Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I bless all the Wisconsinites that voted for Senator Johnson, so we did not lose his voice of rational thought, and reason.

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What do these people fear most?

1) transparency

2) decentralization

3) human collaboration targeting fixing corruption of the systems that govern our lives.

So why aren’t we doing these better?

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Add LIABILITY for vax makers and the farce will end!

'LIABILITY for vax makers' would stop this nonsense immediately as having IMMUNITY from all/any LIABILITY means Big Pharma just use this (TEMPORARY = 1976) 'concession' as their Licence to Kill!

It seems that 'Long Covid' is another Adverse Reaction to the useless but deadly Covid injection!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed 'cos it's far safer than playing Russian Roulette with the jab CULL.

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Can't. They were told to fast track the vaccine. It takes years and billions of dollars to get a drug approved. The pharmaceutical companies told the government that if they fast tracked it they could not test the drug as they normally would. They refused to fast track and be held liable for any issues. Governments assured them that every liability would be covered by federal dollars. This sits at the feet of politicians.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Wasn’t that the intent of the framers of the constitution that there be a balance between state, rights and federal rights? Having the bureaucrats in Washington usurped and transferred state rights to the federal government and that Hass to be reversed? American citizens have not been educated about the constitution, and we have fallen asleep.

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Spot On!

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It shows us how little congress cares about us when he is one of a handful of politicians who actually works for the people.

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That there was a possibility he might have lost was frightening. It was shocking to see the one politician do hearings on Covid fraud, which were banned in the media, and there were people who didn't vote for him? It is like Pennsylvania, how do you vote for a man who is obviously impaired? Of course, Biden is obviously impaired. I think that is the point we are at. Whoever is pulling the bureaucratic levels is so firmly entrenched, it doesn't matter who the puppet is. But it still doesn't explain why our fellow citizens are voting for these people. There may be fraud, but there is still a large segment who believe in the narrative.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Big Bucks are being spent to gas light the masses and discredit the truth seekers.

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I appreciate that thought and agree with it. It is a notion that philosopher Marshal McLuhan would surely put forth. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Marshall-McLuhan. However, I don't think it explains everything. In a memorable interview with Jordan Peterson, Camille Paglia on the neo-Marxism concept of oppressor/oppressed paradigm said (paraphrasing from memory), it is as if they believe history only started with the printing press. The more I study neo-Marxism as well as other philosophers, which was prompted by the lockdowns and made possible by old taped university lectures and interviews, the more I appreciate what a profound statement this is. There is a mob rule that can take root in society. It seems to erupt like a terrible infection. As a second grader, I remember going through my brother's history book with a photo of a young black man who had been lynched in the South. In the crowds were spectators, including kids my age at the time. It was as if they were at a picnic and the man's death was the show. Go to Europe and you have countries slipping into Fascism - willingly. Germany with avant-garde art movies like Pandora's Box or the German novel, All is Quiet on the Western Front descended willingly to the muses of a cabal (Hitler didn't ascend in a vacuum.) And while the German citizens watched while forces rounded up Jews and others, in California, the government rounded up those of Japanese blood. They did so though government entities, such as the FBI, said they posed no risk. While obviously not equivalent, it was a product of a cabal of dangerous individuals who saw Pearl Harbor as an excuse to profit off of or get rid of a segment of people. I think this infection arose during Covid. A strong constitution that protects the rights of the individual is the only way I think we can limit a cabal from using the mob to obtain their ends.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

What I believe you are expressing is mass psychosis which is used to manipulate and control populations. It's not spontaneous and Jan 6th is a good example. There were aggitators gouding the masses to act out and showed them how. All prelpanned.

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Taking my dog for a walk in the quiet rain, it hit me that another famous philosopher had insight into this: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” I haven't attended church in decades but the Covid narrative has given me deep appreciation for those who do. But for those who are religious and believe in the divinity, I think we would be completely lost.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Margaret, I hosted an event for Ron as did many others. He still only managed to squeak through after being outspent by a mountain. It took every voice to pull it off and we all are better off for it.

One more thing. I always call it "antisocial distancing" because that is EXACTLY what it is. "Social distancing" was more government speak to make it sound positive instead of idiotically bad. So if I can use better words and be 0.1% more effective thereby, I will. Thought you might want to contemplate that in any case. Many who read it then use it and your reach is far beyond mine.

Nice piece...as always. Have a wonderful Holiday and may 2023 actually see something we all consider good happening.

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“antisocial distancing” is a brilliant reframing, Dr. K—thank you for the suggestion!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

You are such a BLESSING Margaret!!💖 Your writing is splendid, sublime, razor-sharp, delicious, wise, kind, truthfully ruthless, and REVOLUTIONARY in its intent and heart-FULL-ness!! You are a shining light of EMPOWERMENT and TRUTH and BEAUTY all reflected in your body, mind and spirit and blasted out into the Universe with LOVE and COMMITMENT and PASSION!!💪🔥Once again...thank YOU!!✌️👊

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

David Martin has said he has sent the Fauci Dossier to Ron Johnson and yet not a single step has been taken in that direction. Regardless it has been sent to dozens of AG and senators Like Paul also to no steps taken. Ron Desantis is the only one to finally take step to have a grand Jury.

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They may be biding there time. There is no advantage to showing your hand too soon. There is a lot waiting on Jan 3; maybe too much. We have seen quite a few republicans are a bigger problem then the democrat adversaries.

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Wow just Wow

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Well done. We must all back this request. Turning the Titanic takes engines working together.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice


All hands on deck.

Double time. :)

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Amazing! Thank you!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Wow...And I thank you so much!+ ❤️🙏🎄Merry Christmas 😊

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I think we’ve been heard through his actions. Thankfully he got re-elected, God bless. We will see an end to this war on our nation ( and hopefully our planet) one of these days, I now live with hope!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Granting immunity to the drug cartel will go down in history as one of the worst decisions ever. They used it to push a product that has harmed and killed a great many people, and they get to walk away squeaky clean, all the way to the bank. Do you think the trail of harms and death keep them up at night? I don’t, but the possibility of being jailed, tried, convicted, and punished might. No punishment could possibly be too extreme for what they have done.

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Very well written. I love your posts

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

It's great you've stepped up and given it so much effort. Thank you. But, dealing with politicians, less is more.

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What do these people fear most?

1) transparency

2) decentralization

3) human collaboration targeting fixing corruption of the systems that govern our lives.

So why aren’t we doing these better?

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

looks like you touched a nerve, MAA.. truth ministry troll on the loose.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Your Awesome!

Am I gushing?😉

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Excellent post.

Another one of many.

Thank you again. :)

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