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I accept your observations regarding Dr John Campbell.With regard to Russell Brand he recently promoted in a video that the real solution is a one world governance.That is straight o…
I accept your observations regarding Dr John Campbell.With regard to Russell Brand he recently promoted in a video that the real solution is a one world governance.That is straight out of the WEF handbook.He also has 33 tatooed on his left wrist.However for me it was the fact that on his live tour in the UK last year (where I am) one of the principal venues in which he appeared would only admit an audience who could provide evidence of covid vaccination.He was in a position to stand up and cancel appearing at that venue.He did not do so.No walking the talking.Every totalitarian regime has to have its controlled opposition.Sorry to be a naysayer.
Whoa, I am shocked to hear about the one-world government stance and the denial of unvaxxed as those both seem like utter contradictions of everything I’ve heard him say, particularly in regard to his exposure of the Great Reset. If the venue issue occurred last year, perhaps that was before he was red-pilled, but I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on him. Thanks for the info.
33 tattooed on his left wrist
Thank you for your reply to my comment.
I accept your observations regarding Dr John Campbell.With regard to Russell Brand he recently promoted in a video that the real solution is a one world governance.That is straight out of the WEF handbook.He also has 33 tatooed on his left wrist.However for me it was the fact that on his live tour in the UK last year (where I am) one of the principal venues in which he appeared would only admit an audience who could provide evidence of covid vaccination.He was in a position to stand up and cancel appearing at that venue.He did not do so.No walking the talking.Every totalitarian regime has to have its controlled opposition.Sorry to be a naysayer.
Whoa, I am shocked to hear about the one-world government stance and the denial of unvaxxed as those both seem like utter contradictions of everything I’ve heard him say, particularly in regard to his exposure of the Great Reset. If the venue issue occurred last year, perhaps that was before he was red-pilled, but I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on him. Thanks for the info.