Yes but the most important thing is to remain informed - to know just how extreme it's become. If not for that we wouldn't understand why society has become removed from all reality. MEN GIVING BIRTH? I still assume I'm missing something! Seriously!
It is truly a waste of time - but the majority of time when trying to have a logical conv…
Yes but the most important thing is to remain informed - to know just how extreme it's become. If not for that we wouldn't understand why society has become removed from all reality. MEN GIVING BIRTH? I still assume I'm missing something! Seriously!
It is truly a waste of time - but the majority of time when trying to have a logical conversation with anyone you know exactly where they obtained their information (opinion) from. Some of the prime examples of this are the ladies on The View. And to think Joy was once a teacher! God help us all! What galls me is their vehemence! I just want to say, do you even KNOW how stupid you are? I think Joy may have an inkling but certainly not Whoopie.
One better okay? Not only do people PAY for television (talk about how shocked I am regarding HOW MUCH they actually pay) they then parrot everything they hear and see. Sooah - talk about FREE advertising That's the one I truly love the best.
This is all part of what you're getting at as well.
True, BJ, although I have neither the time nor stomach to consume such brainwashing tripe. Fortunately, there are diligent foot soldiers performing the dirty work out there (e.g., Mark Dice repeatedly says he watches CNN, etc. so we don’t have to ;-) who bring the most egregious examples of hypocrisy and indoctrination to our attention without us having to subject our minds to such punishing inanity.
Your comment reminded me of another Joost passage I was tempted to include:
“Unknowingly, we may become opinionated robots. The slow coercion of hypocrisy, of traditions in our culture that have a levelling effect — these things change us. We crave excitement, hair-raising stories, sensation. We search for situations that create superficial fear to cover up inner anxieties. We like to escape into the irrational because we dislike the challenge of self-study and self-thinking. Our leisure time is occupied increasingly by automatized activities in which we take no part: listening to piped-in words and viewing television screens. We hurry along with cars and go to bed with a sleeping pill. This pattern of living in turn may open the way for renewed sneak attacks on our mind. Our boredom may welcome any seductive suggestion.…
“No brainwashing is possible without totalitarian thinking. The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological technique can brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way of living.”
Do you ever wonder if ALL the people who perpetuate these lies do so knowingly? It has been said, denial is your strongest emotion - which I agree with. Think long and hard about that. How many people live in total denial? I personally beleive, the vast majority.
I'm not talking about politics but everything in general. Marriages so forth and so on. I've often say to people - who're trying to convince, me or yourself? I beleive this is the root of the problem. Those that are so insecure - will do anything to be liked or part of the crowd. ANYTHING. It reminds me of the kid that brings candy to school so everyone will like him.
Strictly in my personal opinion a politician is tantamount to a rapist. It's all about power and control. That have the morals and ethics of a child molester which is why so many are involved in sex scandal's. But it all reverts back to security and how they will sell their soul or in this case, the full and complete destruction of America. At the end of the day how do they live with themselves? What is it that will even be left for their grandchildren? How sick and mentally ill is Nancy Pelosi? Just so she can wear her Armani suits and say . . . do you know who I am? How can she not see she is a laughing stock? Denial!
I think the difference lies in those of us who grew up and overcame great adversities. The school of hard knocks. That gave us the backbone to succeed and fear nothing. To know and then do right from wrong. It was those who were coddled, protected and given everything that are so insecure.
I don't vote I am not a Republican nor Democrat I refuse to be part of or enable the corruption malfeasance and subterfuge. Until there is a third party with term limits and compete removal of every single government alphabet agency., etc., they system will never change.
ALL this being said it is beyond incomprehensible when the POTUS states "MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" is the most dangerous movement in US history! It's not a movement but rather a mindset! Talk to anyone who supports it! What's next, saying God is evil? Although I must admit I'm starting to beleive the human race is becoming the worst race.
We have entered a very precarious time in history that is on the verge of annihilation. I can't stop thinking about how they are deliberately fueling this fire in every single imaginable way. CRIME and food shortages, out of control inflation, unsafe vaccines, the destruction of the education system. They are hellbent on destroying everything.
We now live in a completely lawless society where NOTHING is sacrosanct. Bernie Madoff did what he did because he could and the rest have since followed. I think to myself you too could be a billionaire if you circumvented every single law in existence. And yet these people are lauded? Are you kidding me? I'd rather sit with someone who built the GWB then folks like Steve Jobs and Bezo's that simply exploited cheap labor. It's such a shallow and superficial existence how they judge one and another by wealth and possessions. I can think of few things more pathetic and vile.
I can't help but think how or when this will all end. Or will it? I really wish people would start writing about the different possible outcomes of all of this.
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
And . . . . continue. Where will this end and how? What varying scenarios do you foresee? Is this the best or worst thing to ever happen when all is said and done? I think (and hope) the lethal injections will be the turning point. There will be no denying that!
I personally do not recall a greater time where lying is status quo. It has truly become a way of life. You can't help but think - you really really REALLY don't beleive this do you? It makes you question if you're the one who's nuts!
Here's a really stupid example. Red lights no longer mean anything. People either stop and then go through them or just plain go through them. I beleive this must be an extension of everything else we're seeing. The lying. You truly honestly beleive that light doesn't apply to YOU or somehow, you're just special and above it. We have entered a total psychosis And then when you broadside someone of course you blame it on them. AND actually beleive it!
This is all caused by the constant perpetrating of lies. Truth no longer exists. We now live in a society completely devoid of reality. This is what I am referring to regarding the relationship between denial and lying.
I’ve frequently said we are living in a dystopian novel shitfest smoothie. What you’ve described is the prologue to that cosmic mashup—unless we stop it.
Yes but the most important thing is to remain informed - to know just how extreme it's become. If not for that we wouldn't understand why society has become removed from all reality. MEN GIVING BIRTH? I still assume I'm missing something! Seriously!
It is truly a waste of time - but the majority of time when trying to have a logical conversation with anyone you know exactly where they obtained their information (opinion) from. Some of the prime examples of this are the ladies on The View. And to think Joy was once a teacher! God help us all! What galls me is their vehemence! I just want to say, do you even KNOW how stupid you are? I think Joy may have an inkling but certainly not Whoopie.
One better okay? Not only do people PAY for television (talk about how shocked I am regarding HOW MUCH they actually pay) they then parrot everything they hear and see. Sooah - talk about FREE advertising That's the one I truly love the best.
This is all part of what you're getting at as well.
True, BJ, although I have neither the time nor stomach to consume such brainwashing tripe. Fortunately, there are diligent foot soldiers performing the dirty work out there (e.g., Mark Dice repeatedly says he watches CNN, etc. so we don’t have to ;-) who bring the most egregious examples of hypocrisy and indoctrination to our attention without us having to subject our minds to such punishing inanity.
Your comment reminded me of another Joost passage I was tempted to include:
“Unknowingly, we may become opinionated robots. The slow coercion of hypocrisy, of traditions in our culture that have a levelling effect — these things change us. We crave excitement, hair-raising stories, sensation. We search for situations that create superficial fear to cover up inner anxieties. We like to escape into the irrational because we dislike the challenge of self-study and self-thinking. Our leisure time is occupied increasingly by automatized activities in which we take no part: listening to piped-in words and viewing television screens. We hurry along with cars and go to bed with a sleeping pill. This pattern of living in turn may open the way for renewed sneak attacks on our mind. Our boredom may welcome any seductive suggestion.…
“No brainwashing is possible without totalitarian thinking. The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological technique can brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way of living.”
This question is to all . . .
Do you ever wonder if ALL the people who perpetuate these lies do so knowingly? It has been said, denial is your strongest emotion - which I agree with. Think long and hard about that. How many people live in total denial? I personally beleive, the vast majority.
I'm not talking about politics but everything in general. Marriages so forth and so on. I've often say to people - who're trying to convince, me or yourself? I beleive this is the root of the problem. Those that are so insecure - will do anything to be liked or part of the crowd. ANYTHING. It reminds me of the kid that brings candy to school so everyone will like him.
Strictly in my personal opinion a politician is tantamount to a rapist. It's all about power and control. That have the morals and ethics of a child molester which is why so many are involved in sex scandal's. But it all reverts back to security and how they will sell their soul or in this case, the full and complete destruction of America. At the end of the day how do they live with themselves? What is it that will even be left for their grandchildren? How sick and mentally ill is Nancy Pelosi? Just so she can wear her Armani suits and say . . . do you know who I am? How can she not see she is a laughing stock? Denial!
I think the difference lies in those of us who grew up and overcame great adversities. The school of hard knocks. That gave us the backbone to succeed and fear nothing. To know and then do right from wrong. It was those who were coddled, protected and given everything that are so insecure.
I don't vote I am not a Republican nor Democrat I refuse to be part of or enable the corruption malfeasance and subterfuge. Until there is a third party with term limits and compete removal of every single government alphabet agency., etc., they system will never change.
ALL this being said it is beyond incomprehensible when the POTUS states "MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" is the most dangerous movement in US history! It's not a movement but rather a mindset! Talk to anyone who supports it! What's next, saying God is evil? Although I must admit I'm starting to beleive the human race is becoming the worst race.
We have entered a very precarious time in history that is on the verge of annihilation. I can't stop thinking about how they are deliberately fueling this fire in every single imaginable way. CRIME and food shortages, out of control inflation, unsafe vaccines, the destruction of the education system. They are hellbent on destroying everything.
We now live in a completely lawless society where NOTHING is sacrosanct. Bernie Madoff did what he did because he could and the rest have since followed. I think to myself you too could be a billionaire if you circumvented every single law in existence. And yet these people are lauded? Are you kidding me? I'd rather sit with someone who built the GWB then folks like Steve Jobs and Bezo's that simply exploited cheap labor. It's such a shallow and superficial existence how they judge one and another by wealth and possessions. I can think of few things more pathetic and vile.
I can't help but think how or when this will all end. Or will it? I really wish people would start writing about the different possible outcomes of all of this.
Great questions, BJ!
I think many of the colluders ( are also deluded Covidians (, but the behavioral psychologists crafting the coercive strategies, the corporatists/philanthropists/politicians employing them, and the propagandists mouthing their talking points DO know they’re lying and are either outright villainous or bribed, blackmailed, threatened, or otherwise pressured into enabling tyranny.
It makes me think of this Solzhenitsyn quote:
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
And . . . . continue. Where will this end and how? What varying scenarios do you foresee? Is this the best or worst thing to ever happen when all is said and done? I think (and hope) the lethal injections will be the turning point. There will be no denying that!
I personally do not recall a greater time where lying is status quo. It has truly become a way of life. You can't help but think - you really really REALLY don't beleive this do you? It makes you question if you're the one who's nuts!
Here's a really stupid example. Red lights no longer mean anything. People either stop and then go through them or just plain go through them. I beleive this must be an extension of everything else we're seeing. The lying. You truly honestly beleive that light doesn't apply to YOU or somehow, you're just special and above it. We have entered a total psychosis And then when you broadside someone of course you blame it on them. AND actually beleive it!
This is all caused by the constant perpetrating of lies. Truth no longer exists. We now live in a society completely devoid of reality. This is what I am referring to regarding the relationship between denial and lying.
I’ve frequently said we are living in a dystopian novel shitfest smoothie. What you’ve described is the prologue to that cosmic mashup—unless we stop it.
And we WILL, starting with #StopTheWHO (,,,, and That is the first domino. The remaining dominoes will begin to tumble from there as the world awakens from its gaslit slumber.