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Canada is a lost country, the media continues to produce propaganda, this story from a Dr Juurlink, who states, “ 'If there was something that was going to manifest in a delayed fashion it would be manifesting now, and it’s not”

“These are some of the most remarkably safe and effective drugs in medicine today,” said Juurlink, head of the division of clinical pharmacology and toxicology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto

Is this guy a candidate for Twit if the Year?


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Holy moly, Dan, that is one premium piece of vaxx propaganda. I don’t usually use the term, “Wowsers,” but somehow it fits here.

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The NP is a “national” newspaper, but printed out of Toronto. Unfortunately, that Drs views are the prevailing views nationwide, same as out here on the west coast. I’m not sure what universe these hacks are living in, it also undermines our confidence in the medical system and our own doctor. The gaslighting is beyond belief.

We’ve asked ourselves several times, as a sanity check, are we fooling ourselves? Who is lying? Could all the reports of vax injuries from many independent sources, all be either mistaken, overrated, false, etc?

A conspiracy has to be highly organized with a tight group of similar people and organizations, able to continue their narrative. And that definition fits government and the media to a T.

All the vaxx injury reports, are too vast, and too many, to be a phony scam. But it’s easy for government to gaslight the population, politicians and bureaucrats are career professional liars and manipulators.

It’s still disconcerting, to see this continue at this late stage, with the overwhelming population of Canada completely in the dark, being compliant, not asking questions, and worse, mocking us as “flat earthers”. Sorry, not one of them, ignorant comments from the sleeping masses.

They think Covid is almost over. We all wish that were the case, but how wrong they all are, given the outbreaks in Europe in high vaxx areas. This appears to be playing out as GVB warned, will it go down the road as Yeager and Fleming have predicted? Hmmmmm

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Dan, the universe you mentioned is a parallel unreality also known as the Matrix ;-)

In the nearly two years since this manufactured crisis began, I have not heard of a single person who died *of* COVID through my personal network. Since the spike rollout less than a year ago, I have been alarmed at the number of vaxx injuries/deaths I have heard about through people I know.

This is the grandest coverup in the history of propaganda, and gaslighting is exactly what’s occurring. The hypnotized no longer trust their own senses, experiences, gut feelings, and mind and instead are living in a media-mediated “reality” in which facts, truth, and objective reality are banished to the margins. If anyone exemplifies the flat-earther mentality, it’s the Covidians.

The carrot of normality will be perpetually dangled before the masses but never actually granted, save for illusory beneficent offerings that evaporate as soon as the desired effect is achieved. I describe this a bit in COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it), but I will be delving into it in more detail when I cover Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. I especially like this COVIDified version of the 1956 chart on the stages of torture: https://viableopposition.blogspot.com/2020/12/the-biderman-chart-of-coercion-roadmap.html.

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"The carrot of normality" - love it!!!

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I appreciate your turns of phrase, too! I loved your last post, BTW. I recommend others check it out: https://navyoericsen.substack.com/p/be-a-good-boy

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Thanks for the shout-out Margaret! :-)

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Have you heard of Project Veritas? There have been some videos of people from Pfizer and nurses talking about what is going on. These are videos that are filmed secretly without the knowledge of the people speaking. I'm sorry I don't have links to these anymore, and so cannot provide them. I received them in e-mails to which I subscribe.Possibly, they have a site to look on.

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I most definitely have heard of Project Veritas and have referenced their videos in several of my articles, including “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) and “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)! I even encouraged one of my Australian subscribers to contact them about a potential whistleblower story.

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Awesome! Those are more things for me to read! I know they will be great, your research is absolutely impeccable. I hope you may be able to find the ones I mentioned. They are enlightening for those who are "under the spell," and confirm what "the rest of us" intuitively already knew.

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Haha, so glad you appreciate my articles and hope you enjoy them!

I do follow Project Veritas so have probably seen the videos you mentioned, but feel free to share any links you want to make sure I’m aware of.

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While it is little comfort, such attitudes litter science-medical history. The story of Ignaz Semmelweiss is a classic on that count. He made the link between unwashed hands and Puerperal Fever in the early 19th century, noting midwives had lower rates than doctors and brought in the rule that doctors had to wash their hands. More critical since doctors unlike midwives would go from dissecting a cadaver to delivering a baby.

Mortality rates for mothers and babies plummeted. His peers hated him and got him removed and went back to unwashed hands. Puerperal Fever and mortality rates rocketed once more but it was ignored. They were right and he was wrong. Many more died before hygiene rules which midwives and nurses like Florence Nightingale had advised, were brought in for doctors. Doctors can be very slow to learn when their ego is leading the way.

So, little wonder there are doctors and scientists today who can ignore the stark reality and maintain their position.

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Oh yes, I listened to a fascinating audiobook on that years ago and wish I could remember the title!

Totally agree re: the obtuseness of doctors. Just look at how ignorant they are of the value of nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements as well as their emphasis on the pound of pharmaceutical “cure” instead of the penny of healthy prevention.

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Thank-you for mentioning that! It's one of my pet peeves! You are immediately a moron when you mention it to a doctor or nurse practioner.

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Haha, I’m fortunate in that my doctors take notes from me when I visit—they go away with book, website, and article recommendations and know I’m up on the latest research regarding dietary, lifestyle, and supplement interventions ;-)

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You are so lucky! Mine roll their eyes while prescribing D2 instead of D3, which is more readily available to your body, raises your D levels faster, and keep them higher longer. BUT, try to force me to take statins that kill your liver. 😑🙄

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Oh man, sounds like you need to find new doctors! Maybe a direct primary care (https://mapper.dpcfrontier.com/) or functional medical practitioner (https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/).

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These are the "new" doctors. 😟 (I've been looking around for another one.) I would love to see a functional physician! ---Insurance won't cover them, lack of money for such things, 60 mile drive to get to one. I do what I can on my own, and watch free docuseries' on health to learn more. I've learned quite a bit in the last year and am trying to work it into my regimen. --- Thank-you very much for the links! I will use both of them. Maybe find a functional that's affordable. 🤞 (You are such a kind, caring person. I appreciate that more than you'll ever know.)

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I do understand your dilemma re: insurance as I’m in the same position myself. I actually haven’t been to the doctor since pre-COVID (just did a couple of telehealth sessions) and have been avoiding getting bloodwork done at the hospital as I don’t want to deal with all the nonsense. I pretty much have all of my health conditions well under control with diet (low-carb/high-fat/anti-inflammatory) and targeted supplements, so it isn’t a big deal, although I really should get bloodwork done to monitor my thyroid levels and make sure there aren’t any surprises. I’ve tried at-home bloodwork services like Everlywell so can do that in a pinch, but unfortunately, the tests are limited (they do at least have thyroid, so that’s handy).

It sounds like you’re doing the right thing by taking ownership of your own health and knowledge, which puts you in a better position than most!

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I'm sure trying to do better. Not to say, I really am, but I work at it everyday.

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That’s *far* more than most people do!

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