Steal away, The Green Hornet! Exactly what I was hoping. I want this term to become synonymous with Gates, Soros, et al, so every time someone sees them, the first word that comes to mind is “philanthropath.”
Love the concept of viralizing our own jargon. Every time I talk to a parent or relative I seem to hear some newly-entrained piece of nonsense that they've never used before in their lives, like "denier" or "misinformation" or "horse dewormer". And they use the terms reflexively, without so much as a synapse firing. To me, this has been horrifying, direct evidence of mass hypnosis.
I highly recommend Joost Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind” if you haven’t yet read it. This is a common practice of menticide. I quote it pretty extensively in this piece:
PhilanthroPath. Brilliant. Stealing it. Defines Gates to a T.
Steal away, The Green Hornet! Exactly what I was hoping. I want this term to become synonymous with Gates, Soros, et al, so every time someone sees them, the first word that comes to mind is “philanthropath.”
Love the concept of viralizing our own jargon. Every time I talk to a parent or relative I seem to hear some newly-entrained piece of nonsense that they've never used before in their lives, like "denier" or "misinformation" or "horse dewormer". And they use the terms reflexively, without so much as a synapse firing. To me, this has been horrifying, direct evidence of mass hypnosis.
I highly recommend Joost Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind” if you haven’t yet read it. This is a common practice of menticide. I quote it pretty extensively in this piece:
• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (
Excellent book! Always recommended by Michael Yon as well!