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You see a 62 year old man in Austin cursing violently to himself, it could be me, thinking about Gates. There was untold hatred of home spring 2020, before I got kicked off Twitter. Now, don't see how he's alive...

I think he's cover for his masters

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I hope your blood pressure’s lower now that you’ve been liberated from Twitter ;-)

Yes, he is likely a front man for those whose names we know not, although an all-too-powerful philanthropath nevertheless.

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It is. But at times Glorious fun! To imagine I can post my vitriol right on my infamous enemies feed. Heaven on earth.

Got new tablet at Christmas and had 17 hours back on. What Joy!

Anybody who puts me in will for tablet, user ID and password, and 4 days of service on it (because that's when be given death penalty)... You'll be smiling 😃 from other side@

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Just this week (regrettably, before I read this and learned the brilliant term "philanthropath") I had a conversation with a man in his 70s who has been "delighted" with Bill Gates since he was formerly a crook but has now "reformed" and become a "philanthropist".

"Look at all the money he has poured into the WHO and the NIH!" he said.

When you encounter cognitive dissonance like this, it's a little bit like receiving a surprise two-by-four blow to the occipital. But after a few blinks I managed to say: "You aren't concerned that maybe he's still a crook, and bought those institutions so that they will do his bidding?"

This was met with a lot of "Where'd you hear that?" and "I would need to see your sources!" blah, blah.

In other words, the iconizing of Gates has been so successful that even someone who acknowledges he was a crook cannot now conceive that he is still the same person. Now that's some PR.

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Thank you for sharing this appalling example of menticide. “a surprise two-by-four blow to the occipital” is a brilliant way to describe the experience!

Good recovery, BTW. Too bad it didn’t make a dent in his programming.

The clip I shared for “exceptionally, prodigiously, monumentally deluded” in this piece is an example of someone who is *supposedly* awake to the machinations of the puppeteers, and yet the entire video is like having a building’s worth of two-by-fours battering the occipital.

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And all you did was ask a question... you didn't give him any facts....

When people can't entertain a question, they are brain dead

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