, especially if she’s gotten the boosters. There is no way to answer your question about long-term impact because no long-term studies have been done! So you have to assume the damage is permanent until proven otherwise over time, which won’t be known for years.
There is evidence of shedding impacting the health of unvaccinated individuals who live with injected family members, but again, this is still a huge question mark. Some people think shedding only lasts a few weeks after the injection, while others believe it is longer-term.
As far as blood transfusions go, that is a BIG concern, as my Baby Alex story shows:
• “Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother’s Own Words” (
Hence my call for #RememberBabyAlex legislation:
• “Letter to Senator Ron Johnson” (
Thank you for the important informations! I have been reading about these problems and this is extremely concerning. So... when I meet a woman, I need to find out if she is vaccinated before I get invoved emotionally.... and even then I do not know if shedding could have had an impact.... WHAT a dark future. So I am forced to discriminate people. I really want to thank all governments and BigPharma etc. for forcing me to discriminate people.
Have you heard about fertility clinics reporting about a higher demand since 2022? I would like to call some of these clinics and ask if they have more customers since 2022....
Yes, I know it is a horrible feeling to be forced to discriminate like that, and I’m really sorry you’re in that position.
It should, however, help you find a likeminded individual because anyone who had the backbone to stand up to the pressure is going to be a person of strong moral and ethical character.
There is a doctor who has been speaking out about fertility/reproductive issues and has been interviewed in one or more documentaries (“Uninformed Consent” may be one, if I’m recalling correctly:, but I can’t remember his name. He may have even testified at the recent Ron Johnson roundtable.
Discrimination for Partners in life is essential. OR just bang anything breathing. HAHA!
SO much more to it than that.
I agree with Margaret Anna. There are many unvaccinated women & it removes a gnawing worry.
Personally I’m not so concerned about “shedding”. Dose is always important in toxicity & the fraction of a dose that feasibly could be shed is tiny and the fraction of that which could be absorbed by a third party is a fraction of that.
There’s also a kind of hallmark that attaches to the never jabbed.
I always say todays a good day to resolve never to have another, but I rejoice the most upon learning that another human is unjabbed.
In Dr. Phillippe's "Blood slides" the blood from the unjabbed affected by shedding was always more complete, better, healthier than the blood from the jabbed. The shedding slides were worse than normal blood, but far, far better than vaxxed blood. It seems - based on Kory's protocols, that shedding can be healed.
dr. mike, did you see sasha's piece today? confirms everything you mention
Thank you, yes. Sasha is such a smart person.
Blazingly brilliant *and* brave—just like you.
Thanks Mike 👍
The vaccines essentially deceive the body just as lies deceive the mind. Our bodies then produce a reaction to poison ourselves.
I do not know if you are familiar with this text, but this is why Jesus said ‘But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man.’ Matthew 15 v 18.
Thank you.
To live through this is like being in a dreamlike state. It is bizarre, it makes no sense yet is not nonsensicle enough to be easily dismissed. Can it really be real? I wish it were not, I realise it is. I am saddened to my core and fearful in my heart for the future cascading towards us at a seemingly unstoppable pace. I understand why my family and friends are ostriches, it is too frightening to behold and accept.
Blessings to you Margaret Anna.
I call it a nightmare State… It sure is a medical nightmare in terms of vaccine injuries!
We just had another one… A relatively young man with small children at home… Died of fast-moving cancer! Another church member in the ER two nights ago with blood clots in her leg…
Our church prayer list is a mile long! Cancer, cancer, cancer and cancer… 😱😢🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
My wish in the new year is that ALL of this comes to light… On every news outlet! I want them ALL held accountable!!!
Wishing for the moon… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
...and you will see the Son of God.
I live this too. Everyday. There are millions of us who now know the unthinkable truth. We must continue seeking the truth, and sharing it as widely as possible, without overwhelming others to the point where they turn away completely. It's the most baffling and difficult balancing act one can undertake as we walk through the fog of truth.
Lost a couple more friends and family of church members since writing this post on January 1… Knowing the truth is a heartbreaking burden at this point…😢😢😢
It’s just so obvious… 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ “died suddenly…” “blood clots”… “Heath attacks…” No one seems to be making the connection…😱😱😱 everyone is so tight lipped and quiet about the cause of deaths… I just want to scream sometimes… 😞😞😞.
I need to pray more… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Here’s an update… Our church prayer list looks like a solid wall of cancer! It’s frightening… 😱😱😱🔥🔥🔥
"To live through this is like being in a dreamlike state." True. Bizarre as it may sound the mind of God was poisoned by Satan so had to be resolved. We follow a timeline similar to WW2. For your consideration.
Absolutely planned. Jeff Childers of just wrote similar thing with a long look back at history and how governments never work together so seamlessly and quickly worldwide. Total sh_t show.
Amnesty for these monsters? Oh hell no! We have given a lot of free passes over the last few decades for "mistakes". Not this time. If we do, what comes next will be worse than we can imagine. Happy New Year MAA.
I will prefice this by saying I am now having difficulty with CVS and Cigna insurance (NALC)
--------There are far too many out there that continue to think that the last 3 years have meant nothing but those years mean everything! Also remember that a Pew Study tells us that nearly half of the country believe we are living Revelation... (we are under Socialized Medicine)
Normalcy Bias: It's all in your head
This is an example of Normalcy Bias, a survival mechanism our brains are equipped with that can place us in grave danger when we’re faced with something traumatic. Simply put, it causes our brains to insist that all is okay. Everything will return to normal. For most of us who have never faced true peril, Normalcy Bias tells us that nothing bad will ever happen. “This is America!,” some people insist when I tell them about the possibility of a deeper Depression or hyperinflation. Incredibly, the most obvious warning signs are ignored.
This explains why so many Jews continued living in Germany, even after they were forced to wear identifying yellow stars and discriminatory laws were passed against Jewish people. Life had been so good for so long that, surely, things would get better. Jews who could have easily afforded to move out of the country stayed, and perished.
Exactly! Except that, unlike 'Stockholm Syndrome', I would not personally count 'Normalcy Bias' as a survival mechanism - quite the reverse. That would be how we keep letting psychopaths gain power over us/our societies, while refusing to see the cliff-edge we're now approaching...
normalcy bias is explained as IN THE MIND
You've been reading my mind haven't you? 😎
Hoping for the best new year preparing for the worst.
Never forget.
Nice! 'Dillusions' - I love it!
It wasn’t a mistake.
Here in Canada, PM Justin Trudeau still refuses to acknowledge the Convoy protestors have any kind of grievance.
He refuses to acknowledge any mistakes he and the government made in their response.
In fact at the recent government inquiry into the invocation of the Emergencies Act(essentially martial law) which unleashed his thugs and froze citizen’s bank accounts for simply donating to the cause, Trudeau doubled down and called anyone who went against his mandates undesirables.
He was absolutely unapologetic and was quite aggressive in openly stating they should’ve cracked down on the truckers a lot sooner.
The people behind this attempted genocide are far from done, look at announcements from the upcoming Davos meetings of the WEF. They are already signaling another pandemic is coming and they intend to be in control of the response using the UN and the WHO to mandate quarantine camps and severe penalties for anyone refusing their shots.
We are at war, the enemy intends to kill us, this isn’t in your imagination, be ready to do what’s necessary to stop these psychopaths, they are far from satisfied with the number of deaths they’ve caused. They intend to seize even more control and are now openly showing their intentions the gloves are off.
You may appreciate these pieces:
• “Letter to Justin Trudeau” (
• “Profiles in Courage: The Canadian Truckers” (
Thanks, I’ll have a read.
I donated to the convoy and had my bank account frozen for a few hours when they invoked the Emergencies Act, I now realize my own national government is my enemy.
I refused the shots and was isolated for that refusal by arbitrary mandates from a self declared tyrant who even today is angry people aren’t obeying his mandates and taking the 400 million doses he bought with taxpayer money.
We are at war and bad things happen to those who aren’t prepared for it.
BTW, when the truth about these shots becomes generally known the next convoy to Ottawa won’t be bringing bouncy castles and hottubs and there won’t be enough thugs Trudeau could hire to stop them, they will be bring in lots of hemp and maybe lampposts.
I spoke with a level-headed family member yesterday, in the normie crowd, whom I have not spoken with at length about this. Everyone he knows is just moving on because they do not want to speak about Covid anymore. He says nobody is getting the jab because " the science changed". He hears nothing of our concerns about global predation from his millennial cohort. They believe this was a natural virus that infected the planet. The world did the best it could and it is over. They do not believe the jabs are hurting significant numbers. He absorbs an entirely different information stream than I do. Entirely different. He never heard of anyone I trust in the resistance. He thinks I am in a bubble. This was eye opening for me because I AM in a bubble. I never consume any mainstream media or talk with anyone about Covid that is not an ally. There are two universes. I do not believe we can rely on people waking up to tyranny or criminality. They live in a safe world.
Thank you for that head-smacking wake-up call. It is helpful to get a sense of the world they inhabit. The problem is the two worlds rarely cross over, so they will remain clueless unless they suffer an injury or tragic loss that pricks their mind awake and prompts them to start asking questions. And even then, many will remain asleep and trust whatever the colluders tell them is the cause du jour—SADS, climate change, shaking the duvet, what-have-you.
Yes, the two worlds are apparent. I believe the bottom-line best option is to begin forming another world while we resist everything they throw at us from the old world. Then, when we are established and true we can offer the good people from the old world a home with us again. I do not see any other option, because the existing world is so broken, so corrupt, so entrenched in criminality. But it is home for so many, and one cannot take someone's home away from them without providing a better home for them. Consequently, we should be joining forces to build a new consciousness and a new community with other anti-establishment sojourners.
Yes, I talked about parallel societies in this piece:
• “Letter to My Karass” (
A better description of living in parallel universes could not be written...thank you!
Kicked out of school.
They built literal concentration camps.
They killed children.
They haven’t asked for forgiveness, haven’t repented, they haven’t even apologized.
Hell, most of them doubled down.
They can kiss my pure blooded ass.
🔥🎯 👊💯 📢
Great poem! and I love the links in each line. It is going to be a rabbit hole to go down each one.
I can't wait to share this one.
Nail it any harder and you'll break the propaganda-wall right down! Please do!
Would just like to add my new year wishes, which would appear to be shared by many:
I'll wish you a happy new year, much better than the old,
and wish our wishes all come true and dross turns into gold.
I'll wish for blue and sunny skies to shine upon our days
and hope to see 'the WEFFers' all condemned while at 'the Hague'.
I'll wish for real democracy and human rights respected
Science taking precedence above bizarre invective
All 'the Evils' hunted down by excellent detectives
All while fact comes flooding out, to fortify defences.
I wish us a happy new year, less bitter than the old
Where Life can heal within a world where truth is safely told.