Add philanthropath to the vocabulary. Describes Klaus Schwab and his ilk to a tee. We’re not very good listeners are we? They tell us what they’re going to do to us, yet we don’t believe them.
Add philanthropath to the vocabulary. Describes Klaus Schwab and his ilk to a tee. We’re not very good listeners are we? They tell us what they’re going to do to us, yet we don’t believe them.
Add philanthropath to the vocabulary. Describes Klaus Schwab and his ilk to a tee. We’re not very good listeners are we? They tell us what they’re going to do to us, yet we don’t believe them.
Indeed! Wonder how we get it into Webster’s, American Heritage, OED, etc. Let’s work on making it viral, and maybe it’ll happen on its own.
Oh MAA, it would be great to see that word in the dictionary. Unfortunately, they'd just change the meaning of it tho. 😉