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Speaking as a frustrated Canadian, I will strongly say you can take your philanthropic actions (evil doings) elsewhere. They can go back through the door, window or portal they entered. The are not welcomed here. Take your crap and bs with you as well.

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As a fellow Proud Canadian, I am ashamed of our drama teacher PM, as well as the inherently incompetent NDP that continue to keep him in power...

I can only hope that Justin will be exìled to the dumpster where he has always belonged.

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I share a similar sentiment to you. Yet, my larger concerns are that many of our politicans are poisoned by the agenda that the ngos are pushing. We have long sense lost Canadian values to the global agenda. The more I learn, the more I realize that Canadians have been lied to and manipulated.

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I am trying to figure out what to do from here?

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One of the grandest delusions about humiliating & demoralizing evil agendas: the victims feel helpless to do anything about it, and when one person sticks their head up to lead, they smack it down & further that belief...until one day, when too many people all speak up, do things, like kindness for strangers, filing FOIA requests, writing letters to remove and replace corrupt judges and prosecutors, campaigning for good candidates who won't sell out, advocating for those who are injured by the vax, standing up at city council meetings, school board meetings, so that they are overwhelmed with the response en masse...praying that this will happen all over the world soon....before WWIII happens beyond repair...blessings!

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We Are In WW3 Already In An Unconventional Irregular Warfare Conflict!

They May Not Be Dying From Lead Being Fired But They Are Certainly Being Shot Indeed & Much More!

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Lied To, Manipulated & Stolen From For A Very Long Time!

Now Our Murder Is On The Table in Many Forms!

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That's a perfect place - but let it be a dramatic rainbow dumpster.

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And someone, please light that rainbow dumpster on fire and float it down the Ottawa River.

Thank you in advance.

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We have ALL been manipulated and deceived for generations. Canadian, American, British, Australian, New Zealand, it does not matter. People across the globe have been vastly deceived by their leaders and for an unthinkably long time. We share in your frustrations, fears, and anxieties. It is a difficult time to be alive for all of us.

As an American, I wish the people of Canada only the best. I stand with all people who are fighting the coordinated evil enveloping our countries.

God bless.

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I appreciate your statement. I, agree that we all have been manipulated and conned. I was merely speaking from my perspective. We need to learn from others experiences. There is problem-solving, strength and wisdom when we work together.

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We have long since lost Canadian values...

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The Canadian Values Are Still There In Most Canadians But Overshadowed By All The Buffoons & Their Shenanigans!

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