“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
―William Shakespeare, The Tempest (paperback, Kindle, audiobook)

This Halloween, I have a special treat for you: the terrifically talented Tonika Todorova of Visceral Adventure surprised me with a new video illustrating my Anatomy of a Philanthropath poem.
If you’re looking for last-minute costume ideas, who better than a philanthropath to scare the bejesus out of trick-or-treaters?
If you missed our first collaboration, Tonika’s visualization of Do You Remember? is a must-watch:
I published the short story on which it was based at the end of this post:
Sidenote: That post provides instructions on how to order signed copies of my fairy tale at bulk discounts. If you are considering buying personalized copies to give as gifts, please reply to this newsletter (or any of my emails) to place your order ASAP as I need sufficient time to have author copies shipped to me and then to sign, package, and mail them to you. Plus, wouldn’t it be nice to get your Christmas shopping sorted two months early?
Coincidentally, both Tonika and I appeared as guests on the Digital Autonomy & the Arts series Gabriel of Libre Solutions Network recently launched if you’d like to watch our interviews:

I’d better start preparing for the onslaught of trick-or-treaters. I was considering being George Soros, but I don’t have time to grave-rob the decaying face of a recently departed centenarian, so I guess I’ll settle for Hillary Clinton if I can rustle up a witch hat and find enough body bags to bedeck our lawn ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️
Anatomy of a Philanthropath
by Margaret Anna Alice
A philanthropath wants you dead … for the good of humanity.
A philanthropath wants you enslaved … for the good of liberty.
A philanthropath wants you silenced … for the good of free speech.
A philanthropath wants you confined … for the good of your health.
A philanthropath wants to surveil you … for the good of security.
A philanthropath wants you to eat orthopterans … for the good of the planet.
A philanthropath wants you to pay more for less … for the good of the economy.
A philanthropath wants you to own nothing … for the good of the reset.
A philanthropath wants you ill … for the good of their sickcare system.
A philanthropath wants you dependent … for the good of their fiefdom.
A philanthropath wants you addicted … for the good of their supplying.
A philanthropath wants you to sacrifice … for the good of their coffers.
A philanthropath wants to sacrifice you … for the good of their spoils.
A philanthropath wants you asleep … for the good of their programming.
A philanthropath wants you ignorant … for the good of their steering.
A philanthropath wants you anxious … for the good of their molding.
A philanthropath wants you deluded … for the good of their lying.
A philanthropath wants you oblivious … for the good of their narrative.
A philanthropath wants you fearful … for the good of their terror.
A philanthropath wants you hateful … for the good of their politics.
A philanthropath wants you isolated … for the good of their bonding.
A philanthropath wants you envious … for the good of their victim factory.
A philanthropath wants you aggrieved … for the good of their votes.
A philanthropath wants you submissive … for the good of their coercion.
A philanthropath wants you cowardly … for the good of their tyranny.
A philanthropath wants you hopeless … for the good of their triumph.
A philanthropath doesn’t want you to think,
A philanthropath doesn’t want you to see what they’re doing,
question their motives,
know they’re scripting you.
A philanthropath doesn’t want you to feel fulfilled,
find truth,
be free.
A philanthropath doesn’t want you to wake up,
overcome our differences,
have inner peace,
love one another.
A philanthropath doesn’t want Us to say “NO!”
A philanthropath doesn’t want Us to know We’re powerful.
A philanthropath doesn’t want Us to realize We outnumber Them.
A philanthropath doesn’t want Us to rise up, prosecute, and convict
Video Platforms
This video is now available on the following platforms for embedding and sharing:
YouTube • Rumble • Odysee • Bitchute
P.S. Don’t forget to upvote my Urban Dictionary entry for “philanthropath” now that I’ve finally gotten around to adding it!

© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC

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📚 New Book!
Canary in a COVID World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our World (Paperback, Kindle)
I am honored to have my work featured alongside that of thirty-three fellow thought leaders in the newly released book Canary in a COVID World: How Propaganda & Censorship Changed Our (My) World. Proceeds will be donated to: React19, Children’s Health Defense, and ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network).

To help boost search availability and rankings, please consider purchasing copies as well as rating and reviewing it (it has all five-star reviews as of the time of this writing). The description reads:
“The contributors to this collection of essays are courageous people.
“They are critical thinkers who are prepared to put everything on the line to speak their truth. They strive to alert us all to what COVID was, and what may lie ahead.
“They are community leaders. They are novelists, journalists, lawyers, judges, scientists, doctors, academics, politicians, researchers, vaccine-injured and data experts. Some shouted from the rooftops from the very beginning of the pandemic, others found their voices as the contradictions in public policy and health policy became undeniable.
“What unites them is that they have given those looking for answers, factual evidence. They have alleviated fear and given us hope. They have shown us all that if our opinions fall outside those deemed acceptable by mainstream media, we are not alone.
“The subject of COVID is often too sensitive to introduce into polite conversation. Battle lines are drawn and more often than not there’s no amount of data, facts or opinion that will change perspectives. However, we believe that once people understand that their opinions have been formed based on information that has been heavily censored and that most legacy media are now instruments of propaganda, they will be more inclined to entertain the possibility that all is not what it seems.
“The endeavour of this book is to bring thoughtful voices together to sing as one choir. The diversity of these voices that harmonise may allow others to hear the music. Over the last three years solo voices have too often been drowned out of the discourse.
“For once you see it, you can’t unsee it. You’ll understand the power of censorship and propaganda to conceal the lies and dishonesty that now underpin our societal foundations.”
Follow Canary in a COVID World on Substack and Twitter for chapter teasers and news about the book:
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Speaking as a frustrated Canadian, I will strongly say you can take your philanthropic actions (evil doings) elsewhere. They can go back through the door, window or portal they entered. The are not welcomed here. Take your crap and bs with you as well.
As a fellow Proud Canadian, I am ashamed of our drama teacher PM, as well as the inherently incompetent NDP that continue to keep him in power...
I can only hope that Justin will be exìled to the dumpster where he has always belonged.
I share a similar sentiment to you. Yet, my larger concerns are that many of our politicans are poisoned by the agenda that the ngos are pushing. We have long sense lost Canadian values to the global agenda. The more I learn, the more I realize that Canadians have been lied to and manipulated.
I am trying to figure out what to do from here?
One of the grandest delusions about humiliating & demoralizing evil agendas: the victims feel helpless to do anything about it, and when one person sticks their head up to lead, they smack it down & further that belief...until one day, when too many people all speak up, do things, like kindness for strangers, filing FOIA requests, writing letters to remove and replace corrupt judges and prosecutors, campaigning for good candidates who won't sell out, advocating for those who are injured by the vax, standing up at city council meetings, school board meetings, so that they are overwhelmed with the response en masse...praying that this will happen all over the world soon....before WWIII happens beyond repair...blessings!
We Are In WW3 Already In An Unconventional Irregular Warfare Conflict!
They May Not Be Dying From Lead Being Fired But They Are Certainly Being Shot Indeed & Much More!
There Is Only One Option But Nobody Is Willing To Get The Ball Rolling!
I am looking for ideas.
Lied To, Manipulated & Stolen From For A Very Long Time!
Now Our Murder Is On The Table in Many Forms!
That's a perfect place - but let it be a dramatic rainbow dumpster.
And someone, please light that rainbow dumpster on fire and float it down the Ottawa River.
Thank you in advance.
We have ALL been manipulated and deceived for generations. Canadian, American, British, Australian, New Zealand, it does not matter. People across the globe have been vastly deceived by their leaders and for an unthinkably long time. We share in your frustrations, fears, and anxieties. It is a difficult time to be alive for all of us.
As an American, I wish the people of Canada only the best. I stand with all people who are fighting the coordinated evil enveloping our countries.
God bless.
I appreciate your statement. I, agree that we all have been manipulated and conned. I was merely speaking from my perspective. We need to learn from others experiences. There is problem-solving, strength and wisdom when we work together.
We have long since lost Canadian values...
The Canadian Values Are Still There In Most Canadians But Overshadowed By All The Buffoons & Their Shenanigans!
Remarkable story of surviving under what Philanthropaths unleashed: "My small family spent two years of our lives essentially stateless, stranded at sea, 18,000km from home, floating on 40ft of fiberglass. ‘Freedom to transact’ literally became a matter of life or death. This is our story.
Australia locked its citizens out from returning during the pandemic. My family (wife and three kids 3, 5 and 6 months old) were sailing on a catamaran in the eastern Caribbean at the time. We ended up there for two years waiting out the pandemic...."
read in full ~
Canadian friends of ours were stranded in Italy, forbidden to drive because of a new law requiring foreign drivers to speak fluent Italian, living in their summer home in Umbria without heat for two winters, in poor health. They left Canada just before lockdown, intending to return in six months as usual. They are in poor health, have aged considerably and are nearly wiped out financially. And no longer have a place to live in Canada.
Italy, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Austria and Germany were among the worst places to be trapped during the Plandemonium.
Bravo, beautifully said and pictured, and a sad commentary on our times.
When can we rid this time and earth plane of these evil beings?
Brilliant and profound, again. Thanks
Philanthrocrats are "giving away their money" to make even more. Philanthrocapitalist generosity always comes with a hook, or a gill net.
CFR - NEVER forget that individuals are the make up of different Global Groups other than the WEF or UN.. Whitney Webb spoke of these groups this past year - I will share this article on the CFR/CNP:
Syndicated columnist Edith Kermit Roosevelt, granddaughter of Teddy Roosevelt, explained: The word “Establishment” is a general term for the power elite in international finance, business, the professions and government, largely from the northeast, who wield most of the power regardless of who is in the White House. Most people are unaware of the existence of this “legitimate Mafia.” Yet the power of the Establishment makes itself felt from the professor who seeks a foundation grant, to the candidate for a cabinet post or State Department job. It affects the nation’s policies in almost every area.
Roosevelt added that this group’s goal is “a One World Socialist state governed by ‘experts’ like themselves.” David Rockefeller, the longtime chairman (and now chairman emeritus) of the CFR, acknowledged the role of the establishment. As long as the CFR controls our government, we can anticipate more of the same: diminishing national sovereignty; free flow of immigration (which confuses national identity and weakens national loyalties); increasing jobs losses through multinational trade agreements; further internationalization of law (Law of the Sea Treaty, Kyoto Protocol, World Court, global taxation, etc.); increasing loss of freedoms in a “surveillance society”; progressive organization of the United States, Mexico, and Canada into a North American Union; and ultimately, broader merger into a world government where all power will be concentrated in the hands of the elite.
reading a book by David Icke. The devils. They even look the part.
Brilliant poetry and visuals! The cockroaches in parliaments are continuing to claim they might have made "mistakes", answering allowable "questions" in fake "inquiries"...to which we can reply with your anthem.
Your ‘philanthropath’ link goes to the other person who, it appears, lifted the entry
from your own authoring. grr.. so I unliked theirs and liked your entry, as it should be!
Very kind of you, Syd! Yes, JulesV added that entry the day after I published my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series (June 24, 2022). I tried to track him down to request that he use the definition from my article to avoid confusion. When that failed, I asked Urban Dictionary if I could edit or annotate that entry, and they said my only option was to add my own entry, which I *finally* got around to doing recently. I’m not sure if JulesV’s entry will always be at the top because it was first or if mine will get bumped up once there are more upvotes, so that was another reason I was asking people to upvote it.
It does work by upvotes, and it’s an excellent word - I can’t wait till someone inadvertently uses it as an introduction at a fundraiser!! LOL… so .. come on, people, keep voting! *•*
I added mine, and downvoted JulesV's as I know MAA went out of her way to contact them regarding this, and was willing to allow them as first poster to keep it, and to just add her definition. Yet they chose to ignore her after stealing her term.
I too hope people will take the time to follow the link and upvote MAA she deserves it.
When I followed the link today it actually showed MAA's post above JulesV's?
Here's the link if anyone didn't find it at the bottom of the article
Good idea to add “philanthropathogist,” Kelly! Can you share the link so I can upvote it? I looked but couldn’t find it so am guessing it’s still pending approval.
Great to know my definition is first now—thank you for letting me know! It must be the downvotes on the other definition that did it. I feel badly for JulesV because I did appreciate him adding it originally but just wish he had included the proper definition and attribution.
LOL, I hadn't added it, I was referring to adding my vote to yours. So I had to go and try to now. Using it in a sentence was a bit challenging, and luckily I still have my gmail account I never use. It's pending approval, if they do. It was fun none the less.
I'm just glad to see your definition on top now! It's hard to feel sorry for JulesV when he totally ignored your attempt to contact him regarding it, and there is no way he came up with the exact same word the day after you used it without reading your post. He was being selfish by not acknowledging you IMHO.
That Is odd that MAA’s post is first!😹…and more odd yet is the exponential jump in upvotes on the thief’s post yet their post is loaded second. LOL Sometimes, the Universe is watching.
Thank you Margaret AA. Great team work here. We do nothing alone and it is good to see the joining of two creative minds in the work to awaken and vitalize our campaign.
Well said. Well done.
Upvoted philanthropath, purchased (Canary...) on Kindle, already following on social media and Notes...your works are among my absolute favorites!
Aww, bless you, Bianca! 🙏💓🤗
This is so Halloween-perfect!!🐈⬛
Great video!
Recent events have had me fixated on not only is the medium the message, but the *means* are as well. This poem does a great job at exemplifying why.
It's not just about goals, but how you plan to get there.
I really appreciate the inclusion of our recent chat! 😊
Thank you
Philanthropaths want you led, for the good of your thoughts:
(Look at the comments. People are not buying it).
Quite the list/breakdown ... as terrifying as it is comprehensive. Philanthropathology is seriously scary!
That photo of Tony Blair gives me the screaming heebie jeebies every time I see it...
'The Devils of Earth'.
These are the first for the Gallows.
Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Poem (Video)
Now that is one commercial I would be happy to see in between Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.
That was great!
Bloody excellent little poem and video combo - 100% spot on !
verse of wisdom so aptly illustrated in the "viddeo!" As fer them "philanthropaths" at least one certified crackpot wants all of 'em "berled" in hog fat an' served cold (best way ta "dish out" revenge!) at Bohemian Grove with Marina Abramović as "chef" forced ta choke on her own "killer" confections). We kin all hope, can't we?!
Your words were very poignant and touched every aspect of their sinister nature. What do we call those who whether wittingly or unwittingly are compelled to oblige their ever beck and call,
Thank you, KellyG, and what a great idea to come up with a term for that! I love your suggestion. I was tempted to tweak it to “philanthropathologists” for clarity and rhythm, but having the existing term “pathologist” in there may add confusion. Hmm …
I like the original word, and as I posted above, when I followed the link today your definition was above JulesV's. I'm not sure if was because I followed your link, but I don't remember it being on top when I went there last night.
Love the poem and the video so much I made a reaction video to it and put it up on my YouTube channel. I wonder if it will earn me another "Community Content strike" Oh well . . .
Wow, thank you so much, Corrin! I look forward to sharing this with my readers.
I especially appreciate your comparison at the end to Orwell’s doublethink slogans, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” The connection hadn’t occurred to me but is certainly valid.
No problem. I don't know if you were aware I also did a reaction on Rumble to your "Don't let them get away with it" video.
Perfect. Succinct.
Paying it forward.
Thank-you. ❤
Great Shakespeare quote; it's amazing that he still speaks to us 500 years later...
Which to me proves that whatever you believe human nature to be; it hasn't changed much since his day.
I only recently found out (and I’ve been doing theatre for 40 years) that Shakespeare (or the Shakespeare Project) might have been a very intentional Empire device led by Francis Bacon to spread a global language, a shift in paradigm from alchemy to science, a seeding of acceptance of cults such as free masonry, and an all around occultist in-signaling. It blew my mind. The evidence is compelling. Not to take away from the quote. Just seeing it for the intended multi-meaning triple-speak that often swells within “Shakespeare” language.
How interesting.
Can you provide any data links or should I just go down the rabbit hole and see what I find?
There’s 11 episodes in this podcast that’s quite entertaining. It also chalk full of references and mentions of books, videos, and articles to check out. There’s also a website with the same name that lists all the evidence that props up The Shakespeare Project. My mind was blown. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2l6tcovCidJzXX9Sb9bvzq?si=U_yxq5SWQpyUPRyZDJzvXw
Thanks! (Ask and ye shall receive. 😉)
I would first like to compliment you on your poem. Every word true, and the motive behind this global cabal is the enslavement of humanity. I wonder if you are familiar with Dr. Sam Bailey, if not then you should be. The elephant in the room is the scientific fact that no such thing as a virus exists anywhere except in computer labs. The entire so-called discipline of virology is as phony as the Democracy they tell us exists. Both are lies. Don't believe me? Go to Doctor Baileys website and watch the videos of the evidence, or lack of evidence. No virus has ever been photographed, mapped, seen, broken down, and the scientific method was thrown out the window, so if science and the scientific method are the gold standard, why did they not use it in virology? Read the book by Eustice Mullins, Murder by injection, and see that allopathic medicine is and was a profit over people business model controlled by the Rockefeller family to begin with. It has taken them and their cronies many decades to get control over the entire fraud of pandemics. All the devils are here to include all agencies of the government, WHO, WEF, Welcome Trust, et al. Dr. Peter Mccullah has stated that he has a photo of a virus. Has not shown it yet, but he insists that he has one! No one has one because they do not exist, never did!
Really touches on it all - doesn’t it ?
Excellent. A precision arrow of words and imagery that goes right to the heart of the matter.
Thank you both.
Spot On Sis!
Lovely Poem With Loads Of Truth & Eloquently Read!
There Are Many Philanthropath's Believing They Are In Control Of This World Today!
Here Is An Interesting Book On One Of Them I Think You Would Enjoy!
Great job on the video! Though I find it hard to feel this is important given the horrific suffering going on right now in Gaza, as a poet I have to carry on. To that end, here is my video (if viewing in YouTube, set resolution to 1080) from a recent performance: https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/summer-of-fire-poetry-video-release
It would be really nice if webmasters would stop putting start buttons in the middle of text.