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I don’t watch mainstream news so can’t attest to that ;-) All the info I have comes directly from Australians who are living this on a daily basis. I’m not disagreeing with you as you obviously have a different experience, but I’m guessing it’s worse in Queensland than wherever you are.

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Victoria has been the worst where they have had the strictest and longest lockdowns in the world and the worst outcomes.

Queensland and New South Wales entered the 'fray' in more recent times and have had severe responses but that, compared to Victoria has been very short-term.

South Australia where I live has not been too bad with masks only appearing a couple of months ago, kids off school for a week last year and a week this year and cafes/restaurants inactive for a couple of weeks. Not a lot changed.

Western Australia has had very strict border closures but their mask madness is also pretty recent and they have been more like SA.

Tasmania and the Northern Territory have been reasonably moderate and the ACT, Australian Capital Territory more like NSW.

From talking to friends who have been travelling, country areas in Australia have been pretty normal and in outback areas, more isolated country, if you wear a mask they will probably call the police is the story. :) So, diverse experiences across a very big country.

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Thanks for those details, Roslyn. That makes a lot of sense and sounds like the contrasting experiences between urban centers and rural areas in the U.S. as well as red vs. blue states.

I’m glad you’re in a less-restrictive location and hope it stays that way :-)

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Yes, urban/country does make a difference. And yes, hope it stays that way also. Don't get me wrong, I am concerned about the betrayal of Democratic rights and freedoms but I also see similar things happening in the US, UK and elsewhere in the Western world.

Australia is a good hook though on which to hang all sorts of things which are actually not true,i.e. land of deadly creepy crawlies for instance when there are greater threats in the US. Not much threat from a Kangaroo or Koala compared to Bobcats and Bears. :)

And we have become a 'hook' for the American Gun Lobby - see what happens when you give up your guns.

However, in an age of the internet we can communicate and learn more about each other which is great.

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I appreciate your level-headedness and desire to head off hyperbole as that can undermine our arguments. The facts are compelling enough as it is, so it’s smart to stay focused on those.

That said, totalitarianism infiltrates by degrees, so we need to be alert to the subtlest progressions because if we wait until it’s obvious, it will be too late to halt it.

Regarding the gun issue, I am anti–gun lobby and pro–Second Amendment :-) I believe the gun lobby is corrupt and profits off of scare tactics, even going so far as to contribute to chipping away at the Second Amendment to fill their coffers. I do, however, agree with the founders that it is vital for people to have a means of defense against tyranny as well as criminals and others who would wish to do us harm. I feel totalitarianism has and will advance at a slower pace in the U.S. because the government fears a backlash from armed citizens, as well it should.

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Thank you!

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