Thanks to everyone who understood the spirit in which this letter was written. I’m still working through the comments but must get some long-overdue sleep so would just like to share this Ralph Waldo Emerson quote to help inspire the civility I was hoping to encourage:
I agree with Emerson, but disagree with the "be kind" - IMO, it is not a good position to be in, because it gets used against people who think that by being kind they will invite kindness in return. The evil psychopaths in fact push the idea "be kind" specifically to take advantage of this unguarded state of unaware people. We do not have an obligation to be kind, only to be honest, truthful and fair. Silly is also a good idea, sense of humor is important.
I understand your point, but I think you are conflating kindness with naivety (or gullibility). If one is self aware, perceptive, and can think critically, one can be kind until such time one becomes aware that they are confronted by evil and adapt to the change of circumstance accordingly.
I am not conflating kindness with gullibility. That's why I say one should not be kind as a default position. One should be fair. The people who think that kindness must be a default attitude and teach it to others make themselves and everyone who picks up this idea gullible. Because what they are saying "be kind and the whole world will be kind to you" - that is false. Not going to happen and never happened that way. Being fair is a much better, energy neutral and guarded position. It is neither hostile nor naive, gullible and vulnerable to lies and sabotage.
You are a realist. You are right; however God teaches to be kind. One must be intelligent to realize not to be gullible. We must not be kind to satanic souls, but it is often difficult to distinguish them. A court of law must be a realist to be fair, but hopefully a bit of kindness sprinkles out when necessity is realized.
I disagree. Kindness in our daily lives is a quality I aspire to. I often have to remind myself that kindness takes us a much longer way in life than hostility.
Not being kind DOES NOT mean you are hostile. Most people do not understand this, and think that if they are not kind they are bad, hostile. This is simply not true. that's how people become trapped in a false dichotomy, and that's how "be kind" mantra is used against most people. Don't be kind. Be fair.
I completely agree. Far too many hang onto a very simplistic idea of being 'kind.' They 'support' people making poor choices because they don't want to hurt their feelings. I often compare it to driving scenarios where someone stops in their right of way lane to be kind and let another car in with zero awareness that they've just been a PIA (or maybe even caused a dangerous situation) to the ten cars behind them. That kind of 'kindness' is virtue signaling.
This is one of the brainwashing Western dogma. And, when one is not kind (nor hostile) they take it personally... in the West everyone thinks the Sun revolves around them.
Also, when you have no other quality, you be kind... The French know this well: il est gentil, lui.
In Buddhist ethics where loving kindness is also stressed, it is actually going against mahayana Buddhist precepts if one continues to be friendly to somebody who has been repeatedly engaged in great negativity.
Or as my Buddhist master once put it: "How can you (as a person trying to be ethical) love somebody who has amassed a lot of negativity? You simply can not. But you can have compassion with such a person.
From the understanding that in future this person is going to get the result of his/her negative actions in the form of intense suffering you
develop compassion with such a person and wish for them to be free from all of that suffering.
How do you know it is evil, when it comes at you with a smile and says "I love you, I am kind, and look at me I am not threatening and I am here to help you" - while at the same time lying and giving you a poison? That's how "be kind" is a dangerous place to be.
Scripture says it best, "be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Being wise entails recognizing the liars and demons among us and knowing who deserves your kindness, and who doesn't.
Well said! Have had to learn this lesson over, and over, and over again. Be truthful, direct, and not disrespectful, but "kindness" is subject to interpretation. The be-kind implication is usually: "Walk on eggshells, and don't confront me with Truth."
The push for "being kind" often infers soft/fuzzy boundaries.
Amen and ditto 100%. How about instead of “being kind” (which is as useless and vapid and dangerous as “being nice”) we just practice ahimsa, non-violence. I find this more practical and useful in my daily life than trying to be kind up psychopaths and morons. But not punching all of them in the face is a better way to go thru my day than punching all of them. You see the diff?
Nice letter! It's good to have a 12th commandment: "Thou shalt not dump on one's own team".
Public life is an exhausting, adrenaline experience. Anyone can get themselves into extra trouble by making public statements when tired, jetlagged or in any way trashed.
All of us need to stay loose and remember that being on a team doesn't imply 100 % agreement with all teammates.
Since the jabs have higher risk than benefit, why would the U.S. government keep pushing them, particularly into kids? European countries stopped jabbing the young, because the results are too obvious. U.S. actions are supporting Yeadon's claims.
First of all not everyone who says "jabs bad" on social media is automatically on "my team", a lot of enemy team masquerades by this and similar slogans. The second question -US government wants to kill and injure as many people (incl. children) as possible, while stuffing their own pockets and those of their overlords - owners of the global central banks. By the way, that's how to tell who is REALLY on the freedom team - people who acknowledge this reality and do not try to pretend it is some sort of a mistake/incompetence by the government.
I understand your point. My "team" is bigger because I regard the awakening of any mesmerized person within the health care apparatus (to admitting that there are problems with the COVID jabs) to be a victory. It's been weird to see how easily people can be induced to turn off their observations and understanding to tow the government line. Many are debt slaves who fear losing board certification and/or their licenses.
(I was very early rejecter of the jabs, and, though still licensed, have left healthcare.) I admired as a most illuminating bit of genius that confirmed bad manufacturing practices, and am more recently a fan of the cannabis genetics researcher who busted out the DNA contamination in the mRNA jabs.
I guess by now you may have figured out that your published letter to Robert Malone has contributed unwittingly to much more diversion than you would have ever imagined to be possible.
Thank you so much, wendy 🤗 I truly wished to foster productive dialogue and inspire greater civility toward one another, but I now realize this stirred up the very sort of drama I was hoping to defuse :-(
I disagree wendy. There has been much harm done in inciting the kind of hatred and division and doubt to Dr. Malone's intentions. "Put up or shut up" is an old , often used phrase, not intended literally. The level that Robert is working at entails encountering people who wish him harm and this type of assault of his intentions and character fuels the fire for many to feel righteous in their actions.
this would be the substack- also contains electron microscopy up to 20000x and all spectroscopy necessary as evidence:
My perspective is different than most. It is a view from 30 years inside the US Public Health Service, CDC, NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) where I wrote policy to support OSHA rule making for new or improved workplace safety and health standards e.g. determining limits for occupational exposure to chemicals and conditions in which workers can safely work with biologicals. The reason that is important is because I know the laws and the conditions placed on the federal government when it imposes administrative rules on the rest of us and I'm a damn good analyst.
1. It was no coincidence that the WIV was conveniently 1 mile from the Wuhan wet market and it left no doubt in my mind where SARS-CoV-2 originated; accident or intent were the same to me. When was the last "accidental" release from a P4 lab?
2.) CDC's narrative NEVER matched their own data. NEVER. And it still doesn't.
3.) VAERS worked and was ignored as was the work of Robert Lazarus, Harvard, CDC Contractor who tried to alert CDC that (a) VAERS was grossly under-reported (perhaps as by a factor of 100) and (b) he had a fix for it. And Jessica Rose who independently and by another method arrived at the same general conclusion albeit at a lower but also substantial under-reporting factor of 30.
4) Rochel Walensky , former CDC Director broke the law twice in order to push the narrative that COVID was worse than it really was by (a) changing the case definition of COVID-19 and (b) redefining COVID-19 mortality.
5) The notion that a novel "vaccine" based on mRNA was necessary to treat a typical viral epidemic was more than odd. (pandemic is useless jargon - all influenza's are pandemics. It's just the way it is.)
And frankly the question of why a mRNA inoculant was going to be better than the standard garden variety antibody preparation of vaccines has never been answered by anyone. Not even Dr. Malone.
6) The fact that CDC had to change the definition of "vaccine" in order to convince people to be inoculated with what they knew was hazardous (see 3 above) made it a treatment and thus illegal to push vaccine on the American public. but everyone ignored that because the fear mongering was so intense.
7) President Trump was right --- Hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment and easily obtained data on Ivermectin also proved its complete efficacy. In short the federal government pushed its own dangerous treatments over treatments that actually worked and ensured that those effective treatments remained unavailable should frighten everyone.
8) The notion that a surgical mask has any effectiveness at stopping virus is absurd on it face and it ignores every bit of data in the possession of CDC concerning respiratory protective devices.
I for one am grateful and never disparaging of voices with inside knowledge of what happened and is STILL happening to push this poison on an ill informed and under educated American public that relies on its public health institutions and its policy makers at the highest levels of government.
I would hope that all of us who have been in this fight would be grateful for any credible ally.
Actually, Malone revealed his true colors on Joe Rogan’s podcast...
Telling everyone that he had taken 2 Moderna shots in order to travel to Rome, to have a sit down with Pope Francis.
He was mysteriously quiet until he got back from Rome, and then seemingly went on a 24-7 media tour.
He probably got his marching orders upon arriving in Rome.
I personally think Malone is a Jesuit, just like our current Pope, just another wolf in sheep 🐑 clothing.
When Karen Kingston went into hiding, she shot a frantic short video from her iPhone, asking for help, and begging for her life. She specifically mentioned Dr. Robert Malone’s name and was asking for him to not have her killed.
She clearly knows how powerful and dangerous this man truly is, and so should everyone else by now.
His interview with Rogan was a snoozer. I did not see this coming though! I felt that something was off after listening to that podcast. It was as if he was censoring himself by way of boring listeners to not care to listen.
People naturally won't wanna believe that it's a depopulation effort. I think using Malone is a scare tactic to freedom fighting dissenters. Seeing how they can destroy high ranking people on our side unnerves us.
Meeting with the Pope...yeah, that pretty much says it all.
Ok William, this is the second time I've read the complete transcript. I didn't listen, I read it. Twice. At 41:06 he mentions going to France and Portugal. That's it. At 2:56:22 he talks about lawsuits. Talk to me when you have read the whole thing twice, and can point out where he says anything about the Pope. Ya, he's a Jesuit alright. Eye roll
I listened to the Karen Kingston vid where she mentioned Malone. Far from inferring that Malone put out the hit on her, she was asking if he could use his spook connections to call off the dogs.
William, that is bullcrap about Dr. Malone seeing the pope and being a Jesuit? Come on this is how violence starts, he has already been threatened enough. Perhaps you will feel justified if he gets hurt?
Dr. Robert Malone traveling to Rome for a sit down with the pope?
During Rogan’s podcast, It came out of his own mouth!!!
The part about him being a Jesuit is not something that he would ever admit publicly... so I added that in based on logic.
Malone also told Rogan’s podcast audience that the pope mentioned that “He and Fauci were the best of friends”...
And I thought to myself....of course they are...birds of a feather...flock together.
Everyone knows the current pope is a Jesuit, therefore, it’s not that big of a stretch to assume that Anthony Fauci is as well, and adding Malone to that list is indeed speculative, but hardly a stretch of the imagination.
The Covid Plannedemic was not Fauci’s first fraud.
BrassCheckTV put out a Wonderful documentary called “HIV = AIDS; Fauci’s first fraud”, in which I could easily see the parallels between both of these scams. They literally used the exact same playbook for both. In fact, out of all of the information that I was saturated with during the Covid era, that documentary was the most important thing I had seen the entire time. It literally lays out exactly how the HIV equals AIDS scam was brought to the World, and then, it’s painfully apparent that the same people were behind both, because the parallels between them are identical.
Including fraudulently using PCR tests as diagnostic tools, in order to artificially create/inflate case counts out of thin air.
This was something that Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR tests, was very upset about.
There are interviews online where he says that the PCR test should never be used diagnostically, and he also calls out Anthony Fauci as a complete idiot and fraud and challenges him to an open debate...anywhere/anytime.
The interview that I am referring to had taken place a long time before the Covid pandemic rolled out, so it’s mighty convenient for them that he (Kary Mullis), mysteriously died a few months before they rolled out Plannedemic Part 2.
They knew he would not go along with their agenda, and he wasn’t just some opinionated jerk, the man had a Nobel prize in biology for creating the PCR test.
They wouldn’t be able to slander or silence him successfully, and his voice alone could have really hurt their entire scheme, so he had to go!
How many people do you suppose would have never taken the vaccine in the first place if the creator of the PCR test was exposing the entire fraud from the beginning?
Read up on the polio "virus" scam and the vaccine concocted to do? Once DDT was banned, poof!, no more polio? what does that all mean? How do you spell "fraud"?
I am well aware of the Kary Mullis facts; that doesn't eliminate the question about the result of these accusations leading to violence. Dr. Malone just wrote to me of an incidence of someone needing to be removed by security at an event he was at. He is concerned, and rightfully so, that this type of letter stirs up her followers. It only takes one deranged person to believe these accusations, do you want to be part of that mix?
Yeah, you are probably right… we should sue, censor and silence anybody who has an opinion and speaks openly and truthfully, because it actually might offend somebody and stir them to violence.
They're words. If you can't differentiate between words and actions, you need to take a break and do some reading. I suggest you start with a dictionary, and look up "think" and "beat down." Then come back and let us know if they mean the same thing. And check out "speak" as well. We are ALL responsible for our own actions regardless of what others say. And speech is not the same thing as action. Not even close. The whole point of free speech is to avoid violence and tyranny, even if it means wishing for the demise of others and expressing that wish in public. For instance, what a TRAGEDY if Bobby were to be mowed down by a runaway truck when out walking the neighborhood tonight. I would cry tears and tears—of joy, or at least relief.
Are you getting it yet? I've got limited time for remedial instruction.
Yes. The Breggins book Talking Back to Prozac was a literal lifesaver for many. They have been a champion for the underrepresented in the mental health community for years. Regardless of their real or perceived sins in regard to Malone, their decades of service and position as elderly champions of the medical freedom cause should have been cause for a little grace and a little respect — not a $25 million speech-chilling, but bogus lawsuit.
That lawsuit (which he did not want to file) was only filed after he had tried to work with the Bregginses for months, but they would not stop saying libelous things about him. He patiently went through their charges about him point by point with them, showing that the charges were baseless, but no matter what he showed them, they kept pushing these hysterical nutty things that were manifestly untrue. It was like they thought he was Satan or something. There never was anything to their claims. Please believe I am NOT excusing him for what he did that prompted Margaret's letter. (and some other behavior). But the Bregginses were WAY out of bounds.
Breggin's have the right to free expression. Malone is way out of bounds which will be revealed in the final losing judgment. The Malone weaponized lawsuit against them is frivolous and remarkably so. That is our opinion and Mr Sensitive Feelings Malone better not sue us for saying it!
Sorry, free expression does not include the right to libelous claims. If someone is destroying your reputation by spouting provable lies, then you have the right to sue them.
Gee whiz, aren't you doing that same thing right now to the Breggin's? Libelous claims? THINK.
You JUST WROTE LIBEL PER SE (defamation in writing accusing them of a crime) and called them liars "with provable lies", but their statements were NOT lies or even framed as fact. See, they gave an OPINION that hurt Malones feelings, which was not a lie, because a belief is not a lie or a false fact, its a right to free thought and free opinion which comes with the right to free expression. Like we said, Malone will LOSE and then we should get the Breggin's to sue YOU for writing lies about them and defaming them.
Oh well, then, I guess libel lawyers can just turn in their credentials. When you say someone has done X, Y, or Z and that therefore they are criminals, and if they HAVEN'T done any of X, Y or Z, and having the lie out there could damage them professionally, then you're goddamned right it is libel. The opinion that the person is a criminal is protected speech, but if the evidence for the claim is something that can be proven to be a lie in court, and if the person can prove they tried outside of court to establish that they did none of those things to no avail, and if they can prove it is professionally damaging, then they have a case. Say I claim on my podcast that you must be working for the CIA because you did certain things, and you then lose work because people start believing you did those things, you can take me to court if you can prove you didn't do ANY of the things I claim you did. And you should.
As the other person being sued in the case with Dr. Breggin, I can tell you that most of you making comments especially the ignorant ones, jumping to Malones defense, know nothing of the details of the case and most likely judging from your comments, you have not read the public documents such as the legal complaint and our response to the court. the same judge who dismissed Malones $50 million frivolous lawsuit against the Washington post, also presides over our case and if you read the judges dismissal memorandum, you would learn that these are frivolous lawsuits, the Court is not happy with him and in fact they have told him that if he continues to file frivolous lawsuits, the judge will require him to pay our legal fees. Don't think that just because someone has been publicly propped up but they are not up to something. And for those of you take everything he says at face value, I can tell you and I would say it under oath that he never reached out to me or the Breggin's that I know of, for a civil conversation, it was always threatening, jumping into my social media accusing me of things I never said or did. that's all I can say right now about the case is it is an active lawsuit, but I can tell you that when it is all resolved, many of you will be eating crow. A special shout out to a voice of reason, Sasha Latypova for helping to teach people that we are still a country of innocent until proven guilty
He didn't get it, confirmed by his Anthrax buddy, Steven Hatfill and confirmed by Malone who's on video saying he had to be tested regularly while in the EU because they "rejected" his CDC card. Malone has contradicted himself many times, on video - it happens when he goes off script.
Yep, that was the big tell. His massive god complex just wouldn't allow him to let it go. He wonders (acts like he does) about people like Sage and dozens of other Stackers who've been smacking him since. Dude, you did the classic "murderer on the witness stand" mistake of saying, "I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!" That usually plays badly.
And attempts by the sheep virtue signalers to get Malone s medical license pulled for spreading "misinformation" have all died in transit, in stark contrast to what's happened to most skeptical doctors who've spoken up.
Malone is a carnival barker. He's no longer wearing pants, but his hubris leads him to believe he's still clothed and is hung like a horse. Neither is true.
Incredibly balanced and brilliant compilation, Margaret—as usual.
In addition to the Breggin lawsuit there is also Robert Malone’s reported legal action against Dr. Jane Ruby. The man is allergic to constructive criticism. I have struggled with making sense of Malone’s ambiguities: a hero fighting tyranny or “evil vaccine wizard”? He seems to represent a walking “limited hangout”, or as David Icke puts it, “this far and no further”. And then there is this report:
That is the dichotomy! Is it because Dr. Breggin early on nailed the Covid con for what it was?
The Covid crisis is the culmination of many years of developing bio research that has been captured and utilized by DOD/BARDA/CIA + Big Pharma for their goals and are in alignment with Gates and gang and WEF goals. Bottom line is that humanity has now been reprogramed for lab rat status. The fact that Dr. Malone keeps sending out flaming arrows says he has a foot in both camps and is walking a tight rope. Why? Is he being threatened? Maybe he just can't believe man can be so evil. He has to decide where he belongs.
I am so surprised by your comment Thomas. The idea that Dr. Malone has a foot in both camps is absurd, and yes, he has been threatened many times and continues to carry on. You doubt that he knows where to belong?
The defamation lawsuit against Dr. Breggin makes no sense. The criticism of others PUBLICALLY destroys the united front that is needed to stop this massive crime against humanity. I can only believe he sees some value in want is being researched with RNA, after all he codified the process. He never answered my question if the Dr. Hayes Army bio research with glycinated chemicals influenced his research that opened the door.
Let's expose those who threaten him and have side lined others in one manner or another.
This is a war against humanity! I see great value in his current work and well as Dr. Breggin, it is the discourse that bothers me.
Actually, this was a comment directed at MAA. Impossible to reason with psychopaths, sociopaths, the mafia, taxmen and certainly those embedded in the deep state. You just have to shunt them aside.
Too much has been revealed about Malone to keep him in the category of an earnest fighter for medical liberty. He reveals himself yet again with his recent comments on Yeadon. I suspect there is a reason he did this but this level of gaming is hard to comprehend.
It's simple- Dr. Mike Yeadon is the real deal, an intelligent pharma insider, expert on viruses, upper respiratory infections, opiates' effects in the above patients, and a top notch drug development expert.
He saw what was painful to see, early on, that this had to be intentional.
There is no other possible explanation if you rationally examine the facts.
Every single thing the government did was destructive to human health, our fighting the virus, our freedom of speech, or property rights, and they frankly isolated and killed Grandma in hospital after practicing weapons grade psychology operations on the entire general public, lying all the while about early treatment, destroyed those who saved life, and finally rolled out a killer quack zine after a year of softening up the "marks."
Yeadon saw it early. Called it early. Told the truth despite the horror.
And this AGENDA was planned, and executed, WORLDWIDE.
It's bloody obvious.
Malone is showing his true colors once again by attacking the finest, most honest among us, just as he did with Ginger & Peter Breggins to "chill" anyone daring to question him.
Hmmm. What are his receipts? Where does his expertise come from?
Why does my only child, a girl have bio-weapons installed in her body now, with Robert Malone's deadly dangerous tech?
Pick your favorite horse. I'll bet on Yeadon, any time!
PS- between Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watts, ICENI, Sage Hana and others, ALL the receipts are on SUBSTACK!
They are our finest of all, in my personal opinion.
Of course I must include Dr. Yeadon. His light of truth and human decency helped me survive the onslaught of the darkness, when no one else was seeing what I was seeing, other than him. At least no one with his level of expertise and experience.
That Light is very powerful and the Dark never enjoys it gazing at it's machinations, that for sure.
Dr. Yeadon along with Dr. McCullough always behaved expectantly considering the absolute insanity of it all. However, Dr. Yeadon’s intensity & heartfelt manner of giving warning early on, matched the terror I was feeling about it all while helping me to put together the puzzle of why it was all occurring! I was and am very grateful to him!!! His messages really helped me GREATLY PUT A FACE ON THE MONSTROSITY of it all bc I KNEW whatever the heck was happening it was unlike anything I had ever experienced or the world had for that matter. He was never too afraid to LAY THE CARDS ON THE TABLE NO MATTER the possible harm to himself for doing so. Dr. Malone seemed way too cool about it all in comparison. Dr. McCullough’s temperament also matched the terror of it all and his concern. My two heroes are Dr. Yeadon & McCullough. There are many others but those two really stand out in my mind.
I agree with you 100%. Those two, plus RFKjr, called the "beast" out early on. Together these brave souls, but especially Dr. Yeadon's, kept me sane inside the nightmare, with malevolence aforethought, being rolled out upon us all.
RFK Jr was asked about vaccines in a PBS interview broadcast yesterday, November 7, 2023. He had a big opportunity to tell the truth and make a big difference to a big audience. He utterly FAILED. He did not say ONE WORD about covid shots. Instead, he distanced himself from "anti-vaxers."
Bobby's also a rabid environmentalist. Not presidential timber, perhaps a Cabinet job is more suited to him in a narrowed down category of things to do.
I just knew that when I was listening to the first televised epidemic "warning" to the American public by some government hack that a stink was settling over the nation. This was only possible because over the years I've developed antibodies to the scourge called the US government. My first impression has stood like the rock of Gibraltar.
Drs. Zelenko, Yeadon, & McCullough have been my guiding lights since the very beginning. Dr. Zelenko's legacy now lives on in The Wellness Company, for which Dr. McCullough is a scientific advisor.
John P I will say one thing … please please … a person need not portray themselves as 10 different people (handles / nicknames stacks ) to get their point across, stick to one name AND BE REAL, cause the “real “is good and eye opening . Peace and love and truth to all .
Truth there nymusicdaily! I’m not sure how many understand the “games of substack “. Follow the money 💰 always . It’s either money 💰 or monkey 🙊…. This is about money this time , nymusicdaily . 👍🏼
Exactly, spot the fake. Mike Yeadon has 'desperation to save people' and authenticity written all over his face, in his words and correspondence. In contrast Malone only ever seems to be ever so calmingly waffling without saying much, and name dropping.
There seems to be a connection with those on the lecture curcuit, charging large amounts to attend, often while inserting Christian Zionist apocalyptic ideological beliefs.
No DD, I am not at all kidding. From my perspective, up until I stopped listening to Malone, he was still recommending the injection for 'the vulnerable' and looking to develop his own brand of 'vaccine'. And for those paying attention, the virus was created for the 'vaccines', not the other way round. All I have heard from Malone is calibrated waffling, designed to sound ever so knowledgeable, without taking a solid stand on anything. Any stand he has taken is way way way after the horse has bolted, and way way way after others have already trod that track. I have learnt from McCullough the various studied adverse effects of so-called 'Covid', and various ways to treat it. I have learnt from Mike Yeadon that this assault was intentional, before anyone else was saying it. I have learnt truck loads from the Breggins, their work over decades. I have learnt from many people throughout this sick saga. The only thing I have learnt from Malone is that he 'is the inventor of mRNA technology' and he worked for Pharma, the government, and is connected to deep state yada yada yada, and on and on and on ad-nauseam. Maybe I'm just not interested in people endlessly big-noting themselves.
For all Malone's self aggrandizing scripted talk of 'deep state connections' and being 'deep in the belly of the beast' he has been pretty damn slow off the mark don't you think? Apparently we are to believe that he took an injection of something he knew at the time to be dangerous. Malone's trouble is that he is so bent on name dropping and has done so much of it, that one begins to realise two things; first, that he had every single means to have stood up a lot earlier in every instance but didn't, and second, that he has a massive ego, which is what is most important to him, not saving people's lives, which will always come a distant second to his self-perceived status.
You might be interested in reading the address he gave today, Nov. 11 at the Florida Summit on Covid. Be a Lion, not a Victim. You have missed the important information while spending your time finding all the reasons to put him down. We all see things through our filters, I prefer mine.
To be sure I haven't wasted much time on Malone. I'm sorry DD, I can't imagine he has anything new to tell me. I have stood my ground and sacrificed to do it long before Malone came on the scene. I don't need some puffed up ego to tell me how to think. I am repulsed by that idea. To be frank, I just don't like him. It wasn't always that way. It switched because of his words and behaviours. His not mine. If you hang on every word Malone says than that is your choice, a foolish choice in my opinion, but yours nevertheless. BUT when there comes a time he is pushing the next vaccine, perhaps even his own vaccine, don't be surprised if you are so enthralled with him by that time that you can't escape, and will do anything he says.
Also, I feel I need to add. If you really think that yet another droning on Covid quasi motivational speech by Malone is somehow going to cover his bad behaviour, I must say you are extremely easily influenced by other people's words.
Speaking of isolating and killing grandma, I just found out that an assisted living/nursing home where a friend had been visiting the elderly has once again shut out visitors and confined residents to their rooms. This after this friend and I - along with our medical freedom friends - fought hard to get the facility to change their policy. We exposed the fact that they were violating federal law by denying visitors to their residents, and that the federal law didn't allow for them to make exceptions for "emergencies" or to insist that visitors be vaccinated or wear masks.
I no longer live in the area, or I would take up the fight against this again. Isolating the elderly is cruel and evil.
Yeadon was one of THE first voices early on that I remember listening to. Silenced immediately and never made the big stage as Malone has. You don’t make the big stage unless “they” let you make the big stage. Now is that true with all of them? No but intuition and Faith allowed me to get to the awakened state that I’m in and my intuition tells me Yeadon is a man like me doing what he can to save humanity and Malone is not.
Who could I sit next to in a bar for a drink, in a cafe for a piece of pie and coffee telling him all of the things I’ve witnessed personally over the past nearly 4’s not Malone.
Unlike Malone, Kirsch, McCullough, Urso, Kennedy and Kory, Mike Yeadon doesn't have Trevor FitzGibbon as his PR machine, he's not controlled by the DNC machine. Yeadon has been telling us the ugly truth since the beginning.
The vaccines were made to Kill, Injure and maim (add sterilize), proof it was on purpose, is that the question? Well, by now we all should be able to grab some evidence off shelf, my fav is when Pfizer wanted 75 years to release the trial data. Oh, oh, and during the Brooke VS Pfizer trail, Pfizer said, "We did not commit fraud, we delivered the fraud the US Government asked for."
What the hell is Malone talking about? Pfft. Hey Malone, prove to us that it is not a bio-weapon. Good luck to you.
Highly coordinated actions for an illegitimate outcome constitute A CONSPIRACY, okay? Those who think that what has been done to the world was just a weird series of coincidences has to have an IQ BELOW room temperature!!!
The Hawaii video is disgusting. His patronizing blather made him look silly while the children, by comparison, seemed sharp. I still want to know what he knew and when did he know it. Something is not right, and Malone’s aggressive litigiousness is a tell. I really hate having to say this, but it’s simply undeniable.
And the way Jill kept jumping in. So awkward and nerdy. If it weren’t infuriating it would make me laugh. He had every opportunity to lead those kids in the right direction on the transfections but chose not to. Why?
Exactly and he had every chance to set the record straight. One of the students even tried if I remember correctly. It was very frustrating, except maybe they saw through his blathering.
The evidence of recent events offers the 'proof'. When anyone asks me for 'proof' I suspect their motives - and I am too a counsellor - but there are many colours.
Don’t forget, that Dr. Malone actually took the jab himself and was injured by it. That’s when his awakening began. Clearly, Dr. Yeadon has been awakened for much longer time than Dr. Malone. It is very disappointing to see Dr. Malone behaving in such a way towards someone to whom he should be very respectful. Your article is excellent as usual.
I doubt that he is that stupid. He knows exactly what these shots are for. He helped create them. I prayed toGod for discernment about Dr Malone. The answer was do not trust.
He help create a particular technology (years ago) that was then used for these 'shots.' Saying that he helped create them, (these shots) really isn't fair.
Maybe Malone has lied about getting the shots and having a severe reaction to the second shot at length. While it’s true that the most skilled lying propagandists mix in a few truths with their monstrous lies, no one can know the truth about Malone being injected with the modified messenger RNA (plus whatever other poisons) and if Malone got sick from the injections.
I don’t even try anymore to pick out the truths from among the lies of the lying propagandists like Malone. The truths are available from other sources. Instead, I shun all liars as children of pride and children of the father of lies.
Think how much money pHarma has riding here. Think what the CIA & Darpa are up to. Think, who took out the Civil Rights Leaders, JFK, RFK, MLK?!
The other side is very, very powerful, clever, utilizes mind control and all kinds of operations and techniques.
If this is designed to drop world population in half, in a decade or so, or even go the Georgia Guide Stones full monty of no more than 500,000 on Earth, well, they'd do anything to squash that knowledge getting out, don't you think?
; ))
We might find treatments if we thought we had all been exposed to something sterilizing or similar to AIDS, correct?
Gene modifying?
Cancer causing?
Stroke inducing?
Or if we know we have permanently damaged hearts.
Let's not let those natives get restless, ya know!
Yeadon has said himself he was a 'normie' until all this.
It's difficult to suss someone else's inner course when it comes to getting past our accepted assumptions and biases, but MY has been very transparent on all that - we've watched the process over the last several years.
RM - and I know many good people who I respect defend him - is a whole other matter. He's doing a job, imo, and he's getting lots of help managing the "MFM' (for lack of better phrase) which has included dissing voices who challenge him. His middle ground where we 'win' is a middle ground that keeps much of what's in place in place but will add a layer of accountability (presumably) and new experts in charge. I don't know about anyone else - I am not interested in any of it. The blending of pharma & government to deadly ends and aims in now clear - whether it serves RM and his ilk to acknowledge it or not. We are not waiting on his agreement.As much as he likes to frame things that way. ffs.
The contracts Latypova has brought to light and the legislative underpinnings by our government that Watts has unearthed, make that clear. Long term plans to harm and kill. Period. If you can't see it you can't get past your normalcy bias.
Malone either can't see it or won't say he gets it. Either way, not good. He's offering a vision of a future that's a diluted version of what we have now - more of the same - handing over authority to experts who decide for us. It's a dead model. It needs to be a dead model.
Whatever his deal is - and I imagine some good intentions are in the mix - he's un-trustworthy in my view; not just because of his 'belly-of-the-beast' tentacles, not just because he's exhibited a thin-skin when criticized and a vindictiveness in how he responds, or in this latest example with his ungracious tweet to Yeadon (who is obviously admired and trusted and so a potential threat). He's untrustworthy for me because my biology, my gut, tells me that. And I don't need anyone to confirm it.
Thanks for writing the letter MAA, for calling it out.
I so agree, Kathleen. I've found the gut to be an extremely informative ally in all of this. It's usually not wrong. When Malone was on Rogan I found myself frowning and squirming as much as nodding. That's the biology screaming at you: "HEY dummy. Look into this further."
Moreover, as I've said all along, we cannot think of what we're doing here as a movement of any kind. Movements implode. They fall prey to hero-woship (and consequent blind spots), purity tests, purges, us and them thinking. They DISCOURAGE critical thought, in favor of following "leaders". Essentially, they self-annhilate.
What we're doing here is not a movement--it's collective raising of awareness, hopefully for all of humanity. But the most important unit here is not "us" or "them" but YOU, the individual thinker. Question everyone, including me. Accept nothing as true that does not make sense to your own reasoning mind (and yes, to our guts). We cannot surrender our minds to "experts". Have we learned nothing?
"But the most important unit here is not "us" or "them" but YOU, the individual thinker. Question everyone, including me. Accept nothing as true that does not make sense to your own reasoning mind (and yes, to our guts). We cannot surrender our minds to "experts". Have we learned nothing?"
So, so key. We can not skip over it. We've been trained to doubt ourselves and seek confirmation from others, perpetually handing over authority to the point where now that innate sense of sovereignty is gone. Disconnected from even our own bodies, which are happy to inform us way before our minds catch up.
(Had similar experience listening to Malone)
I sincerely hope many of us have learned these things. Best to you.
"We've been trained to doubt ourselves and seek confirmation from others, perpetually handing over authority to the point where now that innate sense of sovereignty is gone. Disconnected from even our own bodies, which are happy to inform us way before our minds catch up."
THIS, right here, needs to be a post all on its own.
Wow Kathleen, I had no idea from reading some of your posts on Malone's sub s. that you are so wary of him. Thin skinned is hardly an attribute that I would attribute to him after all the years of being defamed.
Make Malone a "marked man" and then plant stooges in the audience to make it look like they are asking the "tough questions" so he can look like he's in full control of the issues at hand. He's clearly made to stand out using his mild, bland linguistic approach.
It seems inconceivable he ever took those shots. Of all people on the planet he knew how deadly they were and that all phase trials over the course of about 3 decades had failed- resulting in death for all trial subjects. There’s just no way. Saying he did was his way in to the conversation.
Thanks. And yes. Absolutely I will and always do. I’m well aware of these folks. 5G Warfare isn’t for the weak minded or easily triggered. Sage Hana seemed to be 1 of them that I couldn’t follow anymore. That said, I could be wrong there about Sage but this is my take for now. I wish so many others would take that stance on most of us trying to fight the good fight. Too many are so absolutely sure about Malone and there reasoning doesn’t pass basic logically sound tests.
Their reasoning could be flawed also,Tony. I have watched and listened to Malone very carefully and come to the conclusion time and time again that he is who he says he is, warts and all. I believe that ma Alice is quite sorry to have opened up this can of worms.
It just sounds petulant, no? Though he seemed humble in the beginning, I'm definitely seeing what looks like jealousy when a perceived competitor has the spotlight.
That's hardly vitriol, it is an old saying "put up or shut up", not meant to be taken literally, This has been twisted and has caused so much doubt, division and all out hatred. He has been threatened recently at an event where security was called in. The level of his involvement is such that the unhinged or worse want to cause him harm. This whole debacle is dangerous.
I agree with you on the importance of providing evidence with “mechanistic precision,” and Mike has repeatedly done so based on his professional training and thirty-two years of experience in rational drug design. He has frequently explained the intricacies of how each decision made in the development of the COVID injections violated the principles that have been practiced for decades and how anyone involved in their production would *know* the decisions made would result in harm. I think he discusses it in the following interview, although I may be mixing it up with another one. It’s worth watching regardless :-)
This letter is not intended to critique Robert for requesting receipts (which I understand the importance of, having dedicated this Substack to documenting them: but rather for the disrespectful tone with which he did so, which is counterproductive.
Instead of taking Mike up on his offer to provide those receipts, he ignored him. This could have resulted in a fruitful dialogue between two scientists with complementary areas of expertise. I am offering Robert a chance to rectify that missed opportunity to join forces so we can achieve greater clarity and strengthen our efforts to stop tyranny and democide.
From everything I’ve seen I like both of these guys, as well as Berenson who was mentioned below in this thread. They are all human and have not-perfect moments. But I agree with Malone… If he provides evidence for the things that he has really only speculated about verbally… It defeats the enemy and is a lot better defense than just hearsay.
Hats off to Yeadon for standing up and for your enduring heart.
mary Alice I hear you that you are more concerned with Malones “tone” but this is an extremely long letter to address something as minor as tone. After what humanity has been through, we should all always be demanding receipts! :-)
Also I see a ton of comments here claiming that Malone can’t be trusted because people have a bad feeling about him.
I could be convinced that he is a psyop, but I need to see more evidence than everyone having a FEELING that he can’t be trusted. The same could be said about anyone!
Thank you for your strong defense of Mike Yeadon. He was one of the first voices of truth and reason I was blessed to discover fairly early in the covid debacle. As a layperson, I can only say I strongly sensed I could trust him.
The same spiritual discernment that told me there was something satanic about the whole "pandemic" scenario also told me there was something angelic about Mike Yeadon. He is doing God's work, exposing lies and revealing truth. He is a true hero.
I enjoy your post..but I personally think that Malone is not who you purport him to be. I have mistrusted him almost from his first appearance on the scene. He is connected to a lot of very questionable characters. He along with many others are not to be trusted nor believed
He seems to work too hard at portraying himself as just a family man, farmer, horses, regular guy. Something about him has been unsettling especially since the Breggin lawsuit. Perhaps he feels, like Alice says, “only he knows” the correct and right way to go about this!!! I agree, the Breggins websight seems too sensationalized which makes us look too conspiracy nutcases.
Dr. Yeadon has always struck me as being completely genuine and selfless!!! To have come down on him as Malone did so unjustly just added to my uneasiness about Malone’s intentions.
"Albert Pike was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, jurist and Confederate States Army general who served as an associate justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court in exile from 1864 to 1865. "
From the moment I was introduced to Malone on Dark Horse, I was fascinated by his personality and I knew there was a problem. No fucking way he would have taken the jab knowing what he knows.
When you tell so many truths, half-truths and outright lies, it becomes difficult to keep track of what you have said in the past. You will eventually trip on your own words.
Mike Yeadon needn’t worry about that as far as I can tell. He lives by a simple, repeatable credo. Don’t lie or obfuscate.
I have been questioning Malone for a while.....his response to Yeadon did not help convince me to remain in his camp. Thank you for this article - excellent, once again and very much needed and called for. After all the fallout the truth will be known and it will weed out those who fall short.
Thank you for writing and sharing this exceptionally well crafted response with us. You've composed a note to Dr Malone that is far more patient and compassionate than I would be capable of. The venom with which he has attacked respected members of the medical freedom movement is, I guess you could say, a deal breaker for me. It just doesn't add up and even my most optimistic interpretations of his hostility leave me with a very bad taste in my mouth. Mistakes were not made. Thank you again. Please keep us posted to any response you receive.
Sane people respond to a helping hand. Malone continues to be unresponsive and cruel. I can't imagine anyone warming up to him as a friend. I'll bet money that he will never redeem himself.
Thanks for your integrity, courage and attempts to foster reconciliation we need so badly. I was not aware of this issue between Malone an Yeadon, but was similarly inclined to mediate between him and the Breggins. We have such a daunting challenge before us and I share your distress about these personal conflicts that interfere with what we must achieve. Thanks for including some links to my work and using "Verido." I hope Malone responds positively.
Diane, I don't know that Malone has an issue with Yeadon, It was an old saying that I have heard many times, not to be taken literally. Do you know that Malone tried everything possible to stop the slander from the Breggins, to no avail. This isn't just a playground squabble.
Take a look at what the "experts" were saying in February 2020 -- before a single school was closed:
Nonetheless, a degree of clarity is emerging from this report. The median age of the patients was 59 years, with higher morbidity and mortality among the elderly and among those with coexisting conditions (similar to the situation with influenza); 56% of the patients were male. Of note, there were no cases in children younger than 15 years of age. Either children are less likely to become infected, which would have important epidemiologic implications, or their symptoms were so mild that their infection escaped detection, which has implications for the size of the denominator of total community infections.
IMO, it's his personal life and feelings and struggles that make him a well rounded person with a heart dedicated to good. It's easy to judge the man, what was the old saying? You be the first to throw the rock...
Thanks to everyone who understood the spirit in which this letter was written. I’m still working through the comments but must get some long-overdue sleep so would just like to share this Ralph Waldo Emerson quote to help inspire the civility I was hoping to encourage:
“Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.”
As I wrote in “Rites of the Tear-Downers” (
“Let’s be the community we want to see in the world.”
I agree with Emerson, but disagree with the "be kind" - IMO, it is not a good position to be in, because it gets used against people who think that by being kind they will invite kindness in return. The evil psychopaths in fact push the idea "be kind" specifically to take advantage of this unguarded state of unaware people. We do not have an obligation to be kind, only to be honest, truthful and fair. Silly is also a good idea, sense of humor is important.
I understand your point, but I think you are conflating kindness with naivety (or gullibility). If one is self aware, perceptive, and can think critically, one can be kind until such time one becomes aware that they are confronted by evil and adapt to the change of circumstance accordingly.
I am not conflating kindness with gullibility. That's why I say one should not be kind as a default position. One should be fair. The people who think that kindness must be a default attitude and teach it to others make themselves and everyone who picks up this idea gullible. Because what they are saying "be kind and the whole world will be kind to you" - that is false. Not going to happen and never happened that way. Being fair is a much better, energy neutral and guarded position. It is neither hostile nor naive, gullible and vulnerable to lies and sabotage.
I am not sure I totally agree with this poem, but it resonates with me:
People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you are happy, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good.
Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them.
Mother Teresa
You are a realist. You are right; however God teaches to be kind. One must be intelligent to realize not to be gullible. We must not be kind to satanic souls, but it is often difficult to distinguish them. A court of law must be a realist to be fair, but hopefully a bit of kindness sprinkles out when necessity is realized.
God does not teach us to be kind. God is vengeful.
I disagree. Kindness in our daily lives is a quality I aspire to. I often have to remind myself that kindness takes us a much longer way in life than hostility.
Not being kind DOES NOT mean you are hostile. Most people do not understand this, and think that if they are not kind they are bad, hostile. This is simply not true. that's how people become trapped in a false dichotomy, and that's how "be kind" mantra is used against most people. Don't be kind. Be fair.
Don't be kind, be FAIR!!!!!! Words to live by.
I completely agree. Far too many hang onto a very simplistic idea of being 'kind.' They 'support' people making poor choices because they don't want to hurt their feelings. I often compare it to driving scenarios where someone stops in their right of way lane to be kind and let another car in with zero awareness that they've just been a PIA (or maybe even caused a dangerous situation) to the ten cars behind them. That kind of 'kindness' is virtue signaling.
Y e s !
This is one of the brainwashing Western dogma. And, when one is not kind (nor hostile) they take it personally... in the West everyone thinks the Sun revolves around them.
Also, when you have no other quality, you be kind... The French know this well: il est gentil, lui.
OMG, all we have to look to is the “be kind” & “inclusive” crowd to know they are neither if one bucks the hive mind narrative
In Buddhist ethics where loving kindness is also stressed, it is actually going against mahayana Buddhist precepts if one continues to be friendly to somebody who has been repeatedly engaged in great negativity.
Or as my Buddhist master once put it: "How can you (as a person trying to be ethical) love somebody who has amassed a lot of negativity? You simply can not. But you can have compassion with such a person.
From the understanding that in future this person is going to get the result of his/her negative actions in the form of intense suffering you
develop compassion with such a person and wish for them to be free from all of that suffering.
Kindness in most situations yes, but not towards evil. If a evil person is going to kill my child I am not going to be kind sorry!
How do you know it is evil, when it comes at you with a smile and says "I love you, I am kind, and look at me I am not threatening and I am here to help you" - while at the same time lying and giving you a poison? That's how "be kind" is a dangerous place to be.
Maybe a more appropriate saying for the times we are living in would end with ‘Be discerning’ !
Scripture says it best, "be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Being wise entails recognizing the liars and demons among us and knowing who deserves your kindness, and who doesn't.
I agree
Maybe kind is 10 years in Jail vs 20. No free passes.
Well said! Have had to learn this lesson over, and over, and over again. Be truthful, direct, and not disrespectful, but "kindness" is subject to interpretation. The be-kind implication is usually: "Walk on eggshells, and don't confront me with Truth."
The push for "being kind" often infers soft/fuzzy boundaries.
Amen and ditto 100%. How about instead of “being kind” (which is as useless and vapid and dangerous as “being nice”) we just practice ahimsa, non-violence. I find this more practical and useful in my daily life than trying to be kind up psychopaths and morons. But not punching all of them in the face is a better way to go thru my day than punching all of them. You see the diff?
I see your point
Nice letter! It's good to have a 12th commandment: "Thou shalt not dump on one's own team".
Public life is an exhausting, adrenaline experience. Anyone can get themselves into extra trouble by making public statements when tired, jetlagged or in any way trashed.
All of us need to stay loose and remember that being on a team doesn't imply 100 % agreement with all teammates.
Since the jabs have higher risk than benefit, why would the U.S. government keep pushing them, particularly into kids? European countries stopped jabbing the young, because the results are too obvious. U.S. actions are supporting Yeadon's claims.
First of all not everyone who says "jabs bad" on social media is automatically on "my team", a lot of enemy team masquerades by this and similar slogans. The second question -US government wants to kill and injure as many people (incl. children) as possible, while stuffing their own pockets and those of their overlords - owners of the global central banks. By the way, that's how to tell who is REALLY on the freedom team - people who acknowledge this reality and do not try to pretend it is some sort of a mistake/incompetence by the government.
I understand your point. My "team" is bigger because I regard the awakening of any mesmerized person within the health care apparatus (to admitting that there are problems with the COVID jabs) to be a victory. It's been weird to see how easily people can be induced to turn off their observations and understanding to tow the government line. Many are debt slaves who fear losing board certification and/or their licenses.
(I was very early rejecter of the jabs, and, though still licensed, have left healthcare.) I admired as a most illuminating bit of genius that confirmed bad manufacturing practices, and am more recently a fan of the cannabis genetics researcher who busted out the DNA contamination in the mRNA jabs.
Thanks to everyone who understood the spirit in which this letter was written?
"Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.”
THIS video may be dated but...
I guess by now you may have figured out that your published letter to Robert Malone has contributed unwittingly to much more diversion than you would have ever imagined to be possible.
I am just beginning to read through the comments, but I fear you may be right, Gabriele, and I feel deeply saddened at that prospect 💔
Margaret, dear heart !
Please do not despair.
Defending Mike Yeadon, as you have done is worth the cost of a little debate in a comment section. Of course people differ in their views. That’s ok.
Meanwhile, he is risking his life trying to defend against the pure evil we are facing.
You have merely taken a stand your heart and mind told you to.
A most eloquent stand, as usual ! …and on a worthy matter.
There is no harm in having done so.
Thank you so much, wendy 🤗 I truly wished to foster productive dialogue and inspire greater civility toward one another, but I now realize this stirred up the very sort of drama I was hoping to defuse :-(
I disagree wendy. There has been much harm done in inciting the kind of hatred and division and doubt to Dr. Malone's intentions. "Put up or shut up" is an old , often used phrase, not intended literally. The level that Robert is working at entails encountering people who wish him harm and this type of assault of his intentions and character fuels the fire for many to feel righteous in their actions. ROBERT MALONE - DARK VACCINE WIZARD.pdf
Thank you
Relieved I am to not enjoy your just popularity.
this would be the substack- also contains electron microscopy up to 20000x and all spectroscopy necessary as evidence:
please only read from the source then, Mik Andersen and Dominique Guillet
My perspective is different than most. It is a view from 30 years inside the US Public Health Service, CDC, NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) where I wrote policy to support OSHA rule making for new or improved workplace safety and health standards e.g. determining limits for occupational exposure to chemicals and conditions in which workers can safely work with biologicals. The reason that is important is because I know the laws and the conditions placed on the federal government when it imposes administrative rules on the rest of us and I'm a damn good analyst.
Here's the Cliff Notes version of roughly a year's worth of articles on Larry's Letters (
1. It was no coincidence that the WIV was conveniently 1 mile from the Wuhan wet market and it left no doubt in my mind where SARS-CoV-2 originated; accident or intent were the same to me. When was the last "accidental" release from a P4 lab?
2.) CDC's narrative NEVER matched their own data. NEVER. And it still doesn't.
3.) VAERS worked and was ignored as was the work of Robert Lazarus, Harvard, CDC Contractor who tried to alert CDC that (a) VAERS was grossly under-reported (perhaps as by a factor of 100) and (b) he had a fix for it. And Jessica Rose who independently and by another method arrived at the same general conclusion albeit at a lower but also substantial under-reporting factor of 30.
4) Rochel Walensky , former CDC Director broke the law twice in order to push the narrative that COVID was worse than it really was by (a) changing the case definition of COVID-19 and (b) redefining COVID-19 mortality.
5) The notion that a novel "vaccine" based on mRNA was necessary to treat a typical viral epidemic was more than odd. (pandemic is useless jargon - all influenza's are pandemics. It's just the way it is.)
And frankly the question of why a mRNA inoculant was going to be better than the standard garden variety antibody preparation of vaccines has never been answered by anyone. Not even Dr. Malone.
6) The fact that CDC had to change the definition of "vaccine" in order to convince people to be inoculated with what they knew was hazardous (see 3 above) made it a treatment and thus illegal to push vaccine on the American public. but everyone ignored that because the fear mongering was so intense.
7) President Trump was right --- Hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment and easily obtained data on Ivermectin also proved its complete efficacy. In short the federal government pushed its own dangerous treatments over treatments that actually worked and ensured that those effective treatments remained unavailable should frighten everyone.
8) The notion that a surgical mask has any effectiveness at stopping virus is absurd on it face and it ignores every bit of data in the possession of CDC concerning respiratory protective devices.
I for one am grateful and never disparaging of voices with inside knowledge of what happened and is STILL happening to push this poison on an ill informed and under educated American public that relies on its public health institutions and its policy makers at the highest levels of government.
I would hope that all of us who have been in this fight would be grateful for any credible ally.
^^^ This is the post that should be pinned at the top of this comment section.
Great idea, mzlizzi, and done.
Thank you. That’s high praise.
OMG, Larry, that was outstanding! It saddens me so much that the public is never exposed to intelligent perpectives.
Thank you, Monica.
The tip-off was when Malone decided to sue the Breggins for $25 million.
Actually, Malone revealed his true colors on Joe Rogan’s podcast...
Telling everyone that he had taken 2 Moderna shots in order to travel to Rome, to have a sit down with Pope Francis.
He was mysteriously quiet until he got back from Rome, and then seemingly went on a 24-7 media tour.
He probably got his marching orders upon arriving in Rome.
I personally think Malone is a Jesuit, just like our current Pope, just another wolf in sheep 🐑 clothing.
When Karen Kingston went into hiding, she shot a frantic short video from her iPhone, asking for help, and begging for her life. She specifically mentioned Dr. Robert Malone’s name and was asking for him to not have her killed.
She clearly knows how powerful and dangerous this man truly is, and so should everyone else by now.
His interview with Rogan was a snoozer. I did not see this coming though! I felt that something was off after listening to that podcast. It was as if he was censoring himself by way of boring listeners to not care to listen.
People naturally won't wanna believe that it's a depopulation effort. I think using Malone is a scare tactic to freedom fighting dissenters. Seeing how they can destroy high ranking people on our side unnerves us.
Meeting with the Pope...yeah, that pretty much says it all.
You must mean Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.
I meant exactly what I said…how about you actually listen to the podcast yourself…here ya go…knock yourself out!
Ok William, this is the second time I've read the complete transcript. I didn't listen, I read it. Twice. At 41:06 he mentions going to France and Portugal. That's it. At 2:56:22 he talks about lawsuits. Talk to me when you have read the whole thing twice, and can point out where he says anything about the Pope. Ya, he's a Jesuit alright. Eye roll
Ugh. Now I'm thinking of Malone and Fauci having a sex fest with Jill Biden. Cannot unsee the carnage . . .
Crude must be your middle name.
It's "Cock," but thanks for asking.
I tried to not to respond, but I'm sure you meant "Cocksucker"
I understand the tractor beam. It's an indomitable for force.
I listened to the Karen Kingston vid where she mentioned Malone. Far from inferring that Malone put out the hit on her, she was asking if he could use his spook connections to call off the dogs.
Malone said a lot of things in that interview my favorite were …
1.) He has horse ranch worth $10’s of millions and his horses are hungry and he didn’t get his billions from mRNA like Fauci did
2.) That he is the ‘father of mRNA"‘
3.) That mRNA had been a DOD US-MIL CIA bioweapon delivery system since early 1980’s
4.) that malone big mouth caused him to lose his security clearance, so now he’s a persona non grata
5.) That fauci kept his security clearance and is now a mafia made man in deep-state
William, that is bullcrap about Dr. Malone seeing the pope and being a Jesuit? Come on this is how violence starts, he has already been threatened enough. Perhaps you will feel justified if he gets hurt?
Dr. Robert Malone traveling to Rome for a sit down with the pope?
During Rogan’s podcast, It came out of his own mouth!!!
The part about him being a Jesuit is not something that he would ever admit publicly... so I added that in based on logic.
Malone also told Rogan’s podcast audience that the pope mentioned that “He and Fauci were the best of friends”...
And I thought to myself....of course they are...birds of a feather...flock together.
Everyone knows the current pope is a Jesuit, therefore, it’s not that big of a stretch to assume that Anthony Fauci is as well, and adding Malone to that list is indeed speculative, but hardly a stretch of the imagination.
The Covid Plannedemic was not Fauci’s first fraud.
BrassCheckTV put out a Wonderful documentary called “HIV = AIDS; Fauci’s first fraud”, in which I could easily see the parallels between both of these scams. They literally used the exact same playbook for both. In fact, out of all of the information that I was saturated with during the Covid era, that documentary was the most important thing I had seen the entire time. It literally lays out exactly how the HIV equals AIDS scam was brought to the World, and then, it’s painfully apparent that the same people were behind both, because the parallels between them are identical.
Including fraudulently using PCR tests as diagnostic tools, in order to artificially create/inflate case counts out of thin air.
This was something that Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR tests, was very upset about.
There are interviews online where he says that the PCR test should never be used diagnostically, and he also calls out Anthony Fauci as a complete idiot and fraud and challenges him to an open debate...anywhere/anytime.
The interview that I am referring to had taken place a long time before the Covid pandemic rolled out, so it’s mighty convenient for them that he (Kary Mullis), mysteriously died a few months before they rolled out Plannedemic Part 2.
They knew he would not go along with their agenda, and he wasn’t just some opinionated jerk, the man had a Nobel prize in biology for creating the PCR test.
They wouldn’t be able to slander or silence him successfully, and his voice alone could have really hurt their entire scheme, so he had to go!
How many people do you suppose would have never taken the vaccine in the first place if the creator of the PCR test was exposing the entire fraud from the beginning?
See for yourself -
HIV = AIDS; Fauci’s FIRST Fraud!!!
Anybody who actually takes the time to watch this documentary, will probably be glad that they did. It exposes the entire thing.
And here is the Kary Mullis interview that I referenced above!!!
Well worth your time...
Read up on the polio "virus" scam and the vaccine concocted to do? Once DDT was banned, poof!, no more polio? what does that all mean? How do you spell "fraud"?
Kary Mullis was a man among men, a god on Earth. And funny as fuck, too.
I am well aware of the Kary Mullis facts; that doesn't eliminate the question about the result of these accusations leading to violence. Dr. Malone just wrote to me of an incidence of someone needing to be removed by security at an event he was at. He is concerned, and rightfully so, that this type of letter stirs up her followers. It only takes one deranged person to believe these accusations, do you want to be part of that mix?
Yeah, you are probably right… we should sue, censor and silence anybody who has an opinion and speaks openly and truthfully, because it actually might offend somebody and stir them to violence.
/rolls eyes
Right back to the beginning; someone was offended about Malone's response. Eye roll
They're words. If you can't differentiate between words and actions, you need to take a break and do some reading. I suggest you start with a dictionary, and look up "think" and "beat down." Then come back and let us know if they mean the same thing. And check out "speak" as well. We are ALL responsible for our own actions regardless of what others say. And speech is not the same thing as action. Not even close. The whole point of free speech is to avoid violence and tyranny, even if it means wishing for the demise of others and expressing that wish in public. For instance, what a TRAGEDY if Bobby were to be mowed down by a runaway truck when out walking the neighborhood tonight. I would cry tears and tears—of joy, or at least relief.
Are you getting it yet? I've got limited time for remedial instruction.
Jeez, character becoming more and more suspect by the DAY, not month as I said above!
I did not see the whole show. Thanks for this - another nail in the coffin!
Yes. The Breggins book Talking Back to Prozac was a literal lifesaver for many. They have been a champion for the underrepresented in the mental health community for years. Regardless of their real or perceived sins in regard to Malone, their decades of service and position as elderly champions of the medical freedom cause should have been cause for a little grace and a little respect — not a $25 million speech-chilling, but bogus lawsuit.
That lawsuit (which he did not want to file) was only filed after he had tried to work with the Bregginses for months, but they would not stop saying libelous things about him. He patiently went through their charges about him point by point with them, showing that the charges were baseless, but no matter what he showed them, they kept pushing these hysterical nutty things that were manifestly untrue. It was like they thought he was Satan or something. There never was anything to their claims. Please believe I am NOT excusing him for what he did that prompted Margaret's letter. (and some other behavior). But the Bregginses were WAY out of bounds.
Breggin's have the right to free expression. Malone is way out of bounds which will be revealed in the final losing judgment. The Malone weaponized lawsuit against them is frivolous and remarkably so. That is our opinion and Mr Sensitive Feelings Malone better not sue us for saying it!
Sorry, free expression does not include the right to libelous claims. If someone is destroying your reputation by spouting provable lies, then you have the right to sue them.
Gee whiz, aren't you doing that same thing right now to the Breggin's? Libelous claims? THINK.
You JUST WROTE LIBEL PER SE (defamation in writing accusing them of a crime) and called them liars "with provable lies", but their statements were NOT lies or even framed as fact. See, they gave an OPINION that hurt Malones feelings, which was not a lie, because a belief is not a lie or a false fact, its a right to free thought and free opinion which comes with the right to free expression. Like we said, Malone will LOSE and then we should get the Breggin's to sue YOU for writing lies about them and defaming them.
Oh well, then, I guess libel lawyers can just turn in their credentials. When you say someone has done X, Y, or Z and that therefore they are criminals, and if they HAVEN'T done any of X, Y or Z, and having the lie out there could damage them professionally, then you're goddamned right it is libel. The opinion that the person is a criminal is protected speech, but if the evidence for the claim is something that can be proven to be a lie in court, and if the person can prove they tried outside of court to establish that they did none of those things to no avail, and if they can prove it is professionally damaging, then they have a case. Say I claim on my podcast that you must be working for the CIA because you did certain things, and you then lose work because people start believing you did those things, you can take me to court if you can prove you didn't do ANY of the things I claim you did. And you should.
As the other person being sued in the case with Dr. Breggin, I can tell you that most of you making comments especially the ignorant ones, jumping to Malones defense, know nothing of the details of the case and most likely judging from your comments, you have not read the public documents such as the legal complaint and our response to the court. the same judge who dismissed Malones $50 million frivolous lawsuit against the Washington post, also presides over our case and if you read the judges dismissal memorandum, you would learn that these are frivolous lawsuits, the Court is not happy with him and in fact they have told him that if he continues to file frivolous lawsuits, the judge will require him to pay our legal fees. Don't think that just because someone has been publicly propped up but they are not up to something. And for those of you take everything he says at face value, I can tell you and I would say it under oath that he never reached out to me or the Breggin's that I know of, for a civil conversation, it was always threatening, jumping into my social media accusing me of things I never said or did. that's all I can say right now about the case is it is an active lawsuit, but I can tell you that when it is all resolved, many of you will be eating crow. A special shout out to a voice of reason, Sasha Latypova for helping to teach people that we are still a country of innocent until proven guilty
Dr Jane Ruby
Libel doesn't exist when a statement COULD damage a person's reputation, Atticus Finch.
How can you defend him? Malon is a snake in the grass, whose types of venoms are too many to outline. I hope he truly got the Moderna shots.
I’d bet the farm he did not. Of all people on the planet he knew how deadly they were after 20+ years of failed clinical trials.
He didn't get it, confirmed by his Anthrax buddy, Steven Hatfill and confirmed by Malone who's on video saying he had to be tested regularly while in the EU because they "rejected" his CDC card. Malone has contradicted himself many times, on video - it happens when he goes off script.
The saying “there are two sides to every story, and the truth is somewhere in the middle” comes to mind.
Rubbish - look at the evidence and open your eyes.
Yep, that was the big tell. His massive god complex just wouldn't allow him to let it go. He wonders (acts like he does) about people like Sage and dozens of other Stackers who've been smacking him since. Dude, you did the classic "murderer on the witness stand" mistake of saying, "I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!" That usually plays badly.
And attempts by the sheep virtue signalers to get Malone s medical license pulled for spreading "misinformation" have all died in transit, in stark contrast to what's happened to most skeptical doctors who've spoken up.
Malone is a carnival barker. He's no longer wearing pants, but his hubris leads him to believe he's still clothed and is hung like a horse. Neither is true.
You don’t get called to Rome to have a sit down with the pope just to exchange pleasantries, he is serving the Vatican!
Oh quit!
Incredibly balanced and brilliant compilation, Margaret—as usual.
In addition to the Breggin lawsuit there is also Robert Malone’s reported legal action against Dr. Jane Ruby. The man is allergic to constructive criticism. I have struggled with making sense of Malone’s ambiguities: a hero fighting tyranny or “evil vaccine wizard”? He seems to represent a walking “limited hangout”, or as David Icke puts it, “this far and no further”. And then there is this report:
I think you meant that comment to MAA...excellent comment by the way.
That is the dichotomy! Is it because Dr. Breggin early on nailed the Covid con for what it was?
The Covid crisis is the culmination of many years of developing bio research that has been captured and utilized by DOD/BARDA/CIA + Big Pharma for their goals and are in alignment with Gates and gang and WEF goals. Bottom line is that humanity has now been reprogramed for lab rat status. The fact that Dr. Malone keeps sending out flaming arrows says he has a foot in both camps and is walking a tight rope. Why? Is he being threatened? Maybe he just can't believe man can be so evil. He has to decide where he belongs.
I am so surprised by your comment Thomas. The idea that Dr. Malone has a foot in both camps is absurd, and yes, he has been threatened many times and continues to carry on. You doubt that he knows where to belong?
The defamation lawsuit against Dr. Breggin makes no sense. The criticism of others PUBLICALLY destroys the united front that is needed to stop this massive crime against humanity. I can only believe he sees some value in want is being researched with RNA, after all he codified the process. He never answered my question if the Dr. Hayes Army bio research with glycinated chemicals influenced his research that opened the door.
Let's expose those who threaten him and have side lined others in one manner or another.
This is a war against humanity! I see great value in his current work and well as Dr. Breggin, it is the discourse that bothers me.
How do you plead for 'civility' to someone who has been revealed as a deep state player?
I am not pleading for "civility."
People should have discernment on who they want to trust.
Everyone should be viewed with skepticism.
In regard to a deep state player...."you can check out, but you can never really leave."
The tentacles of the deep state and the 3-letter agencies go deep. They know your weaknesses and will use them to destroy you if you step out of line.
Actually, this was a comment directed at MAA. Impossible to reason with psychopaths, sociopaths, the mafia, taxmen and certainly those embedded in the deep state. You just have to shunt them aside.
Too much has been revealed about Malone to keep him in the category of an earnest fighter for medical liberty. He reveals himself yet again with his recent comments on Yeadon. I suspect there is a reason he did this but this level of gaming is hard to comprehend.
I have so much respect for Michael Yeadon.
It's simple- Dr. Mike Yeadon is the real deal, an intelligent pharma insider, expert on viruses, upper respiratory infections, opiates' effects in the above patients, and a top notch drug development expert.
He saw what was painful to see, early on, that this had to be intentional.
There is no other possible explanation if you rationally examine the facts.
Every single thing the government did was destructive to human health, our fighting the virus, our freedom of speech, or property rights, and they frankly isolated and killed Grandma in hospital after practicing weapons grade psychology operations on the entire general public, lying all the while about early treatment, destroyed those who saved life, and finally rolled out a killer quack zine after a year of softening up the "marks."
Yeadon saw it early. Called it early. Told the truth despite the horror.
And this AGENDA was planned, and executed, WORLDWIDE.
It's bloody obvious.
Malone is showing his true colors once again by attacking the finest, most honest among us, just as he did with Ginger & Peter Breggins to "chill" anyone daring to question him.
Hmmm. What are his receipts? Where does his expertise come from?
Why does my only child, a girl have bio-weapons installed in her body now, with Robert Malone's deadly dangerous tech?
Pick your favorite horse. I'll bet on Yeadon, any time!
PS- between Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watts, ICENI, Sage Hana and others, ALL the receipts are on SUBSTACK!
.. Reading.. Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watts, ICENI, Sage Hana. There is no narrative distraction amongst these worthy analysts
They are our finest of all, in my personal opinion.
Of course I must include Dr. Yeadon. His light of truth and human decency helped me survive the onslaught of the darkness, when no one else was seeing what I was seeing, other than him. At least no one with his level of expertise and experience.
That Light is very powerful and the Dark never enjoys it gazing at it's machinations, that for sure.
Long may Dr. Yeadon live & prosper! ❤🙏🙏🙏
Dr. Yeadon along with Dr. McCullough always behaved expectantly considering the absolute insanity of it all. However, Dr. Yeadon’s intensity & heartfelt manner of giving warning early on, matched the terror I was feeling about it all while helping me to put together the puzzle of why it was all occurring! I was and am very grateful to him!!! His messages really helped me GREATLY PUT A FACE ON THE MONSTROSITY of it all bc I KNEW whatever the heck was happening it was unlike anything I had ever experienced or the world had for that matter. He was never too afraid to LAY THE CARDS ON THE TABLE NO MATTER the possible harm to himself for doing so. Dr. Malone seemed way too cool about it all in comparison. Dr. McCullough’s temperament also matched the terror of it all and his concern. My two heroes are Dr. Yeadon & McCullough. There are many others but those two really stand out in my mind.
I agree with you 100%. Those two, plus RFKjr, called the "beast" out early on. Together these brave souls, but especially Dr. Yeadon's, kept me sane inside the nightmare, with malevolence aforethought, being rolled out upon us all.
RFK Jr was asked about vaccines in a PBS interview broadcast yesterday, November 7, 2023. He had a big opportunity to tell the truth and make a big difference to a big audience. He utterly FAILED. He did not say ONE WORD about covid shots. Instead, he distanced himself from "anti-vaxers."
That's a crying shame. Unfortunately he's showing his true colors - first Palestine and now this.
I was seriously thinking about voting for him. But this undermines my entire motive. Do you have a link where I can listen/watch?
There are many and various Controlled Opposition even GB News is suspect (Gates funded it seems).
Bobby's also a rabid environmentalist. Not presidential timber, perhaps a Cabinet job is more suited to him in a narrowed down category of things to do.
I just knew that when I was listening to the first televised epidemic "warning" to the American public by some government hack that a stink was settling over the nation. This was only possible because over the years I've developed antibodies to the scourge called the US government. My first impression has stood like the rock of Gibraltar.
Drs. Zelenko, Yeadon, & McCullough have been my guiding lights since the very beginning. Dr. Zelenko's legacy now lives on in The Wellness Company, for which Dr. McCullough is a scientific advisor.
He's also looking to make a ton of money, Debra.
Another 100%
John P I will say one thing … please please … a person need not portray themselves as 10 different people (handles / nicknames stacks ) to get their point across, stick to one name AND BE REAL, cause the “real “is good and eye opening . Peace and love and truth to all .
truth ministry troll farms apparently pay well.
but what a deadly working environment, imagine the EMF bouncing off the walls of a denver housing project basement for example ;)
Truth there nymusicdaily! I’m not sure how many understand the “games of substack “. Follow the money 💰 always . It’s either money 💰 or monkey 🙊…. This is about money this time , nymusicdaily . 👍🏼
Exactly, spot the fake. Mike Yeadon has 'desperation to save people' and authenticity written all over his face, in his words and correspondence. In contrast Malone only ever seems to be ever so calmingly waffling without saying much, and name dropping.
There seems to be a connection with those on the lecture curcuit, charging large amounts to attend, often while inserting Christian Zionist apocalyptic ideological beliefs.
Without saying much??? You have got to be kidding, Diane.
No DD, I am not at all kidding. From my perspective, up until I stopped listening to Malone, he was still recommending the injection for 'the vulnerable' and looking to develop his own brand of 'vaccine'. And for those paying attention, the virus was created for the 'vaccines', not the other way round. All I have heard from Malone is calibrated waffling, designed to sound ever so knowledgeable, without taking a solid stand on anything. Any stand he has taken is way way way after the horse has bolted, and way way way after others have already trod that track. I have learnt from McCullough the various studied adverse effects of so-called 'Covid', and various ways to treat it. I have learnt from Mike Yeadon that this assault was intentional, before anyone else was saying it. I have learnt truck loads from the Breggins, their work over decades. I have learnt from many people throughout this sick saga. The only thing I have learnt from Malone is that he 'is the inventor of mRNA technology' and he worked for Pharma, the government, and is connected to deep state yada yada yada, and on and on and on ad-nauseam. Maybe I'm just not interested in people endlessly big-noting themselves.
For all Malone's self aggrandizing scripted talk of 'deep state connections' and being 'deep in the belly of the beast' he has been pretty damn slow off the mark don't you think? Apparently we are to believe that he took an injection of something he knew at the time to be dangerous. Malone's trouble is that he is so bent on name dropping and has done so much of it, that one begins to realise two things; first, that he had every single means to have stood up a lot earlier in every instance but didn't, and second, that he has a massive ego, which is what is most important to him, not saving people's lives, which will always come a distant second to his self-perceived status.
You might be interested in reading the address he gave today, Nov. 11 at the Florida Summit on Covid. Be a Lion, not a Victim. You have missed the important information while spending your time finding all the reasons to put him down. We all see things through our filters, I prefer mine.
To be sure I haven't wasted much time on Malone. I'm sorry DD, I can't imagine he has anything new to tell me. I have stood my ground and sacrificed to do it long before Malone came on the scene. I don't need some puffed up ego to tell me how to think. I am repulsed by that idea. To be frank, I just don't like him. It wasn't always that way. It switched because of his words and behaviours. His not mine. If you hang on every word Malone says than that is your choice, a foolish choice in my opinion, but yours nevertheless. BUT when there comes a time he is pushing the next vaccine, perhaps even his own vaccine, don't be surprised if you are so enthralled with him by that time that you can't escape, and will do anything he says.
Also, I feel I need to add. If you really think that yet another droning on Covid quasi motivational speech by Malone is somehow going to cover his bad behaviour, I must say you are extremely easily influenced by other people's words.
BARDA should be here taking notes.
Speaking of isolating and killing grandma, I just found out that an assisted living/nursing home where a friend had been visiting the elderly has once again shut out visitors and confined residents to their rooms. This after this friend and I - along with our medical freedom friends - fought hard to get the facility to change their policy. We exposed the fact that they were violating federal law by denying visitors to their residents, and that the federal law didn't allow for them to make exceptions for "emergencies" or to insist that visitors be vaccinated or wear masks.
I no longer live in the area, or I would take up the fight against this again. Isolating the elderly is cruel and evil.
Yeadon was one of THE first voices early on that I remember listening to. Silenced immediately and never made the big stage as Malone has. You don’t make the big stage unless “they” let you make the big stage. Now is that true with all of them? No but intuition and Faith allowed me to get to the awakened state that I’m in and my intuition tells me Yeadon is a man like me doing what he can to save humanity and Malone is not.
Who could I sit next to in a bar for a drink, in a cafe for a piece of pie and coffee telling him all of the things I’ve witnessed personally over the past nearly 4’s not Malone.
Unlike Malone, Kirsch, McCullough, Urso, Kennedy and Kory, Mike Yeadon doesn't have Trevor FitzGibbon as his PR machine, he's not controlled by the DNC machine. Yeadon has been telling us the ugly truth since the beginning.
Thank you! That makes sense.
Look at their friends...
Follow the money...
Bravo, nicely put, thank you.
The vaccines were made to Kill, Injure and maim (add sterilize), proof it was on purpose, is that the question? Well, by now we all should be able to grab some evidence off shelf, my fav is when Pfizer wanted 75 years to release the trial data. Oh, oh, and during the Brooke VS Pfizer trail, Pfizer said, "We did not commit fraud, we delivered the fraud the US Government asked for."
What the hell is Malone talking about? Pfft. Hey Malone, prove to us that it is not a bio-weapon. Good luck to you.
Oh forgot your "Money Shot"
Prove it is not a bio-weapon or Shut the Fu Up
Highly coordinated actions for an illegitimate outcome constitute A CONSPIRACY, okay? Those who think that what has been done to the world was just a weird series of coincidences has to have an IQ BELOW room temperature!!! the winter! LOL
Poor Garden Gnome Malone. (Malone forgot to mention he almost died - when talking to TEENS in Hawaii)
Jill Claiming for Bobby-boy's hard work and proud of all the grants they get clients.
We've got stuff on him.
Bobby also claims to have been invovled in every major pandemic since ~2011
Baloney Maloney is also suing a bunch of peeps. hmmm. Hurt much?
The Hawaii video is disgusting. His patronizing blather made him look silly while the children, by comparison, seemed sharp. I still want to know what he knew and when did he know it. Something is not right, and Malone’s aggressive litigiousness is a tell. I really hate having to say this, but it’s simply undeniable.
Looked to PRish In Hawaii with the children. In fact, his sunday comics and all seem very Professional, maybe too much so??
And the way Jill kept jumping in. So awkward and nerdy. If it weren’t infuriating it would make me laugh. He had every opportunity to lead those kids in the right direction on the transfections but chose not to. Why?
Agreed, I actually cant stand to read his stuff anymore. I unsubscribed , and feel better for it
It was a production, a staged event, hard to watch.
'Something is not right', is right.
any link to the Hawaii video? I would be v interested in watching it.
jeez, I feel sick just watching him lie right to kids.
Exactly and he had every chance to set the record straight. One of the students even tried if I remember correctly. It was very frustrating, except maybe they saw through his blathering.
thank you!
They are bioweapons but were they intentionally released by global elites to depopulate the planet? Can you prove that?
Why aren’t the elitists STOPPING this yet if it’s NOT intentional? Food for thought... it’s answer may serve as an answer to your request for proof.
The evidence of recent events offers the 'proof'. When anyone asks me for 'proof' I suspect their motives - and I am too a counsellor - but there are many colours.
When I ask an ally for proof it is a brother's challenge to be the best he can be.
Don’t forget, that Dr. Malone actually took the jab himself and was injured by it. That’s when his awakening began. Clearly, Dr. Yeadon has been awakened for much longer time than Dr. Malone. It is very disappointing to see Dr. Malone behaving in such a way towards someone to whom he should be very respectful. Your article is excellent as usual.
I doubt that he is that stupid. He knows exactly what these shots are for. He helped create them. I prayed toGod for discernment about Dr Malone. The answer was do not trust.
I think you’re right. My gut has told me for quite some time that he’s not on the up and up.
He help create a particular technology (years ago) that was then used for these 'shots.' Saying that he helped create them, (these shots) really isn't fair.
Impossible to know if he really took the vaccine. I've become skeptical.
He has discussed it at length.
Maybe Malone has lied about getting the shots and having a severe reaction to the second shot at length. While it’s true that the most skilled lying propagandists mix in a few truths with their monstrous lies, no one can know the truth about Malone being injected with the modified messenger RNA (plus whatever other poisons) and if Malone got sick from the injections.
I don’t even try anymore to pick out the truths from among the lies of the lying propagandists like Malone. The truths are available from other sources. Instead, I shun all liars as children of pride and children of the father of lies.
Why would Malone take 2 shots fully knowing that testing was so scarce? He didn't know better? Nay. He didn't take the shots.
Although, as mentioned in a comment above, he has contradicted himself on this.
Stories are interesting, aren't they?
Think how much money pHarma has riding here. Think what the CIA & Darpa are up to. Think, who took out the Civil Rights Leaders, JFK, RFK, MLK?!
The other side is very, very powerful, clever, utilizes mind control and all kinds of operations and techniques.
If this is designed to drop world population in half, in a decade or so, or even go the Georgia Guide Stones full monty of no more than 500,000 on Earth, well, they'd do anything to squash that knowledge getting out, don't you think?
; ))
We might find treatments if we thought we had all been exposed to something sterilizing or similar to AIDS, correct?
Gene modifying?
Cancer causing?
Stroke inducing?
Or if we know we have permanently damaged hearts.
Let's not let those natives get restless, ya know!
You understand.
Yeadon has said himself he was a 'normie' until all this.
It's difficult to suss someone else's inner course when it comes to getting past our accepted assumptions and biases, but MY has been very transparent on all that - we've watched the process over the last several years.
RM - and I know many good people who I respect defend him - is a whole other matter. He's doing a job, imo, and he's getting lots of help managing the "MFM' (for lack of better phrase) which has included dissing voices who challenge him. His middle ground where we 'win' is a middle ground that keeps much of what's in place in place but will add a layer of accountability (presumably) and new experts in charge. I don't know about anyone else - I am not interested in any of it. The blending of pharma & government to deadly ends and aims in now clear - whether it serves RM and his ilk to acknowledge it or not. We are not waiting on his agreement.As much as he likes to frame things that way. ffs.
The contracts Latypova has brought to light and the legislative underpinnings by our government that Watts has unearthed, make that clear. Long term plans to harm and kill. Period. If you can't see it you can't get past your normalcy bias.
Malone either can't see it or won't say he gets it. Either way, not good. He's offering a vision of a future that's a diluted version of what we have now - more of the same - handing over authority to experts who decide for us. It's a dead model. It needs to be a dead model.
Whatever his deal is - and I imagine some good intentions are in the mix - he's un-trustworthy in my view; not just because of his 'belly-of-the-beast' tentacles, not just because he's exhibited a thin-skin when criticized and a vindictiveness in how he responds, or in this latest example with his ungracious tweet to Yeadon (who is obviously admired and trusted and so a potential threat). He's untrustworthy for me because my biology, my gut, tells me that. And I don't need anyone to confirm it.
Thanks for writing the letter MAA, for calling it out.
I so agree, Kathleen. I've found the gut to be an extremely informative ally in all of this. It's usually not wrong. When Malone was on Rogan I found myself frowning and squirming as much as nodding. That's the biology screaming at you: "HEY dummy. Look into this further."
Moreover, as I've said all along, we cannot think of what we're doing here as a movement of any kind. Movements implode. They fall prey to hero-woship (and consequent blind spots), purity tests, purges, us and them thinking. They DISCOURAGE critical thought, in favor of following "leaders". Essentially, they self-annhilate.
What we're doing here is not a movement--it's collective raising of awareness, hopefully for all of humanity. But the most important unit here is not "us" or "them" but YOU, the individual thinker. Question everyone, including me. Accept nothing as true that does not make sense to your own reasoning mind (and yes, to our guts). We cannot surrender our minds to "experts". Have we learned nothing?
Couldn't agree more, James.
"But the most important unit here is not "us" or "them" but YOU, the individual thinker. Question everyone, including me. Accept nothing as true that does not make sense to your own reasoning mind (and yes, to our guts). We cannot surrender our minds to "experts". Have we learned nothing?"
So, so key. We can not skip over it. We've been trained to doubt ourselves and seek confirmation from others, perpetually handing over authority to the point where now that innate sense of sovereignty is gone. Disconnected from even our own bodies, which are happy to inform us way before our minds catch up.
(Had similar experience listening to Malone)
I sincerely hope many of us have learned these things. Best to you.
"We've been trained to doubt ourselves and seek confirmation from others, perpetually handing over authority to the point where now that innate sense of sovereignty is gone. Disconnected from even our own bodies, which are happy to inform us way before our minds catch up."
THIS, right here, needs to be a post all on its own.
Well said, and best to you as well!
Wow Kathleen, I had no idea from reading some of your posts on Malone's sub s. that you are so wary of him. Thin skinned is hardly an attribute that I would attribute to him after all the years of being defamed.
Make Malone a "marked man" and then plant stooges in the audience to make it look like they are asking the "tough questions" so he can look like he's in full control of the issues at hand. He's clearly made to stand out using his mild, bland linguistic approach.
It seems inconceivable he ever took those shots. Of all people on the planet he knew how deadly they were and that all phase trials over the course of about 3 decades had failed- resulting in death for all trial subjects. There’s just no way. Saying he did was his way in to the conversation.
I’m with you on this. His vitriol towards Mike is very unsettling as a long-time supporter of Robert Malone. Hmmm..
He also sued the Breggins for 75 million and quickly dropped the case when it went to court. What the hell is that about?
Just check the$75m detail. It was documented as $25m
Be careful. Look at his background. When he went for medical freedom heros, elderly champions for humanity, we should have all gotten the idea.
I had a gut instinct that something was wrong with him.
Same here.
That assertion is a stretch. The Deep State went after him as hard as anyone.
Ohh bullshit. Typical ploy, to give him some street credit within the “truther movement.”
Malone is a snake, and those of us with discernment have Always known that.
No- that was all theatre. If they hadn’t pretended to, his role would have been too obvious.
Watch out for the Chaos agents Tony, you are in dialogue with a few.
Thanks. And yes. Absolutely I will and always do. I’m well aware of these folks. 5G Warfare isn’t for the weak minded or easily triggered. Sage Hana seemed to be 1 of them that I couldn’t follow anymore. That said, I could be wrong there about Sage but this is my take for now. I wish so many others would take that stance on most of us trying to fight the good fight. Too many are so absolutely sure about Malone and there reasoning doesn’t pass basic logically sound tests.
Their reasoning could be flawed also,Tony. I have watched and listened to Malone very carefully and come to the conclusion time and time again that he is who he says he is, warts and all. I believe that ma Alice is quite sorry to have opened up this can of worms.
Kind of like Alex Berenson’s denigration of ivermectin - they all have their weak moments, as do we. I think Malone is a honest broker.
It just sounds petulant, no? Though he seemed humble in the beginning, I'm definitely seeing what looks like jealousy when a perceived competitor has the spotlight.
That's hardly vitriol, it is an old saying "put up or shut up", not meant to be taken literally, This has been twisted and has caused so much doubt, division and all out hatred. He has been threatened recently at an event where security was called in. The level of his involvement is such that the unhinged or worse want to cause him harm. This whole debacle is dangerous.
I agree with you on the importance of providing evidence with “mechanistic precision,” and Mike has repeatedly done so based on his professional training and thirty-two years of experience in rational drug design. He has frequently explained the intricacies of how each decision made in the development of the COVID injections violated the principles that have been practiced for decades and how anyone involved in their production would *know* the decisions made would result in harm. I think he discusses it in the following interview, although I may be mixing it up with another one. It’s worth watching regardless :-)
This letter is not intended to critique Robert for requesting receipts (which I understand the importance of, having dedicated this Substack to documenting them: but rather for the disrespectful tone with which he did so, which is counterproductive.
Instead of taking Mike up on his offer to provide those receipts, he ignored him. This could have resulted in a fruitful dialogue between two scientists with complementary areas of expertise. I am offering Robert a chance to rectify that missed opportunity to join forces so we can achieve greater clarity and strengthen our efforts to stop tyranny and democide.
Hear Hear Margaret Anna !
Your letter is a beautifully crafted, sensitive and thorough piece, asking for a more respectful response. It is perfectly sensible.
Dr Malone’s response is the opposite. It is unfair, unnecessary and incendiary, in my opinion. What was the actual point of it ?
This is what I came here looking for and to say.
From everything I’ve seen I like both of these guys, as well as Berenson who was mentioned below in this thread. They are all human and have not-perfect moments. But I agree with Malone… If he provides evidence for the things that he has really only speculated about verbally… It defeats the enemy and is a lot better defense than just hearsay.
Hats off to Yeadon for standing up and for your enduring heart.
mary Alice I hear you that you are more concerned with Malones “tone” but this is an extremely long letter to address something as minor as tone. After what humanity has been through, we should all always be demanding receipts! :-)
Also I see a ton of comments here claiming that Malone can’t be trusted because people have a bad feeling about him.
I could be convinced that he is a psyop, but I need to see more evidence than everyone having a FEELING that he can’t be trusted. The same could be said about anyone!
Thank you for your strong defense of Mike Yeadon. He was one of the first voices of truth and reason I was blessed to discover fairly early in the covid debacle. As a layperson, I can only say I strongly sensed I could trust him.
The same spiritual discernment that told me there was something satanic about the whole "pandemic" scenario also told me there was something angelic about Mike Yeadon. He is doing God's work, exposing lies and revealing truth. He is a true hero.
I enjoy your post..but I personally think that Malone is not who you purport him to be. I have mistrusted him almost from his first appearance on the scene. He is connected to a lot of very questionable characters. He along with many others are not to be trusted nor believed
He seems to work too hard at portraying himself as just a family man, farmer, horses, regular guy. Something about him has been unsettling especially since the Breggin lawsuit. Perhaps he feels, like Alice says, “only he knows” the correct and right way to go about this!!! I agree, the Breggins websight seems too sensationalized which makes us look too conspiracy nutcases.
Dr. Yeadon has always struck me as being completely genuine and selfless!!! To have come down on him as Malone did so unjustly just added to my uneasiness about Malone’s intentions.
I'm with you, Carolyn. There's a line in the sand and he's on the wrong side of it.
"When people show you who they are, believe them."- Maya Angelo, I think
"When the people need a hero, we shall provide them one."
This quote has been troubling me lately. Some of our heroes are "provided".
That's an interesting one! And you are right to be troubled I think. Do you recall where it comes from?
Oh, one of those Rockefeller types from 99 years ago. It's a famous old quote.
I found this: that credits Albert Pike.
"Albert Pike was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, jurist and Confederate States Army general who served as an associate justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court in exile from 1864 to 1865. "
So now we know!
Sometimes behavior is a good indicator of intent. People reveal themselves by how they treat others.
thank you for this
From the moment I was introduced to Malone on Dark Horse, I was fascinated by his personality and I knew there was a problem. No fucking way he would have taken the jab knowing what he knows.
When you tell so many truths, half-truths and outright lies, it becomes difficult to keep track of what you have said in the past. You will eventually trip on your own words.
Mike Yeadon needn’t worry about that as far as I can tell. He lives by a simple, repeatable credo. Don’t lie or obfuscate.
I have been questioning Malone for a while.....his response to Yeadon did not help convince me to remain in his camp. Thank you for this article - excellent, once again and very much needed and called for. After all the fallout the truth will be known and it will weed out those who fall short.
Thank you for writing and sharing this exceptionally well crafted response with us. You've composed a note to Dr Malone that is far more patient and compassionate than I would be capable of. The venom with which he has attacked respected members of the medical freedom movement is, I guess you could say, a deal breaker for me. It just doesn't add up and even my most optimistic interpretations of his hostility leave me with a very bad taste in my mouth. Mistakes were not made. Thank you again. Please keep us posted to any response you receive.
Sane people respond to a helping hand. Malone continues to be unresponsive and cruel. I can't imagine anyone warming up to him as a friend. I'll bet money that he will never redeem himself.
Thanks for your integrity, courage and attempts to foster reconciliation we need so badly. I was not aware of this issue between Malone an Yeadon, but was similarly inclined to mediate between him and the Breggins. We have such a daunting challenge before us and I share your distress about these personal conflicts that interfere with what we must achieve. Thanks for including some links to my work and using "Verido." I hope Malone responds positively.
Diane, I don't know that Malone has an issue with Yeadon, It was an old saying that I have heard many times, not to be taken literally. Do you know that Malone tried everything possible to stop the slander from the Breggins, to no avail. This isn't just a playground squabble.
To pile on to your already impressive pile of evidence:
Take a look at what the "experts" were saying in February 2020 -- before a single school was closed:
Nonetheless, a degree of clarity is emerging from this report. The median age of the patients was 59 years, with higher morbidity and mortality among the elderly and among those with coexisting conditions (similar to the situation with influenza); 56% of the patients were male. Of note, there were no cases in children younger than 15 years of age. Either children are less likely to become infected, which would have important epidemiologic implications, or their symptoms were so mild that their infection escaped detection, which has implications for the size of the denominator of total community infections.
Great response.
You could have addressed the hatred and doubt that this letter caused to Malone, S C. I know you respond, and I assume read most of Malone's postings.
I do but stay far away from his personal stuff. It's none of my biz.
IMO, it's his personal life and feelings and struggles that make him a well rounded person with a heart dedicated to good. It's easy to judge the man, what was the old saying? You be the first to throw the rock...
I stay far away from all of that, including the judging.