Brilliant. Nothing is hidden. Everything is in view. The intention is plain to see. The curtain has fallen. These haters of humanity stand naked before the world. Why did they do this? They are representatives of a long anticipated flowering of the World Spirit (Geist) that seeks utopia on earth. To have it they must destroy. To destroy they must lie. And continue to lie, again and again, until they become mad. Truth wins out. No one can control it. It transcends everything. So, in the midst of this craziness, I have hope. All is not lost. This moment in history is the transition that ten generations from now will be talked about as the end and the beginning. Thank you for poem. It feels like something that should be engraved in stone and hung at every door in Congress. May it be shared throughout the generations.

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Their slogan Build. Back. Better was an open tell.

You can't build it back until you destroy it all first.

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👆 👆

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NOTICE TOO...No defining exactly who, what


BIS with Central Banker Family Cartels are Fascist Hybrids'

ORIGINATED Swiss Opium Highway centralized in Basel as built by

the British Monarchy/Aristocracy with Nazi Germans

and managed by U.S. during WW2.

The Techno-Feudal Fascists ARE CENTRALIZED in

Basel, Davos, Geneva. SWISS ARE NOT NEUTRAL!!!!

While all originates in The City of London before spreading

from the Rothschild's-Backed Benedict Arnold's

Pierpont and Morgan's Banks...As well as

The Jekyll Island Monster called 'The Fed'...Bringing

the NYC/D.C. Wolves into the mix.

The Globalists are Centralized in Switzerland...STILL AN OPIUM HIGHWAY.





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They exposed themselves as the ones to build it back and that it is for them.

They are nothing more than megalomaniacs who want to control the world for themselves. It will only be better for them.

Never forgive and never forget their insanity!

For them to ask for 'amnesty' for their insanity proves their insanity.

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The pathological view their insanity as HIGHLY EVOLVED as any behavior is allowed to meet all needs which are gratified virtually 100% of the time regardless of who is hurt or suffers and dies. Since they compete with all having dispositions towards goodness for feelings of 'Moral Superiority' AND REFUSE TO EVER CHANGE THEMSELVES because all needs get met...That leaves only the option TO CHANGE ALL OF SOCIETY, TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN TO MAKE EVIL GOOD AND VIEWED AS MORALLY SUPERIOR. They are delusional to believe themselves SANE... 😂🤣🤣😭

When their subversion of society succeeds, as it is at this time...They GLORY and FEED from the misery, suffering, torment and death as THEY FEEL MORALLY SUPERIOR..👎🏻😝🤢🤮🤮.

Hope you have the capacity to view it objectively...And, to laugh a bit. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE THE HORROR. 🙏🏻😇🙏🏻

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You read my mind and I couldn't agree with you more.

It is a war between the sane and insane, and of course the insane think they are superior and will try to make everyone else as insane as they are and reduce us to their least common denominator. We are witnesses to the psychopathy taking over and making us their collateral damage.

The links to the books in this well written article are well cited and I have read them all.


Ponerolgy isn't getting the study and attention it deserves.

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Absolutely...Odd about how you were attuned to what I was addressing. Once worked with this segment of society as well as the possessed in attending Exorcism and being an assistant with prayer...Which is vital. Our good Dr. is very well known and revered in certain circles. One aspect he didn't address in his article is the competitive aspect of the pathological and in that; there are those who will NEVER accept any boundary or change and those most certainly would push the buttons to destroy the world...Nuclear Devastation would be a joy.

The hallowed-out mountains and bunkers located deep in sparsely populated regions are ready and waiting for such a situation. Set boundaries and refusing to ever give and inch with these people may be mandatory and it is necessary to eradicate any merciful and empathetic impulses natural within the good. While fact...It's a matter of wisdom to use caution when removing the reins of power from such people as some are not only highly intelligent, cunning and resourceful...They are willing to commit suicide while enacting total devastation upon the world instead of admitting defeat. He clearly was deliberate when he didn't address the factor of Competitiveness in this population in the article.

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And how did they all know they were going to need to build anything back better when they first started using this communist slogan?

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6uild 6ack 6etter- they’re all about the symbolism

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Well no, they are actual Satanists

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But history is not kind when the population can not distinguish truth and lies; indeed reality and the imaginary. We are at the precipice; obliviously staring at the abyss of bondage.

This is why totalitarianism uses absurdities and controlled chaos as a vehicles for social atomization. To "nudge" (eventually by force) people to voluntarily give up agency to exist as automatons - living in an entropic phantasmagoria and not being able to detect it...and therefore prevent it.

In other words; to get people to shackle their own chains by trading their purpose to the state.

"Apart from the massacres, deaths and famines for which communism was responsible, the worst thing about the system was the official lying: that is to say the lying in which everyone was forced to take part, by repetition, assent or failure to contradict. I came to the conclusion that the purpose of propaganda in communist countries was not to persuade, much less to inform, but to humiliate and emasculate. In this sense, the less true it was, the less it corresponded in any way to reality, the better; the more it contradicted the experience of the persons to whom it was directed, the more docile, self-despising for their failure to protest, and impotent they became."

- Theodore Dalrymple

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That's an excellent quote.

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This is why the masking is so dangerous. The propaganda was literally on a persons face and became an object of intense focus that depersoned everyone at once - disarming each individual and the population as a whole with a ritual of adorning propaganda for access to society. Total control with the slightest of perceived compulsion wrapped in a twisted moral trickbox that was easily policed, BUT required an individual who resisted to pay the biggest price of further isolation.

It accomplished everything in that quote, without much effort, and is a tool that could very well lead to the atrocities he refers.

Very powerful form of control because it also marks the non-conformers by just seeing their faces. To be a person was the mark.

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Dangit Bubba! How am I supposed to insert snark when you write stuff like this? Now I have to get all serious and go clean essential gear.

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The continual push to bring masks back after not wearing them is proof enough of what you say is bang on correct.

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They are there to "reach" for.

Crate training

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Thank you sir!

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What generations? 😥

They have made, and are continuing to make, the children infertile.

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I don't know you, Jackie. I have talked with women around the world who choose not have children because world is such a harsh place. I tell them. You are the women who should be having children because you will raise them with an awareness of the world that will ultimately make the world a better place. Take heart. Their messaging is intended to make you feel this way. BTW, I became a grandfather this weekend. The family line goes on.

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Congrats on the grandchild, Ed. And fully agree with your sentiments.

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Fellow new Grandparent here.

Going to teach what I was taught...and that's all there is to it.

Indeed, congrats Ed and enjoy all there is about the beauty and wonder of life.

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Thank you, Wendy and Kathleen. I'm trying not to over plan. Instead, I'll do what I did with his mother and her brothers. Train them to be responsible adults as young as possible.

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That's the ticket Ed !

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Jackie - there are more that are standing up than you may realize - almost everyday I encounter folks sho are willing to share with me as our paths cross - that they did NOT succumb to jab (s) nor did their children nor grands (THAT generation).

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No vax for my 4 kids (grade school to teens). And we’ve discussed the strange topic of choosing unvaxxed spouses one day with the older ones. 😬🥴

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You are wise

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San, I totally agree, social media and lamestream media gaslight the public into believing we are the minority when we are the majority thousand times over! 🙏🌎💪🏻

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After suing with class actions, our 1st priority should be this: stop the automatic approval of the modifications of the WHO International Health Regulations: Congress must repeal them before November!!!

Otherwise it's a sovereignty power grab from the WHO:

The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:



2. We need an urgent law in Congress to stop CBDCs (Fed cashless digi-dollar). It's the backbone of the future digi-tatorship:

The full PLAN exposed:



3. We need a law requiring every dollar to be backed by real assets: gold, flour, oil, soy, whatever you can turn into an unforgeable warrant.

Masons forge billions of dollars: with that easy money they infiltrate and corrupt everything: puppeticians, judges, DAs, election officers, security agencies, armed forces, police, etc.

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?



4. We need a mason law severely penalizing anybody in Government or running for government and anybody in non-profits and listed corporations, for not disclosing membership to secret societies that require obedience (even against the nation/patriotism).

It is then that people will open their eyes to the level of conspiracy in all powers of government and all positions of power.

I've got 100 more ideas, but lets prioritize those 4, having in mind the full scenario:

The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





Open season for human culling:










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They won't care about any laws

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They are making them against potential opposition. :)

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You're right about the laws we need. But we're not living in a world where Congress will implement them.

Our Federal government no longer exists in the form the founders envisioned. It's been infiltrated by the treasonous cabal. It does not serve the people. It is actively trying to enslave and destroy them.

The only hope for enacting these types of laws is at the state level, and of course, many states are governed by those in lockstep with the Feds.

But for those lucky enough to live in red states, there's a chance.

First, and most important, the vast majority of people must become aware of CBDC. Make sure your friends and family understand what it is and why it must be stopped.

We need to light fires under our governors and state legislators to ensure they too are fully aware and will act to protect citizens by making CBDC illegal.

Starting now, we must all use cash as much as possible. Smart phones are integral to the CBDC system. Ditch them, and use a flip.

In the US, the infrastructure for the CBDC slavery system will begin installation in July.

There's no time to waste.

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Those "living in red states" are living on borrowed time. The left is pretty busy, but eventually it will get to the red states, too. Just ask WA, OR and CO about that whole red state thing. Or AZ, where being a lawyer who is openly Conservative will get you disbarred.

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I take your point. That's why I said there was a "chance", not a certainty.

In TN, the state legislature appears to be proactive against CBDC. Sen. Frank Nicely in particular, has been strongly advocating for a state bank with a depository. He's also stated that if circumstances deteriorate severely enough, secession is an option.

CBDC will impact everyone no matter what their ideology may be. Once people understand exactly how this system works, that it ends privacy and freedom, the only ones who will want to see it implemented will be the globalists and their government lackeys.

And there are more of us than them.

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There are more cattle than farmers.

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True. But none of the cattle know what's up til it's too late.

Increasing numbers of us are becoming more fully aware with each passing day.

That's why the cabal is rushing CBDC and all the other evil crap as fast as they can.

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I suppose, law enforcement that would enforce laws against their bosses might have to come first. :)

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We know the problems. We also know the solutions. Transparency. Decentralization. Organization of our alignment against them and using the “tyranny of the masses” problem found in direct democracy in a carefully crafted countermeasure against The Corruptors - aka the people who are corrupting our systems. Satoshi taught us this here: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/satoshi-lives-an-exclusive-interview?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Ed - ♥️💔❤️‍🩹👏👏👏👏

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Thank you for your comment. It inspired me to write my today's article:


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Ed, reading this made me happy to have crossed paths. This is how I’ve been looking at the situation for a while now. I’ll never give into pressure from the naked liars, I try to warn family but too many are severely psyop’d, especially my parents generation. My dad was a pin cushion for the military so instead of question the govt, he fell right in line and my mom behind him. My 51 year old sister also took two jabs and shortly after was hospitalized for vaginal hemorrhaging. This lasted several days. My dad, since the jabs, has had a pacemaker put in his chest and my mom has admitted that she is experiencing eratic heart beats since the jabs. My point is , I warned them all before they did it and they looked at me as crazy.

Now, my parents are starting to wake up and they tell me info that I told them about 2+ yrs ago. It’s disheartening to see your loved ones blindly follow a fallen leadership- across the board- no political party exempt! All I have now is my sanity, what’s left of it and my prayer 🙏 God bless and God speed to all the TRUTH warriors!

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Some people learn by logic. Others learn by observation. The vast majority learn by experience, which can be hard and catastrophic. Thanks for you thoughts.

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Apr 13, 2023
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I read a great comment. Vaccine hesitant is a fraudulent claim. It's vaccine cautionary. What a clown show by World Vaccine Congress that they aren't literate enough to use proper wording. But that's deceit by them to push coerce onto those who choose to not take what they peddle.

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Just posted to Facebook, in hopes that some of my Christian (and non-Christian) friends will wake up. The church has been far too silent.

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When believers in Christ willingly take a rushed, experimental jab built upon the stolen cells of murdered Children, and then take no notice of the resulting injuries and deaths, you have to ask yourself why?

Truth apparently means little to many.

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They are spiritually, intellectually and emotionally asleep.

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This. They are under the guise that simply showing up to church and tithing somehow makes them pious. Most I know in the church don't question a single thing and on advice of their pastor lined right up for their jabs and boosters.

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I've shared this several times on various substacks. I was told that one of our church elders, who teaches a Bible class, asked for prayer for our severely injured friend, but then assured the class that vax injuries are rare. He also urged them to get the booster. I offered Dr. Peter McCullough's book to him, but he declined. He said it is divisive and he didn't want to get involved. He was already involved! My respect for him has plummeted. Our friend got a booster last May while on a stateside visit. Her family ministers in Central America, but she is still unable to return and they are considering shutting down the ministry.

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The VAST majority of "christians" I have known throughout my life have been the most egregious hippocrites I have ever met. Therefore, none of what they did in the last 3 years surprises me much.

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This. ⬆️

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The church wasn't silent. The church was complicit.


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Yes! Complicit. Such a betrayal of the Faithful. The human shepherds have betrayed their flocks. John 10:12. At a time when pastors and leaders should have been the MOST vocal about the physical and spiritual deception and dangers that were occurring under the guise of a pandemic. However, there are a few shining lights around the country who did not comply.

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Most so called "churches" are nothing more than a business, with salvation for sale.

I am not an atheist. I just don't pay homage to any so called "church" and they will not save you or me. Save yourself.

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Justin - Not church, but Jesus Christ is my Saviour ✝️

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Anne - the Church & its leadership for the most part has been abysmal in addressing this travesty or has fallen right in line with the tyrants.

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Feeling very lucky to be subscribed to Margaret Anna Alice and cheering on Dr. Lawrie for her memorable video. Not to be a party-pooper but it could be that churches would be under the threat of extinction if they started getting political. I think churches will have to "go underground" to point their congregation in the right direction while they carry on their desperately-more-than-ever needed mission of spiritual enhancement.

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I don't consider this to be political. I got so tired of people mocking me (online) and calling me a Trumper. I would remind them that Trump was responsible for Warp Speed! This is life and death and even those who have tried to stay out of it are going to be affected soon as tyranny increases. My husband started saying years ago that the homosexual agenda would drive churches underground. Even so, we had no idea how demonic it would get with the trans movement.

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This hypocrisy has been around as long as I have. I'm positive it wasn't a new thing when I was born.

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I'm sure there are plenty of hypocrites in the church, but they're everywhere else also. Look beyond fallible humans like me and learn about Jesus. You can begin with the book of John. Take care.

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Sadly, the churches went woke instead of standing for God.

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Mine is not woke; it is very doctrinally sound. I think the issue for some is what Eric Metaxas wrote about in his book, Letter to the American Church. They think this is political and they are supposed to "stick to the gospel." Romans 13 is often cited by pastors to indicate that we should submit to the government. I often have private conversations about covid/vaccines at church. Also, since I help teach tenth grade girls, I have mentioned the trans issue a bit. Maybe I'm imagining things, but after the second time, the youth pastor had a meeting with the three of us who teach the class. He didn't come out and say it, and I chose not to ask, but I thought he was telling me in a roundabout not to talk about cultural issues, to stick to the Bible. I didn't ask because if I don't know specifically what he meant, I can continue doing the same thing in ignorance. That's actually one main reason why I wanted to teach; I know what they are facing in the culture and want to be of help.

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I always ask those spineless, good German style cooperative and go along to get along believers in Christ this:

Would they have remained silent in the era of legalized Slavery? They’re good with 64 million defenseless Human Children legally butchered? Injectable ClotShot injuries and deaths mounting around the world and it’s not right to utter a peep?

What’s the point of believing in Christ if you’re not being just like Him?

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After suing with class actions, our 1st priority should be this: stop the automatic approval of the modifications of the WHO International Health Regulations: Congress must repeal them before November!!!

Otherwise it's a sovereignty power grab from the WHO:

The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:



2. We need an urgent law in Congress to stop CBDCs (Fed cashless digi-dollar). It's the backbone of the future digi-tatorship:

The full PLAN exposed:



3. We need a law requiring every dollar to be backed by real assets: gold, flour, oil, soy, whatever you can turn into an unforgeable warrant.

Masons forge billions of dollars: with that easy money they infiltrate and corrupt everything: puppeticians, judges, DAs, election officers, security agencies, armed forces, police, etc.

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?



4. We need a mason law severely penalizing anybody in Government or running for government and anybody in non-profits and listed corporations, for not disclosing membership to secret societies that require obedience (even against the nation/patriotism).

It is then that people will open their eyes to the level of conspiracy in all powers of government and all positions of power.

I've got 100 more ideas, but lets prioritize those 4, having in mind the full scenario:

The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





Open season for human culling:










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“Don’t let them get away with it.”

Especially when they say, “It’s over, why are you harping on about it still?”

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Like the way they “harped”... in actually ...they mandated, coerced, bullied, spit, trampled (Canadian police with their horses), beat, assaulted, defiled all manner of self liberty if one did not bow to their “gods” of the vile, dirty, deathvaxxx & clot shots.

And those of us who grew up during the Viet Nam War era with the forced draft - this forced manipulation & fear propaganda took it to a whole new abominable level in a free society.

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Australian, British and New Zealand police did the same to protesters.

"The Crown" and its "Colonies".

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Good words. Hope to see more like it.

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Familiar with this. They can't face themselves. Or maybe, just not yet.

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Maybe Funeral Bulletins should say somewhere in small print, “Brought to you by Pfizer.”

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The next PLANdemics are on the way. Wuhan lab still receiving dirty money from Fauci/Eco Health Alliance for new gain of function... same as so many other labs in the world, especially in Kenya.

After suing with class actions, our 1st priority should be this: stop the automatic approval of the modifications of the WHO International Health Regulations: Congress must repeal them before November!!!

Otherwise it's a sovereignty power grab from the WHO:

The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:



2. We need an urgent law in Congress to stop CBDCs (Fed cashless digi-dollar). It's the backbone of the future digi-tatorship:

The full PLAN exposed:



3. We need a law requiring every dollar to be backed by real assets: gold, flour, oil, soy, whatever you can turn into an unforgeable warrant.

Masons forge billions of dollars: with that easy money they infiltrate and corrupt everything: puppeticians, judges, DAs, election officers, security agencies, armed forces, police, etc.

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?



4. We need a mason law severely penalizing anybody in Government or running for government and anybody in non-profits and listed corporations, for not disclosing membership to secret societies that require obedience (even against the nation/patriotism).

It is then that people will open their eyes to the level of conspiracy in all powers of government and all positions of power.

I've got 100 more ideas, but lets prioritize those 4, having in mind the full scenario:

The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





Open season for human culling:










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I'm with you on much of what you wrote, but there was no "lab leak" or "gain of function". That narrative was just more deception for the masses.

The DOD, through DARPA, developed the bioweapons euphemistically called "vaccines".

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Thanks for all the references & links

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I should add that part of why I am doubtful about us having raised awareness enough to have a turning of the tide....

A week ago I testified at a hearing in my home state on proposed legislation by minority lawmakers to prohibit such “crimes” or injustices occurring again (I.e. bill to prohibit future mandates of EUA products, no adding COVID shot to childhood schedule, no mandate at college level again in future, etc.).

The hearing lasted 12 hours with the majority (like 11 of the 12 hours) being testimony by average citizens that paid the price for the COVID lies.

On the Committee (Education and Cultural Affairs) that was conducting the hearing, certain members still wore cloth masks (which did not always fully hide their haughty and smug demeanor) and talked down to members of the public posing legitimate questions.

In my state, the Dems have complete power and control over things and our governor is in bed with the globalists.

I repeat....12 hours! Person after person....loss of job, kids denied schooling, harm from vaccines and big pharma, etc.

As far as msm reporting the whole affair....crickets.

Even if there is an awakening that can skip the scales somewhat to our advantage....

The whole affair has been politicized (left vs right) in a way that gives them the exit ramp. Many who are awakened do not understand it is the globalists not just the party you don’t align with that is wreaking havoc.

Again, I have mo thoughts on how we guide our search for truth and honor forward....just want us all to be aware of the pitfalls and to continue to be discerning, lest we leave room for history to repeat itself.

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Not knowing your state, I'm sure the hearing was like most others we've seen over the past 5 years or so: the panelists already had their (collective) minds made up as to the outcome. They just had to wait through 12 hours of testimony against it, to proceed with ignoring the witnesses' points.

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EXACTLY! And on that score, I am not seeing in real life the supposed tide turning AT ALL. I am seeing people wanting to move on, placating, ignoring, put out....ready to be done....but not because they know it was wrong and a hellish ride for many, but because they can’t even be bothered to understand anything other than their righteousness.

And you know what---they’ll do it all over again.

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Margaret....thank you for your profound poetry and the powerful voice it instills in each of us as we continue to desperately get others to see. It helps us to stand our ground. Thank you....and much gratitude. And Dr. Lawrie....no words, the comfort of her voice way in January 2022 when she spoke through the screen at March Against Mandates in DC still resonates in my heart and soul...a gentle but firm beacon of truth. And then there was her desperate attempt to convince Hill to do the right thing. Unforgettable.

But as we reach our fever pitch....know that they have anticipated this, the possibility that among the masses there will be truth seekers....dynamic, committed, compassionate individuals vested in truth and righting wrongs.

I do think it is imperative for us to stop and consider if we were them (because much has been strategized in boardrooms as ways to manage the masses, knowingly and unknowingly) what would the next play be in terms of keeping their agenda on track?

I have my suspicions. But to know or sense these things....well, it comes from intuition and an awareness of the battlefield that many do not possess (or not enough). And I fear it will leave us wanting and the world still hurtling towards the future the globalists have planned.

While I would love to think we have turned the tide....even within the MFM you see the bits and pieces that ail us and will ultimately fail humanity.

What I mean is....the personalities, the influencers, the alternative “experts” (but insistence on being experts just the same) who, themselves,cannot honestly look in the mirror and own their part.

They must if we are to effect any real sustainable change.

But I worry, I worry that what is coming--the next phase, has been scripted.

I keep hearing in my head...Klaus bragging about how they have even embedded within the MFM individuals who will keep things on track. I also remember distinctly Malone referencing that remark and his odd reaction to it as he said something to the effect...”what does he even mean by that.” It was one of those moments that gave me pause, but in my eagerness to hope for humanity and that goodness would prevail I filed it away.

Which brings me back to the point I am trying to make....

We are reaching a high water mark, a fever pitch....but what really determines the future of humanity is who we entrust to lead us going forward for the “reckoning” if there is to be one.

As I’m sure you know, the reckoning is a huge endeavor....who and how it comes to pass....well, it matters.

We all need to understand that Klaus, Gates, the WEF ilk, the globalists have no doubt anticipated and planned for the exit ramp(s) that

will keep their dark pathological predatory plan in tact.

We have only scratched the surface...

We must be alert and discerning....give no quarter. Too early to talk amnesty.

Like the 12 steps in AA....for real and enduring healing....for justice and a commitment to a better way or future.....there must be a full accounting of harm done.

Caveat Emptor. Too early to celebrate our successes. Watch as TPTB soon mold matters to their liking and employ the means to make certain “solutions” palatable for many we think have truly awakened.

In the end....it is the power that dictates. And they have the power, until we refuse to play by the rules that their power foists on us. It has been years in the making....the tentacles choking us.

I don’t have the answers and do not want to be perceived as a nervous Nellie....but something does not feel right in my gut.

PS Maybe Kirsch would erect a big banner outside the CDC/FDA with your poem? Or perhaps it is time for some video screens in public places where Tess reads the poem repeatedly.

Would love a “War of the Worlds” moment if our tech savy crew could hack into the airwaves during nightly news and have Tess deliver your divine words in her angelic voice to the masses. Wouldn’t that he beautiful?

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I understand every word you write and respect the fact you did it in words that are "digestible." I feel the weight of the crushing power and while I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel I believe it is there "someday."

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Like your voice and passion and engagement and anger and pain. Can’t think of anything you’ve written that doesn’t resonate with me.

God bless you.

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Hi Margaret, long time no chat.

I am in Tucson for a week before heading back to Japan, sharing moral support for what remains of my family as my mom and her partner quietly slip away due to neurological problems which have rapidly accelerated over the last year or so — and may be correlated with their misplaced trust in media and the medical system ... and why we need "play swings".

Posted to about 20 'private' F.B. groups. Just found out Zuckerberg's hired former CIA security consultants have found a way to keep comments at a minimum by now classifying them as 'potential spam' and allowing those who post those comments to see them greyed out and 'pending'. This too, is not a mistake in his matrix.

Cheers from Tucson, and keep up the good fight.

steve 🥰

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We should all be “doubling down”...

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Yes. Get the intention and hold it there.

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I sent a letter to whoever Steve Kirsch asked, as a physician, to Adrian Gonzalez-Lopez, Editor of BMC Infectious Diseases regarding the Skidmore paper retraction

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Pete - yes, we hold the best cards for the win!

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It's a great poem. And I just LOVE it as well as Bob's PLAY SWING.



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Thank you for the poem. For dialing up instead of following that (bad) advice. You are exactly right, there is no time to play nice. Too much - everything - is at stake. You're a light.🔥

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Margaret Anna Alice, you have once again knocked one out of the park. My girlfriend went for her annual checkup yesterday and reported to me her doctor is still masked, still advocating for the "vaccine" (I use the term loosely), and still pressured her in the strongest manner possible to take it. The medical profession is not going to stop this genocide until they are forced to stop. They are aiding and abetting criminality and are complicit. The nonsense and foolishness will continue until the evidence becomes so overwhelming that we reach the point that everyone knows everyone knows. It would be fun to watch them scrambling in their efforts to claim they were the victims and not the perpetrators. We'll see.

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"Instead, I dialed it up. WAY UP"

Love it.

May even get my wife to put that on a t-shirt for me.

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"A while back, I was cautioned by someone I respect to “dial it back” and avoid using terms like “crimes against humanity.”

Instead, I dialed it up. WAY UP."


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You wrote, "Instead, I dialed it up. WAY UP." Thank you! Yes, this is the way. The only way. While we still have a voice. ❤

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Great post - saved for reference and posterity. Off to check out the merch to hopefully prompt questions from folk - dread to see shipping costs to UK though! Keep up the great work, Margaret Anna Alice 🙏

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Holy wow, Margaret! This absolute tidal wave is so well deserved. I just spent the morning looking up some of the renditions and art and links and tweets and T-shirts (!) your poem has inspired and I’m sitting amidst so much awe-inspiring meaningful creative expression. I am also grateful I got to be a fly on the wall through your creative process with Mark and Tess. This. This is exactly how we get to extend the window and bring on change. Congrats, my dear!

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MAA keeping us on our toes,

Lest we forget

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