Do you (or did you) believe the COVID narrative? If so, would you be willing to answer some questions? All I ask is that you honestly engage with the questions. I promise to listen attentively and respectfully.
100% of my narrative-believing friends stuck their fingers in their ears and answered "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" to every single question. Hope this data helps! 😇
I think they do this because to engage would be too ego-shattering. My step-sister is a vaccinator. She won't even entertain the conversation. Her career would be over and she would have to reckon with having harmed hundreds, if not thousands of children and adults.
Exactly. And then not only would they be responsible, they'd have to admit the 'science deniers' were actually correct the entire time -- after multiple years of very publicly demonizing the 'grandma killers' who 'refused to help society'. (And/or trying to get them fired)
Understood, ThomasFrancisRyan, and that’s why I addressed that concern in the introduction. One of the goals of this piece was to provide discussion questions that people could select from at will and use to prompt healing dialogue.
I did not expect people to answer every single question and was amazed when quite a few (narrative skeptics, anyway) did! One said it was a healing process for him, and many appreciated the opportunity to reflect on their journey over the past three years.
Basically, this is a tool that people can use, adapt, and draw from as desired for their individual circumstances.
Yes, these people teeter on the edge of psychological collapse. At the same time they are among the most dangerous. Someone finds about 1.2% of the population are psychopaths. They however are persuasive and I think we know exactly who they are.
That is exactly my sister. She required her employees, children, and hubby to be shot. She’s mentally incapable of processing the possibility that she could be responsible for harming them.
Familiar with the effect of this to disintegrate and divide families. Sister, brother, a son & four grandchildren and two daughters. It hurts. We have become accustomed to hurting. We can heal the hurt.
My bother as well, and it's stunning how many of them are anti-liberal good "christian" conservatives as well. Not that any of those terms have any meaning anymore in our society particularly, nonetheless.
The word Christian has a definite and unchangeable definition.
Those such as yourself who attempt to undermine this meaning and reality are the enemy - the Frankfurt Schoolers who got us into this mess in the first place.
Churches have distorted that definition for hundreds of years to the point that the majority, apparently including you, conflate Churchianity with Christianity.
I don't know who distorted the definition, but I do know the majority of professed "GOOD" Christians are definitely the Churchianity people of which you speak.
You strike me as someone that has no idea what the New Testament definition of a Christian is if you support the definitions going today in America's apostate church 501c SYSTEM.
So Bill Clinton is a Christian because he said so? Hillary too? Bush? etc. etc. ...
Sounds as if you completely missed the point to me.
To you it may have an unchangeable definition, but in our world, in America in particular, it's definition is as arbitrary as it gets. Sorry to have to inform you. But when heretics are called Christians, there's a problem.
You sure that YOU don't support the Frankfurt School? You a paid government shill? What?
"A group of jews who promoted all kinds of bolshevik and antichrist teachings, who were active in 1930's Germany. Because of their corrupting and destabilizing influence, they were forced to leave Germany; they then went to the US and were given top academic positions in various Ivy League universities. From such dangerous beginnings, they went on to corrupt the entirety of US academia, which now is more concerned with the colour of your skin, or your sexual preferences, than with any original or sane thought you might have."
Gotcha! I'll put ya down as a paid fed shill then. Or retired government employee that made his money via the most satanical organization on the planet, claiming to be a follower of Christ. Your types are cheap.
And LMAO, talk about not having any subtance, you can't even get my statement in context, then you can't even defend your own. Typical "tough-guy" and all the hallmarks of a government employee. Again, your types are cheap.
At least I don't sell my soul for gain in the Central Banking system's currency while bitching about how they control us.
I was concerned and cautious early on, circa March 2020. But, having always had more than my fair share of curiosity and skepticism, by the end of April 2020, I’d come to the conclusion that it was all just globalists doing what globalists do.
I presented all kinds of information that I was coming across to family and friends and not a single one, save those also already skeptical of government “advisories”, was convinced to develop a more questioning stance.
All eagerly lined up for the vax. I lost a 10 year relationship over it. A few have come around, telling me that they recognize now I was right all along. But only a few.
As to your questions, MAA, I suspect you already know that those who didn’t question what they were being told have any interest now in opening that inquiry. And those of us that were healthily skeptical, have long since turned to “alternative” media, such as your Substack, for good data-based information.
To paraphrase John Adams (I think it was John Adams) badly, self governance is only suitable for a moral and informed citizenry. Most of our fellow citizens are too blissfully settled into their shallow and apathetic ignorance to be expected to effectively govern themselves.
My doctor friends and coworkers simply give a dead stare before walking away.
However, I have 2 doctor friends that retired early, before the Covid chaos began because the knew something weird was coming. They say they tried to speak with coworkers but they get insulted. One awakened doc is a obgyn and the other an orthodontist. I’m thankful I met them because it means there are other doctors who are awake but otherwise I don’t trust a practicing doctor anymore.
MAA, my brother’s good friend is a pharmacist...he took it hook line and sinker. “Our government is here to protect us not hurt us. “ He thinks I lost my mind. MAA.. I went to medical school and residency, board certified and fellowed , and I lost my mind ? He chose the pharmacist. We barely speak anymore.
I’m so sorry, BINYB 😢 Perhaps there’s an inkling of hope that he’s beginning to realize things are not as he was told? I would be very curious to see how he would respond to this questionnaire if he has the courage to read it. Maybe it could prompt a healing discussion between you?
I (regrettably) got 2 shots but still was able to wake up even if it was too late. I will never take another pHARMaceutical again and I will speak against the narrative even if I’m thrown in prison for it. I’m spitting mad!
Christine, you are a *rarity* among human beings. Congratulations on waking up despite having initially succumbed. It is never too late to take steps for mitigating potential side effects! Here is but one of many resources that may help with your recovery:
FYI, I’m still working in a nursing home where our patients and most of my coworkers are on their 5th shots (not including their flu jabs). I stopped taking any “mandatory” vaccines after my violent response to the 2nd jab in Jan 2021. My last flu shot was oct 2020. I’ve been extremely resentful ever since but was slow to realize the con I’ve been a part of and I speak my mind 24/7, most laugh at me, some actually believe me but always say “we have no choice” which I also believed at one time -that’s when I allowed my employer to coerce me into accepting an experimental drug x2, where the 2nd dose nearly did me in. Gaslit by everyone, especially by doctors. That was the beginning of my awakening to realize that my fellow healthcare workers/doctors/nurses/specialists are clueless and therefore dangerous!!the fact that we are witnessing extreme deaths/damage but not capable of recognizing (fierce denial) that the new forced experimental and repeated dosages are the cause is beyond frightening. I realize I’m not the best writer, please forgive me:)
I just want to say that I’m still working in the evil den and feel guilty that I have not walked away from my career because I truly would love to but still feel pretty helpless. I really don’t know what to do. Sometimes I feel I should stay so I can keep my finger on the pulse, try to get people to resist the mandates, constantly remind my coworkers (and some carefully selected patients) that we have safety in numbers. I know of some unvaxxed patients! It’s amazing and some patients and staff are admitting that they stopped getting shots after their second meaning people are finally admitting out loud they are questioning the narrative. It’s risky to speak against it because you never know which patients/staff will report you. But I keep going because, for whatever reason, I’m still working 🤷♀️
Lastly, I do not inject vaccines either and I report adverse reactions and teach everyone about VAERS! Thanks for listening❤️
Good question, and while logic and reason would certainly be valuable if they did engage on that level, those tools have been worthless in the face of irrational faith in the narrative thus far.
In the case of these questions, my hope is that this approach will actually trigger their intuitive, gut instinct that they have been suppressing for three years now, and once they permit their suspicions to rise to the surface, they will be capable of engaging logically and reasonably once again.
I suspect too, that even if they instantly dismiss the questions, the questions themselves, being out there, as well as the person who presents them, is an automatic reflection, which even if they reject, works them unconsciously. The truth is gonna feel different energetically (and the person speaking them) then the lie. We are always acting as mirrors. It's the quiet moments later, when they can't avoid themselves, where the opportunity likely shows up; those moments before sleep and upon waking to a new day, where we tend to deal with ourselves.
"In the case of these questions, my hope is that this approach will actually trigger their intuitive, gut instinct that they have been suppressing for three years now,"
Is it possible that they have different brains and that they didn't experience a suppressed gut instinct?
FWIW, I didn't have a special "gut"vibe. As it went along, I knew something was going on, sure. The over the top pressure was suspicious.
But it wasn't until I looked at data that I realized.
And thus these hard core people who boarded the plane to Jonestown...maybe they are guided by neither "gut instinct" which is tough to isolate or prove, nor by data or logic.
And thus trying to talk them back from the Jungle with the above will fail, b/c they are motivated by a religion of sorts.
I think, just like the narrative disbelievers, those who fell for the narrative are on a spectrum. The ones who are diehard Covidians are likely unreachable, and I would never expect them to read past the headline of this piece.
The ones in the middle—those I call the “swing thinkers”—were once reasonable, even skeptical individuals. They are the ones I’m trying to reach as I attempt to shake them out of their trance and help them remember their intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and intuitive anti-authoritarian strain that somehow got inverted on this one particular topic.
I also think that it's sheer and utter laziness, intellectual laziness. So many people simply meander through life w/o asking any real questions about anything and simply make their goals predicated upon the basest and most trivial things; wealth, convenience, leisure, etc. So many bright people I know that are lost in that way. Whether or not there's any correlation, many of them are also incredibly self-centered.
The problem with the appeal to reason is that it feels good to do it, but it is pointless at this stage.
The objective of the plan was to kill and injure as many as could be reached, and those left alive would have their fertility and ability to produce normal children demolished - so none of these post facto interventions are worthwhile.
The reason why the psychotic criminals backed off is because their objective was achieved - destruction of white fertility to a level which is irrecoverable.
Much emphasis is placed on those who were killed and injured by these poisons - but nothing is being said about the real strategy, which will only gradually become apparent, and which the mainstream media will do everything in its power to obfuscate.
Most intelligent and comprehensive comment I've seen you make here.
I would argue that the reason why they "backed off" as you state, wasn't because their objective had been reached, but if you've noticed, they push, then back off, push, then back off, etc. It's a two-steps forward, one-step back approach by design.
Then they let the buffoons literring the western world bicker and argue over the superficial politics behind it, while using that for cover in their next move. Similar to how they've now done with "Catastrophic Contagian," or EVENT201 the sequel.
... and BTW, it really has nothing to do with "my approval," and for as facetious as this is. What it has to do with is understanding who the core perps are, you know, the ones at the top of that Seeing-Eye Pyramid that I know you know.
So many, almost all, of the content here at Substack and elsewhere seems to stop short of naming the actual names due to a lifetime of indoctrination.
It is entertaining, in a befuddling kind of way, to watch.
Perhaps the most important lesson one can learn in life is also one of the most difficult. Throughout history, it’s been proven over and over, yet somehow many people haven’t caught on. Indeed, right now we’re at this strange place in America in which a growing number of people are figuring it out, while the rest remain blissfully unaware of what’s happening around them. George Carlin knew it:
"Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize the government doesn't give a $#&*@)( about them. the government doesn't care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety. it simply doesn't give a $*)#@ about you. It's interested in it's own power. That's the only thing...keeping it, and expanding wherever possible."
I'm old enough to remember when the left was AGAINST Wall Street and the CIA/FBI/MIC. Now they playact at #RESISTING with the complete backing of every corporate entity imaginable.
(Natural News) For daring to question the very soon release of his Operation Warp Speed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, Donald Trump has ordered Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to issue a public apology to all Americans for their “reckless anti-vaccine rhetoric.”
After Biden and Harris expressed concerns about rushed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines being mass-distributed to the American public before the Nov. 3 election, Trump called them both out for questioning science and putting the lives of Americans at stake.
“It undermines science,” Trump stated about the skepticism expressed by the Democrat ticket. “They’ll say anything and it’s so dangerous for our country.”
We are simply not a very sophisticated, savvy crew.
people have too much cognitive dissonance to accept that they were duped by the government spokespeople they trusted, and fear receiving any type of "I told you so"
I got so fed up with my brother and his condescension that I couldn't take it anymore and made reference to the notion that I'm not the one that likely sterilized or at minimum rendered my own young daughter's reproductive system in every likelihood damaged.
Shamnesty distraction... WTH there is no trust.......
“FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation” (Epoch Times article also)
This is quite possibly the most egregious public example of “I’m going to lie to your face and then get off on watching you let me get away with it” demonic gaslighting I have yet seen. People begged for Ivermectin. Families begged for Ivermectin. Doctors lost their licenses for attempting to prescribe and/or administer it. Pharmacists were threatened with loss of licensure if they filled prescriptions for it. “Horse dewormer” propaganda against a drug that had been dispensed to humans over 3.5 billion times since the late 1980s with statistically zero side effects and was the “I” in the P.I.A. Triumvirate of the three most important HUMAN drugs in HISTORY (Penicillin, Ivermectin, Aspirin), was ubiquitous. Now, the FDA has the demonic, shameless gall to claim that all of their war of attrition against Ivermectin was “just a recommendation.” As in, if you or your loved one didn’t get it or take it, that was YOUR fault.
It's smilar to the liberals who sceam "election deniers!" ref 2020 &2022, like they haven't questioned every election since 2000 if a Repulican won. But it's all an act to keep us in-fighting while both sides rob us blind.
So happy you posted this. I have been telling friends about this and they are clueless. Also, on another note, a friend returning from Rome last week, sat next to a girl who was coughing in her MASK. Said friend now has the "Virus that shall not be named". But MASKS work, don't you know?
I’m delighted you found it of value, French Vanilla Decaf!
*lol* If your friend is still clueless about masks and not convinced by her empirical experience, she may learn something from my article on masking (provided she’s willing to read it, which is always the challenge):
I'm not sure I can send this on to my friends because they might not like being called a "narrative believer." They follow what is to them the traditional path, the educated path. To them, they are not believing a narrative; they are following the science, the truth. Also, there are a few questions that come off as bordering inflammatory rather than neutral.
I could be wrong, though. That's just how it hits me.
(By the way, I think you are fabulous and appreciate what you are trying to do, so I hope you know I'm not trying to be a troll.)
Thank you, TeacherLori, and I appreciate your feedback. As I mentioned in this comment (, I intentionally avoided using “Covidian” for that reason. I don’t consider the people I’m trying to reach the deeply entrenched cult believers but more likely naïvely trusting of entities absolutely undeserving of their trust—hence the term “narrative believer.” It was the least threatening term I could think of considering this questionnaire is all about trying to discover why they believed the narrative. If you have other suggestions, I’m open to considering alternatives for future articles.
I tried to avoid being inflammatory, but I may have failed in a few questions—which ones did you feel were problematic?
In any case, this is why I encouraged people to pick and choose questions as desired for their own purposes and to add their own if inspired to do so.
@MAA I had the same reaction. The wording of some questions is inflammatory. They sound almost like "how could you be so stupid?". I know you didn't say that, but it can be perceived as such. And...perception is everything.
Thank you for letting me know, ConcernedGrammy. If it’s no trouble, would you mind pointing out any questions you think are particularly problematic? In scanning the questions, I’m not sure how to phrase things more gently while still presenting information they likely have never been exposed to (which I don’t intend as blame but merely as a “Did you know” statement to prompt reflection).
From Forbes article, Sept. 2020. The vaccines were never to be tested against infection and transmission.
These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal.
What would a normal vaccine trial look like?
Prevention of infection must be a critical endpoint. Any vaccine trial should include regular antigen testing every three days to test contagiousness to pick up early signs of infection and PCR testing once a week to confirm infection by SARS-CoV-2 test the ability of the vaccines to stave off infection.
Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected.
I had to do a double-take because I thought I had referenced the Forbes article in this post, but it turns out it is a different piece in progress! I have a whole section where I quote excerpts from that, and I have you to thank for alerting me to it!
I was calling BS from Day One. The Government Narrative was being pushed too hard. There was no one calling for reasonable, thoughtful investigation of the facts. The measures to control this "virus" were much too draconian. I knew the "two weeks to flatten the curve was a lie and that restrictions would last much longer. What I did not realize was how many people around me would go all in, "hook line and sinker" and choose to believe this obvious Government LIE.
I started to question when those two doctors in southern CA were ridiculed back in April 2020 for suggesting a medication they were finding success with. Around the same time, our schools closed for the rest of the year (WA state) with 2 and a half months left! But I was never more shocked when my small group of friends were planning to get the vax asap. I was the only one who wanted to “wait and see.”🤷🏻♀️
I recently referenced Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi’s April 2020 press conference in a comment ( at Malone’s Stack! I remember finding their well-documented analysis, knowledge of herd immunity, and tamping down of the fear porn incredibly refreshing in a sea of lies.
so many of us are the only ones in our families or group of friends who did not take it. I asked them all to just wait for some data, it has a 99% survival rate, you can always take it later. My eldest daughter listened, nobody else from a quite large extended family.
Same here. Of my six adult children, the 4 oldest (and the 2 spouses) took the vax, but the youngest 2 did not. And every one of our extended family got vaxxed, but thankfully few of them are boosted.
Jay Inslee knew (and said) that our hospitals weren't in danger of being overwhelmed on April 8, 2020 (the day the field hospital at Century Link was dismantled without seeing a patient).
We stayed under lockdown rules for 16ish more months.
And, as you probably know, we STILL have a vax mandate for government employees (like my former self), although, it’s a mandate for the initial series, not the boosters, because that initial series from 2 years ago is good enough, right?🤔🤪
Fantastic questions. God bless you for still having the patience to ask w such compassion. I'm no longer there. They lost me forever w the talks of camps.
Thank you, De Tokeville, and I wholly understand your feelings. When I first started this post, I had in mind a dear friend who visited me last year and who had fully bought into the narrative—and yet she was willing to listen to me ask her dozens of questions and committed to watching some of the videos I later shared with her. The fact that she spent nearly an hour talking with me about this gave me hope, although I fear she never did delve into the information I provided. Imagining her as the recipient helped me write this with greater compassion than I otherwise would have, and my hope is this will enable the narrative believers to share their side of the story in a way that helps foster healing and awakening.
Unfortunately, my experience is oh so similar to Simulation Commander's above. Nevertheless, you've outdone yourself with this, Margaret.
My audience is limited to 50 friends and a hundred random strangers, but you do inspire many of us. Case in point, you and another Substacker inspired this post from me a while back: 'Big Pharma Disasters: 30 reasons why things are different now, so there's no need to worry'
I will definitely try to make use of today's excellent post. Please consider mentioning Bill Gates somewhere, perhaps in the advertising area. He deserves to be throttled always.
So very kind of you, Dave, and thank you for pointing me to that richly packed post! I will take a closer look when time permits but appreciate your sharing of my 50 Reasons post and have added you to the Shoutouts Gratitude section ( of this post :-)
Regarding Bill Gates, he got top billing in my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series 😁
This Covid plandemic had nothing to with health. It is a test run to see how far the globalists can push the people ie control. With a little depopulation on the side
I promise you that I will try to engage my quintuple-boosted, koolaid-drinking family with these questions over the holidays. I'll tell you what they say, or how they react. Maybe if I say this is for a historical record of what we are collectively going through, they would like to be part of a historical record.
Are you willing to put this questionnaire into a printable format and also an online survey format, and make it more open-ended, not simply for the narrative believers, but for anyone to record their points of view? You might get more responses from narrative believers if it is phrased very neutrally, is what I'm thinking.
Thank you for bravely taking on the challenge, Dani, and I am excited to hear how it goes!
As for a printable format—that is on my todo list! I had wanted to prepare it in time to accompany this post but didn’t want to delay publishing as I wanted this to go out before people start traveling for Thanksgiving.
As for an online survey, I was thinking of asking Steve Kirsch if he could host that and put the word out to his readers so we can get more responses.
I may need to create an alternative list for those who did not believe the narrative—that’s a great idea and one someone else suggested to me via email.
I'm glad you (and others) are engaging in collecting for the historical record. We are going on 3 years into this, and we do need to be collecting stories and gathering material for future historians.
I wonder, if I were a documentarian, how I would know when I'd collected enough that we were at some type of end point, and it's time to put it all together. We are not there yet.
We won't know enough to 'put a ribbon on it' until it's politically beneficial to go after the people who ordered lockdowns. THEN it will all come out.
REgarding The Holidaze, would it be possible to create a sort of boardgame or exploration card deck with the questions as a way of getting people talking, like before they get loaded or fall asleep??? Help it along with a gimmick to engage people. Since they've already been totally mindfked, what's wrong with a little more? For their own good, of course!
Thanks, Lupa! I have the Adobe Creative Suite and have been doing graphic design professionally for years so plan to use those tools—it’s just a matter of finding time.
I will be very blunt here. If they are vaxed to the max like you say, the only conversation you should have is about their arrangements for their upcoming deaths. Convincing them or informing them of the realities of the poison in their bodies is really pointless at this point. Plus there is growing evidence that the vaccine causes brain damage that destroys higher brain functions. So you may be unable to reach them at all. Sad I know - but this is where Pure Bloods are right now. We can’t help them.
What most people who write on here do not recognise the real reasons for the plandemic which was the financial crash Sept 2019 and March 2020. The project planned years in advance with lots of evidence. Lockdowns were to stop normal business transactions and funnel monies to prop up failing banks again as 2008 problem never went away and very low interest rates since then have not been enough for pension companies to pay retirees. Also this operation is the start of the great culling as initiated by Rockefeller and Club of Rome which stated humanity was earth's problem! TPTB want resources for themselves so reduction in people plus scam of climate change green deals will further reduce our freedom to travel. G20 meeting in Bali last week all signed up for vaxx passports. The WHO. unelected private org want to be in total charge of World health with powers superceding national govs. Everything happening is towards global gvernance, no nation states, no borders (now you realise why so lax about illegal immigrants globally). Europe to not be predominately white anymore. Please read Prof Michel Chudodovski book pdf version of Covid global takeover on
Catherine Austin Fitts has done one of the best jobs of exposing the global financial collapse and how the suicidal COVID policies were used to obscure the quietly disintegrating infrastructure.
I covered the Club of Rome in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series as well as the synopsis ( I prepared for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation, although I am fully aware the rabbit-hole goes much deeper than it was possible for me to explore, and I hope to revisit it in greater depth when time permits:
I would go back at least 40-100 years beyond that.
Someone looted the treasury, and they've been figuring out more creative ways to double-down on it ever since.
When Bill Gates grinned his evil grin at the postulate: "Should we withhold Social Security from people who don't get the [pseudo}"vaccine?" He ALREADY knew that part of this scheme is to make sure there will be a LOT less people alive to claim their Social Security in the first place.
Who will the evil masterminds have to answer to for this and every other crime they've committed? If they kill 99% of us the answer would be: No one.
From the very beginning, as a parent of a Severely Vaccone injured son with Autism I knew , as did the rest of my immediately family, that there was something very wrong and cynical about the whole 'COVID-19' narrative.
Based on prior 'Vaccine Injury' as Officially Recorded In my Sons Medical Records , I was able to secure a 'Valid Medical Exemption' for him.
None of us , a family of five, including my severely disabled son took the Vaccine, against the back drop of very extreme and quiet negative Public Back Lash. But at this side of the whole cynically 'Orchestrated Fiasco' known as 'The Covid-19 Pandemic' we all feel completely 'Vindicated'.
In closing, I feel very strongly the whole thing was planned in advance, with 'Profit' for the Industry the primary motivation as the end goal.
An Industry that is sadly driven by Corruption, and the Acquisition of Wealth , rather than the 'Protection Of Health'.
Why do I Say This? . . .
*Illigally funded 'Gain Of Function Research '.
* Deliberate change to the standard of practice and governing criteria to allow the development and deployment of an 'Emergency Use Authorization Licence'.
Official change to the accepted descriptive properties of what constitutes a 'Vaccine'.
* Indemnity from Liability for Associated Injuries, thus creating a 'Free Market / No Liability'.
* Censorship.
In Essence, The Industry worked very closely with World Governments and Media to control the Narrative , to 'Shut Down' open Debate, Dialogue and the sharing of 'Vital Information'.
In Brief I Believe the Primary Motive was 'Profit' driven.
The Pharmacutical Industry collectively, and some would say illegally worked to 'Create a Virus' that was more 'Infectious & Transmissible' through Illegal 'Gain Of Function Research' . Thus Creating the 'Market' to release the perceived 'Antidote' - A Vaccine Against Covid-19.
Which in essence is a newly formulated Experimental Medical Product, that has not to date been adequately tested on the 'Immunocompromised/ Immunodeficient.
Would the World be shocked to learn, there are currently over 130 new Vaccines in production within industry, as they concurrently work on the development of stronger adjuvants to illicit an even greater immune response in the recipient.
Doesn't Take a Genius to work out where all this is heading if we allow it to continue unabated.
There has been a massive spike in the development of a whole pletera of Immune mediated illnesses and disorders based in Autoimmunity from accumulative Viral/ Toxic Injury in this generation of infants and children born, and its about to get a whole lot worse.
I'm Proud to say, I for one have 'Stood My Ground' , and will Continue to do so, no matter what the uncertain future holds for us all NO MORE VACCINES EVER AGAIN.
Brava, Valerie, and thank you for being alert and keeping your family safe!
I agree regarding the profit motive—indeed, I listed Profit, Power, and Democide as the three primary motivators and provided ample substantiating evidence in my Corona Investigative Committee interview and the essay I wrote in preparation for it:
Wow--what an awesome compendium! Wonder how much Staples will charge to print out a booklet?
A month into the scam-demic I smelled corruption. Fauci never sounded right to me. After the lockdowns went into effect I was 99.99% certain we had been duped! Then I heard the first doctor spell it out: Hospital Admins were only recommending Remdesevir and Vancomycin--and enforcing this dictate regardless of the physician's professional opinion. I was done with the fake narrative a couple of months into the scam. Thank you for this article.
Thank you, Riki Tiki Tavi! I do plan to create a typeset version people can print out and distribute electronically. I will add that to my Wake-up Toolkit ( once it’s ready.
Congratulations on being so sensitive to the lies and smelling out the deception from the outset!
Margaret AA, I wish I had time to go through all your questions and answer them as well--but I don't. I will only tell you that I was on board with the narrative--totally suspicious of those conspiracy theorists--until I gathered the courage to watch a short clip of Judy Mikovitz done by Miki Willis. I knew she was telling the truth and that changed everything for me. I saw the guy behind the curtain and realized the world was being fed a bunch of lies. But it took courage to open my ideas and beliefs to something new and scary. When you've bought into the narrative to the point that you've had your children vaxxed and boosted--which my daughter has--I don't see much hope of their opening to another story. These 3 years have been the most important in my life from the standpoint of QUESTIONING my ideas and beliefs. We are not our minds. They are made up of 99% what has been fed to us by our parents, religious leader, government rules and regs... It has been so important to me to find I must look out beyond the ideas and beliefs that have made up my identity to find a greater reality that actually exists. It has been and continues to be scary--but isn't it more important to see what is coming over the horizon so that we, as a race, have the chance to survive it?
What an exceptionally profound statement, Dariel, and congratulations on summoning the strength and humility to resist your cognitive biases, examine the evidence for yourself, and WAKE up! If only more people were like you!!
SO true. This has all of the trapping of a dark Religion: leaps-of -faith, "believing," sacramental shots, sacrificing others to appease an unseen force, and agony so real that suffering people would do ANYTHING to make it stop. Even submit their children to something they knew deep down was wrong.
It hinged on the tribal survival instinct to side with the "winners,", propaganda battering, relentless fear, real and imagined death counts reversed "through-the-looking-glass" and then distorted beyond recognition.
Thank God for the "way back" machine or tons more scientific fraud and genocide would have been lost in the blur.
Yuri Bezmenov stated quite plainly what's going on in his interview with G. Edward Griffin over 40 years ago now. We've most successfully been demoralized as a society.
We tend to glance over that word, demoralization/demoralize, but essentially it involves removing the basis of morality from everyone's existence, namely belief in God, particularly insofar as being greater than us and having provided a moral framework from within which to live.
Satanists believe it, which is why they actively engage in destroying it, they simply operate from that other side of the tracks as it were.
I've known atheists that were far more ethical than some religious people I've known, so the belief in God doesn't seem to be the difference. Some of these genocidal monsters believe God likes them better, so belief doesn't stop that behavior.
Maybe a belief in the the value of life in general would be my substitute ideology suggestion.
I think the way we treat our fellowman and all living things honors God. and If you don't "believe" in God, decent behavior and service to life honors everything else well enough.
If we're going to get into faith, I put all of mine in someone that died, rose from the dead, and then already ascended into heaven. It is for everyone to seek for themselves.
I agree with your sentiment. "Christianity," as we call it, much as with most everything else, has been co-opted by satanic interests, the sons of hell as Jesus himself referred to them, them whose father was the devil.
The word "christian" today in our society, much as the word "conservative," has become meaningless. The US is the executive arm of the vast majority of government sponsored satanicly driven death and destruction in the world today. Yet, it is backed by many that claim to be "christian." This hardly means, and I would suggest that there is no association whatsoever, that these people are true believers by any stretch.
So while you say that "belief doesn't stop that behavior," my reply would be that any such belief is false, purely superficial. I mean anyone can claim to be "christian," right. As James points out in James 2:18, faith without the works (aka proof) to back it up, is worthless.
So those "genocidal monsters" are not followers of christ at all. The so-called "christian" church in America is so utterly co-opted by heretical satanic interests, that it's apostate, AT BEST.
Think about it, what did the vast majority of "churches" do during the lockdowns? They complied with the government, right. That's because they exist via permission of the government, largely if not entirely over reasons related to money/staff/salaries/payments/etc. (mammon essentially) via the 501c(3) mechanism. That is not a Godly mechanism much less requirement.
God needs no permission from Government for his church (indiviuals, not buildings, demoninations, etc.) to thrive. In fact, the opposite is true, that anyone/anything that first seeks that permission, is already out of God's grace as such.
This is a much longer conversation, but I wanted to respond. I coimpletely hear and understand your concerns. As I've told people, as a small business person, no longer with a business but nonetheless, the biggest flag to me is when someone tells me that I can trust them because they're a "christian." That tells me to run. ... and I have strong faith in Christ. FWIW
100% of my narrative-believing friends stuck their fingers in their ears and answered "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" to every single question. Hope this data helps! 😇
I think they do this because to engage would be too ego-shattering. My step-sister is a vaccinator. She won't even entertain the conversation. Her career would be over and she would have to reckon with having harmed hundreds, if not thousands of children and adults.
Exactly. And then not only would they be responsible, they'd have to admit the 'science deniers' were actually correct the entire time -- after multiple years of very publicly demonizing the 'grandma killers' who 'refused to help society'. (And/or trying to get them fired)
Exactly. And many do not have the intellectual fortitude or spiritual courage to face that.
Laura Dodsworth has described our resilience as having a 'spiritual spine' - I rather liked that description.
Yes this is a thinning out perirod before it gets far worse in some ways
Scientific-fraud dissenters labeled "science deniers." Classic.
Or they don't have hours and hours to devote to it.
If you know someone's disinclined, presenting them with the equivalent of a PhD thesis in word count is an exceedingly poor strategy.
I liked the idea, but the further I read into it, I was thinking, “how many people would actually answer this? It’s just way too long.”.
Understood, ThomasFrancisRyan, and that’s why I addressed that concern in the introduction. One of the goals of this piece was to provide discussion questions that people could select from at will and use to prompt healing dialogue.
I did not expect people to answer every single question and was amazed when quite a few (narrative skeptics, anyway) did! One said it was a healing process for him, and many appreciated the opportunity to reflect on their journey over the past three years.
Basically, this is a tool that people can use, adapt, and draw from as desired for their individual circumstances.
not really as they are not talking about real science, but their brand only, as a scheme !
Yes, these people teeter on the edge of psychological collapse. At the same time they are among the most dangerous. Someone finds about 1.2% of the population are psychopaths. They however are persuasive and I think we know exactly who they are.
That is exactly my sister. She required her employees, children, and hubby to be shot. She’s mentally incapable of processing the possibility that she could be responsible for harming them.
Familiar with the effect of this to disintegrate and divide families. Sister, brother, a son & four grandchildren and two daughters. It hurts. We have become accustomed to hurting. We can heal the hurt.
I think it's because they fear dying before they get through the bloated thing.
You and I have the same friends! 😉😊😋
Psy Ops work.
Sounds like my sisters
My bother as well, and it's stunning how many of them are anti-liberal good "christian" conservatives as well. Not that any of those terms have any meaning anymore in our society particularly, nonetheless.
Indeed ! Almost no meaning or relevency at all
The word Christian has a definite and unchangeable definition.
Those such as yourself who attempt to undermine this meaning and reality are the enemy - the Frankfurt Schoolers who got us into this mess in the first place.
Churches have distorted that definition for hundreds of years to the point that the majority, apparently including you, conflate Churchianity with Christianity.
They are antithetical.
I don't know who distorted the definition, but I do know the majority of professed "GOOD" Christians are definitely the Churchianity people of which you speak.
They make me gag.
I have distorted nothing.
Get a life.
You strike me as someone that has no idea what the New Testament definition of a Christian is if you support the definitions going today in America's apostate church 501c SYSTEM.
So Bill Clinton is a Christian because he said so? Hillary too? Bush? etc. etc. ...
Sounds as if you completely missed the point to me.
To you it may have an unchangeable definition, but in our world, in America in particular, it's definition is as arbitrary as it gets. Sorry to have to inform you. But when heretics are called Christians, there's a problem.
You sure that YOU don't support the Frankfurt School? You a paid government shill? What?
... since you want to have at it. ; )
Please, I don't know what "The Frankfort School" is. Is there a short definition you could let me know? (Besides, "A school in Frankfort." 😶)
"A group of jews who promoted all kinds of bolshevik and antichrist teachings, who were active in 1930's Germany. Because of their corrupting and destabilizing influence, they were forced to leave Germany; they then went to the US and were given top academic positions in various Ivy League universities. From such dangerous beginnings, they went on to corrupt the entirety of US academia, which now is more concerned with the colour of your skin, or your sexual preferences, than with any original or sane thought you might have."
The internet is your friend.
Pro Tip: As usual, avoid "official" (narrative) sites.
Nothing you say has any substance whatsoever. It's just foetid hot air, so I will not engage with it.
Gotcha! I'll put ya down as a paid fed shill then. Or retired government employee that made his money via the most satanical organization on the planet, claiming to be a follower of Christ. Your types are cheap.
And LMAO, talk about not having any subtance, you can't even get my statement in context, then you can't even defend your own. Typical "tough-guy" and all the hallmarks of a government employee. Again, your types are cheap.
At least I don't sell my soul for gain in the Central Banking system's currency while bitching about how they control us.
I was concerned and cautious early on, circa March 2020. But, having always had more than my fair share of curiosity and skepticism, by the end of April 2020, I’d come to the conclusion that it was all just globalists doing what globalists do.
I presented all kinds of information that I was coming across to family and friends and not a single one, save those also already skeptical of government “advisories”, was convinced to develop a more questioning stance.
All eagerly lined up for the vax. I lost a 10 year relationship over it. A few have come around, telling me that they recognize now I was right all along. But only a few.
As to your questions, MAA, I suspect you already know that those who didn’t question what they were being told have any interest now in opening that inquiry. And those of us that were healthily skeptical, have long since turned to “alternative” media, such as your Substack, for good data-based information.
To paraphrase John Adams (I think it was John Adams) badly, self governance is only suitable for a moral and informed citizenry. Most of our fellow citizens are too blissfully settled into their shallow and apathetic ignorance to be expected to effectively govern themselves.
And a millennia of horror awaits as a result.
Well said
My doctor friends and coworkers simply give a dead stare before walking away.
However, I have 2 doctor friends that retired early, before the Covid chaos began because the knew something weird was coming. They say they tried to speak with coworkers but they get insulted. One awakened doc is a obgyn and the other an orthodontist. I’m thankful I met them because it means there are other doctors who are awake but otherwise I don’t trust a practicing doctor anymore.
.My answer to your questions is ,hang the bastards ,than non of your questions would be necessary.
a very simple solution indeed !
It's absurdly too long. Very few people, especially among propaganda fans would sit still through all that.
I surely would not.
Even the multiple choice, thirteen choices is ridiculous, no one is going to take that seriously.
The whole thing badly needs editing with a firm hand, ending with about one fifth the word count.
Until then, it's just another exercise in futility.
MAA, my brother’s good friend is a pharmacist...he took it hook line and sinker. “Our government is here to protect us not hurt us. “ He thinks I lost my mind. MAA.. I went to medical school and residency, board certified and fellowed , and I lost my mind ? He chose the pharmacist. We barely speak anymore.
I’m so sorry, BINYB 😢 Perhaps there’s an inkling of hope that he’s beginning to realize things are not as he was told? I would be very curious to see how he would respond to this questionnaire if he has the courage to read it. Maybe it could prompt a healing discussion between you?
Thanks MAA , I will try.
If he got the injections, then the real Psy Op began and now he has his life invested.
Ride or die.
I (regrettably) got 2 shots but still was able to wake up even if it was too late. I will never take another pHARMaceutical again and I will speak against the narrative even if I’m thrown in prison for it. I’m spitting mad!
Christine, you are a *rarity* among human beings. Congratulations on waking up despite having initially succumbed. It is never too late to take steps for mitigating potential side effects! Here is but one of many resources that may help with your recovery:
Thank you for your courage, and please take care of yourself!
FYI, I’m still working in a nursing home where our patients and most of my coworkers are on their 5th shots (not including their flu jabs). I stopped taking any “mandatory” vaccines after my violent response to the 2nd jab in Jan 2021. My last flu shot was oct 2020. I’ve been extremely resentful ever since but was slow to realize the con I’ve been a part of and I speak my mind 24/7, most laugh at me, some actually believe me but always say “we have no choice” which I also believed at one time -that’s when I allowed my employer to coerce me into accepting an experimental drug x2, where the 2nd dose nearly did me in. Gaslit by everyone, especially by doctors. That was the beginning of my awakening to realize that my fellow healthcare workers/doctors/nurses/specialists are clueless and therefore dangerous!!the fact that we are witnessing extreme deaths/damage but not capable of recognizing (fierce denial) that the new forced experimental and repeated dosages are the cause is beyond frightening. I realize I’m not the best writer, please forgive me:)
I just want to say that I’m still working in the evil den and feel guilty that I have not walked away from my career because I truly would love to but still feel pretty helpless. I really don’t know what to do. Sometimes I feel I should stay so I can keep my finger on the pulse, try to get people to resist the mandates, constantly remind my coworkers (and some carefully selected patients) that we have safety in numbers. I know of some unvaxxed patients! It’s amazing and some patients and staff are admitting that they stopped getting shots after their second meaning people are finally admitting out loud they are questioning the narrative. It’s risky to speak against it because you never know which patients/staff will report you. But I keep going because, for whatever reason, I’m still working 🤷♀️
Lastly, I do not inject vaccines either and I report adverse reactions and teach everyone about VAERS! Thanks for listening❤️
MAA, what mechanism will this potentially activate?
Logic and reason?
Serious question.
Good question, and while logic and reason would certainly be valuable if they did engage on that level, those tools have been worthless in the face of irrational faith in the narrative thus far.
In the case of these questions, my hope is that this approach will actually trigger their intuitive, gut instinct that they have been suppressing for three years now, and once they permit their suspicions to rise to the surface, they will be capable of engaging logically and reasonably once again.
Asking them to share their perspective of what has occurred and how they behaved may serve as holding up a mirror as CJ often talks about (
We can hope, anyway.
I suspect too, that even if they instantly dismiss the questions, the questions themselves, being out there, as well as the person who presents them, is an automatic reflection, which even if they reject, works them unconsciously. The truth is gonna feel different energetically (and the person speaking them) then the lie. We are always acting as mirrors. It's the quiet moments later, when they can't avoid themselves, where the opportunity likely shows up; those moments before sleep and upon waking to a new day, where we tend to deal with ourselves.
That's what smartphones and gaming are for. There is no time for introspection
Yeah. And cyborgs don't reflect, so what's the problem, right?😂
Very sage comment, pardon the pun.
😊 You're named appropriately, me thinks.
"In the case of these questions, my hope is that this approach will actually trigger their intuitive, gut instinct that they have been suppressing for three years now,"
Is it possible that they have different brains and that they didn't experience a suppressed gut instinct?
FWIW, I didn't have a special "gut"vibe. As it went along, I knew something was going on, sure. The over the top pressure was suspicious.
But it wasn't until I looked at data that I realized.
And thus these hard core people who boarded the plane to Jonestown...maybe they are guided by neither "gut instinct" which is tough to isolate or prove, nor by data or logic.
And thus trying to talk them back from the Jungle with the above will fail, b/c they are motivated by a religion of sorts.
I think, just like the narrative disbelievers, those who fell for the narrative are on a spectrum. The ones who are diehard Covidians are likely unreachable, and I would never expect them to read past the headline of this piece.
The ones in the middle—those I call the “swing thinkers”—were once reasonable, even skeptical individuals. They are the ones I’m trying to reach as I attempt to shake them out of their trance and help them remember their intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and intuitive anti-authoritarian strain that somehow got inverted on this one particular topic.
"intuitive anti-authoritarian strain that somehow got inverted on this one particular topic."
All of this, all of the political strategy and left right and so forth are peripheral to this singular question:
What is in the vials and what happens when you take it?
It remains incredible to me that again and again, that sole question gets channeled into philosophical discussions.
The people in the middle have already demonstrated an intellectual non-curiosity and probably just want to go on and forget.
The uptake of the boosters is low now, so that's good.
We'll get another chance to play out this Asch exp. though.
I also think that it's sheer and utter laziness, intellectual laziness. So many people simply meander through life w/o asking any real questions about anything and simply make their goals predicated upon the basest and most trivial things; wealth, convenience, leisure, etc. So many bright people I know that are lost in that way. Whether or not there's any correlation, many of them are also incredibly self-centered.
How many illusions created by others to control us, do we all live under here in USA !
That is why reality is such a very rare event at any level.
The problem with the appeal to reason is that it feels good to do it, but it is pointless at this stage.
The objective of the plan was to kill and injure as many as could be reached, and those left alive would have their fertility and ability to produce normal children demolished - so none of these post facto interventions are worthwhile.
The reason why the psychotic criminals backed off is because their objective was achieved - destruction of white fertility to a level which is irrecoverable.
Much emphasis is placed on those who were killed and injured by these poisons - but nothing is being said about the real strategy, which will only gradually become apparent, and which the mainstream media will do everything in its power to obfuscate.
So amnesty?
Most intelligent and comprehensive comment I've seen you make here.
I would argue that the reason why they "backed off" as you state, wasn't because their objective had been reached, but if you've noticed, they push, then back off, push, then back off, etc. It's a two-steps forward, one-step back approach by design.
Then they let the buffoons literring the western world bicker and argue over the superficial politics behind it, while using that for cover in their next move. Similar to how they've now done with "Catastrophic Contagian," or EVENT201 the sequel.
i.e. it's part of their MO.
... and BTW, it really has nothing to do with "my approval," and for as facetious as this is. What it has to do with is understanding who the core perps are, you know, the ones at the top of that Seeing-Eye Pyramid that I know you know.
So many, almost all, of the content here at Substack and elsewhere seems to stop short of naming the actual names due to a lifetime of indoctrination.
It is entertaining, in a befuddling kind of way, to watch.
Thank you for your patronizing comment; it is truly appreciated.
I will strive to make more comments which meet with your approval in the future.
A shame your brother doesn't know anything at all about human history. :(
Perhaps the most important lesson one can learn in life is also one of the most difficult. Throughout history, it’s been proven over and over, yet somehow many people haven’t caught on. Indeed, right now we’re at this strange place in America in which a growing number of people are figuring it out, while the rest remain blissfully unaware of what’s happening around them. George Carlin knew it:
"Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize the government doesn't give a $#&*@)( about them. the government doesn't care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety. it simply doesn't give a $*)#@ about you. It's interested in it's own power. That's the only thing...keeping it, and expanding wherever possible."
And the funny thing , he took me to see George Carlin years ago , we laughed our asses off. Bizarro.
Carlin must be rolling in his grave to see what the left have become -- censorious, intolerant moral busybodies of the kind he despised.
I'm old enough to remember when the left was AGAINST Wall Street and the CIA/FBI/MIC. Now they playact at #RESISTING with the complete backing of every corporate entity imaginable.
Being on the "left" and Wall STreet, and anti-MIIC and all that elides the singular question:
What is in the vials and what happens when they take it?
And yet a simple physical reaction to a product is consumed with...baggage.
But people like to talk about politics, so politics it is.
(Natural News) For daring to question the very soon release of his Operation Warp Speed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, Donald Trump has ordered Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to issue a public apology to all Americans for their “reckless anti-vaccine rhetoric.”
After Biden and Harris expressed concerns about rushed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines being mass-distributed to the American public before the Nov. 3 election, Trump called them both out for questioning science and putting the lives of Americans at stake.
“It undermines science,” Trump stated about the skepticism expressed by the Democrat ticket. “They’ll say anything and it’s so dangerous for our country.”
We are simply not a very sophisticated, savvy crew.
They were play acting then, too.
The CIA was the Great Reset/Totalitarian Force from the get go, and their partners at Tavistock pre date the Beatles.
He took you to Carlin, but the 'gov't is here to protect us'?
people have too much cognitive dissonance to accept that they were duped by the government spokespeople they trusted, and fear receiving any type of "I told you so"
Esp. when to admit so requires dealing with your potential mortality.
or better said a lack of common sense
Amen! --- I'm going to add money to his list. I know money is power, but I think it should be called out separately.
I got so fed up with my brother and his condescension that I couldn't take it anymore and made reference to the notion that I'm not the one that likely sterilized or at minimum rendered my own young daughter's reproductive system in every likelihood damaged.
I’m so sorry to hear this. I just don’t understand how this happens.😔
Vaxxes are thicker than blood? `\_(•_•)_/`
only for the weaklings and fools
Teacher Lori, my fellow doctors are blinded as well.
That's what pi$$e$ me off more than the dumb J.Q.Public being stupid.
Shamnesty distraction... WTH there is no trust.......
“FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation” (Epoch Times article also)
This is quite possibly the most egregious public example of “I’m going to lie to your face and then get off on watching you let me get away with it” demonic gaslighting I have yet seen. People begged for Ivermectin. Families begged for Ivermectin. Doctors lost their licenses for attempting to prescribe and/or administer it. Pharmacists were threatened with loss of licensure if they filled prescriptions for it. “Horse dewormer” propaganda against a drug that had been dispensed to humans over 3.5 billion times since the late 1980s with statistically zero side effects and was the “I” in the P.I.A. Triumvirate of the three most important HUMAN drugs in HISTORY (Penicillin, Ivermectin, Aspirin), was ubiquitous. Now, the FDA has the demonic, shameless gall to claim that all of their war of attrition against Ivermectin was “just a recommendation.” As in, if you or your loved one didn’t get it or take it, that was YOUR fault.
It's smilar to the liberals who sceam "election deniers!" ref 2020 &2022, like they haven't questioned every election since 2000 if a Repulican won. But it's all an act to keep us in-fighting while both sides rob us blind.
PREACH IT BROTHER!!! I tip my hat to you Sir!!!~
So happy you posted this. I have been telling friends about this and they are clueless. Also, on another note, a friend returning from Rome last week, sat next to a girl who was coughing in her MASK. Said friend now has the "Virus that shall not be named". But MASKS work, don't you know?
I’m delighted you found it of value, French Vanilla Decaf!
*lol* If your friend is still clueless about masks and not convinced by her empirical experience, she may learn something from my article on masking (provided she’s willing to read it, which is always the challenge):
• “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” (
Happy Thanksgiving! French Vanilla Decaf would be a delicious accompaniment to pumpkin pie ☕️🥧
You said it! Amen!
in life there are no actual excuses ?
I'm not sure I can send this on to my friends because they might not like being called a "narrative believer." They follow what is to them the traditional path, the educated path. To them, they are not believing a narrative; they are following the science, the truth. Also, there are a few questions that come off as bordering inflammatory rather than neutral.
I could be wrong, though. That's just how it hits me.
(By the way, I think you are fabulous and appreciate what you are trying to do, so I hope you know I'm not trying to be a troll.)
Thank you, TeacherLori, and I appreciate your feedback. As I mentioned in this comment (, I intentionally avoided using “Covidian” for that reason. I don’t consider the people I’m trying to reach the deeply entrenched cult believers but more likely naïvely trusting of entities absolutely undeserving of their trust—hence the term “narrative believer.” It was the least threatening term I could think of considering this questionnaire is all about trying to discover why they believed the narrative. If you have other suggestions, I’m open to considering alternatives for future articles.
I tried to avoid being inflammatory, but I may have failed in a few questions—which ones did you feel were problematic?
In any case, this is why I encouraged people to pick and choose questions as desired for their own purposes and to add their own if inspired to do so.
@MAA I had the same reaction. The wording of some questions is inflammatory. They sound almost like "how could you be so stupid?". I know you didn't say that, but it can be perceived as such. And...perception is everything.
Thank you for letting me know, ConcernedGrammy. If it’s no trouble, would you mind pointing out any questions you think are particularly problematic? In scanning the questions, I’m not sure how to phrase things more gently while still presenting information they likely have never been exposed to (which I don’t intend as blame but merely as a “Did you know” statement to prompt reflection).
From Forbes article, Sept. 2020. The vaccines were never to be tested against infection and transmission.
These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal.
What would a normal vaccine trial look like?
Prevention of infection must be a critical endpoint. Any vaccine trial should include regular antigen testing every three days to test contagiousness to pick up early signs of infection and PCR testing once a week to confirm infection by SARS-CoV-2 test the ability of the vaccines to stave off infection.
Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected.
Forbes, September 23, 2020
I had to do a double-take because I thought I had referenced the Forbes article in this post, but it turns out it is a different piece in progress! I have a whole section where I quote excerpts from that, and I have you to thank for alerting me to it!
I think it is significant for what it reveals about the "big reveal" two years later. 😐
It reveals how ridiculous and unstoppable the gas lighting is.
And this may actually be persuasive to the target of this post.
I just wrote a post on this.
I think it may, stress May, be effective b/c it attacks the flank.
Maybe goes under the defensive radar.
"Can you see how they lied to you?"
I was calling BS from Day One. The Government Narrative was being pushed too hard. There was no one calling for reasonable, thoughtful investigation of the facts. The measures to control this "virus" were much too draconian. I knew the "two weeks to flatten the curve was a lie and that restrictions would last much longer. What I did not realize was how many people around me would go all in, "hook line and sinker" and choose to believe this obvious Government LIE.
I started to question when those two doctors in southern CA were ridiculed back in April 2020 for suggesting a medication they were finding success with. Around the same time, our schools closed for the rest of the year (WA state) with 2 and a half months left! But I was never more shocked when my small group of friends were planning to get the vax asap. I was the only one who wanted to “wait and see.”🤷🏻♀️
I recently referenced Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi’s April 2020 press conference in a comment ( at Malone’s Stack! I remember finding their well-documented analysis, knowledge of herd immunity, and tamping down of the fear porn incredibly refreshing in a sea of lies.
so many of us are the only ones in our families or group of friends who did not take it. I asked them all to just wait for some data, it has a 99% survival rate, you can always take it later. My eldest daughter listened, nobody else from a quite large extended family.
Same here. Of my six adult children, the 4 oldest (and the 2 spouses) took the vax, but the youngest 2 did not. And every one of our extended family got vaxxed, but thankfully few of them are boosted.
me too, in March 2020 !
Jay Inslee knew (and said) that our hospitals weren't in danger of being overwhelmed on April 8, 2020 (the day the field hospital at Century Link was dismantled without seeing a patient).
We stayed under lockdown rules for 16ish more months.
With about 900 days of emergency powers, too.🙄
And, as you probably know, we STILL have a vax mandate for government employees (like my former self), although, it’s a mandate for the initial series, not the boosters, because that initial series from 2 years ago is good enough, right?🤔🤪
Inslee only backed off the booster mandate because he was forced to do so -- the pushback was MUCH harder (which honestly surprised me).
Yes, surprised me, too!
When the states were offering a lottery to those who would get injected
Oh my goodness...YES!!!
or a hamburger or soda pop ?
Same here and after a lot of prayer my answer was shouted to me NO!!!!
I could have written this verbatim!! Same!
Absolutely right, Pepeekeo, and your spidey senses were spot on!
and unfortunately DJT was not helping either and still not up to speed ?
Fantastic questions. God bless you for still having the patience to ask w such compassion. I'm no longer there. They lost me forever w the talks of camps.
Thank you, De Tokeville, and I wholly understand your feelings. When I first started this post, I had in mind a dear friend who visited me last year and who had fully bought into the narrative—and yet she was willing to listen to me ask her dozens of questions and committed to watching some of the videos I later shared with her. The fact that she spent nearly an hour talking with me about this gave me hope, although I fear she never did delve into the information I provided. Imagining her as the recipient helped me write this with greater compassion than I otherwise would have, and my hope is this will enable the narrative believers to share their side of the story in a way that helps foster healing and awakening.
Some people will be genuinely sorry and come begging for forgiveness. These people should be embraced.
Many, many more people will hope that you forget they wanted to get you fired or put into camps. We must not forget them.
I hope someone someday does a poll to see how many get apologized to. I betting not too many.
That's why I wasn't too worried about getting overwhelmed with responses to this questionnaire ;-)
I've been keeping a personal list:
Unfortunately, my experience is oh so similar to Simulation Commander's above. Nevertheless, you've outdone yourself with this, Margaret.
My audience is limited to 50 friends and a hundred random strangers, but you do inspire many of us. Case in point, you and another Substacker inspired this post from me a while back: 'Big Pharma Disasters: 30 reasons why things are different now, so there's no need to worry'
I will definitely try to make use of today's excellent post. Please consider mentioning Bill Gates somewhere, perhaps in the advertising area. He deserves to be throttled always.
So very kind of you, Dave, and thank you for pointing me to that richly packed post! I will take a closer look when time permits but appreciate your sharing of my 50 Reasons post and have added you to the Shoutouts Gratitude section ( of this post :-)
Regarding Bill Gates, he got top billing in my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series 😁
• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (
• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (
• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (
MAA bringing the receipts! Nice job!
Anyone who would still be paying attention past the second paragraph is already on our side.
This Covid plandemic had nothing to with health. It is a test run to see how far the globalists can push the people ie control. With a little depopulation on the side
I promise you that I will try to engage my quintuple-boosted, koolaid-drinking family with these questions over the holidays. I'll tell you what they say, or how they react. Maybe if I say this is for a historical record of what we are collectively going through, they would like to be part of a historical record.
Are you willing to put this questionnaire into a printable format and also an online survey format, and make it more open-ended, not simply for the narrative believers, but for anyone to record their points of view? You might get more responses from narrative believers if it is phrased very neutrally, is what I'm thinking.
Thank you for bravely taking on the challenge, Dani, and I am excited to hear how it goes!
As for a printable format—that is on my todo list! I had wanted to prepare it in time to accompany this post but didn’t want to delay publishing as I wanted this to go out before people start traveling for Thanksgiving.
I may add a section with PDFs for print and electronic distribution to my Wake-up Toolkit as soon as I get a chance to work on them (I have been meaning to do that for my 50 Reasons post, too, @
As for an online survey, I was thinking of asking Steve Kirsch if he could host that and put the word out to his readers so we can get more responses.
I may need to create an alternative list for those who did not believe the narrative—that’s a great idea and one someone else suggested to me via email.
I ALWAYS answer Steve’s surveys! Great idea
I'm glad you (and others) are engaging in collecting for the historical record. We are going on 3 years into this, and we do need to be collecting stories and gathering material for future historians.
I wonder, if I were a documentarian, how I would know when I'd collected enough that we were at some type of end point, and it's time to put it all together. We are not there yet.
I am amazed at what we are all living through.
We won't know enough to 'put a ribbon on it' until it's politically beneficial to go after the people who ordered lockdowns. THEN it will all come out.
I am so ready for that.
REgarding The Holidaze, would it be possible to create a sort of boardgame or exploration card deck with the questions as a way of getting people talking, like before they get loaded or fall asleep??? Help it along with a gimmick to engage people. Since they've already been totally mindfked, what's wrong with a little more? For their own good, of course!
Brilliant idea!! Maybe I can design cards with 4 up on a letter-sized sheet that people can print up and cut out themselves …
Do you know CANVA? It's pretty easy and so many options...
Thanks, Lupa! I have the Adobe Creative Suite and have been doing graphic design professionally for years so plan to use those tools—it’s just a matter of finding time.
I will be very blunt here. If they are vaxed to the max like you say, the only conversation you should have is about their arrangements for their upcoming deaths. Convincing them or informing them of the realities of the poison in their bodies is really pointless at this point. Plus there is growing evidence that the vaccine causes brain damage that destroys higher brain functions. So you may be unable to reach them at all. Sad I know - but this is where Pure Bloods are right now. We can’t help them.
What most people who write on here do not recognise the real reasons for the plandemic which was the financial crash Sept 2019 and March 2020. The project planned years in advance with lots of evidence. Lockdowns were to stop normal business transactions and funnel monies to prop up failing banks again as 2008 problem never went away and very low interest rates since then have not been enough for pension companies to pay retirees. Also this operation is the start of the great culling as initiated by Rockefeller and Club of Rome which stated humanity was earth's problem! TPTB want resources for themselves so reduction in people plus scam of climate change green deals will further reduce our freedom to travel. G20 meeting in Bali last week all signed up for vaxx passports. The WHO. unelected private org want to be in total charge of World health with powers superceding national govs. Everything happening is towards global gvernance, no nation states, no borders (now you realise why so lax about illegal immigrants globally). Europe to not be predominately white anymore. Please read Prof Michel Chudodovski book pdf version of Covid global takeover on
Catherine Austin Fitts has done one of the best jobs of exposing the global financial collapse and how the suicidal COVID policies were used to obscure the quietly disintegrating infrastructure.
I covered the Club of Rome in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series as well as the synopsis ( I prepared for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation, although I am fully aware the rabbit-hole goes much deeper than it was possible for me to explore, and I hope to revisit it in greater depth when time permits:
• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (
• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (
• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (
I would go back at least 40-100 years beyond that.
Someone looted the treasury, and they've been figuring out more creative ways to double-down on it ever since.
When Bill Gates grinned his evil grin at the postulate: "Should we withhold Social Security from people who don't get the [pseudo}"vaccine?" He ALREADY knew that part of this scheme is to make sure there will be a LOT less people alive to claim their Social Security in the first place.
Who will the evil masterminds have to answer to for this and every other crime they've committed? If they kill 99% of us the answer would be: No one.
From the very beginning, as a parent of a Severely Vaccone injured son with Autism I knew , as did the rest of my immediately family, that there was something very wrong and cynical about the whole 'COVID-19' narrative.
Based on prior 'Vaccine Injury' as Officially Recorded In my Sons Medical Records , I was able to secure a 'Valid Medical Exemption' for him.
None of us , a family of five, including my severely disabled son took the Vaccine, against the back drop of very extreme and quiet negative Public Back Lash. But at this side of the whole cynically 'Orchestrated Fiasco' known as 'The Covid-19 Pandemic' we all feel completely 'Vindicated'.
In closing, I feel very strongly the whole thing was planned in advance, with 'Profit' for the Industry the primary motivation as the end goal.
An Industry that is sadly driven by Corruption, and the Acquisition of Wealth , rather than the 'Protection Of Health'.
Why do I Say This? . . .
*Illigally funded 'Gain Of Function Research '.
* Deliberate change to the standard of practice and governing criteria to allow the development and deployment of an 'Emergency Use Authorization Licence'.
Official change to the accepted descriptive properties of what constitutes a 'Vaccine'.
* Indemnity from Liability for Associated Injuries, thus creating a 'Free Market / No Liability'.
* Censorship.
In Essence, The Industry worked very closely with World Governments and Media to control the Narrative , to 'Shut Down' open Debate, Dialogue and the sharing of 'Vital Information'.
In Brief I Believe the Primary Motive was 'Profit' driven.
The Pharmacutical Industry collectively, and some would say illegally worked to 'Create a Virus' that was more 'Infectious & Transmissible' through Illegal 'Gain Of Function Research' . Thus Creating the 'Market' to release the perceived 'Antidote' - A Vaccine Against Covid-19.
Which in essence is a newly formulated Experimental Medical Product, that has not to date been adequately tested on the 'Immunocompromised/ Immunodeficient.
Would the World be shocked to learn, there are currently over 130 new Vaccines in production within industry, as they concurrently work on the development of stronger adjuvants to illicit an even greater immune response in the recipient.
Doesn't Take a Genius to work out where all this is heading if we allow it to continue unabated.
There has been a massive spike in the development of a whole pletera of Immune mediated illnesses and disorders based in Autoimmunity from accumulative Viral/ Toxic Injury in this generation of infants and children born, and its about to get a whole lot worse.
I'm Proud to say, I for one have 'Stood My Ground' , and will Continue to do so, no matter what the uncertain future holds for us all NO MORE VACCINES EVER AGAIN.
Brava, Valerie, and thank you for being alert and keeping your family safe!
I agree regarding the profit motive—indeed, I listed Profit, Power, and Democide as the three primary motivators and provided ample substantiating evidence in my Corona Investigative Committee interview and the essay I wrote in preparation for it:
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (
Wow--what an awesome compendium! Wonder how much Staples will charge to print out a booklet?
A month into the scam-demic I smelled corruption. Fauci never sounded right to me. After the lockdowns went into effect I was 99.99% certain we had been duped! Then I heard the first doctor spell it out: Hospital Admins were only recommending Remdesevir and Vancomycin--and enforcing this dictate regardless of the physician's professional opinion. I was done with the fake narrative a couple of months into the scam. Thank you for this article.
Thank you, Riki Tiki Tavi! I do plan to create a typeset version people can print out and distribute electronically. I will add that to my Wake-up Toolkit ( once it’s ready.
Congratulations on being so sensitive to the lies and smelling out the deception from the outset!
Glad to hear this. I'd love to circulate this to a few folks I know.
Margaret AA, I wish I had time to go through all your questions and answer them as well--but I don't. I will only tell you that I was on board with the narrative--totally suspicious of those conspiracy theorists--until I gathered the courage to watch a short clip of Judy Mikovitz done by Miki Willis. I knew she was telling the truth and that changed everything for me. I saw the guy behind the curtain and realized the world was being fed a bunch of lies. But it took courage to open my ideas and beliefs to something new and scary. When you've bought into the narrative to the point that you've had your children vaxxed and boosted--which my daughter has--I don't see much hope of their opening to another story. These 3 years have been the most important in my life from the standpoint of QUESTIONING my ideas and beliefs. We are not our minds. They are made up of 99% what has been fed to us by our parents, religious leader, government rules and regs... It has been so important to me to find I must look out beyond the ideas and beliefs that have made up my identity to find a greater reality that actually exists. It has been and continues to be scary--but isn't it more important to see what is coming over the horizon so that we, as a race, have the chance to survive it?
What an exceptionally profound statement, Dariel, and congratulations on summoning the strength and humility to resist your cognitive biases, examine the evidence for yourself, and WAKE up! If only more people were like you!!
This all assumes that Narrative-Believers can be reasoned with, are logical, much less wise.
HINT: They can't be and are not.
It quite literally is blind faith, a religion for them.
SO true. This has all of the trapping of a dark Religion: leaps-of -faith, "believing," sacramental shots, sacrificing others to appease an unseen force, and agony so real that suffering people would do ANYTHING to make it stop. Even submit their children to something they knew deep down was wrong.
It hinged on the tribal survival instinct to side with the "winners,", propaganda battering, relentless fear, real and imagined death counts reversed "through-the-looking-glass" and then distorted beyond recognition.
Thank God for the "way back" machine or tons more scientific fraud and genocide would have been lost in the blur.
Yuri Bezmenov stated quite plainly what's going on in his interview with G. Edward Griffin over 40 years ago now. We've most successfully been demoralized as a society.
We tend to glance over that word, demoralization/demoralize, but essentially it involves removing the basis of morality from everyone's existence, namely belief in God, particularly insofar as being greater than us and having provided a moral framework from within which to live.
Satanists believe it, which is why they actively engage in destroying it, they simply operate from that other side of the tracks as it were.
Interesting perspective and I somewhat agree.
I've known atheists that were far more ethical than some religious people I've known, so the belief in God doesn't seem to be the difference. Some of these genocidal monsters believe God likes them better, so belief doesn't stop that behavior.
Maybe a belief in the the value of life in general would be my substitute ideology suggestion.
I think the way we treat our fellowman and all living things honors God. and If you don't "believe" in God, decent behavior and service to life honors everything else well enough.
If we're going to get into faith, I put all of mine in someone that died, rose from the dead, and then already ascended into heaven. It is for everyone to seek for themselves.
I agree with your sentiment. "Christianity," as we call it, much as with most everything else, has been co-opted by satanic interests, the sons of hell as Jesus himself referred to them, them whose father was the devil.
The word "christian" today in our society, much as the word "conservative," has become meaningless. The US is the executive arm of the vast majority of government sponsored satanicly driven death and destruction in the world today. Yet, it is backed by many that claim to be "christian." This hardly means, and I would suggest that there is no association whatsoever, that these people are true believers by any stretch.
So while you say that "belief doesn't stop that behavior," my reply would be that any such belief is false, purely superficial. I mean anyone can claim to be "christian," right. As James points out in James 2:18, faith without the works (aka proof) to back it up, is worthless.
So those "genocidal monsters" are not followers of christ at all. The so-called "christian" church in America is so utterly co-opted by heretical satanic interests, that it's apostate, AT BEST.
Think about it, what did the vast majority of "churches" do during the lockdowns? They complied with the government, right. That's because they exist via permission of the government, largely if not entirely over reasons related to money/staff/salaries/payments/etc. (mammon essentially) via the 501c(3) mechanism. That is not a Godly mechanism much less requirement.
God needs no permission from Government for his church (indiviuals, not buildings, demoninations, etc.) to thrive. In fact, the opposite is true, that anyone/anything that first seeks that permission, is already out of God's grace as such.
This is a much longer conversation, but I wanted to respond. I coimpletely hear and understand your concerns. As I've told people, as a small business person, no longer with a business but nonetheless, the biggest flag to me is when someone tells me that I can trust them because they're a "christian." That tells me to run. ... and I have strong faith in Christ. FWIW
Whatever the "good government men" tell you to do .. do the EXACT opposite.