The recent outbreak of Deadly Hepatitis Among Children is still mysterious but some are pointing fingers to a chimpanzee adenovirus variant in both the AstraZeneca and Janssen Covid-19 quackcines. Who knows for sure what's the origin of this except that trying to play dice with the nature is very dangerous.
Let's wait to see what happens tomorrow. Changes are so fast that Bull Gates and Fauci might end up behind bars sooner than people think.
Dr. Peter McCullough Summarizes it in a single equation:
One mRNA + One Spike Protein = 1,291 Diseases + Unlimited Ways to Die
The recent outbreak of Deadly Hepatitis Among Children is still mysterious but some are pointing fingers to a chimpanzee adenovirus variant in both the AstraZeneca and Janssen Covid-19 quackcines. Who knows for sure what's the origin of this except that trying to play dice with the nature is very dangerous.
Let's wait to see what happens tomorrow. Changes are so fast that Bull Gates and Fauci might end up behind bars sooner than people think.