Have you heard of Project Veritas? There have been some videos of people from Pfizer and nurses talking about what is going on. These are videos that are filmed secretly without the knowledge of the people speaking. I'm sorry I don't have links to these anymore, and so cannot provide them. I received them in e-mails to which I subscribe.Possibly, they have a site to look on.
Have you heard of Project Veritas? There have been some videos of people from Pfizer and nurses talking about what is going on. These are videos that are filmed secretly without the knowledge of the people speaking. I'm sorry I don't have links to these anymore, and so cannot provide them. I received them in e-mails to which I subscribe.Possibly, they have a site to look on.
Awesome! Those are more things for me to read! I know they will be great, your research is absolutely impeccable. I hope you may be able to find the ones I mentioned. They are enlightening for those who are "under the spell," and confirm what "the rest of us" intuitively already knew.
Have you heard of Project Veritas? There have been some videos of people from Pfizer and nurses talking about what is going on. These are videos that are filmed secretly without the knowledge of the people speaking. I'm sorry I don't have links to these anymore, and so cannot provide them. I received them in e-mails to which I subscribe.Possibly, they have a site to look on.
I most definitely have heard of Project Veritas and have referenced their videos in several of my articles, including “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) and “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)! I even encouraged one of my Australian subscribers to contact them about a potential whistleblower story.
Awesome! Those are more things for me to read! I know they will be great, your research is absolutely impeccable. I hope you may be able to find the ones I mentioned. They are enlightening for those who are "under the spell," and confirm what "the rest of us" intuitively already knew.
Haha, so glad you appreciate my articles and hope you enjoy them!
I do follow Project Veritas so have probably seen the videos you mentioned, but feel free to share any links you want to make sure I’m aware of.