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Thank you, Joe, for your warm support and ever-astute comments.

Russell Brand is an intriguing character. He’s much smarter than he looks ;-) I used to watch his YouTube channel ages ago. Then he took a hiatus, and I never resumed watching him after he returned. His videos popped up while I was doing research on the Great Reset/Davos/WEF, and I watched a couple. I was relieved to see he hasn’t fallen for the propaganda and isn’t shying away from exposing the Covidian lies.

I am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. One of my subscribers just told me his mother developed a life-threatening pulmonary embolism after her second Pfizer shot. Her heart rate dropped below 10 bpm, and she was rushed to the ER. After five days in the ICU, she had recovered enough to return home, but there’s no telling how long it will be before the next blood clots hit. And, if you can believe it, she *still* considered getting the booster shot after her doctor daughter and nurse daughter-in-law started pressuring her to! If the brainwashing is *so* powerful that she would consider repeating something that nearly ended her life, how can we hope to break through to those who haven’t experienced the effects firsthand?!

So yes, I agree with everything you said in your second paragraph, hence my focus on the middle “swing thinkers,” whom we have more chance of rescuing from the precipice.

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I love Russell Brand. He had a personal awakening during his hiatus with ayahuasca ceremonies. He talks about it somewhere...

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I hadn’t heard about his awakening—interesting. He is one of those rare voices on the left(ish) who is open-minded and welcoming of new ideas/perspectives, like Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Wolf, and Matt Taiibi (although Matt, to my dismay, appears to have fallen prey somewhat prey to the COVID narrative, as with Naomi Klein, another disappointment). We need more like them to start coming forward and decrying tyranny as they were wont to do with past regimes.

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Such a shame about Rolling Stone. It used to be such an anti-establishment counterculture paper. Now it's just corporate rubbish.

For journalism, also subscribe to Alex Berenson on Substack. Ex-writer for the NYT. Excellent info.

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Indeed, just like Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Amy Goodman, and countless others, the countercultural anti-authoritarians have now become the spokespersons for authoritarianism.

Yep, I’m on Alex’s mailing list—he’s usually the first to break stories on new data, vaxx injuries/deaths, and the like.

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Strangely, in this strange world we are now in, I've seen people on the Right who are the most transparent, questioning, open-minded and speaking truth. What a reversal! Candace Owens is saying some beautiful, unifying, clear things lately that one would normally associate with the liberal Left counterculture.

But then I sense this is about cessation of divisive politics and a unification of humanity in our empathy and ability to love one another. The ruling class elite do not want that! They survive and thrive on our division. So... here we go!

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Navyo, yes, the roles have reversed. The leftists are the intolerant authoritarians, and the conservatives are the reasonable, tolerant ones defending free speech. I am politically agnostic myself and believe partisanship is just one more way TPTB manipulate our ingroup/outgroup biases to divide and control us.

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How has Michael Moore become so?

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Wolf is back in fashion due to the insanity of the pandemic which means that she now sounds sane in comparison. I'm not really familiar with Taiibi but the other two have never impressed.

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There are things about Wolf that bother me a bit, like how she bent over backward to emphasize her allegiance to the left (despite them canceling her) throughout her interview with Reiner Fuellmich and his team (https://www.bitchute.com/video/bFiWanf4udyF/), but she raises important points regarding the progression of tyranny. Glenn is one of the few real journalists still out there and, while not perfect, having the courage to speak out against the COVID narrative and associated totalitarianism takes tremendous bravery in this environment, especially when you come from the left. Taiibi is hilarious and good at exposing the hypocrisy across the political spectrum, but he missed the boat on COVID and thus his judgment feels a bit skewed to me.

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There's a British movie from the 90s which has a counter cultural working class intellectual who speaks at a million miles an hour as its main protagonist. Russell must have watched it.....

I like Russell too, I am extremely cynical at those who are thrown at us as critics of the system but I have yet to find fault with him.

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I hate to say this, but I keep hoping the self righteous covidians will die soon from the poison jabs. If for no other reason than, then their families will be negatively effected and hopefully they will understand what other people have gone through and stop the persecution.

--- I don't believe in "swing thinkers" and I know no one from the "other side" that would put in the time to read and watch your well worded, well thought out post, which, in and of itself, breaks my heart.

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I do understand your frustration and desperation, and I think that has already begun happening and will continue to do so at an escalating rate the more time passes. I am trying with all my might to awaken people *before* we reach epic fatality rates, although we really already have and the Covidians still remain asleep.

Have you watched any of Prof. Mattias Desmet’s interviews (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj5bo_KFqgo) on mass formation? You may feel more encouraged about the swing thinkers once you hear his analysis.

This is how mass hypnosis/totalitarianism has been overcome throughout history—the spell eventually breaks under the weight of reality. As Goebbels says:

“There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph.”

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No, I have not. I did not know about him. Until this year, fascism wasn't on my radar, only in my rearview mirror. This link will be added to things to read, watch, and listen to. I really appreciate your help getting me up to speed. Right now, I could use some encouragement about the entire situation. I have spoken up for others, but am very afraid of them "coming for me." (I love the quote, but can never remember all of it when I need it. Please forgive me.)

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Would that fascism were still just in our rearview mirror! I am more than happy to get you up to speed—you’ll find plenty to fill out your understanding of tyranny in my essays :-)

CJ Hopkins is my favorite contemporary satirist and also writes brilliantly about the new totalitarianism (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/) if you’re not familiar with his work.

I have found connecting with kindred resisters around the world and realizing how many of us there really are very encouraging, and I think you will, too :-)

Oh yes, Martin Niemöller’s quote is uncomfortably relevant today:

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

“Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

“Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

“Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

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Yep, that's the one! Thank-you!

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