“Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don’t dare express themselves as we did.”
—Sophie Scholl, speech in court (February 21, 1943)
This is a tender topic that gives me no pleasure, but which is worse—making a fact-based speculation that a person’s illness and subsequent death were caused by the experimental injection OR stubbornly ignoring the snowballing evidence of mass harm and deaths inflicted on the victims who were deceived into believing a product was “safe and effective” and thus ensuring the massacre of countless others?

I’d rather be “impolite” than complicit in wholesale slaughter by participating in the collective delusion that everything is fine.

I’d rather be “rude” than remain silent in the face of insurmountable evidence that the globally coerced injection of an unsafe and ineffective product is wreaking historically unprecedented damage.

Truth hurts when you’re living a lie.
It’s called cognitive dissonance. No matter how hard you squint your eyes, reality will always come blazing through and expose your game of make-believe for what it is. You can only pretend for so long.
Denial is a warm blanket that offers temporary comfort, and it is understandable that one would wish to cling to it in the face of grief. But it only leads to more lies being propagated, more lives and health being wrecked.
I feel great compassion for Glenn Greenwald and his children, and I mean no disrespect by raising questions about his husband’s illness and death. I considered keeping this post private to avoid causing him pain should he stumble across it.
If it were me, though, I would want to know what killed my beloved—and if I found corrupt entities, agencies, governments, tyrants, philanthropaths, and lackeys were guilty of his homicide, I would want to hold them accountable and prevent others from suffering the same excruciating fate.
As the journalist who broke the Edward Snowden revelations, Glenn should understand it is our responsibility to ask questions. It is our responsibility to examine five-alarm indicators that a product is dangerous. It is our responsibility to call for the suspension of that product when evidence of harm is present.
While this piece arose from a discussion about David’s untimely demise, it really is about how all of us are coping with the bombardment of deaths we are experiencing in our own lives.
Some people think it’s inappropriate to ask about the cause of death. The fact-chokers will blast anyone who tries to understand what occurred and tattoo us as anti-vaxxer science-denying conspiracy theorists exploiting a tragedy to shame us into self-censorship. The Shut-up Playbook is oh-so-predictable.
What madness that we are forbidden from questioning why a young, healthy person died when our very survival as a species depends on understanding what causes unexpected deaths.
Say you have a tribe living in the rain forest. Some of its members discover a pond and take a few sips of the water. They start feeling ill, and some even die. All the people who abstained feel fine. None of them are dying or coming down with strange symptoms. The survivors would put two and two together and realize they’d better avoid that pond. And if they don’t figure it out but instead continuing drinking from that pond, the tribe will soon go extinct.

The preponderance of scientific evidence indicates the injection has taken 17 million lives so far. How are we to stop the bloodshed if we don’t even allow ourselves to countenance that possibility?

If it were any other product that hadn’t been politicized, propagandized, and pounded into the public’s mind as the salvific solution that shall not be questioned, people would naturally wonder if it played a role in a previously healthy thirty-seven-year-old succumbing to a nine-month torment from a mystery illness that ultimately took his life.

It is time to grow up.
It is time to stop hiding under the bed from the corpses piling up around you.
It is time to shake off the spell and rejoin the world of reason where we are permitted to ask the questions that could save others from becoming diedsuddenlies.
What’s happening is NOT natural.
One death per 470 persons is NOT normal.
Ten-year-olds are NOT supposed to have heart attacks.

The Liars Choir is trying to gaslight you into believing there’s nothing to see here.

How many people do you know who’ve died since 2021? Make a list. I’ll wait.
Now how many people do you know who died in the preceding decade, including the supposedly deadly 2020?
I know more people in my personal network who have died or gotten life-threatening conditions like cancer since 2021 than I have the entire rest of my life.
Check the obituaries. Compare the number of daily obituaries in The New York Times, for example, in 2023, 2022, and 2021 versus 2020 and earlier. (Notice how they’ve almost entirely stopped mentioning the cause of death unless it can’t possibly be linked to the injection 🤔)
Take a stroll through Mark Crispin Miller’s archives and look at the faces of the thousands of diedsuddenlies whose lives he commemorates in his “in memory of” posts.
Read the stories of individual diedsuddenlies Dr. William Makis has been laboriously documenting.
See the diedsuddenlies attorney and Apocaloptimist Jeff Childers catalogs in his otherwise-uplifting daily missives.
And those are just the celebrities. Those are the people who make the papers.
They aren’t reporting the deaths of your neighbors, your relatives, your friends.
See how easy it is to hide a democide in plain sight?
“But wait,” you might say, “I know someone who died of COVID.”
Are you sure about that? Are you sure they didn’t die of a comorbidity and their deaths were simply tallied as COVID because they happened to test positive for COVID on a PCR test rigged to yield false positives?

Or were they hospitalized for COVID and subsequently hospicided by financially incentivized protocols such as remdesivir, ventilation, and intubation so the hospital could liquidate each patient for up to $471,000?

Maybe they developed bacterial pneumonia or a hospital-acquired infection? Or were they forced to stagnate instead of being encouraged to walk around as was previously recommended for respiratory infections prior to COVID?

Perhaps they were denied antibiotics and life-saving early treatment protocols the propagandists had been paid to mock because it would have been illegal to grant emergency use authorizations for the billion-dollar injectables if effective treatments—much less cheap, off-patent ones—already existed?
Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend
Or maybe they were part of the Great Eldercide sweeping through nursing homes around the world?
Whatever the murder weapon, Mistakes Were NOT Made.
Prohibiting people from questioning WHY someone died is what killers, accomplices, and coveruppers do. Not what people who want to save lives do.
People who want to save lives ask questions. People who want to save lives investigate. People who want to save lives pull a lethal product from the market and hold the perpetrators responsible for their mass-murdering spree.
Understand I am doing this out of respect for all victims of democide, including David. They no longer have the voices to cry out for justice. We must demand it on their behalf.
R.I.P. David Miranda (May 10, 1985–May 9, 2023)

What follows is a series of exchanges that occurred on Substack Notes, beginning with my postulation that David’s death was injection-caused. I was sharing Dr. Pierre Kory’s recent report from the front lines in which he notes “the rise in sepsis being reported in the wake of the global vaccine campaign”:
When a reader requested more details, I outlined the rationale behind my hypothesis. What began with a discussion of a heartrending tragedy ended with an inspiring example of a person recalibrating his position in light of empirical evidence. This is the kind of life-preserving lesson on intellectual humility we can all benefit from practicing.
MAA: I am 99-percent certain Glenn Greenwald’s previously-incredibly-healthy husband David Miranda’s fatal sepsis was caused by the injection. When he was first diagnosed, I looked up “sepsis” in VAERS and found a couple thousand hits. Now there are almost 4,000. I don’t know if Glenn will ever be able to come to terms with the cause, but several people shared Dr. Paul Marik’s detox protocol, which I sadly suspect he didn’t pursue, and then it was too late 💔
It is fascinating and encouraging to see in Dr. Pierre Kory’s post how many medical professionals realize (tragically but wisely) their blood is tainted. If only the doctor who murdered Baby Alex had been so enlightened.
I proposed #RememberBabyAlex legislation to Ron Johnson last December:
He was kind enough to speak with me on the phone about this along with my proposed #MakePharmaLiable and #PutPeopleOverPharma legislation and basically gave me a reality check about them never passing ;-)
I do think #RememberBabyAlex has more of a chance, though, especially with the rising awareness of the dangers of injected blood Pierre noted. I’m hoping he can nudge Ron Johnson on this idea if he has the opportunity.
Decensored News: Forgot how enthusiastic Greenwald was about the the vax.
He also said on Sept 28, 2021: “I got vaccinated the first day I could and so did everyone in my family.”

MAA: Thank you for bringing the receipts, Decensored News. The phrase “believe in the vaccine” is very telling.

Decensored News: Really well-written piece... thanks for sharing (and for writing) that.
MAA: Thank you, Decensored News, and glad you appreciated it! Sadly, it’s still all-too-relevant, as is this companion letter:
Decensored News: It’s definitely still relevant, and valuable due to your empathetic (and semi-Socratic) approach that speaks directly to the reader. Saving this one as a potential “mind unlocker” to share with the right person in the future.
Also bookmarking your “Letter to a Colluder” to read some time soon - looking forward to it. 😎
MAA: I appreciate that, Decensored News! Not to give you more homework, but here are a few more pieces along those lines that others have appreciated for the purposes you stated:
Diana Barahona: So, Greenwald and Miranda took the shot, knowing what they knew about the NSA??
MAA: Yes, such is the power of the vaccine cult that people you otherwise would expect to know better than to trust government/pharma fell into line. To his credit, Glenn pushed back against COVID tyranny like mandates and discrimination, but he failed when it came to performing due diligence on the injections, sadly.
Mrs. McFarland: Have you or has someone contacted Glenn Greenwald regarding this possible pathology?
MAA: I challenged Glenn on his position regarding the injections in the comments of his December 23, 2021, post:
“I know you have been vocal about fighting back against mandates, Glenn, but I did not realize you were still advocating for the vaccines themselves—despite overwhelming and harrowing evidence of mass harm (see Letter to a Holocaust Denier and Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative for starters).
“I truly hope you will clarify your stance on this subject and, if needed, re-evaluate your position based on the escalating scientific evidence that these injections are both unsafe and ineffective.
“Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter, Glenn. It takes integrity to reconsider your position in light of new scientific proof contradicting what you were initially led to believe by BigPharma propaganda.”
That was before David became ill, and when Glenn announced his diagnosis, I saw a few people were gently recommending Paul Marik’s protocol, so my hope was he would look into that. It didn’t feel right to browbeat him about the matter when he was wrapped up in the trauma of caring for David, so pointing him in the direction of healing protocols seemed a more compassionate approach.
Once David died, I knew he would be too grief-stricken to listen objectively to concerns about the likely cause and would perceive them as insensitive attacks at an inappropriate time. I figured he needs to arrive at the point where he’s ready to investigate the matter for himself.
Just as Matt Taibbi has bravely reconsidered his position in light of evidence, I hope Glenn will work up the courage to do so before he subjects himself and his family to further injections.
JMcS: You seem to imply that Glenn’s husband’s death was related to vaccination or am I misreading you? If you are, do you have certain knowledge that David received the vaccine & that, if so, it was directly related to his illness?
MAA: Decensored News shared examples of tweets where Glenn said his family was fully vaccinated, and David was known to be an enthusiastic proponent of the injection.
On November 7, 2022, Glenn shared that David had endured a three-month ICU hospitalization (to drag on for nine months total before his death) for a mystery disease that “can change radically from one day to the next and has done so many times” and included “pulmonary infection,” “various forms of abdominal pain and digestive problems,” “complete renal failure,” “worsening lung problems,” and “various organs of his gastro-intestinal system were severely inflamed and infected.” Glenn stated, “That inflammation and infection entered his bloodstream (sepsis), and then traveled to and began to compromise and cause failure in one organ after the next: his pancreas, kidneys, liver and finally his lungs.”
These are all conditions known to be associated with the injections dating as far back as Pfizer’s own cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse events reports through February 28, 2021, presented to the FDA revealing 1,228 deaths, 158,893 adverse events, and 1,291 side effects.
The nine-page single-spaced list of side effects begins here.
As British Medical Journal Senior Editor Peter Doshi reported on December 16, 2022, 1 in 800 injectees were found to be “seriously harmed” and have experienced “serious adverse events” in both the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials:

Dr. Jessica Rose and numerous other scientists have repeatedly demonstrated satisfaction of the Bradford Hill criteria proving causality for the adverse events reported to VAERS (at the time of this writing, there are 1,595,001 reports, including 36,286 deaths, through September 22, 2023).
On May 17, 2023, one of the world’s premier experts on excess mortality analysis Dr. Denis Rancourt testified before the National Citizen’s Inquiry that 13 million deaths can be directly attributable to the experimental injection. Supported by an 894-page book of exhibits, this figure that has now been updated to 17 million deaths (1 death per 470 living persons) in the recently published report COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere, where the authors write:
“We quantify the overall all-ages vDFR for the 17 countries to be (0.126 ± 0.004) %, which would imply 17.0 ± 0.5 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide, from 13.50 billion injections up to 2 September 2023. This would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any deaths.”
I have compiled thousands of additional references demonstrating evidence of injection harm and fatalities. This is a good place to start:
Occam’s razor does the rest.
If you have an alternative explanation for why a vibrantly healthy 37-year-old would suddenly develop a cascade of mysterious symptoms that baffled doctors whose salaries depend on their not understanding the cause, to paraphrase Upton Sinclair, and who can only come up with, “These things just happen,” feel free to share your evidence-supported hypothesis.
Otherwise, the onus is on those who have administered an experimental product with multilayered novel components (mRNA, lipid nanoparticles, spike protein) without performing the usual rigorous 10–15-year-long process previously required to test the long-term safety of new vaccines to prove this new technology is not responsible for the millions of deaths and injuries that coincided directly with the global injection rollout.
Here is a compilation of relevant articles if you would like to explore more evidence:
JMcS: Thank you for that comprehensive reply. Just to be clear, I am just ad sceptical about vaccines & Big Pharma (although without your knowledge) so my question was not a challenge. As a follower of Glenn's work I knew the detail he'd published about David's illness but had seen nothing published that raised the question of vaccines. So, this isn't, as someone says on this thread, “another one bites the dust”. I simply now have some further information which is what I sought.
FYI (& anyone else) I was vaccinated, only then contracted covid, & will have nothing more to do with such ‘treatment’. What others choose to do I will leave to them.
MAA: Thank you for your thoughtful follow-up, JMcS, and I am grateful to know you found my response useful.
I applaud your efforts to seek corroborating details as it only does a disservice to the truth for people to make ostentatious claims like I admittedly did without something to back it up. Your asking that question gave me an opportunity to provide substantiating evidence, which I appreciate.
The fact that you got injected and subsequently woke up to the deception is to your immense credit and shows you have successfully completed my 12-step recovery program from menticide :-)
By doing so, you likely saved yourself from long-term suffering and a tragically early death.
You are a rarity, and I only wish more people possessed the humility, wisdom, and clarity you displayed by reflecting on your experience and recalibrating your position accordingly.
You give me hope that others may one day wake from their daze and follow in your brave footsteps.
JMcS: It took no bravery I assure you. But thank you for your reply.
MAA: It may not feel that way to you, but too many people fear having their beliefs challenged and take the cowardly route of denial. They don’t realize the beliefs they are protecting so aggressively are not even their own but unexamined slogans that have been crafted by behavioral psychologists and drilled into their heads by propagandists.
Laura Dodsworth’s new book, Free Your Mind, guides people through the journey of liberation from this form of mind control that is so immersive, scarcely anyone realizes it is happening.
So you are to be congratulated for breaking out of the echo chamber and drawing your own informed conclusions, JMcS, even if you don’t realize what a significant step you have taken.
Additional thoughts from the inimitable Sasha Latypova:
Sasha Latypova: This is an example of vaccination induced dysbiosis, which depending on the person’s own vulnerabilities, will destroy them slowly or quickly, one - or multiple organs at a time. All vaccines today can cause it, but the genetic ones are obviously especially horrible, since they transfect the cells very efficiently.
MAA: Thank you for weighing in with your considerable expertise, Sasha Latypova.
I was thinking while reading the progression of David’s symptoms that they sounded like what happens to patients poisoned with remdesivir. Would you say that is an accurate comparison, or is it an oversimplification to conflate them?
Sasha Latypova: It’s possible. Since we are just guessing here and don’t have medical history. It is also possible he was given remdesivir in addition to being injected, in which case that simply endured his demise. The establishment medical system is completely set up to murder people with a variety of “protocols”.
Note: Typos have been left intact for fidelity, and inline links have been embedded, unrelated remarks excised, and tags converted to names for ease of reading.
Notes for Discussion: If you would like to bear witness to the deaths and suffering of family members, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, neighbors, and other individuals whose lives and health have been stolen by injection, please feel free to share your testimony in the comments. Together, let us document the real-life experiences the demociders are using every propaganda arm and psychological weapon at their disposal to memory-hole.

© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC

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🤲 One-Time Support
After PayPal canceled me last year, my donations plummeted and I lost nearly all of my recurring donations. This is just one of the many ways the silencers try to hurt dissidents. Thank you for whatever you can give to help me fight back.

📣 Action Alert
The Great Freeset
The Great Freeset is off and running! I previously shared that I had the joy of connecting two of my favorite people in the world: cartoonist Anne Gibbons and World Council for Health Founder Dr. Tess Lawrie. Now the fruits of that connection are blossoming in Anne’s illustrations for The Great Freeset. Begin your journey toward independence, resilience, and freedom by signing up at The Great Freeset today!

👏 Rounds of Applause
Health Freedom Defense Fund
The organization that won its lawsuit challenging the federal mask mandate is celebrating ANOTHER epic lawfare victory. Thanks to the efforts of Leslie Manookian’s Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), the Los Angeles Unified School District “voted to rescind the COVID vaccine mandate for its teachers and employees.”
A treasured friend and the fearless force behind the The Greater Good documentary, Leslie Manookian has been battling Big Pharma and exposing government collusion and propaganda ever since her awakening to corruption more than two decades ago.

Please consider following Leslie on Substack and supporting the HFDF’s ongoing lawsuits in defense of our civil liberties and bodily autonomy.
Interest of Justice
Completely pro bono, Interest of Justice is trailblazing lawfare cases to prosecute crimes against humanity and has a Nuremberg hearing scheduled in Costa Rica on November 9. My hope is other intrepid attorneys and organizations in other countries around the world will replicate their model as together we work to deliver international justice on behalf of the injured, murdered, and bereaved.
You can follow Interest of Justice on Substack and support their heroic legal efforts by donating here.
📰 Off-Stack Article
The Smiles of Dictators
Real Left published The Smiles of Dictators, which I adapted from my letter exchange with David Josef Volodzko:
Dissident Dialogues: Margaret Anna Alice (Rolling: Q&A #1)
They previously published my article In Praise of Dangerous Freedom from this piece:
My Two-Year Stackiversary: Lattice of Coincidence + The Courage to Face the Truth
🤗 Shoutouts Gratitude
Dr. Paul Alexander
Dr. Paul Alexander shared Baby Alex’s tragic story for a second time, having previously raised awareness about the fatal blood clot Alex suffered after he was administered an unnecessary and likely vaxx-tainted blood transfusion against his parents’ will.
Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother’s Own Words
Dr. Jessica Rose, Princess of Scientific Rigor
I want to thank Dr. Jessica Rose, whom I’ve dubbed the Princess of Scientific Rigor, for stating, once again, that Mistakes Were NOT Made in her slide deck for the Urgent Expert Hearing on Reports of DNA Contamination in mRNA Vaccines recently hosted by the World Council for Health.

Jason Powers
Thanks to Jason Powers of DCF Press for including my Dissident Dialogue in this Substackers of the Week roundup:
More “Philanthropath” Propagation
I made the mistake of searching Twitter for “philanthropath” the other day and found myself scrolling through hundreds, perhaps thousands of posts—so many I had to give up as it appeared it would never end. That, to me, shows we are well on our way to getting “philanthropath” into official dictionaries, with special thanks to people like the radiant Neil Oliver using it again and again.
The following Substack posts also made mention of “philanthropath”:
Vandana Shiva
The Bootheel Conservative was kind enough to share this video where Vandana Shiva uses “philanthropath” in an interview by Russell Brand (I have not had time to watch this to confirm, but if you do, please share the timestamp in the comments):

🎸 Music
Stove Ryan and the Mechanical Wildlife recently released “The Philanthropath”:
📖 Urban Dictionary
I finally got around to adding my own entry to the Urban Dictionary for “philanthropath” with the definition from my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series. JulesV had added an entry for it the day after I published my series, but he did not use my definition, so it has caused some confusion. I want the definition to be as clear as possible before it is incorporated into mainstream dictionaries :-) I would be grateful if you guys would thumbs-up my definition so it appears at the top for future searches, assuming that’s how it works.
📚 Original Series
ICYMI, below is the original series where I first coined and defined the term along with my Corona Investigative Committee presentation in which I stated, “If people take anything away from this presentation, I want it to be ‘philanthropath.’”
Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship
A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation
⚔️ Cross-Post
Texas Arcane of Vault-Co Communications cross-posted COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It with this note:
“This is awesome. Everything this woman writes is excellent. Read it carefully and listen to everything she is saying. Read the poem at the end. This is the way you get out of this world sane if that interests you.”
👋 Welcome!
Andrew Barr
I am delighted to welcome Jews for Justice Founder Andrew Barr to Substack. I first met Andrew when I published the letter he cosigned condemning the weaponization of “anti-semite” to silence dissidents I published in Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay.
Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay
Andrew has come out of the gates roaring with this blazing critique of Naomi Klein’s decline into menticide, failure to register the lessons of her own past work, and vicious maligning of Naomi Wolf, who proved herself a courageous seeker of truth rather than a fanatical defender of regime propaganda like Naomi Klein has become.
Andrew’s piece makes an excellent companion to Toby Rogers’s own brilliant analysis:
One of the thousands of article ideas I’ve jotted down over the years is “A Tale of Two Naomis” (on June 28, 2022—over a year before Klein published Doppelganger). Since Toby and Andrew have done such a good job of covering this topic, I can cross it off my todo list 😅
Rozali Telbis
In my two-year Stackiversary post, I wrote of my fellow Nevermore Media contributor and kindred thinker Rozali Telbis: “Being the rebel that she is, Rozali Telbis is using Ghost instead of Substack, although I hope she’ll be joining us here soon.”
Well, “soon” has arrived!
My Two-Year Stackiversary: Lattice of Coincidence + The Courage to Face the Truth
Rozali’s iconoclastic take on humans’ proclivity for hero worship is a great place to start and also enables me to check another article idea (“We Don’t Need Another Hero”) off my todo list. Only 3,000 or so more articles in progress to finish. Yay!
🕸 From the Archives
I kicked off a new series for paid subscribers to share past writings, including my first essay published in a book. I am relieved to see it still holds up twenty-five years later.
📚 New Book!
Canary in a COVID World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our World (Paperback, Kindle)
I am honored to have my work featured alongside that of thirty-three fellow thought leaders in the newly released book Canary in a COVID World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our (My) World. Proceeds will be donated to: React19, Children’s Health Defense, and ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network).

To help boost search availability and rankings, please consider purchasing copies as well as rating and reviewing it (it has all five-star reviews as of the time of this writing). The description reads:
“The contributors to this collection of essays are courageous people.
“They are critical thinkers who are prepared to put everything on the line to speak their truth. They strive to alert us all to what COVID was, and what may lie ahead.
“They are community leaders. They are novelists, journalists, lawyers, judges, scientists, doctors, academics, politicians, researchers, vaccine-injured and data experts. Some shouted from the rooftops from the very beginning of the pandemic, others found their voices as the contradictions in public policy and health policy became undeniable.
“What unites them is that they have given those looking for answers, factual evidence. They have alleviated fear and given us hope. They have shown us all that if our opinions fall outside those deemed acceptable by mainstream media, we are not alone.
“The subject of COVID is often too sensitive to introduce into polite conversation. Battle lines are drawn and more often than not there’s no amount of data, facts or opinion that will change perspectives. However, we believe that once people understand that their opinions have been formed based on information that has been heavily censored and that most legacy media are now instruments of propaganda, they will be more inclined to entertain the possibility that all is not what it seems.
“The endeavour of this book is to bring thoughtful voices together to sing as one choir. The diversity of these voices that harmonise may allow others to hear the music. Over the last three years solo voices have too often been drowned out of the discourse.
“For once you see it, you can’t unsee it. You’ll understand the power of censorship and propaganda to conceal the lies and dishonesty that now underpin our societal foundations.”
Follow Canary in a COVID World on Substack and Twitter for chapter teasers and news about the book:
🛒 Spread the Words
If you would like to help propagate the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made, you will find a wide selection of products in my Mistakes Were NOT Made collection, including:

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Download the E-Book
Paid subscribers can download the beautifully typeset and illustrated e-book of my fairy tale, The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion. It is equivalent to the paperback version (retails $12.99) and much prettier than the Kindle version (retails $5.99). Click here to access the downloadable PDF (the post will be unlocked once you subscribe).
⏰ Wake-up Toolkit
If you’re new to my Substack, my Wake-up Toolkit is a great way to get acquainted with my content. I’ve organized my articles by topic for easy reference and use in your red-pilling efforts as needed. I will update this to reflect new content as it is published.
Click here to see upcoming IPAK-EDU courses, and please use my affiliate code (MAA1IPAK) to register for any you decide to take.

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I have just returned from a funeral. My neighbour died suddenly . We were not friends. At one time we were good neibours and helped each other out as we both lived on farms. that was before the plandemic and fear that became etched on people's lives. The last time I saw him was this summer in August. It was terribly hot and humid , about 95-100 F. This is typical summer weather in Ontario.
I saw him in the parking lot of Superstore with a mask on. I walked up to him and said "Tim ,Take off that stupid mask it's not doing anything for you and never has. It can't be healthy wearing that in this sweltering heat"
He replied "Oh Mr. Anti- vaxxer you would know, you think all that exercise and weight lifting will save you from the variant". "The only thing that can save you and all of us is the vaccine you idiot"
I walked away. Today at the funeral at least 15-20% were wearing masks.
Tim was 10 years younger than I am. He was 63 , from a family of medical people who are all baffled what could have caused this sudden death.
I am neither his friend or enemy just disturbed that a life was cut short for utterly no reason what so ever.
Beautifully said. We must find our love and compassion for each other as humans once again. It cannot end this way.