I always appreciate your well-considered and thought-provoking responses, Navyo. I am not at all surprised that you got pushback from Jews (I say that being half-Jewish myself)—not only because many have been captured by the propaganda/media/partisan politics but also because of the resistance to “relavitization of the Holocaust,” which …
I always appreciate your well-considered and thought-provoking responses, Navyo. I am not at all surprised that you got pushback from Jews (I say that being half-Jewish myself)—not only because many have been captured by the propaganda/media/partisan politics but also because of the resistance to “relavitization of the Holocaust,” which is now a literal crime in Germany (gee, I wonder why they had to make a law against people comparing contemporary fascist policies to historical fascist policies 🤔). I find this the pinnacle of irony because they seem to have lost all understanding of what “Never again” means and appear unaware that it can, is, and *will* happen again if we don’t learn from the lessons of the past. We are already witnessing totalitarianism and mass murder unfold on an unprecedented, global scale, and it will only continue to escalate.
That said, I also know there are Holocaust survivors who have been speaking out against tyranny in whatever forms it takes, the late Inge Ginsburg being one, whose treasured words and example I celebrated in “Letter to a Covidian” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel). She as well as others who have suffered under totalitarianism—in North Korea, Cuba, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Russia, and so on—DO recognize what is occurring and are doing everything they can to halt it.
I, too, have been accused of making a false equivalency when I drew comparisons to 1930s Germany, and then I provided reams of quotes from books like “They Thought They Were Free” (I have a ridiculous number of relevant excerpts in my first Recommendations Roundup: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-1-predicting), to which they responded with radio silence. It is only people who are ignorant of both history and the present tyranny who can deny the blatantly undeniable parallels.
Margaret, thank you for your considered reply and the helpful links. Your final thought - "It is only people who are ignorant of both history and the present tyranny who can deny the blatantly undeniable parallels." - I found particularly resonant. The hypnosis aspect of Covid propaganda is enabling ignorance by the forceful repetition of a single, unquestionable, authoritative story by means of various psychological tricks making it seem authentic and undeniable.
The enabling of ignorance has profound effects, not just in the acceptance of lies and deceit but in the act of self harm, as we are seeing globally. And, in line with our topic, the denial of history, however factually presented.
I would go as far to say that E.I. (Enabled Ignorance) is the necessary factor for A.I. to succeed. The global propaganda psy-op is to dumb us down into acceptance and obedience. The amount of preparation and research into behavioural dynamics done for this is immense. It's not child's play, yet it appears so deceptively simple.
It is the Jews who DO speak out that can turn this tide, as you noted with Inge Ginsburg. Another is Aviva Dautch who has a Twitter feed. She commented on this topic,
"I've seen several tweets comparing this to the Nazis / The Holocaust and saying things like 'This is how it begins.' I teach Holocaust literature so let me tell you - this ISN'T how it began. This is already several stages along the way."
Ultimately, who can say how we can get through to people, how they can or will wake up? I don't know. Collectively, we are in this together, however divisive it seems. It's good to remember that.
Thank you so much for the pointer to Aviva Dautch—how very encouraging! We desperately need the voices of those who have suffered atrocities in the past to step forward and try to halt it from happening now.
Indeed. And I think there's a whole piece to be written about E.I. - it's endemic in our culture at the moment. The dumbing down into emotional reactions and the soma of dopamine fixes make a false narrative without factual evidence possible.
Historically, the success and breadth of the Catholic Church (talk about globalists!) was also due to E.I. - it was heresy to read, punishable by death. Keep the people ignorant and they'll believe anything. Make up a story of the bogeyman Satan (virus) and the eternal pain of hellfire if disobeyed (police beatings, prison camps) then strict obedience to the narrative will keep them safe. This story/strategy has been going on for centuries by the power elite. And still people buy it, thanks to E.I. and its primitive brain state of fear.
I agree about Enabled Ignorance meriting its own article—you should write it!
Yes, I’ve been thinking about the parallels between the Reformation overturning the Catholic Church’s singular grip on the “Truth” and the Internet permitting laypersons like us to examine data and access scientific resources ourselves instead of Trusting The Science™ like the high priests demand. We’re witnessing the same kind of crumbling of authority and empowering of the commoners that occurred during the Reformation.
“This makes me furious. The tweet was about internment of refugee children. Vaccinations are lifesaving. It’s the abuse of truth by the anti-vax brigade that’s fascist.”
I always appreciate your well-considered and thought-provoking responses, Navyo. I am not at all surprised that you got pushback from Jews (I say that being half-Jewish myself)—not only because many have been captured by the propaganda/media/partisan politics but also because of the resistance to “relavitization of the Holocaust,” which is now a literal crime in Germany (gee, I wonder why they had to make a law against people comparing contemporary fascist policies to historical fascist policies 🤔). I find this the pinnacle of irony because they seem to have lost all understanding of what “Never again” means and appear unaware that it can, is, and *will* happen again if we don’t learn from the lessons of the past. We are already witnessing totalitarianism and mass murder unfold on an unprecedented, global scale, and it will only continue to escalate.
That said, I also know there are Holocaust survivors who have been speaking out against tyranny in whatever forms it takes, the late Inge Ginsburg being one, whose treasured words and example I celebrated in “Letter to a Covidian” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel). She as well as others who have suffered under totalitarianism—in North Korea, Cuba, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Russia, and so on—DO recognize what is occurring and are doing everything they can to halt it.
I, too, have been accused of making a false equivalency when I drew comparisons to 1930s Germany, and then I provided reams of quotes from books like “They Thought They Were Free” (I have a ridiculous number of relevant excerpts in my first Recommendations Roundup: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-1-predicting), to which they responded with radio silence. It is only people who are ignorant of both history and the present tyranny who can deny the blatantly undeniable parallels.
Margaret, thank you for your considered reply and the helpful links. Your final thought - "It is only people who are ignorant of both history and the present tyranny who can deny the blatantly undeniable parallels." - I found particularly resonant. The hypnosis aspect of Covid propaganda is enabling ignorance by the forceful repetition of a single, unquestionable, authoritative story by means of various psychological tricks making it seem authentic and undeniable.
The enabling of ignorance has profound effects, not just in the acceptance of lies and deceit but in the act of self harm, as we are seeing globally. And, in line with our topic, the denial of history, however factually presented.
I would go as far to say that E.I. (Enabled Ignorance) is the necessary factor for A.I. to succeed. The global propaganda psy-op is to dumb us down into acceptance and obedience. The amount of preparation and research into behavioural dynamics done for this is immense. It's not child's play, yet it appears so deceptively simple.
It is the Jews who DO speak out that can turn this tide, as you noted with Inge Ginsburg. Another is Aviva Dautch who has a Twitter feed. She commented on this topic,
"I've seen several tweets comparing this to the Nazis / The Holocaust and saying things like 'This is how it begins.' I teach Holocaust literature so let me tell you - this ISN'T how it began. This is already several stages along the way."
Ultimately, who can say how we can get through to people, how they can or will wake up? I don't know. Collectively, we are in this together, however divisive it seems. It's good to remember that.
Navyo, I love “Enabled Ignorance”!
Thank you so much for the pointer to Aviva Dautch—how very encouraging! We desperately need the voices of those who have suffered atrocities in the past to step forward and try to halt it from happening now.
Indeed. And I think there's a whole piece to be written about E.I. - it's endemic in our culture at the moment. The dumbing down into emotional reactions and the soma of dopamine fixes make a false narrative without factual evidence possible.
Historically, the success and breadth of the Catholic Church (talk about globalists!) was also due to E.I. - it was heresy to read, punishable by death. Keep the people ignorant and they'll believe anything. Make up a story of the bogeyman Satan (virus) and the eternal pain of hellfire if disobeyed (police beatings, prison camps) then strict obedience to the narrative will keep them safe. This story/strategy has been going on for centuries by the power elite. And still people buy it, thanks to E.I. and its primitive brain state of fear.
I agree about Enabled Ignorance meriting its own article—you should write it!
Yes, I’ve been thinking about the parallels between the Reformation overturning the Catholic Church’s singular grip on the “Truth” and the Internet permitting laypersons like us to examine data and access scientific resources ourselves instead of Trusting The Science™ like the high priests demand. We’re witnessing the same kind of crumbling of authority and empowering of the commoners that occurred during the Reformation.
And the need for protection.
Very late in the game to be commenting but maybe you’ll see this.
Today, 2-7-24 I checked Aviva Dautch’s Twitter page. Apparently in her “pinned” tweet she “clarifies” that quote.
Seems to me she doesn’t mean what Navyo or you think (maybe by now - thought)
I’d include it here but am tech challenged 🤣
Please see what you think…
Aviva Dautch 7-23-21
“This makes me furious. The tweet was about internment of refugee children. Vaccinations are lifesaving. It’s the abuse of truth by the anti-vax brigade that’s fascist.”
Well, that's disappointing (and didn't age well). Thank you for the follow-up, SusanMc! Here is the tweet for those who are wondering: