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What a magnificent writer you are, Margaret. "...who looks like he’s been kept alive a century beyond his expiration date by sipping indigenous toddlers’ blood from satyr hooves." And philanthropath is a brilliant term, one that we've needed to describe it in a nutshell. I've been using philanthrocapitalism but yours has fewer syllables and more insidious intent, well-warranted.

This article got my subscription. I watched the clips from several. The Rik Mayall 2014 film blows my mind. I have Corbett lined up to listen to later. Thank you for everything. Signed, the World.

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What a wonderful comment, Tereza, and I am so grateful to welcome you as a subscriber 🤗

I have only seen clips from the Mayall film since I never have time to watch movies (I think I’ve only watched one since I started my blog, and even that I managed to work into a blog post at https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant 😆), but it is good to know it is worthwhile in case I do ever find a rare moment of downtime :-)

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Jun 25, 2022
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Can't help but think of this (I'm sure they stopped using these and never advanced their technology now that the Cold War's over 🙄):


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For viewers who would feel encouraged by one more voice for sanity, I just posted my retrospective of the first year of Third Paradigm with playlists on: The Great Reset, Geopolitics & Ukraine, Propaganda & Censorship, Politics IS Division, Sex, Money & Power, Socio-Spirituality, Restoring Local Sovereignty, What is Reality? and Where Are the Women?


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Jun 25, 2022
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9/11 was my wake-up call too. I had a radio show on the local pirate station and someone asked me to interview Richard Gage, founder of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth. Of course, I did my homework in preparation and watched his video. And showed it to my daughters. And saw Building 7 along with the wealth of other evidence. And it changed my perspective forever because I knew there was nothing they wouldn't do, and that the bigger the lie, the easier it was to get away with because people would convince themselves it couldn't possibly be true.

I don't use the word evil myself because that implies it's immutable and there are supernatural forces on its side. I think that everything is moving us quickly into a world that's "lit with hope and sparkles with a gentle friendliness," as my Course in Miracles says. I quote it along with David Graeber and Putin in my latest episode, Reversing the Reset. I haven't put it up on Substack yet but I particularly thought of Margaret in making it, because it deals with how we respond to people who are in denial while we see our world dissolving like Building 7: https://youtu.be/t0TPcOCYsB8.

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9/11 was a major eye opener for me also. And I live on a hill 20 miles from downtown Manhattan so I could see the massive clouds of dust for days and days after the buildings collapsed. When looking at all the evidence along with the motivation factors, somebody’s got to be pretty stubborn and close minded to dismiss it in favor of the ridiculous official narrative so filled with holes. Tereza I’m going to explore your videos. Looks appealing.

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I'm honored that you're going to check out my videos, Jeff. They have brought together a really wonderful, deeply read, deeply committed group of viewers, on YT and Substack--including the astute Margaret. When I post a new episode before bed, it's like waking up to Christmas because viewers from Australia & NZ get them, then Europe, then it works its way across the US and Canada. It's small enough to not attract trolls and hecklers, so it leaves the rest of us who are just trying to figure out what's true and what we can do about it. Thanks for responding!

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