I think the biggest hurdle for those who are caught in 'middle ground' is to truly grok that their government (the one world gov) truly wants them dead. They may use injections, 5g, medical murder, or any combo of those 3. Once you really can see this, feel it, you cannot go back but its not an easy realization.
Absolutely true, jacquelyn. Meredith Miller and I discuss how cognitive dissonance can be so painful, it causes people to retreat into the comforting womb of denial:
Agree 100%. We have been remarking since early 2020 that once you see this it is then impossible not to see it. It gets engraved on our brains. We cannot lie even to ourselves any longer. Maybe that is ultimately a godsend. Tragic but real.
Just this year am I realizing this is much deeper than greedy companies not caring who gets hurt and what lies are told in their race to profit. That explanation seems so innocent now. I never doubted a small group of psychopaths may regard the rest of us like a restaurant manager regards a rodent infestation, but I didn't think there would be enough practical support for them to do whatever they may wish to do.
Some say Matthias Desmet's discussion of mass formation lets the perpetrators off the hook, but it's what helped me understand how enough could be semi hypnotized and be those enablers, flying monkeys, and do the dirty work, without even fully knowing what they're doing.
In some ways, they are so incompetent. In other ways, they have power to poison land, water, and air ...
Even when some leave this world sooner because of the great poisoning, may they / we be part of a force that helps truth rise and tyrants fall.
So eloquently and bravely expressed, Ellen, and that is the trajectory of growing, deepening awareness of the sinister undertones I tried to spark in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series and my Corona Investigative Committee presentation:
I am baffled as to why people are clueless to this. History reveals that all nations have been guilty of heinous crimes against humanity. Here in the United States, everywhere you look in the past, you can find the same thing. A long history of false flag events, dragging us into wars, poisoning our food, water, and air. Everything from building materials, to the fillings in our mouths have been made out of toxic materials, and used for years legally. It’s only when there is a large enough outcry from the public does anything ever change. And even then it takes years.
Fluoridation of the water supply comes to mind. Mercury fillings also.
Nobody is addressing chem-trails or geo engineering, but they’ll tell us that Global Warming is a looming crisis.
Yet people still trust their governments and seemed shocked to discover that they’re all corrupt and evil beyond comprehension.
People are so naïve. I could sit here and list tons of things off of the top of my head that were designed to poison and kill those dumb enough to not notice.
Let’s start with food:
1. Hydrogenated fats. These are notorious dangerous, and yet put into everything under the sun on purpose.
2. Homogenization - Purposely done to all of the milk in this country in order to cause scarring of the heart tissue. Aka heart disease. This is a known fact.
3. Sugar - Put in everything and done on purpose to poison your body just like everything else. Make you a diabetic, and profit off of your sickness.
4. Genetically engineered foods - unnatural, unknown sickness and diseases caused by eating this garbage, but what is known, and has been known since 1993 - 2nd and 3rd generation of mice fed gmo foods became sterile and developed cancerous tumors. Got the green light to start feeding it to humans shortly afterwards.
Fluoride - lowers IQ, makes people passive
Chlorine - toxic chemical still being used to clean out water supplies. Even though there are safe, healthy alternatives available.
Chemtrails containing God only knows what being sprayed on us daily, by a government that still hasn’t even admitted spraying us, much less what’s in the formulas being sprayed.
Did we vote or give them permission to do this? No, we didn’t. And wherever you find NATO, you can find geoengineering going on nearby.
Cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, detergents, pretty much everything under the sun is toxic and by design intended to be.
People who look at the world from a biblical perspective understand and perceive why things are the way that they are.
Atheists and many agnostics view the world entirely different. Many of them feel that greed and the love of money are the cause for all of our problems.
While there are many people who would gladly sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver, that line of thinking doesn’t add up.
The rulers of this world have all the money they need, that isn’t what motivates them, and what you will find is that these people absolutely believe in deity.
They think that atheists are a bunch of fools and quite frankly most Christians probably do too.
The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God...
Psalms 14:1, 53:1
Must be true...it’s in there twice
I guess that’s settled.
My overall point is that governments are evil, people are naively unaware of their past, present, and their future.
How many times have we been told to study the past so that we can better predict the future? History repeats itself? There’s nothing new under the sun? Does any of this sound familiar to anybody?
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)
The thing that hath been, it [is that] which shall be; and that which is done [is] that which shall be done: and [there is] no new [thing] under the sun.
The word of God explains exactly what’s going on and what will be going on in the future. The real problem is that people aren’t reading the word of God and they don’t care what it says. This includes the majority of so-called Christians.
The Great falling away...
1 Timothy 4:1 (KJV)
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
People are waking up to the wickedness around them and they are scrambling for answers. Their intellect is not going to save them.
This might:
Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Psalms 9:17 (KJV)
The wicked shall be turned into hell, [and] all the nations that forget God.
Psalms 118:8 (KJV) [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (KJV) 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Ask yourself what “the love of the truth” from above is talking about. What truth are they rejecting?
Figure it out for yourselves!!!
Psalm 25:5 (KJV)
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou [art] the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
Psalm 25:10 (KJV)
All the paths of the LORD [are] mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
Psalm 26:3 (KJV)
For thy lovingkindness [is] before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth.
Psalm 119:30 (KJV)
I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid [before me].
Psalm 119:142 (KJV)
Thy righteousness [is] an everlasting righteousness, and thy law [is] the truth.
Psalm 119:151 (KJV)
Thou [art] near, O LORD; and all thy commandments [are] truth.
John 14:6 (KJV)
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 17:17 (KJV)
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Clear-sighted Solzhenitsyn…we confront the dark and truly ugly side of a society built on pain avoidance and coercive comfort. Even some who have experienced first hand the savagery of power continue to straddle.
The common belief is that ‘this too will pass’. Some need to actually experience being burned in order to acknowledge that the fire is raging.
Thanks again MAA! Excellent recap of the avoidance/denial ostrich phenomenon. I do believe the awakening is picking up speed, and the pLandemic sped it up! One poll suggested that only 11% of the US population consider the Mainstream News reliable. As Jeffrey Prather says--"we need to get our heads in the fight." Some of us are there--and still, too many people deny that this is a war. The battle for humanity is now in the endgame stage. God Bless!
Thank you, Riki Tiki Tavi, and that 11% figure is greatly encouraging! Although I don’t agree with all aspects of Mattias Desmet’s theory, I do find the percentages he’s cited of awake (30%) vs. asleep (30%) vs. swing thinkers (my term) (40%) remarkably on point. As I recall, he said as the mass formation begins to wear off, there will be a tiny percentage (I think 13%) of cult followers who will continue clinging to the lies, even though they have been so demolished as to be unrecognizable.
MAA--I think you might also agree that stats can be employed to do the devil's work! Ditto-polls. That stated-Mattias Desmet was a great ally for those of us dealing with close friends, peers, and relatives who ignored the intel we tried to share with them. Those who remain complicit in a blind loyalty to the lies will have hell to deal with down the line. What is disturbing for me is the area that is still unknown: is mRNA shedding happening? Are the jabbed ones going to remain 'spike protein shedders' for their entire lives?...and most disturbing, are those who have been injected with whatever version of the nano-graphene -- circulating in their brains-- going to go 'full throttle -pod peep/zombie' the rest of us? Meantime 5 Gee!...Armor up all ye Jedi warriors!
Good question, Margot, and I have not come across clarifying details regarding that matter. I also haven’t seen Diamond definitively say her sister was unvaxxed, but perhaps you’ve encountered statements I haven’t yet seen.
Does this fall into the 30/30/40 rules that seems to apply to nearly everything today? That the 30/30 split happens always, no matter the topic aligning generally like political party splits with the middle needing to be swayed into one or the other camp? There will always be ~30% whose minds won't shift?
Let’s all stand together against the “ugliness”, let’s continue toward the light at the end of a dark road, you are right, let’s gather together and go against Satan…towards the light…
Just a note for anyone who is interested. Canadian authorities are now going all in trying to convince people that the uptick of heart problems, especially in young people, is being caused by Covid. And the press nods their heads, and rings their hands in agreeance. As if.......
Of course they are. Gaslighting is the defining characteristic of the narcissistic abuser, as Meredith notes in our Dissident Dialogue:
“The first red flag of narcissistic abuse in 2020 was the control of information, which is reality control. Gaslighting is the favorite tool of abusers. This is the distortion of the perception of reality to the point where the target feels like they’re going crazy or their memory doesn’t work. Abusers and tyrants try to make you believe you can’t trust your own eyes and ears. It’s covert when it’s hidden and disguised as good.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-ecd)
As per the way most groups work the leader sets the trend and Canada's leader is a liar and a narcissist and a pretender generally. I think a lot of people see what is happening but are desperate to give authorities the "benefit of the doubt" rather than demand they prove they are NOT dishonest, self embroiled perverters of the natural order. In Canada one of the ways the government has reinforced that is by creating a health-care crisis where everyone is suddenly dependent on the government fixing something they rely on and which the government increasingly controls completely.
I am glad somebody is keeping a record. I particularly like this: "Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days. Together, let’s keep working to make Canada more inclusive." There is no coming back for Trudeau. He has lied too much. He has name-called too much. He had indulged himself and then apologized too much. He has hidden out too much. He had pretended he cares too much. He has refused to answer questions too much. He is the king of smarm and frankly Canadians are idiots because they keep giving him the benefit of the doubt. Canadians (I am one) appear to be somnambulists and he is the stage magician. Canadians are Echo's nymphs dying to lick the face of Narcissis because,,,you know...he is rich and suave and a member of the power elite, seemingly answerable to nobody. It is what every young Canadian secretly lusts for nowadays. He is their shadow.
I guess I hardly understand how he was allowed to continue after the action on the truckers. Nor can I understand what the other's like AU and NZ have tolerated. Is it related to nearly total media control where dissent can't be seen?
The media was largely acting like an arm of government throughout the protest. There were a few exceptions but not many. Throughout the pandemic the media increasingly became propagandists for the government narrative, never questioning anything, and their handling of the protest was the icing on that cake. For instance, when the PM said: "Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days (during the trucker protest). Together, let’s keep working to make Canada more inclusive" the die was cast. Everything he said above was a lie and nobody challenged it. A large part of Canada bought into it.
“People have been victimized, and that needs to be validated first. Their consent was coerced by deception, fraud, duress, and other forms of over-reaching. It wasn’t their fault. The responsibility of the spiritual, psychological, medical, and financial abuse that took place lands squarely on those who perpetrated such acts.
“AND at the same time, we are each responsible for our choices and participation in life. That includes complying with the abuse, even when we don’t realize it’s abuse.
“Unless a person accepts this layered truth after having been victimized, they will stay stuck in the powerlessness of the victimhood, externally focused on the perpetrators and primed to be victimized again in the future because they don’t see their own role and participation in the dynamic or how they could make a different decision next time.”
I totally concur with her statements. I read some of her story and she's lived it.
It takes a great amount of courage on her behalf to confess to that truth.
This is a really deep, soul searching area.
i.e. where do you place the children.
Since the dawn of time it is my belief, which is objective, that man has been subject to slavery.
It sure as hell didn't start in 1619 eh ? Little jab at American culture shock.
The following is taken from 'A Course in Miracles'.
I am responsible for what I see.
I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I'm going to achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me, I ask for, and I receive as I have asked.
And then there's Gandhi;
"We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the outer world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and a source of our happiness. We need not wait and see what others do... "
The two aforementioned statements are truth in my beliefs.
I agree Meredith has modeled exceptional courage and wisdom, and I am deeply grateful for the insights she is sharing in our dialogue.
Thank you for your beautiful reflections. Regarding enslavement, I highly recommend reading Étienne de La Boétie’s “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude,” which I feature in my second essay:
Okay, I already purchased the film, My Dinner with André, and I'm going to read
Étienne de La Boétie’s “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude,”
But on my way to the reading it dawned on me that I've had this discussion with myself some time ago.
I've come to the conclusion that one must first free himself from living a lie to be truly free. To overcome our self contained prison takes more courage than I myself profess at this writing. Yet I taste it and dream it and as such it will be mine soon. And I know in my heart & soul that soon freedom will be mine for the duration of my stay here.
Love the AND statements. So critical to breaking the paralyzing binary splitting, which characterizes this whole era and every issue arising with it. It's the unifying antidote to Divide & Conquer.
The masses may have been coerced and, one could say, victimized by arch psychopaths and sociopaths, but the extent to which it happened and so many people succumbed to it hook line and sinker is what has indelibly altered my view of humanity. Never wanted to end up here, but I cannot unsee what I witnessed over the past 3+ years and even before that with the political circus and seething hatreds. Perhaps the greatest silver lining to all this is that across the board and without exception, individual people and the institutions they represent revealed beyond a shadow of a doubt what they are really about at their inner most cores. While all of us are fallible and stumble, I'm now inclined to think that many chose to incarnate here under the veil of forgetfulness at this time precisely to put their souls to the test of the Great Deception foretold in several of the ancient texts. I'm not even a religious person, yet I think what we've been subjected to is a spiritual war at its roots. If the lessons presented in this time of great evil are not integrated at a soul level, this type and level of insanity will likely be the undoing of earth humans.
Exactly, it is a spiritual war and must be fought on a spiritual level but that can only happen when one acknowledges the spirit within each of us; that spirit or soulfullness is the essence of who we are and should determine how we act, especially in times of crisis; not doing so is not just an act of forgetfulness with the false hope that everything will get better eventually, but the very denial of one's own humanity, of the gift of life that our Creator has endowed us with; our responsibility and freedom to choose begins and ends with that acknowledgment from each of us; mass formation or mass hypnosis are psychological constructs which ,seemingly helpful in some descriptive sense, does not address the root cause of our dilemma. " I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make.Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Well said, Tony. This reckoning is where the rubber met the road, not some random 3D materialist atrocity that will somehow work its way out through social evolution. We are way beyond that. The constructs are a lot like the Matrix of the blockbuster trilogy where the inhabitants are no longer sovereign beings who have more or less given over their divine gift of free will to the controllers. That is the beauty of actual, true freedom. One is both the pilot of and responsible for their soul's destiny.
Thank you,Chuck, and your analogy with the Matrix is right on; our identity is closely bound to our sovereignty as human beings; that is why the globalist elites want to eliminate nation states along with their sovereign rights so then the "controllers" can have free reign to do as they please which they are well on their way to accomplishing. "Satanism is not a 'belief in Satan' but the false pursuit to self-deify oneself." (Taylor Marshall in "Antichrist and Apocalypse") . Today's "controllers" are the "new gods" who could give lessons to the followers of Lucifer himself in the degree of evil they possess and know how to enact.
Not everyone is silent. However there is a price to pay,total survelliance by the state,ostracized by many.
When working demonetized by the government,meaning loss of job,pension,only temporary work and it constantly changed.
Then the state …government at all levels want to hire you to put you under their thumb,indoctrinate you and any disregard of their rules or failure to comply gets you retributation.
We must strive to find a treatment for the injured. A preventative treatment for the vaccinated.
The unbelievable amount of attacks on effective covid treatments makes me wonder if they could help after you are harmed. It would explain their all out effort to stop their use.
Many tireless physicians and scientists are working to discover effective treatments, including Dr. Pierre Kory and World Council for Health. Your intuition is correct as ivermectin has shown promising results in treating the vaxx-injured given its ability to inhibit the spike protein:
My understanding is that ivermectin works through inducing autophagy, kind of like resveratrol, or the effects of fasting. When I had COVID I had no appetite, I think because my body was trying to get into a fasting state to help fight it off!
Now hydroxychloroquine apparently inhibits autophagy though so I’m not sure how that helps.
Long time no chat ... been busy being jerked around by the Japanese public school system, and now preparing for an emergency trip to the states to say hello and goodbye to a quickly fading mom. Watching the 2nd video, and probably will not have the time to watch the others ... but yeah. Not that I need any further verification, but we are on the same page, and Jacquelyn Sauriol sums up a lot of that page in the first sentence of her comment.
Keep up the good fight, and hope to be more in touch soon.
No problem discussing this in the open because it might be a good data point from which others can triangulate.
Despite being an undergrad biology lab director for close to 20 years, as far as I know, against my advice ... everyone in my extended family back in the U.S. got the jab. When I raised a WTF? question about ivermectin being brushed off in favor of 'experimental' mRNA treatments, I got the 'tinfoil treatment' or worse ... de-friending, which was my only way to stay in touch with some family members back in the states. About a year or so ago, even my sister laughed at my preference of 'horse medicine' over whatever our three letter agencies are pushing. Now, as a member of 'family', we have an implicit taboo against bringing up the plandemic ... otherwise, I would find myself in a family of one. Not nearly enough are slowly finding out, there is anything 'experimental' about this ... but rather, a planned depopulation.
Interestingly, here in Japan, ivermectin can be legally bought, and myself and two closest Japanese friends each have about 15 tabs of 12 mg, just in case. Most public school 'teachers' here (bureaucratic functionaries) seem to have bought into the Japanese govt's. propaganda pushing mRNA treatments.
Because most Japanese don't want to openly question of a culture of compliance, few of my other friends openly talk about the holes in the narrative ... but very few of them have chosen to take even the first mRNA treatment. I have zero friends among former 'colleagues' at my former universities, but through the tenure track, did a lot of community outreach work that DID result in real friends. Those friends (dating back to maybe 15 years ago) tend to be members of pro-social community activist groups — one local group specifically formed to create a community which includes the severely handicapped, another group supporting the homeless around Shinjuku, downtown Tokyo.
My contract work with the public schools will be finished next month, so I hope to return to more collaboration with those communities of friends, and helping to raise their willingness to communicate their values and beliefs regarding the current narrative.
Thank you for sharing those details, Steve, and while the general public may still be indoctrinated into the propaganda, my understanding is Japan is making major strides toward accountability:
As for your mother, I don’t know what her specific condition is, but since you have access to ivermectin, why don’t you try bringing a huge stash back and administering it to your mother? It is known to inhibit the spike protein and has saved countless individuals from the brink of death. See the story of Sun Ng I shared in this piece, for example:
Good idea Margaret, and though I might be able to sneak some through customs, my mom is as stubborn as myself. Too many ailments to list, but permanent blindness is one that I don't think I can help.
As for prof. Fukushima, I posted a couple of clips on YouTube as well before the main video was taken down ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4hY30ZqDGk&t=1s and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLw1_FO4jMM. He had between 40,000 and 50,000 Japanese following one of his meetings on Twitter, but that the vast majority will never even hear his name mentioned on MSM. While a few Japanese are making strides, 'Japan' (as in the corporate nation-state) is still pushing the narrative with daily numbers of PCR positive infections (ha) and deaths ... and the majority of Japanese still blindly following the dehumanizing public safety rules slipped into place. I've long suspected it is part of a larger agenda of fully centralized, digital control similar to what can be found in parts of China ... and through areas other than public health (tying health insurance to a one-ring-that-binds-them-all digital number), Japan Inc. is proceeding according to plan. There are few, if any public demonstrations of resistance here.
They’re even trying to convince us that the by-products of burning vinyl chloride are safe and effective. Or safe at any rate. Phosgene decomposes quick. Hydrochloric acid? That’s literally made inside your body like mRNA. No mention of dioxins? Sure only a couple grams might be formed but it’s toxic at sub-microgram doses. Can’t be bothered to fix a train track, or have PVC manufactured at the same plant where they make the vinyl chloride.
My twin sister lives less than a hundred miles downwind from there. Not that she wouldn’t welcome death at this point. It’s amazing how many places I’ve left or avoided moving to just before a disaster happened. Left Florida right before Hurricane Floyd. Nearly moved to a town in Mississippi that got later wiped off the map by a tornado while I was in Tyler, TX, where I’m sure something bad happened after I moved out as well. If I ever move out of California it will be right before the next big earthquake happens (last one was a week or two before I was born!)
Was recommending that book/movie White Noise a couple months ago. I read it in December and now I want to read it again or watch the movie but I don’t know how to Netflix and the website where I pirated the book seems to be down. Second half of the book/movie is about an experimental drug that is supposed to make you not afraid of death but it doesn’t work and has mind-degrading side effects. Now that’s not something you can test on mice since only humans have a real fear of death. So what does it do... make you simpler and more beast-like? Can’t believe how many real people would actually take a drug like that.
BEWARE OF Aaron Siri .. As in duplicate all proof/articles that explain that these injections were changed when the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine.. MAKE COPIES OF ALL WHO ARGUED THESE SHOTS ARE NOT VACCINES:
mRNA Vaccines Are “Vaccines”
Like it or not, mRNA vaccines are no less a vaccine than other vaccines
By Aaron Siri
Injecting Freedom
February 21, 2023
For the countless people who send me friendly messages like “STOP CALLING THEM A F—ING VACCINE” with regard to Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, I have some bad news: these Covid-19 vaccines are “vaccines.”
Thanks, Rick! I want to make it clear to anyone reading this that you are not saying “Beware of Aaron Siri” :-) Rather, you are citing his excellent article on why it actually makes sense to use the term “vaccine” for mRNA injections:
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines. By referring to COVID-19 vaccines as “vaccines” rather than gene therapies, the U.S. government is violating its 15 U.S. Code Section 41, which regulates deceptive practices in medical claims. The mRNA injections are gene therapies that do not fulfill a single criteria or definition of a vaccine. Since a vast majority of people who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms at all, they’ve not even been able to establish a causal link between the virus and the clinical disease.
By calling this experimental gene therapy technology a “vaccine,” they are circumventing liability for damages that would otherwise apply
So you are actually saying to beware of Aaron Siri? Your original comment was confusing because you said “MAKE COPIES OF ALL WHO ARGUED THESE SHOTS ARE NOT VACCINES,” but then you appear to be criticizing Aaron for calling them “vaccines”?
I haven’t had a chance to read Aaron’s article closely and don’t have access to the full version because it’s behind a paywall, but I don’t think he’s disagreeing that the CDC changed the definition of “vaccine,” which is well-documented, but rather is saying the mRNA injections do still qualify as “vaccines” under the pre-COVID definition.
To me, this is a semantic distinction that matters little to me. I personally have tried to avoid calling the injections “vaccines” unless it is appropriate for the context (e.g., the audience I am addressing would immediately dismiss the content of the article because they think it’s conspiratorial to not call them “vaccines”) as a way of distinguishing from previous generations of vaccines, which are trusted by the general public—although if they took the time to investigate and read books like “Turtles All the Way Down” and “Dissolving Illusions,” they would realize there are valid reasons to question the safety and efficacy of those products as well, which I think is partly what Aaron is arguing.
I think Aaron is using a relativistic definition - if you call X a vaccine then one can call the c19 intervention a vaccine too because it looks the same or better (on a set of measures). IMO an absolute definition is more useful even if it means no longer calling heretofore classed vaccines as vaccines. Experimental injectable biologic seems accurate to me for the c19 intervention. I dropped a comment on Jessica’s with what I think are some key elements of such a definition.
“There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words” (Thomas Reid). Evil knows this and takes full advantage of it. We can’t solve problems without defining our terminology and agreeing to stick to it. E.g., . . .
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
But it's not just safety and efficacy which "qualifies" a vaccine to be called a vaccine, but, in fact, whether they actually do what they were designed to do or claimed to do; it's a deliberate red herring to compare the effficacy of the covid shots to vaccines of the past which may have also had questionable histories; the logical conclusion should be that we should be aware that there were many failures and manipulation of the facts involving vaccine development; but Siri makes the huge legalistic leap( he's a lawyer,right?) and maintains that those vaccines were called vaccines so the Covid shots should also qualify in the same way; he also conveniently all but ignores the enormous body of evidence directly attributed to covid injection side effects which have surpassed the negative reactions from all previously developed vaccines combined in the past twenty or more years.
Siri is using the words his readers are supposedly attacking with as F***ing" and then not using your argument but continuing down the line of mocking his readers and agreeing with the CDC latest definition.... THESE THINGS ARE DANGEROUS AND NOW HAVE TAINTED EVERYTHING IN INJECTION FORM COMING DOWN THE LINE!! and their injections are over... they own the definition, they own online defintions and content... BUT it is far too late to justify the past 3 years of mandates and destruction..
I think you may be misunderstanding his intent. Few people are more cognizant of the dangers of these injections/vaccines/whatever-you-want-to-call-them than Aaron. He has dedicated his life to fighting on behalf of the vaxx-injured and -bereaved, and his actions throughout his career make it abundantly clear that he considers these products hazardous and lethal.
Thanks for this wonderful piece. I’m anon for that reason - a salary slave in the world of engineering where silence on LinkedIn is a primary method for finding employment and silence in the workplace is the primary method for keeping employment. Congrats on 25,000! Well deserved.
Thank you, la chevalerie vit, and having the freedom to be anonymous is a vital safeguard against tyranny, which victims of totalitarian regimes have discovered throughout history and why I called out both Jordan Peterson and Josh Hawley for their inexplicable positions on this matter.
I am sorry to hear you are a salary slave but hope you are able to find satisfaction in the work itself. Although this piece calls on people to live not by half-lies, that does not mean I am saying everyone should shout all of their beliefs at the top of the lungs in every situation. There is value to remaining silent in certain contexts or even being cleverly evasive when Gestapo agents are at the door asking if you’re hiding an enemy of the state.
As long as you don’t lie to yourself, you are well ahead of the majority of the populace.
Thank you for your perspective. Yes I hear you. There is a role for judicious silence. It’s a great piece and I need to do more thinking. It helps me put a name to the distaste and shame I have about the fear that I won’t be able to provide for those whom I love due to an episode of unsilence. I’ve had temptations, and at times felt compelled, to speak out on LinkedIn and have done, but then quiet down. There is a necessary partitioning in the last several years between work persona to avoid cancellation, and self, which I think has introduced a gap that widens to unmanageable proportions - maybe for others too. I wasn’t silent with family, and extended family, as I care for them. I spoke out with what I was learning; ironically not without cost, but at least I maintain my integrity in that space. “Pick your battles” maybe doesn’t do justice to our current epoch, but is a way to justify judicious silence. Thanks again for this piece! All the best.
I appreciate the nuances of the complex situation you are navigating, and I can only hope for your sake that you will be able to find an environment where you will be able to be yourself without fear of retribution as sublimating your true being over an extended period of time can take a toll on your mental health. Perhaps as the cultural zeitgeist tips toward truth, you will feel freer to speak in your present position—or maybe the partitioning will continue to be a necessary mechanism of survival. Only you can know the right balance for your peace of mind and soul.
Yes, I read Siri's post on Rockwell and found his views deliberately obfuscating while trying to be "scientific" at the same time; he sounded a lot like a paid shill for big pharma and trying to rewrite history with very questionable interpretations such as what constitutes "real vaccines"; I expect he would be fully vaxxed; in any case he goes out of his way to vilify those he calls "anti-vaxxers" or anti-science; there needs to be a more complete rebuttal of his "views" which I found below the standard for lewrockwell but then again...go figure!?
Thank you for your input, Tony. As I said, I’ve only had time to skim it so will take a closer look as soon as time permits (I’m several thousand Substacks behind and just sinking deeper every day), but if that is the case, it sounds like Aaron has been replaced by a clone who is arguing the opposite of what he has dedicated his life to doing, so I find it incredibly bewildering.
Wow what a list of works you have curated. Amazing and well done. Shared it on telegram. I’m thinking I might share on substack too. Kudos to you. Now I hold the vision that more people will wake up.
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, Abby, as well as for sharing! I especially appreciate your getting the word out on Telegram since I’m not on there.
I think more and more people are waking up every day. Some are still sluggishly half-asleep even though the alarm is blaring away. Eventually, they’ll peel off the blankets and turn off the alarm, but it takes what Meredith called in our interview a “spontaneous moment of disruptive truth” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-2ac). It is an experience we cannot force on them, so we have to patiently (agonizingly) wait for them to snap out of the trance on their own.
Another hit. I only need one metric to understand the American people are clueless and hopeless. The percentage of people with children (is "people with children" ok?) sending them to public school.
Add to that the percentage of people fully on board with Social Security and Medicare. These percentages reflect the numbers of people okay with government ruling their lives and supposedly taking care of them until they die.
Many people die without collecting a dime. Others don't pay in but cheat their way to success. Typical socialist scam everyone is indoctrinated to accept and even praise.
I think the biggest hurdle for those who are caught in 'middle ground' is to truly grok that their government (the one world gov) truly wants them dead. They may use injections, 5g, medical murder, or any combo of those 3. Once you really can see this, feel it, you cannot go back but its not an easy realization.
Absolutely true, jacquelyn. Meredith Miller and I discuss how cognitive dissonance can be so painful, it causes people to retreat into the comforting womb of denial:
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-2ac
Sadly, remaining in denial only exacerbates the festering wound over time, and the only way to heal is to acknowledge it exists and begin treating it.
and, apparently, next: Nuclear War! What was unthinkable for all of my life is now not only thinkable but talked about every day.
Yuppers! It’s like Alcoholism, once you admit you have a problem you can never drink the same.
Yes. With awareness comes responsibility. Some can't seem to go there.
Agree 100%. We have been remarking since early 2020 that once you see this it is then impossible not to see it. It gets engraved on our brains. We cannot lie even to ourselves any longer. Maybe that is ultimately a godsend. Tragic but real.
Just this year am I realizing this is much deeper than greedy companies not caring who gets hurt and what lies are told in their race to profit. That explanation seems so innocent now. I never doubted a small group of psychopaths may regard the rest of us like a restaurant manager regards a rodent infestation, but I didn't think there would be enough practical support for them to do whatever they may wish to do.
Some say Matthias Desmet's discussion of mass formation lets the perpetrators off the hook, but it's what helped me understand how enough could be semi hypnotized and be those enablers, flying monkeys, and do the dirty work, without even fully knowing what they're doing.
In some ways, they are so incompetent. In other ways, they have power to poison land, water, and air ...
Even when some leave this world sooner because of the great poisoning, may they / we be part of a force that helps truth rise and tyrants fall.
So eloquently and bravely expressed, Ellen, and that is the trajectory of growing, deepening awareness of the sinister undertones I tried to spark in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series and my Corona Investigative Committee presentation:
• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)
• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)
• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” [Notes for my CIC presentation] (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)
Agree 100%.
Once you realize that, everything becomes clearer and makes the events of recent years make sense.
I am baffled as to why people are clueless to this. History reveals that all nations have been guilty of heinous crimes against humanity. Here in the United States, everywhere you look in the past, you can find the same thing. A long history of false flag events, dragging us into wars, poisoning our food, water, and air. Everything from building materials, to the fillings in our mouths have been made out of toxic materials, and used for years legally. It’s only when there is a large enough outcry from the public does anything ever change. And even then it takes years.
Fluoridation of the water supply comes to mind. Mercury fillings also.
Nobody is addressing chem-trails or geo engineering, but they’ll tell us that Global Warming is a looming crisis.
Yet people still trust their governments and seemed shocked to discover that they’re all corrupt and evil beyond comprehension.
People are so naïve. I could sit here and list tons of things off of the top of my head that were designed to poison and kill those dumb enough to not notice.
Let’s start with food:
1. Hydrogenated fats. These are notorious dangerous, and yet put into everything under the sun on purpose.
2. Homogenization - Purposely done to all of the milk in this country in order to cause scarring of the heart tissue. Aka heart disease. This is a known fact.
3. Sugar - Put in everything and done on purpose to poison your body just like everything else. Make you a diabetic, and profit off of your sickness.
4. Genetically engineered foods - unnatural, unknown sickness and diseases caused by eating this garbage, but what is known, and has been known since 1993 - 2nd and 3rd generation of mice fed gmo foods became sterile and developed cancerous tumors. Got the green light to start feeding it to humans shortly afterwards.
Fluoride - lowers IQ, makes people passive
Chlorine - toxic chemical still being used to clean out water supplies. Even though there are safe, healthy alternatives available.
Chemtrails containing God only knows what being sprayed on us daily, by a government that still hasn’t even admitted spraying us, much less what’s in the formulas being sprayed.
Did we vote or give them permission to do this? No, we didn’t. And wherever you find NATO, you can find geoengineering going on nearby.
Cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, detergents, pretty much everything under the sun is toxic and by design intended to be.
People who look at the world from a biblical perspective understand and perceive why things are the way that they are.
Atheists and many agnostics view the world entirely different. Many of them feel that greed and the love of money are the cause for all of our problems.
While there are many people who would gladly sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver, that line of thinking doesn’t add up.
The rulers of this world have all the money they need, that isn’t what motivates them, and what you will find is that these people absolutely believe in deity.
They think that atheists are a bunch of fools and quite frankly most Christians probably do too.
The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God...
Psalms 14:1, 53:1
Must be true...it’s in there twice
I guess that’s settled.
My overall point is that governments are evil, people are naively unaware of their past, present, and their future.
How many times have we been told to study the past so that we can better predict the future? History repeats itself? There’s nothing new under the sun? Does any of this sound familiar to anybody?
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)
The thing that hath been, it [is that] which shall be; and that which is done [is] that which shall be done: and [there is] no new [thing] under the sun.
The word of God explains exactly what’s going on and what will be going on in the future. The real problem is that people aren’t reading the word of God and they don’t care what it says. This includes the majority of so-called Christians.
The Great falling away...
1 Timothy 4:1 (KJV)
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
People are waking up to the wickedness around them and they are scrambling for answers. Their intellect is not going to save them.
This might:
Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Psalms 9:17 (KJV)
The wicked shall be turned into hell, [and] all the nations that forget God.
Psalms 118:8 (KJV) [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (KJV) 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Ask yourself what “the love of the truth” from above is talking about. What truth are they rejecting?
Figure it out for yourselves!!!
Psalm 25:5 (KJV)
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou [art] the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
Psalm 25:10 (KJV)
All the paths of the LORD [are] mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
Psalm 26:3 (KJV)
For thy lovingkindness [is] before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth.
Psalm 119:30 (KJV)
I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid [before me].
Psalm 119:142 (KJV)
Thy righteousness [is] an everlasting righteousness, and thy law [is] the truth.
Psalm 119:151 (KJV)
Thou [art] near, O LORD; and all thy commandments [are] truth.
John 14:6 (KJV)
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 17:17 (KJV)
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
at this point, don’t really care what anyone thinks about me, just gonna say what’s on my mind & let the chips fall wherever…
… maybe this is a sign of my exhaustion phase.
That sounds like a sign of mental liberation to me, kitten seeking answers!
Good on you!
I've been there for 2 years.
A burden loosed.
I just don't care.
I will never live a lie!
Not caring what others think is a superpower. Embrace it (but not abuse it) to the fullest.
Welcome to true freedom
Clear-sighted Solzhenitsyn…we confront the dark and truly ugly side of a society built on pain avoidance and coercive comfort. Even some who have experienced first hand the savagery of power continue to straddle.
The common belief is that ‘this too will pass’. Some need to actually experience being burned in order to acknowledge that the fire is raging.
Powerfully articulated, TFish, and “coercive comfort” is brilliant!
Thanks again MAA! Excellent recap of the avoidance/denial ostrich phenomenon. I do believe the awakening is picking up speed, and the pLandemic sped it up! One poll suggested that only 11% of the US population consider the Mainstream News reliable. As Jeffrey Prather says--"we need to get our heads in the fight." Some of us are there--and still, too many people deny that this is a war. The battle for humanity is now in the endgame stage. God Bless!
Thank you, Riki Tiki Tavi, and that 11% figure is greatly encouraging! Although I don’t agree with all aspects of Mattias Desmet’s theory, I do find the percentages he’s cited of awake (30%) vs. asleep (30%) vs. swing thinkers (my term) (40%) remarkably on point. As I recall, he said as the mass formation begins to wear off, there will be a tiny percentage (I think 13%) of cult followers who will continue clinging to the lies, even though they have been so demolished as to be unrecognizable.
MAA--I think you might also agree that stats can be employed to do the devil's work! Ditto-polls. That stated-Mattias Desmet was a great ally for those of us dealing with close friends, peers, and relatives who ignored the intel we tried to share with them. Those who remain complicit in a blind loyalty to the lies will have hell to deal with down the line. What is disturbing for me is the area that is still unknown: is mRNA shedding happening? Are the jabbed ones going to remain 'spike protein shedders' for their entire lives?...and most disturbing, are those who have been injected with whatever version of the nano-graphene -- circulating in their brains-- going to go 'full throttle -pod peep/zombie' the rest of us? Meantime 5 Gee!...Armor up all ye Jedi warriors!
I have heard that Diamond, of Diamond & Silk, was NOT vaxed and her sister thinks it may have been shedding that caused her death. Anybody know more?
Good question, Margot, and I have not come across clarifying details regarding that matter. I also haven’t seen Diamond definitively say her sister was unvaxxed, but perhaps you’ve encountered statements I haven’t yet seen.
'...go zombie--on the rest of us.' Grammarly.
Swing Thinkers, I like that Swinkers!
“Swinkers!” How did I not think of that?!
Does this fall into the 30/30/40 rules that seems to apply to nearly everything today? That the 30/30 split happens always, no matter the topic aligning generally like political party splits with the middle needing to be swayed into one or the other camp? There will always be ~30% whose minds won't shift?
Good question, HardeeHo. Perhaps it is a law of human nature.
11% our straight up fools then, but judging from the % of jabbed and boosted here in the USA, I’d say it’s a lot higher than 11%.
“Ostrich phenomenon” - Love it! May I borrow?
Let’s all stand together against the “ugliness”, let’s continue toward the light at the end of a dark road, you are right, let’s gather together and go against Satan…towards the light…
Jesus is the Light of the world. John 8:12
Just a note for anyone who is interested. Canadian authorities are now going all in trying to convince people that the uptick of heart problems, especially in young people, is being caused by Covid. And the press nods their heads, and rings their hands in agreeance. As if.......
Of course they are. Gaslighting is the defining characteristic of the narcissistic abuser, as Meredith notes in our Dissident Dialogue:
“The first red flag of narcissistic abuse in 2020 was the control of information, which is reality control. Gaslighting is the favorite tool of abusers. This is the distortion of the perception of reality to the point where the target feels like they’re going crazy or their memory doesn’t work. Abusers and tyrants try to make you believe you can’t trust your own eyes and ears. It’s covert when it’s hidden and disguised as good.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-ecd)
As per the way most groups work the leader sets the trend and Canada's leader is a liar and a narcissist and a pretender generally. I think a lot of people see what is happening but are desperate to give authorities the "benefit of the doubt" rather than demand they prove they are NOT dishonest, self embroiled perverters of the natural order. In Canada one of the ways the government has reinforced that is by creating a health-care crisis where everyone is suddenly dependent on the government fixing something they rely on and which the government increasingly controls completely.
Since you brought up Tyrant Trudeau, you may appreciate these pieces I wrote during the protests last year:
• “Letter to Justin Trudeau” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-justin-trudeau)
• “Profiles in Courage: The Canadian Truckers” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian)
I am glad somebody is keeping a record. I particularly like this: "Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days. Together, let’s keep working to make Canada more inclusive." There is no coming back for Trudeau. He has lied too much. He has name-called too much. He had indulged himself and then apologized too much. He has hidden out too much. He had pretended he cares too much. He has refused to answer questions too much. He is the king of smarm and frankly Canadians are idiots because they keep giving him the benefit of the doubt. Canadians (I am one) appear to be somnambulists and he is the stage magician. Canadians are Echo's nymphs dying to lick the face of Narcissis because,,,you know...he is rich and suave and a member of the power elite, seemingly answerable to nobody. It is what every young Canadian secretly lusts for nowadays. He is their shadow.
I guess I hardly understand how he was allowed to continue after the action on the truckers. Nor can I understand what the other's like AU and NZ have tolerated. Is it related to nearly total media control where dissent can't be seen?
The media was largely acting like an arm of government throughout the protest. There were a few exceptions but not many. Throughout the pandemic the media increasingly became propagandists for the government narrative, never questioning anything, and their handling of the protest was the icing on that cake. For instance, when the PM said: "Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days (during the trucker protest). Together, let’s keep working to make Canada more inclusive" the die was cast. Everything he said above was a lie and nobody challenged it. A large part of Canada bought into it.
The imprisoned 'must' give the warden permission for himself to exist.
Meredith Miller and I discussed this difficult truth in our last Q&A:
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-228
Meredith writes:
“People have been victimized, and that needs to be validated first. Their consent was coerced by deception, fraud, duress, and other forms of over-reaching. It wasn’t their fault. The responsibility of the spiritual, psychological, medical, and financial abuse that took place lands squarely on those who perpetrated such acts.
“AND at the same time, we are each responsible for our choices and participation in life. That includes complying with the abuse, even when we don’t realize it’s abuse.
“Unless a person accepts this layered truth after having been victimized, they will stay stuck in the powerlessness of the victimhood, externally focused on the perpetrators and primed to be victimized again in the future because they don’t see their own role and participation in the dynamic or how they could make a different decision next time.”
I totally concur with her statements. I read some of her story and she's lived it.
It takes a great amount of courage on her behalf to confess to that truth.
This is a really deep, soul searching area.
i.e. where do you place the children.
Since the dawn of time it is my belief, which is objective, that man has been subject to slavery.
It sure as hell didn't start in 1619 eh ? Little jab at American culture shock.
The following is taken from 'A Course in Miracles'.
I am responsible for what I see.
I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I'm going to achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me, I ask for, and I receive as I have asked.
And then there's Gandhi;
"We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the outer world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and a source of our happiness. We need not wait and see what others do... "
The two aforementioned statements are truth in my beliefs.
I agree Meredith has modeled exceptional courage and wisdom, and I am deeply grateful for the insights she is sharing in our dialogue.
Thank you for your beautiful reflections. Regarding enslavement, I highly recommend reading Étienne de La Boétie’s “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude,” which I feature in my second essay:
• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)
Thank you Margaret Anna,
Okay, I already purchased the film, My Dinner with André, and I'm going to read
Étienne de La Boétie’s “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude,”
But on my way to the reading it dawned on me that I've had this discussion with myself some time ago.
I've come to the conclusion that one must first free himself from living a lie to be truly free. To overcome our self contained prison takes more courage than I myself profess at this writing. Yet I taste it and dream it and as such it will be mine soon. And I know in my heart & soul that soon freedom will be mine for the duration of my stay here.
I did not comply to the plandemic.
Oh my goodness, you are in for an intellectual feast of magnificent proportions! I envy you getting to experience both of those for the first time.
The fact that you acknowledge your responsibility for emancipating yourself from mental slavery (https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/lets-emancipate-ourselves-from-mental) means you are further along in your journey toward liberty than most people on this planet!
Love the AND statements. So critical to breaking the paralyzing binary splitting, which characterizes this whole era and every issue arising with it. It's the unifying antidote to Divide & Conquer.
The masses may have been coerced and, one could say, victimized by arch psychopaths and sociopaths, but the extent to which it happened and so many people succumbed to it hook line and sinker is what has indelibly altered my view of humanity. Never wanted to end up here, but I cannot unsee what I witnessed over the past 3+ years and even before that with the political circus and seething hatreds. Perhaps the greatest silver lining to all this is that across the board and without exception, individual people and the institutions they represent revealed beyond a shadow of a doubt what they are really about at their inner most cores. While all of us are fallible and stumble, I'm now inclined to think that many chose to incarnate here under the veil of forgetfulness at this time precisely to put their souls to the test of the Great Deception foretold in several of the ancient texts. I'm not even a religious person, yet I think what we've been subjected to is a spiritual war at its roots. If the lessons presented in this time of great evil are not integrated at a soul level, this type and level of insanity will likely be the undoing of earth humans.
Exactly, it is a spiritual war and must be fought on a spiritual level but that can only happen when one acknowledges the spirit within each of us; that spirit or soulfullness is the essence of who we are and should determine how we act, especially in times of crisis; not doing so is not just an act of forgetfulness with the false hope that everything will get better eventually, but the very denial of one's own humanity, of the gift of life that our Creator has endowed us with; our responsibility and freedom to choose begins and ends with that acknowledgment from each of us; mass formation or mass hypnosis are psychological constructs which ,seemingly helpful in some descriptive sense, does not address the root cause of our dilemma. " I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make.Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Well said, Tony. This reckoning is where the rubber met the road, not some random 3D materialist atrocity that will somehow work its way out through social evolution. We are way beyond that. The constructs are a lot like the Matrix of the blockbuster trilogy where the inhabitants are no longer sovereign beings who have more or less given over their divine gift of free will to the controllers. That is the beauty of actual, true freedom. One is both the pilot of and responsible for their soul's destiny.
Thank you,Chuck, and your analogy with the Matrix is right on; our identity is closely bound to our sovereignty as human beings; that is why the globalist elites want to eliminate nation states along with their sovereign rights so then the "controllers" can have free reign to do as they please which they are well on their way to accomplishing. "Satanism is not a 'belief in Satan' but the false pursuit to self-deify oneself." (Taylor Marshall in "Antichrist and Apocalypse") . Today's "controllers" are the "new gods" who could give lessons to the followers of Lucifer himself in the degree of evil they possess and know how to enact.
Not everyone is silent. However there is a price to pay,total survelliance by the state,ostracized by many.
When working demonetized by the government,meaning loss of job,pension,only temporary work and it constantly changed.
Then the state …government at all levels want to hire you to put you under their thumb,indoctrinate you and any disregard of their rules or failure to comply gets you retributation.
So the cost is high and continues to this day.
I exist for one purpose..the good of mankind!
We must strive to find a treatment for the injured. A preventative treatment for the vaccinated.
The unbelievable amount of attacks on effective covid treatments makes me wonder if they could help after you are harmed. It would explain their all out effort to stop their use.
Many tireless physicians and scientists are working to discover effective treatments, including Dr. Pierre Kory and World Council for Health. Your intuition is correct as ivermectin has shown promising results in treating the vaxx-injured given its ability to inhibit the spike protein:
• https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/spike-protein-detox-guide
• https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/
My understanding is that ivermectin works through inducing autophagy, kind of like resveratrol, or the effects of fasting. When I had COVID I had no appetite, I think because my body was trying to get into a fasting state to help fight it off!
Now hydroxychloroquine apparently inhibits autophagy though so I’m not sure how that helps.
Hi Margaret.
Long time no chat ... been busy being jerked around by the Japanese public school system, and now preparing for an emergency trip to the states to say hello and goodbye to a quickly fading mom. Watching the 2nd video, and probably will not have the time to watch the others ... but yeah. Not that I need any further verification, but we are on the same page, and Jacquelyn Sauriol sums up a lot of that page in the first sentence of her comment.
Keep up the good fight, and hope to be more in touch soon.
I am so saddened to hear about your mom, Steve. Did she get the injection(s), if you’re comfortable discussing that here?
Please take care of yourself and treasure your remaining moments with your beloved mother 💔😢💞
Thank you Margaret.
No problem discussing this in the open because it might be a good data point from which others can triangulate.
Despite being an undergrad biology lab director for close to 20 years, as far as I know, against my advice ... everyone in my extended family back in the U.S. got the jab. When I raised a WTF? question about ivermectin being brushed off in favor of 'experimental' mRNA treatments, I got the 'tinfoil treatment' or worse ... de-friending, which was my only way to stay in touch with some family members back in the states. About a year or so ago, even my sister laughed at my preference of 'horse medicine' over whatever our three letter agencies are pushing. Now, as a member of 'family', we have an implicit taboo against bringing up the plandemic ... otherwise, I would find myself in a family of one. Not nearly enough are slowly finding out, there is anything 'experimental' about this ... but rather, a planned depopulation.
Interestingly, here in Japan, ivermectin can be legally bought, and myself and two closest Japanese friends each have about 15 tabs of 12 mg, just in case. Most public school 'teachers' here (bureaucratic functionaries) seem to have bought into the Japanese govt's. propaganda pushing mRNA treatments.
Because most Japanese don't want to openly question of a culture of compliance, few of my other friends openly talk about the holes in the narrative ... but very few of them have chosen to take even the first mRNA treatment. I have zero friends among former 'colleagues' at my former universities, but through the tenure track, did a lot of community outreach work that DID result in real friends. Those friends (dating back to maybe 15 years ago) tend to be members of pro-social community activist groups — one local group specifically formed to create a community which includes the severely handicapped, another group supporting the homeless around Shinjuku, downtown Tokyo.
My contract work with the public schools will be finished next month, so I hope to return to more collaboration with those communities of friends, and helping to raise their willingness to communicate their values and beliefs regarding the current narrative.
Thank you for sharing those details, Steve, and while the general public may still be indoctrinated into the propaganda, my understanding is Japan is making major strides toward accountability:
• https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/kyoto-university-professor-sues-japans
I adore Professor Masanori Fukushima and featured his searing takedown (https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/japanese-professor-goes-nuclear-on) in this article:
• “Letter to Senator Ron Johnson” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson)
As for your mother, I don’t know what her specific condition is, but since you have access to ivermectin, why don’t you try bringing a huge stash back and administering it to your mother? It is known to inhibit the spike protein and has saved countless individuals from the brink of death. See the story of Sun Ng I shared in this piece, for example:
• “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis)
Good idea Margaret, and though I might be able to sneak some through customs, my mom is as stubborn as myself. Too many ailments to list, but permanent blindness is one that I don't think I can help.
As for prof. Fukushima, I posted a couple of clips on YouTube as well before the main video was taken down ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4hY30ZqDGk&t=1s and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLw1_FO4jMM. He had between 40,000 and 50,000 Japanese following one of his meetings on Twitter, but that the vast majority will never even hear his name mentioned on MSM. While a few Japanese are making strides, 'Japan' (as in the corporate nation-state) is still pushing the narrative with daily numbers of PCR positive infections (ha) and deaths ... and the majority of Japanese still blindly following the dehumanizing public safety rules slipped into place. I've long suspected it is part of a larger agenda of fully centralized, digital control similar to what can be found in parts of China ... and through areas other than public health (tying health insurance to a one-ring-that-binds-them-all digital number), Japan Inc. is proceeding according to plan. There are few, if any public demonstrations of resistance here.
They’re even trying to convince us that the by-products of burning vinyl chloride are safe and effective. Or safe at any rate. Phosgene decomposes quick. Hydrochloric acid? That’s literally made inside your body like mRNA. No mention of dioxins? Sure only a couple grams might be formed but it’s toxic at sub-microgram doses. Can’t be bothered to fix a train track, or have PVC manufactured at the same plant where they make the vinyl chloride.
My twin sister lives less than a hundred miles downwind from there. Not that she wouldn’t welcome death at this point. It’s amazing how many places I’ve left or avoided moving to just before a disaster happened. Left Florida right before Hurricane Floyd. Nearly moved to a town in Mississippi that got later wiped off the map by a tornado while I was in Tyler, TX, where I’m sure something bad happened after I moved out as well. If I ever move out of California it will be right before the next big earthquake happens (last one was a week or two before I was born!)
Was recommending that book/movie White Noise a couple months ago. I read it in December and now I want to read it again or watch the movie but I don’t know how to Netflix and the website where I pirated the book seems to be down. Second half of the book/movie is about an experimental drug that is supposed to make you not afraid of death but it doesn’t work and has mind-degrading side effects. Now that’s not something you can test on mice since only humans have a real fear of death. So what does it do... make you simpler and more beast-like? Can’t believe how many real people would actually take a drug like that.
BEWARE OF Aaron Siri .. As in duplicate all proof/articles that explain that these injections were changed when the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine.. MAKE COPIES OF ALL WHO ARGUED THESE SHOTS ARE NOT VACCINES:
mRNA Vaccines Are “Vaccines”
Like it or not, mRNA vaccines are no less a vaccine than other vaccines
By Aaron Siri
Injecting Freedom
February 21, 2023
For the countless people who send me friendly messages like “STOP CALLING THEM A F—ING VACCINE” with regard to Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, I have some bad news: these Covid-19 vaccines are “vaccines.”
Thanks, Rick! I want to make it clear to anyone reading this that you are not saying “Beware of Aaron Siri” :-) Rather, you are citing his excellent article on why it actually makes sense to use the term “vaccine” for mRNA injections:
• https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/mrna-vaccines-are-vaccines
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines. By referring to COVID-19 vaccines as “vaccines” rather than gene therapies, the U.S. government is violating its 15 U.S. Code Section 41, which regulates deceptive practices in medical claims. The mRNA injections are gene therapies that do not fulfill a single criteria or definition of a vaccine. Since a vast majority of people who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms at all, they’ve not even been able to establish a causal link between the virus and the clinical disease.
By calling this experimental gene therapy technology a “vaccine,” they are circumventing liability for damages that would otherwise apply
others have written that the CDC has changed the definition of a vaccine...
Are you saying they are?? Are you agreeing with Siri?
So you are actually saying to beware of Aaron Siri? Your original comment was confusing because you said “MAKE COPIES OF ALL WHO ARGUED THESE SHOTS ARE NOT VACCINES,” but then you appear to be criticizing Aaron for calling them “vaccines”?
I haven’t had a chance to read Aaron’s article closely and don’t have access to the full version because it’s behind a paywall, but I don’t think he’s disagreeing that the CDC changed the definition of “vaccine,” which is well-documented, but rather is saying the mRNA injections do still qualify as “vaccines” under the pre-COVID definition.
To me, this is a semantic distinction that matters little to me. I personally have tried to avoid calling the injections “vaccines” unless it is appropriate for the context (e.g., the audience I am addressing would immediately dismiss the content of the article because they think it’s conspiratorial to not call them “vaccines”) as a way of distinguishing from previous generations of vaccines, which are trusted by the general public—although if they took the time to investigate and read books like “Turtles All the Way Down” and “Dissolving Illusions,” they would realize there are valid reasons to question the safety and efficacy of those products as well, which I think is partly what Aaron is arguing.
I think Aaron is using a relativistic definition - if you call X a vaccine then one can call the c19 intervention a vaccine too because it looks the same or better (on a set of measures). IMO an absolute definition is more useful even if it means no longer calling heretofore classed vaccines as vaccines. Experimental injectable biologic seems accurate to me for the c19 intervention. I dropped a comment on Jessica’s with what I think are some key elements of such a definition.
“There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words” (Thomas Reid). Evil knows this and takes full advantage of it. We can’t solve problems without defining our terminology and agreeing to stick to it. E.g., . . .
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Depends on what you mean by ‘word’. :-)
But it's not just safety and efficacy which "qualifies" a vaccine to be called a vaccine, but, in fact, whether they actually do what they were designed to do or claimed to do; it's a deliberate red herring to compare the effficacy of the covid shots to vaccines of the past which may have also had questionable histories; the logical conclusion should be that we should be aware that there were many failures and manipulation of the facts involving vaccine development; but Siri makes the huge legalistic leap( he's a lawyer,right?) and maintains that those vaccines were called vaccines so the Covid shots should also qualify in the same way; he also conveniently all but ignores the enormous body of evidence directly attributed to covid injection side effects which have surpassed the negative reactions from all previously developed vaccines combined in the past twenty or more years.
Siri is using the words his readers are supposedly attacking with as F***ing" and then not using your argument but continuing down the line of mocking his readers and agreeing with the CDC latest definition.... THESE THINGS ARE DANGEROUS AND NOW HAVE TAINTED EVERYTHING IN INJECTION FORM COMING DOWN THE LINE!! and their injections are over... they own the definition, they own online defintions and content... BUT it is far too late to justify the past 3 years of mandates and destruction..
I think you may be misunderstanding his intent. Few people are more cognizant of the dangers of these injections/vaccines/whatever-you-want-to-call-them than Aaron. He has dedicated his life to fighting on behalf of the vaxx-injured and -bereaved, and his actions throughout his career make it abundantly clear that he considers these products hazardous and lethal.
Please read his article very carefully and see if you come up with that same conclusion!
his latest article should be addressed by him but he would put it back on the readers!
Thanks for this wonderful piece. I’m anon for that reason - a salary slave in the world of engineering where silence on LinkedIn is a primary method for finding employment and silence in the workplace is the primary method for keeping employment. Congrats on 25,000! Well deserved.
Thank you, la chevalerie vit, and having the freedom to be anonymous is a vital safeguard against tyranny, which victims of totalitarian regimes have discovered throughout history and why I called out both Jordan Peterson and Josh Hawley for their inexplicable positions on this matter.
I am sorry to hear you are a salary slave but hope you are able to find satisfaction in the work itself. Although this piece calls on people to live not by half-lies, that does not mean I am saying everyone should shout all of their beliefs at the top of the lungs in every situation. There is value to remaining silent in certain contexts or even being cleverly evasive when Gestapo agents are at the door asking if you’re hiding an enemy of the state.
As long as you don’t lie to yourself, you are well ahead of the majority of the populace.
Thank you for your perspective. Yes I hear you. There is a role for judicious silence. It’s a great piece and I need to do more thinking. It helps me put a name to the distaste and shame I have about the fear that I won’t be able to provide for those whom I love due to an episode of unsilence. I’ve had temptations, and at times felt compelled, to speak out on LinkedIn and have done, but then quiet down. There is a necessary partitioning in the last several years between work persona to avoid cancellation, and self, which I think has introduced a gap that widens to unmanageable proportions - maybe for others too. I wasn’t silent with family, and extended family, as I care for them. I spoke out with what I was learning; ironically not without cost, but at least I maintain my integrity in that space. “Pick your battles” maybe doesn’t do justice to our current epoch, but is a way to justify judicious silence. Thanks again for this piece! All the best.
I appreciate the nuances of the complex situation you are navigating, and I can only hope for your sake that you will be able to find an environment where you will be able to be yourself without fear of retribution as sublimating your true being over an extended period of time can take a toll on your mental health. Perhaps as the cultural zeitgeist tips toward truth, you will feel freer to speak in your present position—or maybe the partitioning will continue to be a necessary mechanism of survival. Only you can know the right balance for your peace of mind and soul.
Those are valid points, Justin, and I agree privacy is to some an extent an illusion these days, but we must continue to resist the State’s efforts to infringe on that sacred right as we know biosurveillance is their ultimate goal, as Yuval Noah Harari outlines in excruciating detail (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947 and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd).
OK, so I will say it: Beware of Aaron Siri! and his article was neither "excellent" or made sense (except through legal manipulation of the facts).
They’re like reverse vaccines. They make immune tolerant instead of immune.
Yes, I read Siri's post on Rockwell and found his views deliberately obfuscating while trying to be "scientific" at the same time; he sounded a lot like a paid shill for big pharma and trying to rewrite history with very questionable interpretations such as what constitutes "real vaccines"; I expect he would be fully vaxxed; in any case he goes out of his way to vilify those he calls "anti-vaxxers" or anti-science; there needs to be a more complete rebuttal of his "views" which I found below the standard for lewrockwell but then again...go figure!?
Thank you for your input, Tony. As I said, I’ve only had time to skim it so will take a closer look as soon as time permits (I’m several thousand Substacks behind and just sinking deeper every day), but if that is the case, it sounds like Aaron has been replaced by a clone who is arguing the opposite of what he has dedicated his life to doing, so I find it incredibly bewildering.
Wow what a list of works you have curated. Amazing and well done. Shared it on telegram. I’m thinking I might share on substack too. Kudos to you. Now I hold the vision that more people will wake up.
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, Abby, as well as for sharing! I especially appreciate your getting the word out on Telegram since I’m not on there.
I think more and more people are waking up every day. Some are still sluggishly half-asleep even though the alarm is blaring away. Eventually, they’ll peel off the blankets and turn off the alarm, but it takes what Meredith called in our interview a “spontaneous moment of disruptive truth” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-2ac). It is an experience we cannot force on them, so we have to patiently (agonizingly) wait for them to snap out of the trance on their own.
I have a feeling a few global moments just like those are coming soon - next month perhaps. We are on the right side of truth. Sending love x
Beautiful letter Margaret. There is no nuance in the vexine debate, it’s poison!
"Vaccines" as Shakespeare might see them
A COVID-19 injectable product by any other name (like "vaccine") would smell as nasty (and be as harmful).
Thank you for sharing Jessica’s thoughtful response to Aaron’s article, which Rick cites elsewhere in this thread.
Another hit. I only need one metric to understand the American people are clueless and hopeless. The percentage of people with children (is "people with children" ok?) sending them to public school.
Add to that the percentage of people fully on board with Social Security and Medicare. These percentages reflect the numbers of people okay with government ruling their lives and supposedly taking care of them until they die.
Well I am finally receiving some of the funds I paid in to Soc Sec for 44 years. I am on board with getting my money back, but it is a slow process.
Many people die without collecting a dime. Others don't pay in but cheat their way to success. Typical socialist scam everyone is indoctrinated to accept and even praise.
We are powerless. Be happy with what you got, George Carlin