PhilanthroPath. Brilliant. Stealing it. Defines Gates to a T.

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Steal away, The Green Hornet! Exactly what I was hoping. I want this term to become synonymous with Gates, Soros, et al, so every time someone sees them, the first word that comes to mind is “philanthropath.”

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Love the concept of viralizing our own jargon. Every time I talk to a parent or relative I seem to hear some newly-entrained piece of nonsense that they've never used before in their lives, like "denier" or "misinformation" or "horse dewormer". And they use the terms reflexively, without so much as a synapse firing. To me, this has been horrifying, direct evidence of mass hypnosis.

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I highly recommend Joost Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind” if you haven’t yet read it. This is a common practice of menticide. I quote it pretty extensively in this piece:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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Excellent book! Always recommended by Michael Yon as well!

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What a magnificent writer you are, Margaret. "...who looks like he’s been kept alive a century beyond his expiration date by sipping indigenous toddlers’ blood from satyr hooves." And philanthropath is a brilliant term, one that we've needed to describe it in a nutshell. I've been using philanthrocapitalism but yours has fewer syllables and more insidious intent, well-warranted.

This article got my subscription. I watched the clips from several. The Rik Mayall 2014 film blows my mind. I have Corbett lined up to listen to later. Thank you for everything. Signed, the World.

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What a wonderful comment, Tereza, and I am so grateful to welcome you as a subscriber 🤗

I have only seen clips from the Mayall film since I never have time to watch movies (I think I’ve only watched one since I started my blog, and even that I managed to work into a blog post at https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant 😆), but it is good to know it is worthwhile in case I do ever find a rare moment of downtime :-)

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Jun 25, 2022
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Can't help but think of this (I'm sure they stopped using these and never advanced their technology now that the Cold War's over 🙄):


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For viewers who would feel encouraged by one more voice for sanity, I just posted my retrospective of the first year of Third Paradigm with playlists on: The Great Reset, Geopolitics & Ukraine, Propaganda & Censorship, Politics IS Division, Sex, Money & Power, Socio-Spirituality, Restoring Local Sovereignty, What is Reality? and Where Are the Women?


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Jun 25, 2022
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9/11 was my wake-up call too. I had a radio show on the local pirate station and someone asked me to interview Richard Gage, founder of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth. Of course, I did my homework in preparation and watched his video. And showed it to my daughters. And saw Building 7 along with the wealth of other evidence. And it changed my perspective forever because I knew there was nothing they wouldn't do, and that the bigger the lie, the easier it was to get away with because people would convince themselves it couldn't possibly be true.

I don't use the word evil myself because that implies it's immutable and there are supernatural forces on its side. I think that everything is moving us quickly into a world that's "lit with hope and sparkles with a gentle friendliness," as my Course in Miracles says. I quote it along with David Graeber and Putin in my latest episode, Reversing the Reset. I haven't put it up on Substack yet but I particularly thought of Margaret in making it, because it deals with how we respond to people who are in denial while we see our world dissolving like Building 7: https://youtu.be/t0TPcOCYsB8.

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9/11 was a major eye opener for me also. And I live on a hill 20 miles from downtown Manhattan so I could see the massive clouds of dust for days and days after the buildings collapsed. When looking at all the evidence along with the motivation factors, somebody’s got to be pretty stubborn and close minded to dismiss it in favor of the ridiculous official narrative so filled with holes. Tereza I’m going to explore your videos. Looks appealing.

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I'm honored that you're going to check out my videos, Jeff. They have brought together a really wonderful, deeply read, deeply committed group of viewers, on YT and Substack--including the astute Margaret. When I post a new episode before bed, it's like waking up to Christmas because viewers from Australia & NZ get them, then Europe, then it works its way across the US and Canada. It's small enough to not attract trolls and hecklers, so it leaves the rest of us who are just trying to figure out what's true and what we can do about it. Thanks for responding!

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I resist all forms of oppression

So sad many "left" wingers are captured by the enemy.

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Thank you for being consistently courageous, Cindy!

You are definitely a Badass German 😎

• “Are You a Good German or a Badass German?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass)

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Wow! You have certainly been busy. I have to admire your work ethic. You present so many good points I am going to have to dedicate time to give your work the proper attention it deserves. I am approaching the situation from a different direction, that the evil is now completely blatant in order to make it easy to identify and point at. It no longer hides within shades of grey, but parades out in the open for all to see. This is precisely to serve a higher purpose, and that is to force each person to the fork in the road. This process won't be fun, but it certainly won't be boring. Keep up the good work :)

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Thank you, William. It scarcely feels like a work ethic when I couldn’t stop myself if I tried ;-) It’s more like a monomaniacal obsession, and anything that isn’t absolutely necessary for sustaining life gets jettisoned for maximum aerodynamics.

And you are absolutely right about about it being out in the open. They are so confident in people’s mass hypnosis, they think they can get away with lying to their faces while stabbing them in the heart—and sadly, they do, in many cases.

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Definitely can relate to aerodynamics, just be sure not to V-max, yes? Given the (apparant) fractal antenna being built even in the unvaxxed, (thanks Darpa Shedding creators) and our largely defenseless brains, as re: FFR and such... I fear the mass hypnosis and personality changes, recently documented changes to the hippocampus are but the tip of the 'berg.

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There are some dextox strategies but I do not know how good they are. Loic Ribaudexu (sp) discovered organic living silica and its benefits one of which was - it chelated Aluminum out of the body. As we know, Alum. is bad for? The BRAIN! He was hounded and put in prison and did die I believe early due to the relentless persecution he faced for his 'amazing' discovery. Dr. Ana recommends EDTA, there is also the Sodium Citrate, many things point to the body's electrical field and the methods of its generation (Calcium Ion channels/neural lace) and the body's alkalinity as being important to defend against the syn bio (CDB) and the nano bots. We fight perhaps a losing battle BUT, we can still FIGHT. I believe that the 'cure' must be simple herbs or compound else the 'masters' behind this would be putting themselves at risk. I note with great interest the pilots that flew WEFers to Davos were all ... NOT VAXED. Hum. Shedding is very very real. Nanos are very read, hydrogel is very real, and the geo spraying... what's up there coming down, eh?

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Add philanthropath to the vocabulary. Describes Klaus Schwab and his ilk to a tee. We’re not very good listeners are we? They tell us what they’re going to do to us, yet we don’t believe them.

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Indeed! Wonder how we get it into Webster’s, American Heritage, OED, etc. Let’s work on making it viral, and maybe it’ll happen on its own.

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Oh MAA, it would be great to see that word in the dictionary. Unfortunately, they'd just change the meaning of it tho. 😉

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A superb analysis of these horrible Lizard people who view humanity as nothing more than prey in their sad world of privilege and supreme wealth. My take on these “Philanthropaths” is when these soulless creatures walk the earth what makes them crazy is observing middle and working class people who work hard, raise their families with common sense and basic values such as, The Golden Rule. They see these families enjoying and nurturing their children with love and support and when they observe them enjoying their well earned time off with family activities it makes them literally sick with envy. Sort of like the reaction of a hopeless curmudgeon hearing the spontaneous laughter of a group of children on a playground.

These people have empty lives. The children of these people spend every waking moment doing the bidding of the patriarch or matriarchs so as to ensure their seat at the trough. They never compete or achieve. They never know the satisfaction of successfully navigating life utilizing their talents to actually accomplish something. These toadstool people like the Windsors strut around wearing the uniforms of great men who actually earned the right to wear them. They are so very pathetic.

Now there exposure as soulless toadstool lizard people is beginning to stick. The call to rid this world of all these malignant tumors that live among us must grow and grow until it is deafening. Until this coordinated vast crime against humanity we have been satisfied with treating the symptoms created by these horrid creatures masquerading as humans. Humanity can no longer tolerate these malignant creatures. They are no longer satisfied with greed they will now only be content with our death and destruction.

The world absolutely must rise up in unity in its call for justice. Nothing short of excising these malignant tumorous philanthropaths from the world will make us safe from their agenda of depopulation and dominion. They literally have become a cancer and must be dealt with.

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Thank you, Maxxx, and I don’t know if you’ve read my “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant), but what you surmised sounds remarkably in sync with what I wrote in there:

“You are a foul, fetid, festering, fiendish, fear-fomenting fecker devoid of soul, purpose, and meaning. No matter how many lives you masticate, hearts you shred, minds you menticide, and puppet strings you try to throttle us with, you will forever remain a hollow husk of a simulated human.

“I know you envy us our feelings. You seethe with rage, jealousy, loathing, terror, disgust, and every other malevolent emotion, but you are incapable of comprehending love, joy, friendship, warmth, and abiding peace.”

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Thank you so much for your substack. Every one your contributions gives me such comfort knowing there is such an articulate voice that so captures these hideous creatures essence. It makes my day when I open my email and discover another contribution by you that I can savor.

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What an inspiring comment, Maxxx. Thank you for your enthusiastic support!

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It really is feeling more and more like we are living through one very suspenseful inexplicable and totally engaging episode of the Twilight Zone. But as we watch the people mentioned above reveal their true intentions, maybe this is a good time to stop for a moment and reflect. As someone who has spent a lifetime exploring the intricate and inspiring nature of the human heart, I can only wonder if what we are now going through is part of a divine plan. Maybe this is the only way for all of us who truly care to be shaken enough to wake up from the nightmare we’ve been struggling through.

Growing up in the aftermath of 2 World Wars and much else, I often ask myself if I was present there in a previous lifetime. And if I was, how has it effected the way I see things here and now? The one thing that keeps coming up is the longing to serve and respect the supreme source, the divine higher self. I join a rapidly expanding movement that is working to move us as far away as possible from the demented vision of philathropaths you refer to (my first time using this word), and look into the eyes of those who stand with me in this quest - there is a deep respect for life, an understanding that we are leaving behind our slave self and following the call of a voice, once just a whisper, and now becoming a song of the deepest love we can ever experience.

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Beautiful, Jeff, and I am continually amazed at how prescient and increasingly applicable “The Twilight Zone” episodes are! Fresh on the heels of WWII totalitarianism, Rod Serling tried to warn us against falling for those tricks again, but sadly, too many people failed to pay attention.

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After the original black and white series (always of Friday nights) had concluded, the Twilight Zone returned in living color on Thursdays a couple of years later. The episodes were not all written by Serling but were still mind bending and often very profound. I still vividly remember one show where a very young man has begun to stir up crowds as he attends rallies deliver exciting speeches. Turns out he’s being influenced by an older man who’s face remains hidden until the last scene where we see it to be that of the aging Fuhrer himself.

I’ve mentioned this little story of my own youth on numerous occasions. When I was 16 I was staying in a hotel in New York with my mom and headed down to the lobby when I stepped into an elevator alone with Rod Serling. Just the two of us took a ride down 40 floors into the Twilight Zone. I was not going to pass up the opportunity so I asked him if these stories he created were for real. Taking a drag on his ever present cigarette, he smiled and said ”yeah kid they are.”

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Actually, that was an original TZ titled “He’s Alive” (https://twilightzone.fandom.com/wiki/He%27s_Alive) and starring a young Dennis Hopper!

WOW, what a fabulous anecdote about Rod Serling! Makes you wonder what he meant by “real.”

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"we are leaving behind our slave self and following the call of a voice, once just a whisper, and now becoming a song of the deepest love we can ever experience."

I'm with you. Beautifully put.

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What a fantastic substack.

Thank you.

I too am stealing your PhilantroPath.

The whole globalist cabal are lunatics, psychopaths and some even serial killers like Gates and Fauxci.

Gates and Kamala have that same inappropriate laugh and facial expressions.

Hair raising and stomach turning.

Nancy and Gates have those bizarre hand movements.

We just need to some how cleanse the corruption of this long standing oozing boil.

Cauterize it. Eradicate down to the last minion.

No bringing any Nazis over like Daddy Bush did after W2.

The whole linage must be cleaned out.

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Thanks, Jjule, and please do steal!

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And of course give you credit 💜

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You see a 62 year old man in Austin cursing violently to himself, it could be me, thinking about Gates. There was untold hatred of home spring 2020, before I got kicked off Twitter. Now, don't see how he's alive...

I think he's cover for his masters

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I hope your blood pressure’s lower now that you’ve been liberated from Twitter ;-)

Yes, he is likely a front man for those whose names we know not, although an all-too-powerful philanthropath nevertheless.

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It is. But at times Glorious fun! To imagine I can post my vitriol right on my infamous enemies feed. Heaven on earth.

Got new tablet at Christmas and had 17 hours back on. What Joy!

Anybody who puts me in will for tablet, user ID and password, and 4 days of service on it (because that's when be given death penalty)... You'll be smiling 😃 from other side@

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Just this week (regrettably, before I read this and learned the brilliant term "philanthropath") I had a conversation with a man in his 70s who has been "delighted" with Bill Gates since he was formerly a crook but has now "reformed" and become a "philanthropist".

"Look at all the money he has poured into the WHO and the NIH!" he said.

When you encounter cognitive dissonance like this, it's a little bit like receiving a surprise two-by-four blow to the occipital. But after a few blinks I managed to say: "You aren't concerned that maybe he's still a crook, and bought those institutions so that they will do his bidding?"

This was met with a lot of "Where'd you hear that?" and "I would need to see your sources!" blah, blah.

In other words, the iconizing of Gates has been so successful that even someone who acknowledges he was a crook cannot now conceive that he is still the same person. Now that's some PR.

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Thank you for sharing this appalling example of menticide. “a surprise two-by-four blow to the occipital” is a brilliant way to describe the experience!

Good recovery, BTW. Too bad it didn’t make a dent in his programming.

The clip I shared for “exceptionally, prodigiously, monumentally deluded” in this piece is an example of someone who is *supposedly* awake to the machinations of the puppeteers, and yet the entire video is like having a building’s worth of two-by-fours battering the occipital.

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And all you did was ask a question... you didn't give him any facts....

When people can't entertain a question, they are brain dead

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At this stage in THE NWO gameplan--if one isn't yet aware that depopulation was scheduled and activated some time ago, this may be akin to receiving a dinner invitation from Hannibal Lecter and accepting without hesitation!

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Hi Margaret, I'm worried that you spend too much time down the rabbit hole and I'll have to send you carrots. Thank you for bringing back yet more of your astute findings and compiling them in your unique prose worthy of a WikiLeaks Pulitzer, if there was one.

The philanthopaths (nice one!), however inevitable they make themselves, are destined for failure as the human spirit, the greater love we share together, is far stronger than their occult attempts at global power. A degree of optimism is necessary as a factor of their success is our demoralization and depression, instilling helplessness and disabling personal agency.

On a basic human level we have love, they have none.

And then there's AI, the soulless machine that is their God by any other name. Here it is creating occult sigils: https://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/vfxjul/ai_sigils_for_your_protection_walk_lightly/

I think we may need our own occult protection.

Certainly, the battle is being fought at every conceivable level. This is not just a physical battlefield, nor just moral, ethical or legal, nor just a battle for our minds, but a spiritual battle of good and evil. You are one of the warriors at its forefront.

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Lovely to see you, Navyo, and thank you for the carrots! 🥕

Thanks also for being a truth-love-freedom warrior and for your own noble contributions to the battle 🛡

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Thank you, Margaret!! More to come..

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I'll be brief: Fantastic work, Margaret. So glad I found you and your Substack!

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Thank you, Zelda, and me, too!

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I was booted off of fakebook last year. I did indeed have an account but really neglected it for more than three years... and previous to that, it was just for sewing groups and some fun creative internets friends. One friend in Taiwan too.

So they booted me for something for other, and would not tell me what it was!!

I tried to appeal but was ignored and I still am.

I am not sad about that really, however connected to my fakebook account somehow was my instagram account razzleberryrose, which was exclusively my sewing groups account. What a fun time I had on there... oh the time squandered, the give aways entered and won, the cute fun enthusiastic friends... those were fun days.

I did not make a new IG account. I actually do more stuff now.

Read better stuff (your blog) and get more crap done.

I cannot stand the Bolsheviks at the controls on this planet.

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Funny that they’re taking away the right to abortion at the same time. Mass sterilization is the other ingredient necessary to create A Handmaid’s Tale style dystopia. The corporate Democrats whom millions held their noses to vote for for no other reason than to protect abortion cannot - or will not - even be bothered to achieve that. Oh well. The Pfizer jab will still be available to any woman in need of a coathanger.

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Philanthropic capitalism is a new business model to avoid paying taxes

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It"s not new. The extremely-evil-and-vile Rockefeller family and others have been doing it for generations.

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Steppen-Wolf, I got educated by a person named Tritorch regarding this generational evil, I am embarrassed to say. It’s all so maddening .

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...sipping indigenous toddlers’ blood from satyr hooves.

Y'all been reading some of them H.P. Lovecraft stories before bedtime again?




First heard them over 50 years ago...

unfortunately they were too strange or not strange enough to have a pedal steel guitar player.

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