Oh God - we're related! I'm laughing of course. I don't socialize for that very reason. I personally can't be bothered with the phoniness. I think I've been to one wedding in my life simply because I've never played the game. People have said they find my honesty extremely intimidating which I find to be the ultimate compliment. I have n…
Oh God - we're related! I'm laughing of course. I don't socialize for that very reason. I personally can't be bothered with the phoniness. I think I've been to one wedding in my life simply because I've never played the game. People have said they find my honesty extremely intimidating which I find to be the ultimate compliment. I have no fears of being myself and saying exactly what I feel. Along with you, nothing makes me angrier than deceit and dishonesty. I don't forget and I sure as hell don't ever forgive. Not only do they pay their monthly predator's to receive their brainwashing's they then parrot it!
In the graduate school my classmates would always ask me to do like others.
My answer was simple: I am who I am and will NEVER imitate anybody!
They used to call me conspiracy theorist when I was telling them that Muslims were being targeted for destruction after the death of the USSR in 1991. I am not religious but many of them were Muslims... Today, we know that I was right after the complete destruction of Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iraq (twice) and Afghanistan...
Those that I was trying to protect were spending 24/7 in front of their TV getting intoxicated and totally ignored me.
By the time Covid-19 circus started I had already gathered a lot of clues about bio-weapons development and testing around the world. When in January 2020 I heard that companies were pulling out of MWC Barcelona because of a flu from China, it was obvious to me that another H1N1 scam was being attempted.
Today, we know clearly that it was yet another scamdemic.
When critical thinking and curiosity are lost in a civilization, that's the end of it. The real problem is the people (victims) not the predators. They succeed only because people allow them to succeed.
Ironically, I can't recall how I knew the lethal injections were just that other then good old fashioned common sense and that nothing made a modicum of sense. It was eventually Judy Mikovitz who solidified my doubts.
I agree with regard to critical thinking being lost and the end of everything. I personally attribute it all to the cell phones. It was a deliberate diversion and intentional dumbing down of society. They used the same addictive programing they use for video games. Phones have become more addictive than everything else combined - drugs and alcohol. Although I have one strictly for work it's a flip phone which I keep in the car. Eventually they'll come with the same warning cigarettes do - hazardous to your health. It's a sickness.
BTW it was Judy Garland who once said, never be a second rate version of someone else when you can be a first rate version of yourself.
ALL THIS BEING SAID what is your personal forecast for the future? I beleive and or hope the tide will completely turn once the mass casualties can no longer be swept under the rug. Check out your local obituary's and look at the age and or how many say DIED SUDDENLY!
What's happening is insane and this insanity is set to continue until all guinea pigs die. We're dealing with time bombs here.
I don't see how this madness can end well just looking at the number of Americans who have undergone an untested gene therapy. There are already millions at their 4th toxic abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injection each of which has been proven to delete/update some of their genes, suppress the CD8 cancer killing T cells, suppress their innate immune system, etc... You CANNOT undo the damages being done by these toxins.
These are crimes against humanity. Cancers are already going wild around the globe and are been hidden by the same predators who created the situation. Even the US army is completely disabled and nobody in the Congress is saying anything except for Senator Johnson: https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/services/files/FB6DDD42-4755-4FDC-BEE9-50E402911E02
The only way to know what's going on is to compare the all-cause mortality y/o/y, check the life insurance companies stocks, the funeral homes stocks.. I won't be surprised to see them even fudging the all-cause mortality deaths in the near future because there is no way they can hide the corpses they're producing daily. In some countries, the victims are been cremated within 24 hours to avoid the autopsy. i.e. kill the evidence that they were murdered by prescription.
When a German CEO of an Insurance company published the 2021 claims he was fired and the data removed from their website. So, the stock market is the only place where you can have an idea of what's going on with those companies.
I know two co-workers who have lost a combined 14 family members since the beginning of these human sacrifice rituals in December 2020 - where else can you find that information except from me?.
What's coming next is anyone's guess. The global predators are playing dice with mother nature and it's not going to end well.
Agree and knew mostly everything you said. It's unfathomable all they have gotten away with thus far. How many of us hoped they would eventually be held accountable. I find myself wondering how everyone seems to be going about their daily lives and normal routines as if everything is now fine. It's at times like this I question if I'm the one who's wrong. I keep sensing the time bomb explosion. Right now the cancer deaths are the most obvious but sadly everyone is chalking it up to just that, cancer, not the injections that exacerbated it!
To summarize - if the man made virus didn't kill you, then going to the hospital and either receiving the wrong (as in worst possible) treatment and or being sent home and instructed to return when you were really sick killed you - or the injections themselves killed you - or ignited the dormant cancer that killed you or destroyed your immune system that killed you and or your heart that killed you and the list goes on and on and on.
It is incomprehensible that people have still not seen the light. Sometimes I wonder if this is a deliberate elimination of the ignorant.
The recent outbreak of Deadly Hepatitis Among Children is still mysterious but some are pointing fingers to a chimpanzee adenovirus variant in both the AstraZeneca and Janssen Covid-19 quackcines. Who knows for sure what's the origin of this except that trying to play dice with the nature is very dangerous.
Let's wait to see what happens tomorrow. Changes are so fast that Bull Gates and Fauci might end up behind bars sooner than people think.
Oh God - we're related! I'm laughing of course. I don't socialize for that very reason. I personally can't be bothered with the phoniness. I think I've been to one wedding in my life simply because I've never played the game. People have said they find my honesty extremely intimidating which I find to be the ultimate compliment. I have no fears of being myself and saying exactly what I feel. Along with you, nothing makes me angrier than deceit and dishonesty. I don't forget and I sure as hell don't ever forgive. Not only do they pay their monthly predator's to receive their brainwashing's they then parrot it!
In the graduate school my classmates would always ask me to do like others.
My answer was simple: I am who I am and will NEVER imitate anybody!
They used to call me conspiracy theorist when I was telling them that Muslims were being targeted for destruction after the death of the USSR in 1991. I am not religious but many of them were Muslims... Today, we know that I was right after the complete destruction of Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iraq (twice) and Afghanistan...
Those that I was trying to protect were spending 24/7 in front of their TV getting intoxicated and totally ignored me.
By the time Covid-19 circus started I had already gathered a lot of clues about bio-weapons development and testing around the world. When in January 2020 I heard that companies were pulling out of MWC Barcelona because of a flu from China, it was obvious to me that another H1N1 scam was being attempted.
Today, we know clearly that it was yet another scamdemic.
When critical thinking and curiosity are lost in a civilization, that's the end of it. The real problem is the people (victims) not the predators. They succeed only because people allow them to succeed.
Ironically, I can't recall how I knew the lethal injections were just that other then good old fashioned common sense and that nothing made a modicum of sense. It was eventually Judy Mikovitz who solidified my doubts.
I agree with regard to critical thinking being lost and the end of everything. I personally attribute it all to the cell phones. It was a deliberate diversion and intentional dumbing down of society. They used the same addictive programing they use for video games. Phones have become more addictive than everything else combined - drugs and alcohol. Although I have one strictly for work it's a flip phone which I keep in the car. Eventually they'll come with the same warning cigarettes do - hazardous to your health. It's a sickness.
BTW it was Judy Garland who once said, never be a second rate version of someone else when you can be a first rate version of yourself.
ALL THIS BEING SAID what is your personal forecast for the future? I beleive and or hope the tide will completely turn once the mass casualties can no longer be swept under the rug. Check out your local obituary's and look at the age and or how many say DIED SUDDENLY!
What's happening is insane and this insanity is set to continue until all guinea pigs die. We're dealing with time bombs here.
I don't see how this madness can end well just looking at the number of Americans who have undergone an untested gene therapy. There are already millions at their 4th toxic abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injection each of which has been proven to delete/update some of their genes, suppress the CD8 cancer killing T cells, suppress their innate immune system, etc... You CANNOT undo the damages being done by these toxins.
These are crimes against humanity. Cancers are already going wild around the globe and are been hidden by the same predators who created the situation. Even the US army is completely disabled and nobody in the Congress is saying anything except for Senator Johnson: https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/services/files/FB6DDD42-4755-4FDC-BEE9-50E402911E02
The only way to know what's going on is to compare the all-cause mortality y/o/y, check the life insurance companies stocks, the funeral homes stocks.. I won't be surprised to see them even fudging the all-cause mortality deaths in the near future because there is no way they can hide the corpses they're producing daily. In some countries, the victims are been cremated within 24 hours to avoid the autopsy. i.e. kill the evidence that they were murdered by prescription.
When a German CEO of an Insurance company published the 2021 claims he was fired and the data removed from their website. So, the stock market is the only place where you can have an idea of what's going on with those companies.
I know two co-workers who have lost a combined 14 family members since the beginning of these human sacrifice rituals in December 2020 - where else can you find that information except from me?.
What's coming next is anyone's guess. The global predators are playing dice with mother nature and it's not going to end well.
What's coming next is anyone's guess.
Agree and knew mostly everything you said. It's unfathomable all they have gotten away with thus far. How many of us hoped they would eventually be held accountable. I find myself wondering how everyone seems to be going about their daily lives and normal routines as if everything is now fine. It's at times like this I question if I'm the one who's wrong. I keep sensing the time bomb explosion. Right now the cancer deaths are the most obvious but sadly everyone is chalking it up to just that, cancer, not the injections that exacerbated it!
To summarize - if the man made virus didn't kill you, then going to the hospital and either receiving the wrong (as in worst possible) treatment and or being sent home and instructed to return when you were really sick killed you - or the injections themselves killed you - or ignited the dormant cancer that killed you or destroyed your immune system that killed you and or your heart that killed you and the list goes on and on and on.
It is incomprehensible that people have still not seen the light. Sometimes I wonder if this is a deliberate elimination of the ignorant.
Dr. Peter McCullough Summarizes it in a single equation:
One mRNA + One Spike Protein = 1,291 Diseases + Unlimited Ways to Die
The recent outbreak of Deadly Hepatitis Among Children is still mysterious but some are pointing fingers to a chimpanzee adenovirus variant in both the AstraZeneca and Janssen Covid-19 quackcines. Who knows for sure what's the origin of this except that trying to play dice with the nature is very dangerous.
Let's wait to see what happens tomorrow. Changes are so fast that Bull Gates and Fauci might end up behind bars sooner than people think.
It’s ‘believe’, not ‘beleive’. :)