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I've never heard the term before and am therefore suspicious of new theories of language. Since the brain has a lot of flexibility in most people, it would only be killed when independence of intellect is no longer plausible or possible. Pharma represents a false model of human health where the human body and mind cannot heal itself. Too often online silos are mutual admiration societies where validation and agreement are assumed. People should remain skeptical especially with regard to partisan positions.

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“Menticide” is by no means a new term and was originally coined by Joost Meerloo in the 1956 publication “Rape of the Mind,” which I highly recommend reading (https://archive.org/details/joost-meerloo-rape-of-the-mind/page/n5/mode/2up). There is nothing partisan about it, and it simply documents the psychological techniques use to induce mental coercion, brainwashing, and mind control, drawing primarily from interrogation techniques and the Pavlovian reward-punishment model.

Causing “independence of intellect” to no longer be “plausible or possible” is the very goal of menticide and has been repeatedly demonstrated in interrogation situations and episodes of mass delusion like we’re experiencing now.

Orwell captured this perfectly in “1984,” where you see that, despite Winston’s inner certainty that he could never be changed on the inside, his mind ultimately was broken and remolded to believe “2 + 2 = 5.”

Victims of torture and interrogation experience the same thing when subjected to these techniques (which Biderman outlined in his Chart of Coercion in 1957), and Joost documents this extensively in the book. Being aware of the techniques used is the best defense against them, but anyone who thinks they are invulnerable to them is not properly prepared should they be subjected to such methodologies in the interrogation room.

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Ok, thanks. My suspicion of the word "menticide" centers around the pseudo-science of psychology. We have a lot of psych buzz words that are often used to manipulate, shame and discredit people. People say that something you eat, drink or see could "rewire" your brain which is a pretty radical assertion.

Another reluctance to assigning validity to the word "menticide" would be that every other "death" that -cide is used with is final, no possibility of recovery.

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I appreciate your response and understand your skepticism regarding pseudo-psychology. In this case, “menticide” is merely the term Meerloo chose to describe the brainwashing process that has been successfully used in interrogation, mass control, marketing/public relations, and propaganda since psychologists began to comprehend the power of the Pavlovian reward-punishment paradigm to rewire people’s brains.

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