Extraordinary piece; thank you. Particularly enjoyed the Russel Brand clip (isn't he an amazing personality?). As I always have maintained, given the near-complete and thorough indoctrination that has affected the covidians, it almost doesn't matter how persuasive or cogent the counter arguments to the covid narrative are' many, if not most, covidians either will not listen (talk to the hand) or will immediately discount as propaganda any information that runs counter to their established narrative. (I have, regrettably, a fully-vaccinated sister-in-law who absolutely refuses to discuss anything that counters her propagandized covid world view , and who just recently got the covid, but still "believes"- so disappointing.)

The operative question is: how on earth can we get through to these people? To make matters worse (if that were possible), those who have accepted the holy jab into their lives and their bodies, are in the unenviable position of having to admit, if they were able to understand the truth, that they made a mistake, possibly a deadly mistake, and that they have willingly endangered their own lives and the lives of their loved ones by accepting the mark of the beast, still are unable to cope with the truth. Cognitive dissonance aside, which is a significant obstacle, trying to get the vaxxed to realize and understand that they have made a potentially deadly decision only adds to the difficulty of turning the tide against TPTB, who have hitched their wagons to endless profits from endlessly injecting poison into 7.9 BILLION people worldwide. The tide does seem to be turning on "them," but the process is exceedingly slow and may not finish in time to save us all.

Margaret Anna, thank you for a great piece of work; I always eagerly anticipate everything you write. Take care.

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Thank you, Joe, for your warm support and ever-astute comments.

Russell Brand is an intriguing character. He’s much smarter than he looks ;-) I used to watch his YouTube channel ages ago. Then he took a hiatus, and I never resumed watching him after he returned. His videos popped up while I was doing research on the Great Reset/Davos/WEF, and I watched a couple. I was relieved to see he hasn’t fallen for the propaganda and isn’t shying away from exposing the Covidian lies.

I am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. One of my subscribers just told me his mother developed a life-threatening pulmonary embolism after her second Pfizer shot. Her heart rate dropped below 10 bpm, and she was rushed to the ER. After five days in the ICU, she had recovered enough to return home, but there’s no telling how long it will be before the next blood clots hit. And, if you can believe it, she *still* considered getting the booster shot after her doctor daughter and nurse daughter-in-law started pressuring her to! If the brainwashing is *so* powerful that she would consider repeating something that nearly ended her life, how can we hope to break through to those who haven’t experienced the effects firsthand?!

So yes, I agree with everything you said in your second paragraph, hence my focus on the middle “swing thinkers,” whom we have more chance of rescuing from the precipice.

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I love Russell Brand. He had a personal awakening during his hiatus with ayahuasca ceremonies. He talks about it somewhere...

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I hadn’t heard about his awakening—interesting. He is one of those rare voices on the left(ish) who is open-minded and welcoming of new ideas/perspectives, like Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Wolf, and Matt Taiibi (although Matt, to my dismay, appears to have fallen prey somewhat prey to the COVID narrative, as with Naomi Klein, another disappointment). We need more like them to start coming forward and decrying tyranny as they were wont to do with past regimes.

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Such a shame about Rolling Stone. It used to be such an anti-establishment counterculture paper. Now it's just corporate rubbish.

For journalism, also subscribe to Alex Berenson on Substack. Ex-writer for the NYT. Excellent info.

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Indeed, just like Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Amy Goodman, and countless others, the countercultural anti-authoritarians have now become the spokespersons for authoritarianism.

Yep, I’m on Alex’s mailing list—he’s usually the first to break stories on new data, vaxx injuries/deaths, and the like.

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Strangely, in this strange world we are now in, I've seen people on the Right who are the most transparent, questioning, open-minded and speaking truth. What a reversal! Candace Owens is saying some beautiful, unifying, clear things lately that one would normally associate with the liberal Left counterculture.

But then I sense this is about cessation of divisive politics and a unification of humanity in our empathy and ability to love one another. The ruling class elite do not want that! They survive and thrive on our division. So... here we go!

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How has Michael Moore become so?

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Wolf is back in fashion due to the insanity of the pandemic which means that she now sounds sane in comparison. I'm not really familiar with Taiibi but the other two have never impressed.

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There are things about Wolf that bother me a bit, like how she bent over backward to emphasize her allegiance to the left (despite them canceling her) throughout her interview with Reiner Fuellmich and his team (https://www.bitchute.com/video/bFiWanf4udyF/), but she raises important points regarding the progression of tyranny. Glenn is one of the few real journalists still out there and, while not perfect, having the courage to speak out against the COVID narrative and associated totalitarianism takes tremendous bravery in this environment, especially when you come from the left. Taiibi is hilarious and good at exposing the hypocrisy across the political spectrum, but he missed the boat on COVID and thus his judgment feels a bit skewed to me.

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There's a British movie from the 90s which has a counter cultural working class intellectual who speaks at a million miles an hour as its main protagonist. Russell must have watched it.....

I like Russell too, I am extremely cynical at those who are thrown at us as critics of the system but I have yet to find fault with him.

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I hate to say this, but I keep hoping the self righteous covidians will die soon from the poison jabs. If for no other reason than, then their families will be negatively effected and hopefully they will understand what other people have gone through and stop the persecution.

--- I don't believe in "swing thinkers" and I know no one from the "other side" that would put in the time to read and watch your well worded, well thought out post, which, in and of itself, breaks my heart.

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I do understand your frustration and desperation, and I think that has already begun happening and will continue to do so at an escalating rate the more time passes. I am trying with all my might to awaken people *before* we reach epic fatality rates, although we really already have and the Covidians still remain asleep.

Have you watched any of Prof. Mattias Desmet’s interviews (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj5bo_KFqgo) on mass formation? You may feel more encouraged about the swing thinkers once you hear his analysis.

This is how mass hypnosis/totalitarianism has been overcome throughout history—the spell eventually breaks under the weight of reality. As Goebbels says:

“There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph.”

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No, I have not. I did not know about him. Until this year, fascism wasn't on my radar, only in my rearview mirror. This link will be added to things to read, watch, and listen to. I really appreciate your help getting me up to speed. Right now, I could use some encouragement about the entire situation. I have spoken up for others, but am very afraid of them "coming for me." (I love the quote, but can never remember all of it when I need it. Please forgive me.)

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Would that fascism were still just in our rearview mirror! I am more than happy to get you up to speed—you’ll find plenty to fill out your understanding of tyranny in my essays :-)

CJ Hopkins is my favorite contemporary satirist and also writes brilliantly about the new totalitarianism (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/) if you’re not familiar with his work.

I have found connecting with kindred resisters around the world and realizing how many of us there really are very encouraging, and I think you will, too :-)

Oh yes, Martin Niemöller’s quote is uncomfortably relevant today:

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

“Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

“Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

“Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

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Yep, that's the one! Thank-you!

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Thank you once again, Margaret. It's a fine line to balance personal op-ed with a research paper and you have succeeded. I see the amount of time and work put into this and commend you on that. It seems all of us on the awake side are spending inordinate amounts of time to wake up everyone else - or at least the 40%. And even if it seems insurmountable to impossible, we still have to try.

Regarding the Holocaust, I wrote a number of posts on FB drawing parallels to segregation, prejudice, incarceration and genocide, but my most vocal opponents were Jews - and not just anyone but people I know. It was truly strange. The mother of one survived the Holocaust. The father of another died in the camps. They were incredibly hostile and I had to really discuss at length with a clear tone that did not react. It was a lesson in communication, of nothing else, but it left me wondering at the psychology of it.

I bring this up to hear your views on this painful reaction from Jews themselves who go along with the vaccination program and submit to and support the regime politics increasing each day which so clearly fit the 10-Steps to Holocaust you shared in your article.

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I always appreciate your well-considered and thought-provoking responses, Navyo. I am not at all surprised that you got pushback from Jews (I say that being half-Jewish myself)—not only because many have been captured by the propaganda/media/partisan politics but also because of the resistance to “relavitization of the Holocaust,” which is now a literal crime in Germany (gee, I wonder why they had to make a law against people comparing contemporary fascist policies to historical fascist policies 🤔). I find this the pinnacle of irony because they seem to have lost all understanding of what “Never again” means and appear unaware that it can, is, and *will* happen again if we don’t learn from the lessons of the past. We are already witnessing totalitarianism and mass murder unfold on an unprecedented, global scale, and it will only continue to escalate.

That said, I also know there are Holocaust survivors who have been speaking out against tyranny in whatever forms it takes, the late Inge Ginsburg being one, whose treasured words and example I celebrated in “Letter to a Covidian” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel). She as well as others who have suffered under totalitarianism—in North Korea, Cuba, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Russia, and so on—DO recognize what is occurring and are doing everything they can to halt it.

I, too, have been accused of making a false equivalency when I drew comparisons to 1930s Germany, and then I provided reams of quotes from books like “They Thought They Were Free” (I have a ridiculous number of relevant excerpts in my first Recommendations Roundup: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-1-predicting), to which they responded with radio silence. It is only people who are ignorant of both history and the present tyranny who can deny the blatantly undeniable parallels.

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Margaret, thank you for your considered reply and the helpful links. Your final thought - "It is only people who are ignorant of both history and the present tyranny who can deny the blatantly undeniable parallels." - I found particularly resonant. The hypnosis aspect of Covid propaganda is enabling ignorance by the forceful repetition of a single, unquestionable, authoritative story by means of various psychological tricks making it seem authentic and undeniable.

The enabling of ignorance has profound effects, not just in the acceptance of lies and deceit but in the act of self harm, as we are seeing globally. And, in line with our topic, the denial of history, however factually presented.

I would go as far to say that E.I. (Enabled Ignorance) is the necessary factor for A.I. to succeed. The global propaganda psy-op is to dumb us down into acceptance and obedience. The amount of preparation and research into behavioural dynamics done for this is immense. It's not child's play, yet it appears so deceptively simple.

It is the Jews who DO speak out that can turn this tide, as you noted with Inge Ginsburg. Another is Aviva Dautch who has a Twitter feed. She commented on this topic,

"I've seen several tweets comparing this to the Nazis / The Holocaust and saying things like 'This is how it begins.' I teach Holocaust literature so let me tell you - this ISN'T how it began. This is already several stages along the way."

Ultimately, who can say how we can get through to people, how they can or will wake up? I don't know. Collectively, we are in this together, however divisive it seems. It's good to remember that.

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Navyo, I love “Enabled Ignorance”!

Thank you so much for the pointer to Aviva Dautch—how very encouraging! We desperately need the voices of those who have suffered atrocities in the past to step forward and try to halt it from happening now.

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Indeed. And I think there's a whole piece to be written about E.I. - it's endemic in our culture at the moment. The dumbing down into emotional reactions and the soma of dopamine fixes make a false narrative without factual evidence possible.

Historically, the success and breadth of the Catholic Church (talk about globalists!) was also due to E.I. - it was heresy to read, punishable by death. Keep the people ignorant and they'll believe anything. Make up a story of the bogeyman Satan (virus) and the eternal pain of hellfire if disobeyed (police beatings, prison camps) then strict obedience to the narrative will keep them safe. This story/strategy has been going on for centuries by the power elite. And still people buy it, thanks to E.I. and its primitive brain state of fear.

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I agree about Enabled Ignorance meriting its own article—you should write it!

Yes, I’ve been thinking about the parallels between the Reformation overturning the Catholic Church’s singular grip on the “Truth” and the Internet permitting laypersons like us to examine data and access scientific resources ourselves instead of Trusting The Science™ like the high priests demand. We’re witnessing the same kind of crumbling of authority and empowering of the commoners that occurred during the Reformation.

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And the need for protection.

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Very late in the game to be commenting but maybe you’ll see this.

Today, 2-7-24 I checked Aviva Dautch’s Twitter page. Apparently in her “pinned” tweet she “clarifies” that quote.

Seems to me she doesn’t mean what Navyo or you think (maybe by now - thought)

I’d include it here but am tech challenged 🤣

Please see what you think…

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Aviva Dautch 7-23-21

“This makes me furious. The tweet was about internment of refugee children. Vaccinations are lifesaving. It’s the abuse of truth by the anti-vax brigade that’s fascist.”

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Well, that's disappointing (and didn't age well). Thank you for the follow-up, SusanMc! Here is the tweet for those who are wondering:


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Unfortunately that is because Zionism, to justify its colonisation of Palestine, has co-opted the word 'holocaust' as being an exclusive experience for followers of Judaism at the hands of the Nazis. The magnitude of this word and the reality of its process in terms of the Covid 'vaccines' is appropriate but will be resisted by Zionists, many Jews, and many Israelis. More's the pity given the fact that humans have always had Holocaust experiences and the Jewish experience of such horror in the Second World War was not the first, not the worst and not the last.

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Roslyn, yes, I suspected it would rankle some feathers on both extremes of the issue ;-) My hope is that those who would instinctively jump to judge the deniers from the outset would then have their assumptions turned on their heads as they realized they are practicing the very beliefs and acts they criticize deniers for doing, and that, subsequently, they would be forced to look themselves in the mirror and recognize their complicity. Not that I expect any Covidians to actually do that, but it might jolt them for a split-second, which is something, and the swing thinkers may be able to recognize the hypocrisy for what it is and think twice about which side of history they want to be on.

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Yes, I agree and as the saying goes, 'you can please some of the people some of the time but you cannot please all of the people all of the time.' I agree completely on the holocaust nature of the Covid situation, and Covidian is a very neat term, which is why it is a pity that the use of the word is compromised because it has in essence been hijacked to serve the 'needs' of one group. I also struggle a bit with the use of the word, Denier, given how much it is now thrown around. But yes, in essence we are on the same page. :)

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Haha, exactly, and I knew this one would trigger some people but was hoping they would get beyond any knee-jerk reactions and see the larger picture, whichever side they are on. I appreciate that you have done that despite the baggage associated with both terms.

And now I really must get to bed as I’m approaching 28 hours without sleep and am not sure how coherent I am anymore ;-)

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Fantastic roundup of the state of things! Thank you Margaret - must go back through and look carefully at all your links and references - thanks for the enormous amount of work it must take to do this!

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Thank you for the kind note, Winston, and I hope you enjoy (if that’s the right word ;-) hopping down all the rabbit-holes! I do realize I ask a lot of my readers by packing so much into a single piece but am hoping the comprehensiveness makes my missives useful tools for sharing and awakening the masses to tyranny :-)

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I appreciate the density - more information with less words! It's what we have to do writing papers, it's certainly a good discipline for both author and reader alike.

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Thanks for another very well done job of gathering compelling evidence and putting it together in an engrossing way. You had my full attention from start to finish.

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I so appreciate your attention, time, and thoughtful response, Kyle, and I am grateful for the good work you are doing, too. I have been too busy working on this piece to read your recent series but have the parts saved in a tab for later reading once I can catch my breath.

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Great essay, clear and concise, to those of us red-pilled. Unfortunately, the rest of society, including media and government, are closed minded, for all the known reasons.

-Irrational Fear and mass psychosis.

-False belief that government is “working for the people” and wouldn’t lie about this!

-False belief that Big Media wouldn’t lie, ever!

At this point, I’m resigned to protecting my immediate family and resources, society, overall, is a lost cause and largely, deserve the forthcoming disaster.

My only wish is that government, politicians, and their party officials line up THEIR kids and grandchildren first, as test subjects and human shields for adults. This way, THEY suffer the maiming and deaths of kids first. It is terribly sad that this comes down to the innocents being sacrificed due to evil and arrogant governments and bureaucrats shoving this evil agenda down everyone’s throats.

Here I am in Gulag Canada, Victoria BC. Purebloods and PROUD.

FYI, my wife is losing her job as a gov worker, because she’s not getting jabbed. For us, it is not a big deal, she was going to retire next year, but there are hundreds facing being BLACKMAILED into injecting the toxic jab, or else lose everything.


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DanBC, thank you for your passionate comment, and I totally understand your feelings, especially living in Australia #2 as you are (I’m sorry). You’ve probably heard about Professor Mattias Desmet and his explanation of mass formation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj5bo_KFqgo) since his videos have been getting a lot of well-deserved attention lately. He believes 30% of the people are resistant to hypnosis, 30% are under deep hypnosis, and 40% are somewhat skeptical of the narrative but tend to go along with the status quo out of convenience (I’m making that last description up because I don’t remember exactly what he said ;-) I call that 40% the swing thinkers, and those are the ones I’m trying to reach.

There is evidence, however, that even the deeply hypnotized will gradually awaken as the trauma starts hitting home for them (vaxx injuries/deaths, totalitarianism gone so far they can no longer deny it, etc.). This article shows the progression of awakening that can occur as they’re confronted with the consequences of their decisions: https://www.infowars.com/posts/moms-twitter-timeline-shows-transformation-from-pro-vax-to-pro-informed-consent-following-teen-sons-vaccine-injury/

And yes, this is the deepest, darkest evil imaginable. But the people outnumber Mr. Global by an incalculable degree, and I believe we still have a chance of achieving that critical mass of awareness/resistance the more undeniable objective reality becomes.

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Some people will not even get past the title, their bias is so strong.

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Yes, I suspected that might occur with a certain contingent …

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Incidentally, I got the largest number of unsubs after sending this piece out (6, whereas usually it’s none or 1–3 at most), so I guess it was even more incendiary than I realized ;-)

One of the many qualities I love about my readers is they are willing to be challenged, grapple with difficult issues, and view things from new perspectives, even when they counter their own, so those who remained have proven their open-mindedness to more demanding content and ideas.

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Quinn has posted a powerful essay today. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/11/08/they-want-us-to-fear-room-101/

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Thank you for the heads-up, Martha! Looks promising indeed …

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I truly pray you are correct!

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Canada, not Aus, which has reverted to a penal colony

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Right, I was referring to Canada as Australia #2 as it's close behind on the tyranny scale, sorry to say :-(

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Indeed. Depending which province, they are similar with variances. The outright cognitive dissonance and ignorance by our health authorities, of what is going on in the rest of the world, is stunning. They ignore the reality that the shots cease being effective, instead ending a new narrative, based solely on hopes, wishes and maybe even outright lies. If you want to have some fun, research Bonnie Henry, who has assumed a godlike status amongst the deceived. She poses as being “very nice, very calm” as being a qualification for intelligence and trust. BC/Canada is about 3-4 months behind the rest of the world for jabs, many of the elderly are just getting their boosters, while the rest of the population is starting at the 6 month mark or so and counting from first jabs. She is relying outright to citizens, or is clueless. And she’s a fan of jabbing all kids as soon as possible. She’s our MHO in BC, a doctor in name only, a career bureaucrat.

Canada is doomed, they are going for 90% jabs. Clueless and tone deaf, it’s still a go smack to see this level of arrogance, but irrational fear has clearly driven the agenda on the public side

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I have heard of Bonnie Henry but don’t know much about her. She sounds like a classic sociopath.

I have considered doing a future Recommendations Roundup focused on Canada, but I swore off doing themed versions after the Down Under edition turned into such a colossus, and then I wound up with so many deferred recs for the next version that it, too, became a behemoth in and of itself (hence why I’ve put off the latest edition ;-) That said, I may change my mind later as Canada definitely deserves special attention.

Thank you for standing up for liberty. I’m sorry your wife is losing her job but glad you guys are in a situation where that’s less painful than it is for so many others. You guys take care.

I’ve now been up for nearly 25 hours so am going to try to drag myself away from the computer before I am tempted to respond to more comments ;-)

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Thank you, I suppose in the end, Canada is no different than any other country that continues to make the wrong choices, likely be design and malfeasance. It’s surreal, to see this reprehensible shitstorm happen all around us.

And yes, get your well deserved rest, thanks for your substack, I found you through either Berenson or El Gato’s site. Eugyppius is a good one too.

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I would, as an Australian, apply a qualifier here. I have lived in Canada and spent a long time in the US with friends and family living there and I am aware of the high levels of ignorance about the Land Downunder. That also applies to the UK and Europe.

The penal colony reference is trite and ill-informed. It is two centuries since Australia had penal settlements and in some parts of the country, including where I live, they never existed in the first place. For what it is worth the British also sent convicts to Canada and the United States. We were all once penal colonies.

Australia is not high on the tyranny scale. We have one deranged State Premier in Victoria who could be labelled as such, and a few other poll-driven Premiers in other States but the situation in Victoria has not been universal throughout the country and neither has the recent lockdowns in New South Wales.

Australia is a big country and the same size physically as the US, but with 26 million people not 320 million. Our States are huge. Western Australia is the same size as India with less than 3 million people, compared to 1.3 billion. In most of the country life has gone on pretty much as normal. Where I live mask mandates appeared about three months ago, otherwise they were never seen, even as my friends in Boston and family in NY State had spent a year being abused if seen without a mask.

Beyond the fact that the Federal Government closed international borders for holiday travellers - business travel continued - there is little or nothing which has happened in Australia which has not happened elsewhere, including the UK, Canada and the US.

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Thanks for your perspective, Roslyn. If you don’t mind my asking, which part of Australia are you in? I am getting daily on-the-ground updates from my Australian subscribers and connections, and the stories they are sharing are alarming. Most of them are in Queensland, so perhaps it’s worse there than where you are.

In addition to proposed legislation such as permanent emergency powers and outrageous fines/penalties for not wearing a mask or breaking quarantine, there is a strong police presence with lots of harassment (and worse) of ordinary citizens occurring. I document numerous instances in the Down Under Edition of my Recommendations Roundup (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-2-down-under-41b).

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Victoria is in both. One the capital city on an island the other is a State of a country. The Strong Cities crowd seems to have become confused as well as the State manages to make it on to the network but the city is missing.

Or else they couldn't get the Mayor (of the city) to agree but the Premier of the State (Dan Andrews) was a soft touch.

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I would also add, I keep up with the hysterical material being published about Australia in North America and know that most of it is being put out by the US Gun Lobby organisations to frighten Americans into believing they need their guns to be safe, i.e. look at unarmed Australia etc.

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I don’t watch mainstream news so can’t attest to that ;-) All the info I have comes directly from Australians who are living this on a daily basis. I’m not disagreeing with you as you obviously have a different experience, but I’m guessing it’s worse in Queensland than wherever you are.

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Victoria has been the worst where they have had the strictest and longest lockdowns in the world and the worst outcomes.

Queensland and New South Wales entered the 'fray' in more recent times and have had severe responses but that, compared to Victoria has been very short-term.

South Australia where I live has not been too bad with masks only appearing a couple of months ago, kids off school for a week last year and a week this year and cafes/restaurants inactive for a couple of weeks. Not a lot changed.

Western Australia has had very strict border closures but their mask madness is also pretty recent and they have been more like SA.

Tasmania and the Northern Territory have been reasonably moderate and the ACT, Australian Capital Territory more like NSW.

From talking to friends who have been travelling, country areas in Australia have been pretty normal and in outback areas, more isolated country, if you wear a mask they will probably call the police is the story. :) So, diverse experiences across a very big country.

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Berijiklian (resigned a few weeks ago) and Palaszczuk are just as bad as Dan Andrews. Western Australia has closed off its border to everyone but the jabbed, Northern Territory is imposing 5k fines, South Australia has an absolutely moronic CHO.

As Australians we cannot come back unless we accede to tyrannical directives from all the Premiers, not one is in dissent.

Australia deserves everything heaped on it right now. Sure Andrews is a degree worse but from what, Palaszczuk who's building a camp near Toowomba?

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BTW the camp that Dan is building, at Mickleham in Melbourne's north is close to the proposed train line that circles around just about all the suburbs of Melbourne. And Monash University doesn't understand why the planned stop is across the road at the 'Recycling Plant' rather than at the University.

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I did not say it was good. I just said it is not as bad as it is often represented but, more importantly, it is not universal in effects.

The Queensland 'camp' is not as the American lobby would have people believe, i.e. a general concentration camp, but is a quarantine facility for returning travellers. I agree it is ridiculous but hyperbole does not help.

The stupidity of it all is that people have continued to travel for business over the past two years, particularly politicians, and beyond 14 day quarantines have merged back into the population. We have also had planes and ships arriving and onloading and offloading cargo and trains, planes and trucks back and forth across the country doing what needs to be done.

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The politicians here in the USA don't have to take the jab. Some make a big thing of "getting" theirs on TV, however many of "us" don't believe there's anything other than saline solution in the syringe. Yes, they and their families should be forced, too. Equal rights for all.

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OPERATION COVIDIUS will be more successful than the one Germany tried back in days...


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Side note (completely off-topic), thanks for linking us to so many other excellent resources, Margaret Anna. Your links to other substacks have been especiallty helpful to me, personally.

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Aww, so glad you appreciate the links. I, too, am always grateful to find kindred Substackers! I know why the mainstream media considers Substack such a threat now. This is where the true journalism and best writing is happening right now.

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If it makes people think, I'm all for it.

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And I have a special admiration for anyone who's willing to grab on to the third rail with such enthusiasm

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*lol* I appreciate that, GJ 😆

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Margaret, this is such a beautiful piece! A beautiful piece about disgusting things but you know what I meant!! Saying the truth is a beautiful thing. Thank you

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Tessa, it is an honor to see you here, and thank *you* for the beautiful comment! (and yes, I do know what you mean—you are good about writing beautifully about disgusting things, too ;-)

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Thank you so very much, Margaret Anna Alice! I'm a newer reader, and I appreciate your excellent work very much. This piece may even help some Holocaust deniers to wake up.

I hope to be able to support your work soon, assuming our household still has any income once a decision has been made on my husband's pending exemption request.

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I am delighted to welcome you, Perplexity, and thank you for the encouraging note! I am sincerely sorry to hear about your husband’s situation. It is brave of both of you to stand up for freedom when it poses such a considerable risk. I do hope his exemption is approved. Please keep me posted. I have other subscribers who are facing similar crises, and I may write an article sharing these stories in future. Hugs and best wishes to your family.

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Thank you for your kindness, Margaret.

I will let you know as things develop. It has been over a month since he put in his paperwork; they're being quite tight-lipped on the issue so far. No 'testing' option offered, either.

Hugs to you and yours!

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I have another subscriber waiting on pins and needles for his religious exemption, but he’s prepared for the worst. The exciting thing is, though, he was able to connect with other people at his organization who feel the same as him, and they discussed the possibility of starting their own endeavor if they all get terminated. He felt very encouraged by the moral support as well as the fallback plan should they lose their jobs.

Perhaps your husband can find likeminded individuals at his work who share his feelings. There is power in numbers, as seen in this inspiring video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1A1Zs8dh15Pd/

Take care, Perplexity, and please feel free to email me privately with any news 🤗

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That is an excellent idea, thank you! I will be passing it along to him.

Thank you again!

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Wonderful, and I hope the outcome is positive, whatever form it takes!

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I was a member of the FB group that was deleted. They tried again and got up to about 6000 members and were deleted again, with no explanation.

There is no benign explanation for this. They are doing it for a sinister reason.

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Wow, Charles, that must have been devastating. Do you know someone who was vaxx-injured?

Have you seen the Ron Johnson panel where they discuss Big Tech's sadistic crushing of the voices of BigPharma victims? https://thehighwire.com/videos/live-in-d-c-expert-panel-on-medical-mandates-vaccine-injuries/

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I don’t know of anyone personally. A writer for National Review, Jim Geraghty, said on a conference call that the second shot knocked him out so badly he couldn’t work that day, but he never mentioned that in his reporting.

I do know one person who was vaccinated and then still contracted covid, so breakthrough cases are very common.

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Charles, good to know. It does seem so many of us have first- or second-hand knowledge of at least one vaxx-injured or -killed person. I have only heard of a couple instances of COVID deaths (which, tragically, could have been averted with early treatment protocols and avoidance of murderous interventions like ventilation/intubation and Remdesivir), whereas I have heard of dozens of vaxx injuries and casualties from people who knew the victims personally.

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I think I figured it out.

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Glad you did and delighted to welcome you here!

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Canada is a lost country, the media continues to produce propaganda, this story from a Dr Juurlink, who states, “ 'If there was something that was going to manifest in a delayed fashion it would be manifesting now, and it’s not”

“These are some of the most remarkably safe and effective drugs in medicine today,” said Juurlink, head of the division of clinical pharmacology and toxicology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto

Is this guy a candidate for Twit if the Year?


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Holy moly, Dan, that is one premium piece of vaxx propaganda. I don’t usually use the term, “Wowsers,” but somehow it fits here.

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The NP is a “national” newspaper, but printed out of Toronto. Unfortunately, that Drs views are the prevailing views nationwide, same as out here on the west coast. I’m not sure what universe these hacks are living in, it also undermines our confidence in the medical system and our own doctor. The gaslighting is beyond belief.

We’ve asked ourselves several times, as a sanity check, are we fooling ourselves? Who is lying? Could all the reports of vax injuries from many independent sources, all be either mistaken, overrated, false, etc?

A conspiracy has to be highly organized with a tight group of similar people and organizations, able to continue their narrative. And that definition fits government and the media to a T.

All the vaxx injury reports, are too vast, and too many, to be a phony scam. But it’s easy for government to gaslight the population, politicians and bureaucrats are career professional liars and manipulators.

It’s still disconcerting, to see this continue at this late stage, with the overwhelming population of Canada completely in the dark, being compliant, not asking questions, and worse, mocking us as “flat earthers”. Sorry, not one of them, ignorant comments from the sleeping masses.

They think Covid is almost over. We all wish that were the case, but how wrong they all are, given the outbreaks in Europe in high vaxx areas. This appears to be playing out as GVB warned, will it go down the road as Yeager and Fleming have predicted? Hmmmmm

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Dan, the universe you mentioned is a parallel unreality also known as the Matrix ;-)

In the nearly two years since this manufactured crisis began, I have not heard of a single person who died *of* COVID through my personal network. Since the spike rollout less than a year ago, I have been alarmed at the number of vaxx injuries/deaths I have heard about through people I know.

This is the grandest coverup in the history of propaganda, and gaslighting is exactly what’s occurring. The hypnotized no longer trust their own senses, experiences, gut feelings, and mind and instead are living in a media-mediated “reality” in which facts, truth, and objective reality are banished to the margins. If anyone exemplifies the flat-earther mentality, it’s the Covidians.

The carrot of normality will be perpetually dangled before the masses but never actually granted, save for illusory beneficent offerings that evaporate as soon as the desired effect is achieved. I describe this a bit in COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it), but I will be delving into it in more detail when I cover Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. I especially like this COVIDified version of the 1956 chart on the stages of torture: https://viableopposition.blogspot.com/2020/12/the-biderman-chart-of-coercion-roadmap.html.

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"The carrot of normality" - love it!!!

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I appreciate your turns of phrase, too! I loved your last post, BTW. I recommend others check it out: https://navyoericsen.substack.com/p/be-a-good-boy

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Thanks for the shout-out Margaret! :-)

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Have you heard of Project Veritas? There have been some videos of people from Pfizer and nurses talking about what is going on. These are videos that are filmed secretly without the knowledge of the people speaking. I'm sorry I don't have links to these anymore, and so cannot provide them. I received them in e-mails to which I subscribe.Possibly, they have a site to look on.

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I most definitely have heard of Project Veritas and have referenced their videos in several of my articles, including “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) and “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)! I even encouraged one of my Australian subscribers to contact them about a potential whistleblower story.

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Awesome! Those are more things for me to read! I know they will be great, your research is absolutely impeccable. I hope you may be able to find the ones I mentioned. They are enlightening for those who are "under the spell," and confirm what "the rest of us" intuitively already knew.

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Haha, so glad you appreciate my articles and hope you enjoy them!

I do follow Project Veritas so have probably seen the videos you mentioned, but feel free to share any links you want to make sure I’m aware of.

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While it is little comfort, such attitudes litter science-medical history. The story of Ignaz Semmelweiss is a classic on that count. He made the link between unwashed hands and Puerperal Fever in the early 19th century, noting midwives had lower rates than doctors and brought in the rule that doctors had to wash their hands. More critical since doctors unlike midwives would go from dissecting a cadaver to delivering a baby.

Mortality rates for mothers and babies plummeted. His peers hated him and got him removed and went back to unwashed hands. Puerperal Fever and mortality rates rocketed once more but it was ignored. They were right and he was wrong. Many more died before hygiene rules which midwives and nurses like Florence Nightingale had advised, were brought in for doctors. Doctors can be very slow to learn when their ego is leading the way.

So, little wonder there are doctors and scientists today who can ignore the stark reality and maintain their position.

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Oh yes, I listened to a fascinating audiobook on that years ago and wish I could remember the title!

Totally agree re: the obtuseness of doctors. Just look at how ignorant they are of the value of nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements as well as their emphasis on the pound of pharmaceutical “cure” instead of the penny of healthy prevention.

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Thank-you for mentioning that! It's one of my pet peeves! You are immediately a moron when you mention it to a doctor or nurse practioner.

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