“We have so hopelessly ceded our humanity that for the modest handouts of today we are ready to surrender up all principles, our soul, all the labors of our ancestors, all the prospects of our descendants—anything to avoid disrupting our meager existence. We have lost our strength, our pride, our passion. We do not even fear a common nuclear death, do not fear a third world war (perhaps we’ll hide away in some crevice), but fear only to take a civic stance! We hope only not to stray from the herd, not to set out on our own, and risk suddenly having to make do without the white bread, the hot water heater …
“We have internalized well the lessons drummed into us by the state; we are forever content and comfortable with its premise: we cannot escape the environment, the social conditions; they shape us, ‘being determines consciousness.’ What have we to do with this? We can do nothing.
“But we can do—everything!—even if we comfort and lie to ourselves that this is not so. It is not ‘they’ who are guilty of everything, but we ourselves, only we! …
“But it will never come unstuck by itself, if we all, every day, continue to acknowledge, glorify, and strengthen it, if we do not, at the least, recoil from its most vulnerable point.
“From lies.”
—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not by Lies, The Solzhenitsyn Reader: New and Essential Writings, 1947–2005
I get it. You don’t want to be called a “conspiracy theorist.”
You don’t want to be tarred an “anti-vaxxer.” A “science-denier.” A “far right-wing extremist.”
You’ve got your reputation to protect. Your credibility. Your grant funding.
So you water down the truth. You tiptoe around it. You don’t go there.
And the philanthropaths, the tyrants, the Big Liars, the demociders, and their enablers continue to profit. Continue to conspire. Continue to torture. Continue to slaughter.
They tell you right to your face what they’re doing.
But if you turn around and quote them, you’re the crazy one.
If you ask why a child, teen, athlete, or other healthy adult suddenly had a heart attack, got turbo cancer, or died, you’re the “truly disgusting” one.
If you provide scientific evidence that a warp-sped experimental injection being peddled by a trillion-dollar industry in collusion with governments, federal agencies, the media, and Big Tech is dangerous, you—not the corporations raking in billions—are the grifter.

If you ask what’s causing the sudden deaths and injuries that began surging in 2021 in hopes of preventing future such tragedies, you’re “morally reprehensible” (and yet “mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths … may be necessary”).

If you point out that we should maybe think twice about pushing a product estimated to have killed thirteen million human beings and counting, you are the “major killing force globally” and guilty of “undermin[ing] public confidence” in said product.

If you call genocide genocide, you are the enemy, the misinformation spreader, the anti-semite.
If you dare point out Never Again is already happening, you get inquisitioned—even though Holocaust survivors and their relatives agree.

If you call out governments for practicing totalitarianism and enacting policies that cause lethal collateral damage, you’re the granny-killer.
If you challenge people to face the livid, electrifying grief of those who have lost loved ones to financially incentivized hospicide, you are making them uncomfortable.

You know you’re living in a world of lies when the mob is more enraged at the whistleblowers revealing the deceptions, corruption, and murder than they are at the lying liars, corrupt corrupters, and murdering murderers themselves—indeed, they trip over themselves racing to defend their narcissistic abusers.
As Edward Snowden says:
“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!”
But guess what?
Once they start calling you all those hideous names, you realize they’re nothing more than magician’s smoke.
You gradually start to give fewer and fewer f*cks.
You know you’ve hit zero when you feel the exhilarating liberation that comes from shouting the unfettered truth.
That’s the words-can-never-hurt-you stage.
You become untouchable.
You start collecting libels like Purple Hearts.
The more scars you can count, the more evidence of your efficacy, your threat to the hegemony.
That’s when you can truly LIVE. And by truth, not by lies.
If enough of us stand up and do that, we can hold the perpetrators accountable. We can present the unadulterated evidence of their crimes. And we can find justice … or die trying—like the members of the White Rose, whose piercing words still ring out nearly a century later:
“We will not keep silent. We are your guilty conscience.”
I’m going to tell you a secret.
Stick it out long enough, and that tarnished reputation turns into burnished gold.
Because when you are slandered by the propagandists, that means you are the good guy, even though the menticided public believes the opposite.
In Upside-Down World, persisting in seeing things right-side up—despite the incessant, relentless, never-ending gaslighting—means you have valiantly guarded your most precious possessions: your integrity and your sanity.
As e.e. cummings writes:
“To be nobody but
yourself in a world
which is doing its best day and night to make you like
everybody else means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”
Most gratifying of all, you will find fellow members of your karass, and together you will set about fulfilling your wampeter.
Once you are living in alignment with your values, you will feel the deepest joy fathomable.
And when the COVID criminals have been found guilty, when the spells dissolve, the people will gradually awaken from their coma and recognize you for the hero you are.
Or not. Most will be too ashamed to admit they’ve been conned. To realize they shielded fascist tyrants and attacked those trying to rescue them.
Few find that courageous humility within themselves to acknowledge their complicity in totalitarianism.
And so they will swathe themselves in soothing denial and lash out at anyone who tries to puncture it.
But you will keep trying, anyway. Because that’s what truth-tellers do. That’s what people who care about saving lives do. That’s what people of integrity do, whether or not anyone ever recognizes it.
You know in your heart what is true, and you speak it. And no one can ever shut you up again.
Even if they kill you.
Your bravery will outlive you.
Your words will remain like candles, lighting the path for future truth-droppers. And you will be at peace, in life and beyond.
by Lukas Lion
I seek the truth, never settle for less.
Now my name’s got a buzz cuz I’m lightyears ahead of the rest.
To the system, I’m a prevalent threat,
cuz I’ve been dropping truth bombs, watch me detonate them.
I ain’t messing with them. I got a message for them.
My lyrics so sharp, they might sever your flesh.
My energy’s bless.
Tell Babylon we’re burying them.
I’m a lion, these sheep could never enter my den.
I don’t do it for the profit.
Wisdom is worth more than what’s in your wallet.
So I don’t care ’bout the clothes that you’re rocking or how much your watch is.
True wealth lies in your mind when you unlock it.
I’m the force they ain’t stopping.
Bad energy comes my way man watch me just block it.
Cuz I’m carrying a strong spirit like an alcoholic.
Magic like Potter’s wand is.
It’s the new sound, tell ’em it’s the TRUTH SOUND.
It’s the new sound, tell ’em it’s the TRUTH SOUND.
All the liars and the fakes better move out.
If you stand for the truth let me hear you shout.
It’s the new sound, tell ’em it’s the TRUTH SOUND.
It’s the new sound, tell ’em it’s the TRUTH SOUND.
All the liars and the fakes better move out.
If you stand for the truth let me hear you shout.
Everything is inverted.
They take the truth and reverse it.
Telling us our blessings are our curses.
That’s why we need discernment.
I had to leave school before I started learning.
They want all of us immersed in the circus,
watching these clowns that are claiming to serve us.
But in truth they’re just servants
of the dark for that’s been busy lurking behind the curtains.
Heart of a lion I’m feeling like Aslan.
My lyrics take ’em on a journey like a SatNav.
So strap in with me, come and travel with me.
I’m going down the Rabbit Hole. I got Alice with me.
Yeah, this is spiritual combat.
I’ll never put my soul in a contract.
I’d rather be poor like a dog’s hand
than sell myself for money. I ain’t on that.
It’s the new sound, tell ’em it’s the TRUTH SOUND.
It’s the new sound, tell ’em it’s the TRUTH SOUND.
All the liars and the fakes better move out.
If you stand for the truth let me hear you shout.
It’s the new sound, tell ’em it’s the TRUTH SOUND.
It’s the new sound, tell ’em it’s the TRUTH SOUND.
All the liars and the fakes better move out.
If you stand for the truth let me hear you shout.
© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
I’m sure you know mainstream straddlers both in your personal life and in the medical freedom movement—people who know the darker, deeper truths but are too frightened to say them aloud. I encourage you to share this letter with them in the hopes of igniting the courage needed to defy their fears of being called names, of being ostracized, of being unpersoned. Let them know the water’s fine over here in the Land of Thought Crime. In fact, it’s bloody wonderful living, thinking, and being free.

For 16.4 cents/day (annual) or 19.7 cents/day (monthly), you can help me fight tyranny while enjoying access to premium content like “rolling” interviews, podcasts, Memes by Themes, Behind the Scenes, and bonus articles:
🤲 One-Time Support
After PayPal canceled me last year, my donations plummeted and I lost all but two of my recurring donations. This is just one of the many ways the silencers try to hurt dissidents. Thank you for whatever you can give to help me fight back.
🏃♀️ 25K! 🎉
My mailing list is just about to hit 25,000, and I want to thank every treasured one of you for being here. When I started my Substack on April 25, 2021, I never imagined I would be reaching so many enthusiastic readers.
I especially want to thank the 2.5 percent of you who make it possible for me to do this work. I know few of you can afford to subscribe to all of the Substack writers you wish to support, and often, people prioritize those who provide negative incentives like restricting comments to paid subscribers. I realize I could dramatically increase my income by following a similar model, but nurturing this brave and brilliant karass is more important to me, and I remain committed to keeping my formal content free and comments open to all.
If you resonate with this approach and want to help me continue building this dossier of evidence and community of kindreds, please consider celebrating this 25K milestone with me by subscribing:
📣 Action Alerts
📝 Petitions
Ask State Legislators to Ban COVID Vaccine Mandates for Students
Anyone who read my Letter to the Stanford Daily understands how irrational, tyrannical, and life-threatening mandates are. Now is your opportunity to ask your legislators to ban them for students.
Shut Down the UK’s Ministry of Truth
Sign this petition calling for an end to the UK Government’s use of the 77th Brigade to spy on and bully citizens who speak out.
CAALM Petition on FDA Labeling
Add your comments to the formal petition filed by the Coalition Advocating for Adequately Labeled Medicines (CAALM) demanding that the FDA provide informed consent on the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injection labels. Frankly, this is like putting a sign on the Titanic after it is already sinking and we would do better to #StopTheShotsNow, but in the meantime, pressing the FDA to provide informed consent about bioweapons is a tiny step toward saving lives.
📜 Proposed Legislation
Senator Josh Hawley’s MATURE ACT
Senator Josh Hawley has proposed the Making Age-Verification Technology Uniform, Robust, and Effective (MATURE) ACT—a bill that not only transfers parental responsibilities to Big Brother but also paves the road to the digital panopticon. This echoes Jordan Peterson’s bad take demanding an end to online anonymity, a crucial bulwark against totalitarian surveillance, censorship, and intimidation.
Senator Ron Johnson’s Proposed Bills
Last month, I had the honor of speaking with Senator Ron Johnson after Mike Yeadon forwarded Ron the letter I wrote him, introducing me as “perhaps the best writer in the awake community.”
Within hours, Ron asked Mike to connect us. Ron promised to review the materials I shared and set up a call after that—and he did, demonstrating he is the rarest kind of politician: a man of his word as well as a man of action.
We had a substantive conversation, and I appreciate his no-nonsense demeanor. Regarding the legislation I had outlined in my letter, he was honest about the unlikelihood of such bills passing in the current Senate—a reality I already understood, but I explained that #MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex, and #PutPeopleOverPharma are not just about legislative action but also about raising awareness. Few in the general public realize pharmaceutical companies are not liable for the deaths and injuries their EUA products cause, for example, so getting a hashtag like #MakePharmaLiable trending helps people understand BigPharma is literally getting away with murder.
As a pragmatist and politician, Ron understands he needs to take a more measured approach, and he is focusing on legislation that may actually have a chance of passing. I respect this and feel our strategies are complementary. I can shoot for the stars while he lays the scaffolding for the skyscraper.
And on that front, Ron has been rocking it out. Below are just a few of his proposed bills that I encourage you to pressure your representatives to support:
1) S.3670 – Right to Treat Act (introduced 2/16/23):
“This bill specifies that no federal agency has the authority to regulate the practice of medicine. It further specifies that no federal law or policy may prohibit or restrict the lawful prescribing of a drug authorized by the Food and Drug Administration.“
2) S. 420 – COVID-19 Vaccination Non-Discrimination Act (introduced 2/14/23):
“A bill to prohibit Federal funds from being made available to facilities that refuse to provide treatment based on COVID-19 vaccination status.”
3) S.444 – No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act (introduced 2/15/23):
“A bill to require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification.”
As a sidenote, my connection with Ron came just hours after Dr. Paul Alexander shared Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice with Dr. Joseph Lapado, conveying Mike Yeadon’s and my plea to avoid framing the pandemic response as a series of “mistakes” or “blunders” in the Grand Jury proceedings and to instead emphasize the culpability of the perpetrators. Paul also connected Mike and me with Joe as resources for their investigation.
SB222/HB305 – The Protection of Medical Freedom Act
If you live in Florida, you can use Stand for Health Freedom’s form to tell your legislators to support the civil rights bills filed by Senator Joe Gruters (SB222) and House Representative Webster Barnaby (HB305).
👨⚕️ Voice Your Support for Dissident Doctors
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and the Minnesota Medical Board are threatening to revoke Dr. Scott Jensen’s medical license.
In 2016, Dr. Jensen was named Family Physician of the Year by the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP)—an award “presented annually to a family physician who represents the highest ideals of the specialty of family medicine, including caring, comprehensive medical service, community involvement and service as a role model.” Dr. Jensen was “praised for his tireless commitment to his patients and the community.”
Today, exhibiting such admirable characteristics disqualifies you to serve as a physician. Exposing corruption, lies, and coercion while prioritizing your patients over politics renders you a threat to the COVID Cartel. Just as California has attempted to silence dissident doctors via AB2098, Minnesota is going after Dr. Jensen.
You can register your complaint and voice your support for Dr. Jensen by contacting the Minnesota Attorney General’s office and writing to the Minnesota Medical Board.
If you wish to send a personal message of support to Dr. Jensen, you can tweet at him; sign up for his mailing list; or mail him a note:
Dr. Scott Jensen for Governor
PO Box 1348
Minnetonka, MN 55345-0348
🙏 Shoutouts Gratitude
Letter to the Stanford Daily
I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to share my Letter to the Stanford Daily, which some of you are already using to fight mandates:
Mike Kimelman was kind enough to share it twice, writing:
“If you missed my, ‘End the College Mandates’ midweek update last week, please read the following article. If you have children attending college or considering attending college in the near future, it’s the most important article you will read this year.”
I also wish to thank No College Mandates for their gracious cross-post:
“Brilliant letter from my friend Margaret Anna Alice that I know all of our readers will enjoy.”
Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice
I will be sharing the lengthy list of shoutouts for my New Year’s Day poem in a future post. Please know that I am deeply grateful to you for helping me spread the message that #MistakesWereNOTMade. Your efforts have not gone unappreciated.
Meanwhile, I want to share this fabulous cartoon NYC cartoonist, friend, and subscriber Anne Gibbons was inspired to create in response to my poem:
Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother’s Own Words
I want to thank Igor Chudov for linking to my article on Baby Alex in this incredibly important article sharing a new study on mRNA-contaminated blood.
Do You Remember?
Jim Davies of The Zero Government Blog let me know he shared my first video collaboration with Visceral Adventure in the footnote of this piece.
Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny
Dating back to October 5, 2021, the second entry in my letters series is still among my most loved pieces and recently enjoyed some fresh attention thanks to Larry Druhall and Ed Brenegar posting about it:
Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend
I am grateful to Joel Smalley for bringing my Substack and specifically my third letter (first published October 19, 2021) to the attention of his readers in this meditation on cognitive dissidence:
#Philanthropath continues to gain currency, with Ann Tomoko Rosen referencing it in this post and Scott Ralley including it in his recently released song “Freedom.”
And now they’re checking your papers
Even though it don’t stop the spread
They insist it’s safe and effective
Then why so many end up dead
Throw a little money at it to pass the blame
For the Philanthropaths, it’s all just part of the game
Here is my three-part Anatomy of a Philanthropath series if you missed it:
Dissident Honor Roll
I was touched to be included in the list of individuals speaking out against oppression in this stellar piece by Doug Brodie (via Joel Smalley and The White Rose):
Joel also compiled his own lovely list of dissidents here:
I fell in love with the term “Apocaloptimist” at first sight, and I am thrilled to see it is catching on as in this poignant piece by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin:
Mary is also an exquisite poet, and I especially love To Bear Witness:
🎞 4 New Rolling Interview Q&As!
I’ve added four more Q&As to my riveting rolling interview with Meredith Miller:
This interview will be made available to the public once it’s completed, but I can’t say when that will be because Meredith and I are delving deeply into matters of historical, psychological, and personal significance and don’t know when we will emerge from our spelunking. You will find a wealth of mind-exploding ideas and life-changing practical tools, so subscribe now if you can’t wait to read it:
The single-most important driver for new readers joining my mailing list is Substack recommendations. I want to thank every one of you who feels enthusiastic enough about my Substack to recommend it, and I especially appreciate those of you who go the extra mile to write a blurb!
📚 Order Signed Copies
I offer bulk discounts on signed copies of my fairy tale The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion. Reply to any of my newsletters (or the Welcome email if you’re new) to place your order via email. You can also buy directly from Amazon if you prefer.
Download the E-Book
Paid subscribers can download the beautifully typeset and illustrated e-book of my fairy tale, The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion. It is equivalent to the paperback version (retails $12.99) and much prettier than the Kindle version (retails $5.99). Click here to access the downloadable PDF (the post will be unlocked once you subscribe).
⏰ Wake-up Toolkit
If you’re new to my Substack, my Wake-up Toolkit is a great way to get acquainted with my content. I’ve organized my articles by topic for easy reference and use in your red-pilling efforts as needed. I will update this to reflect new content as it is published.
Click here to see upcoming IPAK-EDU courses, and please use my affiliate code (MAA1IPAK) to register for any you decide to take.
If you feel the work I am doing is worthwhile and want to make it possible for me to spend more time writing and researching in my aim to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, please consider supporting me, whether it be by subscribing; buying me a Ko-fi or coffee; or sharing my posts. I thank you for reading, thinking, sharing, and supporting my work in whichever ways you choose.
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Remember, a subscription to Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass makes for an intellectually adventurous gift down the rabbit-hole!
Note: Purchasing any items using Amazon affiliate links included in my content will further support my efforts to unmask tyranny.
I think the biggest hurdle for those who are caught in 'middle ground' is to truly grok that their government (the one world gov) truly wants them dead. They may use injections, 5g, medical murder, or any combo of those 3. Once you really can see this, feel it, you cannot go back but its not an easy realization.
at this point, don’t really care what anyone thinks about me, just gonna say what’s on my mind & let the chips fall wherever…
… maybe this is a sign of my exhaustion phase.