With calls for amnesty and literal claims that “mistakes were made” resurfacing, it seems an appropriate time to remind the Covidians and colluders of their behavior and pivotal role in enabling tyranny.
By the way, I learned yesterday that the reason my speech to the AfD party in the German Parliament was banned is because I had the temerity to state plainly that the injuries & deaths from the injections are intentional.
Wolfgang Wodarg & I wrote a warning letter in December 2020, before any EUAs, listing a number of obviously toxic features in the “vaccines”. We didn’t write “intentional harms” then, though we certainly thought so.
I’m very confident that the harms are deliberate and actively sought. No question about it.
I’ve recorded a very similar speech, to be presented to some parliamentarians in Croatia this weekend (I’m travelling).
If THEY censor, I’ll immediately release it.
I’m doing a shorter version for Andrew Bridgen’s upcoming panel. I alone will say there was no pandemic and the “vaccines” were intentionally harmful.
Those two items are THE KEY to public understanding of the planetary crime we’re living in.
You cannot oppose that which you do not understand.
People shy away from intentionality when it involves deliberate, malign acts on the part of governments and corporations. They have no problems with individuals being intentionally malign though. For some strange reason, when it comes to large organisations, they prefer to cite Hanlon’s razor: Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity. So, organisations can be stupid, but not intentionally malign! The problem is, Hanlon’s razor fails the credibility test when it comes to the injections. There is no doubt whatsoever that governments and Pharma corporations knew the injections were harmful, prior to rollout, but certainly that this was the case in the early months after rollout, yet they continued with the mass ‘vaccination’ programs. Intent to harm is thus established beyond all reasonable doubt. The only question remaining then is whether the ‘vaccines’ were DESIGNED to do harm. I cannot comment on that aspect, but the behaviour of governments in promoting a known harmful product and continuing to promote a known harmful product, might itself suggest that the intention to do harm was there even before the products were developed and brought to market.
100% spot-on, Jaime. I keep thinking if democide were treated like homicide, we would have forensic analysts evaluating evidence, medical examiners performing autopsies, and detectives working around the clock to determine the cause and identify perpetrators. Instead, we have agencies, governments, corporations, and limited hangouts aggressively working to thwart attempts at collecting evidence and vilifying those pursuing clues to their logical conclusions.
Mike Yeadon has repeatedly demonstrated that these products were *designed* to harm (see his pinned comment on this post as well as any of his interviews; he might discuss it in here: https://rumble.com/v15bk3c-doctors-and-scientists-episode-29-interview-with-mike-yeadon.html), as has Sasha Latypova. Both bring decades of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and rational drug design. Mike and Wolfgang Wodarg wrote a warning letter about the dangers of these products as early as December 2020.
Yes, we have more than enough evidence already for Nuremberg II style trials, targeting both individuals and organisations for complicity in democide, iatrogenocide, mass murder, corporate manslaughter on a scale hitherto unheard of at the very least, call it what you will. But the powers that be have closed ranks and are currently thwarting all attempts to hold them to account for the crimes against humanity which have been committed since at least 2020 on their watch, with their full knowledge and assent.
Spend 21 minutes listening to Dr David Martin speaking to the European Parliament. ANY question about intent to do harm will be immediately washed away! He's also got a fantastic interview with Brian Rose on LondonReal.
Patents, 'outing' the hidden hands, ACTUAL recorded statements BY the malefactors!
Three points: A.) Notice yet another act of liberal-democracy-betraying censorship. Another on top of so many. Those who orchestrated or went-along with the censorship of Yeadon's speech in Germany are traitors to constitutional democracy, and deserve to be exiled-for-life to some forsaken island. B.) Yeadon and those who agree with him here on the centrality and definite truth of his "two items" are obliged to remember that plenty of Covid/Vax Disaster dissidents, such as myself, do not yet agree, either with the overall truth of these two items, nor with their centrality to the dissident case. Yeadon and co. are obliged to keep the doors of friendly communication and dialogue with us open. Most obviously, this means they must refrain from acting like those whom MAA has defined as "tear-downers." I have zero worries with respect to Yeadon or MAA themselves on that score, but there are others who agree with Yeadon on the "two items" whose behavior on these kinds of internal-disagreement issues has been very poor. More importantly, I say Yeadon and co. are obliged to not put the full weight of their case on those two items. Yes, I get and accept the idea voiced in the last sentence, and yes, I get that any dissident researcher or writer will have distinctive arguments that constitute his "brand." Yeadon should thus continue to argue for why his ideas here are the key ones, yes. But it is reasonable, and in no way censorious nor a power-move, to demand that Yeadon and writers like him Regularly Acknowledge that there may be understandable and decent reasons for other dissidents to not agree with them on these two items. There is no slam-dunk case for either of them. Nor is the crux of the "intention of harm" issue all that simple, since Yeadon's framing (and MAA's) ignores the possibility that the intention to harm was confined to VERY small circles of scientists/conspirators, some of them perhaps engaged in deceiving one another, which would mean that mass group-think criminal negligence was the bigger cause and culprit by far. (Or see JJessop's close distinction in the comments here about whether the meds were Designed to harm--she's showing that an experts' intention to go-along-with-harm once they realized how screwed up Warp Speed was should be morally distinguished from an experts' intention to make the meds harmful.) Criminal negligence is something that goes way beyond what loaded framing-device phrases like "mistakes were made" or "dolts botching shit" would imply--those of us who stay agnostic on the idea of a Big Conspiracy's intention to deliver the CV-19 vax-harms do not think that the criminality which we are certain that existing/accepted evidence points to was in any sense minor. It is wrong for our kind of case to be tagged as being indistinguishable from some "mistakes were made" mumble. C.) Some readers will want to focus on the area of disagreement here revealed by my point b. here, but I would encourage them to focus instead on what we agree upon, and the fact that A.) alone establishes the grounds for ditching the entire current system. We are all united in Yeadon having the right to write and say what he wishes on this, in his formal and defacto Suppression by our Rulers being Evil and Traitorous, and in our believing that the Disaster he is speaking of is the story of the century. Let us act together on that kind of basis.
As to your point about “the intention to harm was confined to VERY small circles of scientists/conspirators” with the rest following via groupthink/criminal negligence/denial, that’s actually pretty much what I’ve been arguing all along as that is how genocide has occurred throughout history. As the epigraph to “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) reads:
“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like ‘people’ and means ‘riffraff,’ to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson to the effort which probably employed more Germans in inhumanity than any other in Nazi history, the standing of ‘sentry’ in front of Jewish shops and offices in the boycott of April, 1933.”
—Milton Mayer, “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45”
Absolutely recognise & respect the right of every person to make up their own minds.
On your point that only very few people knew had full understanding, I have always believed that to be likely.
Very few people need to know that the injections were intentionally harmful (my belief, which I am particularly well placed to argue, though I never claim I’m correct and nothing else need be said) in order that this scheme would work.
I’ve always said that I believe the next few layers told anything were told “the suspension of democracy is temporary but necessary to save the world from climate change”.
Your comment, and even more so MAA's, are making me think I need to rethink my concept of what a "Big Conspiracy" would be. Still, a number of things would be significantly different between a.) a tiny conspiracy to depopulate that itself duped a larger set of conspiracies, ones which existed to make money, expand their orgs' power, and maybe do the election fraud of 2020, and with those groups then in their own ways duping the levels below them, and b.) a conspiracy like that of the Nazi or Communist leadership. The second led movements whose members had agreed, in the hundreds of thousands, in the millions, that the time had come to try unprecedented experiments upon humanity, and to free themselves from most all the old-time morals. Hitler's circle concealed the organization and operation of the Holocaust to a great degree, but it essentially followed from their open rhetoric in a way that the depopulation element of the Covid/Vax Disaster doesn't directly follow from precursor statements by the orgs involved.
Yes, I am aware of what WEF types have said about the need to reduce population. It still is something pretty different--we should not be accusing any environmentalist who worried that the global population increase was a deep danger with implicitly granting a license to depopulators-thru-poisoning/deception, or of being morally equivalent to the typical mid-level communist or national socialist of the 20s or 30s, all of whom had implicitly licensed actions like Holodomor and the Holocaust.
And to be clear, I mean very tiny conspiracies when it comes to making the meds poisonous and fertility-harming. Things like what we see the rogue doctor doing in (the original) Twelve Monkeys, fooling his colleagues and leveraging his lab and knowledge, but with the diff being that the conspirators do not spread the poisons through something as crude as a trip around the world with test tubes in their carry-on, but utilize the entire corporations involved, and the entire agencies (probably DOD-centered ones) to deliver. They would have to do things which fool scores of their fellow scientists/agents, although they could probably bank on them not blowing the whistle on their suspicions when these inevitably arose, because most of these would see that the super-nefarious conspiracy had embedded itself inside their own evil-but-not-THAT-evil conspiracy, such that they would be blowing the whistle also on themselves also were they to expose the worse villains.
Still, I wonder if "Mistakes Were Not Made" is the right rhetoric to fight this, let alone good rhetoric for the way we must operate to some degree as a movement and a coalition; and, as far as I can tell, I must stress that we don't yet have enough info to KNOW that THIS is what it was/is. It matters, sure, that most of those subject to our suspicions are persons whom we DO KNOW were at the very least involved in some set of criminal-negligence and betrayal-of-public-duty set of crimes. And every single day they don't come forward they load more crime upon their heads, so none of them DESERVE my kind of "well we don't know for sure" scruples against blanket accusations, after all.
Still, I worry that our deployment of this kind of rhetoric loses us more potential persuadables than it gains, and exposes us to the machinations of bad internal leaders and tear-downers who lead us to suspect everything all the time. And I believe that democratic politics can only work to a certain degree with conspiracy accusations--it has to settle to a degree upon consensus judgments, and consensus suspensions-of-judgment, or it will find it can do nothing.
Thank you both, MAA and Dr. Yeadon, for treating my reservations with respect in your previous comments, and if you read this, for indulging my thinking out-loud.
I agree with almost everything you have written about “COVID” except for your doubts about the existence of infectious viral diseases. I used to do experiments using bacteriophages for mutagenesis in E. coli. It’s hard to believe that colds are not transmitted between humans. I suppose I remain open minded but I’d need to see a lot of high quality evidence to believe that infectious viruses do not cause human disease.
I wonder if they were the inspiration for the widespread fraud in humans?
If there were submicroscopic infectious elements that are responsible for acute respiratory illnesses, demonstrating transmission ought to be trivially simple.
But no one has managed to show it.
That’s very problematic for me.
Now, I do not say all viruses are fraud. They might be, but I’ve not done the work, and I refuse to make claims I cannot stand up, simply because others do.
I’ve followed HIV to it’s faked heart. It isn’t the cause of AIDS.
Each one I set out to understand ends like this. Not that I’ve really dug into many.
As a concept, they’re very attractive. But lots of examples simply fall apart on close examination.
Fundamentally it doesn’t affect my conclusion of this crime. There was no pandemic based on Rancourt’s all causes mortality data. That’s enough.
I know for sure that clinical diagnostic assays cannot be rolled out as they have been, lacking in assay positive & negative controls, which are NEVER given even if one writes in and requests them. They’re fake if they lack such controls and that’s true around the world for these massed PCR tests. They are also so sensitive that I seriously doubt they are viable on scale, with cross contamination a certainty, according to a very experienced friend, who ran PCR himself for 25 years and volunteered in a central lab in England in 2020. He said it was a train wreck. Useless fraudulent results.
" demonstrating transmission ought to be trivially simple.
But no one has managed to show it."
Dr Lee Merritt does a WONDERFUL broad and deep explanation of the research she did on the "horrendous" 1918 flu pandemic. She read doctor's diaries, autopsy reports (they DID them then on nearly every death!), contemporaneous media (bought access to a stored library), her own MD granddad's diaries, and other doctors' and 'regular' people's diaries and writings (ltrs, etc.) of the time! HOW it is presented and taught to us moderns is ... quite different!
She describes in detail the experiments they performed (on wartime conscientious objectors) where they stood close over the dying and breathed in as the dying breathed out, yet NO ONE GOT SICK! The docs pulled saliva and "lung goo" (as she semi-jokingly calls it) and swabbed it in the oral cavities of the 'subjects. Yet NO ONE GOT SICK! They even INJECTED the spun-down lung goo "like a vaccine." {shudder} AND NO ONE GOT SICK!
They even, because that flu affected horses (!) put feedbags over the noses and mouths of the hacking coughing miserable horses -- and then moved them onto healthy horses -- yet NO HORSE GOT SICK! (No "convincing via public relations" possible there, eh?)
She, like so many others, was raised up in med schools (and before and after) to BELEIVE!!!! 100% in viruses! She, like so many others, (and so many others on so many other topics!) discovered on actually looking herself into the actual studies and truths that the lies were SO blatant! (Ivermectin, anyone? Run-deatherisnear? "Vents for all"! (She ALSO shows the actual electron microscope slides of "viruses" -- which slides are merely fuzzy, black-and-white ... "round things" ... which when they appear INSIDE the cells are called exosomes, yet when they appear OUTSIDE the cells are viruses!
Do we have iron-clad proof viruses do NOT exist? We do not. Do we have iron-clad proof viruses DO exist? We. do. not.
I’m not familiar with this study or the implications, but it fails my criteria regarding conflicts of interest and dubious ties/participants. One of the authors, for example, is the notorious Neil M. Ferguson, and funding came from “the UK Vaccine Taskforce of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of Her Majesty’s Government.”
This note in the Acknowledgments is especially damning:
“We are grateful to Gilead for providing remdesivir for the study.”
I notice the University of Liverpool is also listed, and that was the university that received a $40 million Gates Foundation bribe just before rewriting Andrew Hill’s conclusion to downplay the efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID:
Understand the conflicts. Apparently remdesivir was not needed, all participants recovered as expected given their age. The study showed nearly half never became ill despite direct exposure further they never developed antibody responses as a result of mucous immunity - the virus never replicated. We can duplicate that using old fashioned mouth/nose sanitation that the NIH refuses to promote. Attack the virus before incubation. So much for Trump bleach. A bit of salt water can work but many use Betadine (Povidone-iodine) diluted as a gargle.
Finally a few became ill but had no symptoms. They were capable of spreading giving credence to asymptomatic spread.
What explains the non-transmission -- or at the very least -- lack of ensuing symptomatic illness in those exposed to or "infected with" "infectious viruses"?
I have been without a symptomatic cold or flu for 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑠. The night before my mother died from complications of a severe case of flu, I slept in the same bed with her in case she needed anything during the night. I did not get sick nor did my father who'd been home with her in the days prior to her untimely death. I rode crowded subways for years and never got sick. I'd be the only one in my office/department to forego a "flu" shot -- and would be the only one at times who remained healthy.
Perhaps if we can explain people who remain healthy we'll have a better understanding of "infectious viruses" and whether or not they are the direct cause of human disease.
My guess is the differentiator would be your immune system—you likely have developed immunity to particular strains and have a more robust immune system than those who become ill.
P.S. So sorry about your mother 💔
P.P.S. I, too, have blessedly avoided colds and flus for over a decade. In my case, it’s likely because I work at home and am rarely around other people now.
Thank you, MAA. I appreciate that. My mother was 57...She was the center of my world; it will be 40 years this coming Feb -- and I think of her still all the time.
I think the idea of developing immunity to "strains" assumes the existence of "infectious viruses." The belief in this I have virtually discarded because it ends up actually explaining very little, IMO. Who knows? Maybe one outcome of this crime will be the revelation of so much that has been hidden and of that which has been used falsely to control...
100%, Dr. Yeadon. No "pandemic" and the "vaccines" were designed to do harm. I grew very concerned in Feb 2020 over what I saw unfolding; by Mar, I knew "they" were getting ready to launch their "operation," as I called it. I stood by that characterization then and stand by it now. No "pandemic." A long-planned operation, a global crime against humanity...
The poem reminds me of Bonhoeffer's observation that "cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without repentance." That kind of forgiveness isn't worth the price.
without repentance there can be no forgiveness I reckon, but without accountability I doubt there will be repentance...horse or the cart....either way - without accountability Lady Libra is not satisfied and I don't blame her one bit - cause the scales must be balanced, but without accountability - that will never happen.
Haha, Dr. K didn't mean it as a dig, and something can indeed be both brilliant and pithy :-) Here is the standard definition for "pithy": "concise and forcefully expressive."
Never a dig for MAA. She expresses in very few words-per-line in this piece what might have been said with many more. That is pithy and makes it doubly impactful.
Here's in response from the correspondence on another stack pertaining to Dr. Mike Yeadon.
Here's his quote (feel free to delete if it's not important to your discussion here) and the link.
I’m not a fan of the purported high tech claims about nano tech in the jabs. I am not going to say “it’s impossible”, because few things are.
What I believe though is the perpetrators do not need to even bother with the high tech BS. People police themselves and each other using ancient low tech methods of intimidation, fear & a burning desire to align to others.
I don’t. I’ve never been interested in the opinions of others about me.
Unfortunately most people do mind. They will comply, even if their still, small voice tells them there’s danger. A psychologist told me that “Most people would rather die with the herd than to leave the herd”.
It’s so simple.
Make digital ID mandatory.
Link vax status to validity of digital ID.
Deny those with invalid ID.
There’ll have to be no cash alternative to using CBDC otherwise we’ll slither out by using only cash.
The media will remain hermetically sealed against truth. The internet will soon require a digital ID even to logon. A valid one.
WHO lies about “the next pandemic”. Bit of an irony, given there hasn’t been a pandemic & I’m not at all sure they’re possible. Even 1918 was a fraud, telling you how long the Malthusians have been working on this.
Pharma makes the mRNA “vaccine”.
Government mandates the injections.
See, nobody is a mass murderer. No one individual or even organization.
You know they say “It takes a village to raise a child”?
Same to murder lots of people.
Ever thought why it is exactly that, of all the products of the pharmaceutical industry, only vaccines cannot be challenged or even questioned? I think it’s because the always planned to use an injected solution to the challenge of “How do we kill 93% of the population without triggering wars?”
Use only cash whenever you can. Stock up on alternative means of exchange.
Thank God you live in a second amendment country (I don’t).
Decline anything that smacks of digital ID, accepting the punishments that follow.
Who needs the internet nowadays and you know the trial run in Nigeria was a complete failure - the ideas of the demented elitist false are being proven wrong in front of our faces - so really - who needs the internet - much less a smart device.
Now a silver coin - that is physical and has value - whereas CBDC's in concept are equivalent to slavery and in the 21st century - who the eff needs or wants that? Not I and it ain't inevitable - in fact much the opposite - bad ideas 20th century thinking - they are fixing to die off rapidly.
"From ladybug-sized implants that track oxygen levels in deep body tissues to tiny "neural dust" sensors that monitor nerve signals in real time, scientists are making big steps when it comes to the functionality of tiny electronic devices. The implant developed by the Columbia Engineers breaks new ground as the world's smallest single-chip system, which is a completely functional electronic circuit with a total volume of less than 0.1 mm3.
That makes it as small as a dust mite, and only visible under a microscope. The tiny chip required some outside-the-box thinking to make, particularly when it comes to the way it communicates and is powered."
(Oh sh|t! I'm just catching up myself -- the next para after the two above begins:)
"Where small electronics might feature radio frequency (RF) modules to transmit and receive electromagnetic radio signals, these wavelengths are too large to be used with a device this small. Ultrasound wavelengths, on the other hand, are far smaller at a given frequency, ..."
That brings up 5G, which IS microwaves, which is WHY the "transmitter/extenders" must be everywhere! I'm STILL resisting strongly the 5G crap (while dreading that it's just as likely true as "intent to harm" -- but then the govt sends out a "every person all bandwidths" test msg?!?!
Oh, and Dr Bryan Ardis has done good work (really -- DON'T buy the hit pieces without doing your own research! I was one who dropped him cold as a source when the first "Watch the Water" thing came out. Dipped a toe back in some months later: Go watch part 2 and marvel (what's a word for 'marvel with ABSOLUTE HORROR'!?) Ardis 'dove' into the (commercial/pharma) "Dynabeads" used in MAKING our vaunted vaxxx: microscopic *super-MAGNET* (ring any "conspiracy" bells?) beads that are used to pull out some of the 'stuff' used in mixing their evil potions... But the Dynabeads are NOT 'strained out.' (I'm barely-explaining this badly; I followed Ardis' explanations -- with the peer-reviewed papers, the patents, and the commercial advertisements... but too much data, still unsorted in my old tired brain to present it well here!)
So, here are the starts of some seeming important rabbit trails! Have a nice hop!
They do not understand what you just wrote.. These people are pure EVIL, all they want is your forgiveness and compassion so they can do it again.. You just do not really know what type of people you are dealing with.. They are like your picture denotes, wolves in sheep clothing, they always come in peace to do war.. Look at their history, these people pass their EVIL from generation to generation, otherwise it would have died with all the originators, but it gets worse because they raise their children to be EVIL like them, so this generation just waits for the right technology like mRNA, and AI and all the rest so they can do more damage.. These people are concentrated EVIL... Ask all the children, and parents and grandparents who died to forgive them, oh that's right we cannot because millions are
dead. This was no mistake or accident, something you can ask for forgiveness for, it was pre planned planned and executed.. They are trying to do it even better the next time...
As for ordinary people who were tricked into taking the bioweapon into their bodies, they are not necessarily evil, they are simply gullible as hell, members of the herd incapable of critical thinking. They have in most cases been rendered that way by decades and generations of incessant propaganda. Yes, the perpetrators are pure evil, but the real victims were simply fearful and gullible.
I agree with this so long as the person does not try to force, coerce or insult others into making the same choice they did.
I think we all have a right to make our own mistakes but we don't have a right to force other people to go along with them.
My son has severe immunodeficiency I had a lot of fear during covid and I still do but I would never force anyone to do something to protect my son it's my responsibility to keep my son safe not other people. It's codependent enmeshment and abusive to coerce, insult or attempt to force others to do something they don't want to do because I think it's right.
Government has no right, certainly not in our US constitution, to control the peoples health.
I believe it should be the individuals personal right and children would have to abide by the parents.
It should also be encouraged in public indoctrination to take responsibility into your actions with health being a major concern.
All the agencies, FDA, CDC, NIH, etc., in fact are set up to protect the corporations including monopolizing the way health systems operate. With insurance agencies forced to follow the same agenda.
Pls keep studying -- the insurance companies are NOT being forced -- they were in it -- and to a large extent DRIVING it -- from the start! Watch some Todd Callender Esq. He's the fantastic lawyer who helped save a LOT on mil folks by suing -- and then by having to post "how to do it yourself
' forms because he and his allies were SWAMPED with several HUNDRED mil-folks desperate for help protecting themselves from the poison-vaxxx!!
Fun tidbit: Anonymous Conservative (whom I've followed for some 20+ years) has started using the three "x"s in vaxxx... in the semi-serious hope the censoring algos will think he's discussing pron and let his stuff through!!!
I would say instead that there is no shame in those that took the shots to keep their jobs or even to go along with what seemed to be conventional wisdom. Instead I think we should consider ourselves exceptional for knowing not to do it and especially the heroes that resisted even in the face of incredible financial losses and social costs.
You're right in many cases, yes. There are exceptions to every rule. I know a few people who have admitted their error and wish they could have it back. They are exceptions because they are brave and honest enough to do so. The rest are too vain I suppose.
A stampede is a stampede -- doesn't matter if after you/we/our kids are FLATTENED to a dusty-stain that SOME of the stampeders 'feel bad' about their participation.
There MUST be life-long shame for them all -- because SHAME is the "learned-too-late" BOUNDARY that prevents them from doing it again. They MUST feel shame or they will do it again! "Oh, I didn't WANT to help KILL THOSE PEOPLE by going along with the govt horrors -- but I wanted to keep my job!"
I refer you to the maybe overused -- but 100% TRUE -- Solzhenitsyn quote about "if only" the cops/soldiers, when sent out at night to 'disappear' folks in our apartments building, were UNSURE if they were going to make it HOME that night... it would have STOPPED the murders and oh hey! CONCENTRATION CAMPS too!! (Gulags)
The malign actors are already pushing yet-another "pandemic"! 'Cause monkey-pox did NOT scare anyone ; and they're getting almost NO traction with "oh NOES another COVID! Shoot shoot shoot!" (Just 4% U.S. taking the new shots?!)
And now they're trying to gin up fear over Marburg -- Dr Lee Merritt (LOVE her!) looked into Marburg -- after Malone 'brought it up' without a seeming 'cue' (she may have missed it; she's suspicious of Malone, and I am ... concerned ... about him). Marburg, it turned out (and again, I may be presenting Merritt info less than perfectly), Marburg is named for the German city location of yet-another BIOWEAPON LAB where it was studied.... but it's FIRST "appearance was in the Congo? (Or some african state) -- NEAR yet another of our bioweapon labs...
The first big scary 'outbreak" killed a whopping ~40 people; almost half WERE bioweaponeers! (Engineers and techs IN the biolabs! ) The rest were gold miners in TWO mines. The two mines were in 'states' that were at war over "whose gold is it?" Oh -- and one other important fact: NOT ONE FAMILY MEMBER of any of the ill/dead got sick. NOT ONE!
"They" have been flying "Marburg-infected" INTO the U.S., and funnily enough: to various of our internal bioweapon labs. Catch-up?
NOT good enough! Those "real victims" crowed and chanted and yelled to take our children," to "lock us up," to "fire us and deny food and water and employment and health care: ORGAN transplants, cancer treatments!" Fer cryin' out loud!!). They called for (and in some places BUILT and OPERATED) ACTUAL concentration camps! When two healthy teens boys were sent to a concentration camp down in the Antipodes, the boys ESCAPED -- and were hunted down by cops with guns and dogs!!!
Never forget, never forgive, eh?
The problem with a "herd" participating in a stampede is NO SINGLE ONE of them is held "responsible" for the stomping death of your child. But without every single one -- there IS no herd, no mob, no stampede -- and NO 'stomped to death'! WHY do we give them the PASS? *WE* did not stampede! *WE* did not fall for the lies and poison! Your grand-dad died alone and ignored (nurses and docs afraid to go in; family denied entry); he died ENTIRELY ALONE and abandoned -- that cannot EVER be made up for -- and certainly not with a "well, they were frightened." NO amnesty, NO forgiveness without a G.D. guarantee they will not -- AND CAN NOT -- ever do it again.... No, I don't know how we can ensure that -- it was ALREADY agains.... oh, wait no -- the malign govts CHANGED THE LAWS to everything they did was "legal" however immoral!!
Anyway, back to the stampeding herds: PART of the self-defense laws in the U.S. DIRECT that if a mob attacks you (and you are legit "in danger of death or serious bodily injury") because of "disparity of force" (the 'force' attacking outweighs your lone self) you ARE LEGALLY JUSTIFIED in shooting any or several members of the mob -- each mob-participant carries the same danger!
The gotcha at the end that can put you in jail anyway is: if five ferals attack you, and you shoot three; you must then -- in the heat of danger -- calculate whether you have now 'cut down' the disparity of force where self-defense with a lethal weapon is NO LONGER appropriate! On the one hand -- gunning down the entire pack or mob -- when shooting *some* of them STOPS the attack and you are no longer in imminent danger of "death or serio..." you LOSE the legal right to keep shooting.
Drop into Andrew Branca's online classes or esp. his book on "The Law of Self-Defense" if you carry a gun or knife -- or even well-trained fists!! ESPECIALLY with our corrupt and suborned DAs, judges, and juries.... 'stacking your mental deck' with as MUCH 'how the courts do stuff' knowledge is needful to keep you OUT of life-long prison!!
Sorry for the long answers... I'm all caffeinated up and alternately FURIOUS and sympathetic, and TERRIFIED and trying to fortify my people against the future and ...
just fighting depression and despair ALL the time! The deeper you look, the worse -- and further back into history and wider into every damned ASPECT of "modern" life, the worst and most ABSOLUTE EVIL it all turns out to be!
I send you again, just 21 minutes: Dr Dave Martin at the European Parliament:
the "ooooh scary "novel" corona 2? EVERY PART of "novel, never seen before, so we're all gonna DIE" spike was PATENTED (and he gives you the patent numbers!) in the U.S. between 2002 and 2008.
No problem, caffeine can be helpful 😁 In truth a full discussion would be lengthy. Some behaved as you describe, perhaps the majority who reveled in Fauci’s Church Of The Poisoned Mind, but many were forced to take the shots to keep their job, which is a large portion of the military and civil servants. Living in Florida I very much sympathize with the poor bastards living under Hochul’s fist in NY
Your poem is what true art is all about - you're using the canvas of social media and hyperlinks brilliantly Margaret. Thank you for this, for caring, and for making an impact.
I wonder where you and others draw the line when it comes to forgiving people in the medical field who promoted laws which forced vaccines onto others.
What about doctors who understand informed consent who pushed for laws to force vaccines onto others in the past? If we forgive people in our current freedom movement for things that they've done that disrespect other peoples human rights in the past, even though they knew better, shouldn't we forgive everyone?
Are we limiting our judgment to people Outside of our circles or are we demanding the same accountability for people who are currently considered heros in the freedom movement?
You say mistakes were not made. I heartily agree with you. I'm wondering what mistakes we are making right now by inviting people to become leaders of our movement and admiring those who want to push their greater good and agendas onto others, insulting people for their beliefs, blocking people who want to discuss or debate them, gathering cult like followings.
Not just regarding vaccines
I'm the last person who would want to censor someone's speech or right to their own beliefs.
If someone here hates covid vaccines but wants to force childhood vaccines onto all children it's none of my business but I view them as those who forced covid vaccines. Even if all vaccines were 100% safe and effective forcing them is unethical to me. Same as forcing people to wear a mask or banning people from wearing a mask if they want to. Same as forcing people to go to school even if they decide they'd rather home school their kids or forcing people to home school who'd rather send their kids to public school.
To me, both sides are unforgivable and yet many people give passes to those who want to force others to comply with their beliefs, because those beliefs align with their own.
Sometimes I wonder if we should just forgive no one and what would that look like, a world where boundaries respect everyone not just one group of people?
I have conflicting views on this because life isn't just binaries and looking into people's past will bring up skeletons.
For people like me who have a vaccine injured son it's hard to not look at the past and to not see the personality of doctors throughout my son's life who tried to push things on him and when I see/sense this (toxic, disrespectful, insulting) personality in others whether they're a doctor or just a regular person it's very repulsive to me. It's impossible for me to forgive and forget when I see their current behavior and personality is the same as past mistakes they made. They dont appear to have learned anything after experiencing covid tyranny. They might not like covid vaccines because they don't want to personally be harmed but in the end, they Really Don't Care about other people's health or freedom of choice and body autonomy
Heidi, I’m very sorry to hear your son experienced injury after vaccination.
Discussion on ‘voluntary informed consent’ will no doubt resonate with you very strongly.
Presumably too you have experienced people suppressing your son’s story, this is the double pain of the vaccine injured, not being believed.
We must now ensure that the manufactured ‘Covid’ crisis is used to open up discussion about vaccination, about this mass population medical intervention that is often used against diseases that aren’t a serious problem for most people, it’s time to bring this to the fore.
AND we must fixed the damaged and corrupted LAWS that have allowed everything that had occurred! And that, most likely, must include EMPTYING the govt of the 'owned" puppets who DID AS THEY WERE TOLD -- and passed the laws they did not read that were given to them BY THEIR OWNERS! (Do you not get that most states, and by now the feds, have put *into law* that they can FORCIBLY INJECT you with whatever they wish, and if you DON'T agree -- they can take your kids, your house, your money, -- your FREEDOM -- (yes, lock you up!) "legally."
The problem with a systemic evil (and MAN! Are we ever deep in such a system!!) you can't just "cut off" one or two heads! The old tale of Hercules and the hydra is VALID! Oh, the conservatives are cheering and applauding the "new" Speaker -0- and while he IS doing some good things -- some things to 'calm and herd' the right-side populace BACK into the herd -- he is ALSO 100% "owned" and doing as he is told. We are (yes, including me, I just shush my hopeful feelings at) getting a HALF a loaf, which is NOT quite as poisoned as the OTHER half -- which other half will be fed to us once 'we' are calmed down and hoping this guy will work out.
Do you not know about these laws -- and if there were this many states back in 2003 -- are there ANY now how do not have the legal right to turn tyrant?!
"They" started putting those laws into place in the STATES, after the feds refused to do it (and you'll get a LOVELY introduction to MY long-term paranoia through my questioning!! Example: "I’m not seeing discussed at all WHO PAYS for the treatment of these adverse effects (er, that is, “horrific side effects”). I’m one of, what is it now, 45 MILLION Americans without health insurance. If the feds succeed in pushing their sneaky laws through the state legislatures making their “voluntary” federal vaccinations into mandatory state vaccinations, then who is going to foot the hospital bills (and death benefits)?")
[Me:] At the risk of sounding paranoid for not trusting "my" government, how can any of us protect ourselves against the denial of our own rights to our own health decisions? Are we just supposed to "believe" the government? As you so often say: who is it that says: "Trust me?"
[Me quoting the point:] "However, the announcement of the government's ambiguously worded plan for voluntary smallpox inoculations provides more reason to question government motives in its support of the Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA).
"MEHPA makes it a criminal offense to refuse a state-ordered vaccination or medical procedure. In some states where it has already become law, refusing a compulsory vaccination is a felony. States have some leeway in determining the severity of the penalties, but in all cases the act permits the immediate confiscation and/or destruction of any private property without any procedural review in the event of a health emergency."
Biowarfare: CDC Issues Plan for Mass Smallpox Vaccinations
Questions Raised on MEHPA and Microbiologist Deaths
"Georgetown and Johns Hopkins’ Center for Law and the Public Health, the think tank where this state legislation model was created, reports MEHPA-like laws have been passed in 20 states, and 16 state legislatures have introduced measures dealing with public health emergencies caused by a terrorist attack.
"States where MEHPA laws have been enacted include: Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Washington, D.C. has also enacted an emergency health powers law.
"State legislatures where MEHPA has been introduced include: California, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wyoming."
Take a read -- and check his other advice for both the 'objector' sides and the 'creation/enforcement' sides across a WIDE range of conflicted topics. He and his wife (Dr Jody Lanard) are retired now, so doing only very occasional commenting and interviews on THIS SARS event )(they were active in the original, and MERS.... and others!
I know a thing 'r too as well 'bout dok-turds doin' permament an' deadly harm--we got an entire fambly full of it... an' many deaths (includin' those in our immediate fambly) at the hands of smug / well-paid ruthless dok-turds... Also a lotta "ongoin' damage like my ma who near-died after forced booster no. 3 an' is now a ghost of her former self... all could'a been avoided. Holdin' a grudge is not my normal state've bein' but in this case, I'll reconsider (ha ha)--
My 2 cents: inwardly in a very secret place in yer heart, fergive nobuddy who truly did you and yours wrong due to arrogance, ego, characteristic carelessness or selfishness (unless they really made it a point ta reach out, make things right--few do...) BUT outwardly, reserve the right ta opt ta show a measured (optionally chilled!) dose 've forgiving behavior if/when warranted in polite comp'ny. This let's ya move around in so-SIGH-itty an' protects ya from fool observers wanting everybuddy to "make nice"...
That said, keep that little area of non-forgiveness mostly free of bile. Let it stay there, not festerin' but just a little nugget of knowledge, a piece firm in conviction, unwaverin' inside an otherwise moved, sensitive, an' feelin' organ (i.e. yer heart!)-- Let it be more like a scar where the skin got stronger but there's yet a mark that says nope, what ya did is NOT worthy of my forgiveness but I can live with the knowledge... kinda like that is how I'm'a doin' it...
I'm sorry for what happened to your family, you ma, Daisy. 😪
I understand what you're saying.
I will probably delete this rambling part below
I can't even forgive myself for not knowing what I know now - back then- so that I could have protected my son before they mutilated him with multiple surgeries. If I can't forgive myself how can I possibly forgive someone who knew better and purposely harmed my son? I cannot, will not. I know you understand this. ❤
For me, forgiveness is something I give on a case-by-case basis usually only to people who show a level of compassion and empathy.
Regarding people who are condescending holier than thou experts who want to insult others and force their beliefs, lying gaslighters etc I don't back down from them. It never ends well when I do.
If the person makes an obvious effort to show they can be kind to those who are different from them I can get along. If they stop acting in a combative contrary I can get along but bullies rarely reflect they are too busy projecting, hurt people sometimes enjoy hurting people.
In the end I don't care if I don't get along in society. Not everyone has to like me and I don't have to like everybody else.
Thanks Heidi! All ya said is TRUE 'cept on yerself, go easy--'tain't yer fault what ya didn't know cuz ya didn't know there wuz somethin' ya didn't know... Been there myself--got an older girl with autism--lordy what we put her thru tryin' to "fix" her... an' some of them rotters wuz "holistic." Some told me I wuz imaginin' stuff--others I fought with tried to force me ta medicate... so dealin' with the medi-cull profession is a 3 ring flyin' circus an' we mamas just are tryin' not ta fall off the trapeze. We might not ferget them that pulled the net away--or did nothin' when they saw the harness slippin' but we kin fergive ourselfs--up in the air, reachin'..... It wuz natural ya trusted those who supposedly were there to heal not maul--that was their wheelhouse an' as ya said, they DID know better or should've known better. They must'a had stone-hard hearts an' lil' to- no empathy. Seen it myself... But in yer heart was only love an' tryin' ta do right by yer son--I'm sure he knows it! Guess we all wrastle with our guilt demons but in the end--let yerself win--our kiddos need us too much!
I agree. I am continually beating myself up. I need to work harder to let it go. I think it's more difficult because my son was so physically perfect before the spinal fusion. They did so much harm Daisy. He now has over 125 degree bend, hunch back, kinked side, raised hip, supination. They said he set off all the alarms as soon as they tried to straighten him. I think they damaged something else which caused his entire side and face to become uneven, not symmetrical and perfect like he was. I begged them to do a vitamin D test, dexa scan. They refused. I KNOW he had metabolic bone disease MBD, his back was bendable like animals who have MBD but this was before I knew about high dose D and K, newer bone supplements. Finally they tested him a few years ago and he was possitive for low vitamin D and osteoporosis. I fucking hate them Daisy. I hate all doctors who lack compassion and refuse to listen to parents. All they want is money notoriety. I had one doctor tell me, what makes you think your son deserve treatment? Other children suffer without. I HATE predjudiced people who are happier when they see people like my son suffer.
Heidi, will the Covid debacle help open people’s eyes and lead them to question the ever-increasing number of vaccine products and revaccinations pressed upon the community, via the ‘womb to tomb’ schedule?
With ‘Covid’ we can clearly see that unnecessary vaccine products have been pressed upon billions of people. This is basically the most ginormous example of over-servicing ever seen.
It’s gross exploitation of the people, with who knows how many additional sinister motives.
With people now at last turning their backs on the jabs, let’s hope we can get a conversation going on the entire vaccination schedule, which is mired in conflicts of interest.
It does seem that people are waking up, vaccine uptake is lowering across the board
It never ceases to surprise me that people went from distrusting pharma to putting all their faith in pharma as if none of the current and past lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies exist.
agree. We cannot get to the other side of this without processing and fully accepting what happened, including the very uncomfortable processing of our own complicity to the psyop, in whatever way we did or did not.
The thing is that for most covidians, the way they did Covid is the way they do *everything*. Any processing they even attempt would only occur through the same inauthentic blinders and filters that have always enabled them to Go Around (and around ad infinitum) facing any hard truth regarding themselves that the perceive as less than perfect.
Yes, I'd agree that would apply to many. I should've added to my original comment I don't think we need everyone to do the full processing. Just enough to get the charade to collapse. I think there'll be a tipping point -- when enough folks do this work, I believe the whole house of cards will implode and the wave of awareness will be impossible for most folks to ignore anymore.
Early on in this covid psyop I did some research on cults. In one video doc I saw, a former cult member had some advice for people who want to help their loved ones get out of a cult. She said that everyone in a cult has a shelf in the back of their mind where they put all their inner red flags ... the things that they need to ignore to stay in the cult. She advised loved ones to keep raising the points that the cult member would need to put on that shelf, but not to expect results right away. Eventually that shelf will break and everything falls apart.
I've looked for it so many times! I'm sure I have it saved in some list, but I never knew I'd refer to it as many times as I have. I'll do some digging!
that's an insightful talk, but that wasn't the one I was recalling. It could have been part of this doc by Netflix Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey https://youtu.be/UbhNxmwh_qc
I simply mention that 3 years ago you could be arrested for having dinner with your family. For some reason the memory triggers the fuck out of them. Makes me laugh, because I objected and conscience clear.
My best friend, retired hospital pharm and her MD husband are visitin' ... SOOOOO allpathic! (God help 'em!) But I'm ALWAYS planting seeds wherever I go, whomever I see! Told them, semi humorously about how I made a 'chink' in my younger sister's armor. She, nack in early-mid 2020 had furiously hung up the phone one me when I was TRYING to get her to NOT let the poison-vaxx into her family. She called later, apologized for hanging up, and said I was NEVER to bring up covid with her again. So, the three of them were all shotshotboosted. 8-9 mos ago, her husband spent a month being tortured in hospital before he finally caved and took hospice. He was just 5 mos from being declared in remission.
So, around last Feb, when Ed Dowd released some horrific data, I called her and asked:
Sis, is your son a Millennial or a zoomer?
He's millennial.
Oh, that's bad.
Why is it bad?
{sigh} If I tell you, you're gonna hang up on me. (which she did in 2020; called later, apologized for hanging up -- and forbade me to bring up covid ever again...)
No, why is it bad?
Okay: here's new data. In the last ~18 months (this was data from/of last Feb) SIXTY-ONE-THOUSAND Millennials have DIED -- Excess deaths, deaths ABOVE the normal death rate.... 61,000! That's MORE than American than died in the Viet Nam War -- which lasted FIFTEEN YEARS!!! 57,000 in 15 years, vs. 61,000 in 18 months --and the 61,000 is JUST in the Millennial age cohort!!! Please PLEASE take precautions...
(She ACTUALLY said she'd raise her, and her type1 diabetic son's vitamin D levels. It ain't much -- but it's WAY better 'n nuthin'!! But one more seed planted, and MAYBE it's growing!)
AND my pharm friend asked what excess deaths was (WHAT?!?! My brain recoiled?! 30 years in a HOSPITAL and she doesn't know what that is?!?!?!) Before I could answer, her MD husband answered: It's deaths above the normal rate. Which allowed ME to throw in: yes! SIXTY-ONE-THOUSAND about normal -- and what is the ONLY thing that changed beginning in 2021?
Oh, she replied blithely: "they died of covid!"
Me: NOPE, can't be that! In 2020 the death rates for Millennials was ENTIRELY NORMAL just like the 50 years BEFORE 2021 -- but the death rate for that SINGLE age cohort "suddenly" shot into the skies in 2021 JUST when the poison-shots began?!
(Then I left her with that see to mull over. Interestingly, the DOCTOR who explained "excess deaths" did NOT know that stat.... and he looked... uncomfortable.)
More seeds: a veritable FIELD of seeds! Turns out the doc LOVES to listen to podcast while he drives... GUESS who just happens to have knowledge about and URLS for 100s of important -- but censored -- podcasts?!?! So I whipped up a thumbdrive with what I considered the "best" intros for seriously dubious, medically intelligent folks.... He was delighted, and since they have a drive ATL to IL, they will BOTH get a bit of a cold-water bath!!
Do I sound malicious? Nah, just TRYING to save my friends! She is sick as hell with a bad 'cold thing' She happily picked through my covid preps (cough syrups, lozenges, various OTC meds etc...) and stocked up (they're here for a week-long tournament -- she is NOT playing, poor sick thing). But, if I can get a chink in HER armor -- think I've already PUT one in his! -- all the more BIG YAY!
Start -- I always start with Dr David Martin speaking to the European Parliament. Just 21 minutes -- which means they generally WILL actually watch or listen -- and my GOD! Does it open a door or ten! (It impressed soo, when I descrbie how, some months ago he met some young guy who said:
"Oh! Dr David Martin? Yeah -- you're a SERIOUS TikTok Influencer.
David: "?? I'm not ON TikTok
Guy: Oh yeah, but lots of copies are all over TikTok -- and up over 800,000 views!
So David looked into it-all -- some months ago -- and even though YT had long-ago chucked his talk as "disinformation," it's EVERYWHERE else, and has now been seen more than FOUR BILLION (with a "B"!) times across the world! Just 21 minutes...
Super poem, Margaret Anna!
It’s chilling & defiant at the same time.
By the way, I learned yesterday that the reason my speech to the AfD party in the German Parliament was banned is because I had the temerity to state plainly that the injuries & deaths from the injections are intentional.
Wolfgang Wodarg & I wrote a warning letter in December 2020, before any EUAs, listing a number of obviously toxic features in the “vaccines”. We didn’t write “intentional harms” then, though we certainly thought so.
I’m very confident that the harms are deliberate and actively sought. No question about it.
I’ve recorded a very similar speech, to be presented to some parliamentarians in Croatia this weekend (I’m travelling).
If THEY censor, I’ll immediately release it.
I’m doing a shorter version for Andrew Bridgen’s upcoming panel. I alone will say there was no pandemic and the “vaccines” were intentionally harmful.
Those two items are THE KEY to public understanding of the planetary crime we’re living in.
You cannot oppose that which you do not understand.
The flak means you're over the target.
Resisters must make this point over and over.
Intent to Harm
People shy away from intentionality when it involves deliberate, malign acts on the part of governments and corporations. They have no problems with individuals being intentionally malign though. For some strange reason, when it comes to large organisations, they prefer to cite Hanlon’s razor: Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity. So, organisations can be stupid, but not intentionally malign! The problem is, Hanlon’s razor fails the credibility test when it comes to the injections. There is no doubt whatsoever that governments and Pharma corporations knew the injections were harmful, prior to rollout, but certainly that this was the case in the early months after rollout, yet they continued with the mass ‘vaccination’ programs. Intent to harm is thus established beyond all reasonable doubt. The only question remaining then is whether the ‘vaccines’ were DESIGNED to do harm. I cannot comment on that aspect, but the behaviour of governments in promoting a known harmful product and continuing to promote a known harmful product, might itself suggest that the intention to do harm was there even before the products were developed and brought to market.
100% spot-on, Jaime. I keep thinking if democide were treated like homicide, we would have forensic analysts evaluating evidence, medical examiners performing autopsies, and detectives working around the clock to determine the cause and identify perpetrators. Instead, we have agencies, governments, corporations, and limited hangouts aggressively working to thwart attempts at collecting evidence and vilifying those pursuing clues to their logical conclusions.
Mike Yeadon has repeatedly demonstrated that these products were *designed* to harm (see his pinned comment on this post as well as any of his interviews; he might discuss it in here: https://rumble.com/v15bk3c-doctors-and-scientists-episode-29-interview-with-mike-yeadon.html), as has Sasha Latypova. Both bring decades of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and rational drug design. Mike and Wolfgang Wodarg wrote a warning letter about the dangers of these products as early as December 2020.
Yes, we have more than enough evidence already for Nuremberg II style trials, targeting both individuals and organisations for complicity in democide, iatrogenocide, mass murder, corporate manslaughter on a scale hitherto unheard of at the very least, call it what you will. But the powers that be have closed ranks and are currently thwarting all attempts to hold them to account for the crimes against humanity which have been committed since at least 2020 on their watch, with their full knowledge and assent.
Spend 21 minutes listening to Dr David Martin speaking to the European Parliament. ANY question about intent to do harm will be immediately washed away! He's also got a fantastic interview with Brian Rose on LondonReal.
Patents, 'outing' the hidden hands, ACTUAL recorded statements BY the malefactors!
"Hans, we ARE the baddies!"
People shy away because they see TI's being electronically tortured and gang-stalked for constantly being 🎯
Three points: A.) Notice yet another act of liberal-democracy-betraying censorship. Another on top of so many. Those who orchestrated or went-along with the censorship of Yeadon's speech in Germany are traitors to constitutional democracy, and deserve to be exiled-for-life to some forsaken island. B.) Yeadon and those who agree with him here on the centrality and definite truth of his "two items" are obliged to remember that plenty of Covid/Vax Disaster dissidents, such as myself, do not yet agree, either with the overall truth of these two items, nor with their centrality to the dissident case. Yeadon and co. are obliged to keep the doors of friendly communication and dialogue with us open. Most obviously, this means they must refrain from acting like those whom MAA has defined as "tear-downers." I have zero worries with respect to Yeadon or MAA themselves on that score, but there are others who agree with Yeadon on the "two items" whose behavior on these kinds of internal-disagreement issues has been very poor. More importantly, I say Yeadon and co. are obliged to not put the full weight of their case on those two items. Yes, I get and accept the idea voiced in the last sentence, and yes, I get that any dissident researcher or writer will have distinctive arguments that constitute his "brand." Yeadon should thus continue to argue for why his ideas here are the key ones, yes. But it is reasonable, and in no way censorious nor a power-move, to demand that Yeadon and writers like him Regularly Acknowledge that there may be understandable and decent reasons for other dissidents to not agree with them on these two items. There is no slam-dunk case for either of them. Nor is the crux of the "intention of harm" issue all that simple, since Yeadon's framing (and MAA's) ignores the possibility that the intention to harm was confined to VERY small circles of scientists/conspirators, some of them perhaps engaged in deceiving one another, which would mean that mass group-think criminal negligence was the bigger cause and culprit by far. (Or see JJessop's close distinction in the comments here about whether the meds were Designed to harm--she's showing that an experts' intention to go-along-with-harm once they realized how screwed up Warp Speed was should be morally distinguished from an experts' intention to make the meds harmful.) Criminal negligence is something that goes way beyond what loaded framing-device phrases like "mistakes were made" or "dolts botching shit" would imply--those of us who stay agnostic on the idea of a Big Conspiracy's intention to deliver the CV-19 vax-harms do not think that the criminality which we are certain that existing/accepted evidence points to was in any sense minor. It is wrong for our kind of case to be tagged as being indistinguishable from some "mistakes were made" mumble. C.) Some readers will want to focus on the area of disagreement here revealed by my point b. here, but I would encourage them to focus instead on what we agree upon, and the fact that A.) alone establishes the grounds for ditching the entire current system. We are all united in Yeadon having the right to write and say what he wishes on this, in his formal and defacto Suppression by our Rulers being Evil and Traitorous, and in our believing that the Disaster he is speaking of is the story of the century. Let us act together on that kind of basis.
I appreciate your balanced perspective, Carl. As you rightly noted and I discussed in this piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-robert-malone), Mike and I gladly welcome dialogue on this topic, but the mainstream straddlers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler) are serving as gatekeepers and trying to shut down that discussion.
As to your point about “the intention to harm was confined to VERY small circles of scientists/conspirators” with the rest following via groupthink/criminal negligence/denial, that’s actually pretty much what I’ve been arguing all along as that is how genocide has occurred throughout history. As the epigraph to “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) reads:
“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like ‘people’ and means ‘riffraff,’ to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson to the effort which probably employed more Germans in inhumanity than any other in Nazi history, the standing of ‘sentry’ in front of Jewish shops and offices in the boycott of April, 1933.”
—Milton Mayer, “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45”
Absolutely recognise & respect the right of every person to make up their own minds.
On your point that only very few people knew had full understanding, I have always believed that to be likely.
Very few people need to know that the injections were intentionally harmful (my belief, which I am particularly well placed to argue, though I never claim I’m correct and nothing else need be said) in order that this scheme would work.
I’ve always said that I believe the next few layers told anything were told “the suspension of democracy is temporary but necessary to save the world from climate change”.
Your comment, and even more so MAA's, are making me think I need to rethink my concept of what a "Big Conspiracy" would be. Still, a number of things would be significantly different between a.) a tiny conspiracy to depopulate that itself duped a larger set of conspiracies, ones which existed to make money, expand their orgs' power, and maybe do the election fraud of 2020, and with those groups then in their own ways duping the levels below them, and b.) a conspiracy like that of the Nazi or Communist leadership. The second led movements whose members had agreed, in the hundreds of thousands, in the millions, that the time had come to try unprecedented experiments upon humanity, and to free themselves from most all the old-time morals. Hitler's circle concealed the organization and operation of the Holocaust to a great degree, but it essentially followed from their open rhetoric in a way that the depopulation element of the Covid/Vax Disaster doesn't directly follow from precursor statements by the orgs involved.
Yes, I am aware of what WEF types have said about the need to reduce population. It still is something pretty different--we should not be accusing any environmentalist who worried that the global population increase was a deep danger with implicitly granting a license to depopulators-thru-poisoning/deception, or of being morally equivalent to the typical mid-level communist or national socialist of the 20s or 30s, all of whom had implicitly licensed actions like Holodomor and the Holocaust.
And to be clear, I mean very tiny conspiracies when it comes to making the meds poisonous and fertility-harming. Things like what we see the rogue doctor doing in (the original) Twelve Monkeys, fooling his colleagues and leveraging his lab and knowledge, but with the diff being that the conspirators do not spread the poisons through something as crude as a trip around the world with test tubes in their carry-on, but utilize the entire corporations involved, and the entire agencies (probably DOD-centered ones) to deliver. They would have to do things which fool scores of their fellow scientists/agents, although they could probably bank on them not blowing the whistle on their suspicions when these inevitably arose, because most of these would see that the super-nefarious conspiracy had embedded itself inside their own evil-but-not-THAT-evil conspiracy, such that they would be blowing the whistle also on themselves also were they to expose the worse villains.
Still, I wonder if "Mistakes Were Not Made" is the right rhetoric to fight this, let alone good rhetoric for the way we must operate to some degree as a movement and a coalition; and, as far as I can tell, I must stress that we don't yet have enough info to KNOW that THIS is what it was/is. It matters, sure, that most of those subject to our suspicions are persons whom we DO KNOW were at the very least involved in some set of criminal-negligence and betrayal-of-public-duty set of crimes. And every single day they don't come forward they load more crime upon their heads, so none of them DESERVE my kind of "well we don't know for sure" scruples against blanket accusations, after all.
Still, I worry that our deployment of this kind of rhetoric loses us more potential persuadables than it gains, and exposes us to the machinations of bad internal leaders and tear-downers who lead us to suspect everything all the time. And I believe that democratic politics can only work to a certain degree with conspiracy accusations--it has to settle to a degree upon consensus judgments, and consensus suspensions-of-judgment, or it will find it can do nothing.
Thank you both, MAA and Dr. Yeadon, for treating my reservations with respect in your previous comments, and if you read this, for indulging my thinking out-loud.
I agree with almost everything you have written about “COVID” except for your doubts about the existence of infectious viral diseases. I used to do experiments using bacteriophages for mutagenesis in E. coli. It’s hard to believe that colds are not transmitted between humans. I suppose I remain open minded but I’d need to see a lot of high quality evidence to believe that infectious viruses do not cause human disease.
I know that bacteriophages exist.
I wonder if they were the inspiration for the widespread fraud in humans?
If there were submicroscopic infectious elements that are responsible for acute respiratory illnesses, demonstrating transmission ought to be trivially simple.
But no one has managed to show it.
That’s very problematic for me.
Now, I do not say all viruses are fraud. They might be, but I’ve not done the work, and I refuse to make claims I cannot stand up, simply because others do.
I’ve followed HIV to it’s faked heart. It isn’t the cause of AIDS.
Each one I set out to understand ends like this. Not that I’ve really dug into many.
As a concept, they’re very attractive. But lots of examples simply fall apart on close examination.
Fundamentally it doesn’t affect my conclusion of this crime. There was no pandemic based on Rancourt’s all causes mortality data. That’s enough.
I know for sure that clinical diagnostic assays cannot be rolled out as they have been, lacking in assay positive & negative controls, which are NEVER given even if one writes in and requests them. They’re fake if they lack such controls and that’s true around the world for these massed PCR tests. They are also so sensitive that I seriously doubt they are viable on scale, with cross contamination a certainty, according to a very experienced friend, who ran PCR himself for 25 years and volunteered in a central lab in England in 2020. He said it was a train wreck. Useless fraudulent results.
" demonstrating transmission ought to be trivially simple.
But no one has managed to show it."
Dr Lee Merritt does a WONDERFUL broad and deep explanation of the research she did on the "horrendous" 1918 flu pandemic. She read doctor's diaries, autopsy reports (they DID them then on nearly every death!), contemporaneous media (bought access to a stored library), her own MD granddad's diaries, and other doctors' and 'regular' people's diaries and writings (ltrs, etc.) of the time! HOW it is presented and taught to us moderns is ... quite different!
She describes in detail the experiments they performed (on wartime conscientious objectors) where they stood close over the dying and breathed in as the dying breathed out, yet NO ONE GOT SICK! The docs pulled saliva and "lung goo" (as she semi-jokingly calls it) and swabbed it in the oral cavities of the 'subjects. Yet NO ONE GOT SICK! They even INJECTED the spun-down lung goo "like a vaccine." {shudder} AND NO ONE GOT SICK!
They even, because that flu affected horses (!) put feedbags over the noses and mouths of the hacking coughing miserable horses -- and then moved them onto healthy horses -- yet NO HORSE GOT SICK! (No "convincing via public relations" possible there, eh?)
She, like so many others, was raised up in med schools (and before and after) to BELEIVE!!!! 100% in viruses! She, like so many others, (and so many others on so many other topics!) discovered on actually looking herself into the actual studies and truths that the lies were SO blatant! (Ivermectin, anyone? Run-deatherisnear? "Vents for all"! (She ALSO shows the actual electron microscope slides of "viruses" -- which slides are merely fuzzy, black-and-white ... "round things" ... which when they appear INSIDE the cells are called exosomes, yet when they appear OUTSIDE the cells are viruses!
Do we have iron-clad proof viruses do NOT exist? We do not. Do we have iron-clad proof viruses DO exist? We. do. not.
And the UK challenge study (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01780-9) means what?
Takes nothing away from MAA assertion of vaccine harm.
I’m not familiar with this study or the implications, but it fails my criteria regarding conflicts of interest and dubious ties/participants. One of the authors, for example, is the notorious Neil M. Ferguson, and funding came from “the UK Vaccine Taskforce of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of Her Majesty’s Government.”
This note in the Acknowledgments is especially damning:
“We are grateful to Gilead for providing remdesivir for the study.”
I notice the University of Liverpool is also listed, and that was the university that received a $40 million Gates Foundation bribe just before rewriting Andrew Hill’s conclusion to downplay the efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID:
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world
• https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/my-letter-to-dr-andrew-hill-video
• https://rumble.com/vwfia3-a-letter-to-andrew-hill-dr-tess-lawrie-oracle-films.html
• https://web.archive.org/web/20221126133154/https://www.informedchoiceaustralia.com/post/researcher-andrew-hill-s-conflict-a-40-million-gates-foundation-grant-vs-half-million-human-lives
Understand the conflicts. Apparently remdesivir was not needed, all participants recovered as expected given their age. The study showed nearly half never became ill despite direct exposure further they never developed antibody responses as a result of mucous immunity - the virus never replicated. We can duplicate that using old fashioned mouth/nose sanitation that the NIH refuses to promote. Attack the virus before incubation. So much for Trump bleach. A bit of salt water can work but many use Betadine (Povidone-iodine) diluted as a gargle.
Finally a few became ill but had no symptoms. They were capable of spreading giving credence to asymptomatic spread.
What explains the non-transmission -- or at the very least -- lack of ensuing symptomatic illness in those exposed to or "infected with" "infectious viruses"?
I have been without a symptomatic cold or flu for 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑠. The night before my mother died from complications of a severe case of flu, I slept in the same bed with her in case she needed anything during the night. I did not get sick nor did my father who'd been home with her in the days prior to her untimely death. I rode crowded subways for years and never got sick. I'd be the only one in my office/department to forego a "flu" shot -- and would be the only one at times who remained healthy.
Perhaps if we can explain people who remain healthy we'll have a better understanding of "infectious viruses" and whether or not they are the direct cause of human disease.
My guess is the differentiator would be your immune system—you likely have developed immunity to particular strains and have a more robust immune system than those who become ill.
P.S. So sorry about your mother 💔
P.P.S. I, too, have blessedly avoided colds and flus for over a decade. In my case, it’s likely because I work at home and am rarely around other people now.
Thank you, MAA. I appreciate that. My mother was 57...She was the center of my world; it will be 40 years this coming Feb -- and I think of her still all the time.
I think the idea of developing immunity to "strains" assumes the existence of "infectious viruses." The belief in this I have virtually discarded because it ends up actually explaining very little, IMO. Who knows? Maybe one outcome of this crime will be the revelation of so much that has been hidden and of that which has been used falsely to control...
57 is heartbreakingly young 😭 She clearly was a very special mother—you were blessed to have each other, and she lives on in you 💞
100%, Dr. Yeadon. No "pandemic" and the "vaccines" were designed to do harm. I grew very concerned in Feb 2020 over what I saw unfolding; by Mar, I knew "they" were getting ready to launch their "operation," as I called it. I stood by that characterization then and stand by it now. No "pandemic." A long-planned operation, a global crime against humanity...
Your beautiful poem is a chilling reminder that forgiveness may be good for the soul, but not the best public policy.
Forgiveness needs to be deserved - without accountability, there can be no forgiveness...because without....ah forget it - tis evident.
The poem reminds me of Bonhoeffer's observation that "cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without repentance." That kind of forgiveness isn't worth the price.
without repentance there can be no forgiveness I reckon, but without accountability I doubt there will be repentance...horse or the cart....either way - without accountability Lady Libra is not satisfied and I don't blame her one bit - cause the scales must be balanced, but without accountability - that will never happen.
I'm so glad I do not have to spend my time and energy on being anyone's judge or jury.
MAA -- This is brilliant. I have read it thrice and like it better each time. The pithiness of each line makes it compelling. Many thanks.
pithiness you say?
ah....is this a dig?
pithy ain't brilliant typically in fact pithy never is...
Haha, Dr. K didn't mean it as a dig, and something can indeed be both brilliant and pithy :-) Here is the standard definition for "pithy": "concise and forcefully expressive."
Hey - check this out...ha, ha...
The character of being pithy; strength; concentrated force: as, the pithiness of a reply.
The quality or state of being pithy.
The condition of being pithy.
that is ridiculously circular in definition and not good semantics....let me find a better definition...
wow - this is becoming a rabbit hole in the making...
1 of 2
Synonyms of pith
: a usually continuous central strand of spongy tissue in the stems of most vascular plants that probably functions chiefly in storage
: any of various loose spongy plant tissues that resemble true pith
: the soft or spongy interior of a part of the body
: the essential part : CORE
: substantial quality (as of meaning)
2 of 2
pithed; pithing; piths
transitive verb
: to kill (an animal) by piercing or severing the spinal cord
pith cattle
: to destroy the spinal cord or central nervous system of (an animal, such as a frog) usually by passing a wire or needle up and down the spinal canal
: to remove the pith from (a plant stem)
from here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pith#h1
OK - you got pith and you got pithy - you got pithiness...and frankly - I'm tired of pissy ones all pithy and whatnot...
Moreover - I did say "typically"....and I find pithy unbecoming.....it never is endearing....but maybe that is my bias...
Semantics - they are critical in the rabbit hole Ms. Margaret Anna Alice!
Never a dig for MAA. She expresses in very few words-per-line in this piece what might have been said with many more. That is pithy and makes it doubly impactful.
Well said Dr. K!
Hi Margaret,
Here's in response from the correspondence on another stack pertaining to Dr. Mike Yeadon.
Here's his quote (feel free to delete if it's not important to your discussion here) and the link.
I’m not a fan of the purported high tech claims about nano tech in the jabs. I am not going to say “it’s impossible”, because few things are.
What I believe though is the perpetrators do not need to even bother with the high tech BS. People police themselves and each other using ancient low tech methods of intimidation, fear & a burning desire to align to others.
I don’t. I’ve never been interested in the opinions of others about me.
Unfortunately most people do mind. They will comply, even if their still, small voice tells them there’s danger. A psychologist told me that “Most people would rather die with the herd than to leave the herd”.
It’s so simple.
Make digital ID mandatory.
Link vax status to validity of digital ID.
Deny those with invalid ID.
There’ll have to be no cash alternative to using CBDC otherwise we’ll slither out by using only cash.
The media will remain hermetically sealed against truth. The internet will soon require a digital ID even to logon. A valid one.
WHO lies about “the next pandemic”. Bit of an irony, given there hasn’t been a pandemic & I’m not at all sure they’re possible. Even 1918 was a fraud, telling you how long the Malthusians have been working on this.
Pharma makes the mRNA “vaccine”.
Government mandates the injections.
See, nobody is a mass murderer. No one individual or even organization.
You know they say “It takes a village to raise a child”?
Same to murder lots of people.
Ever thought why it is exactly that, of all the products of the pharmaceutical industry, only vaccines cannot be challenged or even questioned? I think it’s because the always planned to use an injected solution to the challenge of “How do we kill 93% of the population without triggering wars?”
Use only cash whenever you can. Stock up on alternative means of exchange.
Thank God you live in a second amendment country (I don’t).
Decline anything that smacks of digital ID, accepting the punishments that follow.
Tell everyone. Smile at the cynics and move on.
This is where Dr Yeadon left the comment.
Who needs the internet nowadays and you know the trial run in Nigeria was a complete failure - the ideas of the demented elitist false are being proven wrong in front of our faces - so really - who needs the internet - much less a smart device.
Now a silver coin - that is physical and has value - whereas CBDC's in concept are equivalent to slavery and in the 21st century - who the eff needs or wants that? Not I and it ain't inevitable - in fact much the opposite - bad ideas 20th century thinking - they are fixing to die off rapidly.
And do check out the peer to peer blockchain based networks like qortal.org for alternatives that will be very difficult to block or shut down.
Let me add a piece if disconcerting info for your consideration:
"I’m not a fan of the purported high tech claims about nano tech in the jabs."
And, from here:
"From ladybug-sized implants that track oxygen levels in deep body tissues to tiny "neural dust" sensors that monitor nerve signals in real time, scientists are making big steps when it comes to the functionality of tiny electronic devices. The implant developed by the Columbia Engineers breaks new ground as the world's smallest single-chip system, which is a completely functional electronic circuit with a total volume of less than 0.1 mm3.
That makes it as small as a dust mite, and only visible under a microscope. The tiny chip required some outside-the-box thinking to make, particularly when it comes to the way it communicates and is powered."
(Oh sh|t! I'm just catching up myself -- the next para after the two above begins:)
"Where small electronics might feature radio frequency (RF) modules to transmit and receive electromagnetic radio signals, these wavelengths are too large to be used with a device this small. Ultrasound wavelengths, on the other hand, are far smaller at a given frequency, ..."
That brings up 5G, which IS microwaves, which is WHY the "transmitter/extenders" must be everywhere! I'm STILL resisting strongly the 5G crap (while dreading that it's just as likely true as "intent to harm" -- but then the govt sends out a "every person all bandwidths" test msg?!?!
Oh, and Dr Bryan Ardis has done good work (really -- DON'T buy the hit pieces without doing your own research! I was one who dropped him cold as a source when the first "Watch the Water" thing came out. Dipped a toe back in some months later: Go watch part 2 and marvel (what's a word for 'marvel with ABSOLUTE HORROR'!?) Ardis 'dove' into the (commercial/pharma) "Dynabeads" used in MAKING our vaunted vaxxx: microscopic *super-MAGNET* (ring any "conspiracy" bells?) beads that are used to pull out some of the 'stuff' used in mixing their evil potions... But the Dynabeads are NOT 'strained out.' (I'm barely-explaining this badly; I followed Ardis' explanations -- with the peer-reviewed papers, the patents, and the commercial advertisements... but too much data, still unsorted in my old tired brain to present it well here!)
So, here are the starts of some seeming important rabbit trails! Have a nice hop!
They do not understand what you just wrote.. These people are pure EVIL, all they want is your forgiveness and compassion so they can do it again.. You just do not really know what type of people you are dealing with.. They are like your picture denotes, wolves in sheep clothing, they always come in peace to do war.. Look at their history, these people pass their EVIL from generation to generation, otherwise it would have died with all the originators, but it gets worse because they raise their children to be EVIL like them, so this generation just waits for the right technology like mRNA, and AI and all the rest so they can do more damage.. These people are concentrated EVIL... Ask all the children, and parents and grandparents who died to forgive them, oh that's right we cannot because millions are
dead. This was no mistake or accident, something you can ask for forgiveness for, it was pre planned planned and executed.. They are trying to do it even better the next time...
As for ordinary people who were tricked into taking the bioweapon into their bodies, they are not necessarily evil, they are simply gullible as hell, members of the herd incapable of critical thinking. They have in most cases been rendered that way by decades and generations of incessant propaganda. Yes, the perpetrators are pure evil, but the real victims were simply fearful and gullible.
I agree with this so long as the person does not try to force, coerce or insult others into making the same choice they did.
I think we all have a right to make our own mistakes but we don't have a right to force other people to go along with them.
My son has severe immunodeficiency I had a lot of fear during covid and I still do but I would never force anyone to do something to protect my son it's my responsibility to keep my son safe not other people. It's codependent enmeshment and abusive to coerce, insult or attempt to force others to do something they don't want to do because I think it's right.
Government has no right, certainly not in our US constitution, to control the peoples health.
I believe it should be the individuals personal right and children would have to abide by the parents.
It should also be encouraged in public indoctrination to take responsibility into your actions with health being a major concern.
All the agencies, FDA, CDC, NIH, etc., in fact are set up to protect the corporations including monopolizing the way health systems operate. With insurance agencies forced to follow the same agenda.
Pls keep studying -- the insurance companies are NOT being forced -- they were in it -- and to a large extent DRIVING it -- from the start! Watch some Todd Callender Esq. He's the fantastic lawyer who helped save a LOT on mil folks by suing -- and then by having to post "how to do it yourself
' forms because he and his allies were SWAMPED with several HUNDRED mil-folks desperate for help protecting themselves from the poison-vaxxx!!
Fun tidbit: Anonymous Conservative (whom I've followed for some 20+ years) has started using the three "x"s in vaxxx... in the semi-serious hope the censoring algos will think he's discussing pron and let his stuff through!!!
I would say instead that there is no shame in those that took the shots to keep their jobs or even to go along with what seemed to be conventional wisdom. Instead I think we should consider ourselves exceptional for knowing not to do it and especially the heroes that resisted even in the face of incredible financial losses and social costs.
You're right in many cases, yes. There are exceptions to every rule. I know a few people who have admitted their error and wish they could have it back. They are exceptions because they are brave and honest enough to do so. The rest are too vain I suppose.
A stampede is a stampede -- doesn't matter if after you/we/our kids are FLATTENED to a dusty-stain that SOME of the stampeders 'feel bad' about their participation.
There MUST be life-long shame for them all -- because SHAME is the "learned-too-late" BOUNDARY that prevents them from doing it again. They MUST feel shame or they will do it again! "Oh, I didn't WANT to help KILL THOSE PEOPLE by going along with the govt horrors -- but I wanted to keep my job!"
I refer you to the maybe overused -- but 100% TRUE -- Solzhenitsyn quote about "if only" the cops/soldiers, when sent out at night to 'disappear' folks in our apartments building, were UNSURE if they were going to make it HOME that night... it would have STOPPED the murders and oh hey! CONCENTRATION CAMPS too!! (Gulags)
The malign actors are already pushing yet-another "pandemic"! 'Cause monkey-pox did NOT scare anyone ; and they're getting almost NO traction with "oh NOES another COVID! Shoot shoot shoot!" (Just 4% U.S. taking the new shots?!)
And now they're trying to gin up fear over Marburg -- Dr Lee Merritt (LOVE her!) looked into Marburg -- after Malone 'brought it up' without a seeming 'cue' (she may have missed it; she's suspicious of Malone, and I am ... concerned ... about him). Marburg, it turned out (and again, I may be presenting Merritt info less than perfectly), Marburg is named for the German city location of yet-another BIOWEAPON LAB where it was studied.... but it's FIRST "appearance was in the Congo? (Or some african state) -- NEAR yet another of our bioweapon labs...
The first big scary 'outbreak" killed a whopping ~40 people; almost half WERE bioweaponeers! (Engineers and techs IN the biolabs! ) The rest were gold miners in TWO mines. The two mines were in 'states' that were at war over "whose gold is it?" Oh -- and one other important fact: NOT ONE FAMILY MEMBER of any of the ill/dead got sick. NOT ONE!
"They" have been flying "Marburg-infected" INTO the U.S., and funnily enough: to various of our internal bioweapon labs. Catch-up?
But some of us born and raised in the same household see the world through a different lens.
"real victims were simply fearful and gullible."
NOT good enough! Those "real victims" crowed and chanted and yelled to take our children," to "lock us up," to "fire us and deny food and water and employment and health care: ORGAN transplants, cancer treatments!" Fer cryin' out loud!!). They called for (and in some places BUILT and OPERATED) ACTUAL concentration camps! When two healthy teens boys were sent to a concentration camp down in the Antipodes, the boys ESCAPED -- and were hunted down by cops with guns and dogs!!!
Never forget, never forgive, eh?
The problem with a "herd" participating in a stampede is NO SINGLE ONE of them is held "responsible" for the stomping death of your child. But without every single one -- there IS no herd, no mob, no stampede -- and NO 'stomped to death'! WHY do we give them the PASS? *WE* did not stampede! *WE* did not fall for the lies and poison! Your grand-dad died alone and ignored (nurses and docs afraid to go in; family denied entry); he died ENTIRELY ALONE and abandoned -- that cannot EVER be made up for -- and certainly not with a "well, they were frightened." NO amnesty, NO forgiveness without a G.D. guarantee they will not -- AND CAN NOT -- ever do it again.... No, I don't know how we can ensure that -- it was ALREADY agains.... oh, wait no -- the malign govts CHANGED THE LAWS to everything they did was "legal" however immoral!!
Anyway, back to the stampeding herds: PART of the self-defense laws in the U.S. DIRECT that if a mob attacks you (and you are legit "in danger of death or serious bodily injury") because of "disparity of force" (the 'force' attacking outweighs your lone self) you ARE LEGALLY JUSTIFIED in shooting any or several members of the mob -- each mob-participant carries the same danger!
The gotcha at the end that can put you in jail anyway is: if five ferals attack you, and you shoot three; you must then -- in the heat of danger -- calculate whether you have now 'cut down' the disparity of force where self-defense with a lethal weapon is NO LONGER appropriate! On the one hand -- gunning down the entire pack or mob -- when shooting *some* of them STOPS the attack and you are no longer in imminent danger of "death or serio..." you LOSE the legal right to keep shooting.
Drop into Andrew Branca's online classes or esp. his book on "The Law of Self-Defense" if you carry a gun or knife -- or even well-trained fists!! ESPECIALLY with our corrupt and suborned DAs, judges, and juries.... 'stacking your mental deck' with as MUCH 'how the courts do stuff' knowledge is needful to keep you OUT of life-long prison!!
Sorry for the long answers... I'm all caffeinated up and alternately FURIOUS and sympathetic, and TERRIFIED and trying to fortify my people against the future and ...
just fighting depression and despair ALL the time! The deeper you look, the worse -- and further back into history and wider into every damned ASPECT of "modern" life, the worst and most ABSOLUTE EVIL it all turns out to be!
I send you again, just 21 minutes: Dr Dave Martin at the European Parliament:
the "ooooh scary "novel" corona 2? EVERY PART of "novel, never seen before, so we're all gonna DIE" spike was PATENTED (and he gives you the patent numbers!) in the U.S. between 2002 and 2008.
No problem, caffeine can be helpful 😁 In truth a full discussion would be lengthy. Some behaved as you describe, perhaps the majority who reveled in Fauci’s Church Of The Poisoned Mind, but many were forced to take the shots to keep their job, which is a large portion of the military and civil servants. Living in Florida I very much sympathize with the poor bastards living under Hochul’s fist in NY
Agree :(
Right on the nail. A necessary reminder to both us and them. No sweeping under the rug!
Hell yeah - no sweeping under the rug - accountability is demanded.
Thank you, Margaret! 🙏🙏🙏❤️
Wow, they really did all that didn't they? That explains my anger and paranoia : D
Your poem is what true art is all about - you're using the canvas of social media and hyperlinks brilliantly Margaret. Thank you for this, for caring, and for making an impact.
True art is thought provoking. Elena Bushan got this painting covered over in 2 days just because it said "Let Us Breathe" on the old worn out mask.
I guess the government never heard of the Streisand Effect and her work got a lot more attention.
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing that.
This is beautiful 🙏🌹
I wonder where you and others draw the line when it comes to forgiving people in the medical field who promoted laws which forced vaccines onto others.
What about doctors who understand informed consent who pushed for laws to force vaccines onto others in the past? If we forgive people in our current freedom movement for things that they've done that disrespect other peoples human rights in the past, even though they knew better, shouldn't we forgive everyone?
Are we limiting our judgment to people Outside of our circles or are we demanding the same accountability for people who are currently considered heros in the freedom movement?
You say mistakes were not made. I heartily agree with you. I'm wondering what mistakes we are making right now by inviting people to become leaders of our movement and admiring those who want to push their greater good and agendas onto others, insulting people for their beliefs, blocking people who want to discuss or debate them, gathering cult like followings.
Not just regarding vaccines
I'm the last person who would want to censor someone's speech or right to their own beliefs.
If someone here hates covid vaccines but wants to force childhood vaccines onto all children it's none of my business but I view them as those who forced covid vaccines. Even if all vaccines were 100% safe and effective forcing them is unethical to me. Same as forcing people to wear a mask or banning people from wearing a mask if they want to. Same as forcing people to go to school even if they decide they'd rather home school their kids or forcing people to home school who'd rather send their kids to public school.
To me, both sides are unforgivable and yet many people give passes to those who want to force others to comply with their beliefs, because those beliefs align with their own.
Sometimes I wonder if we should just forgive no one and what would that look like, a world where boundaries respect everyone not just one group of people?
I have conflicting views on this because life isn't just binaries and looking into people's past will bring up skeletons.
For people like me who have a vaccine injured son it's hard to not look at the past and to not see the personality of doctors throughout my son's life who tried to push things on him and when I see/sense this (toxic, disrespectful, insulting) personality in others whether they're a doctor or just a regular person it's very repulsive to me. It's impossible for me to forgive and forget when I see their current behavior and personality is the same as past mistakes they made. They dont appear to have learned anything after experiencing covid tyranny. They might not like covid vaccines because they don't want to personally be harmed but in the end, they Really Don't Care about other people's health or freedom of choice and body autonomy
Heidi, I’m very sorry to hear your son experienced injury after vaccination.
Discussion on ‘voluntary informed consent’ will no doubt resonate with you very strongly.
Presumably too you have experienced people suppressing your son’s story, this is the double pain of the vaccine injured, not being believed.
We must now ensure that the manufactured ‘Covid’ crisis is used to open up discussion about vaccination, about this mass population medical intervention that is often used against diseases that aren’t a serious problem for most people, it’s time to bring this to the fore.
AND we must fixed the damaged and corrupted LAWS that have allowed everything that had occurred! And that, most likely, must include EMPTYING the govt of the 'owned" puppets who DID AS THEY WERE TOLD -- and passed the laws they did not read that were given to them BY THEIR OWNERS! (Do you not get that most states, and by now the feds, have put *into law* that they can FORCIBLY INJECT you with whatever they wish, and if you DON'T agree -- they can take your kids, your house, your money, -- your FREEDOM -- (yes, lock you up!) "legally."
The problem with a systemic evil (and MAN! Are we ever deep in such a system!!) you can't just "cut off" one or two heads! The old tale of Hercules and the hydra is VALID! Oh, the conservatives are cheering and applauding the "new" Speaker -0- and while he IS doing some good things -- some things to 'calm and herd' the right-side populace BACK into the herd -- he is ALSO 100% "owned" and doing as he is told. We are (yes, including me, I just shush my hopeful feelings at) getting a HALF a loaf, which is NOT quite as poisoned as the OTHER half -- which other half will be fed to us once 'we' are calmed down and hoping this guy will work out.
Do you not know about these laws -- and if there were this many states back in 2003 -- are there ANY now how do not have the legal right to turn tyrant?!
"They" started putting those laws into place in the STATES, after the feds refused to do it (and you'll get a LOVELY introduction to MY long-term paranoia through my questioning!! Example: "I’m not seeing discussed at all WHO PAYS for the treatment of these adverse effects (er, that is, “horrific side effects”). I’m one of, what is it now, 45 MILLION Americans without health insurance. If the feds succeed in pushing their sneaky laws through the state legislatures making their “voluntary” federal vaccinations into mandatory state vaccinations, then who is going to foot the hospital bills (and death benefits)?")
From back in **2003**: https://www.psandman.com/gst2003.htm#avalanche
[Me:] At the risk of sounding paranoid for not trusting "my" government, how can any of us protect ourselves against the denial of our own rights to our own health decisions? Are we just supposed to "believe" the government? As you so often say: who is it that says: "Trust me?"
[Me quoting the point:] "However, the announcement of the government's ambiguously worded plan for voluntary smallpox inoculations provides more reason to question government motives in its support of the Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA).
"MEHPA makes it a criminal offense to refuse a state-ordered vaccination or medical procedure. In some states where it has already become law, refusing a compulsory vaccination is a felony. States have some leeway in determining the severity of the penalties, but in all cases the act permits the immediate confiscation and/or destruction of any private property without any procedural review in the event of a health emergency."
Biowarfare: CDC Issues Plan for Mass Smallpox Vaccinations
Questions Raised on MEHPA and Microbiologist Deaths
From The Wilderness Publications, www.fromthewilderness.com
"Georgetown and Johns Hopkins’ Center for Law and the Public Health, the think tank where this state legislation model was created, reports MEHPA-like laws have been passed in 20 states, and 16 state legislatures have introduced measures dealing with public health emergencies caused by a terrorist attack.
"States where MEHPA laws have been enacted include: Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Washington, D.C. has also enacted an emergency health powers law.
"State legislatures where MEHPA has been introduced include: California, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wyoming."
(And, as always: Peter Sandman gives EXCELLENT -- if way too ... trusting ... for me -- excellent answers there: https://www.psandman.com/gst2003.htm#avalanche
Take a read -- and check his other advice for both the 'objector' sides and the 'creation/enforcement' sides across a WIDE range of conflicted topics. He and his wife (Dr Jody Lanard) are retired now, so doing only very occasional commenting and interviews on THIS SARS event )(they were active in the original, and MERS.... and others!
Here's all their stuff on COVID-19, starting back in 2019 (!): https://www.psandman.com/index-infec.htm#corona
And all their stuff on Pandemic Flu and Other Infectious Diseases
I know a thing 'r too as well 'bout dok-turds doin' permament an' deadly harm--we got an entire fambly full of it... an' many deaths (includin' those in our immediate fambly) at the hands of smug / well-paid ruthless dok-turds... Also a lotta "ongoin' damage like my ma who near-died after forced booster no. 3 an' is now a ghost of her former self... all could'a been avoided. Holdin' a grudge is not my normal state've bein' but in this case, I'll reconsider (ha ha)--
My 2 cents: inwardly in a very secret place in yer heart, fergive nobuddy who truly did you and yours wrong due to arrogance, ego, characteristic carelessness or selfishness (unless they really made it a point ta reach out, make things right--few do...) BUT outwardly, reserve the right ta opt ta show a measured (optionally chilled!) dose 've forgiving behavior if/when warranted in polite comp'ny. This let's ya move around in so-SIGH-itty an' protects ya from fool observers wanting everybuddy to "make nice"...
That said, keep that little area of non-forgiveness mostly free of bile. Let it stay there, not festerin' but just a little nugget of knowledge, a piece firm in conviction, unwaverin' inside an otherwise moved, sensitive, an' feelin' organ (i.e. yer heart!)-- Let it be more like a scar where the skin got stronger but there's yet a mark that says nope, what ya did is NOT worthy of my forgiveness but I can live with the knowledge... kinda like that is how I'm'a doin' it...
I'm sorry for what happened to your family, you ma, Daisy. 😪
I understand what you're saying.
I will probably delete this rambling part below
I can't even forgive myself for not knowing what I know now - back then- so that I could have protected my son before they mutilated him with multiple surgeries. If I can't forgive myself how can I possibly forgive someone who knew better and purposely harmed my son? I cannot, will not. I know you understand this. ❤
For me, forgiveness is something I give on a case-by-case basis usually only to people who show a level of compassion and empathy.
Regarding people who are condescending holier than thou experts who want to insult others and force their beliefs, lying gaslighters etc I don't back down from them. It never ends well when I do.
If the person makes an obvious effort to show they can be kind to those who are different from them I can get along. If they stop acting in a combative contrary I can get along but bullies rarely reflect they are too busy projecting, hurt people sometimes enjoy hurting people.
In the end I don't care if I don't get along in society. Not everyone has to like me and I don't have to like everybody else.
Thanks Heidi! All ya said is TRUE 'cept on yerself, go easy--'tain't yer fault what ya didn't know cuz ya didn't know there wuz somethin' ya didn't know... Been there myself--got an older girl with autism--lordy what we put her thru tryin' to "fix" her... an' some of them rotters wuz "holistic." Some told me I wuz imaginin' stuff--others I fought with tried to force me ta medicate... so dealin' with the medi-cull profession is a 3 ring flyin' circus an' we mamas just are tryin' not ta fall off the trapeze. We might not ferget them that pulled the net away--or did nothin' when they saw the harness slippin' but we kin fergive ourselfs--up in the air, reachin'..... It wuz natural ya trusted those who supposedly were there to heal not maul--that was their wheelhouse an' as ya said, they DID know better or should've known better. They must'a had stone-hard hearts an' lil' to- no empathy. Seen it myself... But in yer heart was only love an' tryin' ta do right by yer son--I'm sure he knows it! Guess we all wrastle with our guilt demons but in the end--let yerself win--our kiddos need us too much!
Thank you Daisy 🙏🥰❤
I agree. I am continually beating myself up. I need to work harder to let it go. I think it's more difficult because my son was so physically perfect before the spinal fusion. They did so much harm Daisy. He now has over 125 degree bend, hunch back, kinked side, raised hip, supination. They said he set off all the alarms as soon as they tried to straighten him. I think they damaged something else which caused his entire side and face to become uneven, not symmetrical and perfect like he was. I begged them to do a vitamin D test, dexa scan. They refused. I KNOW he had metabolic bone disease MBD, his back was bendable like animals who have MBD but this was before I knew about high dose D and K, newer bone supplements. Finally they tested him a few years ago and he was possitive for low vitamin D and osteoporosis. I fucking hate them Daisy. I hate all doctors who lack compassion and refuse to listen to parents. All they want is money notoriety. I had one doctor tell me, what makes you think your son deserve treatment? Other children suffer without. I HATE predjudiced people who are happier when they see people like my son suffer.
Heidi, will the Covid debacle help open people’s eyes and lead them to question the ever-increasing number of vaccine products and revaccinations pressed upon the community, via the ‘womb to tomb’ schedule?
With ‘Covid’ we can clearly see that unnecessary vaccine products have been pressed upon billions of people. This is basically the most ginormous example of over-servicing ever seen.
It’s gross exploitation of the people, with who knows how many additional sinister motives.
With people now at last turning their backs on the jabs, let’s hope we can get a conversation going on the entire vaccination schedule, which is mired in conflicts of interest.
I really hope so Elizabeth.
It does seem that people are waking up, vaccine uptake is lowering across the board
It never ceases to surprise me that people went from distrusting pharma to putting all their faith in pharma as if none of the current and past lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies exist.
Contemplate the function of bulldozers.
Thank you MAA for appreciating this short directive!
You took the shot and got the clots.
We did not.
You have foreign DNA in billions of your cells.
We do not and are doing well.
Autoimmunity and cancer will be your fate.
Those you talked into it, have for you only hate.
agree. We cannot get to the other side of this without processing and fully accepting what happened, including the very uncomfortable processing of our own complicity to the psyop, in whatever way we did or did not.
The thing is that for most covidians, the way they did Covid is the way they do *everything*. Any processing they even attempt would only occur through the same inauthentic blinders and filters that have always enabled them to Go Around (and around ad infinitum) facing any hard truth regarding themselves that the perceive as less than perfect.
This is why they need my 12-step recovery program for menticide:
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step
Sadly, those who need it most are incapable of recognizing it, so it is quite the cognitive conundrum.
Yes, I'd agree that would apply to many. I should've added to my original comment I don't think we need everyone to do the full processing. Just enough to get the charade to collapse. I think there'll be a tipping point -- when enough folks do this work, I believe the whole house of cards will implode and the wave of awareness will be impossible for most folks to ignore anymore.
Early on in this covid psyop I did some research on cults. In one video doc I saw, a former cult member had some advice for people who want to help their loved ones get out of a cult. She said that everyone in a cult has a shelf in the back of their mind where they put all their inner red flags ... the things that they need to ignore to stay in the cult. She advised loved ones to keep raising the points that the cult member would need to put on that shelf, but not to expect results right away. Eventually that shelf will break and everything falls apart.
That sounds like a very helpful video, Suzanne—the shelf analogy is great! Please share the url if you come across it.
I've looked for it so many times! I'm sure I have it saved in some list, but I never knew I'd refer to it as many times as I have. I'll do some digging!
Any chance it's the TED talk by Megan Phelps-Roper I included in this piece?
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/12-communication-tips-to-foster-meaningful
It's been a while since I listened to it, so I don't recall if she mentioned the shelf analogy or not.
that's an insightful talk, but that wasn't the one I was recalling. It could have been part of this doc by Netflix Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey https://youtu.be/UbhNxmwh_qc
As ever, you nailed it through and through. Perfect!
No matter how ugly certain forces make our world, we have (and always will) beautiful necessary poems. Thanks!
I simply mention that 3 years ago you could be arrested for having dinner with your family. For some reason the memory triggers the fuck out of them. Makes me laugh, because I objected and conscience clear.
Them. Not so much.
LOVE that! Stealin' in for future use! Thanks!
My best friend, retired hospital pharm and her MD husband are visitin' ... SOOOOO allpathic! (God help 'em!) But I'm ALWAYS planting seeds wherever I go, whomever I see! Told them, semi humorously about how I made a 'chink' in my younger sister's armor. She, nack in early-mid 2020 had furiously hung up the phone one me when I was TRYING to get her to NOT let the poison-vaxx into her family. She called later, apologized for hanging up, and said I was NEVER to bring up covid with her again. So, the three of them were all shotshotboosted. 8-9 mos ago, her husband spent a month being tortured in hospital before he finally caved and took hospice. He was just 5 mos from being declared in remission.
So, around last Feb, when Ed Dowd released some horrific data, I called her and asked:
Sis, is your son a Millennial or a zoomer?
He's millennial.
Oh, that's bad.
Why is it bad?
{sigh} If I tell you, you're gonna hang up on me. (which she did in 2020; called later, apologized for hanging up -- and forbade me to bring up covid ever again...)
No, why is it bad?
Okay: here's new data. In the last ~18 months (this was data from/of last Feb) SIXTY-ONE-THOUSAND Millennials have DIED -- Excess deaths, deaths ABOVE the normal death rate.... 61,000! That's MORE than American than died in the Viet Nam War -- which lasted FIFTEEN YEARS!!! 57,000 in 15 years, vs. 61,000 in 18 months --and the 61,000 is JUST in the Millennial age cohort!!! Please PLEASE take precautions...
(She ACTUALLY said she'd raise her, and her type1 diabetic son's vitamin D levels. It ain't much -- but it's WAY better 'n nuthin'!! But one more seed planted, and MAYBE it's growing!)
AND my pharm friend asked what excess deaths was (WHAT?!?! My brain recoiled?! 30 years in a HOSPITAL and she doesn't know what that is?!?!?!) Before I could answer, her MD husband answered: It's deaths above the normal rate. Which allowed ME to throw in: yes! SIXTY-ONE-THOUSAND about normal -- and what is the ONLY thing that changed beginning in 2021?
Oh, she replied blithely: "they died of covid!"
Me: NOPE, can't be that! In 2020 the death rates for Millennials was ENTIRELY NORMAL just like the 50 years BEFORE 2021 -- but the death rate for that SINGLE age cohort "suddenly" shot into the skies in 2021 JUST when the poison-shots began?!
(Then I left her with that see to mull over. Interestingly, the DOCTOR who explained "excess deaths" did NOT know that stat.... and he looked... uncomfortable.)
More seeds: a veritable FIELD of seeds! Turns out the doc LOVES to listen to podcast while he drives... GUESS who just happens to have knowledge about and URLS for 100s of important -- but censored -- podcasts?!?! So I whipped up a thumbdrive with what I considered the "best" intros for seriously dubious, medically intelligent folks.... He was delighted, and since they have a drive ATL to IL, they will BOTH get a bit of a cold-water bath!!
Do I sound malicious? Nah, just TRYING to save my friends! She is sick as hell with a bad 'cold thing' She happily picked through my covid preps (cough syrups, lozenges, various OTC meds etc...) and stocked up (they're here for a week-long tournament -- she is NOT playing, poor sick thing). But, if I can get a chink in HER armor -- think I've already PUT one in his! -- all the more BIG YAY!
Start -- I always start with Dr David Martin speaking to the European Parliament. Just 21 minutes -- which means they generally WILL actually watch or listen -- and my GOD! Does it open a door or ten! (It impressed soo, when I descrbie how, some months ago he met some young guy who said:
"Oh! Dr David Martin? Yeah -- you're a SERIOUS TikTok Influencer.
David: "?? I'm not ON TikTok
Guy: Oh yeah, but lots of copies are all over TikTok -- and up over 800,000 views!
So David looked into it-all -- some months ago -- and even though YT had long-ago chucked his talk as "disinformation," it's EVERYWHERE else, and has now been seen more than FOUR BILLION (with a "B"!) times across the world! Just 21 minutes...