May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I haven't watched nor owned a television in 25 years - I read every newspaper and magazine to simply stay informed on the latest lies and propaganda until it became so utterly irrational I stopped wasting my money and time. Cell phones and social media created and caused the downfall of society - the only thing I listen to on the radio is music and spend my entire life reading! However I also research everything I've read to make certain it's accurate. I say to friends all the time - go to a doctor who tells you - you have cancer and you go home and research it for days on end while also seeking out numerous expert opinions. Yet people turn on the TV and radio or open a newspaper and beleive every single thing as though it would the word of God. It's a lazy mans way of thinking they're actually informed. I can think of few things more detrimental than TV and social media. Just look at todays society to see how it's denigrated everything. We now live in an "all about me" society!

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Well done. Unfortunately, this will not work for those who are not open-minded and very dogmatic. They simply go straight into denial and ignore anything that is outside of their "official" channels of information. They also refuse to research, as they are too busy etc.

The major mistake our camp makes is the assumption that people on our side are immune to propaganda, psyops, and manipulation. This is entirely false. You can clearly see that when people share their other beliefs, part of their lives, things they do, and things they follow outside of the pandemic narrative.

At the same time, people on our side fail to realize that what occurred in March 2020, meaning a wide-scale propaganda campaign, is only half of the story, and this type of short-term programming was designed and always targeted at those who would predictably fall for it, the sheeple and the masses. All to get things moving in the desired direction or chosen narrative. It was not directed at dissenters, those who will resist and will not fall for cheap manipulation tricks.

The other half of the story is a decades-long propaganda and indoctrination process of domesticating human beings. Unfortunately, most people in our camp are clearly affected by it. It relies on psychological phenomena of self-deception, self-delusion, and self-sabotage. This is the long game of The Party, and these are the invisible and self-inflicted chains of humanity that prevent people from understanding what is really happening. My next publication will cover this issue, which most, if not all, people on our side are simply unaware of.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

This is an extraordinary gift to your subscribers. You've gathered a wealth of information in a single place. You deserve and have my heartfelt thanks for your hard work and noble service to the best in people. Thank you very, very much.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Look I’m going to be 100% honest here. As a nurse, I fell hook, line, and sinker in the beginning. I was watching TV. I was glued to the unfolding hypnotic narrative of the sirens calling me to join them, and for a very short while I did. I’d say just shy of 2 months. But I’ve always been an avid researcher, and I’ve been down this road before with H1N1 so it took me a little time to recognize I was being had…again. When H1N1 came around, NY state tried to mandate the H1N1 vaccine. I don’t take flu vaccines and I wasn’t going to start with a novel one when both I, and my 2 year old son, had H1N1 with no major issues. I figured out that scam when I went to be tested. I was positive for influenza A, but no sub-type was done but I was told anyway that I had H1N1. I contacted the health department explained I was an ICU nurse, and I said how do you know i have H1N1 if you don’t sub-type it. They said they weren’t sub-typing any test results unless you came into the ER symptomatic.. All other cases were being assumed!! So needless to say I was one of a very small number protesting mandatory H1N1 vaccine at the NY state Capitol in Albany that year. In the end they never ended up mandating it because they didn’t have enough money and doses to. What they subsequently ended up doing was mandating the flu shot or wear a mask policy during flu season. So I wore a mask! Which was why wearing a mask for me was no big deal. I’m teaching now, so although we stopped in 4/20, we had to go back in 6/20 to provide clinical hours in the lab to help our nursing students graduate on time. This was my wake up call. I worked all summer with college students in person and realized I was dealing with another inflated swine (inert animal reservoir) virus. Like Odysseus, I tied myself to the mast to listen to the sirens, but protected myself from jumping back in through my own research. I think Mike Yeadon was the first voice of reason I came across and I’ve never looked back! Thank you Margaret for this great piece. It’s hard to admit you’ve been had which is why I think most people won’t. Until these people stop thanking their vaccine for making them ill, I’m afraid all is lost!

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and when you’re totally burned out to the core of your being... get out into nature to refresh your senses and recoup your humanity...

...if you’re short on time, just visit my ‘kitten’s secret garden’ Substack ...


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Great book recommendations!

I think books are an underrated form of reclaiming ones mind.

You avoid the dopamine-treadmill of modern multimedia content as well as set your imagination free.

I've been meaning to set more time aside for calm reading.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Another admirable article.

Thanks for the word, Margaret.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

No TV here. Substack, Sharyl Attkisson and the kind are my news. Wearing Attkisson Tshirts daily. Tested positive for critical thinking ! Banned all the narrative followers from my newsfeed. Only have The Hill but hardly watch it.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Sure, although our family has turned off the TV, are growing a garden, and try to make and listen to good music, get outdoors, celebrate, create joy whenever and where ever ,etc as Lukas Nelson suggests in “Turn Off The TV and Grow A Garden”. OK. But, I make a joke out of it, but we’ve become big fans of, unapologetic, consumers of “creative content” from sources of those on “our” side. Great read - thanks. We tuned out, dropped out once before, dropped back in to support our family and now have become 2022 dropouts.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

thank you so much for introducing me to lukas lion.

immediately thought of this one: the walkabouts' life: the movie


for fun: media bear's hilarious snarky plandemic-themed cover songs:


for validation: turfseer's catchy scamdemic collection https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/sets/scamdemic-collection

wag the dog is the most apropos movie i can think of (although my dinner with andre, yes, absolutely!)

how about the plague by camus I(read it in the original french, la peste, if you can)

the album that got me through 2021 was the london symphony doing vaughan williams' symphonies #4 and 6. ralph vaughan williams wrote #4 in 1934 - a chilling parable of rising fascism. he wrote #6 in 1946, recycling several themes from #4. it's his i-told-you-so moment.. absolutely essential imo...

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I’m sharing this far and wide!

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May 15, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Another great film to add to your list is The Manchurian Candidate (the original 1962 masterpiece, not the 2004 abortion of a remake). I don't want to give away spoilers if you haven't seen it, but it provides a classic example of an unknowing, reflexive resort to catchphrases planted in the mouth through brainwashing. As a bonus, you get a textbook example of the concept of controlled opposition.

I know I was much more susceptible to brainwashing (which is what most advertising is) when I was younger. Thankfully I have had many flashes of insight over the years to draw me out of my funk, but I fear I may be over correcting because any more I find myself skeptical of practically everything I hear.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Excellent compilation as usual. We cannot thank you often enough for the many hours it takes you to do these posts. One thing I would like to add: people should familiarize themselves with the term "limited hangout" and how to recognize it in action. MSM is doing it now with regard to the adenovirus vector jabs, resurrecting the clotting issue known publicly for a year, to distract from the hepatitis issue, just emerging in the public eye.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for the in depth and hard work on this excellent article. I am a little sceptical regarding Russell Brand and Dr John Campbell on you tube however

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May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

An excellent article. I believe if enough people read it and followed your instructions it would work. They might need some incentive to do so though.

I own a bar and offer people freed drinks to participate in some questionnaires, thought exercises and watch some short videos. With the option to pay for the drinks after they've finished if they find it useful.

I also tried interviewing people for jobs and competitions which motivate them to understand the tasks I set. I think people need an incentive to motivate their attention.

Again great article

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May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I’ve been looking at this very thing for a decade. My framework relates to the nature of reality. The first description of what I saw was published in 2013 called The Spectacle of the Real - https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/the-spectacle-of-the-real?s=w. Apart from the book and leadership model that I wrote and created, the Circle of Impact, this essay is the most important. I’ve been on a road trip the past three weeks. I get home today. I have been testing a new way of looking at this in my conversations with friends and strangers. Unintentionally, it is a blue pill / red pill framework. I’ll be posting on this substantively in the next few days. Simply put, there is a linear process to the subversion of human agency. Four steps. Simulation-Seduction-Consciousness-Control. The Reality version goes like this. Reality-Tested Identity-Self Awareness-Freedom. I am surprised and pleased at the response. I’ll be posting on this at edbrenegar.Substack.com.

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