Letter to Senator Ron Johnson
Please Sponsor #MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex, & #PutPeopleOverPharma Legislation
“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
—Robert F. Kennedy, Day of Affirmation Address, University Of Capetown, Capetown, South Africa, June 6, 1966
You may be the most dangerous politician in America.
You have worked diligently to expose the:
millions of injuries and deaths caused by the COVID vaccines and lethal CDC protocols, most egregiously to children;
contagious corruption in the agencies (e.g., the WHO, FDA, and CDC) charged with ensuring the “safety and efficacy” of these experimental products;
unconscionable quashing of early treatment protocols identified by reputable scientists and physicians of supreme integrity;
destructive unscientific measures such as masking, lockdowns, mandates, social distancing, and school closures;
threats to our human rights, constitutional liberties, and national sovereignty;
worldwide onslaught of mushrooming totalitarianism and attempts at quarantining and enslavement;
menticide of the citizenry, breeding of belligerent bamboozlement, and othering of dissidents through calculated psychological manipulation via incessant propagandizing by perpetrators of the COVID narrative;
vilification of lionhearted everyday folks resisting tyrannical overreach; and
democidal crimes against humanity committed by philanthropaths, tyrants, globalists, colluders, and “experts.”
I want to thank you, Senator Johnson, for displaying consummate courage in a cesspit of compromised, cowardly, and conniving collaborators, which has earned you battle scars from the slings and arrows of the smear peddlers.
That is why I nominate you to spearhead what may be the most momentous legislation of the twenty-first century, with the power to fell the pharmaceutical Goliaths and the putrefying infrastructure that has permitted them to commit wholesale wounding and killing without consequence.
I’m an ordinary citizen who has spent the duration of the COVID era compiling a docket sheet of crimes that can be used to unmask totalitarianism, awaken the sleeping, save lives, and enact justice against those responsible for orchestrating the grandest lie in history. I’ve organized my articles by topic here—please feel free to draw liberally from the evidence I’ve assembled as you see fit.
I don’t know much about sponsoring legislation beyond what I learned from Schoolhouse Rock, but you do, and that’s why I’m planting this seed with you. I feel I can trust you to nurture it and find appropriate cosponsors, and I will call on the hundreds of thousands (sometimes millions) of people who read my essays in the hopes that they will help spread the word and pressure their legislators to support these bills.
As an Oregonian, I can recommend Representative Cliff Bentz as a prospective cosponsor. I know Representative Chip Roy has also sponsored a bill calling for the immediate withdrawal of the US from the WHO and would likely be a good ally in this fight. I’ll leave the rest to you since you know better than me who is intrepid enough to take on BigPharma.
Following are the three pieces of legislation I wish to propose.
1) #MakePharmaLiable
Attorney Jeff Childers of Coffee & COVID writes:
“Pharma has a single point of failure, an Achille’s Heel, an exposed port on its Death Star. If we can capture this objective, it will be all over.
“We need a federal law removing vaccine injury liability shields.
“If we do that, if we reverse the state and federal protections for vaccine makers, our long national nightmare will be over. It would instantly kill every single mandate. One tiny federal law would do it. Because federal law pre-empts state law, it simply doesn’t matter if blue states have their own liability shield laws. All it will take is a one-sentence federal law reversing ALL liability shields and requiring vaccine manufacturers to be liable for injuries caused by their products.” (emphases mine)
Additionally, this legislation should wipe out the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act and the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act (the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 also needs repealing, but that will likely require a separate action).
I’m confident Jeff would be willing to offer his legal expertise on crafting verbiage for this legislation. I would be honored to connect you if you aren’t already in communication with him as one of the attorneys at the forefront of the medical freedom movement.
I also highly recommend reviewing the four-phase prosecution plan Jeff outlines here:
Fortunately, Ron DeSantis has already set the ball rolling toward justice by impaneling a statewide Grand Jury “to investigate criminal or wrongful activity in Florida relating to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent COVID-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission.”

2) #RememberBabyAlex: Protect Our Right to Access Unvaccinated Blood
You have likely heard the harrowing story of Baby Alex, who died at the age of forty-five days on February 17, 2022. This was twenty-four days after he had been transfused with blood from the COVID–vaccine-polluted standard blood bank—against the parents’ loudly expressed wishes and without their authorization.
Just hours after Dr. Eleane Beadle administered that fateful transfusion at the Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane, Washington, Baby Alex developed a clot that stretched from the PICC line insertion at his left knee to his heart.
Even if you think you already know Alexander’s story, I urge you to take a moment to read Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother’s Own Words, which features an exclusive statement I obtained from his mother, Cornelia Hertzler. Articles and interviews that appeared prior to this piece include numerous inaccuracies, which Cornelia corrects in her statement.
Most importantly, Cornelia and Ron have granted their blessing to use Baby Alex’s name and story in the #RememberBabyAlex legislation I have proposed. (Please let me know if you would like me to introduce you to them.)
Cornelia writes:
“I am totally fine with your using Alex’s story and name. The time for silence is passed, and I will do everything in my power to ensure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.”
While it is too late to save Baby Alex’s life, his example serves as a clarion reminder of why we need to protect our right to access unvaccinated blood. As Cornelia states:
“Safe blood should never have to be sought and demanded—it should be a natural human right.”
Pioneering organizations like SafeBlood are stepping in to fill this need, but access to such blood banks is limited. Organizations like the Red Cross should be required to retain a supply of uncorrupted blood for those who desire it.
We also need to ensure parents are not threatened with loss of their children for choosing non–genetically-modified blood when transfusions are necessary, as evidenced by the recent chilling example of the New Zealand government seizing Baby Will so he could be forcibly transfused with mRNA-adulterated blood during his heart surgery.
3) #PutPeopleOverPharma
The two-year–long global mass injection experiment has yielded immeasurable harm to both individuals and communities, and scientists, physicians, and a few bold politicians are crying out to stop the shots immediately—from MP Andrew Bridgen in the UK to Professor Masanori Fukushima in Japan to Christine Anderson in Germany to Gerard Rennick in Australia.
Despite being former advocates of the COVID injections, cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Dean Patterson, and Dr. Ross Walker are all demanding a halt to the vaccination pogrom, as is Professor Serif Sultan, who brings over three decades of experience in vascular and endovascular surgery and is president of the International Society for Vascular Surgery.
He is joined by Dr. Kerryn Phelps, former president of the Australian Medical Association, who recently revealed she and her wife are vaccine-injured. Dr. Ahmad Malik, a consultant surgeon, is also calling to #StopTheShotsNow.

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at Cancer Centre London, echoes the concerns about turbo cancer voiced by Lund University’s Dr. Ute Krüger earlier this year, noting that he and his fellow oncologists have been observing:
“patients were not having a normal pattern of relapse but rather an explosive relapse, with metastases occurring at the same time in several sites.…
“Within a three-month period I have been able to identify eight people who have developed B-cell malignancies following the booster, with two of them reporting that they instantly felt very unwell after the booster, having had no problem after the first two vaccines, then describing the symptoms of extreme exhaustion and long Covid before being investigated and finding out that they had a B-cell leukaemia in two cases, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in five and a very aggressive myeloma in the other case. ”
The shots need to be pulled from the market TODAY (a crusade I hope you will lead), so we cannot wait for a bill to pass, but we do need legislation to prevent us from ever again being violated—physically, psychologically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. The Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, and Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights must be enshrined in a legally binding manner that prohibits experimentation on human beings without informed consent.
I also encourage you to consider how to incorporate principles outlined in the Pledge to Restore Our Nation and Its Values drafted by Dr. Meryl Nass with fellow medical freedom warriors:
Senator Johnson, you have already made considerable contributions toward illuminating the grievous afflictions associated with these experimental products as well as COVID policies in general through mechanisms such as your roundtable discussions with experts.
I believe achieving the passage of these three pieces of legislation would immortalize your legacy as a five-star general in the war against the most ferocious, felonious, and formidable forces in living memory.
Let us work together to create ripples of hope that culminate in that triumphant moment Vince Lombardi describes thus:
“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour—his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear—is that moment when he has to work his heart out in a good cause and he’s exhausted on the field of battle—victorious.”
© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC
Here is my tweet if you’d like to retweet and upvote for maximum visibility:

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🤲 One-Time Support
After PayPal canceled me last year, I lost all but two of my recurring donations. I set up a Ko-fi account because they take zero percent in fees, as opposed to the nearly 10 percent lost through Buy Me a Coffee. It appears I made a tactical error in removing the Buy Me a Coffee button at the same time I had to remove PayPal as my donations immediately plummeted and have never recovered. I am experimenting with adding Buy Me a Coffee back and dropping GiftApp, which no one has used.
Action Alerts
✒️ Write, Tweet, & Call Your Legislators, Share with Everyone You Can—and Ask Them to Do the Same!
If you are a US citizen, you can use this tool to find your legislators. Please contact them as well as Senator Ron Johnson, whom you can also tweet at @SenRonJohnson.
Then share this post and ask others to do the same!
Note: Special thanks to those of you who shared a link to my letter in the Zoom and Rumble chats for the December 22, 2022, VSRF Weekly. Sadly, Ron Johnson was unable to attend due to a flight delay, but hopefully, he will return for a future episode. Meanwhile, we can reach out to him on social media and via email.
We need a tidal wave of voices to rise up and demand that our politicians sponsor #MakePharmaLiable1, #RememberBabyAlex, and #PutPeopleOverPharma legislation. Please share with those hashtags to boost our chances of getting them trending. Include #StopTheShotsNow if you have room as that has been trending for days, and we need to continue to amplify that message as well. If only a quarter of the people on my mailing list do this and their contacts follow suit, we could turn our ripples of hope into a tsunami 🌊
If you aren’t a US citizen, you can still send this letter to your representatives and ask that they sponsor similar legislation in your country. Tweet this at them in addition to Senator Johnson and share with your followers to maximize our collective impact.
Politicians will take notice if enough of us raise our voices together. Warmly celebrate any politician who expresses support and a willingness to cosponsor this legislation.
Similarly, don’t hesitate to broadcast which politicians repeatedly choose #PharmaOverPeople, maybe even with a link to their OpenSecrets page showing pharmaceutical company donations.
Although any politicians who choose their paymasters over their constituents likely have no shame, they do fear their names being tarnished in the public mind, which is exactly what we can do to anyone who chooses #PharmaOverPeople.
The revolution against BigPharma starts today. Colluders, beware.
🛑 #StopTheWHO
While You’re at It, Ask Them to Support HR 7931
As you likely know, I have written several articles addressing the threat posed by the WHO, the IHR amendments, and its proposed pandemic treaty:
The unparalleled James Roguski has been covering the WHO’s chicaneries in exhaustive detail, including the latest developments regarding the IHR amendments under consideration:
James also shared this succinct post by Libby Klein of Reclaim Ethical Medicine:
Dr. Meryl Nass has added her considerable expertise to this discussion. Below are just a few examples. I encourage you to subscribe to her Substack and explore her archives to learn more.
I alerted Meryl to HB7931, a bill demanding the United States’s immediate withdrawal from the WHO, and she wrote a call to action about it here. Specifically, she writes:
However, this time the bill needs massive grassroots support and to be attached to a spending bill that cannot be vetoed by the President, such as the bill to raise the cap on federal spending, which will be due very early in the 2023 (118th) session of Congress.
This needs your help. Educate your elected officials about this subject, and once a bill is on the Congressional table, get back to them and ask for their co-sponsorship.
📝 Petitions
Oppose the Omnibus
Stand for Health Freedom has a petition to Oppose the Omnibus, which just passed the Senate and is now moving to the House. See this tweet from Ron Johnson:

Support Medical Freedom of Speech
Dr. Ahmad Malik (mentioned in this article) has started a petition to Support Medical Freedom of Speech on the COVID Vaccines. Let’s help him surpass his goal!
⚰️ Do You Know Anyone Who Died in 2021 or 2022?
Please consider completing this survey (or this one if you work in a medical office) by Steve Kirsch to help with his data-gathering on mortality:
🐦 Twitterings
Speaking of Steve, he has been restored from Twitter Heaven! But most of his original followers were missing, so he’s having to rebuild practically from scratch. Give him a follow if you haven’t already.

And feel free to follow me while you’re at it :-) I have been a teeny bit more active on there now that the fragrance of freedom is in the air, although that is rapidly evaporating and I don’t intend to get sucked into the social media vortex so am unlikely to bombard your feed with tweets.
That said, I did make my first tweet at Elon, and it started catching fire within minutes of posting. I encourage you to retweet so we have a chance of grabbing his attention and getting Dr. Jessica Rose reinstated:

👹 #Philanthropath Mentions
Special shoutout to my comrade-in-arms Joel Smalley of Dead Man Talking for graciously indulging my request to insert “Philanthropath” before “Bill Gates” in the title of this harrowing piece:
James Edward Taylor of Think for Yourself knows me so well, he anticipated this request and used “philanthropath” in this salient article, hilariously stating in the footnote: “Margaret Anna Alice would have said something if I didn’t use it. 😆”
And mathematical genius Mathew Crawford of Rounding the Earth very patiently considered my request to change “philanthropist” to “philanthropath” in the title for Bill Gates in this collaborative undertaking with Tonika of Visceral Adventure, who has come into her own as a video editor since her brilliant debut with SADS World.
Mathew has already done a great service to the cause by helping to popularize the term here, here, and here, for which I am immensely grateful. Since Tonika is the one who would have to do the work, he has left the decision with her, which I wholly concur with (I would not have made such a presumptuous request had I not noticed a typo that already needs correcting elsewhere).
For those who are growing weary of me pestering people about using “philanthropath,” understand that framing (and reframing) is one of the most powerful weapons in the information war we are engaged in. As I stated in my Corona Investigative Committee presentation, if viewers only take one thing away from watching it, I want it to be “philanthropath.” My goal is to inextricably bind “philanthropath” to “Bill Gates” so people will no longer be able to see him or his name without thinking “philanthropath.” Making this term part of the mainstream consciousness is how we awaken people to the sinister intentions obscured by the term “philanthropist.”
Here are the notes I wrote for my CIC presentation if you missed them:
If you don’t understand the importance of framing, read George Lakoff’s Don’t Think of an Elephant—and then realize he is largely responsible for the significant cultural shift that has occurred since its publication in 2004 as he has been serving as a consultant to the DNC and helping them strategically formulate their messaging for maximum impact and manipulation. We must counter these sophisticated linguistic tactics with our own framing that reveals the truth.
✍️ New Contribution from Poet-in-Residence Virgil Swan
Veteran readers may recall the previous offerings of metrical master Virgil Swan, The Soul of Doctor Mengele and The Philanthropath.
Below is his latest marvelous quatrain poem.
by Virgil Swan
In the year 2020, a PSYOP was staged,
By the code name of COVID-19.
And a narrative spread ’round the earth like a plague;
’Twas like nothing the world’s ever seen.
It was said that a virus emerged from the wild;
Countless millions were soon to be dead.
’Twas a peril to every man, woman and child—
An apocalypse lay dead ahead.
From the U of NC, FDA, CDC,
And the CCP’s WIV,
To the WEF, CIA, DoD,
And the WHO, there was glee.
Doctored death-counts and case-counts fomented despair,
Stoking fear of the novel disease,
So a state of emergency could be declared,
And imposed with the greatest of ease.
Then the Global Elites put their plan into play;
Constitutional rights were annulled.
Oligarchical despots bore down on their prey,
As humanity was to be culled.
In defiance of science, the masses were masked;
They resembled expressionless sheep.
Then they “socially distanced”—whatever was asked—
For their critical minds were asleep.
By executive fiat, the lockdowns occurred;
The economy crashed to the ground.
It was just for two weeks, just to “flatten the curve.”
A year later, things still were locked down.
Teachers’ unions demanded the closure of schools,
And the children were hobbled for life.
’Twas a lesson in just what it costs to be cruel—
But the innocent kids paid the price.
Social media fact-checkers promptly appeared;
They suppressed any troublesome facts.
Even world-renowned doctors were censored and smeared
As conspiracy-theorist quacks.
The American Mengele first made his bones
With the murderous drug AZT.
For an encore, he truly came into his own:
A remdesivir-drenched killing spree.
By official decree, vital treatments were banned;
In the medical sense, this was odd.
Human sacrifice now was the law of the land,
To appease the Covidian god.
Vaccination salvation was preached from on high;
True believers fell right into line.
Then the mandates compelled millions more to comply;
It went smoothly, as if by design.
At Event 201, it had all been rehearsed;
Every aspect was planned in advance.
The “unvaxxed” would be demonized, banished and cursed;
All the rest would be kept in a trance.
A conniving philanthropath bankrolled the scheme;
His foundation would grease all the wheels.
To depopulate Earth was his undying dream;
With “vaccines,” he would make the dream real.
Pharmaceutical firms had the vials prepared,
And the needles were ready to go.
Any adverse effects would be “mild and rare”—
All the experts agreed this was so.
“They are safe and effective,” the media said,
With their voices insistent and shrill,
And they hammered this line into everyone’s head,
’Till the masses lined up for the kill.
PEG, nano-lipids and mRNA
Were injected some two billion times,
And the dutiful media shilled night and day
To enable this nightmarish crime.
A precipitous surfeit of illness occurred,
But the cause of it couldn’t be seen.
Though the doctors were baffled, of this they were sure:
It was certainly not the vaccines.
For the victims with heart disease, cancer and stroke,
And the legions who “suddenly died,”
No condolence was offered, no pity evoked—
With their very existence denied.
So, with state propagandists producing the news,
The Great PSYOP continues apace.
If the Globalists finally tighten the screws,
Say a prayer for the lost human race.
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Paid subscribers can download the beautifully typeset and illustrated e-book of my fairy tale, The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion. It is equivalent to the paperback version (retails $12.99) and much prettier than the Kindle version (retails $5.99). Click here to access the downloadable PDF (the post will be unlocked once you subscribe).
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Hat tip to Banjocat for coming up with the #MakePharmaLiable hashtag in this brainstorming thread.
I bless all the Wisconsinites that voted for Senator Johnson, so we did not lose his voice of rational thought, and reason.
Margaret, I hosted an event for Ron as did many others. He still only managed to squeak through after being outspent by a mountain. It took every voice to pull it off and we all are better off for it.
One more thing. I always call it "antisocial distancing" because that is EXACTLY what it is. "Social distancing" was more government speak to make it sound positive instead of idiotically bad. So if I can use better words and be 0.1% more effective thereby, I will. Thought you might want to contemplate that in any case. Many who read it then use it and your reach is far beyond mine.
Nice piece...as always. Have a wonderful Holiday and may 2023 actually see something we all consider good happening.